What does snail mean according to Feng Shui. What do we know about the snail? Giraffe according to Feng Shui

This too shall pass

The snail watch is the ideal talisman of a businessman and careerist, whose business in connection with the global financial crisis is going at best, shaky, and at worst, very bad. The talisman will not solve your professional problems, but it will help you get into a philosophical mood, which will definitely save a fair amount of nerve cells.

Therefore, put a watch on your desk, regularly look at the dial and remember the saying engraved on King Solomon’s ring: “Everything passes. This too shall pass.” You'll see - you'll feel better! And then, lo and behold, things will get better!

Seeing a snail - signs for all occasions

The behavior of snails is explained by their physiological characteristics. They are very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity and try to live closer to water. But some researchers assure: the matter is not limited to instincts alone. Horned babies have intuition, memory, and intelligence. In general, their predictions can be trusted.

Weather signs about snails

Our ancestors looked very closely at the behavior of various living beings - for practical reasons. Carefully collected signs have not lost their relevance today.

  • Meeting a snail on the road on a clear day means the weather will change soon. In such a situation, it is better to return home for an umbrella.
  • The sooner shellfish disappear from vegetable gardens, the sooner the winter cold will come. If the kids hide until mid-September, frost is likely by the end of the month.
  • In summer, snails climb high on the stems of grasses and grains - it’s time to make hay or reap bread. Slowness in this matter will do a disservice: sudden bad weather can destroy the harvest.
  • The most important date to “tell fortunes by snails” is July 16th. If on this day the mollusks try to climb up the leaves as far from the ground as possible, the second half of summer will be rainy.

Finding a snail is a financial omen

The main prediction of horned “fortune tellers” concerns material wealth. A snail in an apartment or in a private house is a sure sign that a quick profit awaits the inhabitants of the home. Happiness will happen if the mollusk tries to crawl inside, to get over the threshold. You shouldn’t disturb him; it’s better to use the unexpected guest for simple fortune telling.

Suppose you want to find out which of your planned enterprises promises success. In this case, you need to take a large dish, put a snail on it, and next to it - several pieces of paper with the name of probable ways to get rich. The note on which the mollusk crawls will become a hint for the future.

Meet a snail on the eve of a serious event

A black snail crawling across the road looks like a black cat. This is a sign of an unfortunate combination of circumstances. It is best to replay your plans - cancel an appointment, postpone entertainment or shopping for another day. A snail on a car is a warning sign: you should not use a vehicle today.

Meeting a mollusk of other colors is not such a categorical sign. On the contrary, it can promise good luck. True, this requires lifting the stag from the ground and throwing it over the left shoulder. It is advisable to avoid unnecessary fanaticism so as not to harm the baby. Mystics warn: if you mistakenly use the wrong hand or accidentally crush a snail, the omen will lead to a lot of trouble!

What to do if a baby with horns crawls onto clothes or onto a person? That's right - don't panic! This is a very good omen: if you find a snail on your back, you will receive “covered rear”, friendly support; if you find it on your hand, get ready for a romantic meeting.

Caution - danger

A silver keychain in the shape of a snail is a good place to hang your car keys. In this simple way, you will protect both yourself and your car from various troubles on the road, and most importantly, from accidents. For a driver under the protection of a snail becomes careful and prudent, and if he takes risks, it is always justified.

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How to make a talisman for good luck with your own hands

A keychain with a snail will also come in handy for people in extreme professions - firefighters, security guards, rescuers, industrial climbers. When going to work, keep the talisman with you - and then your chances of returning from work safe and sound will increase significantly.

Universe in miniature

A reverent attitude towards the snail existed on almost all continents.

  • American Indians, for example, represented her as one of the incarnations of the moon god.
  • According to the Aztecs, the night luminary hid in the ocean in the same way as a mollusk hid in its shell.
  • In Muslim countries, the twisted shell was associated with the ability to hear the voice of God.
  • For Buddhists, snails symbolized the highest degree of detachment from worldly vanity.
  • In Japan, it was believed that the appearance of a snail in the house is a sign that a cherished desire will soon come true. This slow-moving creature was depicted on amulets that helped strengthen the will to win and faith in one’s strength.

It is significant that for centuries Christian apologists could not come to a consensus about what exactly a snail means. At first she was called the personification of laziness - one of the deadly sins. Then they made it a symbol of virtue - humility, asceticism. At some point, a mollusk capable of “immaculate conception” was even endowed with a bit of holiness. That is why the snail can be seen on medieval paintings depicting the life of the Virgin Mary.


