What figurines to put in the house to attract love, happiness and wealth

How do money talismans work?

Amulets for attracting money can have a positive effect on their owner. The most important thing is to believe in the power of the talisman. An object that attracts money can have a lot of abilities:

  • tune the owner’s consciousness to receive money;
  • help improve financial well-being;
  • create favorable conditions for financial prosperity;
  • protect the owner from thieves and scammers;
  • help in finding new sources of income.

An amulet that brings good luck can also protect its owner from thoughtless spending. When making it yourself, you need to choose the right material for the future talisman. Then the manufactured item should be “charged” by reading a spell over it, and put in the wallet. It is advisable not to tell anyone that you have acquired a magical amulet. Otherwise, it may attract the evil eye.

Money talismans for attracting money according to Feng Shui

Ancient Chinese science pays great attention to the monetary issue. There are a large number of amulets that can attract financial well-being. They should be located in strictly designated places.

Money toad

Lures wealth into the house. The optimal location for it is a desktop, near the front door, at the bottom of the aquarium. It is periodically cleaned by dipping it in water without wiping it off after that.


God of happiness, fun, prosperity. The most valuable is made from ebony. His zone is the southeast of the apartment. If you start the morning by stroking your belly, you will have good luck all day.

Money Tree

As the fat woman grows, well-being in the home increases. For its prosperity, Crassula is placed in the southeastern part. She does not like direct sunlight; she should be watered with water at room temperature.

Coins with red thread

This bunch of 9 coins is ideal for decorating a wealth zone and is a strong talisman. The amulet, made from 3 copies, is placed in a wallet to attract wealth.


The murmuring water symbolizes the endless cash flow of abundance. It is necessary to ensure that the water remains clean. In tandem with a three-legged toad or Chinese coins, the effectiveness of the amulet increases.

Aquarium with goldfish

Any reservoir stimulates the flow of funds.

There are many variations of this talisman:

  • pictures, photographs of fish;
  • a beautifully decorated round vase filled with water and a wish granter placed inside.

Items are placed in the center or in the southeastern part of the room.

Horde amulet that brings wealth

According to legend, during the time of the Golden Horde, Genghis Khan received a special coin as a gift from one of the nomad leaders. The coin created a strong attraction - money and treasures poured into Genghis Khan’s treasury in a continuous stream. But suddenly the treasurer lost it, and the magic disappeared. Immediately the princes of Rus' refused to pay tribute to the khan, and an uprising broke out.

You can make a coin yourself. To do this you will need a yellow metal coin and some string. It is advisable to take a yellow coin. It is tied crosswise with twine. The magical artifact should be worn under clothing.

Financial amulet decorative mouse

Our Slavic ancestors believed that the mouse is a symbol of wealth and abundance. In Chinese culture, meeting a rodent was considered a good omen. You can “place” a mouse in your wallet to attract money. The charmed mouse will protect the owner from unnecessary expenses and help save the required amount. She will definitely bring success in any financial affairs.

For manufacturing, you can use stone, wood or metal. After the magical artifact is ready, it needs to be spoken. Keep the mouse in your wallet, and it will attract money into it, and financial difficulties will bypass you.

How to make amulets from plants

To concentrate the powers of herbs in one place, you should prepare a green bag (attracts prosperity and wealth). Make a collection of plants with magical powers:

  • mint;
  • cinnamon;
  • verbena;
  • pine needles;
  • bergamot;
  • dill;
  • carnations;
  • eucalyptus;
  • basilica;
  • Lavra

Mentally convey the request to the talisman, imagining how it is filled with energy. It should be kept away from prying eyes: in a jewelry box, in a purse.

Slavic amulet made of cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus and pine needles

To prepare the amulet, all components are pounded in a mortar to a powder state. At the same time, constantly thinking about financial well-being. The mixture is poured into a thick linen bag and tied with green thread.

