Feng Shui paintings for an apartment: where and what to place (33 photos)

Using the Feng Shui system will help you achieve the best energy balance. Images of a bull (reliability and strength), a fan (a symbol of protection), a crow (marriage, fidelity) - these are the kind of pictures that should be hung in the house for happiness and success.

Feng Shui (in its classical sense) determines the flow of Qi energy, which is like the wind and permeates the whole world. They are not subject to man or the passage of time - this is Heavenly Fate. In 1986, feng shui teacher Thomas Lin Yu simplified the concept of this system. It was he who divided the space into zones that can be activated by placing a certain object in them.

The main sectors and areas of the room according to Feng Shui

Earthly energy creates harmonious and inharmonious structures, the location of which in space cannot be changed. But you can try to place the most important places and areas in the apartment in such a way that they do not end up in a negative flow and do not have a destructive effect on people’s lives. Furniture, household items, even the color of the wallpaper affect the condition of the residents. With the help of Feng Shui, you can attract positive energy into your home, giving vitality.

Using the Bagua grid and compass to determine the cardinal directions, experts determine the areas responsible for individual spheres. The areas of all these zones are the same, which suggests that if you treat all areas of your activity equally, you can achieve harmonious development.

First of all, they find the quarry zone, which is located in the north. The main element is water, the nourishing element is metal. They are decorated in blue and black colors of various tones. A suitable painting that should always be hung on the wall, small figurines and floor vases in this range are especially appropriate. The image of a turtle, symbolizing endurance and constant movement forward, will be a good support for those who dream of actively moving up the career ladder. Since the zone belongs to the water element, installing an aquarium in this place would be a good idea. If some part of the work is done at home, the computer and telephone are placed there. Any items with corporate symbols and photographs of the entire team will have an additional impact.

The northwest is a travel and travel zone. Here you can place a figurine of an angel or a picture of him. Now you don’t have to worry: a guardian angel will look after the tourist.

The family zone is in the east. It belongs to the element of wood; water is considered the nourishing element. The main color of the design is green. A living flower, wooden souvenirs, children's crafts, and family photos will enhance the energy. But dried flowers, things or photographs of deceased family members, stuffed animals or beloved pets cannot be placed in this area. You should refrain from placing sharp objects and thorny plants in the family sector, as this may contribute to the emergence of conflict situations. Metal products also need to be placed in a different location.

The south of the house is the glory zone. Responsible for social status and position. Activation of this sector with the help of well-deserved awards and personal diplomas will contribute to the clarity of future achievements and successes, progress towards them, and recognition of work as necessary and necessary for society. The main element is fire, the nourishing element is wood. Colors are red and green.

The West is responsible for creativity and relationships with children. The main element is metal, the feeding element is earth. Activation colors: golden, white, gray, yellow, silver. Relationships with children, problems of education, as well as the implementation of chosen plans, the materialization of desires, and the realization of personality in sports and art depend on this sector. If you have problems with conception, you should arrange this place especially carefully.

The central part of the room is responsible for health. The main element is earth, the nourishing element is fire. The sector affects not only a person’s well-being, but also his speed of recovery after exhausting work or illness. Due to its special location, it affects all areas and spheres of life. When properly activated, positive Chi energy will enhance all other aspects.


Feng Shui symbols to attract money can be used not only at home, but also in the office. At your workplace, you should sit with your back to the wall, and not to the window, door or passage. You can hang a picture of a mountain landscape on the wall: this will provide help and support in your career. On the opposite wall, where your gaze is directed, hang something inspiring: an image of a luxurious villa or a luxury car. Success in business will be facilitated by a seascape with a sailboat (the sea should not be stormy), and career advancement by a road or staircase leading upward.

To succeed in business or increase your salary, you can plant a money tree in your office. A symbol of attracting money will be a talisman figurine on your desktop or corresponding wallpaper on your computer (seascapes, fertile fields, images of money deities, etc.). Try to keep the table, drawers and cabinets free of unnecessary rubbish, wipe the dust in a timely manner and put things in order. Cables and wires from office equipment should not be in plain sight: hide them, otherwise they will serve as channels for the outflow of well-being energy.

