Obsidian - properties of the stone, who is suitable according to the horoscope

Obsidian stone was born in the very heart of planet Earth. It is of volcanic origin and is formed as a result of the solidification of lava ejected from the depths of the earth to the surface. The properties of obsidian are determined by the characteristics of its composition. The mineral, which is otherwise called silicon oxide, has an amphora structure.

The stone that volcanic lava creates is amazingly beautiful and multifaceted. It is distinguished by a very deep, rich and pronounced palette. This beautiful gemstone is often used to create jewelry. It is valued not only for its high decorative qualities, but also for its amazing healing and magical properties.

Colors and types of obsidian

Contrary to popular belief, in nature there are examples of not only black shades. The luxurious mineral boasts a variety of patterns and colors.

It is customary to distinguish 3 main varieties:

  • Snow obsidian is the most common. It has a rich black color and small light inclusions of cristobalite crystal. The mineral received such an unusual name due to the shape of the inclusions: they resemble tiny snowflakes.

Snow Obsidian

  • Rainbow obsidian amazes with its variety of shades. It is quite rare to find such pebbles, so they are of particular value. In nature you can find reddish, greenish and even blue minerals. In addition to the unusual shade, they are distinguished by an unusual cut, visually reminiscent of a drop of oil.

Obsidian “rainbow”, more than 15 cm. Mexico. Sample: Museum named after. A.E. Fersman. Photo: A.A. Evseev

  • Peanut obsidian is quite common. It received this name for its unusual rounded dotted inclusions. Outwardly, they are very similar to peanuts.

Peanut obsidian
The most common color species are:

  • Black stone is the most widespread variety; it is the one most often thought of when talking about a mineral. It owes its hue to inclusions of magnetite.

Black obsidian

  • Brown obsidian, known as the gem that brings harmony. It also promotes spiritual growth.

Brown obsidian

  • Silvery obsidian, which is also called the stone of spirits, shamans and sages.

Silver obsidian

Where is obsidian mined?

Since the occurrence of the mineral is directly related to volcanic eruptions, it is mined in seismically active zones. The most developed deposits are located in Ecuador, Mexico, and Japan. The latter country has huge mineral deposits. They are concentrated on the island of Hokkaido. In addition, New Zealand, Kenya, Iceland and Peru are rich in obsidian.

The most valuable samples are imported from the United States of America. In this country, production is carried out in the Mississippi River basin: in Nevada, Arizona, and California. The peculiarity of minerals mined in the USA is their absolute transparency. The stones are amazingly beautiful and original.

Some species are also harvested in Russia. You can see glass erupting from the crater of a volcano in Karelia and Kamchatka. Stone deposits on the peninsula are concentrated on the Sredinny Ridge. It is there in the western part of the mountains that the Itkovaem deposit is developed. They also mine stone materials not far from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The Nachikinskoye field operates there. The North Caucasus is also a supplier of the mineral. There are small deposits in the Khabarovsk region and the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The magical properties of obsidian

Silver Obsidian Ball
Many years ago, people discovered that obsidian has magical properties. He was popular among many peoples of the world. For example, the Indians called obsidian the tears of the Apaches; in Transcaucasia it was called the fragment of Satan's nails. In any case, people believed in his magical powers.

Obsidian was used for various ceremonies and rituals. In the modern world, the stone has not lost its relevance.

Obsidian has the following meaning - it opens the gift of clairvoyance. Therefore, a ball is often made from it, like a crystal ball, which helps to see the future and find answers to questions of interest.

  • However, the main meaning of the stone is protection from any negativity. It protects the owner from evil forces and evil witchcraft (evil eye, damage, curses and love spells.).
  • Obsidian protects against gossip and bad rumors.
  • This stone can be worn even by children. Its positive and soft energy will not harm the child, but will provide powerful protection.
  • In addition, obsidian helps to get on the right path and does not allow you to leave it.
  • It drives away bad thoughts from a person, thereby preventing him from committing bad deeds.
  • In addition, the stone helps a person change his life for the better. Therefore, the mineral may be suitable for those people who need to concentrate on a specific task, for example, scientists and lawyers.

At the same time, the stone is not recommended to be used as an amulet by people of creative professions and people with creative thinking. The fact is that in this case the mineral develops rational thinking and suppresses non-standard thinking. Therefore, the effects of this stone will be detrimental to artistic or creative people.

Who should be wary of the stone?

Evil and vindictive people should be wary of obsidian. The mineraloid absorbs energy like a sponge. He will give into the world what he has accumulated.

