Galina: meaning of the name, origin, interpretation, character and fate

  • October 16, 2018
  • Meaning
  • Ekaterina Gordeeva

Galina is a name you don't see often. Among girls and young women it is practically absent. Other names are in fashion now.

Meanwhile, the name Galina is as beautiful as many fashionable and popular ones today. The woman so named has an interesting fate. The article describes this in detail.

Origin and meaning of the name

Before we talk about this, I would like to focus the reader’s attention on one issue. Let's be honest with each other. By naming a child the name Galina or something else, we do not lay a program in the fate and character of the girl. There is no need to think that if the description of the name says that Galya has a light character, so it will be.

We all understand that the character and fate of a child depend to a large extent on the environment and upbringing. A name is a pointer to certain traits that may appear in general.

But we digress. Let's return to the origin of the name Galina.

There are two versions. According to the first, the name is Greek. Translated as “quiet”, “serene”, “meek”.

The second option is more interesting. He says that the name came from Italy. And it means "chicken".

Named plants and animals of Galina

A reliable way to analyze Galina’s personality is to study totemic plants and animals. Totemic plants and their symbols reflect a person’s view of his own “I”, his attitude towards himself. And totem pets and animals exhibit personality traits that he shows when interacting with people and the environment. A sense of understanding of the sides of a person helps to build strong and good relationships filled with mutual understanding.

Leading plant – Cedar

The cedar tree is a symbol of travel and wandering. Galina, under the sign of the cedar tree, has a tendency to think about a change of scenery, as well as to wander around different cities. Her nature of exploration leads her to explore landmarks and unusual historical structures.

Totem Tree – Elm

The mystery of Galina's name is inextricably linked with the elm tree. Symbolizing self-criticism, confidence and determination, the elm fills her personality with valuable qualities, allowing Galina to show leadership in life situations. And also - take the initiative in troubles and solving problems.

Spiritual Tree – Rowan

Rowan symbolizes affection. Affection and tenderness are one of Galina’s innate traits. The ability to treat people with warmth, care and understanding allows her to surround herself with sensual and kind acquaintances, friends and girlfriends.

Lead animal – Pony

Pony is a symbol of tact. When communicating with Galina, you will almost never experience awkward situations that will make you feel shame or negative emotions. Excessive and inappropriate jokes, sometimes even unusual seriousness, are about such a person. Sometimes the sense of tact even seriously prevails over other qualities.

Totem animal – Shark

The shark is a symbol of authority. Being in a team, Galina can take on group responsibility for solving many problems and common goals. This quality makes her an excellent team leader.

Spirit Animal – Bear

The bear is a symbol of curiosity. This skill helps Galina accumulate knowledge and life experience. By skillfully systematizing the information received, she achieves success in life where other people fail.


What is the meaning of the name Galya? Little Galina often grows up in a large family, becoming an older sister and her mother’s main assistant. This leaves an imprint on her future life.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Is the role of an older sister burdensome for Galochka? A lot depends on the parents here. If they do not particularly burden their daughter with the role of a nanny, then the answer will be negative.

Alas, often a girl has to be a second mother to her younger sisters and brothers. A real mother has a lot of housework, so Gala gets the role of nanny. The girl does not complain, although she performs her duties without much enthusiasm.

He studies well at school. Both the humanities and the exact sciences are equally easy for her. Galina herself likes mathematics more than reading.

This child is very independent and thoughtful. Since childhood, she has not been afraid of work: looking after the younger ones, sweeping the floors, running to the market. He manages to help his mother, learn his homework and also go to some club. Most often, the activities of the circle are theatrical.

Galya does not have any special friendships with her classmates. The meaning of the name Galina conceals loneliness. How can you be lonely surrounded by younger brothers and sisters? That's it, no way. Gala needs to be alone with herself. The girl loves to think, no matter how it sounds. And thinking requires solitude.

Is Galina sociable? In moderation, let's say so. She does not shy away from her peers and feels better in the company of boys than among girls. She's quite feminine. She can create a work of art even from the most modest dress. Tie a belt intricately and attach a beautiful brooch. Elegance is in Galina’s blood from a young age.


What does the name Galina mean? What does it hide within itself? The girl so named is beautiful. The older she gets, the more noticeable it is. Regular facial features, clear eyes, thick hair. Gali don't like to wear makeup. Her own beauty is mesmerizing.