It is a symbol of wisdom, prudence, patience and longevity. It represents protection, a reliable rear, so it is better if such a figure stands behind your back. And the desk itself should be placed in the office in such a way that there is no window behind you.

Such a talisman can be given to an elderly person; it will support his health, clarity of mind, and ward off melancholy.

With a carp figurine, good luck will help you and you will grow spiritually. If a man and a woman lack harmony, place two figures in the room. Nine carps will increase wealth and bring stability in solving financial issues. Golden carp can swim in a large aquarium, but not everyone has this opportunity, but a picture or panel with their image can be hung on the wall.

A talisman in the northern part of the house will help you advance your career; if you place it in the southeast, your financial problems will be solved by themselves.

The owl is a symbol of wisdom, science, including philosophy. Recommended for students and intellectuals.

The owl is a vigilant guard, therefore, by placing it near the money tree, you can be calm - it will protect you from thoughtless spending and protect you from stupid thoughts. A figurine of an owl would look especially appropriate in the office where deals are made and contracts are signed, next to the safe, or in another area.

A proud eagle signifies success according to Feng Shui. Eagles help you find a compromise, point out the right path in decision-making, do everything to ensure that your efforts do not go unnoticed, and, of course, rewards follow.

Such a talisman can be given to a military man, an official, a scientist, or simply a purposeful person.

According to Feng Shui, the eagle soaring above the sun is one of the most powerful talismans; for it to work, choose the southern part of the room for it.

What do snails contain?

To set up a coop, they use terrariums and aquariums, plexiglass aquariums, as well as all kinds of houses for keeping rodents. Even food containers and other plastic containers can be used. One adult snail requires at least 10 liters of volume, but if you want to raise your pet to the maximum possible size, then it is better to provide it with 15-20 liters of volume.

The lid of the snail should cover it with noticeable density in order to maintain the necessary humidity inside the room and to prevent the snail from leaving its native land. To allow air to penetrate into the room, several small holes should be made in the lid. The most effective type of terrarium is horizontal, although some tree snails prefer vertical terrariums.

The terrarium should be cleaned regularly. Excrement must be removed, and the lid and walls of the terrarium should be wiped with a damp sponge as the walls become dirty. About every month and a half, the terrarium needs to be thoroughly cleaned, thoroughly washing the terrarium itself with laundry soap and completely changing the soil.

What humidity is needed to keep snails?

The bulk of domesticated snails belong to land species. However, even they cannot survive for a long time without water. To maintain the required humidity in the coop, you can use a spray bottle to spray the flowers. All you need to do is spray the terrarium and its inhabitants with it a couple of times a day. This will be enough to maintain the desired humidity level, which should ideally be around 75-90%.

It is best to spray with warm water. If possible, you should purchase a hygrometer that can be used to measure air humidity. If the humidity in the coop is insufficient, this can also lead to the pet going into hibernation.

If the snails are more than one and a half months old, they will need to put water in some kind of bowl from which they will drink and in which they will bathe. As for kids, the moisture that accumulates on the walls of the terrarium is enough for them to do this. It should be remembered that the size of the pool must match the size of the snail so that it does not drown while swimming. It is also necessary to ensure that the snail does not overturn its “pool”, otherwise the soil will become waterlogged.

"The Annunciation" by Francesco Del Cossa

The most famous work of art is, please, the painting “The Annunciation” by Francesco Del Cosa. What do we see on the canvas? In the luxurious palace of Mary at the moment (such a sacred moment!) of the Annunciation, a huge snail crawls from the archangel to the Virgin Mary, not taking its eyes off them. What is this rather nasty creature doing in a painting with a sacred subject? A little more, and in the foreground we will see a trail of mucus behind the snail! In the palace of Mary, the pure, untouched, immaculate Virgin Mary, a slippery snail brings chaos and mucus. This is already too much... Surely, there is some special meaning, a celestial function, with which the talented artist del Cossa nevertheless decided to give the snail such a prominent place in the painting of the Annunciation.

"The Annunciation" by Francesco Del Cossa

This altarpiece was created by del Cossa in 1468–70. for the chapel in the Church of Cestello in Florence (now Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi). In the picture, the snail is a completely earthly creature that does not notice the amazing miracle happening in front of it. It is drawn with amazing accuracy and realism. The roughness of the shell is felt, and characteristic light lines are visible on the body. By the way, the curators of the Dresden Gallery, where the painting is now located, made from the famous del Cossa snail a kind of trademark of the museum, which could well compete with the angels of Raphael’s “Sistine Madonna”. In the foyer of the gallery they even sell symbolic paraphernalia with the image of this snail.