If the owner of the stone is a person with bad intentions, bringing evil into the world, then volcanic glass will absorb negative energy. Then it will return it to its owner, bringing troubles and misfortunes. You will have to get rid of the stone.

But, once in the hands of another person, he will continue his evil deeds. Negatively charged stones need to be cleansed with fire or water, but this must be done by a dedicated magician.

Talismans, amulets, amulets

Amulet made of black obsidian
Volcanic glass makes its owner luckier and more attractive in the eyes of others. Interestingly, thanks to the magical properties of obsidian, the owner of the raw mineral or a product made from it also becomes more attentive and sensitive to other people. The stone seems to make it possible to move faster in spiritual development, seek and find inspiration, and receive “flashes” of insight.

According to Eastern beliefs, lava glass reveals to the wearer the secrets of his previous incarnations and helps reduce the severity of karmic “traumas”. Meditation with a stone allows you to quickly overcome existing psychological complexes and mental problems. In a number of countries, magic balls are made from volcanic rock.

Obsidian can be considered a talisman, an amulet, and a talisman. He is able to suppress aggression and relieve tension.

Married couples can wear obsidian wedding rings to maintain fidelity and harmony, romance and passion in family life. If jewelry and objects for rituals belong to psychics and magicians, then it is easier for them to “communicate” with higher powers. Obsidian also helps clairvoyants develop the ability to see the past and future.

Mineral deposits

This volcanic rock is found in places where there are active or already extinct volcanoes. In particular, they are rich in: Ethiopia, Turkey, and the United States of America. But Mexico has the most deposits.

The most beautiful variations of stone samples are found in the state of California (Mississippi River). The mineral discovered there is different from its counterparts; it has less transparency than obsidians from other countries.

As for the Russian Federation, the locations of the gem are located in the Transcaucasus region, Siberia, and also in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Healing properties

Peanut obsidian pendant
In lithotherapy manuals published in different countries, obsidian is mentioned as one of the most important healing stones among more than 400 rocks and minerals. Reviews are devoted to the influence of physical and chemical characteristics, origin on the therapeutic effect, and significance for the signs of the Zodiac. Modern lithotherapists claim that obsidian can alleviate the course of diseases and speed up recovery.

The value of the stone for health:

  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • stabilizes blood pressure and kidney function;
  • used in hematology, for long-term non-healing wounds;
  • helps improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system;
  • used for nervous disorders and increased anxiety.

Thanks to the therapeutic effect of the stone, erosions and ulcers heal faster and the absorption of nutrients improves. When wearing an obsidian bracelet on the left hand, vascular tone and blood pressure are normalized. The energy of volcanic glass helps restore the body after heart attacks and strokes.

Obsidian can be used for deep emotional upheavals and experiences that cause emotional pain. The stone gives strength and supports in confronting troubles. It also helps to find resources for an active life in one’s own body, and helps to learn useful lessons from traumatic situations.

Black volcanic glass helps to get rid of various phobias. Helps to cope with past negative experiences and associated mental and physical pain. Internal unused reserves are revealed and perception increases.


It should be noted that the information about the healing properties of stones given in reference books and encyclopedias on lithotherapy is based on folklore sources and publications on traditional medicine of past centuries. Information about the healing effects of rocks and minerals has not been tested in clinical studies. This is the result of centuries-old observations and application experience.

Historical reference

People have been familiar with this stone for a long time. Hobbyists know that this is not a mineral. But then the question arises: what is obsidian? This is a rock of volcanic origin.

Hot lava erupts from the bowels of the Earth and freezes on its surface, barely reaching the glass transition. She doesn't have time for crystallization. This is how volcanic glass - obsidian - is born.

The stone is heterogeneous in structure, so it is classified not as a mineral, but as a mineraloid. It is named after the ancient Greek warrior named Obsidius. Legend says that the brave man was the first to deliver the stone to Rome from Ethiopia.

Due to its properties, obsidian has found use in the production of surgical instruments. Obsidian scalpels are much sharper than diamond ones. Such an instrument causes less trauma to tissues, which heal faster after surgery.

Areas of application

Obsidian tools from Tilkitepe, Turkey, 5th millennium BC.
e. The use of the mineral is possible in various fields. However, most often it is used as an ornamental stone. Before starting to create beautiful products, the mineral is carefully polished. It acquires a smooth surface and a special shine.

The stone is often used to create inexpensive jewelry. Obsidian earrings, bracelets and beads are perfect for daily wear. They are especially suitable for dark-eyed brunettes and emphasize the natural beauty of their owner.

Black glass is also used to create interior items: bowls, glasses, vases. Obsidian rosary beads look unusual.

