5 elements of Feng Shui: their symbols, properties and main qualities

The Five Elements, or elements, system is one of the main foundations. It is believed that the interaction of Yin-Yang allows Qi energy to exist in different forms. And they are called the five elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

Nature and the external environment can be described by a system of 5 elements. If you delve into the essence of this theory and learn to understand it, you can achieve amazing results.

In China, since ancient times, the principle of the Five Elements has been widely used - for fortune telling, in martial arts, Qi Gong, and medicine. After all, all objects and phenomena, including emotions, food, and even we ourselves consist of Five Elements!

The Chinese gave this principle the name Wu Xing, which means five transformations, or five phases of Qi energy and divided any life process into five stages of development:

  • The beginning of the journey and growth. During this phase, the Qi energy rapidly grows upward, like a Tree . It is persistent and persistent.
  • Then comes the peak of development - like Fire, has a maximum of energy rushing in different directions.
  • The next phase is energy stabilization. She is like the Earth - reliable, powerful, stable.
  • Then inevitably comes decline. Energy acquires the properties of Metal - it is compressed inward, concentrated, and hardened.
  • The end of life and the beginning of a new cycle in development - Water . It flows freely, penetrates inside, and permeates everything around it.

Relationships of 5 elements

Everything must be born, and so our five elements are also born. In the birth cycle, one type of Qi energy helps another to arise, nourishing and strengthening it. Wood intensifies Fire - when wood is thrown into the flame, it burns brighter. From Fire, ashes are formed - the basis for the Earth. Metal appears in the depths of the Earth. He, in turn, helps Water to be born. And Water nourishes the Tree.

There are 5 elements in the birth cycle:

  • Tree gives birth to Fire
  • Fire gives birth to Earth
  • Earth gives birth to Metal
  • Metal gives birth to Water
  • Water gives birth to a tree

In the cycle of control, also called the cycle of control, one of the elements controls and suppresses the other to create balance. Metal cuts Wood, controlling its shape, and Wood, in turn, controls the Earth, receiving useful substances from it. Earth stops the flow of Water, Water extinguishes Fire, and Fire melts Metal.

There are 5 elements in the control cycle:

  • The tree controls the earth
  • Earth controls Water
  • Water controls Fire
  • Fire controls Metal
  • Metal controls Wood

Finding balance, peace of mind

When all five elements of Feng Shui are correctly activated, peace and tranquility will reign around. Chinese philosophy involves the pursuit of balance. Feng Shui can increase the personal Qi energy of each person. To do this, you just need to surround yourself with things that enhance or suppress certain elements. For example, if a person is too impulsive and starts at half a turn, then he has an excess of Fire. Water will help you calm down and improve the state of your nervous system; for this you can build a fountain in the yard or put an aquarium in your office.

According to Feng Shui, you cannot surround yourself with just one element. There is a lot of Earth around - a person will not be able to take risks, fully enjoy life, an excess of Fire - there is a risk of constantly quarreling with people around him. Feng Shui teaches you to find balance and maintain order. Chaos prevents the free passage of the flow of Qi, so all things must have their place, they cannot be scattered anywhere. It is also undesirable to use five elements at the same time, because it creates the effect of confusion.

But it is necessary to remember that Feng Shui first of all indicates the need to put mental harmony in order, and then pay attention to the physical aspect. You can furnish your apartment with various figurines and bamboo sticks as much as you like, but they will not help you find balance, because there is no peace of mind.

According to Feng Shui, a person must completely free his mind from worries, because they block the energy flow of Qi. You need to do good, be friendly, try not to get nervous over trifles, and then the positive Chi energy will heal not only the body, but also the soul.

Properties of the Five Elements

Each of the elements has its own properties, but the elements are not the materials themselves, but only their comparison with them. The properties that objects have indicate which of the five elements they belong to. Their names - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water will help you better understand the essence of the 5 types of Qi energy. But you should not take these words literally. Otherwise, you will go very far from a correct understanding of this system!

