5 elements (elements) of the Chinese horoscope and their main characteristics

Take the last digit of your year of birth, and we will tell you a lot of interesting things about your character!

Chinese astrology is based on the five elements (fire, wood, water, earth and metal). Each element is associated with one of the planets of the solar system: fire - Mars, wood - Jupiter, water - Mercury, earth - Saturn, metal - Venus. Moreover, all these elements are closely interrelated and there are beneficial and destructive relationships between them. Favorable relationships form the following chain: water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water. Destructive relationships: water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood, wood drains the earth and the earth absorbs water.

Each of these elements has its own set of characteristics, which can vary depending on the animal of your birth year - resulting in 60 different combinations. The concept of “Yin-Yang” is also taken into account, that is, there is, for example, Yin water and Yang water, with Yin occurring in odd years and Yang in even years.


People of the earth element (the last digit of the year of birth are 8 and 9) are patient and reliable. The earth gives them responsibility and a sense of duty towards family and loved ones. They are ambitious but also idealistic. "Earthlings" always approach any problem from a logical point of view and act very methodically. They follow their intuition and have good deductive skills. They can be called carriers of a “moral compass”, which helps them evaluate the world around them. The people of the earth value ethics and discipline, and also know how to use their own resources wisely due to their rather conservative nature. They are excellent designers or administrators, know how to correctly solve all financial issues and, undoubtedly, have the talent to see many things from the point of view of their prospects. People of the earth are restrained in emotions, strive to show their value and importance, but also want to be truly loved. What they lack is a little adventurousness and liveliness, however, these people are respected and admired.

“Earthlings” can be called stubborn and tough. They want to control everything and are often guided solely by their own benefit and support of their interests. In case of failures and losses, the people of the earth begin to doubt their own intuition and stop trusting their innate wisdom. What frightens them most in life is the unknown, even to the point of panic attacks and depression.

The earth is the center that is responsible for the change of seasons. The color of earth is yellow and it is associated with the digestive system, particularly the spleen and stomach. In addition, “earthlings” are advised to stay away from swampy areas with high humidity.

How many characters are there in Chinese?

It is impossible to say the exact number of Chinese characters. Local philologists claim that this is about 50 thousand characters. In one of the dictionaries, released in 1994, about 85 thousand hieroglyphs were indicated, although almost a third of them were not used.

In the Middle Ages, poets and philologists came up with new characters that, in their opinion, could diversify the Chinese language. To prevent the situation from getting out of control, the authorities strictly prohibited the introduction of new characters into the Chinese script without agreement.

So, if you are seriously thinking about learning the Chinese language, then you should turn to dry statistics, according to which in China there are 3 thousand most common characters, knowledge of which will help you understand 99.2% of the text. But what’s much more interesting is that knowing just 100 characters makes it possible to understand almost half (42%) of the text. The following statistics are as follows:

  • 200 hieroglyphs – 55%
  • 500 hieroglyphs – 75%
  • 1000 hieroglyphs – 89%
  • 1500 hieroglyphs – 94%
  • 2000 hieroglyphs – 97%
  • 3000 hieroglyphs – 99.2%


Those born under the auspices of the fire element (the last digit of the year of birth are 6 and 7) always strive for adventure and new experiences and will never refuse to explore something new. These are very dynamic and energetic individuals with the makings of excellent leaders, because they love to compete and win. Fire people, as a rule, are attractive and attractive; they cannot stand loneliness, preferring to surround themselves with people and constant movement. In addition, they are extremely attached to loved ones and do their best to support any family ties. Fiery people are distinguished by high self-esteem and self-confidence, they are smart and friendly, decisive and effective, and are also not devoid of oratorical talent.

The disadvantages of representatives of the element of fire include their aggressiveness in achieving their goals, excessive emotionality and lack of patience and compassion. They are also selfish and overly ambitious and do not consider others at all when they want to get their way.

Fire is the south and represents the summer season. The color of fire is red and is associated with the vascular system and the heart. Fire people themselves are advised to stay away from excess heat and not give in to outbursts of emotions.

New Year according to the Eastern calendar

The Chinese cyclical calendar uses a sixty-year cycle, being a combination of 10-year (heavenly trunks) and 12-year (earthly branches) cycles. Each 60-year circle begins with a Yang wooden rat and ends with a Yin water pig. The next one began on February 2, 1984 and will end on January 29, 2044.