This amazing mineral is incredibly popular in the fields of jewelry and applied arts. Works by famous sculptors and jewelers, which contain elements of volcanic glass, can still be found in various museums around the world. Carl Faberge especially appreciated the unique properties of obsidian. He used the mineral in his works, which are now famous throughout the world.

The main area of ​​application for obsidian is construction. It is from obsidian that perlite is obtained, a building material with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Due to the ability of obsidian powder mixed with slaked lime to harden under water, it is used as a hydraulic additive for Portland cement. It is also used as an additive to lime, as a raw material for the production of dark glass and as thermal insulation.

Obsidian blades have a smooth edge just a few nanometers thick, allowing them to be used as scalpels.

The mysterious history of the origin of the mineral

The obsidian mineral has a complicated history of origin, full of mysteries and secrets. It seems that the path of the amazing stone is as long as the entire history of mankind. For the first time, effusive rock was mentioned in the records of the ancient Greek scientist Theophastus, who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries. BC e. However, numerous archaeological excavations confirm the fact that obsidian was actively used back in the Stone Age.

The stone of volcanic origin received its official name in honor of the Greek warrior Obsidia. It was he who first appreciated the beauty of minerals and brought them to Rome. Our ancient ancestors believed in the amazing magical properties of the stone. It was often used to create various talismans and ritual knives.

There are different versions explaining the origin of the mysterious mineral:

  1. Residents of the Transcaucasian republics call obsidian fragments of Satan’s claws. They believe that the black stone is born in the underworld itself. An ancient legend gives this unusual version. According to it, Satan once flew into a rage and began spewing streams of fiery lava onto the Earth. So he wanted to demonstrate his own strength. It seemed to many people that a dark force wanted to escape from the underworld and take revenge on those who imprisoned him there. Soon the volcanic eruption ended. Black stone pieces remained in its place. People compared them to fragments of the claws of a frightening mythical creature.
  2. The Americans gave the stone another name: Apache tears. There is also an unusual legend associated with it. The ancient warriors, who did not want to become servants of the colonists, decided to escape the invaders at all costs. Gathering all their courage and bravery, they bravely rushed into the mouth of the volcano. The grief-stricken wives bitterly mourned the loss. According to legend, their tears petrified, turning into beautiful stones. The black color of the mineral symbolizes death, separation and grief.

Residents of Hungary do not put forward their own versions regarding the origin of the mineral. But they gave the stone an interesting name: luxury sapphire. The Hungarians explain such an unusual name by the fact that volcanic glass is strikingly similar to a precious stone. They are united by a mysterious shine, shimmer and mysterious glow.

Obsidian products and jewelry

Obsidian bracelet
Decorative items made from volcanic glass always look noble and a little solemn. The stone is highly polished. Boxes, photo frames, vases will add a touch of aristocracy to the interior of the house. An obsidian souvenir - what could be better as a gift for a loved one.

Bracelets, beads, rings, and earrings are also made from obsidian. Due to its original appearance, the stone matches clothes of any color, both bright and plain.

The cost of obsidian depends on several factors:

  • stone colors;
  • its size;
  • cutting;
  • forms;
  • processing difficulties.

The price for 1 gram of obsidian is low, it starts from $1. But there is a rarest type of stone - green obsidian, the cost of which is higher than that of a diamond.

Approximate cost of volcanic glass products:

  • Beads - from $20.
  • Earrings, rings - $40.
  • Bracelets - $15.
  • Pendants, amulets - $2.
  • Small spheres, figurines - $20.

Origin of obsidian stone

Obsidian is a stone that has been known since ancient times. Archaeologists constantly find tools made of volcanic glass during excavations - this is what this rock is also called. The stone has a very sharp chip. That is why the Mayans used it to make spears and stakes. All kinds of jewelry were also made from the gem.

Modern scientists use these historical finds to study travel routes, as well as contacts of ancient peoples. Archaeological finds have made it possible to establish that high-quality stone raw materials were used in the Neolithic and Paleolithic. This means that it was used 15 thousand years ago.

The name of the stone is explained by two legends. So, some scientists are sure that this concept is connected with the Greek word “obsis”, which translates as “spectacle”. The fact is that the stone was used to make small mirrors. It is also believed that Obsidium is the name of the ancient Roman legionnaire who first discovered this mineral.

The typical color of obsidian is black, which is due to the presence of magnetite in the composition. However, there are other shades of gems.