Tree Fire Earth Metal Water
MaterialWood, paperFire, heatCeramics, stoneMetal productsWater, glass
ColorGreenRedBrown, yellowGolden, white, grayBlack blue
FormVertical long rectangleTriangleHorizontal rectangle, squareCircle, sphereWavy irregular shape
Side of the worldEast SoutheastSouthNortheast Southwest CenterWest North-WestNorth

For example, a round white ball is the element of Metal, and if it is black, then it already combines two elements - Metal and Water. A tall wooden cabinet painted red represents the elements of Wood and Fire. You can arrange any item yourself in this way and imagine it as a combination of 5 elements!

For Feng Shui purposes in the Five Elements, when creating an interior, color, shape and material are of primary importance, since they are the ones that are perceived first. But in food products, color and shape are no longer so important; taste plays the main role here.

You can see more qualities of the Five Elements here

Knowledge of the Ancients

For many years, knowledge and techniques of Feng Shui were intended only for members of the imperial family and wealthy dignitaries. Commoners could not use them. History knows cases when, after arranging all the premises of the palace in accordance with the requirements of ancient teachings, the master was subjected to the death penalty so that he could not apply his knowledge in the future.

Today, finding a specialist is not so difficult; in extreme cases, information and guidelines for action can be found in bookstores and on Internet resources. There is no need to fear that arranging the interior space according to the rules of Feng Shui will conflict with the Christian faith, of which the majority of Russians are adherents. Feng Shui is not a religion, it is a set of methods and technical practices that allow you to attract positive energy flows into your home and block the access of negative energy. Nationality, religion, beliefs of family members do not matter.


Wood, as a human element, has the characteristics of emotionality. It can affect women and men differently.

The man of the wood element is quite emotional in all endeavors. They always try to achieve their goals, despite many obstacles. A shift for the worse never happens. In love relationships, the male sex constantly takes the initiative and does not allow the woman to take the reins.

Women of this element are chameleons by nature. At first glance, it may seem that women are quite calm and know how to get along with others. But, at the slightest trouble, they begin to show their true character, which manifests itself in aggression and mood swings.


Active people

It is important to note that the impact on a woman and a man occurs completely differently.

A man exposed to the element of fire is constantly trying to get involved in adventures. Such a person never sits in one place and tries to solve problems on his own. Also, thanks to his increased energy, he can have a positive impact on the people around him. The only disadvantage of a man who is associated with the element of fire is his disobedience, self-confidence and dislike of restrictions.

A woman of the elements of fire is a purposeful, freedom-loving, active and impulsive person. It is difficult for her to find compatibility with the male gender by the age of 30. She will never be led by circumstances or her own environment. She has well-developed intuition, so she will never make an irreparable mistake.

What material is used?

The first structures were made of wood. Chinese craftsmen created such structures without nails. In northern China, in the Shanxi province, there are ancient monuments. Among them is a frame structure made of Shijiata wood, built in 1056.

Later other materials were used:

  • brick;
  • stone;
  • metal.

The pagoda is used for protection and good luck. An ideal option for a talisman is if the tower is made of jade. This stone is the desire for love, perfection and immortality.

Element of earth according to feng shui

Yin variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 22 January 09 – 9 February 10;
  • 1 February 19 – 19 February 20;
  • 10 February 29 – 29 January 30;
  • 19 February 39 – 7 February 40;
  • January 29, 49 – February 16, 50;
  • February 8, 59 – January 27, 60;
  • February 17, 69 - February 5, 70;
  • January 28, 79 – February 15, 80;
  • February 6, 89 - January 26, 90;
  • February 6, 99-January 27, 00.

This element is distinguished by kindness and a large number of positive qualities. The best comparison would be fertile soil that provides food for many plants and keeps them alive. These people also help others and do it selflessly. Often such a good character becomes the reason that they are used by not very conscientious individuals.

Yin land is susceptible to other people's opinions and influence.

A stronger person can easily remake representatives of this element in any way he wants.

Quite often, these people live far from highly developed centers, preferring to retire somewhere outside the city, where the ground is not rolled under asphalt. Yin land has a fairly developed intellect, but it does not use it to discover anything new, so often this quality disappears just like that.

