Feng Shui colors: in the interior, clothing, activation of zones in the house

Splashes of color incorporated into the design of your home will lift your spirits and put you in the right mood. But that's not all: Feng Shui colors will help harmonize your life

Have you ever thought that Feng Shui colors are of great importance for your harmonious living in your home? It has long been known that the color scheme affects not only the psycho-emotional state of people, but also the circulation of vital energy in the house. Our world is multifaceted, and each part of the color palette has its own special meaning. Therefore, when planning to renovate your apartment, you need to know what color walls, wallpaper, tiles or panels are best suited for each room, and what shades should not be used in the bathroom, bedroom or nursery. Feng Shui colors can help improve your life and even serve as a powerful means to attract love or money. So, what should the color of the rooms be?

In modern Asia, purple is a very positive color because it is a “balanced” color, a combination of stimulating red and cool blue. And the combination of these opposing shades without mixing looks both provocative and elegant

Ancient Chinese sages long ago noticed the influence of color on the destinies of people and carefully studied the issue, presenting to the attention of everyone detailed descriptions set out in books.

Before you go painting the walls in the living room, wallpapering the nursery or laying tiles in the bathroom, you need to carefully study the meaning of colors and their combination with the cardinal points and elements.

The front door should never be kept in a sloppy condition. For a good balance of different principles, it is recommended to paint the door red and/or install gold-plated fittings. For a door facing the South, red is ideal; for other cardinal directions, be guided by the colors of their elements

Even when the plot prevails over color (in a painting, mosaic or painting), the purpose of the room and the direction of the world according to the Lo Pan compass should be taken into account. For example, the combination of blue and gold is positive for the northwestern sector in the house

Rules for choosing colors

When choosing colors for your interior according to Feng Shui, you should consider several nuances:

  • According to Feng Shui, all colors have their own energy: red, for example, is considered the most powerful shade - used to attract finance and love. Blue color, on the contrary, extinguishes energy and pacifies - it is not suitable for offices.
  • Each side of the world is powered by its own element and, accordingly, palette: there is a main and supporting element. For example: the main element of the south is fire (yellow, red), the nourishing element is wood (brown, green).
  • There are forbidden tones for all cardinal directions and rooms: for example, blue extinguishes fire and is not suitable for southern rooms, and overly bright, flashy colors are undesirable in the bedroom - at a minimum, they go against the main purpose of the space.


A universal and comprehensive tone that synthesizes all existing colors of the spectrum. In many cultures and beliefs it is associated with purity, holiness and sublimity. In the Slavs it symbolizes a pure path and high intentions, associated with goodness and creation.

However, the Chinese are wary of white because in their system the color is associated with death.

As for the design of rooms, a clean, snow-white interior can evoke associations with a hospital atmosphere and have a depressing effect on the psyche. This is a good shade for the ceiling and individual elements of the room.

How to combine colors correctly?

As in any practice that works with flowers, Feng Shui has its own successful and unsuccessful combinations.

See recommendations for the right color combination.


The right colors enhance each other and promote the unhindered flow of vital energy Qi. To avoid mistakes, remember the rule:

Fire feeds earth, earth feeds metal, metal feeds water, water feeds wood, wood feeds fire.

If you think about it, everything is logical, fire burns on a tree, the tree grows thanks to water. Accordingly, in the fiery glory zone you can use woody shades, perfectly combining orange with green, red with brown.


The destructive cycle looks like this:

Wood spoils earth, earth spoils water, water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood.

That is, in the same zone of glory (fire, red) you cannot use water (blue, black, cyan). And in the water element (north) earthy, terracotta tones are prohibited.


Favorite shade of cheerful and intuitive people. Associated with sensual pleasures, the sexual center in the human body.

The Chinese associate the color of orange with solidity and authority. In their opinion, orange is preferred by serious people who want to win the respect of others.

The juicy and bright color of aromatic citrus fruits is one of the most successful for kitchen decoration and tableware. Charges you with a good mood, stimulates the appetite and fills you with energy. An orange kitchen will wake you up better than any alarm clock and coffee.