Black pepper charm

It is made 1 time. The purpose is a successful deal or increasing the chance of winning the lottery. The desired amount is written on a white sheet of paper. During the full moon, a container is placed on the windowsill to be filled with moonlight. A sheet folded three times is also lowered there. Pour the pepper into the vessel and cover with a lid. The talisman is hidden away from prying eyes. Before concluding an agreement, the container is taken in the left hand, shaken, thinking about well-being.

Imperial amulet that brings money

One of the most powerful money amulets was made by a monk for the young Peter I, who had recently become emperor. The monk read prayers over the object all night. After this, the sovereign did not part with the magical artifact, which had unique abilities:

  • helped to recover funds from debtors;
  • contributed to success in any business;
  • provided the owner with a high position in society.

You can create a talisman with your own hands. The coin cannot be displayed publicly; no one should see it. This amulet for attracting money has powerful energy. During use, do not let anyone touch or carry it.

Slavic amulet for money and prosperity - a miracle bag

It was customary among the Slavic peoples to make their own money bags. They were attached to the belt and kept inside savings. Also, the Slavs often made dolls, which were based on such talisman bags. The amulet was made from red fabric. It was used to make a small bag in which coins of different denominations were kept.

You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil inside. The amulet should be kept in a secret place at home. Also in Slavic culture, amulets made from plants were popular. The Slavs also used their runes to achieve goals.

How to make a talisman for money with your own hands

You need to start making it with pure thoughts, believing in the effectiveness of the talisman. Also, each project will need separate components.

Wax amulet

To make it you will need a candle. During the waxing moon phase, at midnight, it is placed in a glass and set on fire. They quietly whisper or mentally convey the desires of the flame. All information will be preserved in wax. When it hardens, it is placed in a special bag and carried with you at all times, without showing it to anyone.

From threads

A braid is woven from multi-colored threads, while wishes are spoken. A bracelet is made from a rope and worn on the left leg. As soon as the wish is fulfilled, it is removed and, saying words of gratitude, it is burned.

Bag of money

It only works in families; if strangers live in the house, don’t expect any benefit from it. To charge the amulet at home, you should say: “Kopek to kopek, nickel to nickel, fifty kopecks to fifty kopecks, ruble to ruble, chervonets to chervonets, all to the yard.” Coins of different denominations are washed and laid out on the table. A bag is sewn from any fabric and money is placed in it. The maker of the amulet must be in a great mood.

Money ball

A banknote or coin is wrapped with green wool thread. During the ritual you should think about money. The ball is placed on the inside above the front door, but so that it is not visible to outsiders.

Pictures, screensavers for phone and computer

Photos with money are of no use. The following images will attract wealth and good luck: a cake, a box of chocolates, pictures with the number 8, clasped hands, a beautiful package of perfume.

Strong amulets for money and good luck according to Feng Shui

In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, money amulets can be made in the form of:

  • animal figurines;
  • figurines of deities;
  • plants.

These are quite strong money amulets, which were made by the greatest sages in Ancient China. Let's look at the most popular:

  • Toad with a coin. The Chinese associated this animal with material wealth and well-being. The most famous Chinese talisman for attracting money looks like a toad sitting on a hill of coins. If you want to purchase a ready-made amulet, choose jade products. It must be gold plated. The coin in the toad's mouth should lie with the hieroglyphs facing up. The animal's eyes should be red. To activate the talisman, place it in the aquarium. The best place to store the amulet is the area near the front door.
  • Braided bracelet. Anyone can make such an amulet with their own hands. You will need red, yellow and green threads. These are symbols of wealth, health and love. The bracelet should be woven during the full moon. While making the amulet, imagine that your wishes are coming true.
  • Hotei. The deity symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Hotei will help attract wealth to your home. It is advisable to place the figurine closer to the entrance.