How to recognize a fake

Decoration made from obsidian
Obsidian is one of the inexpensive ornamental stones. Despite this, there are craftsmen who try to imitate it. In trade, the mineral is often replaced with painted glass. There are several ways to distinguish real jewelry from a fake:

  1. The first thing to do is to carefully examine the beads, bracelet, rosary or any other product. Natural material has a bright, rich color and shine.
  2. Real stones are able to maintain temperature for a long time. To check, you need to hold the stone in your hand for a few minutes. If after this it remains cold, then it is not a fake.
  3. Obsidian, the color of which is uniform and uniform, is most likely fake. Real minerals have numerous inclusions and intricate patterns.
  4. If possible, you should briefly immerse the stone in clean water. The fake will quickly lose its original appearance. The attractive shine will disappear and the shade will change.

Knowing these simple rules and the properties of stones, you can quickly understand whether this is an original or a fake.

Color versions

Obsidians are found in nature in three main colors - black, gray and reddish-brown.

In addition, three more variations of the mixed color of the mineral can be named:

  • snow obsidians - such stones are black in color and have small white spots, very similar to snowflakes;
  • peanut - the pebbles contain inclusions resembling peanuts;
  • iridescent - can vary from red, blue, green to blue shades. The illusion is created that the gem shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Rainbow obsidians in their cut resemble spilled oil. Stones of this type are elite, since there are not too many of them in nature.

How to properly care for stone

Obsidian jewelry
Do not forget that this material is glass, albeit volcanic. Obsidian jewelry requires careful, careful care. There are several rules that are best followed to ensure that the stone lasts a long time.

  • You should not keep the gem in the same box with other jewelry. It is best to store it in a separate case, lined with soft fabric.
  • When exposed to direct sunlight, the stone loses its rich obsidian color. Therefore, you should not wear it too often. At least don't wear it in plain sight.
  • Protect your earrings, rings, and beads from bumps and falls. The gem not only breaks into pieces - its fragments are very sharp and dangerous to collect.
  • The mineral loses its color characteristics if it sits in water for a long time, as well as under the influence of chemical reagents. Remove your jewelry when cleaning or even just washing dishes.
  • The crystal needs to be cleaned from time to time. To do this, rinse it with cold water, then wipe dry with a soft cloth or sanitary napkin. The mineral should not be wet, otherwise its color and structure may be damaged.

What care do obsidian products need?

Despite their external strength and power, obsidians are among the rather fragile stones. In order for jewelry with beautiful volcanic glass to please you for as long as possible, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

  1. It is recommended to store beautiful jewelry with obsidian inserts separately from other jewelry. Otherwise, there is a risk of scratches on the shiny surface.
  2. To store jewelry, it is better to use a thick box or casket with soft walls. A cloth bag is not suitable for this purpose.
  3. It is forbidden to keep obsidian in direct sunlight for a long time. The stone may fade and fade. You should not leave it in places characterized by sudden temperature changes.
  4. Obsidian jewelry should be treated with extreme caution. They should be carefully protected from chemical and physical influences, which primarily include impacts and falls.
  5. The mineral should not be left in liquid for a long time. In this case, even ordinary water can become destructive.

Like all stones, obsidians require periodic cleaning. Harsh chemicals should not be used for this procedure. Moreover, ordinary soap will cope perfectly with dirt. Jewelry should be thoroughly washed with soapy water and then rinsed in plain clean water. You can leave the items to dry on their own. If you need to speed up this process, you should use a sanitary napkin or soft cloth to dry.

If you follow the above rules, this amazing stone will delight you with its beauty for many years. It will perfectly complement your image, help you achieve your goals faster and provide reliable protection against dangerous illnesses.

Which stones go with?

Ring with obsidian
Combining stones is a whole science. It is known for certain that the best combinations are made of minerals belonging to the same element. Also, according to astrologers, one should not neglect the connection of stones with the signs of the zodiac and the planets that protect them. If the stones are not aligned correctly, then at best they will cancel each other out, and at worst they will create negative vibrations.

The mineral obsidian belongs to the element of Earth. His friends":

  • agate;
  • nephritis;
  • turquoise;
  • crocodile;
  • onyx;
  • malachite;
  • emerald;
  • aventurine;
  • jasper;
  • amber;
  • jet.

Pendant with obsidian

Of its group of Earth stones, obsidian is unique in that it “feels” well next to Fire minerals. This is due to the origin of the stone - it was born from fire. It will make a good pair:

  • with pomegranate;
  • topaz;
  • tiger eye;
  • carnelian;
  • red agate;
  • hematitis;
  • red tourmaline;
  • diamond.

Obsidian goes well with rock crystal. Their duet is most often used in meditation for enhanced cleansing and charging of the sex chakra. Together they are able to level out a person’s energy.

