Choosing paintings for the bedroom: 6 prohibitions on wall decor

Paintings are an excellent means of decorating the walls of a living space.

Burnt decor is a separate topic in interior design, full of its own secrets and nuances. The painting is more than you can imagine. The framed image is just a shell. Internal dynamics, features of composition and color scheme influence the appearance of the bedroom as a whole. If you decide to decorate your bedroom with a painting and at the same time have a special attitude towards the style of your bedroom, then treat the choice of paintings with great responsibility.

Modular paintings for the bedroom

Modular paintings for the bedroom have not left the pedestals of popularity. Their volumes and variety of shapes amaze with the breadth of choice.

Some recommendations for selecting modular paintings:

  1. If the walls of your bedroom are plain, and there is little decor in the interior elements, then you can hang large modular paintings of 3 or more elements.
  2. When choosing colors for a modular painting, rely on the shades already present in the interior. The picture may be several tones more intense, but several shades must match so that the feeling of harmony is not destroyed. For minimalism and hi-tech styles, which use a very limited color scheme, a modular painting can be of any color.
  3. For geometric and clear directions in interior design, choose the same paintings, rectangular or in the shape of 3 even squares.
  4. If your bedroom is designed in a classic style or Provence style or in any other gentle and free direction, then a modular painting, having an appropriate theme, can be of an unusual shape, for example, a kind of “spot” of small paintings of different shapes and sizes.
  5. Modular paintings look great without frames. It's economical. and creates a feeling of lightness.
  6. A modular painting can form a single composition, separated only by the distance between the paintings, and also modular paintings can only fit each other, but be completely separate in design. It’s up to you to decide which painting to hang in your bedroom.

Modular canvases are the latest in interior fashion. Such paintings will look equally harmonious and stylish in both spacious and small bedrooms.

Please note the possibility of purchasing a modular painting. If you love everything stylish and unusual.

Where to hang a picture in the bedroom?

We will not just list the locations where paintings can be placed, but also talk about our experience, because we work in the “Gallery will come to your home” format and we see where our clients place paintings.

Paintings in the bedroom above the bed

The picture above the bed is the most common location for the bedroom. This is most likely due to the fact that the head of the bed is rarely very high. And with a low headboard, a lot of free space is created above the bed, which you want to decorate with something. And yes! - painting!

Sometimes our clients express concerns about the painting hanging overhead (or maybe falling at night). But we'll talk about this later.

In the meantime, we will give advice on the size of the paintings and the height at which it is best to place them.

A common mistake in terms of size is choosing a painting that is too small. There is a rule we call “3/4” (three quarters) that helps us determine the ideal size of a painting.

It works like this: measure the width of the head of the bed. Let's say the width is 180cm. And we calculate ¾ of this length (180x3/4= 135). This means that the ideal width for the painting above this bed is 135cm.

As for the height at which it is better to hang pictures. There are no strict rules. But we will give a museum guide. When you and I come to an art museum and look at paintings, we do not pay attention to how they are hung and at what height. However, all these rules are spelled out in museum nomenclature documents. The general idea is that the center of the picture should be approximately at eye level (157-158 cm from floor level). Please note that we are talking specifically about the center of the picture, and not about the lower or upper edge.

This rule should be taken into account as a guideline. Since in a living space there may be various factors (structural, aesthetic, etc.) that affect the change in this height. For example, if there is a doorway next to the headboard, then you want to hang the picture so that the top edge of the picture is approximately at the same level as the top frame of the door. Usually it looks harmonious indoors. In this case, the center of the picture can be either higher or lower than the “correct” point. It's not scary.

