Problem pillars in Ba Zi for personal life, marriage

Where should one begin to determine the structure of a Ba Tzu chart?

There are a lot of rules in Eastern astrology. Some of them are actually useful when analyzing natal charts, others are confusing and sometimes useless. But you need to know the theory. In Bazi, when determining the usual structure of cards, they start from an understanding of the essence of the ten deities. They are named the same as the structures listed on this page. To determine the structure of the Ba Tzu map, you should:

1. Identify the nature of the relationship between the celestial trunk of the birthday (the upper designation in the second column from the left in the natal layout) and the season of a person’s birth. The season is indicated by the earthly branch of the month of birth (lower value in the third column from the left in the pillars of destiny). The latter has the strongest influence on the element of personality, and is taken into account when identifying the strength of the personal element.

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2. Determine the presence of emptiness in the month. According to the rules of Ba Tzu, the structure of the map is determined by the earthly branch of the month. In some schools of Eastern astrology, it is believed that when the structure of the chart is determined, the month of birth should not be considered empty, even if there is emptiness in it. And in other Ba-Tzu schools, the emptiness in the month is taken into account.

3. Identify the mergers of earthly branches: - seasonal mergers; — triangles of elements or parts thereof; - double mergers.

4. Find the merger of celestial trunks.

Elements of any structure are revealed in the celestial trunks. But in Bazi it is believed that if this element is absent in the hidden celestial trunks, then the structure it creates will be unstable and easily destroyed. For example, in this case, wealth is superficial and income is modest.

If elements of any energy are located in earthly branches, then they are more stable, as is the structure they create. The presence of elements of some energy in the earth's branches indicates a solid structure. For example, if it concerns wealth, then in this case it is stable and the income is constant and large.

In Ba Tzu theory, it is believed that the presence of some element only in the hidden celestial trunks also indicates its stability. But if you look at many people’s cards, you can see that in practice everything looks different.

Balance of elements in the Bazi chart. Five categories.

Let's talk about a certain balance in the Bazi chart.

In the map we consider Five Categories: Friends, Self-Expression, Money, Power and Resources.

If we look at the interaction star of the Five Elements, we will see that five pairs of elements are in a state of conflict:

  • Friends and Money
  • Resources and Self-Expression
  • Power and Personality
  • Self-Expression and Power
  • Money and Resources

And if you evaluate the balance of elements in each of these pairs, you can obtain certain information about the character of a person, his capabilities in one or another area of ​​life. In a pair, one element can be much stronger and more manifested than the other.

Category Friends and Money. Friendship is friendship, but money is separate.

If we compare these elements in a map, then there may be a situation where there is a lot of Friends element, but not enough Money element.

Then a person has more rivals and competitors. When it comes to running a business, it is more difficult for such a person to cope with competitors; they are always one step ahead. If a person is employed, then there are always other applicants for the position with whom it is difficult to compete. That is, other people “get in the way” of earning and saving money. Also, a person may be more interested in communicating with people than in earning money. He is more interested in spending time with friends and on social networks than working hard from morning to evening.

If there is little element of Friends and a lot of element of Money.

Then it is difficult to earn money, keep it, and distribute it correctly. Since the Personality controls the Money element, the Personality element needs strength to maintain this control. In this situation, a person may have a certain level of well-being, but he lacks the strength to improve the situation. And then the help of friends is just useful: working in a team, in partnership.

Category Resources and Self-expression. Knowledge and Skills.

Resources in Bazi are responsible for the ability to receive information, an internal feeling of confidence, support from superiors, calmness, and the desire to insure oneself. Self-expression is what we give to the outside world, the manifestation of our talents, invention, the desire to act. If the map has few Resources and a lot of Self-Expression.

In this case, a person prefers to act and develop his abilities through practical activities. Strong Self-Expression gives initiative, enterprise, we can even talk about quite aggressive business management. There is little caution, a desire to go ahead without thinking about the consequences. Self-expression gives the ability to present a product well. Sometimes a person can have his head in the clouds and make mistakes, because there are few resources - deliberation, reflection, etc. Such a person is more self-reliant and independent, often making himself.

If the map has a lot of Resources and little Self-Expression.

Then the person is unhurried, thinks and reasons a lot, tries to calculate all possible options for the development of an event, wants to be on the safe side on all issues. It is difficult for him to express himself. Strong Resources lead to some passivity and laziness. A person has a lot of knowledge and skills, but he cannot demonstrate this knowledge. It is better for such people to choose activities where they do not need to quickly react to the situation, but prefer to work with information and plan.

Category: Power and Self-Expression. Freedom and submission.

We consider the balance between these elements in the map first of all when we talk about work. The element of Power in Bazi is closely related to the theme of work and career. Self-expression also plays an important role in this area, because this element shows a person’s ability to come up with something, demonstrate their talents, show themselves and earn money. Power is responsible for discipline, the ability to obey, and adapt to life situations. These two elements are opposite in their manifestation. Self-expression is the desire to be free, independent, the desire to be bright, noticeable, to give something to the outside world. Power is the ability to accept the rules and orders of society, the ability to adapt well to the work environment. And having compared these two categories, we can assume that a person needs to choose in order to earn his bread and caviar as comfortably as possible.

If the card has a lot of Self-Expression and little Power.

