Wizard of Love or Red Luan. How to increase luck in your personal life.

Red Luan in the Ba Zi map

Red Luan (Red Phoenix) is a star of attractiveness, good luck in your personal life. If the Phoenix is ​​in the Ba Zi card , it gives the owner of the card charm, attractiveness, and beauty. Representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to such a person; there are no problems with making new acquaintances.

determine Red Luan by the Earthly Branch of the birthday card of Ba Zi :

Star of the dayHorseGoatMonkeyRoosterDogPig
LuanRoosterMonkeyGoatHorseSnakeThe Dragon
Star of the dayRatBullTigerRabbitThe DragonSnake

If a girl has Red Luan , then she gets married early - the year corresponds to the age of up to 20-25 years, the time when a person is still studying and does not work. In addition, the year shows the first impression of a person in society. This means that people like such a girl at the first meeting; it is not a problem for her to attract attention, find a partner and get married.

In men's cards, Phoenix works in the same way. But how successful the marriage is another question; here we look at many other factors when we analyze the Ba Zi card.

The Red Phoenix brings not only attractiveness, but also jealousy and possessiveness.

Red Luan under collision

The Red Luan in the map may be destroyed . Check to see if a star with this star is colliding with another star, year or clock.

If the Red Luan is destroyed by a collision, the star of attraction does not work, and it is difficult for a person to get acquainted and liked by others. To increase the chances of dating, we use certain periods of time that protect Luan from this collision.

Punishment and Red Luan

Punishment also weakens the star's attractiveness and brings problems with dating and relationships. A person meets, starts a relationship, but this relationship does not bring anything good as a result. He makes scandals, is rude, makes mistakes in relationships, or is treated unkindly.

see also: Red Phoenix loses its properties when Lonely Luan comes in a period (beat, year, month, day)…

Red Luan in an unhelpful element

Red Luan in an unhelpful element brings problems in relationships, as well as operations and injuries.

As you can see, with the wizard of love, not everything is so simple.;) However, as with all symbolic stars in Ba Zi

To summarize the above: in order to bring attractiveness, acquaintances and good long-term relationships, the Red Phoenix in the chart must be strong, useful and not subject to collision or punishment .

Red Luan in Ba Zi is discussed in more detail in our courses

Phoenix Facts

origin of name

There are several hypotheses here. In Greek, phoenix means Foivit (“crimson”), in Turkish – Kerkes, in Persian – Simurgh. It is impossible to give an exact answer about the etymology.

Depiction of the phoenix in the book of mythological creatures by Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch (1747-1822)

Phoenix appearance

The apocrypha "The Revelation of Baruch" claims that he protects the world from the sun's rays. He does this so that they do not destroy all living things. In size, the Phoenix is ​​so huge that it is knee-deep in the sea-ocean, in which a stone sinks to the bottom for three years, but the bottom cannot be reached.”

According to other sources, the Phoenix is ​​the size of a huge eagle, with a blue beak, golden feathers on its neck, and red and purple feathers on its tail.

Phoenix is ​​a popular character in the mythology of many countries.

The Slavs claimed that the Phoenix had Hyacinths and precious stones in its guise. His head is decorated with a crown, his feet are in boots.

Herodotus (5th century BC) only indirectly mentions the Phoenix. But he doesn't claim to have seen it in person. He was shown only a picture of a bird with bright red plumage. He did not believe the stories of the inhabitants of Heliopolis. This is logical, because it was in this city that the god Benu, with the head of a heron, was actively cultivated. Based on it, Greek writers created the image of the phoenix.

In Ancient Rome, the Phoenix was depicted as an eagle on coins, as a symbol of the eternal empire.

Lifespan of a Phoenix

Phoenix lives a hundred years, one hundred sixty, five hundred (according to Herodotus). Or five hundred and forty years (according to Gaius Julius Solonin). Or maybe a thousand years, seven thousand, twelve thousand years. The longest (twelve thousand nine hundred and ninety-four years) was measured out to the Phoenix by Tacitus.

The phoenix is ​​very different from other magical birds. The main difference is that it is in one copy.

Phoenix habitat

Arabia (according to Hesiod) or India. The Slavs believed that the phoenix lived in the cedars of Libya for five hundred years without food, feeding on the Holy Spirit.

What does a phoenix eat?

From the descriptions found, it becomes clear that only by dew, by the Holy Spirit.

Death of the Phoenix

Even the phoenix's death is unusual: sensing the end is approaching, she strikes a spark in the nest (from wild cinnamon branches) and burns to the ground. And the next morning a new phoenix appears.

The Slavs believed that the phoenix, together with the priest, lands on the salt and turns into ashes.

The difference between the phoenix and other birds

Phoenix does not lay eggs, and therefore does not hatch chicks.

