What colors of wallpaper will decorate the living room according to Feng Shui

Greetings, dear readers! Already in ancient times, the sages of Taoist teaching knew that any color is capable of creating certain vibrations that affect not only a person’s general mood, but also his health. Therefore, great importance is given to choosing the color palette of walls and wallpaper according to Feng Shui for an apartment, house, or office. In the modern world, many interior designers and psychologists strongly recommend following this direction, because correctly and consciously selected shades can bring positive energy to your entire life, and also radically change your destiny.

Favorable colors:

  1. white – symbolizes a state of perfection and purity. This color can cleanse a person, make his thoughts brighter, lift his spirits and change his life for the better. By choosing snow-white wallpaper, you unquestioningly invite good luck and harmony into your home;
  2. red is the color of life, joy and passion. This color is a powerful stimulant; it activates a person’s energy and sets him up to achieve goals. This shade has a great effect on family relationships. Wallpaper of this color awakens passion. Red color has a positive effect on the general condition;
  3. orange - becomes a source of optimism, pushes people to perform noble deeds. This shade is considered a symbol of freedom according to Feng Shui. Orange relieves depressive thoughts and negative mood;
  4. yellow – serves as a source of confidence and determination. Color has a beneficial effect on shy people. Helps add more color and fun to life. Yellow promotes fruitful work and helps in achieving goals. Has a beneficial effect on moving up the career ladder;
  5. green is a pleasant color that is synonymous with balance and contentment. This color helps people find spiritual harmony. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  6. blue – wallpaper of this shade can fulfill almost any person’s desires. The color itself symbolizes inspiration and achieving your goals. Blue lures luck into the house.

Wallpaper colors that you shouldn't use

The first color that is highly undesirable to use in wall decor is black. This shade has mystical properties. He is personified with something magical and dark.

Brown color also belongs to the unfavorable category. Wallpaper of this color creates a feeling of compression. The walls seem to be pressing on the person. This color scheme is not suitable for either the work area or the recreation area.

Gray - this shade does not carry negative traits, but it does not allow people to develop. Thanks to it, people freeze in place and cannot move forward. It is recommended to avoid this shade altogether. It is not suitable for either a relaxation area or an office.

According to Feng Shui, the living room has the status of “the face of the house”, where favorable Qi energy should circulate freely.

Selecting wallpaper according to Feng Shui to bookmarks 2

There are times when, upon coming home, people who previously felt calm suddenly feel anxious and uncomfortable. The reason for this mood may be the wrong color of the walls, because there are shades that bring comfort and peace, and there are the opposite - aggression or stress. What can be done? Of course, the simplest solution would be to change the wallpaper.

Feng Shui wallpaper for an apartment

Who invented wallpaper first?

Wallpaper was mentioned for the first time in Chinese chronicles created more than 200 BC. Having invented a method for producing rice paper, the Chinese kept it a secret for more than 5 centuries. And only closer to the 10th century AD, the Japanese and then the Arabs adopted the experience. Paper wallpaper in its modern meaning began to be used by European commoners only in the 18th century to give their simple homes a more elegant look.

Where are the main walls of the house?

The nature of the energy of our house or apartment largely depends on the design and decoration of certain walls, which are considered to be the main ones. The basic rule of Feng Shui is to have at least one solid wall in every room, because that is where the spirit of the room lives. This:

We feel the impact of these areas on an unconscious level. According to Feng Shui, they are considered the base around which energy revolves, influencing the mood of the entire house. It is best to decorate this space with more expensive wallpaper, paintings, illustrated images or mantra texts. You can add mirrors, elegant sconces, lamps and other decorative elements. Then these walls will become significant helpers in our lives.

Location of the living room when planning according to the 5 elements

Arranging a living room not only affects the atmosphere in the house, but also helps each family member find contact with the outside world. The rules for decorating a room according to Feng Shui involve working with 5 primary elements, such as: Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Air. In addition, it is necessary to correlate the layout according to the cardinal directions:

  • the east and southeast sides represent the color green and the Wood element;
  • the north corresponds to the element of Water with a predominance of blue, violet, blue, black shades;
  • in the southern part of the room Fire (orange and red colors) dominates;
  • the northeast and southwest symbolize the Earth (brown, yellow, terracotta);
  • the north-west and west are subject to Metal (golden, silver and white).