This is a creative person who loves to invent and try new things. Often such people are very creative. They do not like to obey and follow boring regulations. They know how to create, create, and promote ideas. Such a person can work for hire, but at the same time he needs to have a certain freedom of action. He needs to be given a creative task and ensure a minimum of control. Often such people become troublemakers and argue with their superiors and representatives of government agencies. It is easier for them to run their own business than to work under management. Or choose a creative activity: artist, singer, actor.

If the card has a lot of Power and little Self-Expression.

Then a person easily follows order, obeys the rules, he is efficient, neat, disciplined. Weakness in Self-Expression can result from a lack of initiative. It is easier for such a person to achieve success at work, where he does not need to invent something or speak in public. If Power is well demonstrated and Personality is strong enough, then a person can make an administrative, managerial career. If there is little Self-expression, then it is better not to choose a field where constant innovation is required.

Category Resources and Money. Material and Spiritual.

Money (the element of Wealth) is perhaps the easiest element to understand in the Bazi layout. This category describes interest in the material sphere, the ability and desire to earn money. We are talking specifically about earning, preserving, and increasing funds. It talks about whether there is any interest in the material world at all. Resources are interpreted more broadly. First of all, they are responsible for the desire to gain knowledge, interest in education, self-education, and self-development. This is help from other people. Resources describe a person’s inner strength, support. This also includes issues of faith and interest in the spiritual side of life.

If the card has a lot of Resources and little Money element.

This could be a very good deal. Strong resources support the Personality and it can control Money. Then the person has enough knowledge, intelligence, and authority to earn money. But if the Personality is not too strong, then a person may be more interested in spiritual growth and self-development than in making money. In the most extreme case, a situation may arise when a person spends his entire life studying something, for example, the history of Ancient Greece or a dead language, writes articles for highly specialized scientific journals, and at the same time earns three kopecks. But he feels good, he likes doing what he does. He lives at the expense of his loved ones (Resources provide him with help from people) and does not want to pay any attention to the material sphere, believing that everything is in order. Often people with a weak element of Money are quite calm about financial issues and do not actively seek to earn money. Or they have a casual attitude towards money, for example, they easily borrow funds without thinking about how they will pay them back.

If the card has a lot of Money and few Resources.

The Element of Money attacks Resources and they become weak. In this case, first of all, you need to assess the strength of the Personality element (Personality can be strong due to Resources or due to the Friends element). Because you need to understand how much strength a Personality has to keep Money under control. But if we talk about the Money-Resources pair, we must remember that the Money element describes interest in the material sphere of life. If there is a lot of it, then regardless of whether the Personality is strong or not, we are saying that the topic of money is very relevant for a person. If the Personality is able to control money, then the person is interested in making money and succeeds. If the Personality is weak, then the topic of finances still comes first, only often in a negative way: There is not enough money! And since the element of Resources is small, interest in the material sphere predominates; such a person considers spirituality not the most important and necessary in life. Resources are also responsible for authority, our moral principles, how we can show ourselves in society. And if the Resources are weak, then it is difficult to take credit for anything. Sometimes we can say that a person does not have strong moral principles and is ready to sacrifice morality for the sake of material success.

Category Power and Personality. Control.

Analyzing these categories, we first of all consider the balance of power between the element of Power and Personality. Power means restrictions, pressure, prohibition. If the card has a lot of Power and few Friends.

If the Personality is weak, and the Power is numerous and strong. Then the greater the imbalance between Power and Personality, the more a person feels constrained in action. Power is restrictions, not only external ones, when a certain law prohibits us from doing something. These are also internal self-limitations, when a person feels unsure of his abilities and sets limits for himself. The feeling that a lot of responsibilities have piled up and there is no strength to cope with them.

If the card has a lot of Friends and little element of Power.

When there is a numerous element of Friends in a chart, in most cases this makes the Personality strong. And if there is little Power, then it is unable to control or limit the Personality. Power is responsible for discipline and self-discipline, and the weakness of this element means that a person does not like to obey, he does not want to play by the rules. Such a person prefers to be more free, to communicate with people equal to him in status than with his superiors. He is uncomfortable working in conditions of strict subordination. Often such people choose independent activity, especially if it involves communicating with a large number of people. However, the element of Power in Bazi stands apart. Its usefulness very much depends on the presence and location of the Resources element in the map. The classical theory of Bazi says that if there is an element of Resources in the pillars of Fate in the Heavenly trunks, then Power begins to generate Resources, and they, in turn, strengthen the Personality. And then a numerous element of Power can even be useful if the element of Personality is weak.

What are the usual structures of Ba Tzu cards?

In Eastern astrology, it is believed that if the structure of the chart is clear, then a person’s behavior and character, as well as goals in life, usually remain unchanged. Such a person knows perfectly well what he wants from life and how to achieve what he wants. But when the structure cannot be identified, it remains unclear, the individual exhibits instability of character, lack of priorities in life, change of desires and goals, which is difficult for people around him to perceive.

But this is true in theory. In practice, everything looks different. After all, there are no standards in the energy world. People come up with them. In fact, there are fickle individuals with clear structured cards, and owners of cards without clear structures who know very well what they want. Therefore, you should not rely on this rule when analyzing cards. The energy of any living creature is a unique set of energies. Therefore, identifying any clear criteria inherent in a certain type is still very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

1. Direct wealth is the structure of the Ba Tzu map, which is also called Right Wealth, True Wealth, Direct Money and Stable Wealth. It indicates that its owner is economical; pragmatic; looks at things realistically; scrupulous when it comes to money; strives for security and tries to accumulate personal capital. In Eastern astrology, it is believed that people of this type need to work in the field of financial management. If the energy of wealth is favorable to a person, then he will be able to accumulate personal capital. If the element of wealth is unfavorable, then the person will be stingy and fixated on money.

