Feng Shui swans figurine: why and where to place it

The swan is a symbol of beauty, innocence, femininity, nobility. In Rus', as well as in Asian countries, the swan was revered precisely as the embodiment of femininity. Widespread in the folklore of these countries are modifications of the image of the Swan Princess, a wise and pure creature possessing magical powers, or a girl bewitched by an evil wizard.

Flag of Western Australia. The black swan is the symbol of Australia

Michelangelo. Leda and the swan

Swan couples, devoted to each other, maintaining a long-term family union, have become a symbol of boundless marital love and fidelity. The flight of a swan was associated with witchcraft, fortune telling, and prophecies. In a broader sense, a flying swan was associated with the passage of time, the movement across the sky of the Sun. The white swan is an emblem of perfection, purity, immortality.

In Antiquity, the swan was a symbol of the goddess Venus and later in European mythology it acted as a figurative designation of a beautiful woman, a chaste goddess with secret knowledge. However, there are also motifs where the male symbolism of the swan is clearly visible, for example, in the myth of Leda and the swan. According to legend, the beautiful Leda was the wife of Tyndareus. With her beauty she enchanted everyone who cast even a fleeting glance at her. The Thunderer Zeus also succumbed to the spell of Leda. In order to visit his beloved unnoticed by his wife Hera, Zeus turned into a swan and in this guise appeared before Leda. From their union children were born: daughter Elena and son Polidevk. In myth, the meaning of the image of a swan is associated with masculinity, satisfaction of desire and fertility.

Brahma riding the sacred swan Hamsa

Cue, Shchek, Khoriv and Lybid. Monument to the legendary founders of Kyiv

The swan is the emblem of the Scottish clan Linsdale.

Norse mythology views the swan with Freya, the goddess of fertility and love. Trolls, elves, three goddesses of fate - the Nora used swans as a means of transport. Valkyries, who collected the souls of the dead over the battlefields, were believed to be able to turn into swans.

Swan in legends and myths

Since ancient times, the swan has served as a symbol of purity, wisdom, love, music and poetry, fidelity and chastity. A special attitude towards birds can be traced not only in Ancient Rus', but also in Greece, India, and China. The reason for this reverence is the beauty and grace of the bird, as well as the fact that the partners are faithful to each other throughout their lives.

Swans in Greek mythology

Snow-white birds in Greek mythology are the faithful companions of Apollo, Aphrodite, Orpheus and Eros. Even Zeus himself once turned into a white swan to appear in all his glory before Leda. And it was the swan that was present during the birth of Apollo - the gift of clairvoyance of the Olympian god is associated with this.

Swans in the myths of Ancient India

In the myths of Ancient India, it was from a swan egg that fell into the abyss of Chaos that our Universe was born. Birds in India were also a symbol of the duality of existence: breath and spirit. And snow-white, sparkling plumage is a symbol of the purity of the human soul. The supreme deity of the Hindus, Brahma, is often depicted riding a swan.

Myths of the Slavs and Celts

In the myths of the ancient Slavs, the swan is associated with the feminine principle and is a holy bird. In the legends and tales of the northern peoples of Rus', it is in the image of a snow-white swan that a wise and beautiful maiden appears, possessing various secrets, knowledge and miracles. There is exactly the same image in Celtic myths. This is how in “The Song of the Nibelungs” girls turn into snow-white birds. Also among the Celts, birds had magical powers and were associated with the sun, purity, and generosity. The Celts believed that the bird could not only heal all diseases, but also bring love, wealth, peace and quiet to the home. Apparently, this is why people born in the month of the Swan, according to the Celtic calendar, were considered the luckiest and happiest.

Swans in Chinese mythology

In China, birds are associated with the sun and masculinity. In some regions they are still revered as sacred.

Positive signs about swans

Images of people and swans in folk legends and mythology are very often intertwined. There is a Slavic swan princess, twelve enchanted European princes, and a Chinese celestial maiden flying on white wings to console lonely old people. And a flock of swans, which carries the golden chariot of Apollo across the sky, accompanies Brahma and the Scandinavian goddess Freya on their travels.