Dresden Art Gallery, Dresden

So, the snail in the foreground is traditionally interpreted as a symbol of the Mother of God and the Immaculate Conception (according to medieval knowledge, snails reproduce from rain). As the dove of the Holy Spirit flies from heaven to impregnate the ever-virgin Mary, her symbol, the ever-virgin snail, quietly crawls along the edge of the frame. However, she is also the link that connects two otherwise disparate realms—the earthly and the sacred.


Soil for keeping snails

The best soil for keeping snails is fine-grained coconut substrate. Before adding soil to the terrarium, it must be processed. To do this, you need to either heat it in the oven or microwave for a few minutes or pour boiling water over it. With this, the larvae of fruit flies and other insects will be destroyed. In addition, this reduces the amount of salt in the soil. Whatever soil is chosen, it should be loose - this will allow snails to burrow into it with ease.

It is not recommended to place stones in the terrarium, since snails sometimes fall from the lid of the terrarium and can break their shell on the stone. Electric lighting, which is so necessary for fish, is completely unnecessary for snails. Thanks to this, you can choose a suitable place in the apartment for the coop without any hassle.

Fu dogs

Such a talisman will preserve the passionate feelings of the spouses and bring financial stability, and they are bought in pairs. Their second name is heavenly Lions; they are considered a symbol of courage, justice and selflessness.

The Chinese tradition of Feng Shui states that fu dogs bring good luck, harmony and stability to the home in relationships and financial matters. According to the Chinese, a dog is a symbol of devotion and fidelity, happiness and prosperity.

If something happens to one of the dogs, they change not just one, but a pair, otherwise the harmony of energy flows will be disrupted; a talisman is not placed in the bedroom.


This is a very favorable and sophisticated symbol, because one cannot help but admire these intelligent and graceful animals.

Dolphins can be depicted in a painting, wallpaper, embroidered on a pillowcase, or it can be a figurine made of wood, stone or metal. Such a talisman will protect your home from visiting people with negative energy, and people with bright thoughts, on the contrary, will come to visit you. If in your personal life you are haunted by one failure after another, get a figurine with two dolphins, and soon you will meet your soul mate. If you place an image of several dolphins jumping out of the water in your house, an atmosphere of harmony and comfort will reign in it, and household members will forget about conflicts and quarrels. People living in the house will be imbued with a feeling of friendship, nobility and responsiveness, which is why it is so important to place such a talisman in the room where there is a child. Don't worry, he will soon have true friends.

If you want dolphins to stand according to Feng Shui, place them in the northwestern part of the house. And by taking such a talisman with you on a trip, you can be sure that no matter what dangers await you along the way, everything will end well.

Animals guard your home according to Feng Shui teachings

The importance of Feng Shui in the lives of many people is quite great. And what’s surprising, because each of us strives to achieve well-being, material wealth and harmony, regardless of what skin color he has or how old he is. Amulets and talismans help to concentrate and direct the flow of energy in the right direction.

With their help, we change the environment, as a result of this, life is transformed, and it is always extremely interesting to observe this process.

A special place in feng theory is occupied by animals, both real and fictional, with special properties and abilities. Animals, or rather, figurines with their images, graphic images or toys, according to Feng Shui, can be reliable talismans; under their influence, the energy of your home can change, depending on your needs and wishes.

An elephant made of bronze, stone or ivory looks simply magnificent. It gives the owner strength, wisdom, and makes him invulnerable. It can help get a good harvest, bring long-awaited rain and increase soil fertility. The white talisman is a symbol of chastity.

It helps close people appreciate each other, maintains an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and makes household members of different ages more tolerant of each other.

For some people, luck enters the house right through the door, perhaps this happens as a result of the light of a favorable star illuminating its path, or maybe for another reason. But this doesn’t happen to everyone; an elephant figurine will help you bring good luck into your home. Many people believe that no matter how far away your luck is, the elephant will reach out to it with its long trunk and pull it in. To do this, you just need to place the figurine on the windowsill so that the trunk is towards the star, and that’s it.

If you want to stay healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, a stork figurine will help you; it also helps those who have been waiting for an heir for a long time. This bird is considered the patron saint of children and the father's home. Those suffering from chronic illnesses can carry the talisman with them; it will alleviate their condition.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to find a successor, place a figurine of Lao Tzu, the ancient sage riding on a stork, in your office. Soon a person will cross the office threshold to whom you can entrust all your affairs. Rest assured, no matter what the first impression is, you can trust this person.

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