Guide to How to Read the Bazi Birth Chart

Academy of Metaphysics Victoria Baykova

Friends, I am glad to present you a large-scale BaZi course. It consists of 13 lessons, plus an in-depth BaZi course of 3 lessons, for a total of 16 lessons. And I promise you, after completing the entire main course + in-depth course, you will easily be able to decipher any bazi map, draw the necessary conclusions, and understand the causes of problems.

You are now on the page of the first lesson of this large course. Any long journey and major undertaking always begins with the first step. So it is with our big course. We will begin our immersion into the world of bazi with our first step.

In the first lesson we will discuss:

  • what is bazi
  • trinity in Chinese metaphysics, what role is assigned to bazi in it
  • what the map looks like, ten-year ticks
  • what can you learn about a person and his life with the help of bazi
  • what methods of analyzing bazi cards exist. We will go through each of these methods in detail in subsequent lessons.
  • traditional Chinese and innovative European approach to destiny and bazi
  • Let's immediately look at a few examples of bazi cards.

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A small part of the first lesson as an example:

Greetings, friends! We are beginning to study one of the main directions of Chinese metaphysics - Bazi or as it is also called the Four Pillars of Destiny.

Knowledge of Bazi will be very useful to you when you study and apply other areas of Chinese metaphysics, such as Feng Shui, Qi Men Dong Jia. Why are these systems so closely related? Because some rules and techniques follow, for example, from the relationships of the Heavenly trunks. And these relationships are studied precisely in Bazi. Therefore, you are on the right track.

Each subsequent lesson will be more difficult than the previous one; something new will constantly be layered on top of what has already been completed. And each lesson is structured in such a way that in the first half of the lesson the theory is discussed, and in the second half we analyze the theory covered on Bazi maps. This presentation of material will allow you to eat our big “elephant” piece by piece and gradually fill your hand.

Bazi is Chinese astrology. According to Bazi, you can look at a person by writing down his date of birth using hieroglyphs. Bazi is translated as “Eight” - Ba and “Hieroglyphs” - Zi, resulting in “Eight Hieroglyphs” or “Eight Signs”, if translated literally. That is, Bazi is the Chinese practice of describing a person’s fate using 8 hieroglyphs, written in accordance with the date and time of birth.

Here is an example of a Bazi card:

Bazi is based on the Chinese calendar, which uses the sexagesimal cycle, and each year is represented by one of 12 animals - symbols of the earthly branches.

Those who have not yet encountered hieroglyphs, for you these are just some kind of squiggles. Some people find them beautiful, others find them difficult. The hieroglyphs are painted in one of five colors, because Bazi is based on the Wu Xing system - a system of five elements, or five elements, or, as they also say, five movements of energy. Since the system of five elements underlies the Chinese calendar, we can say that it underlies all Chinese metaphysics in general.

Let's return to the Bazi map. The picture I gave above is what the main map looks like. Why is Bazi called the “Four Pillars of Destiny”? Because the main map really consists of 4 pillars: the pillar of the year, month, day and hour (from right to left). These pillars are indicated at the very top of the map (circled in red):

In the Bazi chart, we have the top row of hieroglyphs - these are the Heavenly Stems (abbreviated NS), and the bottom row of hieroglyphs are the Earthly Branches (abbreviated SB). When we delve deeper into the study of the art of Bazi, you will see that all the earthly branches inside, like in boxes, also have Hidden Heavenly Stems (abbreviated SNS).

We have just schematically described the main map of Bazi. But besides it, there is also “Pillars of Luck” or “Tacts”. Every 10 years, some completely different energy comes to a person from the outside, from space, and accordingly, something changes in a person’s life. Let's see what the pillars of luck look like for the Bazi card above:

What can you learn with the help of Bazi? In fact, Chinese astrology is in many ways similar to European (Western) astrology, because you can, by looking at a map, tell about a person’s character, his abilities, some of his internal states, his attitude to the world around him, his attitude towards people, what kind of relationship does a person have with his relatives, is it possible to receive an inheritance in the future. You can also say, for example, what a person’s potential is, whether he can earn money, and how best to earn money: working for himself, becoming an entrepreneur, or better working in some organization for a salary. Using the map you can find out the best direction for a career, in which field it is better to work. You can see how good the card is from the point of view of marriage prospects: are there any marriage prospects, how rosy are they, when a person may have a meeting with another person in life, which will lead in the future to marriage or some kind of long-term relationship. You can see whether there will be children, when they will be, whether there are any problems in the area of ​​childbirth or not. You can look at your susceptibility to diseases, which specific diseases, and when health problems are expected.

The Bazi natal chart itself, or as we called it the “main map,” tells us about a certain potential that is given to a person at birth. A person was born, he took his first breath at the moment of birth, and it is believed that a person with this air received his potential given by Heaven, his exceptional set of five elements, which is reflected in the Bazi chart.

But further, when we study the coming pillars of luck (ten-year periods), we can answer the question “when?”

For example, when a person leaves his parents; will begin to study; will start earning money; will get married or get married; when is it better to take risks (businessmen often ask: to invest or not to invest); when will you have your own home? when is the best time to look for a job? When is the birth of a child most likely?

This means that we can look at these situations in the Bazi map precisely from the point of view of luck, increased probability.

