Scandinavian rune Teyvaz: meaning, description and interpretation in fortune telling

The Teyvaz rune is the seventeenth symbol of the Germanic alphabet, which denotes the warrior, the god Tyr. Is under the control of Air energy. The color of the rune is red, the wood is holly, the stone is obsidian, the plant is sage. The most striking meaning of the runic symbol Teyvaz is masculine, the personification of war and conflict, but also victory and justice.

Photo of the rune:

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of online fortune telling on runes - use it for your health!

The emergence of a symbol

Teyvaz (Tir, Tiv) is the 17th letter of the runic alphabet. It is believed that the English letter “T” originated from this rune. Translated from ancient German, Teyvaz means “belonging to Tyr.”

The Scandinavian god Tyr patronized the art of war, in contrast to Odin and Thor, who were responsible for the very course of the battle. Tyr's specialty was war. It was believed that prayers to this god helped to obtain the necessary knowledge to achieve success in a bloody and difficult war. The rune was considered the personification of victory and fortitude.

Externally, Teyvaz resembles an arrow or a spear with the tip pointing upward, as can be seen in the photo. Also, its appearance can be interpreted as a vector aimed at achieving a result.

The rune represents fearlessness. This interpretation is associated with an ancient legend. According to the ancient grimoires, the god Tyr was one-armed. He lost his second hand when, in order to save his brothers, he put it into the mouth of the giant wolf Fenrir as proof of his good intentions. But the other gods angered the monster; it clenched its jaws and bit off Tyr’s hand. But God did not fall into despair; on the contrary, he continued to participate in battles with greater determination.

Tyr was also responsible for the ability to concentrate power and give it the desired vector in order to achieve success. He did not go ahead, but looked for the optimal path to the top.

Why do you need an amulet with the Teyvaz rune?

Thanks to its powerful energy essence, Teyvaz is especially popular when creating amulets and talismans. The rune is mainly used to achieve goals, complete projects, and fight bad habits. The symbol ensures that all decisions made are honest, legal and fair.

Teyvaz is recommended to be used only by those who strive for victory, despite the difficulties, and by those who actually require a lot of effort to receive a reward.

Important! Teyvaz gives a person courage, helps to overcome fears and get rid of anxiety. But, resorting to the help of an amulet with Teyvaz, a person must realize that he will have to pay a considerable price for his success.

The amulet also helps to strengthen one’s own influence and expand one’s power. When using a talisman for this purpose, you must remember: by granting protection and healing, Teyvaz develops the ability to kill, break through defenses and deliver crushing blows.

Basic meaning

Teyvaz is a powerful energy rune endowed with the power of protection. This is a symbol of courage; in astrology it corresponds to Mars, the most militant and aggressive planet. The main interpretation of the sign is struggle, competition, the ability to fight for one’s ideals regardless of the current situation. This sign teaches the wearer how to remove obstacles in their path, insist on their own opinion, resist and fight.

The appearance of a rune in a reading is considered a good sign, good luck. This means that a person is capable of a lot. The high chances of winning are due to the spirit of competition and internal motivation present in it.

Teyvaz personifies the masculine principle. This is courage and determination, courage and strength, struggle and victory. The warrior rune conceals fearlessness with which a person must face difficulties, lack of doubt, determination and confidence in the correctness of his decisions.

The description of the rune implies that the action of Teyvaz is always unidirectional; it does not imply a path to retreat. This is moving forward and only forward, regardless of external circumstances. The action of Teyvaz can be compared to jumping over an abyss: once you jump, you can’t turn back, and it’s also impossible to repeat the action. If the Teyvaz rune appears, it means that the time has come for decisive action; there may not be another chance.

Teyvaz patronizes people who are distinguished by decisive and fearless behavior; they are ready to rush into battle without the slightest hesitation or doubt, since they have enormous energy potential and know where to direct it in order to achieve what they want.

Straight position

In the upright position, the Teyvaz rune means struggle, a person’s ability to fight for his own goals, even if everyone around him is opposed to him. This sign speaks of the presence of enormous potential, hidden strength, greatness. But in order to realize their abilities in practice, a person must believe in himself and have unbending willpower.

Also, the direct position speaks of the awakening of hidden talents, the activation of hidden potential. A person is able to direct his energy in the right direction. If the sign appears in the reading, it means that the fortuneteller will finally achieve success, the search for his own Self will be completed, and those around him will recognize and appreciate him according to his merits.

Inverted position

If the Teyvaz rune falls in an inverted position, the meaning of this may be that the person’s internal energy has dried up, there is no way to restore strength and resume the flow.

The inverted Teyvaz rune may mean that the energy channel is blocked. If a person makes any plans, he will most likely fail. But with due patience, diligence and desire, you can turn the situation to your advantage.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Name: TEIWAZ, TIR or TYR - warrior (warrior god Tyr);
  • Action of Teyvaz: protection;
  • Astrological archetype: Mars active
  • Wood: Oak;
  • Character: magnetic rune;
  • Essence: reversible rune.

Images of the Teyvaz rune

  • A warrior defends his homeland;
  • A man protects a woman from punks;
  • Athletes defending the honor of the team;
  • A judge who dispenses justice;
  • A lioness protecting her cubs;
  • Thorns protecting the rose;
  • A bull defending his meadow and herd of cows;
  • Poison that protects tropical frogs;
  • Immunity that protects the body;
  • Strong walls enclosing the fortress;
  • Antivirus that protects your computer;
  • Anti-corrosion coating that protects the car from rust;
  • Shield and armor protecting the knight;
  • An army that protects the state and its own homes.