Ba Tzu's direct wealth is an element controlled by the personality element. This energy always has the opposite meaning of yin and yang. For example, for the Yin Fire personality element, Direct Wealth would be Yang Metal. Direct wealth refers to honestly earned money, regular income and wages. Wealth is the element of money. How it is calculated can be found in the book “The Five Elements and Professions.”

2. Wealth Tendency is a structure of the Ba Tzu indicating a soft-hearted, generous and magnanimous person. Typically, people of this type choose risky, opportunistic professions. These individuals are always looking for the maximum benefit and are not at all afraid of losing money. Men in whose charts this structure appears, as a rule, have extramarital affairs and have a lot of women. This structure is also called Indirect Wealth, Sideways Wealth, False Wealth, Windfall Wealth, Stray Wealth, and Oblique Wealth.

The propensity for wealth in Ba Tzu is represented by an element that is controlled by the personality element. This element has the same yin and yang meaning as the personality element. For example, for a yin-fire personality, the inclination towards wealth will be yin-metal. Indirect money indicates uneven income, winnings, inheritances and the ability to do business.

3. The Spirit of Food, the Eating Deity or the Spirit of Pleasure is a Ba Tzu card structure that indicates a person who loves himself, beautiful things and delicious food. Usually a girl with this type of card leads a wealthy life. Specialists at spa salons look after her body, and such a lady eats in expensive restaurants. A woman of this type is capable of suppressing a man, because she values ​​her independence and considers herself self-sufficient. People with cards like “Spirit of Pleasure” are lazy, however, they are cheerful and good-natured. This type of person has talent. Therefore, he most often chooses a creative procession. But he always remains behind the scenes. Like, for example, a designer, screenwriter, writer, inventor and developer.

The spirit of pleasure is considered to be an element that is generated by the element of personality. That is, this is the energy of self-expression. It has the same meaning in terms of yin and yang as the element of personality. For example, for yin-fire, the Spirit of food will be yin-earth. After reading the book “Five Elements and Professions,” you can identify your own element of self-expression.

4. Injuring an officer, Attacking authority, Attacking an official or Injuring an official - this is one of the structures of the Ba-Tzu cards, which is also called a Challenge to authority, indicates a person who does not accept generally accepted norms, foundations and traditions. He almost always strives to dominate and tries to control his environment. Being an aggressive, rebellious and arrogant person, such a person rarely finds a common language with others. People with the “Official Wound” structure can boast of logic, intelligence and oratorical abilities. If this type of structure is present in a woman's chart, then it threatens her marriage.

The injury of an official is considered in Ba Tzu to be an element that is born from the element of personality. This energy differs from the personality element in the meaning of Yang and Yin. That is, for example, for a yin-fire personality, an attack on power will be yang-earth. In modern Bazi, this structure is also called aggressive self-expression.

5. Direct Resources, Right Resources, True Seal or Right Seal is a structure of Eastern astrology that is present in the pillars of the destiny of a person who is interested in scientific research. He reads a lot, learns something new, values ​​family traditions, adheres to social principles and follows moral principles.

The correct seal is an element that nourishes the element of personality and has the opposite meaning of Yang and Yin. For example, for the Yin-Fire personality element, the True Seal would be Yang-Wood. The right resources indicate the ability to make the right choices and the ability to achieve high social status.

6. Indirect Resources, False Seal, Indirect Resource or Oblique Seal is a Bazi chart structure that indicates a person with unconventional thinking. People of this type are fond of astrology, esotericism, mysticism, and they really like unconventional trends in art and science. People with the Oblique Seal structure tend to be restless, uncommunicative and superstitious. They are more suited to professions that allow them to work alone.

The oblique seal is the energy that generates the element of personality and has the same meaning in Yang and Yin. For example, for yin fire, the indirect resource will be yin wood. The oblique seal or the Spirit of the Owl indicates alienation from parents and strong individualism.

7. Direct official is an Eastern astrology chart structure, also called Right Authority, indicating a punctual, law-abiding, modest, fair and balanced person who does not like to show his emotions to others. This type of person hates changes and surprises, which in his understanding are annoying surprises. A person who has a “Direct Official” type card usually becomes a leader, because he knows how to manage other people.

Direct official or Right Authority is the energy that controls the element of personality and has the opposite meaning of Yang and Yin. For example, for the personality element yin-fire, the direct power will be yang-water. A direct official indicates the ability to manage and gain authority.

8. Indirect Official, Assassin in the 7th Ba Tzu Position, Extraordinary Power, Wrong Official, False Official or 7th Assassin is another internal structure of the Ba Tzu chart indicating an aggressive, calculating, purposeful, impatient and tough person with explosive character. A person of this type always strives to win and has the qualities of a leader. Usually people with the “7 Killer” structure first get a job with law enforcement agencies. But because these individuals hate being controlled by others, they create and promote their own businesses.

The seventh killer is represented by the element located in the seventh position from the personality element in the series of ten heavenly trunks. This element controls the element of personality and has the same meaning as Yang and Yin. For example, for a yin-fire personality, the indirect official will be yin-water. This structure indicates the ability to exert power harshly and aggressively.

It is worth noting that two of the ten deities of Ba Tzu - Brotherhood and Robber of Wealth - do not form natal chart structures.


