Wealth Zone according to Feng Shui: the eastern secret of attracting money

Furnishings in the room

It should be noted that some talismans should also be present in the room or house. First of all, these are figurines that attract money. They must be located in the south-eastern part of the house; plants are located in the same sector, which in no case should have sharp and prickly leaves; it is desirable that the leaves be thick and dense. Another symbol is a small fountain or an image of a small pond. In general, it is necessary to maintain order in the room, and especially in the southeastern zone. It is recommended to use natural interior elements, not to clutter the premises with old things and always get rid of broken ones.

Money corner in the apartment

The elements responsible for wealth in Feng Shui are water and wood. Therefore, the following items can be placed in the money corner:

  • fountain;
  • small aquarium;
  • wooden bowl with coins;
  • bamboo;
  • image of water or tree;
  • wooden Buddha statue;
  • a bowl of water;
  • jewelry box;
  • figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth.

Favorable colors for the Money angle: green (element of wood) and black, blue (element of water).

You can decorate the money corner with a purple tablecloth or curtains.

Be sure to maintain cleanliness, do not allow the Corner of Prosperity and Wealth to become covered with cobwebs and dust, so as not to block the cash flow.

Money tree is the most common plant in homes and offices.

Feng Shui money mat

Most often, it is necessary not only to properly tune in to money and attracting it, but also to create an atmosphere. You can purchase many talismans, but the energy itself must be activated in the right way. Just for this purpose, purchasing a money mat is a great way.

There are also some nuances here, for example, the choice of color. Red or gold are the best colors to attract money. Of course, it is better to place the rug in the sector of attracting money in the southeast. Some people make the mistake of not paying attention to the fact that there is a hieroglyph on the rugs, since their presence must also be given meaning and the meaning of the hieroglyph must be understood.

Search the Internet or ask the seller what these or those hieroglyphs mean. The most optimal is the one that speaks of increasing money; it will improve energy and attract more finance.

Fear is the most powerful tool to rid you of fear. It’s just that not everyone understands this right away.

What is money really? It is just a tool, a revered and especially respected tool, that helps you achieve your goals and desires! And no more! This is constantly flowing energy! Money is energy!

Have you decided what money means to you? Do you really understand why you need this? How to do it?

Sit back and start asking yourself the same question : Why do I need money? Repeat this question consciously, answering it in detail each time. Repeat it 10 times and it is important that each answer does not coincide with the previous one. And once you understand what you really need money for, start reading the next part of this article.

How to properly place a money mat?

The rug itself must be placed correctly in the room. Of course, it will be in a southeast direction. However, for example, it may be located right in front of the entrance to a room or premises, in which case it is recommended to put a few Chinese coins. If these are ancient coins, place three coins with a ribbon, or they can be ordinary modern coins, preferably five-ruble coins. It is necessary to put exactly 3 pieces, unfold the money with the eagle up.

You must treat the rug with respect; you cannot place any objects on it or use it for your own purposes. Even if the southeast side is in the bathroom area, do not place the rug in that room. According to the rules, the doors to the bathroom and toilet must be tightly closed, as water can take away all the wealth.

Problem situations

A person does not always have the opportunity to choose the location of rooms relative to the cardinal directions.

In the bathroom

The worst thing for the Wealth zone is its accidental coincidence with the bathroom or toilet. If you don't take action, money will flow out of your life like water down a drain.

What to do:

  1. Place as many green plants as possible in the restroom.
  2. Hang a mirror on the door (from the outside), but so that it does not reflect sharp corners and the entrance to the home.
  3. Keep the toilet lid closed at all times.
  4. Plug the bathtub drain with a stopper.
  5. Hang red ribbons on the pipes.
  6. Eliminate the attributes of wealth.
  7. Always keep it clean and smelling good.

It's okay if the finance sector coincides with the bedroom. Just pay close attention to the symbols and talismans.

In the bedroom

In the room where spouses relax, there is no place for aquariums, fountains and other open water; even images of the sea can negatively affect mutual understanding, respect and fidelity.

You shouldn’t get carried away with flowers: at night they take away the energy of the sleeper. To attract wealth, it is enough to decorate your bed chicly.

