What name can you come up with for a real estate agency?

At the stage of opening a real estate agency, its director will have to resolve many issues and nuances, from collecting documents, searching for experienced and reliable realtors, to arranging the premises. It is also important to determine what to name the real estate agency. After all, a lot will depend on this, including the success of the work.

Tips on how to name a real estate agency

Of course, in some cases you can do without a name. This applies to situations when an agency opens in a small town and has no competitors at all. Then you can simply hang up a sign with the text “Real Estate Agency”, and this will be enough for potential clients to know about you. But if there are already one or more competitors, then you cannot do without a name. After all, this way you can stand out from their background and attract those who want to use the services of realtors.

Where to start choosing a name?

The first stages of choosing a name for a real estate agency are as follows:

  1. Analyze the business market in the region . You need to find out which real estate agencies operate in your region and what their names are. This will help avoid a situation where your agency has a name that is similar to a competitor. When analyzing, you can also pay attention to the agency ratings. The brighter and more successful the name, the more successful the company. You can check this data either using the Internet or by conducting a survey among friends and acquaintances - who would they turn to if they were choosing from several advertisements.
  2. Decide on the specifics of your company . If you will work with both commercial and residential real estate, then the name should be general. If with any one type of it, it is advisable to outline the range of services provided with its help.
  3. Assess the target audience and pricing policy . For an agency dealing with luxury, expensive housing, a name that contains the wording “affordable housing” will not be suitable. On the contrary, if you are selling simple apartments, it is stupid to use the word “elite” in the name of the company.
  4. Determine what services the company will provide . Selling or renting a home, or both. It is desirable that the name, if not as fully as possible, then at least partially indicates what exactly you do.

How to name a real estate agency according to Feng Shui: we're not kidding

We anticipate comments that such methods do not work in such a serious business. Of course, we do not advise you to become imbued with Chinese wisdom and rely only on it. However, we urge you to remember: the main principle of Feng Shui is harmony. The Earth element, which is suitable in this case, is associated with reliability, caring for people, a warm hearth, etc.

Agree, “My new apartment” sounds much better than “Real Estate Agency No. 1.” Starting from a specific direction is a win-win option. Use positive associations that inspire trust

and are associated with comfort, reliability and safety.

This applies not only to the company name, but also to the logo and website design as a whole. Proceed from the fact that the name does not exist on its own, but is included in the general concept.

Approaches to developing a name

There are several approaches to developing a name.

  1. Use of foreign words. Today this is one of the most popular methods. Names in English are often used, for example “City Streets”. It's worth noting that you should use words and phrases that you know exactly what they mean, otherwise, using two fancy words to create a phrase that doesn't make sense can end badly.

Interesting fact: According to recent studies, Russians are not very friendly towards companies with a foreign name. The reason for this is that not everyone speaks a foreign language at a sufficient level and can translate the name, and the older generation, moreover, finds it difficult to remember such a name.

  1. Using association methods. That is, the name should directly state the type of activity you have, “Rental House”, “Howl’s Moving Castle”.
  2. Using the method of indirect associations . That is, the name should indicate the quality of the services provided, “Elite”, “Garant”.
  3. Use of georeferencing. For example, if your agency is located on the 20th floor, you can use the name “20th Floor”. If you have opened an office on Pushkin Street, then the option “Real Estate Agency on Pushkin” is possible.
  4. Indication of the owner of the company. For example, “Evelina’s Apartments”, “Best Real Estate from Vasilisa”.

Names of real estate agencies: formulating the main rules

Remember the two main criteria - clarity and brevity

. Assume that when a potential client sees your sign on the street or reads information about the company on the Internet, he should immediately remember it. And of course, understand what services you provide.

When creating names for real estate companies, we recommend choosing one of the naming principles:

  • Direct associations with business.
    This simple method really works. “Housing problem” or “Your own home” immediately refer to the direction of the company’s work. The main disadvantage is that there are a majority of such companies.
  • Add a geo reference.
    Of course, if it says something to your audience. For example, “Mortgage agency on Vasilyevsky”. The main thing is to make sure that there are not 5 other similar companies located near you.
  • Use of the owner's name.
    Another option is to give the name some personality. "Real estate agency of Konstantin Rumyantsev." Make sure the owner's name is easy to remember, otherwise you should avoid this method.

Video: How to come up with a name for a company?

You can learn more about approaches to naming from the video below. It examines five main approaches to choosing a company name, including a real estate agency. The specialist gives a number of useful tips on choosing a name and offers his own, most successful options:

When choosing a name for a real estate agency, it is worth considering several factors - it should reflect your type of activity, be simple and easy to remember, and most importantly, not repeat the names of real estate agencies already existing in your city or region.

