Wealth talismans - three star elders, feng shui meaning, where to put, activation


(“star of longevity”, corresponds to the star Canopus in European astronomy), Nanjilaozhen (“elder of the South Pole”), Nandou (“Southern Bucket”), in Chinese mythology the deity of longevity, as well as the name of the star itself Sh.-s. According to ancient astrological ideas, the appearance of this star portends longevity for the sovereign and the country, and its absence in the sky portends wars and disasters. Temples in honor of Sh.-s. appeared in China in ancient times. Sh.-s. was popular among the people. At the standing Sh.-s. usually in one hand there is a staff with a gourd (a symbol of prosperity for offspring) and a paper scroll (a symbol of longevity) tied to it, and in the other - a peach (also a symbol of longevity) b. R.

(Source: “Myths of the Peoples of the World.”)

See what “SHOW-SIN” is in other dictionaries:

Translated from Chinese, it means “star of long life”, is the ancient Chinese god of longevity, who was always depicted by netsuke carvers in the form of a white-bearded wise old man. Shousin's sacred attributes included a peach - it was placed in the elder's hand, as well as a knobby staff to which a paper scroll or gourd was tied ().

A specific star was named after Shousin in China. Therefore, he was often called Nanji Laoren, which means “old man of the South Pole,” and also Nandou, i.e. "Southern Bucket". This star was a symbol of prosperity and order, and if its absence was observed in the sky, it foreshadowed terrible troubles for the state. Shousin was highly revered by the people. The very first temples that were erected in his honor arose in China in ancient times. Shousin is usually depicted with a peach, primarily because peaches are classic feng shui symbols of good health and long life.

The Shoushin talisman is a figurine of the Chinese god of happiness, who brings health and longevity to the home, and heals from serious, even fatal, illnesses. This god is the patron of medicine in China. Quite often, Shoushin is depicted not only as holding a magic peach in his hand, but also with a huge staff made from ginseng root.

Star Elders are Chinese deities who bestow wealth, health and longevity.

Star elders Fu-hsing, Lu-hsing and Shou-hsing are used as feng shui talismans throughout the world; they are symbolic deities, not cult gods. Images of star elders are used in Feng Shui one at a time or all three together. Elders depicted together are considered more auspicious symbols, bringing great luck and prosperity to the home.

Ceramic figurines of these deities are popular; it is favorable to place them in a room where all family members often gather, either in the center of the house or in the assistants’ sector.

Elders represent the three most common aspirations in Feng Shui symbolism - wealth, prosperity and longevity.

Something from history

If we talk about one of the most important attributes of Shousin - the peach, then it symbolizes, first of all, longevity. In this case we are talking about special peaches, which go by several names:

  • “pantao” (translated from Chinese “pan” means to wriggle, and “tao” means “peach”);
  • “lintao” (translated from Chinese as “miraculous peach”);
  • “xiantao” (from Chinese - “peach of immortality”).

It should be noted that the Chinese have always considered absolutely everything that is even slightly related to the theme of peaches to be part of the world of wonder and endowed it with magical properties.
For example, in archaic myths “ta-oshu” is mentioned - this is a peach tree, which is characterized by the features of the World Tree Yggdrasil, i.e. structural axis of the world. The famous book called “Catalog of Mountains and Seas” describes a peach tree of gigantic height, which is located on Mount Dusho. In its crown there are guimen, which are the gates to the world of spirits. It would be appropriate to mention here the shooter I, a mythological hero who suffered death from a club made of peach wood and as a result received an extraordinary skill and the ability to ward off absolutely any evil spirits. Figurines of deities carved from peach in China have always been considered powerful talismans that bring destruction to all evil spirits. The Chinese idea of ​​the peach as a fruit that gives immortality arose much later - at the turn of the century. e. This was directly related to the spread of Taoism. The Taoists, who were known as skilled magicians, prepared the juice of peach trees, which was called “taojiao,” according to special recipes. In addition, they made it a custom to ritually take a magical decoction made from peaches, called "taotang" on New Year's Eve. The product owes its name to the god of longevity - Shou-xing, very popular in China. A star is named in his honor. In the old days, it was believed that when this star appears in the sky, peace and tranquility reigns in the state. Images and figurines of Shou Xing occupy places of honor in Chinese homes and are one of the most common Feng Shui symbols.

Longevity is an undeniable blessing that we all desire. What is the life span God has given to man? According to the Bible, Adam lived 930 years, Noah - 950 years, Methuselah - 969 years. Some believe, others don’t... Scientists have proven that the genetic potential of human life expectancy is 140-170 years. And there are many examples in the world that confirm this. People whose life spans more than a hundred years have always been in China. Many records have been preserved about this. The book Incidents from the Reign of Kaiyuan (713-742) of the Tang Dynasty says: “Yu Bolun, at the age of 128, was still full of life. His son had already died, but two grandsons, 70 and 80 years old, lived with him.” “The Chronicle of Dong Wei” says: “Yang Xiazu is 81 years old, and his uncles are already over 120. We met his grandfather, who calls himself Mr. Song. He is 195 years old." From the text “Collection of Various Bibliographic Records”: “In Nanyang there is a river called Zu, whose waters are sweet and fragrant. More than ten families live there and drink it. “Everyone lives to a very advanced age, and some even live to 120-130 years.” “The History of the Zhou Dynasty” says: “The grandmother from the Wang Renyu family of the Five Dynasties lived for more than 200 years.” There are records that Peng Zu lived 800 years, Lao Tzu - 160, Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) - 110, Emperor Yao - 118, Emperor Shun - 110, Hui Zhao - a monk who held an important post during the Five Dynasties - 290 years, Sun Simiao - the famous doctor of the Tang Dynasty - 101 years old, Zhen Quan - 103 years old, Li Zhishuang - 136 years old, Sun Jianlong from Yaojiang - 159 years old, and Liang Lanxiang from Guangxi - 142 years old, both of the latter lived during the Qing Dynasty...

The oldest confirmed person was Dr. Li of China, born in Tibet. When he was 150 years old, he received a special certificate from the Imperial Chinese government certifying that he was indeed 150 years old, having been born in 1677. When he turned 200 years old, he received a second charter. Documents show that he died at the age of 256 in 1933, this was written about in the New York Times and London Times, where everything was confirmed by documents.