Tuesday, May 05, 2015 21:37 + to the quotation book (CORRECT AND INCORRECT RESOURCES) If the Resources element is of the opposite polarity in yin-yang with the GD element, then this is a Direct Print. If the Resource element is of the same yin-yang polarity with the GD element, then it is an Oblique Seal. Direct seal - represents the elder, noble, observer. For a man it represents the mother, for a woman it represents the grandfather or son-in-law. This is a symbol of knowledge, study, and education. This is the correct religion for its area, image, reputation, status, real estate, car, in general, everything that makes up our resources and supports us in life. The oblique seal - in a female chart represents the mother, in a male chart - represents a grandfather or an elderly gentleman, or an unexpected helper. Let's talk today about some aspects of correct and oblique printing. ► If the Direct Seal is strong and useful, people value prestige. ► When there is a lot of negative press, you need to live as far as possible from your parents. ► A lot of printing, and it is not useful - jealousy. ► If the Direct Seal is strong in the card and it is useful, then the person is neat. He tries to keep everything in the house neat and in its place. He makes repairs on time and updates furniture. ► If the Direct Seal is not useful and there is a lot of it, then the mother can, as they say, not let such a person live: she interferes with advice, controls all his actions, does not allow him to be independent, puts a lot of pressure on him. ► If there is a Direct Seal in the NA of the month and the GE of the month, then this is an intelligent, but selfish person. ► No Direct print a person has problems with learning. Doesn't like to memorize. During exams he hopes for chance. ► If a person gets sick, he does not like to take medicine. ► In the NS of the hour: If there is a Direct Print, then this is a combination of several works. If the Oblique Seal, then he often changes his place of work. ► People with a strong Oblique seal often engage in research in the field of all sorts of spiritual things. They are interested in the origin of the world, spiritual practices, qigong, yoga, feng shui, bazi. The oblique seal is responsible for sincerity and sensitivity. ► The oblique seal may be a sign of adoptive parents, or the child may be raised by grandparents rather than natural parents. If resources are not favorable, and there are many of them, then a person may be careless, inattentive, and make mistakes. ► When there is a lot of Direct Seal, they become “like an Oblique Seal.” But at the same time, many Oblique prints do not turn into Direct prints. ► But the unlucky spirits: Oblique seal, Wealth Robber, 7 murderer, Wrong wealth, Wealth Robber do not become good in large numbers, but further aggravate their significance. ► If the Seal is Water, then a person will be able to speak to everyone. He will recite poetry, play in amateur theater, write essays, and will not be good at mathematics or drawing. ► If the Seal is Wood. A person thinks in pictures and images; it is easier for him to understand a picture than a word. ► If the Seal is Fire, a person will remember everything very quickly, but he can forget everything just as quickly. If it's a child. He is very emotional and will be bored if you dictate everything to him and force him to remember point by point and paragraph. ► If the Seal is in the Earth, it takes a long time to think and think. But if you learn it, it will last you for life.” ► People who have the Seal - Earth are very scrupulous. They slowly but persistently move towards their goal. ► Printing in Metal is people – calculators. They need everything on the shelves, point by point, according to the scheme. ► People who have a Seal in Metal or a Day Dominant Metal are born financiers, they are good at mathematics and counting, they think logically and do not give freedom to emotions and imaginative thinking. ► People will be excellent at math or drawing, but very mediocre at composition or drawing. ► What if the card only has a Seal? Then this person will only “study, study, and study.” He learns simply for the sake of the process of gaining knowledge. He is like a walking encyclopedia or a theoretical scientist. These are scientists who only think, analyze, think again, analyze again... But whether this is useful or useful is, in principle, not important for them. ► If the card has a lot of self-expression and no resource, then this also indicates that, in principle, the person will be smart, will be educated, but not due to a thoughtful, classical education, but due to superficial knowledge. ► If different polar resources are in one pillar, the person has versatile knowledge. ► Under the GD in the SV of the spouse’s palace there is a seal reflected by any peach - the woman is beautiful. ► In the old texts it was written that if the Oblique Seal is unfavorable and is in the growth phase, it can tell that a person does not have any closeness with his mother. These are just small grains of knowledge about one of the 10 Ba-Tzu Deities that I brought to you for your information. This entry was published in the categories: Aspects of Ba Zi by sakura. Permanent link.


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How to identify normal map structures based on 10 gods?

In order to determine whether there is an internal structure in the natal chart, it is necessary:

1. Consider the heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branch of the month.

2. Reveal the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month. For example, in the earthly branch of Yang-earth Dog, the dominant hidden trunk will be Yang-earth.

3. This hidden trunk (for example, Yang-earth) must grow into the heavenly trunk of the pillars of fate (the hidden heavenly trunk must be duplicated in the open heavenly trunk without changes. That is, the yin-earth in the heavenly trunk is not a duplicate of the Yang-earth from the hidden trunks ).

4. The dominant trunk hidden in the earthly branch can be duplicated in the open heavenly trunk of the month, year or hour. But it cannot grow into the heavenly trunk of the day.

5. Depending on which element the personality element belongs to, a normal internal structure is created. For example, if the personality element is Yang-tree, then the celestial trunk of Yang-earth hidden in the earthly branch, duplicated in the open celestial trunk of the year, will create the structure “Propensity for Wealth.” After all, for a tree, wealth represents the element of earth.

6. If the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month is not manifested in the open celestial trunks, then to find the usual structure, you need to look at the secondary qi in the hidden trunks. That is, we need to see whether the heavenly trunks of the second and third levels, hidden in the earthly branch of the month, are duplicated in the open celestial trunks.