What names should you avoid?

There are names that seem original and sound beautiful, but if the meaning behind them is lost, it is better to abandon them.

  • Be careful with foreign words. Sometimes the owner chooses a name, say in English, solely out of euphony. It is very distantly connected with the business sector. Example: “Green House” can equally well turn out to be both a country real estate sales company and a landscape design company.
  • Do not use “status” but meaningless names. “Garant Plus” or “Agency Elite” will tell you that you provide reliable service or work with premium clients. But they don’t tell you the main thing: your activity is related to real estate.

Previously, many entrepreneurs, trying to get to the top of the lists of directories, tried to name a real estate agency so that it began with the letter “A”. Hence the names that are quite ridiculous for the real estate industry: “Lampshade”, “Active Search” or “Alliances” and “Alexandra”, which are incomprehensible to clients.

Fortunately, entrepreneurs now very rarely make such mistakes. And they direct their efforts to promoting on the Internet. However, this is a topic for a separate article.

How to name an LLC according to Feng Shui

Do you know that envy is easy? I can inexpensively set up your photos to reflect energy. THE ENVY WILL RETURN HIS NEGATIVE DOUBLE.

Free cooperation options are available. Selecting a good name for the company Well, now you have calculated your name, let's decipher it.

What do the numbers mean? Let's look at a few successful and, in my opinion, beautiful names.

You must understand that the name of the company must be such that customers want to do business with it.

Why is this number of words set, and not, for example, two, four or five?

This is where numerology, the famous science of numbers, will come to the rescue; it recommends focusing on just one word.

The thing is that, according to the art of Feng Shui, one is a very positive symbol, symbolizing winning. This means that by giving your brand or LLC a monosyllabic name, you are automatically programming it for success. As for the number three, it symbolizes growth.

By naming your company this way, you will achieve very quick success.

Creating a Feng Shui company logo

As a rule, a logo contains certain shapes, colors, and text.

A good logo should be equally recognizable in both color and black and white.

Fire - food, love, holiday, creativity, energy, trade, sports. Types of activities with a predominance of the Fire element: Food - restaurants, catering, grocery store.

Love - dating, marriage agency.

Holiday - toastmaster, animators, event and show agencies. Creativity - art studio, design studio.

Choose from several titles

Try to come up with several names for your real estate agency. Once your options have been identified, ask your friends and family for their opinions and listen to their advice and tips. In order to understand how pleasant the company name will be to hear, ask your friends to pronounce the chosen name several times in a conversation.

Alternatively, choose a few titles and don’t make a final decision yet. Leave this idea for a few days and turn your attention to other important matters. Then, after some time, return to the question of choosing a name and evaluate your options with a “fresh look.” We are sure that some of them will disappear immediately and will seem undignified, incongruous and ugly. So, you will leave only the best options.

The name for an agency is a very important attribute

Examples of beautiful, creative and successful LLC company names in alphabetical list

There are also a number of other requirements for the full name: The name is officially approved by the enterprise at the time of state registration.
Anyone who decides to solve this problem on their own needs to rely on the rules of marketing, the Russian language and, of course, a creative approach. What you need to keep in mind when choosing the name of your organization: For most areas, standard rules for creating a name are suitable, which are not very imaginative, but have already been time-tested: You can learn how to choose a name for your company from this video. Different names are suitable for organizations depending on the type of services provided and the area.

Remember the price segment

In your quest for a harmonious name, don’t forget that you need to reach your target audience. If you are helping in the purchase of inexpensive housing, avoid prefixes such as “elite”, “premium”, etc.

Are you targeting wealthy buyers? Think about how to play with this when naming. But don't overdo it. The real estate agency "Top-premium elite apartments", of course, is already too much. Don’t forget about the slogan and other advertising texts - here you can turn around.

A good name for a feng shui company

Everyone is probably familiar with the expression “As you name a ship, so it will sail,” and this rule of life, in fact, also applies to companies.

That is why many people ask a reasonable question - “How to choose the right name for a Feng Shui company?”: the examples below will help you figure it out and, perhaps, immediately resolve your dilemma. Also from this article you will learn important secrets and subtleties that will allow you to avoid common mistakes when choosing a big name for your business.

Calculate the number and find out what the company name means in terms of numerology.

Enter your proposed business name:

You can calculate the number of your company name yourself using the diagram shown above and read its description using the links below:

This is the number that is responsible for a wonderful vacation, so under its rule it will be good for travel companies or sports - fitness, dance, book clubs, where people will feel comfortable and relaxed, enjoying their visit.