There were such people in other countries: Nevertheless, many reliable cases of long life of people are described in scientific, popular science and socio-political literature. Thus, it is reported that in Pakistan, the leader of the tribe, Mohammed Affzia, died at the age of 180; his father died at the age of over 200. Ossetian Tense Abzive lived 180 years. A resident of the Grozny region, Khasitev Arsigiri, lived the same amount of time. Hungarian resident Zoltan Petrasz died at the age of 186. English fisherman Henry Jennix died at the age of 169 in Yorkshire. Another Englishman, Thomas Parr, came from Yorkshire to London in 1635 to appear before King Charles I as a miracle of longevity. This English peasant claimed to be 152 years 9 months old, outlived nine kings, and lived from the 15th to the 17th centuries. Parr died suddenly in London. The court physician William Harvey, who discovered blood circulation, was invited to autopsy it. He wrote a treatise on the autopsy results in which he did not question Parr's age. Death occurred from sudden overeating.

Among modern cases, the example of the Turk Zaro Agha (1778-1934), who lived 156 years, is described. In total he had 25 children and 34 grandchildren, being married 13 times. A photograph of the oldest resident of the USSR, Azerbaijani collective farmer Mukhamed Eyvazov, at the age of 148, was placed on a postage stamp. According to experts, in Japan in 2011 there will be 1,000,000 people over 100 years old!

Unfortunately, Russia today cannot boast of the longevity of its citizens. In Europe, the average life expectancy is 76 years, and in Russia, women live on average 64 years, men - 46 years. And how does Japan look against this background, for example, with its 89 years! And China, breaking all records, where the average life expectancy is 92 years... Statistics clearly show a difference of 16 years. Just think, if you could give your loved ones, loved ones, those you value so much, 16 years of life... Or 16 years of your presence in their lives? What could you do during this time for your children and grandchildren? What opportunities does health and active longevity open to a person? Here are just a few possible answers to this question:

You drive a car at 80 years old, you have no vision problems, a clear memory and a sober mind!

You know all your great-grandchildren by sight, moreover, they are interested in you!

At 60 years old, you don’t think about retirement, but implement new projects!

A good memory and a clear mind are with you at any age!

You travel actively - you realize everything that you didn’t have enough time for before!

You are on topic and your advice is relevant for your children and grandchildren. You are partners, not helpless beings in need of supervision.

...And the list goes on and on. Write yours, this will be the first step towards health and longevity. Note, active longevity. Not only quantity is important, but also quality!

There is some truth in the saying “people die at 30, they bury them at 70...”, but at 70, and at 80, and even at 90, you can not be a vegetable, live actively, capaciously, without burdening yourself and those around you with your last years old age's ailments!

Old age in facts and figures

If you work into old age, you can prevent the development of senile dementia

The oldest alpine skier in the world, Alexander Rosenthal, has turned 95, and he still goes to training 2-3 times a week.

The main prerequisites for healthy longevity: optimism, hope, a sense of self-control, happiness.

1 glass of wine or a glass of beer daily reduces the risk of memory impairment in women over 70 years of age by 20%.

The oldest driver in the United States was Roy Rawlin from Stockton. Once he was stopped for speeding. Having checked the documents, the policeman immediately returned them with an apology: it turned out that the driver... was 104 years old.

7% of people aged 60 to 93 living alone are sexually active. In the group of married people of the same age, 54% are sexually active.

People who speak two languages ​​fluently from childhood age more slowly.

At 98 years old, the record holder for longevity among marathon runners, the Greek D. Jordanidis, covered the 42 kilometers 195 meters course in 7 hours 40 minutes.

88-year-old Swiss resident Andrea Nottbeck, who dreamed of flying all her life, enrolled in a hang gliding course. The instructor claimed that he had never had such a capable and diligent student.

At the age of 75, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was still skating. And when he was over 80, he rode his horse Delir 20 kilometers a day.

After strength exercises, older men reduce blood cholesterol levels, which are known to be the main cause of strokes and heart attacks.

At the age of 99, the Japanese Teiichi Iwarashi once again conquered Fuji. Since he turned 75, he has climbed Japan's highest mountain every year.

Sexual life directly depends on a person’s health, as scientists have found. If a person is relatively healthy, then nothing prevents him from leading an active sex life at any age. Even after 80!

Scientists have proven that life expectancy is influenced by the following factors: genetics, ecology, stress, nutrition. And if we cannot (or practically cannot) influence the first three factors, then the last one depends on us. An ancient Chinese commandment: “If you are sick, change your lifestyle. If this doesn't help, change your diet. If this doesn’t help, then resort to medicine and doctors.” Our food should not only satisfy hunger, but also contain biologically active substances necessary for humans. The body produces some of the biologically active substances on its own, but some must be obtained from the outside, i.e. with food. But, unfortunately, it is not so easy and simple. The food of modern man is poor in many substances that are very necessary for the body. What ensures the greater (compared to Russian) life expectancy in other countries? After all, there is also a bad environment, stress, food of low quality (for example, Japan, which survived nuclear bombings and explosions at nuclear power plants. The only thing that distinguishes them is the use of dietary supplements; in Japan, more than half of the population does this. 80% of the population in the USA and 50% - in European countries they are already accepted. In comparison with them, this figure is extremely low. Only 3% of the Russian population has ever encountered dietary supplements. It becomes clear why people in the West live 12-16 years longer than us.

Sometimes a young man of 20-30 years old looks like an old man, and an old man of 90 looks cheerful and full of energy. At the current level of development of civilization, in order to live long and feel cheerful, instincts alone are not enough. It is in our power to make sure that we not only enjoy the benefits of extended youth, postponing old age, but get rid of it altogether.

“If I had known that I would live to that age, I would have taken better care of myself,” these words were spoken by the American centenarian Eubie Blake on the day of his centenary. In order not to experience such disappointment in the future, you need to work on yourself today. For the first time we think about maintaining health - when the first serious illnesses appear, about prolonging youth - when the first wrinkles appear... A person himself must take care not to grow old ahead of time in order to live a long, fulfilling life. How he will reach his old and senile age depends, of course, on the environment, but most of all - on himself.

We offer the dietary supplement "Shousin", which contains harmoniously selected natural substances and vitamins that counteract aging and prolong youth. Cordyceps, which is part of them, with its “survival energy” is an indispensable assistant to your body in the fight against aging and illnesses.


vitamin premix (vitamin C, nicotinamide, vitamin E, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin A, folic acid, biotin, vitamin D3), blueberry fruit extract, cordyceps, coenzyme Q10, quercetin, resveratrol .

Resveratrol -

This is a natural polyphenol ingredient that can be found in nature in the skins of red grapes and some other berries. A daily intake of 300 to 500 grams of whole red grapes reduces the likelihood of death due to coronary artery disease by 15% to 60%. Regular consumption of whole red grapes in the diet stimulates the regeneration of liver cells and counteracts the development of liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-stress effects of red wine and whole red grapes have been noted. In addition, regular consumption of small amounts of red grapes slows down the aging process and prolongs life by several decades.

