Signs of fate - a description of the symbolic stars of Ba Tzu according to Feng Shui, lucky and unlucky symbols

What does a symbolic star represent?

The stars in Ba Zi are not celestial bodies, they are symbolic. These are virtual stars that a person calculates based on the year of birth, the animal's birthday and the trunk of the birthday. According to the formula, a person will be able to connect the energies of life and the surrounding space. If you live in accordance with the stars in your chart, you can harmoniously manage the areas of your life and avoid some problems with work, finances and family. Knowledge of the Ba Zi technique helps you make the right decisions and not make a mistake in choosing the path. The meaning of each star consists of many characteristics.

Personality analysis according to Ba Zi

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to understand that several stars correspond to the same person, and this leads to a complex character and a very difficult fate. People with the most difficult combinations do not make decisions easily, but are easily confused in their loyalties and cannot decide on the purpose of life.

Networks of Heaven and Earth

Any network or trap means that a person can get stuck in some difficult situations; it will not be easy for him to find an effective solution and way out of them.

If these symbolic stars are built into the map, then they will influence the person throughout his life. However, it is believed that in the case when a person was born on the day of Wood or Metal, the element of the birthday will be able to weaken the negativity from these stars, which means there will be fewer problems in life. And if the Networks come in a beat or a year, then their influence will be limited by time. In any case, meeting such a star is a reason to be vigilant, because prosecution, a fine, prison or illness may come into a person’s life. The combination of the Network with demons requires special attention; this may indicate accidents.

Fortunately, just based on a negative star, one should not conclude that a person’s life will necessarily be difficult and full of troubles. Thus, it is known that the following combinations can be difficult for women’s cards:

in the card there isDragon and pillars癸巳Yin Water on the Snake or丁巳Yin Fire on the Snake,

or the card containsSnake and pillars壬辰Yang Water on the Dragon or丙辰Yang Fire on the Dragon.

But we have a very significant example of the card of Susan Essman, an American actress, comedian, producer and writer. Despite the presence of the Earth Trap in the map, Susan is quite successful.

Susan was born on May 31, 1955 into a strong middle class American family. She received a good education and starred in numerous films and television shows. In one of the interviews, the actress admitted that after the third season of the series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” she could not calmly walk down the street - people recognized her, stopped her, asked her to repeat her character’s catchphrase, and roared with laughter. Susan later wrote a book and was nominated several times for the Screen Actors Guild Award. She lives in a stable marriage and is quite prosperous both in her personal life and in her profession.

Characteristics of stars

All symbolic stars have many characteristics that vary by cell. The main one is the Personality cell, which characterizes a person and his basic qualities. The remaining characteristics relate to the spheres of life of the elements surrounding the personality. These are money, career, creativity, family, children, relatives, etc.

What are the characteristics and meanings of the main symbolic stars?

Noble man

This is a lucky and favorable star in terms of characteristics. If a person has it in his chart, it will be easy to build a life because good luck accompanies him. It enhances the meaning of positive stars in a person’s chart. But sometimes it is suppressed by negative stars and does not show positive qualities for the owner. Ideally, in a person’s chart, the Noble Man star should be in the month or year of birth.

Flower of romance

This is an ambiguous symbol. Positive aspects - sexuality, attractiveness, happiness in personal relationships. Negative aspects - gambling and depravity. Owners of the Flower of Romance are easily carried away, become gamblers, or are characterized by promiscuity in their relationships. For the Flower of Romance star to bring happiness, it must be the only one in the chart and be in the right place. Otherwise, a person must be able to control himself.

traveling horse

Other names are Post Horse or Yamskaya Horse. A star of activity and striving for goals. It in the map helps a person to constantly improve and move towards development. Perfectly assists the owner in travel, relocation and business trips. If the star is connected to the Resource cell, then it will be easy to study and gain new knowledge.

Symbolic star Traveling horse

Art and loneliness

The presence of an Art star in a chart indicates a person’s inclination towards creative endeavors and subtle taste. But such people are also prone to a lonely lifestyle; they are burdened by unnecessary company and attention. Problems arise with starting a family. But if there is a family, then such people treat their spouse with tenderness and love.

Red Luan

This is a positive symbol for the owner. Helps improve personal life, and also makes its owner attractive. A person with such a symbol will never be lonely and unhappy. But it is important to understand that opposing symbols can destroy the influence of the Red Phoenix.


The General's Star is the leader's star. This is a person with the qualities of a commander and authoritative influence. The owner of the symbol can easily become a boss in both a civilian position and a military career. In any case, the star imparts wisdom and discipline. In a map it can enhance the influence of other stars that are located nearby. There is a possibility of negative traits appearing if it is adjacent to other unfavorable symbols.


Bad symbol. The Bankruptcy Star in the chart speaks of big financial problems, possibly the collapse of material well-being. How severe the money crisis is depends on the symbols that surround the Bankruptcy star. The stronger they are, the fewer problems there will be from an unsuccessful symbol. It is very bad if such a symbol is in the card of a person who is engaged in business. Huge problems with business can be expected, and some experts generally advise that in this case the business should not be registered in one’s own name. It can also negatively affect family and health.


This is a positive symbol. If there are several Vaults in a person’s chart, then there is a chance of becoming rich, successful and influential. One of the clearest examples of having a Four Pillar Warehouse is Bill Gates. It was the Money Vault in the map that contributed to enrichment and material well-being.

Bill Gates is a prime example of the presence of Storage in the four pillars


The presence of the “Robbery” symbol leads to direct losses. These are not necessarily monetary or valuable losses. This includes loss of status, trust, prestige, and place in society. Supported by four signs: Dog, Ox, Goat, Dragon.