The meaning of some feng shui paintings and suitable zones

A painting in a house is not only one of the decorative elements. It can decorate a wall and bring true aesthetic pleasure. However, not everyone knows about the positive or negative impact of art on human life. Feng Shui paintings for an apartment must be chosen consciously. Some of them can become a life-giving source, a portal that receives positive energy and directs it to everyone living in the house. And others, on the contrary, become the cause of destruction or ruin of families, all kinds of failures and misfortunes. Regardless of the style in which the painting is made, if it was painted (made, embroidered, etc.) by one of those who lives in the house, the power of influence will increase many times over.

Beautiful flowers

For those who are looking for their match or want loving and trusting relationships in the family to last for a long time, it is advisable to hang Feng Shui paintings in the bedroom or the southwestern part of the house. Art objects with flowers depicted on them are the following symbols:

  • chrysanthemum - luck and success in life;
  • bamboo - longevity and strength, security;
  • magnolia - the meaning lies in marital happiness, tenderness, beauty of a woman;
  • poppies and all flower fields - increases the chance of having a child, a sign of masculine strength;
  • orchid - large offspring, family happiness;
  • lilac - freshness and renewal.

Peony is mentioned in two ways in the Feng Shui system. First of all, this flower depicted in the picture can mean love and wealth. The richer its color, the more positive energy it emits. A blooming peony has magical powers: it is believed that placed in a vase in the living room or painted in a picture, it can attract a betrothed for an unmarried girl. However, this plant does not always have such a beneficial effect (for example, to preserve the family, its presence in the house is undesirable). A painting with a peony in the bedroom can influence the decision of one of the spouses to start a relationship with a new partner.

The meaning of sakura is also ambiguous. In Japan, this flower is masculine and is the emblem of the samurai. Also symbolizes the beauty of life, despite the presence of delicate petals, sakura blooms in any weather. According to Feng Shui, you cannot hang a picture with flowers in the bedroom: quarrels and mistrust will arise. Their beneficial influence in the house is reflected only in one thing: when active energy is needed for a quick recovery after a debilitating illness. Feng Shui flower paintings, the meaning of which is difficult to understand, should be assessed only with the help of intuition. If you liked the image, then this picture will work.

The meaning of paintings and photographs according to Feng Shui

AIST - Longevity, happy and peaceful old age. QUINCE - Fertility and happy marriage. BUTTERFLY - Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness. BAMBOO - Health, longevity, flexibility. It is a conductor of favorable energy. OX - Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable. VASE - Calmness; a vase filled with something is a symbol of attracting wealth. FAN - Traditional symbol of protection. It protects not only the house, but also the person himself from harm. GRAPES - Abundance, fun. WATER - Health, well-being. WATERFALL - Attracting good luck to the house. CROW - Marriage, fidelity. DOVE - Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity. MOUNTAIN - Support, protection and assistance. POMEGRANATE - A bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring. GOOSE - (couple) Faith and fidelity in marriage. DOLPHIN - Dignity, hope, safety. TREE - Longevity. DRAGON - The highest symbol of luck, creativity; brings success in business. THRUSH - New favorable opportunities, joy, happiness. TOAD - Strength, strength. GIRAFFE - Wealth. CRANE - Good character, calmness, loyalty, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity. HARE - Sensitivity, abundance, longevity. STARS - Happiness and eternity. ZEBRA - Peace of mind in any situation. KINGFISHER - Grace, nobility, marital fidelity. SNAKE - Movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge. IRIS - Life that does not know old age. CARP - Luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carp are a symbol of complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman. HUMMINGBRI - Symbol of the joy of life. HORSE - A sign of victory, courage, power. BOAT - A symbol of increasing good luck in business, security, hope. BASKET Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity. RAT - Prosperity, prosperity, well-being. SWALLOWS - Success and abundance. SWAN - Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity. LEO - Energy and valor. Protector of home and public spaces. LEOPARD - Bravery. BAT - Happiness. Five bats - “five blessings” - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end predetermined by fate. LOTUS - Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, feminine genius, summer, fertility. HORSE - Symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and gives children rapid development. MAGNOLIA, ORCHID - Love, sophistication. BEAR - A symbol of strength and courage. MONKEY - Originality of thinking, cunning, quick wit. DEER - Career. EAGLE - A powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind. PEACOCK - Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards. PALMA - Victory. LANDSCAPE - Symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities. ROOSTER - Symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of male dignity. Fire protection. PEACH - Symbol of longevity. PEONY - Ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity. PARROT - A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory. BIRDS - A symbol of joy, beauty, happiness. BEE - Hard work, success in science, art, trade. PISCES - Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development. SAKURA - Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal. ELEPHANT - Power, strength, insight. OWL - Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments. DOG - Reliable protection. SOROKA - Symbol of a “happy meeting”. SUN - Sign of providence, abundance, truth. PINE - A symbol of long life, fidelity and devotion. DRAGONFLY - Grace. TIGER - Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power. DUCKS (pair) - Happiness in love. Persimmon - Joy. CHRYSANTHEMUM - Good luck. TURTLE - Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes steady movement forward.