It is recommended to place the Dragon figurine in the East; it is better if the figurine stands on a pedestal, stand or small elevation, but not higher than the owner’s eye level, otherwise the Dragon will dominate.
Since the Dragon is an exclusively yang animal that creates active energy, we do not recommend storing it in your bedroom, since the bedroom should be conducive to rest, and yang energy flows are not suitable for this. Do not be afraid of the dragon, honor it and believe that it is a guard protecting you from troubles and enemies, in this case the dragon will be beneficial. Pisces
Various fish, both together and separately, are a very common talisman in Feng Shui. The goldfish is a symbol of success in financial matters, so a very successful placement would be the wealth zone in the Southeast. Fish figurines are also well suited for activating the territory of the element of water - the North - a zone of career growth, new opportunities and endeavors. It is best to purchase a figurine of Carp or Arowana. Carp or sacred fish "Tai" symbolizes good luck and spiritual achievements. Placing it in the wealth zone in the Southeast contributes to the accumulation of capital and material well-being. Two carps represent the harmony of relations between spouses, and nine carps represent enrichment and prosperity. Carp is also a symbol of determination and perseverance, because Carp persistently overcomes the current and river rapids, reaching the mouth of the river. However, the most successful way to activate the wealth zone is to purchase a fish under the mysterious name Arowana, also known as “Dragon Fish”. In nature, this is a fairly rare and very expensive fish; the cost of some of its species can be tens of thousands of dollars. In Feng Shui, Arowana symbolizes enormous, simply fabulous wealth

. She is characterized by bewitching grace, amazingly beautiful colors and a proud appearance. “Dragon Fish” is considered the strongest magnet for wealth, which always works. The only peculiarity is that Arowana bestows different amounts of material wealth on different people. It is also worth noting that just one Arowana is enough to activate the wealth zone in your home. If you want to have several of them, then you should purchase only an odd number of these beautiful fish, otherwise they will create friction between you and your friends, and quarrels may begin over money.


In China, and throughout the world, a dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. And the arrival of an unfamiliar dog portends prosperity in the future. Some people believe that if a strange dog comes and stays in their house, then this is a good omen for the family and a harbinger of future prosperity. Puppy – symbolizes renewal, energy, joy and growth

A dog figurine can be placed in the office on your desktop as a symbol of good luck in your career or business. For people born in the year of the dog, this talisman will be doubly favorable. United talismans, so to speak, have gained particular popularity. For example, a dog holding a coin of happiness in its paws protects the owner from evil forces and brings material well-being; other popular talismans have a similar meaning - a dog with a gold bar or a chest. A powerful talisman is a dog holding
the Ba-Gua octagon. In the center of the octagon, Yin-Yang is depicted; this ancient symbol in Chinese philosophy denotes the harmony of two opposites, Yin and Yang. Yang – white (day) – male sign, Yin – black (night) – female sign. Eight tigers represent a magical amulet - protecting against evil spirits. Such an amulet can protect a room from negativity and harmonize the space. It is recommended to place the dog figurine in a visible place, then the dog will know that its arrival is welcome and expected. In return, the dog will become your faithful friend and helper. It will protect your profits, help you achieve your plans, and will protect you throughout the entire time.


The magical king bird Fen Huang or Phoenix, the patron saint of all feathered creatures. This bird has such strong energy that it can be reborn from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrible circumstances. The Phoenix figurine very effectively activates the energies of success, fame and prosperity. The figurine of a magical bird is recommended to be placed in the South, since it symbolizes the warmth of summer, sun and fire. In Feng Shui, the Phoenix brings happiness, the opportunity to change the unfavorable outcome of circumstances and win, receive unexpected support, wisdom, beauty and prosperity. The fire bird promotes the development of your creative inclinations and helps your wishes come true. The Phoenix requires free space in order to rise unhindered into the sky in order to look out for danger in the distance and learn about news.


