Powerful protector: tiger according to Feng Shui, the meaning of the talisman and where to put it

In India and Southeast Asia, the tiger is considered the king of beasts, so in these regions it is entrusted with the same symbolic functions that the lion and bear performed in the West. The tiger is both a solar and lunar animal. Because this predator can see perfectly in the dark, it has often been associated with the night and the world of death. In Hinduism, the tiger often acts as an attribute of evil gods and demons. In iconography, the destroyer god Shiva and the goddess of death Kali are often depicted riding a tiger or wearing tiger skin capes. At the same time, the tiger was a sign of the caste of rulers and warriors - kshatrievi symbolized royal dignity, power, strength, military valor and courage.

Indian goddess Kali riding a sacred tiger

In Ancient China, the tiger was associated with the masculine principle of yang and was considered the embodiment of rage, strength and power. The Chinese believed that five tigers of different colors guarded the cardinal directions and the center of the world. The yellow tiger, symbol of the sun and ruler, guarded the center of the world. Blue, symbolizing spring and trees, guarded the east. The red tiger, summer and fire respectively, stood guard over the south. The black tiger, personifying winter and water, was responsible for the north. Finally, the white tiger, symbol of autumn and metal, guarded the west. In addition, the white tiger is considered one of the four signs of the Chinese zodiac, along with the red bird, the black turtle and the azure dragon. Interestingly, in neighboring Vietnam, it is these four animals that guard the cardinal directions.

The Korean myth about the origin of the sun, moon and stars tells how a tiger ate the mother of four brothers and took the form of this woman. He appeared in front of the children and grabbed the youngest of them. The remaining three ran and climbed a tree. The tiger was overtaking them, and they prayed to the heavenly gods. Then they gave them a rope, along which the brothers climbed into the sky and became the sun, moon and stars.

Flag of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam political organization operating in Sri Lanka

Tiger cub Hodori - emblem of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul

Hour of the Tiger

The Japanese traditional timekeeping system differed from that adopted in Europe. It was borrowed from China and is based on the Eastern zodiac system. For the Japanese, the day was divided into 12 hours, each of which was approximately equal to two European hours. However, daytime hours were half as long as night hours, and time was measured more slowly in winter than in summer.

Each hour corresponded to a Chinese zodiac sign. Thus, the hour of the tiger fell on the deepest night. In addition to the zodiac, the watch also had a digital designation. However, the numbers 1 to 3 were not used for religious reasons, as they were used in Buddhist prayers. Japanese watches were numbered from 9 to 4, and counted backwards. In order to somehow adapt this system to the European one, in the 19th century. Japanese watches also began to have a 24-hour Western dial.

Dial of a traditional Japanese watch

Chinese character for the year of the Tiger

The meaning of the talisman according to Feng Shui

The green tiger symbolizes Yin. Although it is feminine, representing weakness and submission, the tiger, like a predatory animal, has strength and courage. It is designed to protect the owner from failures and misfortunes, to protect from unkind people.

In ancient Chinese sources, this animal is represented as a protector of the home. He protects the home from fires and robbery, drives away evil demons that bring discord and misfortune to the family.

Talisman power

The tiger is a powerful talisman. He approaches his tasks with great vitality and interest. He has a lot of ideas and enthusiasm, he does not give in to difficulties. The amulet conveys these qualities to a person. The beast also gives its owner courage and inner strength, which helps him fight enemies.

The beast can be presented in the form of a figurine, statuette or decoration.
Read more: review of Feng Shui figurines
The talisman can be made from any materials, but the most powerful are considered to be:

  • metal;
  • porcelain;
  • glass;
  • tree.

Other objects in the form of this animal, even plush toys, are also endowed with positive energy. The figurine can be replaced by an image of a predatory animal. The Chinese love to hang pictures or panels depicting animals in their homes. Interior items are also suitable: a bedspread, pillows, rug, vase, box, etc.

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To reveal the energy of the tiger, a figurine or image of it is placed to the right of the front door. This is how his protective powers are revealed. The western side of a house or room is also suitable for an amulet, but the predator should not be placed near the fire. This is a fire sign, so near a source of fire its energy will intensify and become destructive. If you place the figurine in the kitchen, it is better to choose a place near the refrigerator, sink or flower vase with water.

