Perth (Perthro, Perto) Meaning and interpretation of the runes in upright and inverted positions

Perth is the 14th sign of the Norse rune alphabet and is on the second level of Atta, which has a close connection with mythology and symbolizes the stage of the emergence of people. In addition, the rune points to some secret or gateway to a new world, is a symbol of transformation through the acquisition of new knowledge and contributes to a holistic perception of the world and a vision of the essence of what is happening.

Perth is under the protection of the element of Water, has a clear feminine character and is directly related to the powerful goddess of fate and knowledge, Frigg.

The emergence of a symbol

The Perth rune (Perthro, Petra) was first mentioned in the 2nd century. From Norwegian its name is translated as “hidden”, “hidden” and is pronounced like the letter “P”. The symbol was widespread in Scandinavian writing and poems, and its design can be seen on many artifacts of the time.

Help: these days the rune is actively used in occult practices and has a deep mystical meaning. Its symbol is the legendary Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes.

Magic Application Perth

Together with other runes, Perth takes part in fortune telling. The sign helps to illuminate various problems and helps to interpret questions about love, career, situation, general questions about fate and the future.

Perth itself is used as a tattoo. The symbol is beautiful and complex, symbolizing the following concepts:

  • secret;
  • memory of generations;
  • hidden;
  • possibilities;
  • new life;
  • liberation from the past;
  • development;
  • self-knowledge.

Another way to use Perth magically is through inscription. The symbol is depicted on household items and decorations in order to attract benefits to life or for a specific purpose.

In order to more accurately formulate a thought and convey needs to the Universe, there are special runic formulas, many of which include this secret rune.

The main meaning of the Perth rune

The Perth rune is the most mysterious and enigmatic. It is impossible to interpret it without having a deep understanding. The most common interpretation of this symbol is dedication. This sign has incredibly powerful energy, similar to a hot flame, the cause of which can be both a person’s internal state and external circumstances.

Traditionally, the rune reports secret knowledge that will someday become apparent and indicates the presence of developed intuition, magical and extrasensory abilities. In addition, she talks about the fear of death, thanks to which a person resorts to using his hidden resources that contribute to further development.

To understand the meaning of the Perth rune, you need to remember the image of the Phoenix, which burns in fire and goes through physical death. No matter how dramatic these events may be, death turns out to be extremely necessary, because it leads to the resurrection of a completely renewed being.

The comparison of this image with human life can be interpreted as absolute rebirth. Only by abandoning the former worldview can deep internal changes be activated. At the same time, one should not take a tragic attitude towards the withering away of the familiar and intimate - it loses its necessity and turns into ashes, and this is only the beginning of a new stage.

Important! The Perth rune gives resurrection and new life, gets rid of unnecessary things and promotes insight, helps you look deep into yourself and feel ready for accomplishments.

Straight position

In the upright position, the rune indicates change and a turning point in a person’s life. She reminds that the birth of a new personality requires saying goodbye to old foundations - only if this condition is met, circumstances can develop in the most favorable way, conducive to new beginnings.

A person is given a unique opportunity to look at himself from the outside and realize his true “I”. At the same time, you should not be led by emotions in order to get the maximum benefit from the situation. Let go of the past, listen to your intuition and trust others more. Take the changes for granted and do not be surprised by the metamorphoses that are taking place - everything is understandable and predictable.

In addition, the direct position of the Perth rune indicates that long-standing losses will soon regain relevance.

Inverted position

The reversed Perth rune has a gloomy character, indicating the irreversibility of the situation and the lack of understanding and control. A person feels like he is in a nightmare that will not let him go, does not want to accept changes and is afraid of them. From the outside, it seems that Fate is taking away from him everything that is most precious, which he desperately needs and does not want to part with it.

Important! The main meaning of the inverted Perth is the collapse of plans, various obstacles, troubles and surprises of a negative nature. At the same time, the true reason for what is happening is absolutely incomprehensible to a person, although it lies on the surface and lies in the wrongly chosen path.

The fortuneteller habitually follows his erroneous principles and ossified stereotypes and cannot in any way comprehend what is happening. After the insight has descended, a person perceives what happened as a unique life experience, thanks to which he can move forward.

An inverted rune falling to a person involved in the occult also indicates his magical errors and lack of experience for various practices.

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Accommodation of the Perthro rune

While living the Perth rune, reflect on why certain events occur in your life. How does the past intertwine with the present?