The talisman of heavenly protection and support, the turtle, is also a symbol of wisdom, longevity and persistent movement forward. In Feng Shui, a black turtle brings good luck to its owner and helps in business, steadily and smoothly increasing income and standard of living. The support of a turtle is especially important for the owner of the house and the head of the family. The one who has a turtle behind his back is safe, since his rear is protected from attacks. The turtle is a symbol of hard work, which will be rewarded in the future. A figurine with three turtles lying on top of each other denotes the well-being of three generations; this talisman is especially good for families who live under the same roof with their parents. The turtle is the guardian of the north, by the way, which is why it is recommended to place the study in the north of the home. It is best to purchase a turtle made of metal, or with a metallic tint - bronze, golden or silver, since in the circle of the generation of elements, metal creates the element of water. Black also suits the turtle well. However, keep in mind that the bedroom for water talismans is a forbidden territory. Water symbols standing in the bedroom destroy the romantic atmosphere.


The rooster is an intermediary, a watchman, making contact between Heaven and Earth and being a conductor of solar energy, which is why it is also called the bird of the Sun. Thus, in Japan, the Rooster is associated with the first ray of light and hope for a better and more successful life. In China, the Rooster is endowed with an image that combines five virtues. He is a protection for the weak and oppressed. The ability to protect his home from evil forces makes him an excellent watchman, and the ability to fairly distribute food among the inhabitants of the yard, feeding the weaker, speaks of his kind heart. Fearlessness, kindness and wisdom make one treat him with great respect. The rooster figurine can be placed at the entrance or in the wealth sector in the Southeast. The rooster also perfectly activates the fame zone in the south, where it helps those who need not just a good reputation, but fame in certain circles and even fame. However, few people know that the rooster is an excellent talisman against infidelity. It is believed that the figurine of a rooster can suppress sexual promiscuity, debauchery and infidelity. If you are afraid that someone may try to steal your partner from you, then in this case the rooster figurine should be placed above the entrance or opposite the main entrance. If you believe that your companion is prone to cheating, then put the rooster in his closet. It is optimal to place two figures of roosters - on the right and on the left side



The most popular deity in Feng Shui is the fat man named Hotei, he symbolizes happiness, fun and prosperity. Hotei predetermines the destinies of people and helps in the fulfillment of desires. There is a belief that if you make a wish and rub Hotei’s belly 300 times, it will definitely come true, the main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations. The character Hotei has a real story - he was a monk who lived in China in the 10th century, he wandered through the villages with a large canvas bag and rosary, and wherever he stopped, fun, joy, happiness, prosperity and good luck came. And when they asked him what was in the bag, Hotei answered: “I have the whole world there!” The Hotei figurine is considered a universal talisman, so it can be placed in almost any sector

. If Hotei is depicted with coins, a chest or a bag of gold, then it should be placed in the wealth sector in the Southeast, if Hotei is made with a ginseng staff or a gourd, then this is a talisman of health and longevity - this place is in the eastern sector, which is responsible for the health of the whole family, a laughing Hotei surrounded by children will bring you long-awaited offspring - such a figurine should be given a place in the southwestern part of your home - the zone of love and relationships. Hotei with a pearl symbolizes wisdom, with a fan - protects against bad energy, holding the Rod of Ruyi - a symbol of high position in society.


In China, they believe that the elephant attracts happiness and good luck with its trunk. It is a symbol of stability, stability, wisdom, prudence, longevity, royal greatness and indestructible strength. In Feng Shui, an elephant brings peace, prosperity, stability and a rich harvest to its owners, and also protects against all dangers and risks. According to an ancient Myanmar legend, the ruler whose ruler is an elephant with its trunk raised will achieve success in governing the country. Therefore, such an elephant will be an excellent gift for managers, bosses and heads of families. an elephant figurine on the windowsill, with its trunk directed towards the auspicious star, then it will draw good luck into the house from the street through the window

. To attract wealth and prosperity, a figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk is placed in the Southeast. The elephant personifies indestructible strength and power, which is why it is also used in the North-West sector of patronage and assistance. Among other things, the elephant helps to reduce unnecessary material waste; its stability and stability can affect the wastefulness of home owners, curbing their ardor to spend money on unnecessary, empty things. An elephant with its trunk down protects the female sex, it gives motherhood. Therefore, women who are trying in vain to have children should pay attention to this figurine. As a rule, such elephants are depicted next to their offspring - one or even several baby elephants.


