If you want stability in your home, place indoor flowers according to Feng Shui

Gardening a room (the right choice of plant and its installation in the right place) plays an important role in charging the space with positive energy.

For example, by choosing the right flowers for your office according to Feng Shui, you can attract new clients to your business or improve relationships with old ones, as well as create a more harmonious working atmosphere.

But our green friends also require special attention to themselves so that they can be healthy, so the negative energy of the room can negatively affect their health.

General rules for landscaping your home

When choosing plants for your home according to Feng Shui, you should follow some rules. We list them below.

  • It is not advisable to keep artificial flowers in the house.
  • It is also not advisable to keep wilted (dried flowers) longer than necessary. They become “vacuum cleaners” of good Qi in your home and can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that can affect both humans and other indoor plants.
  • Place potted plants near family recreation areas with caution. It is advisable that they be at least a meter away from him. This is necessary due to the fact that various processes occur in the pot (decomposition and rotting of useful substances for the flower), which release not very good Qi.
  • It is not advisable to place indoor flowers in the bedroom, otherwise it will be dominated by strong Yang energy, which can disrupt your intimate life.
  • Inspect your home. Where there are corners, niches and places with accumulating energy, flowers should be placed.
  • Stock up on red pots if you have moisture-loving plants. They will be better off in them.

How not to make a mistake

In addition, be sure to give other people plants that for some reason you don’t like, are tired of, or are unpleasant. This applies, first of all, to gifts. It is also believed that yang energy will disappear if you place flowers between doors, at the same distance between windows, or a window and a door.

And be sure to remember: a well-watered and well-groomed plant will thank you in any case.

Indoor plants complement the interior of the kitchen. If they are chosen skillfully, the kitchen will change its purpose, becoming an aesthetic creation. Together with the plants, we will select suitable pots or flowerpots. We follow the advice of designers - use more green color, create compositions to get a decorative effect.

Plants for the kitchen in pots

Begonia: the flower of businessmen and lovers

Begonia received its name in the 17th century in honor of the botanist who studied it. His name was M. Begon. There are more than 400 species of this plant, but three are the most popular. Let's consider the meaning of each type of begonia according to Feng Shui.

Royal begonia

Evergreen bushes with beautiful flowers. They should be placed on the northern windows of those houses that are famous for their hospitality. Begonia is a natural energy filter - no matter what your guests come with, the plant will pass all the energy through itself and give out only positive energy. That is why it is very good for living rooms.

It should also be noted that begonia helps to speed up the pace of your life, and all this will look very harmonious. It also simply needs to be placed in a house where people suffer from frequent bronchitis or simply have a heavy smoker.

Begonia everblooming

A more capricious plant, but very beautiful. This type of begonia should be placed in a house where melancholic or very sentimental people live. Its energy helps control emotions and prevents the progression of depression. If there are troubles or a dark streak in your life, try telling all this to a flower. You will immediately feel relief.

This type is well suited for offices, developing intuition and sensitivity. Such begonia can help overcome indecision and confusion in words at the right moment, as well as the fear of beginning (no matter what - business, recognition, etc.).

Tuberous begonia

Flower of harmony and peace. If installed indoors, it will promote reconciliation, especially among spouses, as well as reduce conflicts between children and parents. It is this type of begonia that can be found among psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. With its help you can get answers to difficult questions or relieve mental stress.

Where to place begonia

This flower should not be placed next to cacti or other similar indoor flowers. Also make sure that the begonia does not stand in a straight line between the doors or window, as it will not have the effect for which it was purchased.

It is advisable to plant a plant with pink, orange and red flowers in one large pot. This will help activate feelings and improve sex life.

How to care for begonia

Although royal begonia is a moisture-loving plant, it cannot be sprayed, as moisture leaves spots on the leaves of the flower that look like burns. She also does not like dark rooms. If you decide to purchase an everflowering begonia, then it needs to create a humid tropical jungle climate.

Tuberous begonia is the most capricious. It should be watered at the same time, but not too wet. It is advisable to keep it in semi-darkness; there should be no drafts in the room, but it should be regularly ventilated.

Plants for the kitchen

Before going for flowers, take measurements of the area where we will allocate them. The illuminated place is the windowsill. It is favorable if the kitchen windows face the east, west and southwest sides. Orchids, azalea, cactus and aloe, cyclamen and succulents, agave take root.

If the side is north or northeast, it is better to purchase plants that love shade. These include monstera and ivy, pteris and arrowroot, aglonema and ficus, phytonia and aspidastra. On shaded sides, try to place plants as close to windows as possible, also using additional light.