Perthro is the rune of magic and ritual magical actions. Living it helps us understand how our actions from the past affect what we do now. The rune will lead you to the light through fears, help you get out and find yourself. The days of Perthro's residence are the time of “nurturing” thoughts and ideas.

Since the Perth rune corresponds to the astrological sign of Pisces, it is difficult to fully understand and feel during its stay. Perhaps you will sleep more these days, since Perth is a passive rune. Watch your dreams with special attention.

As with the previous runes, be more attentive to events, thoughts, words. Throughout the day, mentally return to your post-meditation state to maintain your connection with the rune. Don’t forget to record your observations in your diary of runic living, because over time (or as you fill out the pages) the recorded experience will show you something that may not be immediately noticeable.

After a week, thank the Perth rune and release it, erasing it from your wrist. After 1-2 days, you can start living the next rune - Algiz.

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Interpretation of the Perth rune in fortune telling

The 14th rune in fortune telling can mean the following:

  • Direct position - magic, hidden knowledge and something unobvious, finding what was lost, the emergence of specifics, profit, reputation and help from people close to you.
  • Reversed position - black magic, being under the influence of a sect, wrong actions in occult practices, losses and clouding of the mind.

In fortune telling about a situation, the rune has the following meaning:

  • Direct - pleasant surprises, random acquisitions, winnings and solving mysteries. If a person has a desire to find out what motivates those around him, he needs to solve problems in unconventional ways. To get a positive result, Perth requires gambling people to go all-in. Fatalists are promised inevitable changes, the true essence of which is unknown.
  • Inverted - collapse, which is a consequence of erroneous actions, the results of which will negatively affect a person’s fate. Discrepancy between plans and reality, self-rejection, lack of understanding of the situation, betrayal and break with the past. However, the reasons for what is happening are unclear. Because of haste and his own adventurism, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to get what he wants.

The combination of the Odal and Perth runes indicates a difficult period and problems associated with ships and various minor troubles.

In the scenario of possibilities, the interpretation of the rune also depends on its position:

  • Direct - fortune turned its face to the fortuneteller and brought him closer to making a profit and the opportunity to solve the mystery. Magic will help you attract what you need to achieve success. The patient is expected to recover. In addition, Perth indicates an imminent conception.
  • Inverted - it’s time to say goodbye to all the echoes of the past and start living in the present; only in this case can one expect the favor of Fortune. For those who are burdened with karmic burdens, Perth is a good sign.

Additionally, Perth may caution:

  • Direct – for luck and winning you need to be able to show courage and trust the situation. Careful planning and worry can lead to failure.
  • Inverted - fate is formed from a person’s actions, and desires provoke a series of events that a person will be in the power of in the future. You must be extremely careful and remember that freedom is not absolute.

Attention! The combination of the Perth and Teyvaz runes is a favorable sign and indicates that a person is under the protection of the ancient gods, who help them achieve what they want. Don't be afraid of anything and move forward.

For love and relationships

The Perth rune has no influence in love and relationships. Appearing in a love scenario, she reports that your chosen one is a genuine gift from Fate, but any actions can cause discord.

The meaning of the 14th rune determines its interaction with other signs present in the layout:

  • Uruz - partners have ideal sexual compatibility. If the Uruz rune is reversed, this indicates physical harmony without spiritual intimacy and short-term relationships.
  • Teyvaz is a hint of the presence of a secret relationship or object of passion for one of the partners. The inverted Teyvaz rune communicates sympathy, which is not destined to develop into something more, despite the presence of an intimate relationship. If Perth is also upside down along with Teyvaz, you should take a closer look at your chosen one: it is quite possible that he is not telling something.
  • Kenaz - pleasant surprises and signs of attention from a secret admirer.
  • Isa - the feelings of one of the couple began to decline.
  • Vunyo - quick reconciliation.

For business and work

The Perth rune helps you find yourself in the professional sphere, find original solutions and the right directions in your work. Under her auspices, you should take a closer look at activities that others consider incorrect. Cases may have a lot to do with information retrieval and psychic skills.

Important! Reversed Perth indicates obstacles preventing you from climbing the career ladder (the nature of the difficulties will become clear later) and reminds you of the need to carefully handle money, especially personal funds.

The rune acquires its most accurate meaning in combination with other signs:

  • Fehu and Hagalaz - a person is looking for easy ways to get rich, and Fate itself directs him to them.
  • Hyera and inverted Perth - caution and responsibility are required in any business. Negligence and negligence can cause trials and problems with the law.
  • Raido - a fortuneteller needs constant movement and travel. Business trips should not be neglected.