7. When in the pillars of fate two or three heavenly trunks at once grow into open heavenly trunks, hidden to the earthly branch of the month, which is not related to the earth element, then the structure is formed only by the dominant hidden heavenly trunk.

8. If in the pillars there is an earthly branch of the element of earth, and two or three heavenly trunks, hidden to the earthly branch of the month, grow into open heavenly trunks at once, then it is necessary to identify which of them forms the structure. Here it is worth remembering the seasons. For example, the metal hidden in the monthly earth branch of the earth element will set the structure if the date falls in autumn. And by analogy with other elements. But still, in this case, the structure formed by the dominant hidden celestial trunk of the earth element is also taken into account. This type of map is vague, cloudy, or ambiguous.

9. It is worth noting that if the celestial trunk of the earth element hidden in the earthly branch of the month grows into the open celestial trunk of the month, then the structure of the map is determined by the earth element (hidden celestial trunk of the earth).

10. When two months of secondary heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branch have sprouted in the pillars, the season must again be determined. For example, the spring season is supportive for a tree.

11. If the earthly branch of the month is the element of earth, then when determining the season, one should look at whether the seasonal hidden celestial trunk has sprouted in the open celestial trunk or not. For example, if in the month of the Ox the water hidden in the earthly branch was duplicated in the celestial trunk of the year, then the season of water is determined. And in this case, the structure of the map is determined by water.

12. When the earthly branch of the element of earth, then if there are hidden celestial trunks of the element in it, supported by the season - in open celestial trunks of the same element, but with a different meaning, then the structure is determined by this energy. For example, if in the month of the Ox the celestial trunk of yin water hidden in it is supported by Yang water in the open celestial trunks, then the structure is determined by water. Here again both structures are taken into account - both water and land. After all, this is a muddy map.

13. If in the earthly branch of the earth element there are hidden trunks of water and metal, and the metal has sprouted into the open heavenly branch (duplicated in it), and the season of the water element, then the structure is determined by the water element. And again this is a muddy map, because the structure of the metal is also taken into account.

14. When none of the celestial trunks hidden in the earthly branch of the month are manifested or duplicated in the open celestial trunks of the map, then the structure of the map is determined by the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month.

Secrets from Violetta

5 Aspects in Bazi

The 4 Pillars of Fate contain initial information (what is given by Fate to a specific person) about our material wealth, spouse, children, parents, friends, work, study, profession, colleagues, health, bosses, classmates, subordinates, travel, hobbies, tastes , habits, character, education, career, love... How to see it all
We remember that there are 5 elements of the Elements. The element of one of the elements represents the Personality of a person and tells about the person himself. The remaining elements of the Elements determine 5 aspects of life (prospects for human life).

5 aspects of life are formed as a result of the interaction of the Element of the Personality element with other elements in a person’s Bazi chart. 5 aspects (perspectives) are Friends/Competitors (Enemies), Wealth/Money, Resources, Self-expression, Power. Let's define 5 aspects (perspectives) of life using our BaZi card as an example: Heavenly trunk of the year - Water (Yin-Gui Water). Personality element - Earth (Earth Yang). Let us recall 3 types of relationships between elements: Earth controls Water; the element of human Personality (Earth) controls the element of Water. The Water element is responsible for the Money/Wealth aspect. Money is an element controlled by the element of a person’s Personality. In order to control something, we need to spend our energy, we spend our energy working, and as a reward we receive money or other material values. The Wealth aspect is any manifestation of wealth, money, material wealth, a wife for a man. The celestial trunk of the month is Tree (Yin-Yi Tree). The tree controls, destroys the element of human Personality-Earth (Yang-Wu Earth) and represents the aspect of Power. Power is the controlling element of a person’s Personality. A person can be controlled by people, organizations that have power over us - our boss, the state, law enforcement agencies - the police, the husband - for a woman, the Heavenly trunk of the hour is Fire (Yin-Ding Fire). Fire generates Earth - the element of Personality and represents the aspect of Resources. A resource is an element that generates an element of a person’s Personality. Resources include everything that supports human life - parents, home, food, education, ideas, plans, foundations. Resources are also the ability to absorb and accumulate knowledge and experience. The earthly branch of the year is Sy-Snake - the element of Fire - this is a Resource. The earthly branch of the month - Mao - Rabbit - Wood element - is power. The earthly branch of the day - Tzu - Rat - water element - is Money. The earthly branch of the hour is Sy-Snake - the element of Fire - this is a Resource.

Metal is responsible for the aspect of Self-Expression - Earth (the element of Personality) gives rise to Metal. Self-expression is an element generated by the element of a person’s Personality. Self-expression - the ability to create something - creativity, active actions, show your knowledge, skills in a career, in creativity. In this map, the Metal element is not represented in the 4 Pillars, but this does not mean that the girl will not be able to actively act, engage in creativity, etc... - remember this information, we will deal with the lack of an element of self-expression in the following lessons... Earth - the element of Earth coincides with the element of a person’s Personality and is responsible for the aspect of colleagues and competitors. There is no element responsible for the aspect of Friends in this Bazi card. An element that coincides with the element of a person’s Personality means people who are similar to us - people of the same circle: friends, colleagues, brothers, sisters, like-minded people. Or is responsible for our competitors. Table for determining 5 aspects of human life:

For clarity, we will define 5 aspects for another Bazi card: this is the male Bazi card.