What to do if one of the mascot fish died? In Feng Shui, this is considered a good sign: the pet took on negative energy and protected you. Get a new fish as soon as possible to restore the numbers.

Box that attracts money

This is more of a visualization method, the main principle is to place several bills in the box, maybe even a small denomination, place the box in the money area or leave it in a place where you will constantly pay attention to it. When you look at the box and the money inside it, you need to imagine how these finances increase and the number of bills increases. It is important to take this issue seriously and visualize your wealth.

The box should not come into the eyes of strangers. If you take money from it, then imagine how the empty space is filled with it again. If you decide to purchase a special box for these purposes, it should be neat and beautiful.

How to activate the wealth zone in an apartment

To activate the zone, the following steps must be taken:

  • carry out general cleaning;
  • throw away all unnecessary things;
  • fix broken things;
  • put things in order, put things in their places;
  • ventilate the room to prevent energy stagnation.

This way you will make room for the influx of monetary energy.

To activate the wealth sector, you need to arrange it correctly, that is, take into account the colors that are present in the interior, the arrangement of furniture, and design elements.

Be sure to pay attention to the light. During the day, the sun's rays should enter the window; twilight in the room is undesirable. Hang a bright chandelier and place lamps. If a light bulb burns out, change it immediately.

You can decorate the wealth area with flowers. Place large flowers, from the ficus genus, money trees or citrus fruits. If you don’t have time to care for flowers, place a basket of oranges.

Bowls, vases, and barrels filled with coins or shells will also help activate the zone. Such treasuries will attract wealth. Keep treasures in a desk or locked cabinet.

In the wealth sector they put drawings or photographs of what they have long dreamed of. A green plant perfectly activates the wealth zone. A money tree works well. Next to a real tree, you can also put an artificial one - with coins or ornamental stones instead of leaves.

An aquarium is an ideal option for activating the Feng Shui money zone in an apartment. Choose an aquarium with round or rectangular shapes: they create positive flows of monetary energy. It is best to start gold-colored fish, as they have good energy.

To attract money in Feng Shui, it is recommended to have eight goldfish (a symbol of material well-being and wealth) and one black one (it protects the owners from adverse influences and plays the role of a protector). If for any reason one dies, they replace it with a new one and bury the old one outside their home. It is believed that in this way the fish took on all the negative energy. You can have more fish, but it is advisable that their number be a multiple of nine: 9.18 or 36 pieces.

It is important to monitor the condition of the fish in the aquarium. It is necessary to regularly clean the aquarium and change the water.

Some items adversely affect the well-being of apartment residents. They should not be kept in the wealth sector.

  • You cannot keep an empty piggy bank in the wealth zone.
  • If there is a mirror hanging in the money sector, it should not reflect the front door.
  • It is unacceptable to place a trash can in the money sector.
  • You cannot place metal objects in the money zone. Remove frames and pictures with metal frames.
  • It is undesirable to place a fireplace and anything related to the element of fire in the wealth zone.
  • You should not hang pictures of autumn or the desert. They symbolize decay.
  • Antiques should also not be in the wealth sector. He has accumulated old energy, which prevents new flows from moving.

What pictures attract money according to Feng Shui?

To attract money, you can not only place objects everywhere, but also hang pictures with certain images that attract money.

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This ritual of attracting money is very powerful. With its help, there is a slow but sure increase in income.

First, you should start a special box for “growing” money. It can be a wooden, glass, metal, or porcelain box. In general, the material used to make the boxes is not particularly important.

True, feng shui masters recommend choosing an expensive box in order to ensure super results. But, probably, this can be considered not fundamental. With a modest box, you can expect more modest results.

However, as you achieve greater opportunities, it will be possible to purchase more expensive copies of the boxes and increase your income.

Once you have decided on the choice of box, you need to install it correctly.

Glass, porcelain or crystal boxes are placed in the north-eastern part of the home, silver, cupronickel or metal - in the north-western or western parts, wooden - in the south-eastern part.

It is necessary to cover the bottom of the box with red paper or cloth - this ensures the activation of the energy of money.

Place in it three Chinese coins that have a square hole in the middle and are tied with a red ribbon.

After all (namely all) receipts of money (salary, bonus, and cash gift), you should put 20 to 30 percent of the corresponding amount of money into the box.