Examples of placing paintings above the bed:

Paintings in the bedroom opposite the bed

Let's tell you a secret - this is our favorite location in the bedroom to place a painting! Why? Because this means that people are abandoning the TV in the bedroom and dedicating this room only to relaxation. This is an example to follow! And it’s true - let the TV be in the living room, in the dining room, in the office, anywhere! And there will be silence in the bedroom)

As a rule, initially, when ordering a design project for a house or apartment, a TV is still provided for in the bedroom. Therefore, in the wall opposite the bed there are sockets and a cabinet or chest of drawers for the TV. Often - a niche for a TV or simply a visually designated area for these purposes.

In terms of choosing the size of the painting, you can do the following: vertical or square paintings will look better here. However, if the cabinet or chest of drawers is very wide, then it is better to choose a horizontal picture. In terms of size, remember the “3/4” rule, measure the width of the cabinet and calculate the approximate size of the painting.

If you have already purchased a cabinet or chest of drawers, then you can simply place the painting on this cabinet, leaning it against the wall. This composition looks very good. But if you wish, of course, you can hang the picture on the wall as usual.

Examples of paintings opposite the bed:

Paintings above the chest of drawers in the bedroom

Paintings are rarely placed above the chest of drawers in the bedroom (or above the dressing table); more often there is a mirror there. But still, this is also a good option. The placement rules are the same as in the previous case. The only difference is that the chest of drawers is usually much higher than the TV stand. Accordingly, the picture will be located higher.

In the same way, the picture can simply be placed on the chest of drawers, leaning against the wall, without additional fasteners.


Paintings on the wall in the bedroom

Well, the last option that we will consider for the bedroom is placement on the wall, not tied to any furniture. Most often, the connection in this case is carried out to the structural elements of the room. What could it be: a partition between two windows or just a wall near the window; a side wall near the bed (when the picture is hung not above the headboard, but on the side wall), a wide structural protrusion of the wall in the room (for example, if the dressing room is designed in this way), an empty wall near the doorway.

Let us repeat - all these cases are united by the fact that the painting is not tied to any piece of furniture. How to decide on the size in this case? If we have a narrow wall, it’s easier here - we apply the “3/4” rule (measure the width of the wall, multiply by ¾, get the width of the picture). And if the wall is really narrow, we choose a vertical picture.

It’s more difficult if we have a large empty wall with absolutely no furniture. Here we suggest starting from the area of ​​the bedroom. If the bedroom is very large, then you can consider options with a painting width of both 2 and 3 meters. Such a large picture will look great precisely because there is somewhere to step back to see the whole picture. If the room is small, it is better not to choose paintings of this scale. The average size for such cases is approximately 100x120cm.

Painting with peonies

Why do peonies so often enter our homes? Is it really just that peonies look festive and bright? Not really! Peonies have a deeper meaning than just beautiful flowers in light and reddish shades.

What do peonies mean in Feng Shui:

  • Peony flowers in bright colors attract wealth.
  • The bright red peony symbolizes love and the sexual side of life.
  • A man and a woman in a bedroom with peonies are filled with erotic energy, which means that peonies will strengthen passionate relationships, while cool relationships can be completely nullified by their call for bodily expression of feelings.
  • For an unmarried girl, peonies will bring a successful marriage, full of passion and love.
  • To enhance the energy of the peony, make an image yourself. Paint peonies in oil, and if you do not have an artistic gift, then cross stitch will suit you. There are various peony embroidery patterns on the Internet.
  • For those who want to make a sharp leap in their career, peonies will also serve well.

Peony is an energetically strong flower. But you can’t hang images of peonies just for the sake of love and good luck. First of all, you should like the appearance of peonies.

What painting to hang in the bedroom: traditional reproductions

Reproductions of paintings are an easy way to create a respectable room at the lowest cost. Each style has its own reproductions. You can order any reproduction in a special salon.

A bedroom decorated in Baroque style can be decorated with paintings by Renaissance artists in heavy gilded frames - carved or stuccoed.