Houseplant Spider plants with long leaves

We ventilate so that the cold does not reach the plants directly. Flowers love high humidity, which means we maintain the atmosphere by frequent spraying. If the room is cold, the roots of the plant do not absorb water well, which threatens the root system to rot. If the window sill is too cold, it is better to place the flower pots on a wooden stand.

Flowers also do not like overheating - we place them away from the central heating radiator located under the window. To do this, create an insulating layer of foam plastic under the window.

Bright and stylish mini ficus in a small basket

Indoor plants for the kitchen: chlorophytum crested, violet uzambar, crassula, hippeastrum, aloe

Indoor flowers improve feng shui in the kitchen. Chinese tradition states that every person must know seven arts - the ability to grow greens is included in this number. Plants lift people's spirits and improve the energy of a room. Without them it is empty and uninviting.

Chinese sages, masters of feng shui, advise giving preference to flowers with leaves that are round in shape and which, due to their structure, stretch upward.

According to their energy characteristics, indoor plants are divided into male (asparagus, lemon, dracaena) and female (violet, crassula, cyclamen, begonia) energy. Plants with masculine energy are not suitable for the kitchen.

Plants for a rustic kitchen

Geranium: flower of energetic harmony

Pelargonium (most often this plant is called geranium) is not a demanding, but very useful indoor flower. It has unique properties, producing substances that protect against malignant tumors in the body.

The energetic properties of geranium are quite powerful. The plant can give a person vigor and give him strength in times of need. You just need to sit next to him for a little while. Also, in the case of strong negative emotions, geranium helps to soften them and restore harmony, both with oneself and between people.

Pelargonium can prevent the onset of the disease, you just need to pay attention to it. If it blooms strongly and luxuriantly, then someone in your household is releasing negative energy, which it absorbs. Take a closer look at your family.

Where to place pelargonium according to Feng Shui

But according to Feng Shui, geraniums should be placed in the southeastern sector of the apartment or garden. This way she can help her owners in life. If you are the owner of a private house, then plant the plant near the main entrance on both sides. This way it will prevent negative energy from entering the house.

It is not recommended to place it close to the bed, as geranium has a strong smell of essential oils (to avoid allergic reactions)

Hibiscus: pros and cons

A very controversial and controversial flower. Another name for it is Chinese rose. Many feng shui experts believe that hibiscus with red flowers can strengthen a marriage and promote family happiness, since powerful sexual energy comes from flowers.

A plant with red flowers is contraindicated for those people who have a sensitive nervous system; they are excitable and unbalanced. In this case, the plant should have softer orange flowers.

It should be noted that hibiscus can help unsociable people become more open and free towards others. It becomes much easier to communicate. Buy hibiscus for your home if you feel that your emotional component is suppressed by rational thinking. A flower will allow you to balance everything.

Contrasting properties of hibiscus

There is another theory that hibiscus blooms only in the house where someone is seriously ill, and it can also draw energy from those around them. Feng Shui experts think differently. They claim that the energy of the flower flows upward and diverges to the sides. That is why sick flowers come to life next to him.

But if you are in doubt, then observe the situation in the family - if after purchasing the flower the relationship worsened and something changed for the worse, it is better to remove the plant.

Where to place hibiscus according to Feng Shui

If you decide to purchase a hibiscus with red flowers, then it can be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. It will help restore relationships and rekindle the fire between spouses.

If you are deciding where to place hibiscus according to Feng Shui with orange flowers, you can choose any room for it except the bedroom. Yellow is the color of separation, so it is better not to place a Chinese rose there. The best place would be the southeastern part of the apartment or house. Choose square or rectangular flowerpots.

It is better to place hibiscus with white flowers in the western part of the house, and with red flowers in the southern part. For white flowers, choose round flowerpots of golden or yellow color; for red flowers, choose triangular ones.

Plant energy according to the teachings of Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, any living plant carries the vital energy of Qi. Plants carry purely positive energy, although there are opinions that some specimens are capable of carrying negative energy, which negatively affects the well-being of others. This is not entirely true. You just need to correctly take into account and use the energy of each plant. And the correct selection of plants and their proper arrangement will help harmonize the energy of your home and always positively influence the well-being of others.

DO YOU KNOW THAT... Green, the predominant color of plants and flowers, is one of the most natural and natural. This is the color of chlorophyll - which promotes the growth of all life on earth. In people, the color green evokes feelings of harmony in life, tranquility and balance.