What to consider in finishing?

When choosing colors according to Feng Shui, special attention should be paid to the finishing: furniture or decor can be rearranged, but repainting the walls or redoing the floor will be much more difficult.


It is logical to choose wallpaper or paint, guided not only by the rules of Chinese philosophy, but also by common sense. For example, anyone would feel uncomfortable in a completely red room.

When decorating walls, give preference to light, pastel, neutral shades. Exception: accent surfaces (behind a sofa or bed, for example). We exchange indigo for heavenly, canary for creme brulee.

Another important point is the area of ​​the room. The walls should not put pressure, so in small rooms they prefer light tones: beige instead of chocolate, Gainsborough instead of wet asphalt.


In addition to the cardinal directions, the surface itself has a great influence: for example, the floor is a symbol of the earth, since it is essentially the foundation of the room.

Accordingly, any earth tones are suitable for its design: coffee, chocolate, walnut, sand. A win-win option is classic wood-look coverings.


According to the logic, the floor is the earth, the ceiling is the sky, that is, the air. The ideal solution is a flat white ceiling. If you want color, pale blue will do.

The ceiling should not have complex structures, beams, mirrors, dark shades - all this interferes with the smooth flow of Qi.



It is considered a spring and life-affirming shade. Pink is preferred by sensitive and receptive people. Pragmatists indignantly reject such tones. Life “with rose-colored glasses” irritates inveterate materialists.

An interior in pink tones is not recommended for people with unstable psyches and changeable moods.

Overall a nice fresh shade that adds coziness and relaxes the eyes. Recommended for decorating bedrooms and lounges. It copes especially well with its beneficial mission in rooms located on the north side - delicate pink will “warm” the room.

Selecting the color of textiles

Large details such as curtains or bed linen deserve special attention.


Since Qi energy enters the apartment through the windows, curtains should not interfere with its flow, but enhance it. The easiest way is to choose by room: pink ones will create the ideal atmosphere in the bedroom, green ones in the office.

Bed linen

There are 2 options: energizing for activity or promoting rest and peace. In the first case, a blue, black, orange set will work perfectly. In the second - any calm tones - soft pink, cream, beige, blue, white.

Feng Shui: the meaning and essence of science

We have all repeatedly heard about such a concept as “Feng Shui” and, despite this, few of us know and understand what it is and what the essence of this concept is. In fact, it is not so difficult to understand this issue superficially, however, for this you need to know the following information.

  • Feng Shui is a kind of science about energy and its flows that exist in space and affect a person’s life, his success, wealth, happiness, etc.
  • Despite the fact that “Feng Shui” is pronounced as one word, it is translated as 2 different ones. Feng means wind and Shui means water. These two elements are constantly in motion, just as energy flows are constantly moving.

Shui means water

  • The basis of science is the doctrine of Qi energy. It is generally accepted that it is this energy that gives life to everything that is on our planet and it is this energy, filling our body, that ensures its health and good condition.
  • Based on the above, a logical conclusion can be drawn. If Qi energy circulates in sufficient quantities in the human body, he is healthy, but if in small quantities, he is sick. The same can be said about the environment and its condition. In the case when energy flows pass close to the surface of the earth, it is fertile and “living”, and if it is far away, it is dry, not very fertile and “empty”.
  • To summarize, Feng Shui can be considered as a method of determining the right place and favorable time for a particular event, the location of something. This is a science that helps people find their place in this world and teaches us to live in harmony with ourselves, the world around us, people, nature, etc.


The most mystical and deep shade of the palette. The color of magicians and esotericists. Perfect for decorating a meditation and relaxation area. Conducive to deep reflection on highly spiritual topics. Violet will fit well into the home environment of harmoniously developed people.

Be careful with purple if your goal is to find a mate and start a family, as rich lilac and plum tones attract loneliness and detachment into life. The color is not exactly a family color.

Do not overuse purple in rooms located in the north - the shade is cold.


