Free fragment - Symbolic stars of Ba Tzu with examples

Asylum of Solitude and Lonely Planet

These two stars are considered together because they have similar meanings. But one of the stars is seen only in women's charts, the other only in men's charts. These stars are classified as unfavorable and touch on the topic of relationships between people.

Shelter of loneliness

(another name for Widow's Star) is calculated for
women. Lonely Planet
(another name for the Hermit Star) - for

loneliness, inability to accept partnership. The star indicates difficulties in relationships. There is no craving for family life, there is no internal understanding of what relationships should be like.

The presence of such a star in the chart causes a person to become suspicious and distrustful of his partner, and withdraw into himself. There is a lack of emotionality in the relationship; in general, the relationship is not very harmonious. Such people have a craving for solitude; it is very important for them to have the opportunity to be alone with themselves. There is often no interest in family relationships; other life values ​​are a priority. The star gives a person a readiness to break ties; there is no desire to compromise, try to build relationships, and it is easier to end them. There is not enough attention and warmth.


stars Shelter of Solitude and Lonely Planet
according to the Earthly branch of the year of birth.

Earthly branch of year of birthStar Shelter of Loneliness (for women)Star Lonely Planet (for men)
亥Pig 子Rat 丑Bull戌DogTiger
寅Tiger 卯Rabbit 辰Dragon丑Bull巳Snake
巳Snake 午Horse 未Goat辰Dragon申Monkey
申Monkey 酉Rooster 戌DogGoat亥Pig

We look at the star only in the Bazi map

. If such an Earthly branch comes in time or in the current year, we do not consider it a star of loneliness. However, some experts take this star into account when it appears in a period. In my opinion, this is unnecessary; it is hardly reasonable to attribute to these stars an influence that they never had. Although, in fairness, I note that this star is looked at when choosing a date for a wedding. A day with the Earthly branch, which is the Shelter of Loneliness and the Lonely Planet, is not chosen for marriage.

Watch the video Shelter of Solitude and Lonely Planet

on my Youtube channel

In terms of their qualities, these stars are very similar to the Yin and Yang Error star.

The stars have only negative meaning:

  • Desire for independence, does not want to compromise.
  • Excessive demands on a partner.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • There is no satisfaction from the relationship, there is no willingness to maintain the relationship.
  • Family ties and values ​​come second.

It all sounds rather gloomy, but in fact, you need to understand that these stars change the inner qualities of a person, reducing his sensitivity and desire to become a full participant in the union of two people. It's like comparing a person with good eyesight and someone with myopia. Anyone whose eyesight is not very sharp should come closer to read the inscription in the distance. Likewise, a person with the Star of Loneliness must independently take a step forward in the topic of relationships. For one person, relationships develop on their own (although show me a person who would not make mistakes in this topic)). The owner of the Star of Loneliness needs to pass the topic of relationships through a conscious approach, once again reminding himself that you can and should respond to your partner’s feelings, try to hear him and understand him.

The position of the star Shelter of Loneliness and Lonely Planet in the chart.

In the year - a person does not feel his roots, he can emigrate because he is lonely in his homeland. During the month there is little contact with brothers, sisters, and friends. In the day - a bad sign, it is difficult to start a family, misunderstanding in marriage or the marriage turns out to be unsuccessful. In an hour there is no close communication with children.

Cure for the stars of Loneliness.

Knowing about the influence of this star, you can correct its manifestation. The stars initially give a person a predisposition to reduced social activity and lack of interest in building relationships. It is necessary to “treat” the star in childhood, explaining to the child how to communicate correctly with peers, and explaining to the teenager the rules of communication with the opposite sex.

An adult can try to work on himself if he has realized his problems. (Well, if he decided that this bothers him). In general, people with such a star in a relationship need a different incentive. Not emotions, but another interest. And most importantly, you need a willingness to try at least a little and meet your partner halfway.

Each Symbolic Star contains a lot of information about the character, abilities of a person, talks about possible life events and the potential for luck. The most complete information about the Symbolic stars is in the course The Secrets of the Symbolic Stars.

The arrival of the energy of the Golden Carriage

The year 2021 became a year of triumph and several victories for Danila. First, he became the world champion in health-improving qigong practices as part of the Russian team at competitions in Melbourne, Australia. The Russian team even beat the Chinese team, where the philosophy and practice of qigong actually originated.

In mid-December 2021, he repeats his success. At all-Russian competitions, already in a different team composition, he again becomes the champion, now of our country, in health qigong. And he wins the individual competition, becoming the champion of Russia in qigong.

Why did this happen in 2021? The year 2021 is just the “arrival” of the symbolic star “Golden Carriage” in his birth chart. For him, it means unusual resources for self-expression, the necessary support from colleagues, accumulated experience, knowledge, as well as talent and fame. Danila traveled a lot around the world, teaching classes from almost all corners of the world.

Here is how Danila himself writes about the events of the year and overcoming difficulties:

“Very often we do not notice the opportunities that lie right at our feet and simply step over them. After all, in order to take advantage of the opportunities that Heaven has prepared for you, you need to stop, slow down your thoughts, see, and... take action. Step! ...or many steps...

This happened to me. In the summer, I learned that the Russian Qigong Gymnastics Championship would be held. Of course, success and victory in the World Health Qigong Championship turned my head, and I calmed down that now it will always be like this.