In Eastern teaching, living plants are active objects that influence the energy of the home. They also actively influence the energy of the residents of the house. Being in close proximity to living plants at home, every person is able to feel the influence of a flower on his mood and state of mind.

The main rule in using indoor plants in the interior is to avoid diseased and drying plants , which can weaken the protection of your family. To treat diseased plants, it is necessary to choose a non-residential area of ​​a house or apartment, but if the disease is prolonged, then it is better to get rid of such a plant. In the teachings of Feng Shui, any dried plants are energy vampires, and it is not recommended to keep them indoors, as they will absorb your energy.

As for healthy vegetation, all plants and flowers are divided into two groups according to the energy they release:

1. The energy of the Sun, the masculine principle, the active and aggressive energy of Yang is represented by prickly plants, with sharp leaves, powerful and fast-growing. These include asparagus, aloe, sansevieria, dracaena palm, ficus, chlorophytum, and indoor citrus trees . They make the vital energy of qi flow at an increased speed, are able to improve mood, give vigor and strength, determination, and infect with positivity.

2. The Yin plant is dedicated to the Moon; it contains the mysterious feminine principle . Yin plants have rounded leaves, usually have many flowers and are usually small in size. These beauties include violets, cyclamen, begonia, geranium, as well as some types of charming succulents, for example, Crassula . The positive properties of these plants include their ability to fill the atmosphere with kindness and warmth; they allow us to show true feminine intuition and not lose diligence and patience.

To create a correct and favorable Feng Shui microclimate and energy balance in the house, it is necessary to have both Yang and Yin plants . And each of them needs to correctly determine a place to live so that it does not contradict the flow of energy in the house.

We arrange plants in the house according to Feng Shui recommendations

  • It is important to remember that Yang plants should be kept in rooms characterized by a predominance of masculine energy - a study, a living room. Also, when the room is located in the southern, southeastern or southwestern sector, the presence of Yang plants is simply necessary.
  • It is preferable to keep Yin plants in the kitchen, bedroom and children's room.
  • You should not keep many indoor plants in the bedroom, and they should not be placed too close to the bed. In general, you should not place flower pots too close to the recreation area, since close placement of plants during relaxation may not have such a good effect on a person’s general condition and energy.
  • Plants with thorns, hard leaves or needles should not be placed closer than 1 m from a working, sleeping or resting place.
  • If you want to attract energy into your home, then place flowers in various niches, on shelves and in cabinets.
  • According to Feng Shui, flowers that grow and stretch upward should be kept in the house. It is believed that flowers stretching upward activate positive energy, while plants with drooping leaves and flowers, on the contrary, bring energy down to earth.
  • It is not recommended to place indoor flowers between 2 doors or in a straight line between a door and a window. It is believed that this way the positive energy of the plant quickly and irretrievably flows away.
  • Keep at home only plants that you like, because any flower is a highly sensitive organism; it will not grow well, much less bloom, in an environment of antipathy.
  • And, no matter how much you would like to, you should not use artificial and dried flowers in interior design. Such plants have dead energy and do not have any positive effect on the atmosphere of the house.

Energy of Common Houseplants

According to Feng Shui, all flowers emit their own energy, unique to them. Knowing the energetic impact of a plant on a person and the energy of a space is extremely important for correctly selecting them and assigning them a permanent place of residence in your home.

Crassula, or Crassula in other words - and in everyday life is better known as the “money tree” - has long been considered a symbol of prosperity, well-being and wealth. The presence of a money tree in the house brings an increase in material wealth. The Feng Shui symbol “money tree” is a good activator of the wealth zone in a house, apartment, store, or office.

Feng Shui masters advise planting this tree with your own hands, placing a coin or several coins along with the soil in the pot. When the plant grows, you need to tie a red ribbon on its trunk and decorate it with coins. This Feng Shui symbol should be placed near a window facing southeast. If there is no window in the wealth area, then you can equip artificial lighting and place the money tree on a table, shelf or stand nearby.

Ficus has the ability to neutralize aggression and negative energy well. Creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. However, it cannot be placed in the marriage sector, since its presence in this place can worsen the relationship between spouses.

Myrtle tree. This amazing plant is your assistant in creating a happy and strong family. It brings love and prosperity to your home, and a flowering myrtle tree in the house will create favorable energy. If you have hit a cooling streak in your family relationships, then the myrtle tree will help save your marriage and overcome adversity.