Animals in feng shui

Drawings of many animals are favorable for humans. Among them are the stork, carp, turtle, eagle, also animals of the eastern horoscope and several mystical ones. The most famous and influential of them:

  • dragon - promises good luck in business. One of the most important symbols. Depicted with a magic pearl that attracts material wealth and accelerates spiritual development. Without it, the dragon becomes evil, and there is clearly no need to expect wealth;
  • three-legged toad - increases wealth, increases the chance of success in money matters. An image of a three-legged frog or its figurine is placed at the front door so that it seems that it is heading into the house;
  • elephant - its most important ability is considered to be the ability to attract good luck into the house. You can place a picture on the wall near the window or place a figurine of an elephant so that it stretches its trunk in the direction of the lucky star;
  • Leo - concentration of energy and valor. Protects your home and other places from unwanted guests. A painting with his image can be hung in the corridor or hallway;
  • horse is considered an indispensable attribute of strength and power, as well as personal courage. A painting of a horse is best placed in a business area of ​​the space, for example, in an office with an expensive classic interior;
  • leopard - immeasurable courage, fearlessness. A symbol of cruelty and aggressiveness. Because of the spots that resemble eyes, it is called the Vigilant Guardian. It should not be placed in the house, except perhaps in a studio where martial arts classes are held;
  • horse - increases strength and endurance. It promises favorable changes for adults, and rapid development for children. Children and teenagers like images with a horse and give them the immense love of their parents. If there are galloping horses in the picture, then the owners will have additional opportunities for great achievements and future glory. It is customary to place such objects of art in the glory zone, preferably in the interior of a large hall, opposite the sofa. Small pictures with horses and small foals can be placed in the nursery;
  • The wolf is a sign of fidelity, as well as devotion, and is one of the best amulets for a family. It is best to hang such a picture in the bedroom above the bed.

The painting depicting Cleopatra with a lion speaks of the greatness and intelligence of the Egyptian queen. If the animal is not depicted in rage, then it can be hung in the hall or living room.

One cannot ignore the symbol of wisdom in Feng Shui - the turtle. In Ancient China, the concept of the Universe was reduced to a huge water turtle swimming through eternity. This is one of the four celestial animals, besides it there is also a dragon, a phoenix and a tiger. It signifies longevity, health and wisdom.

The black turtle brings good luck and accelerates career advancement. Place a figurine or painting depicting an animal in the northern part of the house or office, in the quarry area. There should be only one drawing or talisman. Three turtles standing on top of each other bring prosperity to three generations of a family. Such a pyramid is inherited and should be located in the eastern part of the apartment.