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To your health

The Perth rune serves as a signal about undiagnosed diseases, and in the upright position it indicates minor problems, and in the opposite position it indicates serious diseases, including cancer. In this case, you should consult a doctor and conduct a full examination of the body.

The combination of the Perth and Berkana runes for women can portend an unplanned pregnancy.

Perth (Pertho): General value

The direct position
of the Perth Rune is all the most mysterious, hidden and unknown. Very soon the secret will become clear, but for now the person remains in the dark. Characteristics: the rune is a symbol of everything new. This could be information, or some long-lost thing that a person will find again.

This rune signifies a predisposition to magic, the occult and meditation. Intuition will definitely tell you what decision to make in a given situation. However, it's not that simple. The statement of fact is present, but in some cases their practical application will be required.

Perth and the Gebo rune will mark material wealth. They may give you something valuable, should you doubt the person’s sincerity? Does he just want to seem unselfish from the outside or is he really so? The situation will help you figure it out. Nautiz is a positive rune, which indicates that very soon a person will face a problem that he will still have to overcome.

To solve this, you will need to use any methods: both traditional and not.
Traditional medicine may not “cope” with everything that has befallen you. It is recommended to go for a massage and use acupuncture. You should turn to several magical practices, they will definitely help. Reversed position
The rune in an inverted position indicates that something will go wrong in a person’s life. Circumstances are changing too quickly, everything is not happening at all as planned. What is the reason for all this? It may be hidden, but very soon you will know the answer to this sacramental question.

Perth can be characterized differently; the rune also means: not entirely pleasant surprises, disappointment in people, uncertainty in decisions made. Three key aspects: problems with personal life, financial difficulties, games with magic amulets.

If you seriously decide to delve into magical knowledge, you should start with occult terminology and try to understand all the processes and phenomena. Show as much patience as possible and only then try to move on to practice. Hagalaz and the inverted Perth rune can be interpreted as a combination that is fraught with serious problems. This is why it is so important to be patient.

The use of the Perth rune in magic

In magic, the main meanings of the Perth rune are death and the mystical. It is used by occultists to communicate with the other world and to receive the necessary information from the Higher Powers. Perth is often encountered during initiation rites.

The 14th rune can transport clairvoyants to the recent past or future, depending on what information they need. Perth is actively used in predictions and helps to find missing people and lost things.

Attention! Using the Perth rune in magical rituals, a person commits an act of spiritual death and breaks everything that connects the past and the future.

Sometimes the results of such actions are positive, and sometimes they only aggravate karma and aggravate the situations caused by it. That is why one should resort to the help of this rune with great caution and the presence of at least minimal occult experience.

The meaning of the reversed rune

The Perth rune, in reverse order, is no less mysterious, but it has a completely different meaning. Refers to the fortune teller of his dark side - a symbol of drug addiction and pleasure that can lead to death. It is associated with destruction and chaos, arrest along the way due to uncertainty or depletion of energy due to waste.

Pert is a reminder of the end of earthly life, the death and rebirth of the Spirit, the need to think about existence, renunciation of what is not important, and focus on what is important and most valuable, dedicated to very valuable issues, not to waste time on trifles.

If you consider that this brand is closely associated with mystery, mystical phenomena, you can bring its other meaning in reverse. These magical errors. And if we summarize the possible interpretations, we can see that the inverted Pert represents the collapse of plans and hopes, failure, unpleasant surprises, obstacles to achieving a goal. Their reason is not known to the fortune teller, but it is that he chooses a bad path, he is guided by a false imagination about life, he is at the mercy of erroneous stereotypes. A moment of realizing that everything will be fine, and the unpleasant events that took place will be a valuable experience.

Rune Perth in mythology

Rune Perth is patronized by the wisest goddess Frigg, who is the wife of the supreme god Odin. She is the goddess of love, family, home, marriage and childbirth. She is subject to the gift of providence and the fate of people and gods, but she cannot influence them.

Only once did Frigga want to defy Fate and save her son from death, but this attempt turned out to be a failure. Since then, this myth has been a reminder that even the gods are not allowed to argue with Fate and try to change it.

Frigg lived in the castle of Fensalir and spun the Threads of Fate, from which the Norns wove the Fabric of Life. According to traditions, the Scandinavian peoples considered Friday to be the day of the goddess Frigg and did not cut ropes and threads on this day. In addition, Friday was considered a lucky day for weddings.