Personality Element - Wood (Yang-Jia Tree) Money - Earth element. The Earth controls the Tree. Power is the element of Metal. Metal controls Wood. Self-expression is the element of Fire. Wood gives birth to Fire. Resource is the element of Water. Water gives birth to Tree. Friends, competitors - Wood element. Wood and Wood are elements of the same Element.

The Personality Element can be represented by a Yang or Yin element of the Element, and then the 5 aspects will be distributed as follows:

10 Gods and table of 10 Gods

How to identify 10 Gods We have learned to identify 5 aspects (priorities) of human life. Let us remember 5 aspects: 1. Friends/Enemies - the same (same) element of the Element, which represents the element of Personality 2. Resource - element of the Element, generating the element of Personality 3. Power - element of the Element, which controls the element of Personality 4. Self-expression - element of the Element , which generates the element of Personality

5. Wealth/Money is an element of the Element, which is controlled by the element of Personality. 5 aspects are always represented by elements of 5 Elements: Wood Water Earth Fire Metal We also remember that according to the Yin-Yang concept, each Element forms 2 (two) elements - the Yang element and Yin element. (This just needs to be remembered as an axiom!) The element of the Earth element forms two elements - Yang Earth and Yin Earth The element of Wood forms two elements - Yang Tree and Yin Tree The element Fire element forms two elements - Yang Fire and yin fire The element of Metal forms two elements - Yang Metal and Yin Metal The element of Water forms two elements - Yang Water and Yin Water - we received 10 elements of the Elements (out of 5), which are represented in the Bazi map by Heavenly Trunks. Here they are, our Heavenly Trunks:

Let's return to the 5 aspects... The 5 aspects are represented by the Elements. We know that the 5 Elements are Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Metal. But each Element is represented by two elements - the Yang element and the Yin element. And from 5 aspects (perspectives) of a person’s life we ​​get 10, which are called (depending on the school taught by the Master) 10 Gods, or 10 Spirits, or 10 Personality Types 10 Gods The Wealth/Money Aspect forms 2 Gods - Stable Wealth Tendency to Wealth Aspect Resources forms 2 Gods - Correct Seal Oblique Seal Aspect Power forms 2 Gods - Correct power Killer 7 Positions

Self-Expression aspect forms 2 Gods - Challenge to power Spirit of Pleasure The Friends/Enemies forms 2 Gods - Brotherhood Reduction of Wealth

Table for determining the 10 Gods: (to enlarge the table, click the mouse)

How to identify 10 gods using an example:

I (Yin tree) - The Heavenly trunk of the day means the Personality of a person, represented by the element of the Yin Tree.

癸Gui (Yin Water) (pian yin) - Oblique Seal, Secondary Resource, Owl Spirit壬Ren (Yang Water) (zheng yin) - Direct Seal, Primary Resource, Seal Ribbon, Correct Resource乙 Yi (Yin Tree) (bi jian ) - Brotherhood, Parallel, Equal Shoulder甲Jia (Yang Tree) (jie cai) - Wealth Robber, Wealth Reduction, Competitive Deities丁Ding (Yin Fire) (shi shen) - Spirit of Pleasure, Implicit Talent, Spirit of Food丙 Bing ( Fire Yang) (shang guan) - Challenge of Power, Obvious talent, Aggressive self-expression, Injury of Official ) (zheng cai) - Correct Wealth, Direct Wealth, Ordinary Wealth庚Gen (Yang Metal) (zheng guan) - Correct Authority, Correct Management, Correct Official, Officer辛Xin (Yin Metal) (pian guan) - Seventh Position Killer, 7 Murders, Indirect Official, Indecent Authority, Unilateral Authority.

10 Gods - description and characteristics

Let's look at a brief description of each...

Brotherhood Bi Jian比肩 In the Bazi chart, women indicate sisters. It also represents friends and brothers. It means benevolence towards the world around us, altruism, speaks of the desire to live in harmony with oneself, the ability to take risks, objectivity, and shows the number of connections with other people. Character traits: nobility, courage, independence, initiative. Reducing Wealth Jie Cai劫財 In the BaZi chart, men mean sisters, in the female BaZi chart, brothers. Represents business partners, competitors, brothers, sisters. It means a willingness to give up material gain in favor of spiritual development, the desire to understand the meaning of life and the structure of the world. Tend to dominate in relationships. By nature, independent, practical, daring, passionate, ambitious, with charisma. Correct Power Zheng Guan正官 In the Bazi chart, it represents the husband for a woman, the father for a woman, the daughter for a man, the authorities. Respects the norms and laws of society, is law-abiding, sensible and responsible. Does not pursue his own interests - objective, balanced, fair. May be afraid and avoid change - conservative. Killer 7th position Qi Sha偏官 In the Bazi chart, men represent children. 7th position is Power, which controls a person, but more harshly than Correct Power. Depending on the strength of the Personality element, it is responsible for diametrically opposed characteristics - from a disciplined, courageous, patient, courageous and fearless person to a depressed, sad person with limitations in any type of activity, helplessness in making decisions and bringing the work started to fruition. . Calling Power Shang Guan傷官 In a woman’s BaZi card, it represents a son, for a man’s BaZi card, it represents a grandmother, a granddaughter. Responsible for relationships with authorities, superiors, husband. He loves to be the center of attention, is passionate about his attractiveness, reputation, fame - he is ready to present himself. Creative personality, desire for dominance, rebellious spirit and desire to establish your own order. Spirit of Pleasure Shi Shen食神 In the Bazi chart, women represent daughters. Honest, compassionate, artistic, creative, kind. Loves physical and emotional pleasures - can cause pathological dependence on addictions. An indicator of longevity. It can also mean voluntary helpers in a person’s life. Stable Wealth Zheng Cai正財 In a man's Bazi chart, it indicates his wife and wealth. It means not only the material wealth that a person has, but also hard work, the ability to earn money through honest work. He has great endurance, an adequate perception of reality and a sense of tact, self-control over his feelings and emotions. Inclination for Wealth Pian Cai偏財 In the Bazi chart of a man, it indicates the father. He has a lot of talents, is ready to take risks, acts decisively and quickly - brings the work he has begun to its logical conclusion, has the ability to establish the necessary contacts for material and non-material benefits - such as recognition, fame, money. They have a professional sense and a desire to make money. Correct Seal Zheng Yin正印 In the Bazi chart, it indicates the mother. Compassionate, ready to care for others, gentle, quiet, tolerant, responsible, wise, educated, polite, cultured. Symbolizes traditional knowledge. Represent noble people in human destiny. Oblique Seal Pian Yin偏印 In the Bazi map, random helpers are indicated. Speaks of the desire for non-traditional, spiritual knowledge. Responsible for isolation from the outside world, alienation and loneliness. Distance from family traditions. Willingness to search for oneself contrary to the norms of appropriate behavior. By nature he is temperamental, superstitious, fanatical.