People have always seen in swans those traits that seemed most attractive to them: nobility, wisdom, loyalty, the ability to love and compassion. Hence the positive signs.

  • Swans fly to the shore of a river or lake, sit on the water - they promise the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • A flock flew over the travelers - promising an easy road.
  • Birds are circling above the house - you can expect good news.
  • In general, seeing swans flying in the sky is a bright omen; it speaks of harmony, of peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Swan as a symbol of the country

Not only in the past, but also in the present, the attitude towards birds is special. So in Finland the bird is a national symbol. The numerous lakes of this European country are home to one of the largest populations of whooper swans in the world. The swan in Finland also symbolizes the high quality of manufactured products. The quality mark is placed only on goods produced in Finland and from Finnish raw materials.

The attitude towards birds is so respectful that even a pair of these beautiful birds is engraved on the one euro coin.

In large cities of Finland, birds remain for the winter. Local residents consider it their duty to feed them, and bring all kinds of treats to the shores of the lakes. And in places where these beauties just nest, various holidays and celebrations are held during the spring migration.

For the Finnish peoples, since ancient times, the snow-white bird has been a symbol of purity and purity. And killing a swan was considered a sin. People believed that whoever killed the bird would face inevitable death.

Even today, some peoples of Finland believe that the world was created from a swan's egg: it fell and split into pieces. The sky and earth were formed from the shell, and the entire animal and plant world was formed from the white and yolk.

The essence of the black swan theory

So, any theory consists of research and patterns that have been formed over time. There are many examples from different areas of our lives. For example, there is a statement that the economy develops in seven-year cycles. At the end of each cycle there is a rise, then a decline, after which it takes a couple of years to recover. Over the next 4-5 years, the situation will stabilize, household incomes will grow, after which the likelihood of a recession will increase. This is a pattern that has been observed for several decades. Errors (plus or minus a year), of course, are present, but they are not so significant.

The black swan theory is the realization that not all phenomena have been thoroughly studied, and there is always the possibility of an event occurring that will completely change the course of history. Again, many examples can be given: wars, natural disasters, epidemics, terrorist attacks, financial crises, etc. However, such events do not necessarily have to be negative. “Black Swans” also include the invention of cellular communications, the Internet, space exploration, the emergence of cryptocurrencies and much more.

In addition, if you look at the above events after the fact (several years later), it seems as if their occurrence was quite natural. This is explained by the fact that previously unpredictable phenomena are studied from different angles: what preceded them, what errors were made in forecasts, how prepared people were for the occurrence of the event, etc.

Thus, when we read a history textbook, we think that the First World War was an absolutely predictable event. But for that time it was a “black swan”. Many books have been written about the Great Depression of 1929-1933. If we arrange all the previous events in chronological order and present the most striking facts indicating the approach of the crisis, to which due attention was not paid at that time, then a completely convincing and understandable picture emerges.

There were several reasons for the onset of the Great Depression: overproduction, first an increase and then a sharp contraction of the money supply, World War I, as well as a boom in the stock market, when borrowed funds were used to buy shares. But then no one could foresee the consequences of the combination of all these factors that were interconnected. Due to the fact that it is difficult to see these very connections, people find themselves unprepared for certain force majeure circumstances.

Why do swans dream?

Different dream books interpret differently what white swans mean in dreams. There are several most popular dream books:

  • Tsvetkova,
  • Female,
  • Children's,
  • Aesop,
  • Freud,
  • Miller,
  • Numerological,
  • Meneghetti.

To see white swans in a dream, according to the women’s dream book, means impending positive changes, pleasant excitement, and meetings. Several swans swimming on clean and smooth water - to goodness and success.

According to Aesop's dream book, seeing swans in a dream is a symbol of greatness, grace and innocence. The dream book says that the person who saw the dream met a person with all the listed qualities, and he will play an important role in fate. Flying swans indicate a change in weather. In winter - cold weather and snowfall, and in summer - rain and cool weather. Seeing one white swan floating on the water in a dream means a long-awaited meeting. For single people - to a meeting promising marriage. Feeding birds from your hands or seeing them eat is a great success.