Interpretation in the layout

The meaning of the Teyvaz rune is not limited to moving forward. The sign can be interpreted as the creation of something new. The rune allows you to see the situation and action from the outside in order to impartially assess what is happening.

During fortune telling, it is important to consider the nature of the request and the environment of the symbol. This is the only way to make a detailed and accurate prediction and determine the area of ​​a significant event.

In the upright position, the rune means victory - achieving a goal, career growth, making a profit. Teyvaz can also talk about love victories and recognition of a person’s authority by others.

Reverse Teyvaz may indicate possible conflicts with loved ones, the beginning of a difficult period in life regarding the professional or personal sphere.

If the fortuneteller’s request contains an indication of a specific time period, Teyvaz shows that during this period the person will be guided by the spirit of competition. This rune helps you feel free, freed from internal or external oppression. Finally, there is an opportunity to realize your plans using your inner potential.

In the scenario, the Teyvaz rune may indicate not a situation, but a specific person: a middle-aged man who is distinguished by a strict disposition and strong-willed character.

It is also important to look at the combination with other runes in the layout:

  • Runa Fehu - there is a person nearby who is playing a dishonest game, there is a high risk of getting involved in a dubious adventure.
  • The mysterious sign of Vunyo - the torments of conscience interfere with the acquisition of inner harmony; the time has come to answer for actions committed in the past.
  • The ancient symbol of Odal - profitable deals.
  • Inguz - the need for decisive action; on the way to the goal one cannot turn away from the chosen path.

Relationship breakdown

The meaning of the Teyvaz rune in love and relationships is always interpreted positively. But this only applies to the direct position of the symbol. The sign speaks of a strong partnership, a bright emotional coloring of the relationship, and undying passion. A person is waiting for happy events that will soon happen or have already started.

Another interpretation of Teyvaz in love and relationships is an indication of a certain man. For women, the sign indicates a husband, partner or lover or other significant person. If a man is telling fortunes, Teyvaz can symbolize him.

The meaning of the Teyvaz rune in love is connected not only with the nature of the alignment, but also with the symbols that fall next to it:

  • Laguz - for women, shows that her life problems cannot be solved with the help of the chosen man, no matter how much she hopes for it. She has to deal with everything alone.
  • Mannaz – help from an influential person. For single people, this combination may hint at the beginning of a relationship with an influential person.

The meaning of the reverse rune Teyvaz in love has a negative connotation, and the interpretation depends on the signs that appear nearby:

  • The mystical letter Perth - the partners have no spiritual kinship, they are brought together only by sexual interest.
  • Isa - the union is futile, there is a high probability of separation due to cooling of feelings and misunderstanding.

Schedule for work

In layouts for professional activities, the Teyvaz straight line symbolizes the limitless prospects that open up before a person. He has power and is financially independent. Even if this is not the case at the time of fortune-telling, then we should expect favorable changes in the near future. You will be able to get what you want through your own internal strengths and talents.

Teyvaz also talks about a person’s tendency to take risks. The fortuneteller is confident in his luck and is excited.

In the upright position, the rune is interpreted by looking at the symbols lying nearby:

  • Soulu - a person has innate leadership qualities and leadership talent; he should concentrate his efforts on forming a working team.
  • Fehu - the fortuneteller has the talent to properly manage money, make successful transactions and investments.

If there are only negative symbols next to the Teyvaz straight line, then you should carefully study the current situation before starting to act actively. Someone or something is interfering with plans. It is better to find workarounds and think through several alternative plans.

The meaning of inverted Teyvaz in combination with Hagalaz promises trouble. The fortuneteller has competitors who have a much greater chance of winning, since circumstances are on their side. This may also indicate problems with the law.

Health plan

There is no negativity in the upright position of the rune; the sign says that a person needs to stop worrying too much about his health and running to doctors. If a fortuneteller is diagnosed with any disease, it means that he will soon experience a recovery and a successful period of rehabilitation.

If the reverse rune falls, it may indicate that the man has problems related to his sexual function. When a woman tells fortunes, such a sign signals hormonal imbalances, as well as excessive fatigue.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Teyvaz rune?

Periods of influence of runic symbols indicate that a tattoo with the Teyvaz rune is most suitable for those born between November 24 and December 7. However, it is worth considering that applying this symbol to the body is not the best choice even for the most courageous, desperate and self-confident people.

Competition is always a test and a struggle, and a tattoo with Teyvaz will attract not just victory, but the circumstances in which a person will have to fight and only then win. To illustrate this, here is an example: a man returns home late at night and is attacked by hooligans.

Without being at all confused, the man fights them back, and the bandits retreat. In such a situation, one can make the erroneous conclusion that the Teyvaz tattoo helped to win. In fact, if it weren't for her, the hooligans would calmly pass by.

Questions for meditation on the Teyvaz rune

Meditation on the image of Teyvaz is a great way to immerse yourself in the symbolic field of this magical rune. By meditating, you can get answers to the following questions:

  • How should you work on yourself for self-development?
  • Am I aware of my inner strength?
  • What should you do to overcome your own weaknesses?
  • How strong is my spirit?
  • Am I ready to step on the warrior's path without hesitation?
  • Do I know how to boldly look my enemies, including internal ones, in the eyes?
  • What are my true fears?
  • Am I ready to enter into mortal combat for the sake of the desired victory?
  • Am I using my true masculine qualities?
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