This means that when arranging a room you should adhere to the following principles:

  1. If the living room is located in the southeast and east, then green shades, plants, and flowers should be used in the design. In this case, wooden furniture is preferable.
  2. The most advantageous option is the southern location of the room, since it implies an abundance of warm red tones, the effect of which will be enhanced by any details of this spectrum: pillows, curtains, wallpaper.
  3. The northern part dictates the predominance of the blue spectrum, complemented by the image of a waterfall, elements of white and silver colors.
  4. The northeast and southwest parts love orange and red colors.
  5. Shades of metal will increase the well-being of the inhabitants of the house if the living room is located in the northwest or in the western part of the room.


Decorating the living room according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui in the living room will promote better movement of Qi energy in a bright, fairly spacious and comfortably furnished room. It is important not only to arrange the furniture correctly, it is desirable that it is beautiful and comfortable. It is recommended to choose chairs with soft armrests, trying, if possible, to avoid sharp corners in the interior, heavy and aggressive decor.

It’s a good idea to place an octagonal or oval-shaped coffee table in the middle of the living room, or leave the center free. The view from the window is important. If it is not beautiful enough, you can compensate for the deficiency by hanging a picture in the living room according to Feng Shui. When choosing curtains, you should take into account the side of the world towards which the windows are facing. The north side sets a cold tone for the living room, which means the color of the curtains can be light green, blue, or purple.

For windows located on the south side, it is recommended to select curtains of a warm shade, symbolizing the element of Fire. Energy flows of light and love will fill the entire living room if you use intense red color, creating a drapery that imitates flames. Orange organza is suitable for tulle curtains.

Room door rules

Other aspects of decorating a living room involve the placement of the door. According to teaching, the wealth zone is located in the left corner from the entrance to the living room. If there is a doorway in this place, then finances will gradually flow there. To counteract this circumstance, you should place a large pot of the plant near the door in the living room, regularly removing dry and dead leaves from it.

Wall color

According to Feng Shui, the color of a living room can have a strong impact on the energy of all family members. The tones can be bright, festive, joyful, creating a positive mood, which is so necessary for a full life and health of people. Or, on the contrary, calm, calling for prudence and peace:

  1. The white color of the walls clears away bad thoughts and helps to tune in to a positive mood. But to prevent its excess from leading to disappointment and a feeling of emptiness, you should add other colors or stick Feng Shui photo wallpaper on the wall.
  2. Red tones will give you a feeling of warmth, but their constant exposure can cause depression and irritate the inhabitants, depleting their nervous system. This color is especially unfavorable for children.
  3. Pink shades carry the energy of kindness, spiritual beauty, romance, happiness and balance. Although their predominance leads to excessive emotionality, passivity of the inhabitants, and excessive compliance.
  4. Orange is less aggressive than red. It provides freedom of choice, gives strength, develops spiritually, expands human capabilities, and promotes friendly communication.
  5. The color of knowledge, mental alertness, positivity and clarity of thought is yellow, which carries warmth and goodness. It is good to use shades of yellow in a children's room, which encourages children to be curious, active, gain knowledge, relieves tension, gives a feeling of lightness and accelerates the child's growth.
  6. Shades of green will give balance, spiritual harmony, calm, and give patience. The negative side of this spectrum is low self-esteem and selfishness.
  7. The blue color associated with patience and wisdom will bring peace and tranquility. If it is abused, the inhabitants of the house can become excessively cold and suddenly change their views.
  8. Purple signifies aristocracy, power, creativity and fantasy, and increases self-esteem. Its warm tones are a symbol of love, while its cold colors are a symbol of privacy. Too much purple can lead to sadness and melancholy.
  9. Blue color transforms and cleanses, promoting the transition to a new level of perception. When in excess, it makes people passive and brings coldness in relationships.
  10. Brown tones are a symbol of confidence, stability, perseverance. The brown color of the walls calms, helps to take a break from worries, but at the same time causes sadness.
  11. The gray spectrum brings harmony, sanity, resilience, but sometimes makes people secretive, suspicious and indecisive.
  12. Black is a strict and elegant color that can enhance other shades. It contains a mystery; when in excess, it depresses, suppresses feelings, and leads to depressive states. To minimize the negative impact, it is advisable to hang a picture of nature on the wall.

The living room, as the most important room in the house, should be decorated in the best possible way. This room should feel cozy and comfortable not only for you, but also for your guests. Today, many people strive to decorate this room in some modern style, using new materials and fashionable pieces of furniture. And some, when creating an interior, act according to the principles of Feng Shui, attracting positive energy into their home.