An absolutely non-risky and calm person who cannot be offended for a long time and does not keep this feeling inside himself. Does not enter into conflicts and avoids them in every possible way.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • February 2, 08 – January 21, 09;
  • 11 February 18 – 31 January 19;
  • 23 January 28 – 9 February 29;
  • January 31, 38 – February 18, 39;
  • 10 February 48 - 28 January 49;
  • 18 February 58 - 7 February 59;
  • January 30, 68 - February 16, 69;
  • February 7, 78 - January 27, 79;
  • February 17, 88 - February 5, 89;
  • January 28, 98 – February 5, 99.

Representatives of this element are distinguished by incredible rigidity. If in the previous description of the Yin variety we talked about comparing such people with fertile soft earth, then here we can compare a person with a rock. Firm and unapproachable.

Such a person is quite rude and always defends his opinion.

Although such people are rude, a huge number of all kinds of advantages are hidden inside them, which they reveal only to a narrow circle of people.

Do not forget that the tougher something in our world, the more fragile it is. The same applies to the Yan land. For all their firmness, such people are incredibly vulnerable and compassionate. However, when the conversation is about business, there is no trace of sentimentality here.

This element practically cannot be distracted from anything and never relaxes. Sooner or later, such overvoltage cracks and a person erupts, creating a conflict and falling on someone.

Yin and yang of all elements

Yin and yang are opposite substances that are indivisible. Initially, the concept of “yin” meant “a mountainside in the shadow”, and “yang” - “a place of a hill or river illuminated by the sun.” Graphically, the signs depict different colors.

The light part means the heavenly masculine principle. The dark part of yin is the earthly feminine principle. The symbols of yin and yang are the tiger and the dragon.

Yin and yang are equivalent. They are in constant motion and complement each other. The concept of yin and yang underlies the philosophical teachings and Chinese medicine. Meaning of the concept:

  1. Everything changes.
  2. Opposites complement each other.

Generating and overcoming the 5 elements

The energies of yin and yang give rise to the five elements. The primary elements are in constant motion, generation and overcoming.

The goal of the science of Feng Shui is to create a harmonious human life in the world through the use of the concept of yin and yang. The following feng shui meaning of the pagoda in the house is to trap and neutralize negative energy. The Tower of China contains the universal principles of yin-yang polarities.

Such different elements

Also, each year in the twelve-year cycle corresponds to a certain element. The 60-year large cycle consists of five such cycles. Each year is associated with a specific animal that has its own element:

  • Bull - Earth;
  • Snake - Fire;
  • Horse Fire;
  • Rat – Water;
  • Dragon - Earth;
  • Goat - Earth;
  • Monkey – Metal;
  • Pig – Water;
  • Dog – Earth;
  • Tiger - Tree;
  • Rabbit - Tree;
  • Rooster – Metal.

His life depends on what elements a person possesses. But each element acts differently depending on gender.

Destructive Flow Cycle:

  • Fire interacting with Metal melts it ⇒
  • Metal, in turn, cuts Wood ⇒
  • Wood has the ability to lift the Earth ⇒
  • The Earth subsequently pollutes the Water ⇒
  • Water can extinguish Fire.

In order to understand the meaning of each of these five elements, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of each of them separately.