This is where my first trap began. The trap of the mind is that once the height has been achieved, it will now be constantly available to you. Then a series of difficulties began in my life that I had to overcome, spending all my strength.

I wanted to withdraw from the championship because I simply didn’t have the strength or desire. I wanted to recover, stop running, the endless race, just do business, conduct training.”

It was the support of my colleagues at this moment that helped me overcome all difficulties and find the strength to move towards new achievements! Danila highly appreciates this help and inspiration that he received before again ascending to the next heights of the past 2021.

“Experience + teamwork made our training very effective. We worked hard, hardly quarreled and supported each other. We tried our best and quickly climbed up.

It's time for the championship. We were called, we stood by numbers. I felt how my guys from the team were worried, how every cell was ringing in the air. But we shouldn’t worry, this is a sign of lack of professionalism. After all, Qigong allows you to quickly mobilize and remove anxiety, creating a super machine out of you. A person with great potential..."

And his performance in the competition in the individual competition:

“There is still a solo performance ahead with very serious guys. I always liked working and competing with strong guys - they set the bar.

Instead of frantically repeating the complex, I begin to work with internal sensations: relaxation, composure, attentiveness, kindness, inner joy. Qigong is not a war with the world, it is peace within.

We go out. I am calm. Let's start performing. I understand that we work very harmoniously with my “rivals”. It’s hard to call them that. It seems like a solo performance, where there is a competitive effect, but we act as one organism, a common breath, one heart, one soul.

I enjoy the fact that we are putting on a great show, beautiful, coordinated and relaxed.”

The result of such a performance, namely “life” in the process, getting pleasure from it, was rated by the judges with the highest score. Danila became the champion of Russia in health qigong in the individual competition and at the same time in the team competition.

These are the results the symbolic star Golden Carriage can bring when you take advantage of the opportunities of a successful year! When the Golden Carriage arrives, a person increases his social status.

More Unusual resources related to education. It was in 2019 that Danila launched her educational project to train trainers-consultants of health practices, which gave a start in life to a whole group of people who want to realize themselves in this way in life, helping other people become healthier without doctors and medications.

My energy of the Golden Carriage

My personal birth chart also has the energy of the Golden Carriage in my birth year. I often receive gifts from the outside world. In addition, this energy additionally “flew” in the past 2021, enhancing luck from external society.

Unexpectedly for myself, I launched this site with the help of a noble person from the outside environment. And I received a lot of help and support from the external environment, through social networks, in matters of health, finances, and necessary connections with mentors and teachers.

I am not new to the practice of healing. I tried to study with different trainers, even attended an in-person qigong health training in the foothills of the Caucasus in 2021. But dissatisfaction with the results from the classes pushed me to look for my trainer.

And only when I started taking part in Danila’s health activities, I immediately realized that this was my trainer, and I wanted to study with him. He generously puts all his experience and knowledge into his classes, constantly shares his new developments, sincerely wanting to convey to people in need of improved health all the most valuable things he knows and knows. Very approachable.

Knowing in advance from Chinese metaphysics that the year 2021 for me is the arrival of the year of illness, I gladly went to study with Danila for an online course on training trainers-consultants for health practices and qigong classes. And I have never regretted it! Danila Susak can speak clearly and professionally about the processes taking place in our body (he continues to study osteopathy with Smirnov and practices), explains their essence, and generously shares what he himself learns new.

Danila’s personality element is Yin Metal on the Snake. Symbol of jewelry! Indeed, it is a great pleasure to watch how he gracefully and precisely performs the practices. Especially the “Games of Five Animals” complex, you can directly recognize the habits of these animals.

For a whole year I studied online with him in the Health group (this is in addition to the training for the preparation of Health Practice Consultants.) Each lesson, performing qigong practices together, is a deep dive into the process, so he explains everything clearly. Very often during classes I managed to enjoy the process, I was in the flow, feeling my body and everything happening in it.

The VKontakte group of trainers and consultants, created with Danila’s approval, still helps in maintaining the health of themselves, loved ones and clients. We constantly consult with each other on unclear issues; when we need help, we get it from our mentor.

I am grateful to Heaven that I was able to learn from him, I am grateful to Danila for the knowledge that I receive from him and I am simply proud of this acquaintance! Each online meeting is a discovery of something new, a clarification of some aspect of the processes occurring in the body. And with its help - the opportunity to prolong life activity, get bright sensations from your life, and help others!

Bottom line

I can't say anything about Danila's real financial situation. But wealth can be interpreted in different ways. I consider health to be real wealth: this is the main thing in our life, everything else is transitory. And this is where the story of his life success is impressive and inspiring. Motivates for your achievements in life, for new achievements and victories!

The year of the arrival of the Golden Carriage - 2021 for Danila Susak - the year of Unusual Resources, brought him outstanding results, many movements around the world, fame and glory. So much gold in one year!

Perhaps the symbolic star Golden Carriage “flew” to you this year? Do you want to know what symbolic star is today’s year, month, day for you? Knowing which star you have “turned on”, you can take advantage of its potential. Or take into account the possible negative and “spread a straw”.

To find out about this, sign up for a consultation by clicking on the button below. There you can send an e-mail directly from the site, or use VK or telegram for communication.

Best wishes, Raisa

Author of the site

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