According to this Chinese teaching, it is important not only to correctly arrange the furniture in the living room, but also to choose the color scheme. We will tell you in this article which colors are the most favorable according to Feng Shui, how they affect a person and much more.


If the ceilings in the bedroom are very high or if the room is too large, energy is dissipated, which can lead to a decline in a person's energy levels or even chronic illness. Ceilings that are too low, in turn, can cause depression.

A ceiling beam that cuts the bed horizontally, especially above the head, chest, or generally above the upper part of the body, can cause health problems.

So, taking into account the above, I wish you to properly arrange your bedroom and... have a healthy rest!

Author: Taras Litvin

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What does color mean in feng shui theory?

Even the ancients discovered and understood that color carries with it energy and vibration, which has an impact on the soul and body of a person, as well as on the activity of internal organs. According to the ancient Chinese theory of Feng Shui, color must be chosen based on one of the following theories: the theory of the Five Elements and the theory of Yin and Yang. The theory of the Five Elements is the basis of this teaching; according to it, the energy of good Qi can exist in any forms, which are called the elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal.

  • to enhance the impact of the element of Water in the interior of the living room, you need to use the colors blue, cyan, black and all their shades;
  • The elements of Metal include colors such as gray and silver;
  • the energy of the element of Fire is enhanced by red and orange colors;
  • the energy of the element of Wood will be supported by the color green and all its shades;
  • and finally, the element Earth appears in colors such as brown, red, yellow, and beige.

According to the theory of Yin and Yang, all light colors, for example, white, yellow, red, belong to the masculine principle of Yang, and dark colors, for example, black and blue, to the feminine principle of Yin. In addition, according to Feng Shui, the color of the room can be chosen based on the cardinal directions.

Thus, the east and southeast are characterized by green shades, the southern part of the world - red and orange, the west and northwest - silver, gold, metallic, white, and the north - blue, black and purple. According to this, you need to choose a color for the living room in order to attract positive energy, but we will talk about this later.

Number of windows

A large number of huge windows in the bedroom is the scourge of our time. In Ancient China, Feng Shui masters established a rule: the less, the better. That is, one window in the bedroom is enough. Because the bedroom is the quietest, most peaceful room in the entire apartment or house. Remember: you don't need a lot of light in the bedroom. Large windows and too many of them make the room too active and less than ideal for sleeping. Good night!

Chinese Emperor's Bedroom

Choosing a color based on the cardinal directions

One of the important stages in decorating a living room according to Feng Shui is determining the location of the room in the apartment relative to the cardinal directions. This will influence not only the arrangement of furniture, but also the choice of color in which to decorate the living room. If your living room is located in the eastern part of the apartment, then it is better to decorate it in green colors and choose wooden furniture, because it will be more influenced by the element of Wood. The same design would be appropriate for the southeast direction.

For the living room in the northern part of the apartment, you should choose blue shades. In such a room you can hang paintings depicting lakes, seas, and waterfalls. Interior and furniture items made using metal, white and silver would also be appropriate. If the room is located in the south, red and orange shades will be appropriate, and for the western and north-eastern directions, beige and yellow colors will be optimal.

Remember! Feng Shui does not accept sharp and contrasting transitions of colors; everything should be harmoniously combined with each other.

We design the floor and ceiling according to Feng Shui

Let's take a closer look at what colors are best for decorating individual elements of the living room, starting with the floor and ceiling. When making a floor in the living room, remember that positive Qi energy enters a person through his heels, which means that the floor covering must be alive.

Of course, it is impossible to make the floor sandy or grow grass, which would be an ideal Feng Shui option, but using natural brown parquet is quite possible. The most important thing is that the coating is smooth and does not interfere with life balance. And make sure that the floor is warm, because it is better to walk on it barefoot. Another option would be a thick green carpet, but linoleum, laminate or tile are not suitable materials.

No less important is the design of the ceiling in the living room. The ideal Feng Shui option is to whitewash or paint the ceiling white and keep it clean. Stains, cracks and other defects on the ceiling are sources of negative energy and bad luck that penetrates your life. It is especially not recommended to decorate the ceiling in blue. Blue will be associated with the danger of water hanging overhead. Also, all dark colors will become negative, so be careful with this choice.