  • Element Fire
  • Fire is filled with Yang energy; it contains the most of it. People have always had special respect and fear for the element Fire, as a natural element. “Fire Creators” existed even before the advent of Feng Shui. People have always treated them with caution and were afraid of them, because they believed that if the “creators of fire” were overcome by anger, they could burn the forest. On the contrary, in a positive mood, the Fire that obeyed them helped prepare food. The energy of this element carries such properties as power, assertiveness, and the desire to dominate. The lack of this energy, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, can be regulated by red color and candle fire. In the interior, this can be changed with an additional lamp with a red shade or by organizing lighting in red shades. Places where fire energy accumulates can be: a fireplace, a pyramid, a needle, images of sunrise and sunset; all objects made from feathers, wool, leather. In a person, the energy of Fire dominates in childhood, since this is the most active and most mobile period of life. Birds and animals are also carriers of this energy. The excessive predominance of Fire in a person has a negative impact on his life. At first, this can manifest itself in increased confidence, make a person love himself more, but later make him nervous due to the constant desire to do everything, to solve all the problems. Ultimately, this can lead to a loss of control over the situation.
  • A man constantly needs adventure, the excitement of surprises and loves to take risks. A fairly demanding leader, he loves active actions, infects those around him with energy, as well as enthusiasm, and carries them along with him. They do not obey rules, do not tolerate restrictions, are inventive and have a great sense of humor. Needs constant intimate connections. She loves to play in relationships, which is something all women should take into account. However, he does not like obligations. He prefers not to solve problems, but to run away from them. This is a man of action, for whom the result is not as important as constant movement forward.
  • A woman repeats some of the features of men and brings to them a special note characteristic of the female sex. Shows activity, swiftness, inexhaustible energy, and can be impulsive. Men call such a woman fatal. She drives you crazy easily. But if he finds one and only love, he is faithful until the grave. Masculine manifestation in character is expressed in prudence, the desire to win in everything.

Element characteristics: represents summer, heat, fire. Gives light, happiness and warmth, but has destructive power, associated with explosions and fires. In a positive sense, this is sincerity and honesty; in a negative sense, it is aggression, war. Associations: candles, sun, lamps, lamps, triangle, red color, image of fire and sun, artificial materials.


  • Element Water
  • The ancient Chinese endowed the element of water with special mystical powers. Before mirrors appeared, only on the flat surface of water could a person see his reflection. As you know, life on our planet originated in the vastness of the world’s oceans. The element of water has always been attributed magical properties; its energy carries something mysterious and enigmatic. The colors corresponding to the element of water are black and dark blue. She is a symbol of very important spiritual processes such as meditation and contemplation. Filling your home with the energy of water and its symbols, a person becomes more peaceful, flexible, more sensual, begins to better understand the surrounding processes, and discovers creative possibilities in himself. To do this, he can use the following items in his home: glass containers with fresh water, items made of transparent materials (a bowl with glass stones), things in dark blue and black colors. Excess water makes people overly emotional, overly sensitive and indecisive.
  • Men - they tend to desire feminine and beautiful representatives of the fair sex. Such womanizers are fickle and cunning. They have the gift of diplomacy and persuasion. They are able to listen carefully and are able to negotiate well. They perceive the world holistically in all its completeness and diversity. They are open to the feelings of other people, they may seem bright and charming, but they are unlikely to let you into the depths of their soul. They show flexibility in life, which greatly contributes to achieving their goals.
  • The woman has a capricious character, as well as cunning in her eyes. Easily charms and drives you crazy. She finds it difficult to convince others of her own fidelity. He has an amazing imagination and has a great sense of the world and people around him. Her unique communication abilities sometimes lead her to adventurous situations. However, she strives for consistency with all her lightness and airiness. Avoids conflicts.

Characteristics of the element: represents water in all forms and manifestations. It could be a pleasant rain or a tsunami. Reflects the inner “I” of a person, beauty and art. In a positive sense - compassionate support, nutrition in a broad sense, in a negative sense - fear, stress, anxiety. Associations: streams, rivers, blue and black colors, glass and mirrors, pools, fountains, aquariums, images of water.