This figure is suitable for expensive perfume, fur, leather or gold stores, as well as antiques. The owner of this enterprise must be of considerable age; young people, even with money, alas, will not be lucky with this figure - perhaps things will not work out.

This is a monetary number, so it is perfect for banks or lawyer, notary or legal offices dealing with property and real estate.

The number 9 is calm, so it is suitable for psychological clinics, as well as medical institutions, such as dentists, private hospitals and other enterprises that may cause people anxiety. Your people will always feel comfortable and cozy, regardless of the problems that arise.


Feng Shui company names

A good Feng Shui name is one that consists of one or three words, and also includes a syllable for the type of activity that you are going to engage in. Let's look at these points in order and in more detail to understand everything.

So, why should a company name consist of one word (or three), why not two, five or some other number? Let's go back to the origins of Feng Shui numerology. The fact is that the ideal company name should generally be contained in one single word.

The number one is a very good symbol, according to Chinese Feng Shui it literally means "winning".

Therefore, it turns out that if your brand or LLC has one word, then it is already programmed for success. A name consisting of three words is also a good idea, since three is a number that is interpreted as “growth”, and therefore your enterprise will quickly take off. But as for the name of the company, which consists of two words, here, alas, one cannot expect much success.

Let's look at a trivial example. Let's say you decide to open a beauty salon and plan to name it “Christina”. This is a good name for a company according to Feng Shui, although it does not reflect the energy of the future field of activity, but, nevertheless, the name is feminine, and therefore is closely related to beauty.

When you are preparing a sign for your office or business, consider the following factor: the final form of the words on your sign, including the name, should also be either three or one.

In some cases, this may be the number six, as it is also good for business.

Name for a real estate agency in Europe

The phrase should be short, uncomplicated, consist of 1-3 words that are more or less understandable to the average consumer, and be pleasant to the ear.
At the subconscious level, he should associatively evoke the motive of recognition among potential clients. People going to the agency for the first time should feel that this place is already somewhat familiar to them. It is important to take care that the name of a real estate agency, even a foreign one, does not turn out to be a random meaningless set of words.

There will always be a meticulous client who will not be lazy to analyze the true meaning of a word or phrase. And the matter could end in serious failure. Direct associations This is the simplest and most straightforward way. Its essence is a direct indication of the area of ​​activity of your office.

Most of these signs are like this. This includes numerous “City Real Estate”, “Square Meters” and “Housing Issues”.

Names for real estate agency

Classics of the genre - “Your Home” or “Mortgage Agency”. The advantage of such a name is that the client has no doubt about where he ended up. Attention Agree, when you open the door under the sign “Your Home,” you hardly expect to end up in a pharmacy or an antique shop.

The downside is mediocrity. With such a name, you will not stand out in any way among numerous and sometimes very creative competitors. Important And, as a result, advertising costs will increase.

Let's complicate the task Indirect associations If you designate your activity with some beautiful and sonorous word like “Elite”, no one will understand its meaning without decoding it.

For example, the name “Garant” hints at commitment and quality, but does not say anything about the specific scope of the services offered. Something personal You can call the agency a beautiful woman’s name or, for example, “Ignatiev and K” - after the owner’s surname.

Foreign real estate agencies

If you decide to open a real estate agency, but are having difficulty choosing a suitable name, the examples below and a clear classification will help you choose the right option.

This article describes the main strategies for forming the names of real estate agencies, and also provides many examples of already existing enterprises throughout Russia.

Below we describe the basic principles for constructing bright, thematic and concise names of such institutions.

  1. Names that evoke direct associations with the type of activity of the agency. This group of names includes direct occurrences of words such as “real estate”, “real estate”, “estate”.

The best foreign real estate agencies

The name of your agency should reflect the specifics of your business. You shouldn’t call it “Sell your house!” if you only deal with rental transactions for non-residential premises. There is no need to call the agency a boring, faceless name, of which there are already a dime a dozen.

Moreover, they are easy to forget. A person may walk past your agency, read the sign and not remember it. And you will already lose a potential client. 3 Pay attention to the target audience.

If you are selling cheap houses on the outskirts of a city or village, then you should not call the agency “Elite Real Estate”.

Likewise, a rich person will not go into an office called “Affordable Housing at Affordable Prices.” 4 Check on the Internet which agencies already exist near you and what their names are. After all, you have to stand out, have a better name than theirs.

Real estate agencies in Europe

What else should you take care of in this difficult creative task? Feng Shui to help you It's no secret that it is now very fashionable to conduct almost any business with an eye on the tenets of Feng Shui.