Beginning of a new year – Animal sign – Element – ​​Color

02/05/1924 - Rat (Mouse) - Tree - Green. 01/24/1925 - Bull - Tree - Green. 02/13/1926 - Tiger - Fire - Red. 02/02/1927 - Rabbit (Cat) - Fire - Red. 01/23/1928 - Dragon - Earth - Yellow. 02/10/1929 - Snake - Earth - Yellow. 01/30/1930 - Horse - Metal - White. 02/17/1931 - Sheep (Goat) - Metal - White. 02/06/1932 - Monkey - Water - Black. 01/26/1933 - Rooster - Water - Black. 02/14/1934 - Dog - Tree - Green. 02/04/1935 - Pig (Boar) - Tree - Green. 01/24/1936 - Rat (Mouse) - Fire - Red. 02/11/1937 - Bull - Fire - Red. 01/31/1938 - Tiger - Earth - Yellow. 02/19/1939 - Rabbit (Cat) - Earth - Yellow. 02/08/1940 - Dragon - Metal - White. 01/27/1941 - Snake - Metal - White. 02/15/1942 - Horse - Water - Black. 02/05/1943 - Sheep (Goat) - Water - Black. 01/25/1944 - Monkey - Tree - Green. 02/13/1945 - Rooster - Tree - Green. 02/02/1946 - Dog - Fire - Red. 01/22/1947 - Pig (Boar) - Fire - Red. 02/10/1948 - Rat (Mouse) - Earth - Yellow. 01/29/1949 - Bull - Earth - Yellow. 02/17/1950 - Tiger - Metal - White. 02/06/1951 - Rabbit (Cat) - Metal - White. 01/27/1952 - Dragon - Water - Black. 02/14/1953 - Snake - Water - Black. 02/03/1954 - Horse - Tree - Green. 01/24/1955 - Sheep (Goat) - Tree - Green 02/12/1956 - Monkey - Fire - Red 01/31/1957 - Rooster - Fire - Red 02/18/1958 - Dog - Earth - Yellow 02/08/1959 - Pig (Boar) - Earth - Yellow 01/28/1960 - Rat (Mouse) - Metal - White 02/15/1961 - Bull (Cow) - Metal - White 02/05/1962 - Tiger - Water - Black 01/25/1963 - Rabbit (Cat) - Water - Black 02/13/1964 - Dragon - Tree - Green 02/02/1965 - Snake - Tree - Green 01/21/1966 - Horse - Fire - Red 02/09/1967 - Sheep (Goat) - Fire - Red 01/30/1968 - Monkey - Earth - Yellow 02/17/1969 - Rooster - Earth - Yellow 02/06/1970 - Dog - Metal - White 01/27/1971 - Pig (Boar) - Metal - White 02/15/1972 - Rat (Mouse) - Water - Black 02/03/1973 - Bull - Water - Black 01/23/1974 - Tiger - Tree - Green 02/11/1975 - Rabbit (Cat) - Tree - Green 01/31/1976 - Dragon - Fire - Red 02/18/1977 - Snake - Fire - Red 02/07/1978 - Horse - Earth - Yellow 01/28/1979 - Sheep (Goat ) - Earth - Yellow 02/16/1980 - Monkey - Metal - White 02/05/1981 - Rooster - Metal - White 01/25/1982 - Dog - Water - Black 02/13/1983 - Pig (Boar) - Water - Black 02/02/1984 - Rat( Mouse) - Tree - Green 02/20/1985 - Ox - Tree - Green 02/09/1986 - Tiger - Fire - Red 01/29/1987 - Rabbit (Cat) - Fire - Red 02/17/1988 - Dragon - Earth - Yellow 02/06/1989 - Snake - Earth - Yellow 01/27/1990 - Horse - Metal - White 02/15/1991 - Sheep (Goat) - Metal - White 02/04/1992 - Monkey - Water - Black 01/23/1993 - Rooster - Water - Black 02/10/1994 - Dog - Tree - Green 01/31/1995 - Pig (Boar) - Tree - Green 02/19/1996 - Rat (Mouse) - Fire - Red 02/07/1997 - Ox - Fire - Red 01/27/1998 - Tiger - Earth - Yellow 02/16/1999 - Rabbit( Cat) - Earth - Yellow 02/05/2000 - Dragon - Metal - White 01/24/2001 - Snake - Metal - White 02/12/2002 - Horse - Water - Black 02/01/2003 - Sheep (Goat) - Water - Black 01/22/2004 - Monkey - Tree - Green 02/09/2005 - Rooster - Tree - Green 01/29/2006 - Dog - Fire - Red 02/18/2007 - Pig (Boar) - Fire - Red 02/07/2008 - Rat (Mouse) - Earth - Yellow 01/26/2009 - Ox - Earth - Yellow 02/10/2010 - Tiger - Metal - White 02/03/2011 - Rabbit (Cat) - Metal - White 01/23/2012 - Dragon - Water - Black 02/10/2013 - Snake - Water - Black 01/31/2014 - Horse - Tree - Green 02/19/2015 - Sheep (Goat) - Tree - Green 02/08/2016 - Monkey - Fire - Red 01/28/2017 - Rooster - Fire - Red 02/16/2018 - Dog - Earth - Yellow 02/05/2019 - Pig (Boar) - Earth - Yellow 01/25/2020 - Rat (Mouse) - Metal - White 02/12/2021 - Bull - Metal - White 02/01/2022 - Tiger - Water - Black 01/22/2023 - Rabbit (Cat) - Water - Black 02/10/2024 - Dragon - Tree - Green 01/29/2025 - Snake - Tree - Green 02/17/2026 - Horse - Fire - Red 02/06/2027 - Sheep (Goat) - Fire - Red 01/26/2028 - Monkey - Earth - Yellow 02/13/2029 - Rooster - Earth - Yellow 02/03/2030 - Dog - Metal - White 01/23/2031 - Pig (Boar) - Metal - White 02/11/2032 - Rat (Mouse) - Water - Black 01/31/2033 - Ox - Water - Black 02/19/2034 - Tiger - Tree - Green 02/08/2035 - Rabbit (Cat) - Tree - Green 01/28/2036 - Dragon - Fire - Red 02/15/2037 - Snake - Fire - Red 02/04/2038 - Horse - Earth - Yellow 01/24/2039 - Sheep (Goat ) - Earth - Yellow 02/12/2040 - Monkey - Metal - White 02/01/2041 - Rooster - Metal - White 01/21/2042 - Dog - Water - Black 02/09/2043 - Pig (Boar) - Water - Black