Young years are without the emotional outbursts typical of most teenagers. Galina has no time to play the fool. She continues to study well, help her mother around the house and tinker with her younger brothers and sisters.

Young people are looking at young Galina. And not only her peers, but also fully grown men. Only Galya is not interested in any of them. She lives by simple interests and does not consider herself beautiful. Dreams of getting an education. One begins to think about choosing a profession early. Can become an accountant, surveyor, architect. Parents must accept their daughter's choice. Galya knows how to insist on her own. With her outward humility and obedience to her parents, at a certain moment the girl is able to desperately defend her interests.

Celebrities named Galina

  1. Galina Sergeevna Ulanova is a great Russian ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR.
  2. Galina Volchek is a Russian actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR.
  3. Galina Brezhneva is the daughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev.
  4. Galina Bannikova - Soviet graphic artist, typeface artist.
  5. Galina Vishnevskaya is a singer of the classical repertoire, People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Galina Benislavskaya is a friend and literary secretary of Sergei Yesenin.
  7. Galina Starovoitova is a Russian politician and statesman, human rights activist.
  8. Galina Polskikh is a Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  9. Galina Kulakova - athlete, Olympic champion in cross-country skiing (born 1942).
  10. Galina Mozhaeva (born 1929) - cytologist, biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  11. Galina Shatalova is a neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences.
  12. Galina Ustvolskaya is a composer whose work is better known in the West than in Russia.
  13. Galina Shcherbakova is a writer, author of the story “You Never Even Dreamed of...”.


What does the name Galina mean? What fate does it have in store for its owner?

Adult Galya is a very contradictory person. She is polite and correct, but at the same time knows how to cut the truth. He knows how to manipulate others and always gets his way. Can't take it by manipulation? Then heavy weapons come into play. Galina is a very powerful person. This is especially noticeable in the family circle. And if they don’t want to obey her, then she yells and curses. Capable of smearing a person against the wall with biting words.

At the same time, he won’t just scream. Galya is a reserved and thoughtful person. This woman is respected and people are drawn to her. Despite the thoughtfulness, she is honest. Galya has a very developed sense of responsibility and justice. Quickly gains authority among others. There is always a crowd of people in her house: here are friends of grown-up children, and friends of her husband, and neighbors who come for a light, and girlfriends who come running to visit. There is a place for everyone, no one will leave Galina hungry.

Galya, Galechka, Galusya

Forms of the personal name Galina:

  • short form: Galya, Galya, Ganya;
  • diminutive form: Galyusya, Galechka, Galyunya, Galyusha, Galyunochka;
  • Similar names: Alina, Lina, Alevtina (Alya), Angelina.

The name Galina is typical for a calm and confident girl.

Galina's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

In the Orthodox faith, the name Galina remains unchanged. The girl is baptized as she was named at birth. The patroness of this name is Galina of Corinth, a martyr who died along with her brothers in 258 for the true faith in Christ. According to historians, there is now a healing spring at the site of their death. The date of her memory and, accordingly, the day of her holiday is March 23.

Table: the name Galina in different languages ​​of the world

LanguageHow to writeHow to read
English languageGalinaGalina

Name transliteration

Galina name for bank card or passport: Galina

The name Galina is a hard worker who always strives to achieve her goals.

What middle name does the name Galina harmonize with?

When choosing a name for their child, parents should consider how harmonious it will be with the middle name. The most suitable names for the name Galina are: Alexandrovna, Anatolyevna, Andreevna, Valerievna, Viktorovna, Vladislavovna, Georgievna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Yuryevna, Yakovlevna.

Nickname for social networks

As a rule, nicknames for social networks are chosen based on the girl’s character. For Galina, the most suitable would be:

  • mermaid;
  • goddess of the sea;
  • sensation seeker;
  • Fluffy kitten;
  • gentle mega-leader;
  • White gold;
  • White gold.


What does the name Galina mean? What health features does it contain?

Galya is a strong person. The only thing that can torment her is low blood pressure. But Galina doesn’t pay attention to such trifles. She doesn't worry about her health. He practically doesn’t go to hospitals and doesn’t take medicine.

With old age, of course, diseases worsen. Galinas are prone to vision problems: cataracts and glaucoma can appear at any age. Problems with blood vessels and the pancreas are a scourge for Galya. She loves to eat delicious food; there is no diet for the bearer of this name.