What to do in search of love?

If you don’t have Red Luan , but are now looking for your soul mate, you can use this star to increase your chances of meeting someone.

With this star we choose:

  • time for you , during which your attractiveness increases
  • directions favorable to you that increase your attractiveness
  • favorable areas of life that increase the chances of meeting your soulmate

When you connect all 3 components, i.e. time, direction and areas of life , then the chances of meeting your love increase many times over.

Walks into Romance [Bonus]

But there is another bonus - romantic walks along Qi Men, taking into account the Red Luan star:

Using the Qi Men walking calendar , you immediately note in it:

  • time for you
  • directions favorable for you

And you walk not just in all directions, but in personal ones that are favorable for you - this brings maximum results.

Thus, you connect your Ba Zi card and Qi Men walks and get super results!

!!! However, remember to avoid Lone Phoenix periods

May the Wizard of Love bring you a happy and long relationship!

What types of phoenix birds are there?

Chinese phoenix

FENG HUAN, the same as the Phoenix, is popular in China and is mentioned in the 15th century BC.

Feng Huang is the second sacred symbol of China after the dragon. He is the emperor over the birds and the central solar symbol.

In China, the phoenix was highly revered

It combines the properties of yin (dark lunar) and yang (light, solar, fiery).

The Catalog of Mountains and Seas says that this bird has five hieroglyphs. These are: “virtue”, “justice”, “good manners”, “perfection”, “honesty”.

Feng Huang's appearance

It has a rooster's beak, a swallow's craw, a snake's neck and a fish's tail. From the front, fenghuang resembles a swan, from the back it resembles a unicorn, and from the back it resembles a turtle. And on his head there is a special crest “huang”, similar to the image of the rising sun with rays in the form of a trident.

In general, the symbolism in China is only positive.

This is a harbinger of happiness, harmony and a prosperous family life.

As an emblem, the Chinese phoenix served as a symbol of the empress and all brides.

In all countries of the world the phoenix was treated with respect

Japanese phoenix

In Japan, the Phoenix's counterpart is the Hoo bird, a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Outwardly, she is the most ordinary.

Indian phoenix

The Garuda bird from ancient Indian mythology is also sometimes similar to the Phoenix. Garuda was considered the progenitor and riding bird, horse, of the god Vishnu. Born from an egg as an adult. She actively fought against the nagas - creatures with a human head and the body of snakes. It is worth noting that she detects them always and everywhere.

In Asia, the phoenix was considered an important bird


In Slavic myths, the Phoenix bird is called Zhar - Ptitsa (Bird - Sun), with burning blue plumage. Symbolizes a beautiful and complex image of unearthly happiness. Finding the Firebird is like taking possession of unheard of wealth. According to legends, the Firebird could turn into gold. And when she sings, pearls fall from her beak.

Description of the Firebird

Her plumage shines with silver and gold, her eyes glow with crystal. One feather replaces rich lighting.

The Firebird is a character in many Slavic fairy tales.

The Firebird feeds on golden apples, and when it sings, pearls fall out of its mouth.

She makes her nest on an oak tree with twelve branches, she makes four nests on each branch, and she lays seven white and seven black eggs in each nest.

Unlike the Phoenix, the Firebird leaves offspring.


Another analogue of the Phoenix is ​​Finist-Yasny-Falcon, who was a warrior, the incarnation of the god of war - Volkh, the husband of the goddess Lelya, the patron saint of heroes and defender of Rus'.

Phoenix in Persia

In Persia, the Phoenix is ​​called Semurg (an absolute copy of the Phoenix). In some descriptions it appears as a combination of pheasant, griffin, lion and dog. Acts as a symbol of Heaven and a mediator between two worlds.

Phoenix in Egypt

The ancient Egyptians identified the Phoenix with the image of the god Ra, who existed in the form of the divine heron Bennu (Betu). She also embodies the soul of Osiris.

Phoenix among the Indians of Central America

The Indians of Central America (ancient Mexican culture) have Quetzal. But to say for sure that the phoenix and Quetzal are similar would not be entirely correct.

Folk fantasy depicted the phoenix in different ways

Phoenix among the Jews

The Jews called the magical bird Milham. They explained the magical properties of this bird by the fact that it refused to taste the forbidden fruit with which Eve tempted her after the Fall. All the animals and birds gave in to temptation, but Milham resisted. And as a reward for her loyalty and perseverance, the angel awarded her the gift of resurrection.

Phoenix in Taoism

In Taoism, the peach is the Tree of Life in Paradise, Kun-Lun, which gives immortality and serves as food for Taoist saints or immortals. Peach and Phoenix are the emblem of Si Wang-Mu, the goddess of the Tree of Immortality and the Heavenly Queen.

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