Coenzyme Q10.

Numerous clinical studies in the USA, Japan, and Western Europe have established that the development of metabolic and dystrophic cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the immune system, premature aging, and excess weight are in many cases associated with a lack of energy production in the body and damage to cellular energy generators.

The most important element in the synthesis of biochemical energy carriers is Coenzyme Q10. The constant presence of this natural substance in human cells in sufficient quantities is absolutely necessary. Already 25% deficiency of Coenzyme Q10 is a prerequisite for the development of many diseases, and 75% deficiency is incompatible with life!

Coenzyme Q10 controls and reduces high blood pressure, restores and maintains energy metabolism in the heart muscle and the wall of coronary vessels, and prevents the development of coronary heart disease, coronary arteriothrombosis, and myocardial infarction.

Coenzyme Q10 is a natural powerful immunomodulator, effectively and quickly restores the deficiency of the immune system, activates the body's antimicrobial and antiviral defenses. Coenzyme Q10, according to the results of experimental and clinical studies, has the properties of an effective geroprotector (protector against aging). It is capable of not only prolonging life, but also saturating it with energy, health, youth, and filling a person of any age with a sense of sharpness and joy of life.

Blueberry fruit

— In Rus', blueberries were called “rejuvenating berries.” It was believed that it rejuvenates the body. Our ancestors knew the healing power of blueberries.

Blueberries contain a lot of manganese, copper, boron, titanium, chromium, and a lot of carotene. In addition to carotene, vitamins C, P and group B are also found in blueberries. The content of vitamin B, riboflavin, is especially high in blueberries (perhaps this vitamin is associated with improved vision). Blueberries contain citric, malic, succinic and quinic acids, cane sugar, and a lot of pectin. Blueberries have specific features: they contain a lot of tannins and glycosides. Their combination is credited with the ability to lower blood sugar. Hydroxycoumarin has been found in blueberries, which has the ability to reduce blood clotting, and this prevents the formation of blood clots and promotes their resorption, and also prevents the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks.



- a natural bioflavonoid isolated from natural plant materials. One of the key properties of quercetin is its antioxidant activity, i.e. the ability to inactivate free radicals and suppress the processes of peroxidation of lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and other compounds.

Firstly, quercetin protects the membranes of the cells of the heart and blood vessels, stabilizes their excitability, prevents an increase in vascular tone and blood pressure, i.e. has direct antiarrhythmic and hypotensive effects.

Quercetin prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, its transformation and deposition on the walls of blood vessels, and therefore has a direct anti-atherosclerotic effect.

Quercetin protects from destruction vital physiologically active substances necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system: many hormones, neurotransmitters, as well as endogenous nitric oxide, which has a pronounced vasodilator and antithrombic effect.

The positive effect of quercetin on the activity of key enzyme systems of the cell in combination with the antioxidant effect determines its capillary stabilizing effect (P-vitamin activity), increases strength, elasticity and normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall.

The effect of all of the listed natural components is enhanced by a complex of vital vitamins (page 13).


30 capsules with contents weighing 320 mg

Adults take 1 capsule 1 time per day, with meals. Duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Re-appointment is possible after 1-2 months. Can be taken simultaneously with the dietary supplements “Fu-Xing” and “Pyaoliang”.


Individual intolerance to product components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Good day everyone. You are on the “Your Feng Shui” website. The last article was about the god of wealth and fun, a good-natured person and a joker, as well as what he can “give you.” If anyone has not heard of this yet, I advise you to get acquainted.

Fu Xing Lu Xing Shou Xing

Well, I want to continue the story about Chinese deities, there are quite a lot of them, so I have highlighted a separate section on the site - “”, to make it easier for you to navigate.

Today I’ll tell you about a powerful and interesting talisman - the Three Star Elders of Feng Shui. These are three deities at once, bestowing almost all the basic benefits that people need so much.

Three Star Elders Feng Shui Fuk Luk Sau Three Star Elders

This symbol includes figurines of three gods at once, their names are Fu-sin, Lu-sin and Shou-sin (or they are also called Fuk, Luk, Sau). They are depicted as grey-haired old men who are symbolic deities. The Chinese believe that the elders symbolize the three brightest stars of the Big Dipper, and are able to bring happiness, health, and wealth to the house. You can use the figures of elders separately, but it is believed that placing them together will be much more effective.

Who will the elders help?

Star elders endow their owner with happiness, luck, wealth, health and longevity. They bring the energy of good luck and prosperity to the house, giving a long and prosperous life.

Fu-hsing is considered the deity of happiness, bringing monetary luck and material well-being to the home. He is the tallest among the elders and is always in the center. Fu-xing will help those who are worried about their career, dream of success in all matters, and want to have stable financial growth.

Lu-xing symbolizes wealth, abundance, love, loyalty and family authority. He takes care of worthy heirs and continuation of the family, promotes monetary well-being and financial success.

Lu-xing will help you climb the career ladder and take a high position at work.

Shou-shin is a deity who brings longevity and health.

Consequently, star elders are associated with the three most important family successes:

  • material well-being, which Phuc symbolizes,
  • the power and authority of the family, symbolized by Luke,
  • longevity and health that Shaw represents.

Collected together they bring good luck to the house in all areas of life.

The magical effect of the three star elders

The three star elders represent the three aspects of happiness. Using them to harmonize space, you can attract prosperity, luck, money, abundance and live long.


Shou-shin is the deity responsible for health, happiness and prosperity. It will bring family well-being to every woman.

The star elder named Fu is extremely popular in Asian countries. His figurine symbolizes great luck, which, coming to your home, brings money, abundance, joy into it and makes you truly happy.

And if you look at traditional Chinese panels, you will see how often they depict either the star elder Fu surrounded by mountains of coins, or the hieroglyph Fu and a hundred variants of its spelling - as a symbol of hundreds of wishes for prosperity and happiness.

Usually Shou-shin is a bald old man with a long graying beard. In his left hand he holds a peach, and in his right hand he holds a staff.

The old man can be depicted riding a deer, and he can be surrounded by children.

You can distinguish the Shousin figurine by the staff made from ginseng root and the peach - symbols of immortality. In China, it is customary to give a Shoushin figurine to men to symbolize the inexhaustible source of their strength.


Fu-sin is a deity responsible for luck and wealth in the family. It is believed that a figurine of such an old man helps to create successful situations in life, attract more sources of income, and receive unexpected money or valuables as gifts.

In the pictures, Fu-hsing is depicted in a robe and holding a child in his arms or studying a scroll.