What reproductions are traditionally hung in the bedroom:

  1. For modern trends, the best decoration will be reproductions of the work of Vincent Van Gogh. “Starry Night”, “Bedroom in Arles”, “Cafe Terrace at Night”, “Sunflowers”.
  2. Reproductions by Pablo Picasso will serve as a bright accent for a bedroom in a constructivist direction. Cubism and ultra-modern design are a combination that captivates everyone.
  3. For the Venetian style, Empire style and other classical branches, reproductions of immortal paintings by Sandro Botticelli and Raphael Santi will be perfect.
  4. Leonardo da Vinci will amaze with its versatility both in modern interiors and in classical spaces. The Mona Lisa will look interesting and fresh in an art deco style bedroom.
  5. For art decor and high-tech, Salvador Dali and Magritte Rene are suitable. Surrealism in the bedroom evokes pleasant thoughts about dreams and fantasies.
  6. Gustav Klimt’s painting “The Kiss” has become popular for Art Nouveau bedrooms. Delightful color combinations will complement the golden tones in the interior.
  7. The landscapes of Levitan and Claude Monet are perfect for the Provence style.

Study the history of art and fill your bedroom with the world's best masterpieces!

“Paintings for the bedroom in the style of...”

Neoclassical bedroom paintings

Neoclassical (or modern classic) is an interior style that has been very popular in the last 10-15 years. Let's say more: 90-95% of the interiors of our gallery clients are neoclassical.

Let us recall the main distinctive features of this style:

  • light interior, pastel shades;
  • a lot of light and air;
  • symmetry in the interior;
  • light classical forms of furniture;
  • elegance and intelligence.

From the point of view of placing paintings, this is the most favorable interior style that can withstand almost all painting styles. There is one exception - paintings in the style of academic realism. In such a modern interior, the works of even wonderful realist masters do not look organic to this space. It seems that the interior is for young and modern people, and the paintings were chosen by the grandfather.

Of course, no one will point a finger at you and say “ugh”) But the lack of harmony in this case is felt on a subconscious level. And people who value aesthetics and harmony will definitely notice this. Yes, and over time you will begin to notice it.

Therefore, we recommend paying attention to paintings by artists working in avant-garde styles.

Examples of well-chosen painting options for the neoclassical style are in the photo:

Classic bedroom paintings

Let's be honest - we almost never see interiors in the style of traditional classics in our work. Most likely, this is dictated by the fact that this style is not in trend now.

But still, not everyone should chase fashion, right? Therefore, we will tell you which painting to choose for a bedroom in the style of traditional classics.

What is a traditional classic? More often dark furniture, antiques, symmetry, stucco molding is possible, a tendency towards ostentation. This is just very brief so that you and I can equally understand what we are talking about.

In essence, this is the most conservative interior style. Accordingly, such an interior needs the same conservative painting. Realistic paintings - landscapes, still lifes, portraits - are perfect for such an interior. It is in such an interior that they will look organic.

You can also consider paintings made in a style leaning toward impressionism. They will also look organic in a traditional classic interior.

Here are a few examples from bedrooms in the traditional classic style:

Country bedroom paintings

Note that country style interiors in their pure form are very rare. Perhaps this is the specificity of the high segment in which we operate. More often we see a trend in interior design towards a kind of eclecticism and a mixture of styles. Style in its “pure form”, implemented according to all the canons, is not bad manners yet, but the desire of designers to mix different styles has long been evident.

Therefore, we propose to consider a mix of different country styles. What these styles have in common: naturalness in finishing materials, a lot of wood, absence or minimum of glossy surfaces, abrasions and aging are welcome, predominantly light interior colors, simplicity.

We look at paintings for the country style in approximately the same vein - rustic, aged, with rough edges, simple in plot and execution.

Examples of paintings in such bedrooms are in the photo:

Paintings for the loft bedroom

A loft-style bedroom is almost always a man's story. The loft style itself is deliberately rough, industrial, brutal. Even the descriptive words themselves are from masculine semantics.