The goddess also showed favor to good housewives who kept their home clean and tidy and delighted their husbands with skillfully prepared food. Surprisingly, despite her completely peaceful lifestyle, Frigg was also the patroness and protector of warriors going to the battlefield.

The meaning of the direct rune

  • Names: Pertho, Peorth, Peord - Misa dice or Won women in a figurative sense;
  • Runic formula: ᛈᛖᚱᚦᚱᛟ;
  • Element: water;
  • black color;
  • Dietary: Scandinavian goddess of luck, strength and knowledge Frigg, wife of God God;
  • Essence: reversible;
  • Personality: energetic;
  • Operation: Transition to a qualitatively new state.

The meaning of direct Run PertTO treatment in primary sources and practice with some differences. The Germans symbolized fate and happiness. As in battle, she checked whether people would patronize the Gods and fate.

Pertro - a sign of happiness

Pert is a symbol of fun and hospitality, friendship, and at the same time change, the inner spirit of development. It's a sign associated with the phoenix for a reason. This legendary creature burns in fire and is reborn from the ashes. The rune symbolizes rebirth, a secret beginning. Their paths are mysterious, hidden from her eyes. Change is most often successful, and at the same time unpredictable. This can be the discovery of inner potential, profit reinforcement, helping a friend.

In the classic sense of Runa, it means not only something mysterious and supernatural that will be revealed one day, but the return of lost, hidden information. In addition, it symbolizes extrasisium, magical abilities, highly developed intuition, that the person is gifted.

The symbolic sign of character is also associated with the theme of death. When a person understands that he is not eternal, he determines the meaning and meaning of many things, his consciousness reaches a new level. The importance of Pertu relates to this passage, changes in the perception of each other and the world around us, the death of the old self and the birth of a new one.

A similar rune in Slavic culture

Among the Slavs, there is no direct analogy to the Perth rune. However, many experts identify the fire talisman with the god Perun, who is the patron of warriors and the lord of thunder and lightning.

In addition, the Perun rune serves as a symbol of victory and the desire for power, and the power of the deity contributes to the quick and effective resolution of any difficult situations. Perun also protects from ill-wishers and sends good luck, removes obstacles and helps to move forward.

Alternative meaning. Version

There is a very interesting version of the meaning of Perth. Rune scholar Thorolf World suggests that the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem was censored and rewritten.

It is quite possible that there is some truth in this. After all, it was written down by Christians, whose religious views did not allow them to accept some of the ideas contained in it.

In the traditional version, the corresponding stanza of the poem looks like this:

Peorth byth symbol plega and hlenter wlancum

Thor wigan sittath on beorsele blithe aetsomme.

Literally from the Anglo-Saxon language, Perto's description can be translated as follows:

Peort is an eternal game and laughter for the proud,

Where warriors sit in the halls of beer, rejoicing together.

Thorolf believes that two Anglo-Saxon words in the original were changed. The words are wigan (warriors) and beorsele (beerhouse).

He believes that in their place originally stood wifan (wives) and beorthsele (maternity hospital). If we accept this theory, then these lines will look like this:

Peort is an eternal game and laughter for the proud,

Where wives sit in the halls of childbirth, rejoicing together.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find out whether this assumption is true or just voices the fantasies of its author.

But it is quite possible that this interpretation of the meaning of this rune will be close to someone, which means it will be easier to comprehend its meaning.

Why do you need an amulet with the Perth rune?

The amulet helps practicing magicians to be reborn into a new quality and helps strengthen their occult abilities.

The talisman is also used by clairvoyants to search for missing people and objects. In addition, the amulet helps gambling people to attract good luck and have a positive impact on results that depend on risks.

Help: with the help of the Perth rune, you can get rid of the burden of the past, eradicate difficult memories, realize a person’s potential and move to a new level of consciousness. The amulet helps women realize their potential as wives and mothers.


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Perth is a symbol of initiation; it indicates future changes in life and the person himself. Inside a person, as if in an alchemical vessel, there is a transformation of some qualities into others, completely new ones: at the same time, life changes qualitatively. The most important transformations on a person's path are birth and death.

In addition, it is a universal symbol of the female womb, which gives life. This is a secret that may be frightening for some, but it is a necessary risk that must be taken in order to gain new qualities, knowledge, and strength.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Perth rune?

A tattoo with the Perth rune can only be done in exceptional cases of absolute certainty of its necessity.

The influence of such a design will be the same as the influence of a talisman, but it will be impossible to get rid of it. The image applied to the body becomes part of the person’s energy and acquires much greater power.