His figurine symbolizes great luck, which, coming to your home, brings money, abundance, joy into it and makes you truly happy.

And if you look at traditional Chinese panels, you will see how often they depict either the star elder Fu surrounded by mountains of coins, or the hieroglyph Fu and a hundred variants of its spelling - as a symbol of hundreds of wishes for prosperity and happiness.


Lu-sin is a deity who patronizes businessmen, students and people in high positions.

It represents power and success. Lu-sin is depicted in the clothes of a government official with a scepter or papyrus. His figurine will bring you monetary wealth for a long time.

What are star elders like?

  • surrounded by many coins that symbolize abundance and prosperity,
  • holding gold bars - a symbol of wealth,
  • next to the “fu” symbol, written in one hundred variations, which means hundreds of wishes for prosperity and happiness.
  • surrounded by children (often with a baby in their arms), symbolizing procreation,
  • holding a scepter and a scroll, which symbolize strength, authority and family authority.

Shousin, Fusin, Lusin

Based on materials from www.Chaism.pro Often in shops with Feng Shui paraphernalia you can find figurines of the so-called “Star Elders”, or “Triad of Star Spirits” (三星Sān xīng). But not many people know who they are and what they mean. We'll try to sort this out.

An old man named Shou Xing (壽星 Shòuxing). Literal translation: Star of Longevity (corresponds to the star Canopus in European astronomy). There are also other options: Nanji laoren (南极老人 Nánjí Lǎo rén, Old Man of the South Pole), Nan-dou (南斗Nándǒu, Southern Dipper). Thus, Shou Xing is the name of the Chinese deity of longevity and at the same time the name of a star. In ancient times, its appearance in the sky foreshadowed abundance and all sorts of blessings throughout the Celestial Empire. And, on the contrary, its absence meant the approach of great troubles. Most often, the old man was depicted with a staff, with a tied gourd (a symbol of the prosperity of the family) and a paper scroll (a symbol of longevity) in one hand and a peach of immortality in the other. Externally, Shou Sin is easily recognized by his elongated (vertically) skull. Also, a white deer Bai-lu (白鹿 Bái lù) is sometimes depicted next to him - a symbol of career. This is a mythical animal, which is more of a materialized form of the Taoist’s desire to wander in time and space. “Nurturing the White Deer” within the Taoist tradition meant spiritual self-improvement to the level of Immortals. Fu Xing (福星 Fúxīng) was often depicted next to Shou Xing. Translated as Star of Happiness. And the old man himself, accordingly, is the deity of Happiness. There are several versions as to who served as the prototype for Fu Xing. According to one legend, in earthly life it was the official Yang Cheng (VI century AD). He lived in the town of Daozhou, whose residents were very short. And the local ruler loved to surround himself with dwarf jesters. And so he often took people away from Daozhou. And only Yang Cheng stood up for his people.

According to another version, Fu Xing was the military leader of the Tang era (618 - 907, 唐朝, Táng cháo) - Guo ZiYi (VIII century AD), famous for suppressing the rebellion of An Lu Shan - a rebellious military leader who was able to temporarily capture the capital and proclaim himself the founder of the new Yan dynasty. There is one legend that says that one day before going to bed, Guo Ziyi saw a woman on the bed who exuded radiance. It was the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, so he decided that this was the Heavenly Weaver Zhi Nu, who was meeting with her husband Niu Lan on that day. Guo Ziyi asked the goddess to give him wealth and happiness (in Chinese, Fu, 福 Fú). But she replied that he himself was the god of wealth and happiness: Fu Xing is the Star of Happiness.

Fu Xing is often depicted among the people with a scroll on which is written: “Heaven sends happiness.” Often in paintings, Fu Xing is surrounded by symbols of wealth and happiness, for example, bats (due to the consonance in pronunciation - fu). A distinctive feature of Fu Xing is the official's attire - the classic long-skirted robe of Shen Yi (深衣, Shēn yī) and hat.

In cases where all three elders of the triad are depicted, Fu Xing stands in the middle, Shou Xing is on the left, and the god of career and salary Lu Xing is on the right.

Lu Xing (from Lu - “official salary” and Xing - “star”). Otherwise - Lu Shen (Career Deity) or Guan Xing (官星Guān xīng, Star of Officials). Lu Xing is the god of officials. He was often depicted riding that very white deer Bai Lu. It is generally believed that Lu Xing is the deified Shi Feng (2nd century BC), who served Liu Bang (高祖 Gāozǔ), who founded the Han dynasty (汉朝Hàn cháo). Less commonly, Lu Xing is identified with the god of literature, Wen Chang (文昌Wénchāng). Oddly enough, literature and careers in ancient China were closely linked, since only those who successfully passed the exams had the right to an official post. And the exam in those days consisted mainly of verbatim reproduction of the main Confucian treatises and reflections on their topics. Apparently, because of this, the image of the god of literature and the patron saint of officials was mixed into one.

Another explanation for the identification of Lu Xing with Wen Chang is given by the Chinese specialist Ma ShuTian. He says that Lu Xing, like Fu Xing and Shou Xing, was also a personification of the star Si Lu (career manager), which is located in the constellation Wen Chang Gong (Palace of Prosperity of Literature). In addition, Lu Xing is often confused with Zhang Xian (張仙, Zhāng xian), the immortal who bestows sons. Therefore, Lu Xing can also be depicted holding a little boy in his arms.

Text tea community www.Chaism.pro We shed rivers of blood on the planet, delighting, illuminating and goofing off; I don’t know anything more disastrous in the world than a high and bright idea. I. Guberman

PS If you want to write a letter, write SKOMAR2006 in the subject line. Lots of spam.

Location of the elders

The gods of wealth and prosperity must be properly placed in the room. Lu is positioned in the center, Shou is on the left, and Fu is on the right. Choose the zone of money and success to place them. It is better to place figures or images of elders nearby.

Placed together in most homes as the three popular star deities, they represent Prosperity, Power and Longevity respectively. The elders are located in the center of the house. They give the central part the greatest energy. According to the teaching of the 5 elements, the center of an apartment or house unites the remaining zones surrounding it.

And the elders help to connect all these aspects together and give them special strength and energy.

It happens that the center of the house is not in the best and most convenient place, which makes placing the elders impossible. In this case, their place is in the living room or the room where the whole family most often gathers.

If you need to attract good luck in a short time, then the elders are placed in the center of the apartment, in the living room or bedroom. For those who are involved in charity, it is recommended to place the figurines in the assistants’ area. If you want to live a long, happy and healthy life, they should be placed in the dining room.

