The best amulets for attracting love: choosing a talisman for yourself and at home

From this article you will learn:
  • Why do you need a talisman to attract love?
  • What could a talisman be like to attract love?
  • How to make a talisman to attract love with your own hands
  • How to activate a talisman to attract love

Since ancient times, humanity has been interested in any way to attract love. Archaeologists are still finding ancient talismans designed to help men and women in love relationships. A talisman for attracting love has not lost its relevance today, because the topic of relationships is always popular. Such an item can be purchased in stores or made with your own hands.

What is a love amulet and how does it work?

Such talismans are not a love spell, but they can make the likelihood of a fateful meeting with your other half more realistic, and also allow you to maintain existing relationships. To help the owner find love, amulets solve the following problems:

  1. They increase attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, making the owner more sociable, pleasant and sexy.
  2. Helps you spot a suitable partner among others.
  3. Strengthen self-confidence.
  4. Strengthen existing relationships, make marriage happy and long.
  5. Minimize the number of conflicts in a couple.
  6. They help to conceive and bear a child.
  7. They protect the family from the influence of envious people and evil spells.
  8. Remain faithful in relationships.

The meaning of love amulets in a person’s life

Love amulets and talismans help get rid of the crown of celibacy. They are also purchased or made to revive the feelings of a married couple. Girls and women try to attract happiness and love into their lives with the help of amulets.

It is believed that a love talisman is capable of:

  • protect from damage;
  • avoid love spell;
  • help with marriage;
  • help to find harmony in existing relationships.

Love amulets are aimed at making a person happy in love and family.

Types of love amulets and their properties

Love talismans have existed in different cultures since ancient times. They are designed either to attract a partner and create new relationships, or to maintain existing ones. The appearance, size and shape of objects used as an amulet differ significantly.

Amulet of love among the Slavs - use in our time

The ancient Slavs believed in the forces of nature and widely used their power. Pagan signs, personifying the elements and the deities commanding them, were depicted on clothing and the walls of homes. Some of the Slavic symbols help in resolving issues in the love sphere:

  • Ladinets . The symbol of the goddess Lada, responsible for love and beauty. It is a circle symbolizing the sun, with rays-blades included in it, directed clockwise. It has protective properties at the energy level, attracts love and protects against female diseases.

Do you use such an amulet?

  • Makosh . Used by adult women in relationships. The amulet allows you to protect the family and owner from the evil eye, envious people, damage, ensures health and brings peace and prosperity.

Do you use such an amulet?

  • Lunnitsa . It represents the month turned upside down. The amulet helps to find female happiness, imparts beauty, and improves health. Often used by pregnant women, it helps to give birth to a baby painlessly.

Do you use such an amulet?

Currently, symbols are more often used as pendants on a bracelet or chain, and are also depicted on clothing.

Ancient Celtic amulet

Do you use such an amulet?
The Celts believed that a person, in search of love, goes through many intricate paths and related events. But the loop is closed, sooner or later he finds the end of the thread and his happiness. The symbol of this belief is the Celtic love knot, which was made using weaving thread and later forged from metal. The amulet helps to find a soul mate and continue the journey together, constantly supporting feelings and passion.

Viking talisman for love

The Vikings used stones, wood, and metal as an amulet, onto which runes or symbols of the deities of the pantheon were applied. The signs of the following higher beings were responsible for the love sphere:

  1. Frigga . The symbol of Odin's wife is suitable for married women, it allows you to maintain peace and understanding in the family, express sexuality, and conceive a child. It also protects against unkind glances and damage.
  2. Freya . The amulet prolongs youth, attracts the attention of men, and develops the ability to command them.

Do you use such an amulet?

Chinese love amulet

The traditional Chinese sign is Yin/Yang. Symbolizes the harmony of the feminine and masculine principles. It is a circle divided into 2 parts by a wavy line. The amulet allows you to achieve harmony in relationships, protects against quarrels and the evil eye.

Do you use such an amulet?

It can be used as a pendant, applied to an apartment wall, clothing, or depicted as a tattoo.

Indian talisman for love

A popular amulet originally from India is a figurine of the deity Shakti. She is the wife of Shiva (less often considered the second half of other higher beings). The deity symbolizes motherhood, cosmic feminine energy, the real world and the inner strength of man. Usually the Shakti amulet is made in the form of a dancing multi-armed woman.