Pelargonium (geranium) is a plant with strong energy. Geranium blooms profusely and luxuriantly, fueled directly by negative energy. It perfectly protects everyone living in the house. After sitting near the plant for a few minutes, you can feel energized and rested. You need to know that geranium releases essential oils, purifies the air, improves metabolism, reduces blood pressure and calms the nervous system. It is not recommended to place the plant near the bed, as inhaling essential oils for a long time can cause headaches and sometimes allergies.

Cacti are considered symbols of prosperity, fulfillment and wealth, despite its heavy energy. According to Feng Shui, the cactus is a symbol of fulfillment. This flower must be placed in the wealth zone. These plants are associated with the pantry because they are extremely water efficient. Cacti also neutralize rage and anger. They are especially indicated for hot-tempered people. This amazing plant helps to introduce elements of logic into emotions and helps not to concentrate on experiences.

Poinsettia, or Christmas star, has recently become a very popular houseplant for the winter holidays.

Poinsettia helps to identify new qualities in yourself and decide on your profession, and promotes communication.

According to Feng Shui, this plant should be placed in the newlyweds’ bedroom so that everything is fine on the marital bed, so that the newlyweds can quickly acquire offspring. This flower also protects from betrayal; it brings happiness to married couples. It gives the woman living in this house a special charm and sexuality.

After purchasing a poinsettia, harmony will reign in your family, as this flower charges the house with positive energy, absorbing all the negative atmosphere into itself. Because of this, milkweed dies immediately in the house where there is powerful negative energy in the form of damage and the evil eye.

Arrowroot or praying grass , according to esotericists, is capable of attracting wealth and good luck into the house, and is also capable of saving family well-being and saving spouses from quarrels.

The arrowroot plant brings comfort and tranquility to the house, thanks to its very attractive appearance, so the positive meaning of the flower is difficult to overestimate. Reviews from domestic flower growers also indicate the unpretentiousness and visual attractiveness of the decorative crop.

Bamboo. The plant absorbs negative energy well. In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that negative energy when passing through the cavities of bamboo changes to positive. It is recommended to keep the plant in a floor and wide vase in the corner of the room.

The lemon tree is especially recommended to be placed near children, as this tree develops curiosity and increases the desire for knowledge. Lemon increases activity and independence.

Balsam, or as it is popularly called “wet Vanka”. According to Feng Shui, this indoor flower can attract joy into the home, as it has the property of emitting warm energy. The plant is good for placing in spacious rooms of a private house, but “wet Vanka” can “take root” in the office. In a work team, balsam will help smooth out conflicts and reduce quarrels and disagreements.

Cyclamen in the house is a warming sun on cold winter days; it blooms mainly in winter. It is useful for those people who are afraid of the cold, who are allergic to cold, who freeze just at the thought of winter.

Cyclamen is suitable for managers. Both children and adults become more active under its influence. It is also very useful to have where there are capricious children.

Fern is a plant vampire. They grow well in unfavorable areas, taking away all the negative energy. However, you should be careful with him, as with any vampire. You cannot place a fern in the room of a sick, tired, weakened person. But it is perfect for a children's room. It will help relieve the student’s fatigue and tension.

Curiously, a fern can protect a home from unplanned expenses. It is known that even heirs purchased fern before receiving property. It is also necessary to have it in those houses where maximalists and people prone to exaggeration live. Fern is good in cases where people are too active, and is also useful for people with intellectual work.

Echmeya helps absent-minded and indecisive people, those who cannot begin to act, to come to the realization of their cherished plans. Echmea also helps to develop independence in a person.

This flower is especially good for men.

Dracaena is a beautiful plant that kills any negative energy. Depending on the species, each dracaena has its own effect on the energy of the house and its household. For example, Dracaena derema is able to cleanse the energy of the atmosphere in the house from the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people who are always in a hurry somewhere, people who are often in a state of stress. Dracaena has the ability to relieve depressed states. It soothes any bone pain. A calm dracaena relaxes a person. Just by being in the house, she can protect household members from osteochondrosis and muscle pain.

But dracaena Godsef , which differs in appearance from other types of dracaenas with its oval leaves, is capable of clearing the atmosphere of pessimistic energies and thoughts of emotional, lunar people. It smoothes out the conflict of clashing opposing energies in the atmosphere of the house. The plant helps us find agreement between emotionality and rationality, between desires and possibilities. The fire of dracaena burns diseases and toxins, and water washes away the “products of combustion.”