If you need to move up the career ladder and receive decent pay for your work, then the elders should be placed in the office.

It would be great to decorate the room with an artistic panel depicting the elders. It is better to place it in the northwestern housing sector, where we have the Assistant zone. In addition, the elders themselves can also be placed in the sectors: Career, Family and Wealth.

They are universal and will have a beneficial effect on family members in any of the listed zones.

Naturally, the quality of this impact will have its own nuances depending on the location of the figures.

The ideal place for elders in the office would be to place them behind the owner of the office, which will provide vital support and attract prosperity.

Wealthy Chinese place elders in separate rooms so they can practice meditation.

Star elders should be placed on an elevated platform so that they are taller than the people in the room.

These are more homely rather than office gods. They bring true satisfaction to the house for the whole family, the well-being of all members of the house.

Favorable sector: South-East, North-West Where to hang: Entrance, Hallway, Office Type of luck: For business, Wealth, Protection

Source: pofenshuyu.com

Where to place the deities?

Star elders anywhere will attract good luck, health and prosperity to the house. The best place for star elders will be the assistant sector. You can place them in the center of the house or in a place where family members like to gather. They will work great in areas of wealth, family, health, and career. But it is not recommended to place talismans in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

If you need to attract good luck in a short time, then the elders are placed in the center of the apartment, in the living room or bedroom. For those who are involved in charity, it is recommended to place the figurines in the assistants’ area. If you want to live a long, happy and healthy life, they should be placed in the dining room. If you need to move up the career ladder and receive decent pay for your work, then the elders should be placed in the office.

The ideal place for elders in the office would be to place them behind the owner of the office, which will provide vital support and attract prosperity.

Wealthy Chinese place elders in separate rooms so they can practice meditation.

Star elders should be placed on an elevated platform so that they are taller than the people in the room.

Activation of the Three Elders

To activate this talisman, figurines of star elders are placed in the place of the house where the whole family most often gathers, either in the health sector or in the assistants sector.

Elders represent the three most common aspirations in Feng Shui: Health, Wealth and Prosperity.

How to get help from star elders

The form of addressing the elders is not particularly important. The main thing is to show honor and respect to the deities. Another condition is the sincerity of the request and the absence of inconsistency in the Divine will.

Even without voicing a request, the elders will attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

Other Helper Deities in Feng Shui

Seven gods of happiness according to feng shui

In Feng Shui there are seven gods who can bring happiness, material values ​​and improve other areas of human life:

  1. Tamonten is a protective god. It protects its owner from bad people and unpleasant situations. Supports those individuals who are not afraid to face difficulties and achieve their goals. As a sign of his favor towards them, Tamonten gifts them with riches from his personal “treasure tower”. The god is depicted in military robes.
  2. Benten is the goddess of love, wisdom and luck. With its help, it is recommended to activate space for single women. They will be able to find family happiness and become more reasonable.
  3. Daikoku - if you are interested in the gods of money, then place a figurine with this patron in the appropriate area. He is the giver of food, the keeper of the kitchen, responsible for attracting material wealth and opening the flow of abundance.
  4. Hotei is the god of prosperity, happiness, good luck. He is depicted as a cheerful fat man with a big belly and always has a never-ending bag with him. To receive benefits or fulfill a wish, it is enough to rub Hotei’s belly 300 times.
  5. Jurojin is a deity who bestows happiness and longevity. He is usually depicted together with a deer, turtle or crane.
  6. Fukurokuju is the god of longevity, wisdom and prosperity. He always has scrolls and a fan in his hands.
  7. Ebisu is the deity who patronizes artisans and people whose work involves physical labor. He is depicted with a fishing rod.

Regular and military deities

To attract wealth, place a figurine of Tsai Shen Ye in the money zone - a powerful and immortal deity who protects from troubles, relieves debts and attracts good luck.

According to Feng Shui practitioners, this god of prosperity answers all requests - just make a wish and wait with faith for its fulfillment. She is depicted on a tiger with a whip or a bar of gold in her hands.

Kuan Yu is the martial god of wealth according to Feng Shui. It not only protects human well-being, but also allows him to win victories in competition. He is depicted wearing the cloak of the Nine Dragons. It is better to place his figurine near the door - it will protect the house and its inhabitants from failures and envious people.

Source: pofenshuyu.com


Have you ever heard of Goddess Lakshmi? This is an Indian goddess, whose name is associated with many virtues, such as beauty, peacefulness, knowledge, love


In addition, Lakshmi is also the goddess of prosperity, happiness, prosperity, luck, success and heavenly grace

. Her name means happiness in Sanskrit.

Legend has it that Lakshmi arose from a Lotus flower floating on the surface of the pristine waters of the ocean. The Lotus flower symbolizes purity and wealth, spiritual and material. Therefore, Lakshmi is always depicted either on a lotus or holding a lotus.

Lakshmi is considered the goddess of Love, Beauty and Prosperity. And there is even an opinion that when a person begins to get rich, they say that Lakshmi has settled in his house, and if, on the contrary, there are only continuous failures, Lakshmi has left him.

So how do you get in touch with this Goddess of Prosperity? There are several ways. One of them is meditation, the second is chanting mantras mentioning the name of the gold-bearing Lakshmi. You can combine chanting mantras with meditation.

This will definitely bring beneficial fruits into your life, and you will see their impact very soon.

If you simply keep an image of Lakshmi in the house, then prosperity will also appear, but perhaps not as quickly as when used together with mantras and meditations.

Biologically active food additives “SHOUXIN”, “FU-XING”, “PIAOLYAN”


Life is a chance, don't miss it!

Life is a dream, make it come true!

Life is happiness, create it yourself!

Mother Teresa

We all want the same thing - happiness. Everyone is trying to know it, feel it, catch it, attract it. And no matter what we call happiness and no matter what way we try to get closer to it, we need energy for this. Energy is much more than just the strength to walk, breathe, and work. Energy is the beginning, the basis for the high-quality use of all human resources. The quality and quantity of your life depends on energy.

But our life has long been reminiscent of sports, an endless race in which the strongest win. And in order not to leave the race prematurely, and, moreover, to win, you need to be in excellent shape. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to run - the conditions become tougher, there is less time, resources, and energy left. We get tired, lose momentum... All this inevitably leads to nervous strain, fatigue, illness, and missed opportunities. What should I do? How to endure this dizzying run without compromising your health, beauty and career? How to make time for self-care? Where can I get the strength and energy to win?

offers a new series of biologically active food additives - complexes “FU-XING”, “SHOUXING”, “PIAOLYAN” , united by a common goal - to help modern people withstand high loads, reduce the influence of negative factors, preserve youth, increase health and beauty. First of all, the cordyceps contained in all complexes will help you cope with these important tasks - a “precious” mushroom, the embodiment of the wisdom of oriental medicine, a remedy that helps you win both in sports and in life.