A children's dream book says that a dream about a swan promises an interesting meeting, new prospects and opportunities. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a swan seen in a dream foreshadows separation, moving, parting, or loss of a friend.

Seeing swans in a dream, according to Freud’s dream book, means harmonious development, balance, pleasure and harmony in your personal life.

And according to Miller’s dream book, dreaming about white swans means pleasant experiences, new prospects and opportunities, interesting and useful meetings. If the bird has black plumage, this means doubts and unpleasant news. And seeing dead birds in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

According to the numerological dream book:

  • Seeing a swan couple in a dream means goodness, happiness, happy changes,
  • Flying birds seen in a dream - to a truce (if you are in a quarrel with someone), to new meetings, promotion,
  • If you dreamed of one swan - to betrayal,
  • And if you dream about a bird for several nights in a row, you should be more attentive to what is happening in life.

But according to Meneghetti’s dream book, seeing these snow-white birds in a dream means a quick result from the efforts spent, getting what you want, fulfilling a dream. For a man, the meaning is slightly different: a dream about a swan indicates that a powerful woman has a strong influence on life.

Signs depending on the number of birds and their behavior

On a lake, in the sky or in any other place, swans can be found either in flocks/pairs or alone - in the latter case, the omen becomes sharply negative. A person who has not yet found his love will have to be patient - the Higher Powers do not promise him bright prospects. A lonely swan frightens a family man with divorce or possible widowhood.

A lot of snow-white birds means good luck in general. Have you ever seen a flock of swans on the water, somewhere on a river or lake? The sign promises a calm year, family prosperity, a minimum of shocks and conflicts. If at this moment a person is worried about a serious problem, he must turn to the Higher Powers for help and advice - and he will definitely receive it.

Seeing two swans is a sign with personal implications

Much depends on the behavior of the birds.

  • They swim calmly, wing to wing - soon an important acquaintance awaits the casual “spectator”, which can mark the beginning of great happiness.
  • Birds hiss or fight among themselves - you will face betrayal or betrayal, be disappointed in your loved one.
  • The swans suddenly turned in different directions and began to move away from each other - ahead of separation from a loved one or a cooling of previous feelings.

Swans in art

The image of a bird is beautiful, which is why it is so widely reflected in art. Images of these noble and graceful creatures can be found on the canvases of Leonardo da Vinci, Moro, and Salvador Dali. There are references to birds in Russian folk tales, as well as in many poems by Yesenin, stories by Mamin-Sibiryak, Bazhov. The Strugatsky brothers created the story “Ugly Swans”, and David Mitchell wrote the novel “Meadow of the Black Swan”.

The image of this bird was no less used in music. The whole world knows Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake”. Saint-Saens' musical fantasy of the same name is also dedicated to the bird.

Event criteria from Nassim Taleb

Nassim Taleb, an American writer and financier of Lebanese origin, identifies three main criteria for an event called a “black swan” in his book of the same name:

  1. The event is unpredictable for experts.
  2. The event has significant consequences.
  3. In retrospect, the event has a completely rational explanation.

Examples of black swan events

Here are some examples of events that fit the concept of a “black swan”:

  • the beginning of the First and Second World Wars;
  • Great Depression 1929-1933;
  • Gagarin's first flight into space;
  • collapse of the USSR;
  • resignation of Russian President Yeltsin on December 31, 2000;
  • the events of September 11, 2001 in America;
  • financial crises of 2008 and 2014;
  • 2011 earthquake in Japan;
  • spread of coronavirus infection, etc.

As positive phenomena, we can cite examples such as the invention of radio, television and the Internet, and mobile communications. In the field of medicine - the emergence of antibiotics, the possibility of artificial insemination, unique organ transplant operations, etc. Among the achievements of art, one can cite many world masterpieces of painting, literature and music, and as a modern example - cinema and the improvement of digital technologies.