  • Element Earth

  • The earth for a person is the place of his life. There are even such expressions about this: “to stand firmly on the ground”, “to have solid ground under your feet.” Man is inseparable from “Mother Earth”, since he was born here, his ancestors lived here, and his descendants will live here. According to Feng Shui, the earth element carries such energy that can make the relationship between a person and the world around him more balanced. In your interior or garden plot, this element can be represented by objects made of stones or clay (beautiful statues, boulders). Terracotta airtight containers filled with earth can also compensate for the lack of earth energy or increase its impact on your life. The greater its influence, the more stable your life will be, and the more confident you will be. This energy can also be present in objects made of porcelain, crystal, visual representations of the earth (globe, images). The excess of Earth makes people one-sidedly developed, they do not strive to change anything, they become too stubborn and narrow-minded. Then it is no longer possible to talk about the positive impact of this energy; well-being may disappear from a person’s life.
  • A man is a calm, balanced person who does not do hasty or adventurous things. He prefers thoroughness and thoughtfulness. A simple example is that he will not chase a rabbit while hunting, but will smoke it out of a cozy hole. Prefers to enjoy life. You can rely on them, they are faithful, not prone to rashness, have enormous inner strength, and are stable in a critical situation. The uniqueness of the character is that even in the worst situation he will insist that everything is fine, will not give up and will see everything through to the end. As a person has adapted to the elements of the earth, so he will live.
  • A woman has high sensuality and a natural desire for harmony with the world around her. She is distinguished by femininity, charm, a sense of individuality, style, and image. However, he has a developed sense of possessiveness. Once she decides that it’s mine, she won’t be convinced. It is difficult for her to give her partner freedom in terms of relationships, hence a strong feeling of jealousy arises. Women of this element are not prone to risk, but can take it.

Characteristics of the element: it provides a nutrient medium from which seeds grow, all living things arise, are nurtured and everything returns to it. Supports other elements, gives them nutrition. In a positive sense - wisdom, sincerity, intuition, in a negative sense - empty worries, tense anticipation, nervousness. Associations: brick, clay, terracotta, cement, stone, yellow square, orange and brown colors.


  • Element Metal
  • The metal is responsible for stimulating mental activity and increases mental activity. In everyday life, a person is surrounded by a huge number of metal objects, and he has long ceased to perceive their significance and value. But it is comparable only to the meaning of fire for our ancestors. There are a very large number of its forms on our planet: silver, gold, iron, platinum and many, many others. Therefore, it is absolutely not difficult to enhance the impact of its energy - watches, figurines, pieces of furniture, forged items in the garden, interior design using metal surfaces. An excess of this energy will also not lead to anything good. There is a rule: by increasing the number of things of a certain symbolism, you reduce the amount of positive energy that they can attract into your life.
  • A man is capable of sacredly believing in his own rightness and convincing others of this. He is not just impudent, but confident in his own infallibility and uniqueness. He is distinguished by his ambition, which sometimes manifests itself in the form of ruthlessness. They often succeed in their life path. However, he is deprived of the ability to enjoy what he has achieved. This distinguishes it from other elements.
  • A woman - they say about such a woman that she is a “magnetic person.” It can charm and frighten because it shows feelings very strongly. He knows how to compete fiercely, but expresses anger sparingly because he does not know how to do it. Capable of conquering peak after peak, and not only in terms of relationships. She manages to do this in almost any business. The need to achieve perfection in everything is one of the main features of a woman of the Metal element.

Characteristics of the element: Represents strength and autumn, hardness, the ability to serve as a container for objects, conducts electricity. In a positive sense - communication, interesting ideas, justice, in a negative sense - danger, destruction, sadness. The metal is used in the manufacture of jewelry and weapons. Associated with: all metals, round shapes, metal objects, kitchen utensils, gray and white colors, watches, coins.


  • Element Wood

The tree is the embodiment of the symbol of the emergence of new life. The process of nature's awakening after winter represents a creative cycle that begins precisely with the element Wood. The very process of the birth and development of a tree is very unique: a small seed, blown by the wind to a corner of the earth, grows into a huge strong plant with strong roots and a fluffy crown. Even asphalt cannot be an obstacle to the strength of the desire to be born. That is why the Tree is the embodiment of everything that is certainly trying to achieve its goal. Just as its roots, growing, break stones, everything that the Tree represents will slowly, with special care, come to the desired result. The tree also serves as a symbol of deep knowledge and intuition. A person in whom this energy predominates is endowed with special power, but it is influenced by intuition. In human life, the best embodiment of the Tree symbol is plants. For example, bamboo sticks attract good luck and positive energy. If you want to fill your home with Wood energy, you need to surround yourself with everything that is green.