How to make a frog with your own hands

I decided to make the toad for the box using Tiffany stained glass technology. That is, perform the entire process, only without wrapping with copper foil and soldering, and fill the background with mosaics.

By the way, you can order complex paintings from glass mosaics in Kazan and Nizhnekamsk by phone 8-987-299-82-36


The sketch of the toad, drawn on thick paper, was photocopied in two copies. The sketch was cut out along the contour

frog sketch

then, placing it on the lid of the box, I outlined it with a thin permanent marker.

To avoid confusion, I numbered the sketch and copy

sketch and copy of a frog

I cut the toad into fragments and, placing each of them on stained glass, outlined it with a marker.

circle with a marker

It is convenient to use the Edding E-140S marker. To cut glass I use a Japanese oil glass cutter TS-17

cut with glass cutter TS 17

If you have plans to purchase something similar for shaped cutting, then I can advise you to consider a glass cutter with a narrow head TS-10V. Its head is twice as narrow as that of my glass cutter. I haven’t tried to work with it myself, but many stained glass artists use this one.

You can break glass by tapping from below, but it is more convenient to use special breaking tongs

glass breaking pliers

To bite off small fragments, I use Zag-Zag disc cutters

Zag-Zag disc cutters

Each fragment was ground on a grinding machine for stained glass work Crystal - 2000s

grinder for stained glass work Crystal – 2000s

This type is used to make Tiffany stained glass windows. The supply of water to the diamond head in such a machine occurs due to centrifugal force.

The turned and adjusted fragments were glued using PVA glue Moment D3

glue with PVA glue

how to make a frog with your own hands

Do not try to use PVA for construction work, most likely your mosaic will not last long. The price ratio of 1:5, I think, says something.

Need water

Water, preferably flowing water, is one of the strongest monetary stimulants according to Feng Shui.

Fountain, river, lake, pond, sea, waterfall (not Niagara, extremes are not welcome) - images of the water element in all its manifestations should be placed exactly in the south-eastern part of the room.

It would be good to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui in this corner. There can be a variety of fish, but if you really want wealth, then the golden one must certainly be among them.

Symbols of abundance

There are indoor Feng Shui talismans for money; it is recommended to use figurines of animals and gods for this purpose.
Thus, the three-toed toad is very popular, which sits on a stand of coins and holds money in its mouth.

A turtle figurine with two small turtles on its back helps to attract money.

Musical pendants in the shape of fish, as well as several coins with square holes tied with red silk thread, the so-called meihun coins, are considered good money talismans.

How do amulets and talismans work for financial well-being?

Chinese amulet for money with the corresponding hieroglyphs

For the talisman to work, its energy must be tuned to the “vital pulse” of the owner. In moments of lack of money, the money amulet is activated, protecting the owner from poverty and stimulating his ability to earn amounts that allow him to “stay afloat.”

There are several ways to tune a handmade money talisman to the desired wavelength:

  • put under your pillow for several nights;
  • hold between your palms and “warm” with your breath;
  • write or embroider your initials on the inside of the amulet.

Can't do without a mirror

The mirror helps to increase existing capital.
To do this, you need to leave several bills and coins in front of him. Feng Shui believes that when reflected, money will at least double. Of course, this should not be taken literally. This does not mean that if you put 100 rubles in front of the mirror in the evening, you will find 200 in the morning. The point here is the intangible impact on capital.

But in order to arrange a mirror according to Feng Shui, there is a basic set of rules and precautions.

You cannot hang a mirror opposite the front door (lucky, when entering the house, you will be frightened by your reflection in the mirror and leave), opposite the bed and in the toilet. If the mirror has darkened or, worse, cracked, you should throw it away immediately, and, of course, do not put money in front of it, otherwise you may go broke or fall into debt.

Meaning of numbers

Here's the real picture:


She is loved and revered, considered successful . Many are sure: this figure is the primary source of everything that exists on earth. “One” symbolizes creative energy, unity, crystalline reputation and an immaculate name.

The sound of the word "unit" is similar to gain and honor. In combination with other numbers, it significantly enhances them and complements them beneficially.


It sounds euphonious and easy. It is in the “two” that we find the much-needed harmony of Yin-Yang energy, which serves to create a new life .