We decorate the walls according to Feng Shui

Now let's move on to the design of the walls, which should be attractive, but in moderation. First of all, you need to level the walls so that nothing interferes with the free movement of positive energy. It is better to choose one color for decoration; plain walls are perceived better. The choice of color should be subject to two components: psychology and harmony. Each color has its own impact on a person, so this cannot be neglected; in addition, colors and shades have visual effects that affect the perception of the interior.

So, light colors help to visually increase space, and also symbolize harmony and peace. Dark colors are associated with mysticism. Let's take a closer look at some of the colors that can be used when decorating walls.

  • White. I would like to pay special attention to the white color, which symbolizes perfection and purity. It is worth using it in the interior in combination with another color to avoid lifeless design and fill the room with comfort and warmth. According to Feng Shui, yellow goes best with white.
  • Red. If you plan to use the red color of the walls according to Feng Shui, then know that this color stimulates the appetite, enhances passion, activates a person, and sometimes causes aggression. When combined with gold, red helps to attract good luck in the area of ​​finances. Therefore, think carefully about how to use this color in the interior correctly, because its excess can negatively affect your mental balance. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to combine red and black.
  • Orange. This color, combining the energy of red and the kindness of yellow, is best suited for decorating a living room, as it encourages communication. Orange also promotes harmony and well-being; it enhances the significance of the room.
  • Gold. This is the color of honor and respect. In ancient times, only emperors could wear clothes of this color or decorate rooms using gold color. It has a positive influence on a person and contributes to the development of virtue. If you use this color in the interior when decorating the walls, you can attract monetary energy.
  • Black. Most often, negative properties are attributed to this color, considering it gloomy and mournful. But in Chinese teaching, everything is not so, white is considered mourning, but black is called a magical and enchanting color, so it is quite appropriate in the interior of a living room.
  • Blue. Blue is a color associated with water. It has a calming effect on a person, causing a desire to know one’s place in this world, and makes one think about one’s destiny and harmony in everything. This color promotes relaxation, it is perfect for decorating a meditation area in the living room, it stimulates spiritual energy. This color also enhances intuition.
  • Green. This color is known to everyone as bringing peace and tranquility. According to Feng Shui, this color of walls in the Wealth zone will stimulate profit and family well-being, because it belongs to the element of Wood, and wood is growth and life. If you paint the wall of a living room located in the Glory zone, this will promote harmonious communication with others. An excellent combination of green and yellow colors, symbolizing success.
  • Yellow. Yellow color is a symbol of good luck and positive energy. If you want to cheer up, bring warmth and homeliness, happiness into your home, then yellow is the best color. It makes you smile and feel cheerful and optimistic, and good luck comes to these people. Add yellow to your interior and you won’t notice how you become more positive.
  • Violet. This color is associated with the spiritual sphere of human life. Mystical properties and a sense of magic are often attributed to it. This color is characteristic of creative people with developed imagination. The use of purple in the Wealth zone promotes material well-being.

Feng Shui color palette for curtains

Let’s devote a few words to the design of the window in the living room, namely curtains, which can dilute and complement the design of the walls, especially if they are plain. The right curtains help maintain positive energy in the room. In order for this energy to circulate freely, you need to keep the curtains neat and clean. During the day they need to be moved apart, and at night the window should be closed from negative energy. According to Feng Shui, curtains should be long and wide, and they should also have folds.

As for their color, dark blue curtains, as well as crimson and orange, would be appropriate for the living room. Orange curtains will refresh the room and fill it with warmth. You can also hang green curtains that will fill the living room with peace. Take the purchase of curtains seriously, because if they are not designed in accordance with the principles, it will emphasize bad Feng Shui, even despite the design of the walls, floor, ceiling, and furniture arrangement.

In conclusion, we note that decorating a living room in accordance with ancient Chinese teachings is a very difficult task. Only a real specialist who knows all the intricacies of Feng Shui can take into account every detail. Therefore, entrust this matter to a professional to achieve the best result, which will truly attract the positive energy of health, luck and wealth into your home. Be happy!

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How to improve energy

In Feng Shui, it is believed that large walls carry the main energy.

It is worth paying special attention to the design:

These spaces cannot be left empty. It is recommended to decorate them with expensive paintings, exquisite hanging lamps, and mirrors. You can also add a picture with mantra texts or place a photograph. Only then will the walls emit good Qi energy.

When wallpapering walls, it is not advisable to save money, especially if they are located in the sectors of wealth or family happiness. Stinginess in relation to these places will negatively affect the atmosphere of the house and the prosperity of the residents.

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