Each zone in the apartment is responsible for success in one area or another. For example, the southern zone honors mass recognition, and the northern zone promotes career growth, creativity prevails in the west, and health prevails in the east; the southwestern “region” is saturated with love and understanding, and the southeastern “region” abounds in finance; the north-west is a worthy place for a family leader, the north-east will enrich you with knowledge.

To summarize, we can say that whoever wants to achieve something in life must treat that “region” with special care and keep it practically sterile clean.

Feng Shui of a city apartment involves activating all 8 zones in the room. To do this, the diagram presented above must be superimposed on the plan or drawing of your home so that the cardinal directions coincide - this will show where which zone should be equipped. Balconies and loggias should not be taken into account - they are not living space. If your apartment is not square or rectangular, then those areas that are outside of it need to be activated in the living room or kitchen.

To activate it, it is important to carry out a general cleaning, get rid of all old stuff and dust, and then begin hanging the talismans and rearranging them. Let's consider how to combine Feng Shui zones and apartment arrangement in accordance with all the rules.

Reputation zone

This part of the house is responsible for professional growth, luck, popularity, quick adaptation and good position in society. • Colors. Red should be the predominant color in the glory sector; it can be diluted with green, and purple, blue and black shades can be excluded. Furniture upholstery, curtains, accessories and Feng Shui talismans can be red; • Interior. Since Fire feeds on wood, it is advisable to use wooden furniture in this area of ​​the house. Rectangular and triangular shapes, both large and small products, are welcome; • Lighting. The reputation sector in the apartment should be clean and bright - an abundance of lamps or a large chandelier is welcome. To make the lighting warm, use red lampshades; • Paintings. For the reputation zone, you need to purchase an image of a sunrise, sunflowers, tulips or poppies; • Birds. The classic talisman of success is the phoenix - it can be depicted in a painting or present in the form of a figurine. You can replace this bird with a rooster, peacock or 9 eagles. You cannot place any symbols of killing plitzes, spears or arrows, for example, in this zone. Real peacock feathers will fit perfectly into the interior; • Animals. The talisman of success in Feng Shui is a horse, best if it is depicted galloping. The horse symbolizes endurance, strength and optimism; • Stones. Since the element of the sector in question is Fire, you can place a piece of solidified lava or volcanic tuff in it. Sea or blue stones are not suitable for this zone, because they symbolize water, and it extinguishes the flame; • Items. The talisman of success and fame is the pyramid, which definitely needs to complement the interior in the reputation sector. It’s good if there is a fireplace in this area of ​​the apartment - it must be lit and cleaned regularly. Instead of a fireplace, you can use red candles, which should also serve their purpose and not be part of the decor; • Statements from successful people posted in a prominent place will help strengthen the work of the fame sector. It will be very useful to come up with affirmations in which you appear as an important and sought-after person. It’s even better to cut out a square from red paper, and in each corner write one of the components of the reputation of a successful person: “Luck,” “Recognition,” “Success,” “Glory.” In the center of this square, write in the present tense your desired position in the future, for example: “I am a successful entrepreneur.” Hide this piece of paper from prying eyes - this is your personal talisman. You cannot place symbols of water in the reputation sector: fountains, an aquarium, pictures of rivers, etc. With the correct arrangement of the fame zone, it will be easier for you to realize yourself, develop your charisma, and acquire well-deserved authority and popularity. You definitely need to fuel your reputation with worthy actions and thoughts, and don’t forget your friends. It is worth strengthening the sector if you have changed jobs, decided to do something new, or simply want to become a more famous person.