Nassim Taleb's three criteria of black swan theory can be applied to all of these events: they were unpredictable, had a huge impact on people's future lives, and can be explained after the fact.

Take, for example, the advent of mobile phones:

  1. In the 60-70s of the last century, few could have predicted that there would be devices that could be carried with you and be in touch regardless of location.
  2. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine your daily life without mobile communications.
  3. In retrospect, the advent of cordless phones is quite understandable: landline phones have been around for a long time, so it is logical that this invention will be improved in the future.

Charm of the Swan's palace

Every palace has its own protective symbol. The Slavs used it instead of the lettering of the name in the Svarog Circle, but more often they wore it as an amulet.

What does such a talisman look like:

The amulet of the palace will teach you to value your energy - to stop wasting it on those who do not deserve such a gift.

The symbol enclosed in a nine-pointed star really resembles a swan, doesn't it? A rather primitive image, but still. People born under the sign of this beautiful bird need to have such a talisman with them in order to remain healthy and lucky.

As an alternative, it is proposed to consider other variations of the image of a white bird:

  • embroidery with swans;
  • watercolor or oil painting;
  • a drawing drawn by you personally;
  • swan tattoo

Some people calmly get tattoos, others are afraid that drawings or symbols applied to the skin will ruin their life. But there is no need to be afraid of the patron saint of the palace, the Swan. This bird will not bring you any sadness or misfortune. But it will provide good luck and health, give wisdom, and also help in family life.

The swan symbolizes love. Some peoples have a tradition of placing paired figurines with these birds in the bedroom. People believe that they protect lovers. If this is the totem of your palace, then all the more you need to think about purchasing such a talisman, because this is double luck!

Let's take a closer look at the influence of the amulet on the representatives of the swan palace.

For women

The swan is a very feminine and gentle symbol. It will suit the fair sex just perfectly:

  • the amulet will help you become softer in communicating with others;
  • will save its owner from hot temper and the habit of taking everything to heart.

Among the shortcomings of the women of this palace, pride is often mentioned.
Pride does not overshadow the positive qualities, but it definitely spoils the bright image of swan women, leaving the taste of an unfinished ideal. Under the influence of the symbol of the palace, they will be filled with compassion and love for their neighbors, and will stop looking down on others.

For men

For men, the swan amulet means the following:

  • the man will become more emotional - this will not harm him, because the sensitivity that appears is compensated by natural restraint;
  • the amulet will bring the owner good luck in business and teach the art of making deals;
  • Bird men lack perseverance, the amulet will help you become more patient and not give up what you started.

A talisman with a bird symbol will be useful for a man of any age. In adulthood, it will reawaken the romance lost in youth. The young person will be taught to take responsibility without shifting the work to others.

Making financial decisions under conditions of uncertainty

The behavior of people in unusual situations, which allowed them to protect themselves, is an invaluable experience. But we must not forget that certain actions were effective for specific situations, and tomorrow everything may be different. This is one of the basic rules on which Nassim Taleb's theory is based.

In conditions of uncertainty, it is necessary to calculate the expected and required profitability under several scenarios.

The market price of the asset should be approximately at a level where the investor's required return coincides with the expected return. If the expected return is higher than the required one, the investor will try to sell this asset. In the absence of adequate demand, the balance between the expected and required levels of profitability will be restored.

But how to calculate expected return? This can only be done approximately, and in a black swan situation, all calculations may be useless. But there is still a certain chance that the calculations may be useful. Let's look at a specific example.

We know that crises in Russia are always accompanied by a collapse of the ruble and oil prices and an increase in the dollar exchange rate. It has been exactly like this for the last few years. Therefore, what steps should you take to keep your funds as safe as possible? Of course, buy dollars. But not everything is so simple - no one can predict with 100% accuracy when the next crisis will happen. This means that you should not keep all your savings in American currency - after all, there are also cases of its fall. Several parameters need to be calculated:

  • the percentage of available funds that should be converted into dollars in order not to go into deep minus during the crisis;
  • how much money should be kept in dollars if the market situation is stable;
  • what percentage should be converted into dollars in a favorable situation: strengthening of the national currency, rising prices for energy resources and shares of Russian companies.