  • Men are very emotional. They strive to achieve universal love. In the world around them they are capable of social altruism, but only if the people they help share their views. They prefer to manage relationships rather than be managed. If something goes wrong, they quickly lose interest in the situation and try to run away. Friendship and common ideals in relationships, friendly, social or love, are very important.
  • A woman - in general, we can say that there are three main characteristics: honesty, beauty and truthfulness. She knows how to be attractive and resourceful, has an independent spirit and a desire for freedom. Intimate relationships come easily to her, but she tries to remain silent about her needs and can only open up to those closest to her. Not an owner and does not like to be someone's property.

Characteristics of the element: represents vegetation, spring, growth. In Yin form it is pliable and flexible; in Yang form it is hard and durable. In a positive sense it is used as a staff, in a negative sense it is used as a spear. It has the qualities of growth, fruiting, versatility. Associated with: plants, wooden furniture, paper, green color, columns, room decoration, painting. At the end of the article you will find a summary table of the characteristics of each element. But not only character traits depend on the element to which belongs to the person. Each person in his life has his own colors associated with certain elements.

Element of water feng shui

Yin variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • January 29, 03 – February 15, 04;
  • 6 February 13 – 25 January 14;
  • 16 February 23 – 4 February 24;
  • January 26, 33 – February 13, 34;
  • February 5, 43 – January 24, 44;
  • 14 February 53 - 2 February 54;
  • January 25, 63 – February 12, 64;
  • February 3, 73 – January 22, 74;
  • February 13, 83 - February 1, 84;
  • January 23, 93 – February 9, 94.

This element is incredibly mobile and changeable. He is distinguished by a rather subtle nature, but there is nothing dark or negative inside him. He does not deceive or betray. Such people are usually unpretentious and are content with even the smallest things. Any restrictions are very painful for Yin water; it tries to get rid of them as soon as possible and uses its innate resourcefulness to do this. But, as already mentioned, he does this without any malicious intent and only with the goal of getting rid of suffering.

This element also tries to escape from any conflict situations as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Such people are usually very wise and quite intelligent; they are popular with others as an adviser or judge, because they are simple-minded and have an independent opinion.

Sometimes it seems that a person of this element is too soft, however, as we know, water can be not only soft, but also destructive. Such “explosions” happen quite rarely and amaze others with their suddenness.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 8 February 02 – 28 January 03;
  • 18 February 12 – 5 February 13;
  • 28 January 22 – 15 February 23;
  • 6 February 32 – 25 January 33;
  • 15 February 42 - 1 February 43;
  • January 27, 52 – February 13, 53;
  • February 5, 62 - January 24, 63;
  • January 16, 72 - February 2, 73;
  • January 25, 82 - February 12, 83;
  • January 4, 92 – January 22, 93.

If Yin water is soft and sudden strong states occur quite rarely, then the Yang variety is always like this. These people create the impression of a powerful, stormy stream that destroys absolutely everything in its path.

If the problem is not solved by this method, then the yang water does not continue to beat uselessly, but uses its fluid property and bypasses it in this way. If you managed to calculate the feng shui birth element and it showed this element, then you can be sure that a true logician is hidden inside you.

People of this element are very good at finding a solution to any situation and finding the most profitable option, which is why quite often they achieve success in the commercial sphere.

Yang water cannot sit still, so she rarely becomes an exemplary family man.

Such a person is open to everything new and tries to get as much information and knowledge as possible from any source. At the same time, he is absolutely not susceptible to the influence of negativity. Very cheerful, strong and strong-willed.

Determining your element

To find out your element, look at the last digit of your birth year (if your birthday is after February 20), or at the previous year's number if your birthday is from January 1 to February 20. For people born in February, it is worth more accurately determining the onset of the Chinese New Year, because... it rarely falls on the same date. Here is a table by which you can determine your type. Keep in mind that an even year is a Yang-type person, an odd year is a Yin-type person. Yang type is an extrovert, prefers to live in a darkened, cool house, Yin type is an introvert, he likes spacious, bright, warm houses. Why these particular preferences? Because to achieve harmony, Yang, as the light side, strives for darkness, Yin, as the dark side, in turn strives for light. Now let’s see what his element means in the life of every person.


