God Hotei - Buddha figurines and top 6 rituals for wealth

Who is Hotei?

Hotei (other spellings: Hotei, Hottei, less often - Budai or Bodai) is one of the most respected Japanese gods, which explains his popularity among Feng Shui adherents. Associated with the deity of entertainment and fun, he is considered the patron of non-labor-intensive work, which is nevertheless capable of generating a good income. His unique nickname is the Laughing Buddha, which was given to Hotei for his light, cheerful disposition.

The name of the god Hotei is translated from Japanese as “linen bag.” The god also had a real prototype - the monk Qitsi, who lived in the 10th century and was Chinese by birth. He preferred idleness and fun to deep spiritual quests, which is why he was a regular visitor to crowded fairs, where he predicted the weather and earned his living from it. The monk's nickname - Budai - came from the name of the alms bag, which was his only property. Symbolically, the second bag, due to its enormous size, was also nicknamed Budai’s stomach, in which, according to Chinese beliefs, vital energy, or qi, was concentrated. According to a legend that soon developed, in the places that Budai visited, people began to attract health, happiness and prosperity.

It is for this reason that already in the 15th century, Budai, or Hotei, began to be considered one of the seven gods of happiness in Shintoism, representing the embodiment of serenity and fun.

Another legend says that Budai was not a monk at all, but a turning point occurred in his life that forced him to turn from a handsome, slender young man into an unattractive and fat man. All because one day the feeling of guilt for the broken hearts of the girls took over in the soul of the young man. Being kind and sympathetic, he deprived himself of external attractiveness and vowed to always give people only wealth and happiness in order to atone for his sins.

What does Hotei bring to people?

To this day, God Hotei gives people decent money, helps them achieve success in their careers with minimal effort, and warns against bad decisions and subsequent problems. In his role as the god of abundance, he is also responsible for open respect from others.

It is believed that in general the god Hotei can fulfill any wish of his owner: for this, his figurine, called netsuke, must be located in the house in the right place according to the rules of Feng Shui. To be sure, it is customary to rub this miniature sculpture on the stomach, thinking about what you want. Read more about the rituals below.

How is it portrayed?

Traditionally, the god Hotei is depicted holding in his hands what the owner of the figurine strives for, be it: children, gold bars, money, coins, bags filled with jewelry, etc. He can also hold a donated horse, symbolizing the owner’s luck.

Types and meaning of Hotei figurines

Feng Shui meaning

Based on Feng Shui, we should consider in more detail the meaning of each of the varieties of figurines of the god Hotei:

The already mentioned figurine with a child in its arms acts as a talisman for fertility and the birth of healthy offspring. Its variety is Hotei with children who surround him on all sides.

Hotei, holding a rosary in his hands, is a talisman for those who seek knowledge and strive to improve themselves.

The pearl in the hands of this god is intended to patronize the moral development of the owner of the figurine.

Material well-being is ensured by several figures at once: firstly, this is Hotei on a toad, in whose mouth there is a coin, and secondly, the god Hotei with coins or gold in his hands. If the first one only helps to attract money, then the second one, in addition, teaches how to properly handle these wealth.

A separate talisman for those striving for longevity: the god Hotei, who rests on a staff made of bamboo, and sometimes ginseng, a medicinal Chinese plant.

In life, the wind of change is often necessary. The figurine of the god Hotei with a fan brings positive changes to the life of its owner, additionally bestowing him with luck and wealth.

Career aspirations are patronized by the Laughing Buddha, located inside a sand-colored pyramid, which is filled with coins inside. The god in this image helps to focus on the goal, and subsequently successfully achieve it.

To become as wise as a turtle, and at the same time have the power of a dragon, you can acquire a figurine of the god Hotei sitting on a dragon-turtle. The figurine is primarily responsible for the ability to make profitable deals.

What does Hotei with a bag behind his back symbolize?

Standing apart is the classic figurine of the god Hotei, on which he is represented with a bag behind his back. She is responsible for well-being in all areas of life at once. The fact that the god of fun and carefree carries it with him has its own symbolism: it is believed that Hotei with a bag hides all human difficulties and grief in it in order to leave only the good and pleasant. According to another, opposite version, in this bag he carries happiness and wealth, distributing them to everyone he meets.

What are talismans usually made of?

As for the material from which the talisman is usually made: figurines made of gold, bronze, polystone (i.e. artificial stone), clay, natural mahogany, polyresin, marble chips, sapphires, and emeralds are available for sale. The material does not affect the effect in any way. In China, it is the clay Hotei that is considered traditional. It is believed that only white and gold figurines are truly capable of being reliable talismans.


The size of the god figurine depends on the size of the room and the number of people in it.

So, at home you can get by with one small piece, while in a huge hall, through which many people pass, you need to install a more impressive figurine.

Activation of the talisman

The process of activating the talisman will last no more than a week and can be accelerated with your own efforts: thus, by placing the figurine in a beautiful place, surrounded by flowers and appropriate decor, Hotei will be able to appease.