Zone of love and marriage

The right environment and activation of this sector will help single people find love, married couples to return passion to their relationships, and simply lovers to live happily ever after. • Colors. Earth tones should predominate - from sand to ashen, you can even add a little black. This color scheme is diluted with terracotta, pink and red. The use of green and blue shades is not recommended; • Interior. Favorable shapes for the love sector are square and triangular. Metal products are not appropriate in the decor; the amount of wood should be minimal, because it depletes the Earth. Figurines, candles, pillows and other small objects should be paired to symbolize both inhabitants of the bedroom; • Lighting. In the love zone, it is useful to hang a crystal chandelier or lamps and turn them on as often as possible at night to attract the energy of the Earth; • Paintings. Lovers should hang a picture of peonies. If the couple has been together for a long time and there are children in the family, then it is better if roses, lilacs, asters, and orchids are painted on the canvas. Also, according to Feng Shui of an apartment, paintings with erotic content are “useful” in the bedroom. For more modest people, pictures of couples in love, or even better, happy photos of themselves together, are suitable. If the interior is restrained, then Feng Shui suggests activating the love sector with the help of a mountain design. If there are Chinese motifs, a picture depicting the Moon Fairy or a symbol of double luck will fit perfectly; • Birds. A figurine of a pair of ducks, swans, cranes or doves is placed in the love sector; • Animals. Instead of birds, a pair of dolphins can attract prosperity and happiness to the house; • Plants. Orchids and roses can be grown in an apartment. For the love zone, the tangerine tree is indispensable; • Stones. Since the element of the sector in question is the Earth, any stones and materials obtained from its depths will attract positive energy to your family. It can be rose quartz, hematite, crystal, jade, red jasper. Be sure to keep your stone corresponding to your zodiac sign and your partner’s stone nearby. Do not show them to anyone and do not allow them to touch them; • Items. In the love sector, two red, yellow or pink candles in candlesticks tied with a red ribbon, figurines of two shoes, butterflies, and a pair of Chinese lanterns would be useful. A pair of dolls will attract powerful positive energy: a geisha and a samurai. Any toys, boxes, pillows, valentines and other items in the shape of hearts will also have a beneficial effect on your life together with your partner. Family albums and archives, and any memorabilia should be stored in the love zone. Be sure to purchase a vase made of ceramics, porcelain, clay or crystal. It should have a narrow neck and a wide base to accumulate positive energy. There will be even more benefits if you put gemstones in it. An aroma lamp in the love zone would also be appropriate; • A fan will help strengthen the work of the love sector. He is able to quickly attract positive energy into the house. Also, buy chocolates more often and put them in a red dish - this is a symbol of romance. You cannot hang sad photographs or images of your former partners in the love sector. Under no circumstances should you store antiques in this part of the house, as they carry with them the energy of the former owners. The symbolism of water and metal is also unacceptable in this zone, so the aquarium, fountain, and steel products must be removed.

Children and creativity zone

This sector is responsible for the development and health of children, their creativity, and helps parents develop creatively. It also improves relationships and understanding between children and adults. • Colors. It is advisable to use white, steel, yellow, silver, gold, copper in this sector. The amount of red should be minimal; • Interior. The dominant element of this zone is Metal, so most products in the sector should be made of bronze, steel, copper, aluminum, iron, tin, silver and even gold. This applies to picture and photo frames, candlesticks, figurines, and lamps. The talismans of this zone are horseshoes, bells, and crystals. Favorable shapes for interiors in the creativity and children's sectors are a circle, an oval, or, for example, a square. You should not place symbols of Fire - it destroys Metal; • Lighting. According to Feng Shui of an apartment, daylight should penetrate into the children and creativity sector. In the evenings it should also be as light as possible, so an abundance of lamps is welcome; • Paintings. Collages, posters, drawings and photos with happy faces of children will look great in this area. This is where you should place an application with your dream, for example, a new car or a vacation spot. Hang your children’s drawings and crafts on the wall of this sector to stimulate their creativity and desire to develop; • Plants. There should be fresh flowers in the children's area, which must be thrown away as soon as they wither. Place pots with beautiful plants here; • Items. An important mascot for this sector is the wind chime. It should be made of 7 metal tubes, and the upper part in the form of the roof of a Chinese temple, made of ceramics or porcelain. You should not buy wind chimes if they have sharp edges. You need to hang it near a door or window so that it rings as often as possible. A good talisman is a netsuke in the form of a baby with a sparrow; also in this zone it is worth placing a figurine of Fu-shin, who has a child on his shoulders. Metal mobiles are activating energy in the creative sector. Concentrate fancy figurines, stuffed animals, and toys on the walls and tables. In the creativity zone, paints, tools for applied art, and construction are appropriate; • Affirmations can strengthen the work of the children and creativity sector. For example: “My child is healthy and happy,” “I am a creative person.” You can also put several written sayings regarding creativity and children on the table. Add to this sector items - talismans for the element of the astrological number and Gua sign of your child. It is advisable to strengthen the energy in this sector when you want to get pregnant or change your job to a more creative one. This is also important so that all the talents of your children can be revealed. The beneficial influence of this sector allows you to get rid of creative limitations and develop your abilities, imagination, and fantasy.