Initially, the pagodas were part of the monastery. Religious valuables were kept there. Gradually, their role changed and the buildings became a fortress where evil spirits were hidden. The levels symbolize the ascent to Heaven. The towers spread positive energy. They became protectors of the people.

The tower allows you to think clearly and is a talisman for learning. For knowledge, an amulet of seven tiers is recommended.

Wen Chang Five Elements Pagoda consists of seven levels. The amulet will bring good luck in studies and fame in business. If the talisman has nine tiers, it will not only protect its owner, but will also help in career growth and study. Symbolizes completeness.

Such structures were built in memory of an important event.

The 5 Elements Pagoda absorbs the influence of the flying stars 2021. The nine flying stars move every year. How to neutralize their influence? The apartment plan must be superimposed on the Lo-shu square.

Look on the map where the unfavorable stars will fly - the second, third, fifth and seventh. If favorable stars fly to the desired part of the house, their influence is enhanced. They find themselves where they are not supposed to be - they neutralize the influence with talismans.

The amulet is used in yards. Pagodas harmonize the space. It is believed that these talismans should be seen from the window of your home.

What types of towers are there?

Liang Sicheng is the first Chinese scholar to develop a typology of pagodas. According to this doctrine, there are two types of structures:

  • Chinese multi-story buildings;
  • Indian stupas.

There are seven types of pagodas depending on their shape:

  • tower;
  • pavilion;
  • multi-eaves;
  • mortar;
  • diamond throne;
  • Buddhist canon;
  • sculpture

Not only the designs, but also the number of tiers can be different. More often they built towers of twelve and nine tiers. The number of levels does not affect the strength of the talisman.

Famous towers

Nepal is considered the birthplace of the pagoda, from where it spread throughout the world.

Feng Shui pagoda figurine

There are pagodas in the following countries:

  1. China.
  2. Japan.
  3. Korea.
  4. Thailand.
  5. Cambodia.
  6. Laos.
  7. Sri Lanka.
  8. Vietnam.
  9. Burma.
  10. India.
  11. Indonesia.

Tiger Hill

In China, one of the favorite places for tourists is the 10th-century leaning pagoda, which is located at the foot of the mountain. “Tiger Hill” is a complex of parks with pagodas. There is a bamboo grove, a tea plantation, buildings, and pavilions. Everything is surrounded by greenery, birds sing and cicadas chirp.

According to legend, a ruler is buried here, and his grave is guarded by a tiger, which is why the hill has this name. The park with plants, water, houses and an ancient tower resembles a fairy tale.

Pagoda Hangzhou

The octagonal Lei Feng Tower is located in Hangzhou in China. The structure was built in 975 AD. e. In 1924 the tower collapsed due to vandalism. Bricks that were considered magical were stolen. In 2002, the ancient building was reconstructed.

There is an ancient Chinese parable called “The Monk and the Snake.” According to legend, a young man fell in love with a snake, which turned into a woman. They decided to separate them. The snake woman was buried and a tower was placed on top so that she could not get out.

Single column tower in Hanoi

The building was built in 1049 and resembles a lotus flower. The architectural structure was erected according to the description of the dream of Emperor Ly Thai Tong. He built the tower in gratitude for his newborn son. The emperor had a dream where Avalokiteshvara was holding out a baby.

Lee Thai Tong got married and had a son. The tower was erected on one pillar in the middle of a lotus pond - this is how the emperor saw it in a dream.

Great Pagoda in London

The structure was built in 1762 in Richmond's Kew Gardens. Architect - William Chambers. Inside the building, which consists of 10 tiers, there is a staircase of 243 steps. The structure is based on an octagon.

The building is built of brick and the roof is covered with tiles. This is the first building in Europe to use Chinese art motifs.

Other famous pagodas:

  1. Yakushiji.
  2. Kiyomizu-dera.
  3. Wild geese in Shaanxi province.
  4. Small Pagoda in Xi'an.
  5. Wansong in Beijing.
  6. White Tower in Beijing.
  7. World Vipassana in India.
  8. Seven Days in Kalmykia.

Construction reached its highest development during the Tang and Song dynasties. All towers are a unique means of protection and correction. Amulets of the five elements are especially popular in China.

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