Tiger Chariot

Along with the panther and lynx, the tiger was an attribute of the god of fertility and winemaking, Dionysus. The cult of Dionysus was associated with liberation from the shackles of conventions, with eroticism and revelry of passions.

Chariot of Dionysus. Fragment of the fresco by A. Carracci “The Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne” in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome

The procession of Dionysus was attended by bacchantes, satyrs, and bassarides. Having lost their minds, they swept away everything in their path. The hero of the occasion rode on a chariot harnessed to wild animals - tigers.

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Precautionary measures

Since the green wooden tiger is a powerful talisman, you should not keep too many symbols in the house. And you need to be careful with talismans made of other materials. If, when the beast appears in the house, the situation has become tense, then it is worth placing a dragon figurine in the house. The dragon symbolizes Yang energy and balances the predator. Together they bring harmony and strength to the house. Only the dragon figurine should be located above the tiger so that the masculine principle prevails over the feminine.

It is better to refrain from purchasing and wearing a talisman for women born in the year of the Tiger. Natures born this year have a strong inner core and strong-willed character. The symbolism of the predatory beast enhances these qualities. A woman under the influence of an amulet finds it difficult to calm down; she becomes aggressive and unrestrained in words and deeds.

Other symbolism

There are other symbolic meanings of this animal applied to the body. Thus, among criminals, the image of a tiger indicates that its bearer will stand up not only for himself, his honor, but also for the people close to him.

Also, a tiger among prisoners symbolizes the highest degree of hatred towards the authorities.

The tiger is also used in combination - for example, with a dragon, and this already turns out to be a sign of Yin and Yang, extremely important and revered in Asia. In it, the tiger belongs to Yin, that is, the feminine part of the sign.

Final choice

Before you pick up a tattoo needle, you need to answer three questions:

1Where will the picture be?

2How much area of ​​your body are you willing to give up for the image?

3What style of tattoo do you want?

Sketches for tattoos

The image of the Chinese king of beasts is very convenient for tattoo artists, because you can choose any pose of the animal and make a different scale:

  • Perhaps draw only the head;
  • The tiger can curl up into a ball;
  • There is an option to apply only the look of the beast to the skin;
  • A crouching tiger or frozen in a jump.

If you have not decided what your tattoo will look like, you can choose a design from the Internet or tell your wishes to your master artist.

Tattoo artists will do their artistic work with great care and diligence rather than transferring the picture you brought.

Terms of use

Since the Tiger is an oriental amulet, it is better to install it according to the rules of the East. Firstly, the optimal location is near the entrance from the west. Feng Shui indicates that the amulet should be made of metal. Rocks also work well. Of course, glass, wood, and plush are also suitable, but one cannot expect much power from a predator made of such material.

The figurine can be in the following colors:

Red and orange are undesirable because they can fill the space with aggressive energy.

The tiger as an amulet is more suitable for men; the peoples of Asia know that if women begin to wear such a talisman, they become too independent and even aggressive.

How to place the White Tiger mascot

According to Feng Shui, the White Tiger has enormous power, which must be used correctly, otherwise its effect will be completely opposite. This talisman must be properly positioned so that its influence is beneficial to a person.

According to Chinese legend, tigers protect all parts of the world. The white tiger always guards the west and center, the black one is in charge of the north, the blue tiger is in charge of the east, and the red one is in charge of the south. Therefore, before placing the talisman in the house, you need to take into account the following features:

  • The best location for the talisman is the western part of the room or to the right of the door. The white tiger often appears as a metal, stone, wooden or glass figurine. It is allowed to place a white cat mascot made of various materials, for example, white ceramics.
  • According to Feng Shui, the image of a tiger should not be placed next to heating devices that belong to the element of fire. In this case, it is better to place it in the northern part of the kitchen (the talisman should be placed similarly if there is a bathroom or toilet in the west). Placement near a refrigerator or sink, symbolizing the element of water, is considered favorable.
  • On the western wall of the hallway you can hang a picture depicting the habitat of a tiger. It can also be embroidery with an image of a tiger, forest, lake, rocks. A painting of a tiger is not recommended in the bedroom.
  • When there is a cat in the house, it is advisable to place its basket or house in the western part.
  • The tiger symbol does not need to be activated. But, for strong protection of the house, a smaller dragon should stand next to the tiger (a dragon brings good luck according to Feng Shui). In Feng Shui, this is associated with the heavy nature of the tiger and the need to achieve balance.