Helpers and Travel Area

This sector is responsible for those people - assistants who meet in life, for the success and frequency of trips. • Colors. Any metallic shades are acceptable: silver, gold, copper, aluminum, steel, etc.; • Interior. Favorable shapes are oval, circle and square. You shouldn’t place a lot of furniture here; the best option is to organize a work or guest area; • Lighting. As in any other sector, apartment feng shui calls for bright lighting in this area of ​​the house; • Paintings. Photos of exotic countries, animals and birds are appropriate. It is necessary to place an image of the places where you would like to visit; you can even hang a map of the world. According to Feng Shui of an apartment, paintings that depict vehicles, such as a ship, car or airplane, are also acceptable for this part of the house. Photos of travelers would be useful. To attract helpers, you should hang up an image of a helping hand (handshake, hand with a ball); • Items. A garland of six metal bells is the best talisman for this sector. It is recommended to call it if you have problems for which there is no solution. It is also appropriate here to hang a horseshoe and place items made of wild crystal, such as dolphins, which are a symbol of good luck. A metal box is suitable for storing business cards of the people you need. In this area you need to hang icons, place figurines of guardian deities, images of angels - they will be your helpers in life. It is also in this area that you need to put photos of your close friends; • Placing a telephone and a computer here will help strengthen the work of the sector, as these are the main means of communication with the right people at the present time. Create a corner in this area for meeting guests. You cannot place many red objects symbolizing Fire in the sector of assistants and travel. Broken things are also inappropriate here. This zone is best complemented by objects that symbolize your element by number and Gua sign.

Career zone

It is best if this sector is located in the living room, since it is very difficult to activate it in the bedroom, kitchen or bathroom. Proper arrangement of this zone will help you consolidate your successes at work, move up your career ladder, or find your true calling. • Colors. The element of the sector is Water, so all shades of blue, cyan, white and black are acceptable. The power element is Metal, so its colors are also suitable for this zone; • Interior. Favorable shapes for the career zone are circle, oval, wave; • Lighting. It should be bright and clean. If lampshades are used, it is important to choose the right colors; • Paintings. Any images of water and aquatic life are appropriate. If you want a promotion, then let it be a drawing of a fountain; if you want to strengthen your position, let it be calm water. You should hang a portrait of a successful person behind your workplace, and a photo of your team on your desktop. Pictures of a sailboat or ship will also bring positive energy to this area; • Animals. A figurine of a turtle is indispensable for the career sector (it’s even better to buy a live one, and definitely a waterfowl one). The turtle should be heavy, it is good if it is made of metal and is in a spherical container with water. The three-legged toad on the coins is also the mascot of the career zone. Fish are appropriate, both live in an aquarium and depicted on a canvas, a fan, or made in the form of figurines; • Plants. Place white flowers in a large metal vase - this will bring not only success at work, but also a significant increase in salary; • Items. An indoor fountain, wind chime, horseshoe, large mirror, transparent faceted crystals, lotus (crystal or clay) will help to activate the career zone. More than anywhere else in the career sector, a clay bowl with Chinese coins, symbolizing wealth, is appropriate. Beginners and experienced businessmen need to purchase a small sailboat or boat, placing its bow in a corner or wall, and its stern to the door - this talisman will attract a dacha into the house. It is impossible to place symbols of the Earth in the career sector, that is, any furniture in brown shades will suppress the water element. A lot of unnecessary things will lead to the fact that you will constantly feel routine, stop enjoying work and will exist with a feeling of struggle for survival. Place as many Water and Metal symbols in this zone to maximize its use in the right direction.