Important! People believe that special luck is associated with this number when it is paired next with a number considered lucky. For example, the same “26” means easy money.


This is the rapid flow of life, unprecedented development. It is in tune with growth . This means that “three” carries special favorable energy in combination with different numbers.

For example, “3, 2, 8” is similar to ease and accelerated development of affairs in business.


We love “four” without thinking, but the Cantonese dialect makes this number consonant with death . For this reason, in China they avoid it and avoid combining “4” with other numbers. The combination of “2” and “4” indicates an easy death, and “6” and “4” indicate financial losses.

Important! But “4” and “4” are quite favorable, because two “fours” add up to a lucky “eight”.


Sounds like “no” or “nothing.” It is worth abandoning digital combinations with the “five” . Otherwise, it will make insignificant the good that other numbers bring.

For example, “5” and “6” are interpreted as a lack of profitability of the business.


According to Feng Shui, it sounds similar to income, wealth.

Most consider the “six” to be positive, promising material well-being.


In numerical combinations, “seven” is equivalent to the confidence that everything will certainly be as planned.

Important! For the Chinese, “7” is good luck. The same “7” and “8” mean that wealth is guaranteed.


Cantonese pronounce it to denote jewelry. This gives the “eight” special luck . It is like a magnet, closely intertwined with wealth, prosperity, well-being.

Important! This is a symbol of growing financial wealth. And if you come across “8” and “8”, then you will soon become the owner of enormous wealth.

Starting from 2004 until 2024, the Chinese calendar speaks of the increased influence of the “eight”, which has become a lucky star for planet Earth.


In Feng Shui, this figure is considered very lucky, denoting the complete unity of heaven and earth.

The masters of this eastern teaching call it no less positive than the “eight” filled with happiness. In addition, the “nine” certainly brings physical and spiritual health, and therefore longevity.


Opinions were divided. Some draw a parallel with emptiness, and consider “zero” a bad number. But most associate it with balance and stability.

House for money

It is better not to buy a folding wallet - paper money should under no circumstances be bent or folded, this interferes with the energy of cash flows. Also, according to Feng Shui, a wallet should not have photographs, it is strictly forbidden to place photographs of people next to money.

The aura of those depicted in the photographs (and often these are relatives, close people, children, family members) suffers and at the same time makes a hole in the energy field of money. Small talismans like coins tied with a red cord or dried mint leaves are welcome in your wallet.

Respect is the key to successful interaction

Let's start with how to properly store money. Respect is what these “pieces of paper” demand. Don’t throw them around, don’t scatter them around the house, don’t store them crumpled in your jacket or jeans pocket, don’t just put them in your wallet...

According to the rules, paper bills must be placed in a wallet in a straightened form, in ascending order and exclusively with the front side facing the owner. If we are talking about coins (where would we be without them), then their placement in a wallet is not so demanding, but it is still better to store them in a special compartment, and not mixed with others, and certainly not in your pocket (or as often happens with women right in the bag).

The respect shown towards paper bills can be trampled by inattention to small coins and you will not be able to accumulate the desired amount, or you will not be able to increase your fortune. The following rules on how to put money in your wallet so that you have money, note that you begin to make only meaningful purchases and, without increasing your income, learn to save at least a little.

Store beautifully

In order for money to multiply, it must be stored correctly.
We are not talking about which bank is better to entrust finances to, but about the most ordinary container for storing money - a Feng Shui box, which is found in every home.

Of course, you shouldn’t put millions in it, but spending money for everyday expenses is better kept, as they say, in royal conditions.

The teaching says that it is better to have several such cash envelopes. In one you put money for some big purchases, in the other you put amounts for everyday expenses.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that ancient Chinese wisdom understands wealth much more broadly than just material well-being. According to Feng Shui, a person is truly rich if he has achieved harmony in his spiritual, cultural, intellectual life, if he has relationships with other people.

Bank deposits are one of the ways to earn money

In order to make a profit, you can use the services of banks. Programs with lump sum payments will help preserve existing capital and increase it. The energy of growth will have a positive effect on the energy flows that surround a person and are responsible for his material well-being.

Money loves order, so you should always know the income and expense items of the family budget. To do this, you can create a home accounting system that will reflect the current state of affairs, future expenses and potential sources of replenishing savings.

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