Paintings by famous artists that bring good luck

If you do everything exactly according to Feng Shui, then what matters is not who painted the picture, but what is depicted on it. Therefore, look for paintings that have the following symbols that can give you good luck, wealth, and happiness:

  • Paintings and photographs depicting bamboo bring good luck and prosperity.
  • Koi fish are associated with prosperity. Therefore, these paintings can help increase wealth and abundance, especially in the money corner of your home.
  • Images of Buddha (either statues or paintings) bring good luck. However, there is a nuance here - you should definitely be given a painting or a figurine.
  • Paintings and photographs of positive events, such as beautiful landscapes or holidays, bring good energy to the entire home or office.

Bird symbol

In Feng Shui, birds have great internal energy. People mainly associate them with the symbol of freedom and also consider some of them as messengers of Heaven. When choosing a talisman, you need to listen to your own intuition and understanding of its energy:

  • Phoenix is ​​a famous bird. Sometimes it is installed together with the dragon as a sign of the well-being of the family. The energy of the dragon is Yin (feminine), and the phoenix is ​​Yang (masculine). The power of phoenix energy is enormous; it easily survives all changes and is reborn to reach even greater heights. Its element is Fire, its location is south. It is customary to place it at the entrance to the house;
  • white swan - fidelity, pure love and chastity. The talisman attracts love and is considered one of the best for families. Paintings with swans effectively generate positive energy and spread it to the entire surrounding space;
  • flamingos bestow the energy of heat and sun. Their images are located where fire is considered the main element. By placing a figurine in the south, you can achieve popularity. Paintings of pink birds will revive love feelings that are beginning to fade, and a panel with a flock will become a real hymn to constant care and strong relationships;
  • Mandarin ducks are never separated. Talismans should be paired and resemble the natural colors of birds. They are symbols of fidelity and mutual tenderness of spouses;
  • According to Feng Shui, the peacock is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. This talisman will be useful to careerists who dream of moving up the career ladder and receiving a salary increase. It will also be useful for businessmen, helping in concluding profitable contracts and finding reliable partners.

Birds have always been considered very strong amulets and talismans in Feng Shui. Most of them bring good luck to their owners, protect them from adversity, and remove obstacles on the path to glory.


Feng Shui works a lot with symbolism. one of the symbols of good luck and the development of personal capabilities. You can have figurines, photographs or paintings of birds in your home. Only the birds depicted must not be in a cage. You can have live birds. Just forget about bird cages! Only a free, happy bird can become a symbol that brings happiness and good luck.

If you are looking for a way to improve things at work, just place a picture of a large flock of birds on your office wall. It will attract new clients and partners, promote careful handling of finances, and restrain from wastefulness.

The image of different types of birds has a different effect, you also need to remember this:

  • birds of prey attract wealth and good luck;
  • rooster - career success;
  • small birds - messengers of good news;
  • pigeons promise love and harmony for married couples, and for single people they bring closer the time of a happy meeting with their destiny;
  • owls - personify care and patronage, the appearance of a mentor in life.

Pay attention to the color scheme of the birds in the painting - the yellow one will serve as support at work, the blue bird is considered a symbol that brings happiness.

The flying flock of birds depicted in the picture promises a well-deserved career advancement, opening up wide opportunities; a picture with the image of a peacock will contribute to good luck and success in all areas of activity.

To attract money and wealth into your life, you can choose paintings depicting different symbols, traditionally denoting fertility, wealth, and abundance. These can be still lifes with fruit or lush orchards teeming with harvests, fountains, springs, springs, crystal clear ponds, a tree with a rich crown, green meadows or ripe cereals.

The image of a mill will bring success in business and attract wealth. The mill in all cultures serves as a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and change for the better.

No less effective for attracting wealth are images of an aquarium with fish or “money fish”. Have you noticed such pictures from your friends, do you often see them in your partners’ offices?

It’s just that all these people already know about the wonderful property of the gold money fish, which can make wishes come true. Try an experiment: try hanging a picture of a fish above the safe where the money is kept. Soon the money will begin to multiply.