Do you use such an amulet?

It allows you to gain inner energy, become more beautiful, attract a partner and give birth to a child. In addition, restored life flow will help achieve both inner harmony and balance in relationships.

Amulet from Altai - Prima bonds

This talisman is made according to the traditions of the inhabitants of the Altai Mountains. Most often it is made from a single piece of cedar wood. The amulet is divided into 2 parts, one depicting a man, the other a woman. Despite the freedom allowed in depicting people and decorating the amulet, both parts must be fastened with a single knot. It can be a small pendant, panel or sculpture.

Do you use such an amulet?

It is believed that Prima bonds help lonely hearts meet and never be separated.

Love Catchers

Do you use such an amulet?

This amulet resembles a traditional dream catcher, but is either shaped like a heart or decorated with appropriate paraphernalia. It can also be made in the form of a three-dimensional model made by connecting 2 classic talismans at right angles. The most popular colors of the amulet are red and pink . Helps to attract love, makes women softer and men more caring, and also allows spouses to achieve harmony and unity on a common path.

Moon talisman of love

Do you use such an amulet?
The moon has long been associated with feminine energy, so this type of amulet is considered suitable for girls. Any object can act as a talisman. The main condition is to charge the item under the moonlight, voice to him your desire regarding the love sphere and carry it with you. Usually the role of such an amulet is:

  • Moonstone;
  • mirror;
  • silver pendants;
  • any talismans containing an image of the Moon.

Aphrodite Flower

Do you use such an amulet?

The talisman comes from Greece, where the cult of the goddess Aphrodite was widely developed. It is a symbolic image of a flower with 6 petals, enclosed in a circle. The number was not chosen by chance; according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, it symbolizes harmony, perfection, and also sexuality.

The amulet awakens the feminine principle, makes it more attractive, makes men take care of and fulfill the desires of the chosen one.

Venus Star

Do you use such an amulet?

The goddess Venus represents beauty and femininity. The talisman, created in her honor, is designed to make the owner attractive, sensual and sexy. Its use allows you to find your other half and build long-term relationships. Externally, the amulet is a regular pentagram inscribed in a circle. The resulting sectors contain Kabbalistic symbols. The traditional material of all talismans associated with this goddess is copper.

Amulet of absolute love

This amulet is recommended by Marilyn Kerro and can be used to awaken the powers of passion and love. Reviews about the amulet are mixed, some really feel its power, and for others the amulet has become an ordinary decoration, but here, everything is individual. A distinctive feature of the amulet is a inclusion of red garnet in the center. You can speak such a talisman yourself; to do this, you need to light a candle and with the intention of expressing what you want to receive or what qualities you want to strengthen in yourself or your chosen one.

Do you use such an amulet?

Love knot

Do you use such an amulet?

Making woven amulets from threads or cords by knitting knots using a special technology is a common phenomenon. Love talismans of this type exist in different cultures - among the Slavs, Celts, and Chinese. The appearance of the pattern, color and thickness of the threads are slightly different from each other, but they all help to attract and maintain love. They can be sewn or pinned to clothing, placed in the interior or under the pillow.

Is it possible to attract love with a talisman?

Even women who are not interested in love magic have heard about love spells and lapels. The popularity of these magical services has led to widespread confusion. It lies in the fact that the only way to attract love into your life with the help of magic is to take it away from someone else.

This is a thorny path that stains not only the conscience, but also the soul. After all, damage to relationships is nothing more than dark magic. And it won’t be possible to push everything onto a hired sorceress; you will still remain the initiator of the ceremony. And trying to win someone else’s happiness is a lost cause. Sooner or later the deception will be revealed, the spell will subside and you will feel sad from the dispelled illusions.

So why not turn to white magic? You will be surprised, but there are many love amulets made using light energy. Such talismans for love do not need to pronounce love spells, and therefore do not spoil karma.

Tattoos for finding love

Esotericists note that the closer the amulet is to the human body, the more efficiently it works and the faster it tunes into the owner. In this regard, a tattoo is considered one of the most effective means of attracting love, because... she is in direct constant contact with the owner. The most suitable places for applying such symbols are:

  • ankle;
  • the area behind the ear or below the hairline on the neck;
  • forearm;
  • area around the collarbone.