Simplified types of Ba Tzu cards

Some schools of Eastern astrology believe that natal charts are divided into four types:

1. The power card is when in the Ba Tzu layout there is a dominance of the element of power. For example, for a person, water will represent the element of power. People with power cards are capable of leading.

2. The money card is a Ba-Tzu layout in which the dominance of the element of money is observed. For example, for fire the finances will be metal. People with money cards can choose professions related to finance. Like, for example, the profession of an accountant.

3. The creative map is the four pillars of destiny, in which the element of self-expression predominates. For example, for a fire element personality, earth will represent self-expression. People with “creative” type cards are able to express themselves in creative professions. But in order for them to remain strong in nature, it is necessary that the element of resources be strongly manifested in the pillars. Otherwise, creative activity will take away strength from the individual. Therefore, she will have to do what others will impose.

4. The Academic Chart is a natal Ba Tzu layout in which the element of resources predominates. For example, for a fire personality, wood is a resource. People with academic cards are able to plan and explore, and therefore find their calling in science and the academic world.

Resource in Bazi: Why do we get sick? (Maelinhon)

21 Jan
Home › Mylene Maelinhon Blog › Resource in Bazi: Why do we get sick? (Maelinhon)

  • Mylene Maelinhon
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Do you know who I really dislike in life? People who try to motivate something by personal example. Look, I did it and so can you! When I was your age, I wasn’t sick with anything like that and generally ran barefoot 15 km to school in the cold! And I didn’t sleep for three days! And I smoked 2 packs a day! And look, he’s healthy, like a bull! Not like you!

“Ha-ha,” I say sourly. - Others at your age have already conquered half the world, and you just smoke and run around like a fool. And Hitler was already dead at your age. Lead by example!

Jokes aside, the topic of the resource in Ba-Tzu and astrology is an unplowed field for work, amazing discoveries and no less amazing corrections of your life! A lot of interesting questions and answers arise from this branch of metaphysics. Why do some people get sick and others don't? Some are lucky, while others barely drag themselves through life? Some people give birth to five and go to work within a week, while others spend years giving birth to one child? Well, all these idiots who boast that they have smoked all their lives and have lungs like those of a young athlete. How do they do this and why is their example a typical survivor's mistake ?

The fact is that any body is born with a certain set of natal characteristics. You can delve into them for a long time and sort them into planetary shelves, but if we continue the theme of pockets in the natal chart regarding health and longevity, the situation looks like this:

- You are born with a total body energy resource of, say, 1000 units. The ideal level is 1000 units of energy for a conventional 100 years.

— Each of your organs and systems ideally has its own battery with a resource of, say, 100 units. If an organ lacks, it draws from a common resource.

And here’s the important thing: every person is born with DIFFERENT parameters of each type, from acute deficiency to pathological excess. Simply put, you can have a body resource of 350 out of 1000, or you can have 8000. At the same time, your liver can work at 600, and your brain at 30. You can see all this splendor in your natal chart even without outside help.

You need to somehow stretch all this out over your WHOLE life, because the general resource is NOT restored (well, or meagerly), and the resources of the organs are replenished with difficulty, difficulty, and not always. At the very least, we replenish the general “battery” when we do something important and pleasant for ourselves, when we experience joy and positivity, when we are in love and receive feedback... Every time your eyes light up, and it’s so good that you don’t want to go to sleep . Even if you are carried away by work.

Accordingly, we lose a resource when we “take out” something. We go to a job we hate through force, we sleep little, we eat poorly, we don’t change our environment, we put up with someone because we “don’t want to,” and we don’t treat illnesses. Because normally you spend, say, 1 unit of resource per month, plus or minus replenishment, which results in approximately 90 years of normal life with minor sores. But when you don’t sleep for days, overcome, endure, take a toll on yourself and your health, you spend, for example, 20 units a month. During childbirth, women spend all of 50, or even 100. You also save a lot of money when you get treatment on time, don’t trigger illnesses, take supplements and vitamins, and help your body maintain balance.