Keep in mind: sending elderly Galina to the hospital is not easy. She didn’t go to the doctors when she was young, and she doesn’t intend to do so in her old age. If she has to go to the doctors, she will not take the prescribed medications. And nothing can force Galya to follow the specialists’ instructions.

What does a name mean for an adult woman?

Having entered adulthood, Galina demonstrates calmness and serenity when faced with difficulties. However, seeing that the situation does not resolve itself for a long time, she may become confused and her strength and energy will leave her. When the problem is solved, Galya continues to look for reserves within herself to fight, not paying attention to the fact that the need for this has disappeared.

The desire to concentrate and gather makes her outwardly withdrawn and overly strict.

In adulthood, prudence and practicality appear in the character, bordering on stinginess. Many Galinas choose an environment that can be useful in some way. Previous connections fade into the background.

Galya rarely needs money, and you can’t call her a spender. She plans her expenses in advance, avoids unnecessary expenses, and knows all the opportunities to save.

Women with this name are hardworking, achieve their goals and are realized in their chosen profession.

The desire for justice in adulthood sometimes transforms into excessive straightforwardness. Galina sometimes does not understand why people are offended by her words, because she opens their eyes and tells them the honest truth.

But loved ones can be confident in Gala - she will not betray them and will never let them down under any circumstances.

Personal life

What does the name Galya mean? Will it bring feminine happiness to its bearer?

Alas, Galina is rarely happy in her marriage. They get married more than once. As a rule, the first marriage quickly breaks up. In the second they live quite a long time. And then either a divorce follows, or the husband begins to behave outrageously: he drinks, raises his hand against his wife, and cheats. Proud Galina cannot stand the last option. She simply leaves her husband.

Possessing stunning beauty, this woman is not greedy for men. Of course, it doesn’t happen once in a while. There are Galinas who take lovers for themselves. But most owners of this name are strict in relationships with the opposite sex.

Married people rarely live with their husband all their lives. If they tolerate his antics, it is for the sake of the children. For some reason, these women outlive their faithful ones.

Astrological correspondences

Astrological characteristics help to choose a talisman that will bring good luck to the owner of the name Galina:

  • Her patron is the Sun;
  • Zodiac sign - Aries;
  • Element - fire;
  • number - 3, 9;
  • color - raspberry;
  • Spirit Animal: Gallows;
  • Season: spring;
  • tree - pine;
  • Plant - sweet pea;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - garnet;
  • Lucky day - Thursday, Sunday;
  • The main character traits are the desire for goals.

Attitude towards children

Gali are good mothers. They most often have two children. Son and daughter. There are often childless representatives among Galinas.

They will cut their throats out for their children. They solve any problems for them. Was your child unable to get into your dream college? It's not a problem. Mama Galya, armed with everything she needs, boldly goes to negotiate her admission. Is your child not inclined to study? No problem, we’ll put you in school. Her offspring will receive a working profession.

Is your son or daughter divorced? Come, dear children, to live with me. Galina is actively raising her grandchildren, giving her children the opportunity to work.

Is Galya capable of building a career?

What is Galina like at work? The meaning of the name hides hard work. What's true is true. Galya has been a hard worker since childhood. He doesn't shy away from any work. He knows how to do everything: glue wallpaper and make reports.

If she manages to get the education she dreamed of, she will be able to work in one place all her life. Galina is a very smart woman. At work she is appreciated for this. He understands his job responsibilities right away. And she will boldly tell her colleagues if she doesn’t like something.

Possessing leadership qualities, he will build iron discipline in the team. Does not apply for leadership positions. But the bosses single out this woman for her analytical mind and hard work. Therefore, she is able to start from scratch and rise to the career Olympus.

Choice of profession

Where does Galya most often work? An accountant or economist, architect, surveyor. In general, she succeeds in any activity. Maybe he could at least serve as a salesman. And he won’t deceive anyone. There is never a shortage at the checkout, and customers know: this seller will not overweight and will not slip out expired goods. This is the kind of honesty that is very difficult to live with in our time.

For this very honesty and direct statements, Galina sometimes has to suffer. She will not stand up to her principles, she will not violate even the orders of her manager. It would be better to be fired from work than to carry out dirty deeds.

Work and career

In any activity, Galina tries to show creativity and creativity. She can connect her life with the service sector, which she will turn into a profitable business, art or management. Fortune is definitely on her side and that’s great.