It is not at all necessary to use the White Tiger symbol specifically as protection for your home. Often, embroidery is placed on the gate, depicting a tiger's head made of fabric. You can hang his paper image on the window instead of a curtain.

Embroidery of his silhouette on bed linen in the bedroom, pillows, children's toys and other items will also be powerful. According to Feng Shui, a white stone, shaped like a cat, or a white gazebo are also endowed with the power of the White Tiger.

If it is located in the western part - the hallway, then on its westernmost wall, it is advisable to hang paintings depicting rocks or a forest with a small lake. The landscape in which an ordinary tiger lives.

Is there a cat in your house? As you know, tigers are also cats, and you need to take advantage of the connection between a pet and its strong patron. Place the cat's sleeping basket in the west, or install the cat's house there.

The tiger is primarily the protector of your home. and families. His ability to bring good luck is also manifested. A mandatory ritual in China on New Year's Eve is to place an image of a tiger above the front door, thereby protecting your family and home for the whole year.

Fertility is also associated with the Tiger. The Chinese goddess Xi Wang Mu, the goddess of fertility and immortality, is often depicted with the features of a tiger. The talisman helps in a successful marriage and the birth of children.

Source: jekstrasens.ru

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

The size of the tattoo directly affects the choice of body area, since proportionality is important in this matter. Consider the following tips for choosing a location:

  • back, chest, sleeves, legs - here you can stuff the whole tiger, add details or other characters to the composition, add bright colors;
  • shoulders, forearms, shoulder blades, hips, neck - in these places medium-sized drawings of moderate colors without loading detail will look harmonious;
  • fingers, hands and wrists - small tattoos are acceptable in this place, these can be paws, eyes or just the head of a tiger, since it will be difficult to see the entire animal on such a small scale.

Advice! Be sure to consider whether you need to hide your tattoo in some circumstances, and in what places this will be possible.

Origin, features of the amulet

Chinese mythology represents the tiger as the embodiment of strength, valor, and courage. The meaning of the Tiger amulet is explained by the semantics of this word in Chinese, in which the word “tiger” coincides with the word “protection”. According to ancient legends, it is this beast that can eat the spirits of darkness. Therefore, since ancient times, the image of a striped predator has been widely used to protect against harm. In addition, such an animal sees well in the dark. Therefore, it can protect the house even at night. A predator figurine installed at home will provide good protection from 3 troubles:

However, you need to know that the tiger is a very powerful talisman, so not every person can use it. In particular, if a person’s horoscope is protected by an animal that is part of the tiger’s diet, then it will be difficult for him to be in the same room with the amulet - a predator. The tiger will have a depressing effect on human energy. So if, for example, Pig really wants to acquire such an amulet, then he needs to buy a figurine where the animal is sleeping or it is a small tiger cub.

There are several options for the amulet.

    Tiger on coins. Grants financial success and career growth.

Tiger on coins

With open mouth

Tiger pendant

Other characteristics of tattoos with a tiger

A tiger, drawn sitting in a cage, is a symbol of restrained or conquered passions and feelings.

Tiger is the third sign according to the Chinese horoscope. Personalities born under this sign are, for the most part, very emotional and endowed with enormous spiritual power.

In Buddhism, the tiger represents strong anger.

A tiger with its mouth wide open is a popular option for prison tattoos. It testifies to the ability of the tattoo owner to protect himself and his close circle. Also, such a tattoo is actively used by prisoners who are angry with the authorities.

The tiger depicted together with the dragon are the main images in the Yin and Yang symbol. At the same time, the tiger represents the feminine principle, and the dragon – the masculine energy.