The owner of this symbol can both lose a lot and learn to take away from others. Sometimes such people have a combination of cunning and the ability to think outside the box. There may be a tendency to deception, theft, and resourcefulness.


Owners of the “Self-punishment” symbol in their cards very often create problems for themselves in many areas of life. This happens due to inattention, absent-mindedness, constant rushing, and also due to personal prejudices. To neutralize the effect of the star of Self-punishment, you need to work on yourself and your discipline all your life.


Another name is Academician's star. In itself, it already speaks of a favorable opportunity for learning, of the presence of talents in literature and science. Such people make writers, as well as great scientists and philosophers. More often, people with such a symbol in the map occupy a prominent place in society and have a high social status.


This card does not signify aggression or the talent of a natural killer. Such a star only indicates the presence of strategist skills. War can have a double meaning, which allows such talent to be turned both positively and negatively.

This may be an intelligent person with leadership qualities, or he may become a natural deceiver, a cunning manipulator and an opportunist. The owner of such a symbol is able to quickly adapt to the situation and change depending on external circumstances.


They are lovers of justice and honesty. People with the Warrior symbol will always stand up for the poor, weak and disadvantaged. This person is interested in the truth on a global scale and will always be happy to climb the barricades for it.

Golden carriage

More often, the presence of the Golden Carriage star leads to material well-being, which will be reflected in external attributes. This is the presence of a rich house, an expensive car, jewelry and a golden toilet. But the combination with negative symbols in the map leads to global collapse and great losses, including financial ones.

Angel of Death

Another name is Demon of Destruction. Do not be afraid of the name; more often it is a harbinger not of problems from the outside world, but of minor troubles that the owner of the symbol is endowed with. These are most likely some internal fears that interfere with full development. Large complexes will lead to problems with character and communication. Conflicts with the law and even imprisonment are also possible. But in any case, these are internal inconsistencies that can be resolved with constant work on yourself. But if the placement of the symbol is positive, then the owner can become a diplomat or simply have a wide circle of communication due to his ability to find a common language with everyone.

Sheep knife

The Sheep Knife symbol also has a double meaning. Positive qualities are determination, the ability to achieve one’s goals, and clarity of decisions. Such people rarely doubt and always know what they want to achieve in life and from others.

Negative aspects - stubbornness, conflict, inability to listen to other people's opinions and lose. A person recognizes himself only in first place. If these qualities are strengthened by other similar symbols, he may experience serious problems in life.

Blooming canopy

These people appreciate and understand beauty. Aesthetics are paramount for them. These are those individuals who are able to admire the sunset and will see universal beauty even in small things. A person whose chart contains the star Blooming Canopy has developed imagination and the ability to think out what is happening. But it is worth noting that in most cases, the owners of such a star are unable to actively communicate with others, they like to be alone with themselves, are thoughtful, and are immersed in their thoughts. Therefore, it is difficult for them to establish personal relationships and start a family. A strong canopy star contributes to the emergence of unnecessary problems in life, but a weak one may well have a positive impact on a person’s destiny.

Of course, not all Ba Zi stars are listed, but only the main ones. They appear in most people's charts. It is important to understand that you need to look at the map and draw it up only based on the complex of stars, since they influence each other and can have additional effects, depending on the person’s complete map. The same symbol, adjacent to other stars, can become both a positive and negative vector in the fate of an individual. But more often, the general characteristics of a star come true, since they influence the fate and actions of every person.

Neutral characters


The Warrior Star indicates that a person is fair, honest, defends the rights of other people, and fights manifestations of evil.

Of course, not all Ba Zi stars are listed, but only the main ones. They appear in most people's charts. It is important to understand that you need to look at the map and make it only based on the complex of stars, since they influence each other and can have additional effects, depending on the person’s complete map.

The same symbol, adjacent to other stars, can become both a positive and negative vector in the fate of an individual. But more often, the general characteristics of a star come true, since they influence the fate and actions of every person.


Hidden sky trunks. Modern version

For some time now, the hidden celestial trunks have been considered according to a new scheme presented in this part of the publication: 1. The tiger contains within itself - Yang-tree, Yang-fire, Yang-earth. 2. Rabbit - yin tree, yang tree. 3. Dragon - Yang-earth, yin-wood, yin-water. 4. Snake - Yang-fire, Yang-metal, Yang-earth. 5. Horse - yin-fire, yang-fire, yin-earth. 6. Goat - yin-earth, yin-fire, yin-wood. 7. Monkey - Yang-metal, Yang-water, Yang-earth. 8. Rooster - yin metal, yang metal. 9. Dog - Yang-earth, yin-metal, yin-fire. 10. Pig - Yang-water, Yang-wood, Yang-earth. 11. Rat - yin water, yang water. 12. Ox - yin-earth, yin-water, yin-metal.

Hidden sky trunks. Classic version

At all times, the heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branches were considered according to the classical scheme presented below: 1. The tiger contains within itself - Yang-tree, Yang-fire, Yang-earth. 2. Rabbit is a yin tree. 3. Dragon - Yang-earth, yin-wood, yin-water. 4. Snake - Yang-fire, Yang-metal, Yang-earth. 5. Horse - yin-fire, yin-earth. 6. Goat - yin-earth, yin-fire, yin-wood. 7. Monkey - Yang-metal, Yang-water, Yang-earth. 8. Rooster is a yin metal. 9. Dog - Yang-earth, yin-metal, yin-fire. 10. Pig - Yang-water, Yang-wood. 11. Rat - yin water. 12. Ox - yin-earth, yin-water, yin-metal.

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