She will make a good leader, beauty master, event organizer, consultant, creative designer.

She achieves financial success only with strong motivation. Usually the bearer of this name is stimulated by her children, whom she loves endlessly.

Pros of the name

What positive features are hidden in the meaning of the name Galina:

  • This is decency, first of all. Gala can be trusted, those around her quickly understand this. So her neighbors bring her the keys to their apartments when they go on vacation. Colleagues at work ask for advice in personal matters. Management sometimes brushes aside requests to check this or that report. And this is motivated by the fact that for Galya everything always comes together and there are no shortcomings.
  • Independence. Some will say that this is not the best trait for a woman. However, the Galinas do not think so. They know how to achieve their goals.
  • Thoughtfulness. When a person is able to see ahead, this is a big plus. Galina is able to predict the consequences of her actions. She never does anything impulsively.
  • Calm. It’s difficult to get Galya out of her emotional balance. And although we talked about the fact that this person is capable of swearing and screaming, these actions are not performed from an excess of emotions.
  • Reasonableness. Well, Galina knows how to reason. She has the ability to look at things soberly, guided by common sense.
  • Good hostess. Speaking in non-parliamentary language, Galina’s hands grow from where they need to be. She cooks delicious food. There will always be first and second courses, salad, dessert and tea on the dinner table. And this despite the fact that Galina, like most Russian women, also works. Her house is clean, her children are well-groomed, their clothes are washed. If Galya's faucet is leaking, she won't run to call a repairman. She'll fix it herself. Do you need to do repairs? It's not a problem. And he will paint the ceiling, and lay the tiles, and re-glue the wallpaper. And he will help not only himself, but also his neighbors in this matter.

Family and love

Women named Galina are very attractive and know it very well. They know how to lure a man into their network. Galya has a very romantic nature; since childhood she has loved stories about princes and strives to meet him in real life.

They are attracted by a beautiful life, bright and pure love. She can idealize her chosen one and see only beauty in him.

Regardless of age, Galya will look for her love. Sex for her is not only procreation. She gives herself completely to her man and receives unearthly pleasure from this. If Galya is happily married to her man, she will not nag him over trifles; on the contrary, she will try to smooth out all the rough edges and solve problems at the very beginning.

Despite her craving for adventure, she most often chooses a quiet and calm guy as her husband. She loves to provoke a man to unexpected and bold actions.

Galina rarely has one child; she strives to have a large family, but no matter how many there are, she will treat everyone equally. She is an excellent housewife, loves order and strives to keep the house clean.

She wants to be admired, first of all, by her husband, so she strives to do everything perfectly.

Negative qualities

What negative message is inherent in the meaning of the name Galina? Alas, Gala has some negative traits:

  • She is a manipulator in life. If Galina doesn’t want to work, she will pretend to be sick and sit at home. Of course, in the case when the children have already grown up. They support the mother.
  • Very domineering. Galina's family is matriarchal. It doesn’t matter whether her children are adults. Even if the children are family, but live with their mother, the sons-in-law (or daughters-in-law) will have to obey a lady named Galina. In the case when children are divorced, they are crushed by their mother. It gets ridiculous: they give her the salary. Galina manages the funds in the house.
  • Inflexible. Galya doesn't have gray. Either black or white. She doesn't like, for example, her daughter's friend. You can put an end to friendship, it will prohibit communication. Moreover, she will directly express why her friend was not pleased. Does your boss at work demand something that doesn’t fit into Galina’s criteria? He will give such a rebuke that the manager’s ears will curl into a tube.
  • Tough. Galina is an amazing person. She is able to live for others, without forgetting herself. But there is no particular pity in her. For example, he is quite cruel to animals. And this takes into account the fact that there is always a cat or dog in the house. But if a child asks for some milk to feed a stray kitten, most likely he will not receive anything. There is a certain rural rigidity in Galina.
  • Greedy. Not in the sense that everything is just for yourself. This is not the case in Gala; she will give away her last piece of bread. But to squeeze a penny on the sly, to put it aside for a rainy day - that’s welcome. Doesn't like to spend money on gifts. He doesn’t spoil his children: he’s unlikely to buy a second or third doll for his daughter, a machine gun or a car for his son. He practically doesn’t give them any pocket money.
  • Stingy with praise. While other parents praise their children, Galina does not. She is of the opinion that one should wait for others to praise. She loves children, but does not know how to express it particularly.
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