The god statue should try rubbing his stomach, keeping his deepest desire in mind. With each approach, the number of revolutions can be increased so that by the time the talisman is fully activated, you can reach 300 revolutions per day. With the right approach, the figurine will completely master the powers of the deity.

Where to place a figurine in a house according to Feng Shui

Where should the god of wealth Hotei be placed in the house? As with the appearance of the figurine, it all depends on the purpose:

A person who strives for prosperity should place a wisher in the south-eastern part of his office. If there is no office, the bedroom can play its role.

Dreaming of family happiness, a precisely selected Hotei should be seated opposite your bed.

When trying to possess wealth, the talisman is left not far from the jewelry box.

To gain honor and respect from others, the god can be placed facing the front door.

If there are few or no children in the family, it is necessary to leave the god Hotei in the wisdom zone - according to Feng Shui, the northeastern part of the room. By itself, the energy of this zone is conducive to making important decisions, self-improvement and spiritual development, and, supplemented by a god, it will be responsible for family fertility.

Mascot material

Today you can buy a figurine of Hotei from any material. Previously, it was made of wood and ivory. Later, talismans made of stone, clay, porcelain, glass and gems began to be found. Hotei made from jade, agate and opal is especially popular. It is believed that the “precious” god increases wealth in the family and opens the way to success.

The Bagua grid indicates a place for a talisman made of a specific type of material. If you do not take into account the recommendations, the deity may become offended and begin to work in reverse or not hear the owner’s requests at all.

The material of the talisman and the zone must match or be in harmony with each other. For example, you cannot place a metal figurine in the fire zone, since their interaction will destroy the metal and render the deity useless.

Top 6 rituals and ceremonies

For wealth:

It is performed when the god Hotei is previously placed in the south-eastern zone of the office, since it is this position that helps to become lucky in money. Every time before leaving home for work, especially before important meetings and negotiations, you need to rub Hotteya’s stomach, consistently increasing the number of revolutions day after day. Important: the ritual is not performed if the owner of the figurine is not feeling well or is in an unwell state of mind.

For all the blessings of life:

Transliteration of SanskritRussian transcriptionCharacteristic
AUM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAH <…></…>Om gam ganapataye namaha saranam ganeshIt has the power to encourage one to overcome all life’s obstacles and gives a person purity of intentions.

For love:

Transliteration of SanskritRussian transcriptionInterpretation
Jai radha madhav Jai kunj vihari Jai gopi jana vallabh Jai gire balihariJaya radha-madhava Jaya kunja-bihari Jaya gopi-jana-valabha Jaya giri-vara-dhariAbsolute perfection of life.

Mantra for fulfilling wishes for health:

Transliteration of SanskritRussian transcription
OM TARE TU TARE TURE MAMA AH YUH PUNE JANA PUTIM KURU SOHA/SVAHAOm tare tutare ture mama ayu punye jnana pushtim kuru soha


“Punye” or “punya”: a person’s merits in the moral field, capable of generating good karma.

Jnana or Gnana literally means wisdom.

"Pushtim" symbolizes the increase of something.

The name “Kuru” was borne by the legendary country, supposedly located north of the Himalayas. Also “kuru” is the imperative form of the verb “to do”, “to do”.

“Mom” is the reflexive form of the pronoun “I”. To wish health not only to yourself, but also to your loved ones, the name of another person should be placed in place of this word.

“Svaha” or “plow” is an enthusiastic exclamation, the meaning of which can be conveyed to our “so be it.”

Gayatri is a powerful mantra for fulfilling desires and goals.

Transliteration of SanskritRussian transcriptionInterpretation
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ Tat savitur vareṇ(i)yaṃ Bhargo devasya dhīmahi Dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt.Om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.Awareness and acceptance of divine power, devotion and worship of the Creator.

A universal ritual that allows you to get to know your patron better and ask him for what you want:

This is not carried out immediately after purchasing the figurine, but a few days later. Your request should be stated in detail and clearly in writing on a piece of paper. Laughing Buddha welcomes ironic writing because he loves cheerful people. A note folded into a small envelope should be tied with two threads, preferably red and gold. Begin the ritual of offering itself: light aromatic candles, sit relaxing in front of the figurine, after offering it some treats - for example, dried fruits, rice or nuts. All you have to do is put your note under the person you want and clearly imagine what you want in your head.

Rules for using the talisman

Hotei loves cleanliness in the house and attention. Therefore, it is better to place the figurine in a visible, honorable and uncluttered place. Everyone who enters should see it. It is advisable for Hotei to stand in front of other talismans. This way it will work more efficiently.

There is an interesting tradition associated with the use of the deity figurine. If you stroke Hotei’s belly, he will fulfill his cherished wish. The main thing is to do it right. It is necessary to rub the belly of the pot-bellied figurine strictly clockwise and exactly 300 times. It is believed that if you do this before leaving home, you can achieve success in the current day. Work becomes better, mood and well-being improve.

You should look at Hotei more often, thinking about your desires. It is very important to regularly remove dust from the surface of the figurine. A dirty and sloppy Hotei will never work. Order must be maintained around him. It is not recommended to fill the shelf with books, papers and other things.

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