There is a legend that if a person saw this living creature in a dream, it means that in the near future a previously dormant power or a long-forgotten feeling of passion will awaken in him.

It turns out that the variations in the meaning of tiger tattoos are mainly influenced directly by the characteristics of a given predator. The tiger always attracts attention due to its greatness, grace, noble nature and aggressiveness. He often acts as the embodiment of two opposites: he can represent both a bloodthirsty and wise living creature, and symbolize humility with aggressiveness, life with death, good with evil. It is due to this that the tiger always evokes respect and respect for itself.

The meaning of a tiger tattoo for girls

Representatives of the fair sex who wear tiger tattoos tend to emphasize the duality of their nature.

The presence of dark stripes on the skin of a predator will indicate evil power, the ability for magic, and witchcraft. Golden stripes, on the contrary, symbolize bright, positive energy. It was not for nothing that the famous American actress Angelina Jolie chose the striped animal as her personal mascot and decorated her lower back with a Bengal tiger.

Girls often get tattoos of sneaking tigers on their shoulders. In this case, the tiger will become a symbol of grace, wisdom and hidden power. A sleeping animal is associated with calm. And the little tiger cub will emphasize your innocence, tenderness and vulnerability.

Meaning for men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, when they put a tiger tattoo on their body, try to emphasize their spiritual and physical superiority. In addition, the striped animal is a symbol of ambition and nobility. The authority of the owner of such a tattoo is intended to grow in the eyes of others. In this case, tattoos are often applied to the shoulder area.

Tigers are depicted on the chest of men who respect family values, as well as girls. When real tigers share their prey, they first of all allow the cubs and the female to get their fill. The tiger's grin is a symbol of military nature.

The white tiger symbolizes vulnerability and insecurity. And the tiger's head is a symbol of high intelligence.

The meaning of the tiger tattoo on the zone

The head of a tiger among prisoners has its own meaning - it will tell about the owner’s anger towards the authorities. He will also talk about hostility towards those who have stopped committing crimes.

In addition, criminals who have such a tattoo are known as “bulls”, who are ready to physically deal with someone if the leader orders it.

Prisoners inflict tigers on their backs, chests, shoulders, thighs and arms. They are available in black, gold and yellow.

The principles of the Dragon and Tiger in Feng Shui. Feng Shui talismans: Tiger

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5 things you should know before going to a tattoo parlor

Tattoo process

1Don’t make a decision spontaneously. If this is your first tattoo, consider this move. You will stay with the drawing for the rest of your life. It may make sense to apply a temporary tattoo, and then get a permanent one.

2Choose a safe salon. All sanitary and hygienic standards must be observed in the salon. Only new needles and disposable gloves. Collect recommendations and read reviews about the artist and the salon.

3Tattoos are painful. There are more painful areas of the skin and less painful ones. Everyone has a different pain defect, so you shouldn’t look like someone else, your sensations may be completely different. Large works can be done in several sessions with breaks for healing. After getting a tattoo, there may be side effects - bruising, swelling, fever.

4Alcohol will not be an anesthetic. Drinking alcohol thins the blood and the skin will bleed more.

5Removing a tattoo is expensive and time consuming.

VIDEO: Tiger tattoo

The process of applying a tiger tattoo on the body

The process of applying a tiger tattoo on the body

What does the “Tiger Grin” tattoo mean?

If a tattoo in a calm state has a light aspect in terms of meaning, a certain divine principle, then a grinning tiger is definitely all animal manifestations. This is the power of the dark side of a person - his subconscious. It is in the subconscious that animal instinctive feelings arise - anger, rage, aggression, the desire to dominate.

But the dark, “lunar”, feminine in energy (and therefore negative, according to Eastern teachings) includes the need to protect offspring, increased sexuality, and the ability to protect one’s territory from invasion and conquest. And these, at least in the minds of European people, are positive and necessary qualities.

In India, in this case, the interpretation of such a tattoo will be somewhat different. There, a striped animal is a symbol of a warrior, and a tutu with a grin will mean protection from all external aggressive manifestations of this world.

In a sense, a person wearing the image of a tiger’s grin is under the patronage of a tiger warrior, under his protection.

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