What does this mean in relation to our case? For the successful development of a business, you should know the element to which it may relate. And this depends on the functions that your agency will perform. By definition, these include preserving and protecting clients' homes and caring for people.

In general, this moment can be attributed to the Earth element. Its manifestation should be played up both in the name and in the interior design. Among other things, you should use it when developing a website design, choosing advertising banners, etc.

Another element that might also work is Fire. Its task is to support the Earth. The colors of these two elements should be yellow and brown (for Earth).

Real estate agency brand

Some entrepreneurs consider this approach not very original, but a considerable number of agencies combine the above words with other vocabulary, obtaining more than interesting options, such as “Sputnik-Real Estate”, “Cherry Estates”, “Dialogue Realty”, etc.

  • Thematic titles related to home, housing, rentals, etc. This strategy for creating agency names is as popular as the first option. Names such as “Favorite City”, “Housing Academy” and “Meter Exchange” allow you to evoke direct associations and attract customers.
  • Titles are names. This method of constructing names is used not only in the real estate industry. Under the name "Anastasia", for example, both a hairdressing salon and a grocery store can successfully operate. In fact, this is a universal and most often win-win name option for any institution.

Names of real estate agencies in Europe

Engaged in both the sale of residential and commercial real estate and operations related to land plots. RE/MAX provides comprehensive support to clients at all stages of the purchase and registration of real estate.

The company's clients usually seek repeated consultations and often recommend RE/MAX services to their relatives and friends. Prime Realty Prime Realty agency specializes in the sale and rental of expensive and budget real estate in different European countries.

Provides qualified assistance in searching and selecting a suitable property, purchasing or renting it in France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Portugal and Cyprus. It has been operating on the market since 1995. The agency's main office is located in Moscow.

In addition to the usual residential and commercial real estate, Prime Realty offers a wide selection of properties in such an unusual segment as the sale/purchase of vineyards.

In addition, the company offers everyone a study trip to any country to inspect the selected facility, accompanied by a Russian-speaking employee.

The agency's specialists prepare all documents for the transaction, provide legal support, assist in opening accounts, preparing documents with a notary and registering property rights.

Post-sales services are also offered: purchasing furniture, renovating premises, finding a housekeeper, etc.

A fundamentally important advantage of the EstateService agency is that all the company’s services are absolutely free for its clients and in no way affect the cost of the purchased property. BG Fortuna BG FORTUNA agency has been working in the real estate market since 2005. Specializes in the rental and sale of housing and commercial properties in Bulgaria.

Name of real estate agency in Europe

Do you remember the famous Vrungel’s saying about a boat that will float as you call it? Agree that choosing a catchy name that immediately sticks in your memory is already half the success in the prosperity of any business. And the office providing real estate services is no exception.

Choosing the name of a real estate agency So, you are a businessman, your field is transactions in the housing market. But what can you call a real estate agency if you don’t have too much creativity? Or simply nothing comes to mind? In this case, there are simple algorithms for generating a suitable name.

Let's look at the main ones. The magic of foreign language pronunciation Not everyone is fluent in a foreign language. By choosing a sonorous foreign-language name, the owner of almost any business can add mystery and ambiguity to his sign.

Most Russian citizens have at least once thought about changing their place of residence or opening their own business abroad.

Some are stopped by a lack of funds, others are afraid of red tape with paperwork and the possibility of contacting an unscrupulous seller.

To ensure that purchasing property abroad goes quickly and smoothly, you should use the services of experienced specialists from foreign real estate agencies. Today we will look at the best Russian companies in this market segment.

RE/MAX International RE/MAX International is one of the largest and most famous international networks of real estate agencies. The company has representative offices in at least 90 countries.

The agency has 95 thousand licensed consultants in 6,500 offices around the world. RE/MAX has been on the real estate market since 1973.

It’s unlikely that anyone will like it if another “Olympus” or “Alpha” appears. This will mislead clients, and they may even sue.

Many agencies create websites, so it wouldn’t hurt to first run the proposed name through search engines to determine its uniqueness and ability to use it in the domain. 6 To develop the name of a real estate agency, like any other company, it is better to involve several people. The more options you come up with, the better: there will be plenty to choose from.

If there are many real estate agencies in your area, name the company with a word starting with the letter “A.” Then it will take first place in directories and catalogues, which is important for attracting customers.

on the topic The name of the company can quite rightly be applied to the lines from the song sung by the cartoon character Captain Vrungel: “Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.”

Source: //fundsnet.ru/nazvanie-dlya-agentstva-nedvizhimosti-v-evrope/

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