The loft style is characterized by the use of brick, metal, rough wooden products - in short. Of course, the loft style, made taking into account all the canons of style, is an unsuitable room for daily living) It’s more of a backdrop for filming a post-apocalyptic scenario) However, designers know how to stylize loft interiors very elegantly.

For a bedroom in the loft style, you need to look for the same painting - brutal, masculine, rough. And these are not necessarily images of Harley Davidson)

Let's show successful examples of paintings for the loft style:

Paintings for the bedroom minimalism

Minimalism as an interior style is quite common. Including in houses and apartments of the premium and luxury segment.

Let us briefly recall that this style is characterized by laconicism (in everything), geometry, absence of small details, a desire for functionality and ergonomics, most often these are bright interiors.

Paintings for a minimalist interior should also be chosen to be laconic, with geometry and without small details - these are the main criteria.

Check out our selection of minimalist interiors with matching paintings:

Beautiful paintings for the bedroom with flowers: the meaning of the images

Flowers are a wonderful print, as well as the oldest symbol of love and prosperity in the family. Many people like flowering motifs, but not everything is suitable for the bedroom!

Paintings depicting fruits or flowers are symbols of prosperity and good luck. They will bring harmony and positive energy to your home.

Which flower images will look especially good in the bedroom:

  • The main principle of the image of a plant is a fresh blooming appearance.
  • Choose a plant with rounded leaves that extend upward. It is better not to place vines and plants with sharp leaves in the bedroom.
  • Images of the Crassula and money tree will attract prosperity to the house.
  • Cacti also symbolize wealth and accumulation, but can negatively affect a weak marriage.
  • The image of a myrtle tree will help maintain a warm relationship between the spouses in the bedroom.
  • The lemon tree stimulates the life-giving forces of a person. Choose lemon for a healthy body.
  • The image of ficus and aloe harmonizes human energy.

Avoid images of autumn landscapes and wilting plants in the bedroom.

Mesmerizing beauty. Peonies in paintings by famous artists

Luxurious elegant peonies are an integral muse in the work of artists of all times and peoples. This flower is shrouded in mythological charm and is prized for its symbolic meaning and beauty by famous painters.

In traditional Chinese and Japanese art, peonies represent feminine beauty as well as wealth and status. Peonies are of particular importance in China, the homeland of this flower. In this country, the peony is the national flower and symbolizes wealth, power and is often found in traditional painting, silk embroidery, national clothing and jewelry.

In Western culture, peonies do not have the symbolism that is characteristic of China. In the Christian world, delicate pink flowers are a special symbol of femininity, maternal love and the beauty of marriage. But this flower can also mean prosperity, compassion and even shyness.

The meaning of peony is multifaceted. Very often, artists display the lush splendor of peonies in their still lifes as a “memento mori” to capture their fleeting beauty, but thanks to these paintings we can enjoy the lush, fragrant flowers forever and whenever we want.

Peonies. Anselm von Feuerbach (German Anselm von Feuerbach, 1829, Speyer - 1880, Venice), one of the most significant German historical painters of the 19th century

White peonies in a blue faience vase, 1929. Oil on canvas, private collection. Jan Bogaerts (1878, 's-Hertogenbosch - 1962, Wassenaar), Dutch artist

Peonies, 1915. Charles Courtney Curran, 1861-1942, American artist

Peonies and rose (1903). Charles Courtney Karan (1861-1942), American artist

Still life with peonies and carnations. 1950s Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov (1881-1963), Russian, Soviet artist, architect, sculptor, art theorist, teacher, professor

Still life with peonies. William Paxton (1869-1941), American artist and educator.