Interesting facts about the stone

The obsidian “Mirror of the Incas” was sent from the New World by conquistador Hernando Cortez in the mid-16th century. Currently kept in the Paris National Museum of Natural History.

It is officially permitted to write prayers and depict the faces of saints on this volcanic rock. Thin obsidian plates in the form of a pendant with the “Guardian Angel” prayer are widespread throughout the world. They are used as powerful protective amulets against any negative influence.

The Cairo Museum houses a pectoral (symbol of the power of the pharaoh) from the tomb of Tutankhamun. The product is made in the form of a vulture with outstretched wings. The feathers are gold plates decorated with turquoise, lapis lazuli, red jasper and obsidian.

This gem can also be seen in many Faberge jewelry. For example, an obsidian dove with gold legs and diamond eyes, created around 1900, the height of the product is 4 cm. Sold at Sotheby's in 2008 for $61.3 thousand.

Whose horoscope suits obsidian?

According to astrologers, wearing obsidian is not suitable for all zodiac signs. For some of them it is even contraindicated.

Obsidian compatibility chart with zodiac signs:

Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” is ideal, “+” is good, “-” is bad)
a lion+


In Armenia, volcanic glass is called devil's claws. The legend says that there was a time when the devil walked the Earth and did dirty deeds. Seeing this, the Almighty decided to send him to the underworld.

The earth opened up under the evil spirits, but the devil did not want to go to another world. He frantically grabbed the edge of the ground with his hands. His fingers slid, tearing off the claws that caught the roots. The overthrow was accompanied by thunder and an earthquake.

Since then, people have been finding black stones. And when a volcano erupts there are especially many of them. It is the devil who still has not given up hope of returning to Earth again, and the Lord persistently casts him into the underworld.

From stone ax to souvenir

It will take a long time to describe the joint path of man and volcanic glass. Therefore, we will quickly go over the beginning of the friendship between man and stone.

Our time machine is at your service. Route: our days - Paleolithic, Stone Age - our days. Stops on request. Let's go back to the dawn of humanity, 2.5 million years ago. Then appearance did not matter, and hominids (our ancient ancestors) tried not to live, but to survive.

It was hard to survive; there were no shops or jobs with a stable salary. We had to exist according to the principle “what goes around comes around.”

To eat a fried steak, you had to first get it (when it grunted or growled).

Metal products appeared 8000 BC, but I wanted to eat long before that.

Our clever ancestors came up with stone tools. Obsidian stone was ideal for them. It is easy to make piercing and cutting tools from it to kill a mammoth or deer. Because throwing yourself bare-handed at a cave bear is dangerous to your health. Another thing is the spear.

Our ancestors highly valued the properties of obsidian. So much so that they were not content with local stones, but organized expeditions to the places where obsidian stones were mined.

For history buffs: many obsidian spearheads were discovered in the Baksan region of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. And for the stone for the tips, the Neanderthals went as far as 250 kilometers, to the Zayukinsky spring.

Later they began to make stones... no, not jewelry. Ritual items for priests who enjoyed enormous influence in the tribe. The razor-sharp edges of obsidian knives were perfect for ripping open the flesh of unfortunate victims.

The Aztec and Mayan tribes, notorious for mass sacrifice, cut out the hearts of living people with ritual obsidian knives.

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The priest or shaman decided who to sacrifice.

While men were running after mammoths, women were in secondary roles. But hunting is an unreliable business. While the men were hunting, the woman spent the whole day collecting roots, herbs, and berries. And she tried to cultivate them. Thus began the era of agriculture, and with it matriarchy. Women took power. Well, as the saying goes, “he who feeds the food, also ... calls the tune.”

  • It's time for decorations. Including obsidian jewelry.
  • Glyptics is the first jewelry craft of man.
  • It is in the nature of a woman to decorate herself, whether she is a Neanderthal or a businesswoman of the 21st century.
  • So our beads, pendants, pendants originated a very long time ago.
  • And they fell in love not only with women, but also with men.

Historical fact: Mark Antony (the same lover of Cleopatra) was a prominent politician and military leader. I wanted to have the gem of Senator Nonnius to the point of madness. The senator valued the gem and did not want to part with his favorite piece of jewelry. It was within Anthony’s power to throw an unyielding senator into lifelong exile from Rome, which was done. Nonnius's career collapsed, but his beloved gem remained with him.

This is how highly valued jewelry was in the Hellenistic era.

Further - more, jewelry has become an indicator of success and wealth. So it was, so it is. Most likely it will.

And volcanic glass, which helped people survive at the dawn of mankind, now works peacefully in production and in jewelry.

This is the importance of obsidian in human development.

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