Advice for those who lack love and joy to be happy - you should immediately hang a picture with butterflies in the living room, because this is a symbol of joy and love. Let there be two or more butterflies in the picture, but an even number. Pairs of carefree bright butterflies are a guarantee of harmony in the family.

If for some reason you think that a painting with butterflies looks too frivolous and will not look harmonious in the room, think about painting bats - one of the most powerful symbols of happiness and longevity.

Feng Shui names quite a lot of symbols of good luck. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose one of the artistic images of luck that is suitable for any interior style. Chrysanthemum, for example, is not just a beautiful flower; in the east, the image of a chrysanthemum is considered a symbol of good luck. Pictures with a bouquet of chrysanthemums look very elegant. This picture will give the interior a romantic touch and bring a feeling of tenderness. To attract good luck, it is better to hang such a picture in the office or living room.

Good luck is attracted by the famous Feng Shui symbol, the Taoist Wheel of Fortune. It will also protect the owner from adversity, troubles, and will protect from troubles while traveling. This symbol is more suitable for an interior with elements of oriental style in its design.

Trees with fruits, as mentioned above, symbolize wealth. Another meaning is the image of a tree in bloom - it is a symbol of good luck, happy love. The image of a blossoming plum has the strongest energy to attract good luck.

The image of waterfalls attracts good luck to the house. Do not overdo it by looking for a painting of Niagara Falls - such a strong flow can “wash away” wealth from your home. To prevent this from happening, the picture should be hung so that the water flows away from the front door, and does not flow out the door along with the money.

A painting depicting a sailboat with full sails against the backdrop of a calm sea is a worthy decoration for home and office, not just an interior decoration, but one that brings good luck.

WHICH PICTURE SHOULD BE HANGED AT HOME TO ATTRACT LUCK, PROSPERITY, MONEY, LOVE, AND PROSPERITY! STORK Longevity, happy and peaceful old age QUINCE Fertility and happy marriage BUTTERFLY Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness BAMBOO Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conductor of favorable energy OX Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable VASE Calmness; a vase filled with something is a symbol of attracting wealth FAN A traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from misfortunes GRAPES Abundance, fun WATER Health, well-being WATERFALL Attracting good luck to the house RAVEN Marriage, fidelity DOVE Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity MOUNTAIN Support, protection and help GARNET A bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring GOOSE (pair) Faith and fidelity in marriage DOLPHIN Dignity, hope, safety TREE Longevity DRAGON The highest symbol of good luck, creativity; brings success in business THRUSH New favorable opportunities, joy, happiness TOAD Strength, strength GIRAFFE Wealth CRANE Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity HARE Sensitivity, abundance, longevity STARS Happiness and eternity ZEBRA Peace of mind in any situation KINGFISHER Grace, nobility, marital fidelity SNAKE Movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge IRIS Life that does not know old age CARP Luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carp - a symbol of complete harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman HUMMINGBREE Symbol of the joy of life HORSE A sign of victory, courage, power BOAT A symbol of increasing good luck in business, security, hope BASKET Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity RAT Prosperity, prosperity, well-being SWALLOWS Success and abundance SWAN Grace, beauty, purity, loyalty LEO Energy and valor. Protector of home and public places LEOPARD Bravery BAT Happiness. Five bats - “five blessings” - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end, predetermined by fate LOTUS Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility HORSE Patron of children. Symbolizes speed, perseverance, bestows strength and endurance, and gives children rapid development MAGNOLIA, ORCHID Love, sophistication BEAR Symbol of strength and courage MONKEY Originality of thinking, cunning, quick wit DEER Career EAGLE A powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind PEACOCK Beauty and nobility. Flowing tail - titles and awards PALM VICTORY LANDSCAPE Symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities ROOSTER Symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of male dignity. Protection from fire PEACH Symbol of longevity PEONY Ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity PARROT Symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory BIRDS Symbol of joy, beauty, happiness BEE Hard work, success in science, art, trade PISCES Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development SAKURA Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal ELEPHANT Power, strength, insight OWL Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments DOG Reliable protection SORAKA Symbol of a “happy meeting” SUN Sign of providence, abundance, truth PINE Symbol of long life, fidelity and devotion DRAGONFLY Grace TIGER Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes the strength and power of DUCK (couple) Happiness in love PERSIMO Joy CHRYSANTHEMUM Luck TURTLE Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes steady movement forward. For health, you can embroider Cranes, preferably 2 and in combination with a pine branch or the tree itself... This is one of the most important symbols of health. The peach is also considered a symbol of health. ... Most often, paired objects (pillows, flowers, etc.) in Feng Shui are considered a symbol of love. It is not recommended to keep a clock in the office or at work according to Feng Shui, because... they count down the working time, i.e. as long as you can stay in this place. As for the coins, you must attach them so that 4 hieroglyphs are on the face. I read that it’s good to embroider a sailboat to make things go smoothly. Moreover, it’s better to use old ones, like wooden ones, but beautiful, powerful and without cracks, so to speak reliable. But when you hang it, choose the place carefully: the sailboat should “sail into the house.” “The sailboat is a wonderful talisman that attracts women good luck in business. It signifies the symbolic “arrival” of good fortune. For the talisman to work effectively, it is necessary that the sailboat faces its bow towards the inside of the house. If you place pieces of gold or its imitation on the deck of a ship, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the talisman.” Goldfish - success in financial matters. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of prosperity... A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. It is better to place it in the wealth zone (southeastern sector). It needs to be positioned - as if she is jumping into the house. Can be placed in a water fountain to increase money luck. Peacock is a talisman that attracts good luck and success. Feathers also work. The horseshoe is a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the ends up. Dolphins are cheerful friends and helpers (but then placed in the Helpers zone - north-west). The fountain is a symbol of wealth and abundance. Moving water represents great luck. To attract success in business, it is good to place mountains in the north, but not with sharp peaks and without water. There are also well-prospering banks and it would be desirable to have these pictures behind them as support. In Feng Shui, it is not recommended to hang images of lonely (even worse undressed) women IN THE BEDROOM - this promotes adultery. Agree, many people love and embroider such designs. There is a way out; you can easily embroider images of happy couples into your bedroom!