Japanese peonies. Lawrence Alma-Tadema (Dutch. Lourens Alma Tadema, English. Lawrence Alma-Tadema; 1836-1912), Dutch and British artist

Still life with peonies, jasmine and butterflies. Paul de Longpré (1855-1911), French artist

Blooming peonies. Carl Wilhelm Balsgaard (1812-1893), Danish artist, best known for his still life paintings

Vase with peonies, ca. 1872. Oil on canvas. Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1991), French artist

Peonies. Soren Emil Carlsen (Danish: Søren Emil Carlsen; 1853-1932), an outstanding American artist of Danish origin

Vase with peonies and roses, 1886. Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch. Vincent Willem van Gogh, 1853-1890) Dutch post-impressionist artist

Vase with peonies on a pedestal, 1864. Canvas, oil. 93.3 x 70 cm. Edouard Manet (French Édouard Manet; 1832-1883, Paris), French painter, engraver, one of the founders of impressionism

White peonies and scissors. Edouard Manet (French Édouard Manet, 1832, Paris - 1883, Paris), French painter, engraver, one of the founders of impressionism

Symphony in pink and white: clematis, peonies and other flowers. Bennett Oates (1928-2009), English still life painter

Peonies in a transparent vase. Marie Duhem (1871-1918), French artist. Orsay Museum, Paris

Peonies with clematis. Bennett Oates (1928–2009), English still life painter

Peonies and red carnations. Jean Capeinick (1838-1890), Belgian artist

Peonies. Chernykh Tatyana Gennadievna. Born in 1964 in Russia (Moscow)

What paintings should be hung in the bedroom: limitations and possibilities

The variety of paintings that will advantageously decorate a sleeping area is very large. However, various types of experts also impose a ban on some images. It is believed that during sleep a person becomes energetically vulnerable, so “wrong” pictures can cause harm to a person.

It is not recommended to hang paintings of wild animals or portraits of people who have already left this world in the bedroom, especially at the head of the room, so as not to fill the room with negative energy

What paintings are not recommended to be hung in the bedroom:

  1. Any paintings that were not chosen by you and cause negative emotions in you. If your husband likes the painting, but you don’t, it’s better to talk about moving it to at least another room. In order for both family members to like the coloring, they also need to choose it together.
  2. Images of water. No matter how much we love the immortal works of Aivazovsky and other marine artists, images of water verse, especially large and violent ones, can cause trouble sleeping.
  3. Images of aggressive animals or emotional people can also drain energy from those in the bedroom.
  4. Pictures with electric backlight. Electrical appliances in the bedroom should be kept to a minimum. It is better to leave the picture without exposure to electromagnetic waves.
  5. Pictures with aggressive scenes of fights and battles.
  6. Portraits of deceased people and relatives. Otherworldly forces are capable of taking away the energy of the living.

Remember that the bedroom is meant for relaxation and comfort.

What pictures can you hang?

By the types of paintings suitable for the bedroom, you can figure out which painting you need.

There are 4 types of paintings for the bedroom:

  • Rhyme. The rhyming picture repeats the colors and style of the entire room; it seems to rhyme with the interior of the bedroom. The theme of such a painting is often neutral: flowers, patterns, abstraction.
  • Accent. Accents are brighter in intensity than rhymes. Against the background of a pastel bedroom, this is a bright, noticeable spot that receives more attention than the rest of the interior.
  • Subject. Thematic paintings are suitable for bedrooms with a clearly defined style. For Provence it will be the Champs-Elysees, for high-tech it will be images of technological innovations, and for a bedroom in a nautical style it will be yachts and anchors.
  • In order to create a certain mood in the bedroom, paintings are also used. Images that highlight a romantic, cheerful or thoughtful mood will help the design become personal.

The interior of a bedroom in Provence style will be complemented by a painting depicting endless lavender fields or landscapes with pristine nature.

Choose one painting from 4 types of paintings, and it will suit your bedroom in all respects.

What paintings are suitable for the bedroom in color?

When choosing a painting for a bedroom by color, you must be guided by general recommendations for color compatibility. If you are familiar with the concept of Itten’s color circle (or now look in a search engine what it is and how to use it), then you will not have any problems with combining paintings by color.