And I want to send to the distant genitals those idiots who are proud of the fact that they got over the disease without medication, suffered the disease on their legs and did not sleep for days. My dear idiots, who doubts that you will master this? Of course you will, you guys are great! The trouble is not that you are weak and “can’t do it,” the trouble is that without the help of medications, treatment and maintaining a regimen (including emotional ones), you gave 5-10 years of your hypothetically healthy life for this disease. Just in case, let me clarify: you will not die 10 years earlier, you will begin to be chronically ill 10 years earlier. You can feel the difference, right? At 20 years old, the body's resources - at least eat a booty. You can drink, do whatever the hell you want, don’t sleep, don’t eat, and your body will take it all away. But if you waste your bins at 20-30, then by 50 you can be left with zeros in your account. Literally: the body has nothing else to rely on for regeneration. This is how we get complete invalids at 50 years old: there is nowhere else to get more, but at 30 they stoically overcame pneumonia on their legs and sleepless nights for the sake of money.

And here we are waiting for the end of a wonderful fairy tale about how everyone is equal: one was born with a triple margin of strength and regeneration, and calmly hangs out for a week without sleep, and the other was born with a deficiency. Moreover, both may have their own unique imbalance, for example, a super-strong heart and a barely functioning gastrointestinal tract. Or no genitourinary system, which collapses from the slightest hypothermia, but an extraordinary resource brain and nervous system. I recently had a patient who had a pathologically low memory resource and brain function (very specifically the element of fire in the chart ). And, after working for several years at sea, sailing for months as staff on a cruise ship, she completely squandered the already small fire - there was water and cold metal all around, week after week, month after month. The result is severe inflammation of the nerves and pathological deterioration of memory and attention, which cannot be explained medically. There is simply nothing more for a person to work in these areas.

This also includes smokers. Lungs are the element of Metal , and people who have a lot of it in their chart, and even a strong one, can calmly boast to you that they smoked from the age of 10 and at 80 have fluorography, like a healthy young man. But their “non-illness” is a survivor’s mistake , because others may not have this resource at all. And it is precisely their “smoking that kills” them, and in the shortest possible time. I, too, can throw myself into all sorts of substances and smoke like a locomotive, without addiction or even a hangover. But this does not mean at all that everyone can do this - we are all different and it is incorrect to compare a steam locomotive and a toy penguin. It is also incorrect to compare the initially different potentials of people.

And the last interesting aspect: oncology and obesity in Ba Zi .

The cells and tissues of the physical body are also a kind of organ system. It is controlled by Saturn and the potential for cell regeneration is ALSO a value and also a resource. A person can be born with a normal cell renewal potential of, say, 100 (or 3-4 earth elements in the Bazi chart ) - his wounds heal normally, tissues and health are restored relatively quickly. But we are interested in distortions!

The fact is that the resource may not be used for some reason - there is nowhere, you don’t want to, etc. For example, you can be successful with the opposite sex, but not have a relationship. Or being very smart and talented, but not working or getting paid for it. For various reasons, we may not use what is given by nature. Another option: we have nowhere to invest it. So, the skew of the cell resource to a plus is when the regeneration resource is, say, 900, but there is nowhere to put it - there are simply not so many injuries or the opportunity to cash out the potential. Then the cells begin to go crazy and try to pour too much into the growth of new cells, because it is difficult for them to breathe from “overeating” with energy. You get all sorts of growths - papillomas - elephantiasis , benign tumors or obesity . In severe cases - cancer. That is, the body invested where it could invest, and there are not many options.

Due to this, ba-tzu can REALLY resolve the issue of oncology , but on the condition that we forcibly spend the excess at least a couple of years before Time Ch. And when the acute period comes, the cells will react normally to the influx of the elements of the Earth and will not begin to try to grow extra ones, malignant tissue.

But the skew of resources to the minus is the worst part. This question has been bothering me for a long time, and it seems to me that I have gotten to the bottom of the truth. Any organism is not a fool, but quite a smart machine that always knows perfectly well what it needs and what it really lacks. People rarely lack cars, apartments and money for their health - these are the desires of the diet, and they do not particularly replenish the resource of life. This is short-term joy. In a year you will have to buy another apartment, an even cooler car, an even taller mansion - but this has almost no effect on the joy of life. And why? But because for health we most often lack something else - love, warmth, a loved one nearby, for some - children, impressions (especially!), a feeling of the usefulness of our work, creative fulfillment... In a word, things that are irrational and intangible, but such, from which the resource grows, renewal bubbles, Qi abides, and the eyes glow with a healthy spark.

When a person does not receive all this for years, he begins to accumulate any sublimate, giving it the value of what he is deprived of. Who starts the collections? Who stores the money under the mattress. Or makes a crowd of lovers. Someone with the tenacity of a hamster buys the 7th pack of washing powder, 40th pair of jeans and another pack of toilet paper “in reserve”. And someone slides to the point of accumulating rubbish and rubbish, giving it value in the absence of real value. And the body, as the psyche sang along, begins to collect... weight. Well, you're stuffed with clothes, and he's stuffed with fat. He has little choice - stones, water or fat. But “everyone ran to save resources, and I ran,” the body tells us.

The good news is that almost any card pathology can be corrected. The bad news is that if the disease has already grown through the regeneration line and irreversible changes have begun in both physics and psyche, then it is too late to decorate with flowerpots and hang amulets. The resource for this has run out. And without gasoline the car won't move

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