It is necessary to adequately assess the possible consequences caused by applying such a tattoo. To begin with, it is recommended to get a temporary tattoo and observe your feelings and the changes that occur.

Working through internal blocks and fears in the Perth rune

Any block is a conscious or unconscious prohibition on action. Such internal blocks may include: fear of losing housing, fear of losing or receiving money, fear of loneliness, inability to arrange a personal life, fear of novelty, fear of communication, etc.

Removing the block of lack of money

On a piece of paper, sketch out your head from the front, circled in a large circle, as a projection of your consciousness.

1.Activate the Perth rune (p) as an archetype or image.

2.Remember some kind of fear you have.

Intention clause 1: “The Perth rune shows a block in my mind that does not allow me to have money.” Immediately, a sensation of some kind of structure in the body arises, and attention shifts in the internal space of consciousness in some direction from the center of the head - to the block zone.

Intention Sentence 2: “The Perth Rune performs an “alchemical” process, removing the mental block that prevents me from having/having money. The Perth rune creates in the mind a thought form of the desire and ability to remove this block and allow yourself to have money. The program works – the money goes to me.” Perta dissolves the block structure in the body and re-indexes the internal space of consciousness in the zone of this block.

3. In the figure, mark the zone of this block relative to the center of your head, in the direction of shifting your attention when diagnosing the block, and write there, on the sheet, in this zone the Perth rune, with a reservation; “The Perth rune did the work and turned the mental block into opportunities (to have money). The Perth rune directs my consciousness, my actions and all situations in my life so that I have/have money.” At the same time, the space of consciousness seems to unfold, the zone expands and the Manipura chakra is activated. This expansion is the substance of wealth.

4.Draw a rune on the entire large circle.

Intention clause 3: “The Perth rune attunes my consciousness to wealth, including the process of expanding my consciousness.”

Using this algorithm, you can delete any block.

Rune advice and warning

The direct position of the rune is a game in which winning will depend entirely on your ability to trust luck and intuition. Don’t be afraid to take risks and don’t resist change—it’s pointless and unwise to fight them.

Inverted position of the rune - perform any actions and steps with maximum accuracy and responsibility. Watch your words and conversations. Now you are laying the cornerstone for future affairs.

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Working with Elements and Runes

The elements in Perth can ignite or cool anything, including igniting groups with some idea. Any rune is placed in Perth, receiving the energy substance of that rune. This is necessary so that the rune works well in some space, for example, connecting several people in a chain of certain relationships.

Working with yourself

Activate the Perth rune (p) as an archetype or image.

Intention clause 1: “The Perth Rune creates the Element of Fire (cleansing) around me.”

Intention clause 2: “The Perth Rune creates the Element of Water (Dead or Alive) around me.”

Intention slip 3: “The Perth rune creates a flow of the Fehu rune around me.”

Any situation can be reset with Dead Water.

Working with other people (harmonizing relationships)

1. Place your palms in front of you at a distance of 30 cm between them. Create an energy “ball” between them.

2.Imagine the Perth rune (p) between them. Intention slip 1: “The Perth rune is in my hands between my palms.”

3. Put into this “ball” the images of two people, the relationship between whom needs to be harmonized.

Intention clause 2: “The Perth rune creates the substance of harmony between (name) and (name), kindling their (tenderness, love, care) for each other.”

Questions for meditation on the Perth rune

Sit in front of the image of the mysterious rune and, distracting yourself from everything vital and turning your gaze inward, ask the following questions:

  • What is hidden in the depths of my soul?
  • Can I look at everything that happens in life from the outside?
  • Do I have a secret that is causing me anxiety?
  • Will I be able to give up what seems dear and valuable to me and move to a new level?
  • Am I able to accept all the internal changes and then confidently declare that I have truly changed?

Perth will certainly help you find all the answers you need.

Problems in the inverted position

Many people strive to touch the universal forces, but do not even understand what catastrophic changes and shocks will accompany this process. Be glad that higher powers do not answer and do not allow you to rise higher. The touch of the Absolute will destroy you to the core.

If the rune is turned over, then you managed to attract the attention of the Absolute. This is a nightmare, even though you feel like a great person. That is, you literally burn and rejoice at it. It seems to you that suffering deifies you and attracts attention to you. But these are negative emotions, like garbage that should be gotten rid of. Therefore, conduct mental meditation and sweep away everything unnecessary so that there is no reason for internal pain.

Suffering arises when trying to reanimate the dead and unnecessary. React calmly to emerging events. If you concentrate on what is happening, you will not notice transformations at a deep level.

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