Let us add on our own that most often we see interiors with light gray, almost white walls (including in the bedroom). In second place are bedrooms in beige tones. And by a wide margin, in third place are all kinds of colored bedrooms.

Paintings for a gray bedroom

Choosing paintings for a light gray bedroom is both simple and difficult. Light gray is a neutral background and paintings in any color will definitely look advantageous against its background. But unlimited choice is also bad and sometimes it’s much more difficult to choose.

In this case, we recommend starting from the “like/dislike” criterion and choose the picture that you simply liked! And then - a little trick from interior stylists:

  • look at the colors and shades in the picture
  • choose 2-3 colors
  • repeat some decor in these colors: it can be designer ceramics (vases, flower pots), interior sculpture, textiles (plaid, decorative pillows), etc.

Take a look at the photos below. Here, interior stylists used exactly this technique:

Here the color of the purple upholstery of the chair and the yellow color of the glass of the vase are “pulled” out of the picture.

Here is the color of the blanket and sofa cushion (red)

When you look at these photographs, it seems that the paintings seem to have been specially painted for these interiors. In fact, it’s the other way around: the paintings became the starting point for decorating the bedroom. Take this tool into service!

Paintings for a beige bedroom

A bedroom in beige tones is also a classic option today. As for the choice of paintings that match the color, we would note three possible options:

A. A calm option in brown and beige tones.

That is, we remain in the same color scheme, but we can look at the paintings either darker than the main color of the bedroom or lighter. This technique is often used for bedrooms in the minimalist style (but not necessarily only minimalism; sometimes you want monochrome in country styles, neoclassicism, and loft). The result will be a very calm version of the bedroom.

Suitable paintings for this method:

B. Another frequently used technique for a beige bedroom is black and white painting or graphics. In this case, the result is a strict and laconic interior. More often, this option is used only in the minimalist style. An example of such a bedroom:

B. And another harmonious color combination – beige and blue. Beige bedroom, blue paintings. It seems very simple. But depending on the saturation of these colors, whether they go cold or warm, you will get completely different combinations and, as a result, completely different rooms.

Examples of blue paintings:

These are the simplest combinations of a beige bedroom with different paintings. It is better to select other combinations with specialists - designers, stylists and decorators, since the options are limitless. Or experiment on your own - that’s also a thrill)

Paintings for colored bedrooms

Bedrooms in bright colors are much less common, but they still occur. We're talking about the bright color of the walls. Let's look at these interiors:

What do we see? That paintings for color bedrooms are selected according to the same principles as for “non-color” ones - either according to the principle of color contrast (blue/yellow), or according to the principle of proximity of colors (light blue/blue), or black and white options.

It turns out that everything is not difficult! But we note that working with color (especially when it comes to global color spots - bright walls, bright furniture) still requires certain skills and abilities, and the help of a professional designer, in our opinion, is necessary.

DIY wall panel for the bedroom

If you like to do handicrafts, then a wall panel will decorate your bedroom. You can find diagrams for making wall panels online. The panel can be made from any available materials.

Suitable for the panel:

  1. fabric scraps;
  2. plywood or foam for the frame;
  3. baguette, moldings and frames;
  4. Materials for fastening and stitching are required.

A panel made from scrap materials will favorably emphasize the interior design of the bedroom and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Floral design is one of the most common for panels.

Paintings of a white bedroom: nuances for bright interiors

A white bedroom is stylish and modern. Many modern styles allow and even promote the ideal white tone of a bedroom set. But how to choose decor: this issue should not be ignored.

Which paintings are suitable for a white bedroom:

  • For a bedroom in a Scandinavian style, bright accent paintings are suitable, as is all decor in the Scandinavian direction.
  • Minimalism loves more restrained combinations in the interior. The paintings here should be dark in color.
  • For white bedrooms in Provence and Venetian style, paintings in corresponding light shades are suitable. The entire interior should breathe comfort and warmth.

For a white bedroom, there are several approaches to choosing decor. The main thing is that you like every element.

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