In 1992-1993, amazing events began to happen in the world of sports: the little-known Chinese women's athletics team began to win world championships, easily overthrowing one after another records that had “stood” unchanged for almost 10 years. During the 1993 Chinese National Games, Chinese female athletes broke world records 14 times! The newspaper pages were full of headlines: “Their running steps shook the world”, “The giant woke up”, “The secret weapon of Chinese athletes”, “They looked after the finish as if they were drinking jasmine tea and not running the distance”... The natural conclusion suggested itself: which one was used? something unknown dope. However, studies of all the athletes and the drink they drank showed a complete absence of prohibited substances, and the International Athletics Federation recognized the new world records. There were even more questions, and under pressure from the public, the team coach had to reveal the “secret.” “The secret is a combination of two factors. It's an intense workout and precious mushrooms. Age-old wisdom is embedded in these mushrooms, age-old wisdom helps to win,” was his answer.


One of the components of the drink that athletes drank during training and competitions was the legendary mushroom, “divine gift”, one of the most precious remedies of Eastern medicine - cordyceps.

Chinese legend says that shepherds were the first to notice the beneficial properties of cordyceps: their animals, even the oldest ones, became energetic and active after eating these mushrooms, which grow in inaccessible areas of the highlands.

Cordyceps is a rare natural phenomenon and a valuable raw material. It is not at all similar to ordinary mushrooms and is an amazing combination of representatives of flora (fungus) and fauna (insect larvae on which the fungus parasitizes), which has no analogues in nature in its form and properties. In summer it exists in the form of a plant - a mushroom, and in winter it parasitizes the body of insects or their larvae. Hence its Chinese name - “grass insect” and its unique composition and properties that have no analogues.

The “precious” mushroom is one of the three main “treasures” of oriental medicine and has been serving people for several millennia. Ancient Chinese treatises say that cordyceps “strengthens the vital energy of Qi and builds the gate of vitality.” It has long been known that the more viable a plant is, the more healing it is. Growing in the harsh climate and oxygen deficiency inherent in high mountains, cordyceps has a unique ability to adapt, accumulates a huge amount of nutrients and biologically active components. It contains more than 70 macro- and microelements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium phosphorus, boron, cobalt, etc.), a large number of enzymes, including coenzyme Q10, essential amino acids, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, PP , B12, E, C and the unique components cordyceptin, cordyceptinic acid and adenosine. These substances help strengthen and restore adaptation mechanisms; increase the body’s ability to resist oxygen starvation; have a powerful antioxidant effect; dilate blood vessels and increase blood supply to the heart and lungs; promotes the removal of toxins from the body; suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, including herpes, hepatitis, and influenza viruses; regulate metabolism and have a huge list of other beneficial properties for strengthening and healing the human body.


Along with high speeds, the hallmark of our time has become the ubiquitous and unpredictable stress (English - “pressure, tension”). We experience tension every moment, being in a state of struggle with the environment, unbalanced nutrition, bad habits, medications, emotional stress and other unfavorable factors that surround us everywhere. Stress is the body’s reaction not only to emotional, but also to any damaging factors. The result of any stress is a violation of physiological or psychological balance, which can cause a malfunction in the well-coordinated functioning of the body. Whether a failure occurs or not depends on the capabilities of the organism itself.

Our body is a unique self-regulating system, and any adverse impact leads to the mobilization of its protective forces and the process of adaptation - adaptation to the emerging conditions. Our whole life, in fact, is a continuous process of adaptation to constantly changing and often harsh environmental factors for which we are not yet evolutionarily ready. These are radiation, chemical pollution, noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation... The list, as they say, goes on. The more complex and unusual the conditions, the more difficult adaptation is.

Our ability to adapt is limited, as it depends on the body's reserves. Elderly and sick people have significantly lower adaptation capabilities than young and healthy people. The more aggressive the environment and the longer the damaging factors last, the faster the adaptive resources are depleted and disadaptation occurs (failure of adaptation). Most diseases of modern man are the result of maladaptation. “A place of honor” in this list and a logical result of “life in stress” is premature aging of the body.


Each of us asks the “mirror” this question at least once in our lives. The desire to live long and not grow old is an eternal theme that has haunted the minds of mankind throughout its history. For centuries, people have been looking for the “elixir of youth” - some miraculous root, a treasured formula, a protected place or another sure way to stop or “turn back” time.

Relationships with age are especially difficult for the fair half of humanity. One study found that women today experience anxiety about aging up to 36 times a day. Apparently it’s not in vain that they ironize that when a woman turns 30, the first thing she forgets is her age, and at 40 it is completely erased from her memory.

Scientists are still searching for the causes of aging. Gerontology (a science that studies the mechanisms of aging of the human body) today has more than 200 theories and hypotheses. But the absolute majority of experts recognize free radicals as the most important culprits in the aging of the body and the development of almost 60 diseases - aggressive molecules formed in the body as a result of exposure to unfavorable factors (air and water pollution, consumption of synthetic additives and drugs, smoking, psycho-emotional overload). The free radical theory is currently the most popular and proven theory of aging.

The secret of eternal youth has not yet been found, but technologies for rejuvenation and prolongation of active life are already known. Scientists are confident that at 55 you can look and feel like 35. Armed with powerful microscopes, like in a big screen movie, they observe the life of cells and see what really makes them old and worn out, and what can “breathe” into them life and regain youth. Antioxidants are recognized as the best “rejuvenating” agents today – substances that neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals and can protect our body from stress and its destructive consequences, from premature aging and fading.

Nature has provided mechanisms of antioxidant protection, and some of the antioxidants are formed in the body. But, according to experts, today we are able to independently cope with only 2% of the free radicals generated. The remaining 98% are uncontrollable and capable of destroying everything that gets in their way. Therefore, it is vitally important for every modern person to ensure a regular supply of antioxidant substances, both with food and in the form of special antioxidant complexes.

Biologically active food additives “FU-XING”, “SHOUXING” and “PIAOLYAN” are among such products and are a source of not only the legendary cordyceps, but also a complex of some of the best natural antioxidants, which play a key role in matters of preserving beauty.


Poor ecology, poor-quality water, unbalanced nutrition, and emotional overload cannot but affect the health and beauty of the skin, hair, and nails. Unfortunately, even the most effective cosmetics do not always give the desired results to “save” them, because beauty begins from within.