It should also be remembered that:

  • according to the teachings of Feng Shui, fruiting and flowering plants release more energy than decorative leafy plants, and large plants release more energy than small ones;
  • plants with lush and soft foliage emit more positive energy, in contrast to plants with sharp, hard, thorny leaves;
  • and, most importantly, for any flower - like a Feng Shui talisman - to fully demonstrate its capabilities, and its energy field to be active, show it your attention and love, and it will definitely help you. And you, communicating with this most beautiful particle of the universe, will bring your soul into a state of complete harmony with nature.

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Hydrangea: flower of the hormonal background of the inhabitants of the house

If you want stability in your home, then be sure to purchase hydrangea. Its soft energy helps smooth out conflicts and restrain the desire for argument and quarrels (this is especially important if you have people coming to visit you who can hardly tolerate each other).

It is believed that hydrangea can show the energy level in the home. If it is positive, then the flowering of the plant will be lush and abundant, and if there is a lot of negative, then the hydrangea most likely will not bloom at all. Healthy flowers can normalize the emotional state of the inhabitants of the house, calm and eliminate tension.

Hydrangea has a positive effect on those people who have a creative character. Thanks to her, they can make spontaneous decisions. The same people who are in melancholy easily leave it, as soon as they find themselves surrounded by these beautiful flowers.

The meaning of hydrangea is modesty, loyalty and hope. Many peoples believe that these flowers can ward off illnesses and various misfortunes from home.

Where is the best place to place hydrangea?

The best place for hydrangea is the southwest of the house. A flower placed in this direction has a beneficial effect on the intimate sphere of the spouses, and also has a positive effect on hormonal levels.

Orchid according to Feng Shui: a symbol of harmony and perfection

The importance of the orchid flower in the interior can hardly be overestimated. This is a bright symbol of love and romance, as well as harmony. That is why it is often presented as a gift to loved ones and placed in rooms for prayer and meditation.

The orchid should not be placed in close proximity to children and people with unstable mental health. In terms of its meaning, an orchid is a delicate flower. She reacts well to the emotional background of the house where she lives. If it is negative, then the flower may die.

How to place an orchid correctly

It is believed that orchids should not be placed in the bedroom, as these feminine flowers completely suppress the masculine principle. Also, they should not be placed in the bedroom where boys live. In general, a bedroom for an orchid is taboo. Its activation occurs just at night, it begins to draw energy from the vulnerable sleeper. A good place for an orchid is the living room.

This flower will work very well in a room for meditation or prayer, as it can awaken spiritual feelings and thoughts. Works well on the subconscious. It would be ideal to place the orchid where there is a large flow of qi - an entrance hall or corridor. The flower can easily hold him back.

Let's look at how you can place an orchid according to the cardinal directions:

  • southeast - the flower will contribute to success in your endeavors, as well as prosperity and good luck;
  • southwest - a good location of the orchid for a family in which there are frequent quarrels (it will be able to improve relationships and establish harmony in the family);
  • east - orchids should be moved to this part of the house if someone in the house is sick (it will contribute to a speedy recovery and help improve health);
  • north – suitable for business people (especially if the house has an office in this sector);
  • northwest - relationships with loved ones are gradually improving.

How to place indoor plants according to directions

Plants are used in places where there is a threat of stagnation of qi energy, or in places that have not yet been used. Plants are an excellent way to weaken the influence of sharp corners and neutralize striking arrows; they are especially good for covering the edges of bookcases or sharp corners of office furniture. Plants with sharp leaves have a predominant yang energy and accelerate the movement of qi. Plants with rounded leaves have more yin properties. Since the element of plants is wood, they are most useful in the southern part of the room, where they strengthen the influence of fire.

Since plants are associated with wood, they should not be placed in the southwest, northeast and center, since these sectors relate to soil. They are best suited for the living room and dining room, but in the kitchen and bedroom plants should be used with great care.

Cacti and other thorny plants should not be placed near people, and in any case they have no place in the southwest, since this sector is responsible for family relationships. However, some books claim that thorny plants on windowsills deter burglars.

Artificial plants are less beneficial, but they can also stimulate chi energy if kept clean and tidy. It is necessary to regularly clean them from dust. Dried plants are not as beneficial, they should be kept out of reach, and ideally their use should be limited to the colder seasons.

Azalea: inspiration and muse

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of the azalea flower is pure energy of inspiration. By placing it in the home of a creative person, you will contribute to the emergence of new masterpieces and creations. Alalia is able to awaken altruism in a person and bring a charge of vigor to the home.