A magical three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth symbolizes wealth, immortality and monetary luck; it is considered the guardian of home and wealth. There is a legend according to which, in ancient times, when Buddha still walked the earth, and Feng Shui was just emerging, there lived a three-legged toad, she was a very greedy and malicious creature with a bad character, but Buddha did not like it, and then he captured her , and obliged as payment to help people gain wealth. Since then, the toad has been paying for his excessive greed by spitting out gold coins. She appeared at the doorstep of the house in the evening, and the next day the owners’ income increased significantly. Usually a figurine of a three-legged toad is placed in the southeastern or northern sectors, you can place one toad in the southeastern sector of each room, this will increase monetary energy. Also, a figurine of a toad can be placed in a composition with moving water (a fountain, a waterfall) - this will further increase your monetary luck. It is believed that the toad should be placed with its back to the front door, so that it seems as if it is jumping into your house. You cannot place the toad so that it looks out the window or faces the front door.

. This talisman is very common in China; it is widely used in business and at home.


The horse figurine is a classic symbol for the glory zone. It is believed that the horse brings success in career, business, helps restore a damaged reputation and strengthen the image. If in life you often face difficult competition at work or in business, then by placing a horse figurine on your desktop you can attract good luck and success. A horse directed upward is especially effective

. Feng Shui recommends that businessmen and enterprising people have at least one such figurine in their office as a talisman of victory, perseverance, endurance, courage, strength, respect and unquenchable optimism. The place where the horse figurine should be located is the southern or southwestern sector of your office, but the horse should not be facing a window or door.


In Feng Shui, the ox symbolizes a long, stable, sustainable and fruitful life, and also indicates hard work, perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. With the help of this talisman, you can activate the zone of prosperity and wealth in your home so that your income is stable and constant. In some countries, the bull is considered a sacred animal that brings wealth, prosperity, abundance, success and happiness. The bull is a better talisman than the cow, its muscular structure is intended for those who want to achieve wealth and abundance. A bull figurine will be a wonderful gift for a manager

, as well as for beginning entrepreneurs. Each animal, be it an elephant, a sheep, a bull, a rhinoceros or a horse, reflects its own specific frequency. That is why images of animals in painting or sculpture influence our soul, bringing peace, inner harmony and healing. To attract wealth, a bull figurine should be placed in the southeast corner of your living room. By placing the bull figurine in the north, you will give impetus to your career growth and overcome obstacles at work. The Ox will protect against the bad intentions of competitors and increase the profits of your business.

Mandarin Ducks

A pair of mandarin ducks symbolize tenderness, love, luck, eternal fidelity and happiness in marriage; they are used to activate the partnership zone. The imperial duck or mandarin duck received its nickname due to its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. According to Feng Shui, any paired symbol is very favorable for marital relationships

, but these birds are special, they select a mate once in their entire life and can even die if they have to be separated. If you want to meet a person with whom you will live a long and happy life, sharing love and joy, then you should activate the “love angle” with any paired symbol. Mandarin ducks are one of the most common “pairing” talismans. It is best to place a figurine of ducks in the love zone - in the southwest. This talisman will bring well-being, prosperity, good luck to your home and will help normalize or strengthen marital relations. Also, an image of a pair of ducks can be placed in the bedroom. If in your bedroom the bed is in the partnership zone, then make sure there are two pillows on it. To activate your romantic space, a pair of swans or doves, or a crystal lotus - a symbol of double happiness - are also suitable.


The eagle represents knowledge, wisdom, freedom and power; it is one of the best talismans for the glory sector. Thanks to its keen eyes, the eagle has a good overview, or, in other words, has a wide horizon; it is able to see what is usually impossible to see and assess the surrounding situation. The Eagle can rise to heights and achieve a holistic view of the world. Based on this, Feng Shui recommends that managers, businessmen, and those who want to achieve success in work or business have an image of an eagle in their office. This powerful bird helps you look at things more insightfully and makes it possible to assess the weight of a particular undertaking from other heights. If you have big ambitions or grandiose plans, and you need a strong activation of the south zone, then you should put an eagle figurine there

. This will strengthen your good reputation and bring success in business and fame.