“Health is the only beauty I know,” Heine said, and he was absolutely right. Skin has always been a mirror of health. Malnutrition and “slagging” of the body invariably affect the appearance. Many pathological processes occurring in the body make themselves felt in the form of acne, age spots and stars, changes in color or skin turgor. Acne is evidence of zinc deficiency, intestinal dysfunction or hormonal imbalance. A yellowish tint to the skin, age spots, yellow plaques on the eyelids, early wrinkles are clear signs of high cholesterol or “hello” from a tired liver. Cellulite and varicose veins have long gone beyond the category of purely cosmetic problems.

Unruly, exhausted, dull hair... The cause of these troubles can be not only shampoo and water, but also poor nutrition and the associated deficiency of B vitamins, zinc, and taurine. Hair is also very sensitive to stress, as a result of which the vessels carrying blood to the scalp can narrow. As a result, the hair does not receive enough nutrients, and the curls thin out. Don’t forget about the hormonal “trace” of hair problems. Impaired kidney and thyroid function are also a common cause of accelerated hair loss.

Early gray hair is not always an indicator of “genes” or wisdom beyond one’s years. The cause of its development can be a deficiency of copper, folic acid and frequent stress.

Nails also speak eloquently about problems in the body. Sudden yellowing of the nail plates can be a consequence not only of the use of dark nail polish, but also of impaired liver function. If your nails are in waves, it makes sense to check your intestines or kidneys, and if your nails are brittle, check your thyroid gland. Problems with nails can be caused by both a deficiency of selenium, zinc, calcium, and more serious “internal” reasons. White specks on the nails indicate a possible lack of calcium or zinc. Therefore, the beauty of a modern person, as well as health, depends on what “is on his plate.”

HELPING TO WIN The pace and conditions of modern life place high demands on the content of vitamins in our food. The composition and quantity of these vital substances obtained from food also do not correspond to our loads and require additional sources. Therefore, biologically active food supplements “FU-XING”, “SHOUXING” and “PIAOLYAN” are sources of key vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body and play an important role in preserving youth and maintaining beauty. The main properties of these “elements of life” and their daily content in the composition of the “FU-XING”, “SHOUXING” and “PIAOLYAN” complexes can be found in the following table


in dietary supplements “FU-XING”, “SHOUXING”, “PIAOLYAN”:

VITAMINS GENERAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIES for SKIN SIGNS OF DEFICIENCY Soda in 1 capsule, mg % of recom. consumption level
VITAMIN A (retinol) – “longevity vitamin”, “growth vitamin” Necessary for the functioning of the immune system; supports; ensures reproduction processes; supports normal eye function Supports skin vital processes; stimulates cell reproduction; regulates the thickness of the stratum corneum of the skin; smoothes wrinkles Coarsening of the skin on the elbows and knees; peeling of the facial skin; changes in the nail plates (they become uneven and wavy); dry skin, hair, eyes 0,4 44
VITAMIN B1 (thiamine hydrochloride )“vitamin of vitality” Protects the body from stress; improves blood circulation; participates in hematopoiesis and supplying cells with nutrition and energy Fights early skin aging Depression; constipation; leg cramps; memory impairment; fast fatiguability 0,42 28
VITAMIN B2 (riboflavin) – “the main skin vitamin” Regulates redox reactions; starts regeneration processes; "eye" vitamin; antioxidant One of the main “skin” vitamins; normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps in the transport of oxygen; triggers regeneration processes of skin, hair, nails Hair becomes greasy, dandruff appears, tooth enamel darkens and cracks, wrinkles form around the eyes and mouth, the corners of the lips crack and bleed. 0,42 23
VITAMIN B5 (pantothenic acid) – “slimness vitamin” Necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids and hemoglobin; participates in neutralizing toxins Participates in the formation of pigment in hair Weakness; fast fatiguability; neuropsychiatric disorders, decreased resistance to respiratory tract infections; baldness; early graying 1,9 38
VITAMIN B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) – “antidepressant vitamin” Participates in the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates; as well as in the processes of energy release; regulates brain function; strengthens immune defense Has an anti-inflammatory effect; strengthens hair roots Dermatitis; inflammation in the mouth and lip area; insomnia; nervous disorders and increased irritability; anemia; hair loss, dandruff; itching and dry scalp. 0,5 25
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) “supervitamin” Participates in the synthesis of amino acids; controls growth processes; provides protection to the cardiovascular system; nervous system stability Ensures normal functioning of the skin; promotes hair growth; protects hair from graying Anemia; irritability and depression; diarrhea; weakness and fatigue 150 mcg 37
VITAMIN B12 (cyanocobalamin) – “vitamin of happiness” Participates in the metabolism of amino acids; necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system; for the formation of hemoglobin; activates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates Responsible for skin condition, healthy complexion; essential for maintaining healthy hair Weakening and hair loss; sallow skin color; liver diseases; anemia; disorders of the nervous system 0,9 30
VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid) – “vitamin of vital energy” Antioxidant; regulates redox reactions, carbohydrate metabolism; strengthens the immune system; reduces capillary permeability Necessary in collagen synthesis processes; enhances exfoliation of dead cells, protects against free radicals, improves skin protective functions Skin pigmentation disorder; slow hair growth; lethargy, drowsiness, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases 22,0 22
VITAMIN D3 (cholecalciferol) – “sun vitamin”, “vitamin of life” Increases the body's resistance; promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, normal formation of bone tissue Gives the skin a healthy look; strengthens hair and nails Caries, brittle, thin nails and hair 3 mcg 30
VITAMIN E (tocopherol acetate) – “women’s vitamin”, “vitamin of youth”, “vitamin of love” Antioxidant; supports the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems; slows down the aging process Improves microcirculation; stops the aging process; helps the accumulation of retinol in the skin Poor absorption of fats; disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system; "women's" problems; arthritis 2,0 13
VITAMIN H (biotin) – “beauty vitamin” Participates in metabolism; optimizes the use of fatty acids in the body Contains sulfur, which hair, nails and skin need; improves hair structure and appearance Hair loss, peeling skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry eyes, insomnia 54 mcg 108
Vitamin PP or B3 (nicotinamide) Participates in energy production processes and redox reactions; improves carbohydrate metabolism; supports the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems Dilates blood vessels; improves blood flow; promotes wound healing Photodermatitis; peeling and decreased skin elasticity; fatigue; muscle weakness; ulcers in the mouth and lips; headaches and poor sleep 4,8 24

Dietary supplements “SHOUXIN”, “PIAOLYAN” are a magnificent trio of modern complexes based on the legendary cordyceps, well-known antioxidants and essential vitamins, helping to maintain a delicate balance between the “endless race”, health and beauty, to defeat stress and time. Let's take a closer look at these products .