Advice! Above the bed or in the living room, it is better to hang not images of people, battles or predators, but banal landscapes or flowers - at least the simplest peonies, which will bring happiness and a surge of passion.

Hallway - landscapes, still lifes, non-predatory animals or birds, the same universal peonies or other flowers. The place where guests come for the first time should carry a neutral or unobtrusive positive charge.

Living room - running water, beautiful cozy parts of the home interior (fireplace, hearth, house with a front garden, etc.), city square, etc. You can hang unifying and spiritually uniting biblical scenes like “The Last Supper.” Peonies or other flowers also work well.

Bedroom – nature, calm running water, love stories, flowers.

Advice! Above the bed you cannot hang paintings or photos depicting swamps, ponds and other standing water and fading nature. This can lead to “stagnation” and decreased sexual activity in bed. The water in the paintings should be running, but calm and bright. No tsunamis, waterfalls or dark clouds with thunderstorms and storms! Kitchen - fireplaces, fields, trees, still lifes, scenes on the theme of cozy cafes.

A special ode to peonies Peonies occupy a special place in the entire flower garden according to Feng Shui. These flowers have such a powerful positive energy that they can be hung as images literally anywhere! Peonies are the best helpers in the search for love, harmony and happiness; they help single people find their match in a matter of months. Many “hardcore bachelors and bachelorettes” have driven their psyche into a corner, cultivating complexes for themselves that do not exist. Peonies break these shackles, give them self-confidence and literally push people towards a happy future and true love. For already married people, peonies help awaken dormant sexuality, enhance passion and discover a different side of attraction to each other.

Love and Marriage.

If you are looking for a soulmate and want to maintain harmonious relationships in the family, such paintings should be placed in the bedroom or the southwestern part of the apartment or house (In the “Love and Marriage” sector).