The average value between these three indicators will be the value that corresponds to the approximate size of the expected profitability. And then you should calculate what part of the savings and in what percentage should be transferred to other currencies for all the above scenarios.

Thus, the expected return will be within a certain range. When a black swan event occurs, the probability of error is quite high, but still such calculations should not be neglected.

As for the required profitability, the investor determines it independently, but taking into account market demand. Under conditions of uncertainty, it is reasonable to determine the size of the required return that ensures the minimum profit.

Protective tree

The swan is a symbol of purity, good intentions, hope and a bright future. The tree that brings good luck to the people of this palace has similar properties. In ancient times, it was often used to treat all sorts of diseases, and tinctures and balms from it can be seen on pharmacy shelves even today.

What kind of tree is this? Pine. Surely you will agree that it has a very pleasant aroma. Inhaling this magical forest smell, you feel peace and connection with nature.

You can get the protection of a totem tree in different ways:

  • Buy a body amulet with the Mokosh symbol. Pendant, earrings, bracelet - choose what is most convenient for you to wear.
  • Order wooden coasters for cups from the workshop. A cut of wood exudes a forest spirit in itself. The influence of a hot cup will spread it throughout the room even more - you will get a kind of aromatherapy.
  • Buy wooden utensils. Plates or cups, spoons, forks, boards. It would be great if you could reduce the amount of plastic you buy just a little. And there is less harm to the planet, and the house is under the protection of your totem tree!
  • Buy a wooden comb. Not everyone likes to use cosmetics, but every lady has to comb her hair. A comb or comb made of pine will become your invisible protector from dark spells.

The pine tree itself will protect the men and women of the bird's palace. But it still wouldn’t hurt to consolidate its impact. Ideally, your protective items should include an image of a swan or the Mokosh symbol.

The amulet for the palace of the Swan will bring harmony and prosperity into your life. We advise you to buy one for yourself and your loved ones born in the bird's palace, you will not be disappointed!

Description of the species

Black swans became known to Europeans only after the discovery of Australia and Tasmania. This is where this beautiful and exotic bird comes from. After the discovery of New Zealand, black swans came to these islands, where they became incredibly popular in private backyards and parks.

The black plumage of birds has a peculiar moire pattern created by the grayish edging of the outer feather.

Some birds have interspersed white or even black and white feathers. It is very common to find representatives of this species with curled flight feathers and shoulder feathers. The beak is bright scarlet. The feet are most often black or blue-black. The young are distinguished by their grayish-brown feather color and light, often pink, beak.

The black swan is a rather large bird. The weight of individual representatives can reach ten kilograms or more, and the wingspan is about two meters. The body length of females does not exceed 110 cm, males - 150 cm.

Representatives of this species have the longest neck among all their relatives, a neat small head and a short, dense tail. The length and structure of the neck allows it to reach food even from great depths.

Is it possible to insure yourself against the negative consequences of “black swans”?

It is quite natural that the question arises: is it possible to be prepared for the onset of such unpredictable events and protect yourself from negative consequences?

Here we will not talk in detail about events such as wars, disasters, epidemics, terrorist attacks and natural phenomena. There are special manuals on the rules of conduct in such situations. If you follow the recommendations, you can do the maximum to save yourself and your loved ones.

We'll talk about financial crises. There is a concept of risk management, which is given great attention when drawing up an investment portfolio, applying for a loan, purchasing real estate and other financial transactions.

For black swan events, risk management is not relevant. But there are measures that can be taken that will be useful during financial crises.

It makes sense to analyze several recent “black swan” events: what happened to currencies and financial instruments? What would the consequences be for you if you were an investor?

And most importantly: who won the market? After all, during any financial crisis there were those who made a profit. Think about which assets have grown and by how much in percentage terms.

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