Here is an incomplete list of what can be learned using Bazi:

  • Character
  • Attitude to the outside world
  • Abilities and inclinations
  • Will your destiny be rich, will you be able to achieve a high standard of living, and will this continue throughout your life or only in certain periods?
  • What are the best times to start your own business? Is a partner necessary? In what area can a person achieve a lot?
  • How will relationships develop with colleagues, superiors, subordinates, during what periods problems are possible and what they may be associated with
  • How are relationships with relatives, the likelihood of receiving an inheritance, going abroad, and so on?
  • During what periods is it possible to conceive and give birth to children?
  • What are the possibilities for building your personal happiness?
  • What your partner will look like and where and when you can meet him
  • When are the most favorable periods for starting a family and long-term relationships?
  • What will be the relationship between two people in a partnership?
  • If a person’s fate is poor, you can find out which career path will be the most successful for him, in which area he will be able to realize his capabilities and talents to the maximum
  • Is there a possibility of problems with the authorities, threats of imprisonment?
  • Is there a possibility of losing business or being fired?
  • Periods when your health will require you to take active action in order to worry about prevention in advance
  • Probability of long life. Health level.

To summarize, we can say that with the help of Bazi you can find out not only the potential, but also the time when some events will happen. And most importantly, in my opinion, Bazi allows you to plan your life, that is, to live more consciously, to understand in what periods it is better, for example, to “sit quietly,” and in what periods it is better to take risks and earn capital from it. Or here’s another perspective - when you can expect some romantic events and it’s worth intensifying your personal life, and when there’s no romance on the horizon and it’s better to get involved in work and earn money.

Tag: bazi books free download, bazi for beginners, bazi basics, Chinese astrology bazi

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Ba Zi - human energy map

Astrology in this sense gives recommendations that are aimed at equalizing energy. It is rare to find balanced cards, and any imbalance in energy entails imbalances in character and fate in general, and health problems. Map analysis allows you to find means and ways to bring the energies into balance in the body.

There is something similar in the practice of qigong, where a person uses exercises to cultivate the necessary energy. For example, cultivating the energy of Water will strengthen the genitourinary system, make a person adaptive and flexible in society, eliminating fears. By analyzing the Ba Zi card, you can get a whole set of recommendations on how to replenish missing energies by changing environmental conditions (Feng Shui), the environment inside the body (due to proper nutrition), and the right choice of occupation or type of activity. For example, drawing or dancing can sometimes give even greater effect than constantly thinking about how you need to become wiser and softer.

The principle of complementarity or replenishment of energies can also manifest itself through partnerships. An analysis of a person’s energy can give a hint about in which area and what kind of partners one should look for. The ideal partner is the “other half”. It’s good if your partner complements you energetically. His Pillars of Destiny should contain many useful elements for the first half. Therefore, Chinese emperors entered into their marriages only according to the predictions of court astrologers, when a favorable date for the wedding was calculated.


What in the Qi birth chart will indicate to the mind? Which child will study well? What subjects will be easy for him? Which school should I choose for my child: with a focus on languages ​​or mathematics?

Today I will try to tell you in simple and accessible language: where and how to watch it)

The mind in Qi Men is indicated by two Stars: Grassand Help. Only they are different. Star Helpis memorized knowledge, sometimes even cramming. And the Grass Staris the natural mind with which a person was already born.

For example, a student with the Star Helplearned all the material and passed the exam well.

And the student with Grassread a little, quickly looked through the notes, and realized that he seemed to know everything. And even if he doesn’t know something, he will definitely get out of it and still pass the exam well.

I think you have also met such lucky people)

Where should these Stars stand so that they are strong and can show their characteristics?

In order for the Grass Starto be strong, it needs to be in the North, East or Southeast.

Birth months: November, December, first half of January, February, March, first half of April.

And for the Help Star to manifest itself, it needs to be in the East, Southeast or South.

Birth months: February, March, first half of April, May, June, first half of July.

It will also be very good if one of these Stars is in the Palace of Life.


Opening Gate - political science, banking, finance.

Gate of Rest - mathematics, logic, psychology.

Gate of Life - biology, zoology, botany, medicine, economics, ecology, finance, agricultural science.

Cache Gate - physics, chemistry, meteorology, quantum physics, bazi, Qi men, Flying stars in feng shui, feng shui.

Wound Gate - fitness, sports, music, dancing, singing.

Stage Gate - art, literature, photography, film, television, computer.

Gate of Death - geography, geology, history, archeology, accounting, Feng Shui, Feng Shui school of forms.

Shock Gate - languages, law, diplomats, translators.

Look for this Gate in the Palace of Life. For example, if there is a Gate of Shock in the Palace of Life, then choose a school for your child with a focus on languages.

If you are an advanced reader), then look at the strength of these Gates by Palace and season - the stronger, the more abilities and talents there are. And yet, it is better that the Palace with the Gates does not control the Palace of Life.

If you want to make money from this, then this Gate must be in a useful Palace.

You can also use a past life (link to this article), especially if the child is under 10 years old.

For example, in the Palace where the past life is, there is a Cache Gate, which means the child has already studied quantum physics, maybe even was a physicist) All he has to do is remember this)

Who studied well? and HelpStars in your birth chart ?

Post Views: 3,023

Compatibility Analysis

The analysis will help find energies that are deficient in the couple’s relationship, identify moments that are best avoided, and identify those aspects of the relationship that are important to pay attention to. An astrologer can read the dynamics of the development of a partnership, both personal and business.

Man is a part of the universe, and it is subject to strict laws. But you can influence Fate by reducing the number of losses during periods of recession and increasing the number of acquisitions during times of recovery. Chinese astrology provides this opportunity to a sufficient extent.

For a specific date of birth, a data set is calculated representing four pairs of characters, which ultimately yield eight hieroglyphs. 4 pairs of signs are a combination of Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches, corresponding to the year, month, day, number at the time of a person’s birth.

To draw a map of Destiny, you need to purchase a Solar Chinese calendar, which contains records of all past and future dates in the form of hieroglyphs. It is not difficult to find a calendar on sale; publishers regularly publish it. You can do it differently: use the automatic online services of the Ba Zi calculator on the astrological portal and calculate the Pillars of Destiny.

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