  • Anemones symbolize sincerity.
  • Pansies - happiness, the desire to always be close to your loved one.
  • Aster is a symbol of beauty, elegance, modesty.
  • Irises - faith and hope, courage and courage.
  • Lilies of the valley are a symbol of submission and humility.
  • White lily is a symbol of purity, yellow is a symbol of gratitude.
  • Lotus - has many auspicious meanings, from continuous improvement in social status to success in exams and great abundance.
  • Magnolia is a symbol of female beauty and tenderness, marital happiness
  • Poppies and poppy fields (all flower fields) - “male power”, help in the birth of a child.

Ships and boats in paintings

The image of a ship sailing on the waves in Feng Shui is a powerful symbol that can significantly increase well-being. But only if the picture shows morning (the beginning of success) or day (the result has been achieved, you can rest). Clear weather, the sun at its zenith, as well as a calm blue sea mean that everything is in perfect order, no failures or stress are expected, all minor difficulties will be easily overcome. The sailboat should have billowing sails, and on its deck there should be a lot of gold bars and treasure chests. But you can immediately understand where to hang the painting “Sailboat”. It is better to place it in the hallway so that the ship seems to move into the room and bring happiness, success, joy and security.

In Feng Shui, the boat of abundance is not a means of transportation on water, but a real cup of wealth. It should be made of expensive metals, wide and slightly tapering at the top. Fill it with valuable artifacts, including:

  • a bunch of 9 Chinese coins;
  • a handful of earth and a small twig in a red bag, if you can beg them from a successful businessman;
  • money, the sum of the digits of which can be expressed as 998 (for example, 9 rubles and 88 kopecks or 99 rubles and 8 kopecks;
  • symbol of good luck;
  • figurine of the god Hotei;
  • a small vase, the height of which is no more than 3 cm;
  • Small protection talisman.

You can fill the remaining space with precious or semi-precious stones and add personal gold jewelry, and put two expensive chocolates on top as a symbol of the sweet life.

They place this bowl either in the wealth zone, or in the bedroom opposite the bed, or next to it, so that when falling asleep, you can think about this unique talisman. And then the result will not be long in coming.

Correct placement

It’s not enough to buy the right painting, you need to hang it in the right place. According to Feng Shui, the zone of wealth is the southeast direction. It is necessary to determine which walls in the room correspond to it and place it there.

Also, the frame of the picture should not be bulky. It is best to choose the simplest and most definitely wooden frame. And most importantly, the images should not cause negativity in a person. Even if the picture is chosen correctly, but is associated with something bad, then it is necessary to abandon it in favor of another plot.

Sea in feng shui

It is difficult to find identical images of the sea in artists' paintings. This huge mass of water moves, makes noise and rages, fascinating with its rapid changes in the color of the waves, danger, and incredible energy. The sea (depending on its condition) can cause irrepressible passion, excitement, or fill the lives of people around with peace and clarity. A painting in which azure waves barely splash, the air is permeated with light, and somewhere above the wings of a white seagull glide, can be hung in the bedroom. And the stormy sea, throwing furious waves onto the shore, should be placed in the hallway, so that before going to work, just a glance at this canvas will accelerate and make a person much more cheerful.

Forest and trees according to the feng shui system

Each tree has its own purpose (for example, red rowan has very strong energy, it is a warrior tree, it perfectly protects against any type of dirt). The forest is friendly to the element of water, so their joint image in the picture is perceived very positively by people. Drawings with flowering plants are placed in the southeast, this is a place of good luck and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, shades of green should predominate in the kitchen. Therefore, images of trees will come in handy here.

Fish as a symbol

In Chinese, the word “fish” means abundance and happiness, which in itself says a lot. Two carp are a symbol of harmony between a woman and a man, and nine give prosperity. An aquarium with live fish - one black and 8 gold - improves your financial condition. Two orange aquarium pets are called “double fish”; they bring independence and emancipation, making you highly value your own opinion.