One of the most popular tattoo options that attract a bright feeling is the word “love” and an image of a heart. Also for this purpose can be used:

  1. A pair of animals or birds. For example, pigeons, ducks, elephants, etc.
  2. Martin.
  3. Hieroglyph “love”, “happiness”.
  4. Angel.
  5. Horseshoe or clover.
  6. Infinity sign.
  7. Rose, lily.
  8. Runes of love.
  9. Ladybug.
  10. Love knot.



Love talismans are present in the culture of many nationalities. Among the Slavs, one of the most significant is Ladinets. This symbol is directly related to the goddess Lada, who is responsible for love and beauty. Lada provides support to women, bringing them happiness in their personal lives.

The amulet is a circle, which is a symbol of the Sun, inside of which there are rays directed clockwise. Such a symbol reveals subconscious desires and helps to reveal pent-up emotions. A woman begins to better understand the needs of her body.

Ladinets helps improve mood, which causes a surge of positive energy. If you have difficulties with childbearing, Ladinets helps solve this problem. This amulet can be worn by women of any age.

A tattoo in the form of Ladinets has become a common option in our time.

Such an image will help give the girl inner confidence.

What runes help in love and how to use them

The Scandinavian and Germanic tribes of northern Europe used runes - special pictographic symbols - to display the forces of nature and deities. These signs were used to communicate with the elements, attracting their forces and power.

Runes also help in resolving love issues - they enhance the attractiveness of the owner, preserve the family, allow the birth of a long-awaited child, and strengthen feelings.

To use Scandinavian symbols, you need to make an amulet with their image. You can engrave a rune on a metal pendant on a bracelet, pendant, brooch, emboss on leather parts of a talisman, or embroider on clothes. It will also be effective to carry a small wooden sign with a sign, or secure it in the bedroom or living room.

The following runes are used as a love amulet:

  • Berkana . Its meaning is family and birth. Using the rune will give impetus to the beginning of new relationships, bring happiness to existing ones and help those who are planning the event to safely give birth to a child. A letter image on a piece of furniture will allow you to turn an ordinary living space into a “home where the heart will remain.”
  • Feu . The sign will help those who are experiencing difficulties in relationships and are trying to overcome them.
  • Turisaz . An amulet with such a symbol will attract an unexpected meeting, which can become fateful. She also protects existing relationships.
  • Kano . The rune helps attract the opposite sex, helps start new relationships, and also have a child. Usually symbolizes a man, and is recommended for wearing by members of the stronger sex.
  • Gebo . Symbol of partnership, gift. Suitable for those who are in existing relationships, helps to move to a new stage in the form of marriage, resolve family conflicts or protect them from them.
  • Teyvaz . The rune of success under any conditions, masculinity, passion. It will give emotions, help achieve reciprocity, and start a new romance.
  • Inguz . Gives a happy ending to what was started, relieves family quarrels, anxieties, and promotes conception.
  • Vunyo . The rune of joy, which attracts positive changes and good luck. In the love sphere, it gives deep and lasting relationships.

Attracting love according to Feng Shui

The teachings of Feng Shui suggest that loneliness disrupts the harmony of life and interferes with the correct flow of energy. Therefore, it is important to find the love and support of your family.

To attract this feeling and maintain a connection with your soulmate, you should fill the southwestern part of the apartment with suitable amulets, and also remove from there all old, unnecessary things, objects containing water (including paintings).

Suitable colors for this part of the room are brown, red, pink.

Necessary talismans for the love and marriage zone:

  • Paired figurines of animals and birds. These could be mandarin ducks, pigeons, swans, cranes, swallows, elephants, dolphins.
  • Figurines of marriage deities – Chuangong and Chuanmu. They are the patrons of the marital bed, preserve the marriage, and help create offspring.

  • Two hearts connected to each other or hanging next to each other.
  • Hieroglyphs for “love” or “double happiness.”
  • Peonies, both live and painted.
  • Butterflies.
  • Painting with a couple in love.
  • A figurine or image of a dragon and a phoenix facing each other. The bird should be slightly smaller in size than the second character.