Fu-hsing is the name of the god of happiness in Chinese mythology. This deity gives a person energy for life and work. To the right of Fu-hsing is the god of career and salary Lu-hsin.

Where does a happy and successful day begin? Of course, a happy and cheerful morning! And for the morning to be truly cheerful and good, you need to wake up, “wake up” your brain, recharge with energy and a great mood. Therefore, the best start to a happy day will be the dietary supplement “FU-XING”.

Biologically active food supplement “FU-SIN” is a modern multifunctional complex that helps maintain vitality, increase mental and physical performance, mobilize and correct the body’s defenses, allowing you to cope with modern stress and be in excellent shape..

COMPOSITION: green tea extract, succinic acid, vitamin premix (vitamins A, C, E, B5, B12, B6, B1, B2, D3, nicotinamide, folic acid, biotin), Chinese cordyceps, ginseng extract, excipients.


GREEN TEA and a cup of freshly brewed drink based on it are a great start to any day, so green tea extract is the “heart” of the FU-XING complex and imparts to it the amazing properties of the popular drink. Chinese legend says: a 130-year-old monk arrived to visit the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Seeing his vigor and strength, the emperor asked: “What kind of miraculous remedy allows you to enjoy life for so long?” The monk, laughing, replied: “I come from a poor family and have never taken medicine. I just really love tea.”

Green tea has a unique complex effect on the body. It perfectly tones, warms in winter, and refreshes in summer. Under the influence of tea, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells increases, mental and creative activity improves. Tea acts as a mild antidepressant, increases stress resistance, evens out mood, and relieves fatigue.

Few people know that tea has long been used only as a medicinal plant. One Chinese doctor 1200 years ago called tea “The Cure for the Darkness of Diseases.” Modern medicine completely agrees with this statement.

There are more than 300 compounds in tea. Among them are the antioxidants proanthocyanidins, tannins and catechins. The most important antioxidants in green tea are catechins, which form stable compounds with foreign substances that enter the body and then neutralize them.

Green tea is a champion among plants in terms of the content of vitamins C, P, PP and an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, destroys fatty deposits on them and prevents the formation of new ones.

The most sensational discovery has been made regarding the preventive anti-cancer effect of tea. It is based on its blood purifying properties, the ability to actively bind and remove carcinogenic substances from the body, and prevent tumor growth. Tea helps strengthen the immune system and prepare the body to fight infections.

One cup of elite Chinese green tea contains on average up to 40 mg of catechins. 1 capsule of the FU-SIN complex contains 50 mg of catechins or 50% of the body's recommended daily requirement.

GINSENG is one of the three main “treasures” of oriental medicine, “gift of the gods”, “miracle of nature”, “salt of the earth”, “spirit of the earth”, “divine herb”. Probably, about no other plant in the world there are so many legends and traditions as about ginseng. Whatever names were given to it in the East, but most often it is called the “root of life,” which prolongs life and delays old age. The word "ginseng" literally means "root person" (zhen - person, shen - root). This name was given for the striking resemblance of the ginseng root to the human figure. According to one legend, in ancient China there lived a kind man named Zhen Shen. People noticed that the years did not cast their shadow on him. When this man's centenary arrived, he was asked how he managed to live to such a age and at the same time maintain youth in soul and body. “I am a brother to all living things and I help everyone,” was the answer. But this turned out to be incomprehensible to people, and they began to pursue Zhen Shen. Out of his kindness, he could not enter into an argument with them and, in despair, turned to his taiga mother with a request to help him. Taiga understood her son and shielded him from human envy, and in the thicket of the forest an inconspicuous stem appeared with a root of extraordinary healing power.

Ginseng root is a famous adaptogen, tonic, general strengthening agent that increases the body's performance and resistance to stressful situations, physical activity, and adverse environmental influences. It makes a person more cheerful, stronger, saves from overwork, improves mental activity, stimulates sexual functions, and is also recommended during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses, operations, and prolonged physical and mental fatigue. The positive effect of ginseng on depression and neurasthenia has been proven.

Panaxosides are the active substances of ginseng. 1 capsule of the FU-SIN complex provides 32% of the body’s recommended daily requirement for these substances.

AMBER ACID will help make even the gloomiest morning cheerful. Its properties were first mentioned in medieval writings from the time of the Teutonic Knights. Chronicles say that to maintain vigor and strength, the crusaders ground amber into powder, mixed it with wine and drank it. This drink helped knights increase stamina, quickly restore strength and easily endure the hardships of camp life.

After Hitler came to power, succinic acid came to the attention of scientists of the Third Reich, searching for means to increase the endurance of soldiers. Nazi intelligence services drew attention to the unique properties of succinic acid and classified all work on its study. Soldiers who took drugs developed on its basis became stronger, more resilient, and acquired a “truly Aryan fighting spirit.”

A new wave of interest in succinic acid is associated with the work of Professor Maria Kondrashova, who lived in Kaliningrad in the 60s. History repeated itself again: right at the start of mass production of the first Soviet drug based on succinic acid, the special services had their say, and the product was classified. Amber tablets ended up in the arsenal of special forces soldiers, secret agents, diplomats and top government officials.

Today, the unique properties of succinic acid have become available to everyone. They are relevant for every modern person, because succinic acid increases the body’s resistance to stress (physical, chemical, biological), is a catalyst for metabolic processes, and is capable of providing the body with additional energy resources during extreme periods, increasing performance and endurance. It is very valuable that succinic acid is an absolutely natural substance for humans, which is produced and is always present in the body: it is the most important participant in the Krebs cycle - the main way of obtaining energy in our body. In addition, it neutralizes and accelerates the process of removing under-oxidized metabolic products and harmful substances, activates a number of important enzymes, has a radioprotective effect, reducing the impact of radiation on the human body, is a strong antidepressant, and helps cope with negative emotions.

Any organism in unfavorable conditions noticeably increases the production of succinic acid, which allows it to successfully resist the harmful effects of the environment. But with age and an increase in the number of diseases, this ability decreases, and the body is “happy” to any sources of succinic acid.

1 capsule of the FU-SIN complex provides 45% of the body's recommended daily requirement for succinic acid.

CORDICEPS in combination with green tea and succinic acid helps to “awaken” the body and prepare it for a busy day: dilates blood vessels and increases blood supply to the heart and lungs, effectively removes toxins, strengthens and restores adaptive mechanisms, including immunity, increasing the body’s ability to resist negative factors, has a powerful antioxidant effect.

VITAMIN COMPLEX (vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D3, E, H, PP) used

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