Urbanism and Feng Shui

The growth of cities, their transformation into huge megacities with developed systems of motor transport and ecology, the relationship between all the main structures is very difficult to regulate. But some city departments still organize their work taking into account the Feng Shui system. The location of squares and parks, green urban areas, the choice of flowers, tree species and shrubs in our technological age is built on the basis of knowledge about natural landscapes developed over thousands of years by the peoples of the East.

The Feng Shui system is inextricably linked with them, capable of regulating the designs of cities and small settlements based on the observations of many generations of people. Images in paintings of high-rise buildings, plants and factories are not always appropriate for placement in an apartment, but for public places they can serve as decoration and original decor. If the living space is decorated in a loft style, then you can hang a large panel in the hall or living room.

Mountains and landscapes for the bedroom

In the bedroom you should only place paintings with images of quiet places that radiate peace and serenity. A mountain, a lying stone or a boulder are symbols of constancy. And the design of a waterfall with its swiftness and sparkling splashes is best installed in the hall or living room. A quiet river and lake are indispensable companions of forests and mountains. Such paintings create an atmosphere of comfort and beauty. Bridges connecting two banks are not always appropriate in a family bedroom. It is better not to bring the painting into the apartment at all, which depicts a raised bridge.

What paintings bring wealth and luck, happiness to the home

We often decorate our home with beautiful paintings and photographs to add sophistication to the interior. Most often we do this for aesthetic pleasure, but do we think that these symbolic images influence not only the perception of the interior, but also the very atmosphere of the house and the fate of those who live in it? The ancient teaching of Feng Shui teaches us which paintings bring happiness to the home, as well as good luck and wealth

If you want to attract abundance and prosperity into your life and home , choose watercolor paintings depicting the sea, river, waterfall and ocean. If the picture has waves with white foam, it additionally attracts wealth and good luck.

According to Feng Shui, if you have a painting of two boats in your home , your home will always be a full cup!

It is necessary that the boats be painted by a local artist who is energetically connected to your place of residence in order for the work to be filled with positive force. Chinese paintings or drawings of the Caribbean seas have no power locally.

According to experts who study the flow of energy, it is very important that handmade items are charged with positive energy, which protects the home from bad luck and negative influences. Paintings made by human hands represent an egregor of positive force that keeps your living space clean and fills it with light!

To attract success in business, it is good to place mountains in the north, but not with sharp peaks and without water.

It is important to know that:

  • paintings and photographs depicting springs, streams, rivers and everything related to the water element should be placed before our eyes so that we can observe them at any time. Water calms us and guides us forward.
  • Conversely, paintings and photographs that recreate the wonderful mountainous terrain should stand behind us. They will bring stability and support, and although they are amazing, they should not be in front of us.

In Feng Shui, it is not recommended to hang IN THE BEDROOM - this promotes adultery.

There is a solution; you can easily buy images of happy couples for your bedroom!

Follow Feng Shui tips to decorate your home. Choose paintings, but remember that the most important thing is that they please your eyes, because when you look at them, they can charge you with a good mood.

Choosing the color of paintings according to Feng Shui

Modern design trends change priority color schemes every year, and the tones in feng shui paintings retain their characteristics for many centuries. They help a person develop harmoniously, become more confident and calm, and depend less on circumstances. The colors themselves are symbols, for example:

  • blue - regardless of shade and tone, carries the energy of freedom, helps to concentrate in time;
  • purple is the color of the social elite, royal dynasties;
  • green is the most balanced and universal, in any room it has a positive effect on a person;
  • yellow - improves health, promotes business contacts.

Choosing paintings based on the main color will help you maintain your health and improve your mood. A correctly selected panel for a nursery will calm nimble little ones and cheer up the quiet ones a little.

Feng Shui images have a strong influence on a person's life. Some are able to bring happiness and joy, others - career advancement, and still others - improve family life. However, not all paintings are like this. Some can cause negative emotions and bring trouble into life. Before choosing this or that painting, you need to carefully select the drawings and correctly place them in your apartment.

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