Zone of knowledge and wisdom

This part of the house makes it easy to learn, work, and develop. Proper arrangement of the knowledge sector will make it easier to enter a university, assimilate new information and give you the desire to improve. • Colors. The dominant element is Earth, so beige, sand, brown and intermediate shades are suitable colors. You can dilute the situation with red, orange, yellow objects (Fire is a nourishing element); • Interior. It should be minimalist - some furniture, a couple of shelves with books and a lot of bright light. Favorable shapes are square and triangle. Wooden products weaken the energy of the Earth. It is best if you can arrange an office or library in this part of the house; • Paintings. It is allowed to post images of people known for their knowledge; • Birds. The owl is a symbol of wisdom; it will become an assistant in acquiring deep knowledge; • Animals. The snake is a talisman not only of wisdom, but also of eternal movement and aspiration; • Items. In the glory sector, educational materials are appropriate: books, dictionaries, textbooks. This is where the Bible, Koran, and Vedas should be kept. Place a globe, map, crystal lotus on the table. Indispensable for this zone is a crystal that needs to be kept in salt water for 7 days, then washed with running water and charged with sunlight for 7 days. It is better to place it under your paw or in front of a window so that light constantly passes through it. Wind chimes will bring positive energy to the knowledge sector; a pearl in a shell will be a good talisman. It is impossible to create rubble and chaos in the sector, which will hinder learning, assimilation of information, and decision-making. If this sector is located in the bathroom or corridor, ensure there is good lighting and cleanliness. Do not place sharp objects in the knowledge area, as well as literature of an entertaining or violent nature - even newspapers.

Family and health zone

This area is responsible for the family climate, well-being and mutual understanding between relatives. It also has a huge impact on the health of family members. • Colors. The element of the sector is Wood, so green and shades close to it are appropriate. The Tree is nourished by Water, so blue, white and black are also acceptable in the design of this area; • Interior. Favorable shapes are cylinder, rectangle and wave. Live plants in pots must be used for decoration. Any wooden products are appropriate, especially those made by yourself; • Lighting. The ideal pendant light is a crystal chandelier, which will diffuse light throughout the apartment. You should not use candles in this part of the house, since the energy of Fire is destructive to Wood; • Paintings. The best picture for the health zone is the image of cranes against a background of pine trees. Be sure to place happy photos of all family members here, with the exception of the deceased. Even an ordinary pleasant landscape will be appropriate in this sector; • Birds. For the health zone, you can purchase a crane figurine; • Animals. The deer symbolizes longevity and health; • Plants. Plant a homemade fruit tree with your whole family, then its fruits will be a symbol of your achievements; • Items. The best talisman for this sector is the green dragon, personifying wisdom, kindness, and power. A bamboo tree or even just sticks convert negative energy into positive energy, bringing love, joy and health to this sector. The star elder Lu-xin will give the family well-being and prosperity, and Shou-xin will give health and longevity. The talisman of health in Feng Shui is peaches in odd numbers - they can be made of porcelain and decorate the table in the area being arranged. Figurines of seven elephants are a symbol of a strong family, calmness, wisdom, strength and intelligence; • Caricatures and videotapes with comedies can strengthen the work of the sector, since laughter prolongs life and relieves bad moods and heals. The symbolism of Water will also come in handy - place a fountain or an aquarium here. You cannot leave metal or sharp objects, wilted and prickly plants, photos of dead people, stuffed animals or ancient coins in the family and health sector. This area should always be clean and bright, as it is responsible for your health and the well-being of your family.