Mythical creatures in the latter case, according to Feng Shui, personify an ideal marriage, a union of male and female. It is believed that such a talisman attracts love, allows one to achieve complete harmony of two principles, find family, support and give birth to healthy children.

Houseplants that bring love and harmony to your home

Living plants not only decorate the room, but are also able to attract love and mutual understanding into the house. The following colors have the most pronounced magical properties for building relationships:

  • Spathiphyllum . Otherwise called “women’s happiness.” Attracts men into the life of the owner, helps to create a family. It is believed that spathiphyllum works only if it is given to the owner, and not purchased by her herself. Magic will “work” if the plant is well cared for; a withering flower will have the opposite effect.
  • Anthurium or “male happiness.” Has a similar effect to the previous option. It is believed that the maximum effect for the family will be when both plants are on the windowsill at the same time. Anthurium also helps to revive passion in relationships.
  • Cyclamen . Protects the family from envious people and damage. The flower maintains peace, tranquility, and prevents quarrels. The most effective are white and pink cyclamens.

  • Violet . Maintains fidelity, protects against quarrels, helps to survive life and everyday difficulties.
  • Pelargonium . Protects from evil spells, the evil eye, and saves from loneliness. The flower helps to have a child and maintain fidelity in marriage. It is believed that if a plant produces pink buds, it is a sign of a wedding.
  • Hibiscus . Enhances attractiveness and sexuality, makes the relationship passionate.
  • Hoya Kerry . The leaves of the plant are heart-shaped; it is believed that this symbolizes love, the fusion of the feminine and masculine principles. Hoya attracts the attention of the opposite sex and helps strengthen the union.
  • Orchid . A flower with powerful feminine energy. Makes the owner self-confident, gives happiness in love.
  • Oxalis (Oxalis). Fulfills any desires, including those related to family life.


The Makosh amulet is intended for adult women who are already in a marital relationship. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee peace, tranquility and the preservation of good relations. However, a lot depends on the woman, and Makosh has the opportunity to provide significant assistance. The goddess Makosh, who gave the name to this symbol, is the patroness of women who spins the threads of human destinies, which is why she is also called the Great Weaver.

Makosh protects the family and promotes prosperity and peace in it. It helps in strengthening serious relationships, attracts prosperity, and gives strength to a woman to perform household duties.

The image of the amulet itself is simple. It consists of four small squares separated by crosshairs. The large square formed as a result conventionally represents the head of the goddess Makosh.

Tree of love for home

To attract love, it is recommended to keep special trees in the house. They can be either living or artificial. The natural tree of love is otherwise called aichrizon. This is a small plant of the succulent genus. As it grows, the lower part of the stems becomes bare; on the upper part there are many branches with rounded leaves, which makes the aichrizon look like a tree.

The plant performs the following tasks:

  • Improves relationships, protects spouses from conflicts.
  • Sets you in a romantic mood.
  • Gives strength to overcome life's failures, protects from envious glances.
  • Brings good luck and financial stability.

An artificial analogue of aichrizon is a talisman in the form of a tree with stones instead of leaves. Typically, rose quartz or other red minerals are used for this. The tree of love solves the same problems as the living version. It should be placed in the southwestern part of the apartment.

Properties of natural stones

Natural minerals, including precious ones, due to their magical properties, can be used as a love amulet. The following stones have the necessary characteristics:

  1. Aventurine . Considered the “stone of love.” Responsible for the reciprocity of feelings, feeding the existing relationships with emotions. Spouses wearing the stone become more romantic, creative, and often delight their spouse with unexpected dates and surprises.
  2. Amazonite . Gives courage, allowing you to approach the person you like, removes uncertainty. An amulet with a mineral will help build strong relationships for many years and will also attract wealth to the family.
  3. Amethyst . A stone of purity, love, devotion and sincere feelings. Keeps relationships calm, blocks conflicts, fills the house with positive energy.
  4. Turquoise . Protects the union of two hearts from the evil eye and someone else's love spell. Helps maintain peace in the family. A stone for brave and enterprising people.
  5. Pomegranate . Represents passion, sexuality, confidence in one's attractiveness. Attracts the attention of the opposite sex, gives power over people. It is believed that pomegranate prevents betrayal and maintains faith in love, even if there is a disagreement.
  6. Pearls . A feminine stone that gives beauty and attention to men. In the east it is considered a symbol of marriage and the well-being of family life.
  7. Emerald . Helps to avoid betrayal, protects relationships from the influence of evil forces and the evil eye. Esotericists believe that if the amulet breaks, it means one of the spouses has broken the oath of fidelity.
  8. Moon rock . Attracts love, new relationships, puts you in a romantic mood.
  9. Ruby . A stone of passion and ardent feelings. Makes the owner sexier in the eyes of others.
  10. Carnelian . In some cultures, it was used to make wedding jewelry. It is believed that carnelian protects against quarrels, the machinations of envious people and evil spells, and attracts financial well-being.
  11. Chalcedony . A feminine stone that attracts the attention of men to its owner. Allows a lady to gain self-confidence.
  12. Jasper . Helps settle relationships, strengthens the sense of duty among spouses.

Amethyst heart

Herbs and Spices to Preserve and Attract Love

Many herbs and spices that are easy to find in a housewife's kitchen have magical properties in the love sphere. Components suitable for the amulet:

  • Marjoram helps to gain confidence in one’s “feminine” powers, as well as to retain the attention of one’s spouse for many years.
  • Carnation protects the marriage from negativity and allows you to remain faithful;
  • Cumin enhances desirability in the eyes of a partner, attracts the attention of others, and is used in magical rituals.
  • Ginger adds passion to relationships and makes the owner more relaxed.
  • Vanilla makes the union of spouses more tender and romantic.
  • Yarrow strengthens the family, allows love to live for many years, and protects fidelity.
  • Rosemary adds passion and can revive faded feelings.
  • Dill attracts attention and saves from loneliness.
  • Verbena protects existing relationships, protects from the influence of envious people and evil forces.
  • Lavender supports loyalty and a sense of duty.
  • Anise makes a person more decisive, helps to find new love and find reciprocity.
  • Cinnamon makes you feel more at ease; spouses pay less attention to unimportant problems and become more romantic.

Herbs and spices can be used separately, or you can make a special amulet - a bag of love.

This talisman should be small in size so that you can put it in your pocket, bag or under your pillow. To make it, you will need to sew a bag from natural linen or cotton fabric. The tie should be a red ribbon; you can decorate the product with embroidery of a similar tone.

Dried herbs or spices are poured into the bag; you can add rose petals and chamomile flowers. Stones with love properties placed inside, as well as notes or signs with the wishes of the owner, will enhance the effect of the amulet.

How to make a love knot yourself - instructions with activation

To attract love, you can weave a love knot. Suitable time for making: on the full moon or during the growing month, on Monday or Friday. Work progress:

  1. Take a red cord. Place the middle of the cord at the top, and take each end in your hand and place it near you.
  2. Place the left tip (hereinafter “A”) on top of the right half (“B”), holding it in the middle to form a “corner”.
  3. Stretch edge “B” over “A” and bring it under the left thread. Also hold the middle.
  4. Place the tip of “A” under the central thread and place it on top of the left side. Do not tighten it all the way, leaving a “loop” on the right.
  5. Bring the same edge under the left side of the thread and pull it over the entire structure.
  6. Pull the tip “A” under the right side and leave it on top of the “loop”.
  7. Pull slowly until the knot is formed evenly.
  8. Place a clasp on the ends or tie them together.

The resulting node must be activated. You need to put it on the windowsill overnight so that the talisman gains lunar energy. In the morning you should take the amulet in your hands, tell it your wishes and ask for help.

Terms of use

In order for talismans and amulets to have power and work, they must be made correctly and worn correctly. Talismans are worn on top of clothes or under clothes, they can be carried in a wallet, bag or pocket of outerwear, the main thing is that it is always with you. At home, talismans can be in a visible place. It is important that guests do not touch such a thing with their hands, and even more so, they should not give it to anyone.

Amulets should always be hidden from strangers. They are worn under clothing on the body. They are not worn in bags or outerwear. Naturally, no one should touch, see or influence the amulet in any way.

It is necessary to contact the talisman and the amulet, consult, talk with them, believing in their power. Then they will bring you what you require.

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