Elephant figurine according to Feng Shui - figurines and paintings depicting an elephant and where to put them

Feng Shui elephant - meaning of the symbol

Even in Ancient India, the elephant was revered as a symbol of wisdom, prudence and invincible strength; to Buddhists it carried spiritual knowledge, stability, stability; the Chinese revered it for its longevity, prudence, and insight. The Greeks and Romans considered this animal religious, and later Christians made it a victorious symbol of Christ over universal evil and death. Residents of medieval European countries treated the elephant, like the unicorn, as mythical animals that appear only on the pages of children's fairy tales. Let's figure out what an elephant is according to Feng Shui, the meaning and power of this talisman, who needs it, and where it is best to place it.

Elephant according to Feng Shui - meaning and where to place figurines

According to the ancient Chinese teaching about the harmonious movement of energy flows, this animal symbolizes only the best and most positive, despite the deceptive slow, heavy appearance:

  • Family hearth;
  • Stability;
  • Wellbeing;
  • Endurance;
  • Generosity;
  • Luck;
  • Confidence in the future;
  • Longevity.

In addition, according to Feng Shui, an elephant figurine is considered a kind of magnet that has the power of attraction to your home of financial wealth, and also protects you from unnecessary material expenses. The figurine can be replaced with a variety of paintings, photographs, canvases and talismans.

Elephant, rhinoceros and other blue accessories according to Feng Shui

Any blue figurines help in a career, make a person more purposeful, and give him confidence in himself and his abilities. But, depending on what kind of animal the figurine represents, it will have additional meaning.


For example, according to Feng Shui, the blue rhinoceros is an excellent protector. It is customary to place it in close proximity to the front door, pointing its horn at it. This helps protect the house from enemies, thieves and enemies. In the office, a rhinoceros placed according to the same principle will protect against intrigue and gossip in the team. If you work in a shared office, place the figure in front of you and slightly to the side so that the animal is looking behind you.


The blue elephant has a similar meaning in Feng Shui. In addition to hard work and perseverance in achieving goals, it symbolizes stability, wisdom and loyalty. Often these animals are depicted in pairs. In Feng Shui, the blue rhinoceros and the elephant are the best protectors from any troubles. They will protect the house from theft, the driver from troubles on the road, and the representative of a dangerous profession from injury.

Which Feng Shui figurines and paintings with elephants should you choose?

Despite the variety of images, one of the main roles in them is played by the position of the trunk. For example, an elephant according to Feng Shui, the meaning “trunk up” carries financial connotations. Such a talisman will help you choose the right financial policy for the family. “Trunk down” symbolizes longevity, abundance, fertility.

A white elephant will help with problems in relationships between household members, and a mother elephant with a calf is suitable for a family planning to have a child soon. There are also often figures supplemented with elements of power, this could be a toad. But since Chinese teaching is considered the science of harmonious flow, it is still undesirable to overload the elephant, because it itself is a very powerful talisman.

Sometimes there is an opinion that, according to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk raised will bring good luck to its owner, in contrast to an animal with its trunk down, but this is far from the case. The main rule here is the correct choice of location for the figurine.

Feng Shui elephants, where to place them in the house

Where to put elephants in the house
To achieve certain goals, first of all, it is worth determining the place where the elephant should stand. After all, a lot depends on this choice.

  1. To attract good luck, the elephant should be placed on the windowsill, with its trunk facing the street. With it, he will, as it were, draw positive energy from the outside. But here you should be careful, as soon as you feel a surge of well-being, the figurine must be turned to face the inside of the apartment, for its further preservation;
  2. By installing two elephants facing the entrance opening, you can protect your home from negative energy;
  3. To neutralize the negative energy “Sha” arising from a large number of sharp corners, the so-called “arrows”, figurines must be placed opposite them;
  4. If you place the talisman in the southeast of the apartment, your financial situation will stabilize;
  5. In the northwest, an elephant will help attract a strong patron, strengthen the authority of the head of the family, and in the east improve health;
  6. On the chest of drawers in the bedroom, 2 figures can strengthen family ties and improve relationships;
  7. The symbol can protect against negative energy at work in the office; for this you need to place an elephant on your desk;
  8. In a children's room, especially on a desk for studying, a talisman will increase perseverance and efficiency, and attract good luck;
  9. In a room where a lot of things along with negative energy usually accumulate, a figurine can neutralize its influence on others.

You cannot place figurines in dark corners, next to torn dirty wallpaper, broken things, otherwise their energy may affect the figurines and drown out the positive influence.


The rhinoceros is a strong, fearless, brave animal. A distinctive feature of this majestic beast is the powerful horn in the nose area. This is the animal’s pride and natural defense. With the help of a horn, he makes his way through impassable bushes and gets his prey.