This flower helps to get rid of the habit of gossip, and also relieves its owner from gossip around him. If there are people in the house with a very excitable nervous system, then the plant will help calm down.

Where to place the azalea

It is favorable to place a flowerpot with azaleas with white flowers in the Earth sector. There she will be able to strengthen Metal (this should be done if it is favorable).

By placing a flower with white buds in the northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, you can strengthen the energy of money. If the inhabitants of the house have poor memory or increased intracranial pressure, then place the azalea in the directions indicated above, so you can reduce the influence of the Earth element.

To increase the energy of the Earth in the indicated directions, you need to place azaleas with orange, pink or red buds. This will help to exert positive energy on the stomach, bones and muscles.

Place a pot of red azalea in the bedroom on the windowsill on the south side - you will immediately feel the activation of sexual energy in your relationship.

Selecting indoor plants based on their energy properties

Plants with active energy

: yucca, cactus, coconut palm, anthurium. They have no place in a bedroom or nursery; place them, for example, at the entrance to a house or apartment, and they will protect you from evil forces.

Plants with calm energy:

aloe, begonia, camellia, guzmania, hoya, soleirolia.
They will give you self-confidence, put you in a peaceful mood, create harmony, and promote good sleep .

: ficus benjamina, ivy, monstera, philodendron, nephrolepis (fern). Eliminate bad energy or transform it into beneficial energy for a person.

Resuscitating plants:

bamboo, crassula, cyclamen, bougainvillea, cyperus. They restore strength, promote a good mood, and give vigor. Bamboo influences a person’s character, endowing him with its main qualities - the ability to “take a hit” and remain evergreen, that is, young.

© Ogudin Valentin

Ficus according to Feng Shui - positive and cheerful in the apartment

The importance of ficus for the owners of an apartment or house is very great, especially if a certain amount of energy needs to be introduced. It has a positive effect on childbirth, so it is recommended to purchase it for couples who cannot have children.

Ficus very easily harmonizes family relationships, creates a good and favorable home atmosphere, and reduces the threshold of aggressiveness.

Ficus Benjamin will also help reduce nervous tension among those living indoors and give them a charge of vigor and positivity. However, you need to know the right place to place it.

Where to put ficus according to Feng Shui

Now let’s look in more detail at where to place the ficus so that it brings the greatest benefit. The southeast is one of the good directions where you can place this flower. For the inhabitants of the house in this sector, it will bring peace, harmony and prudence. The direction is good for hot-tempered people, it will make them calmer, and also for insecure people, they will be able to become more purposeful.

Some Feng Shui experts recommend placing this flower in the bedroom. It can make your sleep more restful. Ficus in the kitchen will protect the inhabitants of the house from poverty and hunger, and will attract cash flow. Thanks to its properties of creating a peaceful atmosphere, ficus looks good in the living room.

In some areas of the house it is strictly not recommended to install fixings. This is the center, southwest and northeast of the apartment. These directions are associated with the elements of the Earth, so a plant placed in this zone will force the inhabitants of the house to think only about material wealth.

How to care for a plant

Ficus requires careful care. The plant does not tolerate drafts and dust, loves space and plenty of light. Ficus also needs to be watered or sprayed frequently, especially in winter when the heating in the house is turned on.

To make your flower magical, you need to transplant the ficus correctly. You need to decide what you want to get from his presence in your home (financial well-being, harmony in family relationships, children). Then ask the ficus for help; you can even place notes under the roots during replanting, symbols of what you need. After some time, your wish will definitely come true.

Artificial flowers: can they be placed in the house?

Regarding artificial flowers in the house, Feng Shui experts say that you can keep them, but you need to place them in certain places, since they, in fact, provide very little energy. It is desirable that they are made of natural materials, for example, silk, cotton, paper. It is not recommended to use plastic artificial flowers in the interior.

If there are artificial flowers in your interior, then they need to be constantly cleaned, as they tend to absorb energy and, after a while, release it with a vengeance. Consequently, such flowers can be placed for a short time in a house where there are constant quarrels and discord, after which they need to be thrown away or burned. But where love and happiness reign, it is better not to place artificial flowers, as they will absorb everything, after which the atmosphere of the home may change.

It is not recommended to leave dried flowers in the house, as they carry the energy of death. They should be thrown away immediately. But if any bouquet has value for you as a memory (for example, a wedding), then place it in a crystal vase - this material will soften the negative impact of a dry bouquet.

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