Wealth Zone

The situation in this part of the house is responsible for the material well-being and increase in family income. • Colors. The zone element is Wood, which calls for the use of green, lilac, and violet in the wealth sector. Shades of the water element will be useful, since it nourishes the Tree; • Interior. Favorable shapes for decoration are rectangular, cylindrical and wavy; • Lighting. It should be bright and constant - this concentrates positive energy; • Paintings. An image of moving water – a waterfall or fountain – will attract wealth into your home. If the wealth zone is located in the bathroom or toilet, then hang a picture of a tree on the door. It will absorb water, grow and bring prosperity to the house; • Animals. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of good luck and profit, so it must be in the wealth zone and look at the center of the apartment (in no case at the front door). A turtle with two turtles on its back will help the toad activate the money zone; • Plants. The ideal plant for the wealth sector is the money tree (commonly known as Crassula). You need to constantly look after it and be sure to wipe the leaves. You should not place cacti in this area; they should be replaced by plants with rounded or upward-pointing foliage; • Items. Goldfish are a symbol of good luck, so an aquarium in this area would be appropriate. An indoor fountain also attracts positive energy. Even an ordinary vessel with water will enhance the energy of the Tree. The obligatory symbol of money is Chinese coins. Tie 3 or 9 pieces with red thread or ribbon so that 4 hieroglyphs on each of them look up and place in a piggy bank, wallet, or even under the rug near the front door. A popular deity of wealth and prosperity is Hottey, who helps to make wishes come true. The presence of Daikoku and Ebisu, the gods of happiness, prosperity and good luck, will increase the flow of positive energy; • Products made from precious stones will help strengthen the work of the sector. You need to keep your savings in this zone so that they accumulate and attract even greater wealth. Wind chimes, a mobile, and bowls full of fruits and sweets would be useful in this part of the apartment. Especially often leave oranges in the wealth sector - a symbol of abundance in China. Also, over time, acquire crystals and crystal pyramids that will direct energy towards achieving your goals.

You cannot create a mess or put a trash can in the wealth sector. Promptly throw away wilted flowers, broken equipment and all unnecessary, unusable items. The wealth area should be well lit and regularly ventilated.

Cardinal directions

Feng Shui cardinal directions:

  • north – career zone, position in society;
  • northwest – sector of patrons and assistants, business relationships, travel;
  • west – children's and creative zone;
  • southwest – love and marriage, relationships with a partner;
  • south – glory sector;
  • southeast - wealth, financial well-being;
  • east - family;
  • northeast – zone of wisdom, knowledge, life experience;
  • the center is health.

Proper arrangement of each zone contributes to maintaining good health and success in your personal life and in the financial sphere. Correctly determining the feng shui zones in the apartment is the first and most important step.


One of the most life-affirming and energy-intensive flowers. Fills you with energy and causes optimism. The color of youth and activity.

Warm and summery - good for cool northern zones. It is recommended to use natural light shades of yellow as a base shade, since the abundance of bright sunny colors overloads the psyche and vision. Individual bright elements will perfectly complement the basic interior of different styles. One of the best colors for children's rooms.

Tips for decorating individual rooms of the house

If we talk about the front door and hallway, it will be favorable if:

  • the door opens into the apartment;
  • the space in front of the door is large and spacious (promotes unhindered circulation of energy);
  • There are no dirty shoes or rugs in the hallway.

In living rooms they contribute to the flow of positive energy:

  • clean large windows;
  • wide window sills, not littered with things;
  • absence of old, broken, dirty items, things with expired expiration dates;
  • bright lighting, no burnt out light bulbs.

When arranging a bathroom, the following points should be considered:

  • plumbing is kept clean;
  • the tap and flush tank do not leak and work properly;
  • The toilet lid is closed.


Just like white, it is considered a universal color. It attracts heat, so a room with a lot of black furniture or other interior elements will overheat in hot weather. Color should not dominate the interior, since it actively absorbs energy from the outside. In a black room you will feel inner emptiness. The dark environment is depressing and leads to gloomy thoughts. Very strong and mystical people can decide on such a design style.

Individual black accents will harmonize perfectly with an interior designed in contrasting colors.

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