The rhino figurine looks naturalistic and very powerful.

The rhinoceros is one of the most beloved and significant protective figures in the art of Feng Shui. A powerful talisman can prevent robberies, thefts, bitter losses, unpleasant incidents, and accidents. It will give you happiness in your home, success in business and achieving noble goals, and will eliminate negative emotions and events.

Which rhino figures have special powers?

White, gray, black, silver and golden rhinoceroses look beautiful in the interior of the room. They can be monochromatic or combine several colors. Sometimes the figures are decorated with decor, shiny lines, and dots.

But the blue rhinoceros has special protective powers. It is valued for its ability to neutralize negative energy and transform it into positive energy. Using special calculations, experts can find out the location of the so-called “theft star” in the house. If you place the figurine in this exact place, it will reliably protect your home from theft, aggression, and invasion of any kind of negativity. Will prevent ill-wishers from evil thoughts and actions.

What materials are rhinoceros figurines made from?

Rhinoceros figurines can be made from various materials. Natural wood, stone, and metal can further increase the power of the talisman, attracting the positive energy of nature into the house.

  • Wooden figurines multiply the natural forces of the body, help restore energy, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Metal figurines strengthen strength and grit, train endurance, and accumulate the power of heaven.
  • Figurines made of ceramics, porcelain, and crystal are also very popular. They greatly increase the protective capabilities of the talisman and neutralize the negative impact of others.

Where to place the rhinoceros figurine?

The protective talisman can be placed in any corner of the house. But there are some helpful location tips that are sure to achieve the results you want.

  • A figurine in the living room will protect your home from the entry of people with bad thoughts. And if there are two rhinoceroses at the main entrance, this is double protection from evil! They will become faithful guards of the monastery. Moreover, animals must necessarily “look” towards the doors and watch for incoming persons.
  • If the figure is placed in a car, it will be excellent protection from unforeseen dangerous situations and accidents. Many drivers buy such amulets to make a long journey also happy!
  • A rhinoceros on the desktop will protect employees from gossip and envy and helps create a good atmosphere in the team. It also helps strengthen character - it will help overcome self-doubt and shyness. Your career will definitely go up!
  • If you place the figures of a rhinoceros and an elephant next to each other, then the above properties will add a sense of stability, resilience, and balance.

A figurine of a rhinoceros will look noble and majestic in your home.
With such a wonderful talisman, you can make the most daring plans and confidently move towards your goal! Protection and support are guaranteed to you! Alexander, November 6, 2014.

How many elephants should there be in a house according to feng shui

We need to talk in more detail about how many elephants there should be in the house. There are many different opinions, but we will focus on the more common ones.

  • “1” - strengthens the owner’s faith in himself;
  • “2” - will speed up the meeting with your soulmate;
  • “3” - promises the appearance of children;
  • “4” - will bring wealth and stability;
  • “5” - will help you open your own business;
  • “6” - will attract romantic luck;
  • “8” - will provide protection in the event of trouble;
  • “9” - will give an additional impetus to intellectual development;
  • “10” - portends positive changes in life;
  • “11” - creates the prerequisites for gaining health.

Seven elephants feng shui. What does this quantity mean?

Let's take a closer look at the set of figures consisting of 7 elephants. Their magical significance is difficult to overestimate and here's why.

Elephant figurine with trunk up feng shui

The number “7” appears very often in our lives. For example:

  • in the distant past there was a doctrine of seven basic metals;
  • 7 wonders of the world discovered;
  • famous cities of the world are built on seven hills (Paris, Moscow, Rome, London, and others);
  • 7 notes in musical notation;
  • 7 deadly sins of man;
  • 7 days of the week;
  • seven-day phase of the lunar cycle;
  • 7 colors of the rainbow;
  • the seven Chinese Gods of luck, as well as many other facts.

The primitive shepherds of Babylon, followed by the Sumerians, ancient Indians, Egyptians, and later the inhabitants of China and America began to consider this number special, distinguishing it from the entire digital series. Therefore, 7 Feng Shui figurines promise to achieve well-being in seven areas of life - wealth, longevity, love, luck, health, mutual understanding, universal happiness. They help to activate the right space in the home, bringing completeness and harmony.

What material to choose for an elephant according to Feng Shui

Different paintings are suitable - photographs, images on canvas, bamboo, paper, fabric and other materials.
Figurines are most often made from natural materials - wood, clay, as well as metal, glass, plastic and porcelain. The main advisor when choosing this talisman will be only your intuition, because the thing should be liked specifically by you, “to your liking.” The only immutable taboo is figurines carved from ivory. This material is very negative, and the elephants themselves are charged with deadly energy, so they cannot bring anything good. Also, you should not store or glue broken or shattered talismans. It is best to replace them with new ones. harmony, homeliness

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