Pi Yao

A mythical creature with the face of either a lion or a dog, one horn, hooves, a tail and small wings called Pi Yao is considered a very powerful talisman that protects the house from unfavorable energies and evil people. He himself does not harm anyone. According to Feng Shui, figurines of these magical animals are placed in places where flows of negative Sha Qi energy pass, that is, opposite sharp corners, towers, peaks, cemeteries, and certainly facing outward

. Pi Yao creatures are loyal, very faithful and devoted to their owners, and in addition to protecting the home from unfavorable energy, they also help to gain wealth and increase income. For the Chinese, like the Dragon Turtle, Pi Yao is one of the few creatures capable of pacifying the formidable Prince Jupiter (Tai-Sui). Since, according to legend, Pi Yao has an immensely large appetite, it will undoubtedly suit those who are engaged in business. The figurine should be placed below the eye level of the owner of the house, and should be avoided from being in the bedroom. If you travel a lot, are away, or often leave your home unattended, then you need to place the Pi Yao at the front door or in the hallway. In the east they really love this figurine and mostly place not one, but a pair of Pi Yaos. To keep the power of the talisman from running out, you need to ring a bell around it once a week (or hang a bell nearby) or burn a large candle near the Pi Yao once a month.

dragon turtle

The animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle is a powerful combination of these two creatures. The dragon turtle stands guard over your home and protects it from problems and failures. She embodies wisdom and ambition, and is a symbol of peace, tranquility and longevity. This almost universal talisman promotes career growth, a good position in society, attracting wealth, good health and mental balance. The Chinese believe that any object symbolizing wisdom and knowledge, be it a book, manuscript, typewriter, fountain pen, pencil or even a computer, placed in close proximity to the Dragon Turtle, doubles its power. For a career, the figurine is placed in the north, for successful studies it should be located in the northeast, to attract wealth it should be placed in the southeast, and for family health, in the east.


Stones that attract success

Some minerals can be used as jewelry or talismans to attract money, success and luck:

  • Rhodonite. Provides the owner with a stable income, fills with strength and internal energy.
  • Nephritis. Able to protect the owner from poverty, helps in obtaining material benefits.
  • Chrysolite. Endows the owner's home with luxury and protects from evil. Peridot jewelry attracts good luck and luck.

Stones with magical properties can radically change a person's life. With their help, you can attract wealth and achieve financial stability. In order for money amulets to attract money, you need to sincerely believe in their power.

Stones that attract money and wealth for all zodiac signs

A fashionable way to attract good luck is jewelry with minerals or simply a decorated stone. The main requirement when choosing, for it to be useful, the owner must like it. Diamond, amethyst, ruby, sapphire are suitable for Aries. Agate, emerald, jadeite bring good luck to faithful Taurus. Alexandrite, beryl, garnet, topaz, agate are the best amulets for an inquisitive Gemini. Cat's eye, pearl, emerald will give Cancer wealth. Ruby, chrysolite, amber will help Leo find good luck. Kyanite, jade, jasper will enrich Virgo. Aquamarine, diamond, lapis lazuli, opal will attract money to Libra. Cat's eye, garnet, black opal, aquamarine guarantee luck for Scorpio. Lapis lazuli, turquoise and peridot are suitable for the authoritative Sagittarius. Ruby, malachite, onyx help status Capricorn. Amethyst, sapphire, zircon will give prosperity to Aquarius. Pearls and moonstone will attract money to Pisces.


Suitable for creative individuals to increase capital. Worn on the left hand, in the form of a bracelet.


A jade ring is a powerful amulet for attracting money and stability. Should be worn on the little finger, but no more than 7 hours a day.


Will give self-confidence to those from whom luck has turned away. Gold is considered the best frame for it. A ring with this crystal on the index finger of the left hand will quickly increase savings.

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