Those born under the auspices of the tree (the last digit of the year of birth is 4 and 5) are generous people. They strictly adhere to their principles in terms of ethical behavior, love to explore the world and analyze information, and they are also distinguished by a rare power of persuasion. Tree people are very artistic and creative, which often manifests itself in everything they put their hand to. They are hardworking and are always looking for something to do, striving to constantly be busy and believing that work is the best use of their strength. Self-confidence is one of their best traits. “Wooden people” are always grateful for everything they have and do not try to chase excesses or jump over their own heads, although their sphere of interests is very broad and varied. They are loyal friends and never behave selfishly, are ideal team workers and are very compassionate towards other people.

The disadvantages of tree people include their wastefulness. They sin in that they can take on more tasks than they can handle, and therefore often overload themselves with work, which does not benefit anyone. In other words, tree people should learn to set limits for themselves and correctly calculate their strength. Under certain conditions, they can become overly dependent on others and even get lost in the crowd, in many ways this is only possible because of their passivity and some slowness.

The tree corresponds to the east, and its season is spring, respectively, the color is green. The tree is interconnected with the gallbladder and liver. Representatives of this element should avoid areas where strong winds prevail.

Element Metal

While endowing its wards with inner strength, Iron (Metal), however, does not provide them with the opportunity to withstand the blows of fate. “Iron” people suffer from many illnesses; in addition, almost all of them experience suicidal tendencies at different periods of their lives. Knowing how to control others, metal people are not able to live in harmony with themselves, and the worst of them are even able to rejoice only in the fact that they were able to rise above others.

Metal people are independent; sometimes they just need solitude. Considering emotions a manifestation of weakness, many of them go through life without experiencing strong feelings at all and without weakening self-control for a minute.

Metal patronizes the West; the season of this element is autumn, the planet is Venus, the color is white .


Those born under the auspices of water (the last digit of the year of birth are 2 and 3) are considered charming and sympathetic people, as well as compassionate. They are very flexible and are great at going with the flow. In addition, they are intelligent and creative. Water people have a great imagination and are not afraid to use it. Among them there are many excellent philosophers and thinkers; they are very independent and most often master several professions. Water representatives have ideal communication skills and can be very persuasive. Their outstanding abilities in the field of diplomacy should also be noted. They are very intuitive and are able to catch what escapes the attention of other people. They are good organizers and no less good performers; they know how to notice the special talents of the people around them and further help them develop them.

Water people can be secretive and insincere and never share their secrets with others. In addition, they have been observed to have pronounced tendencies towards manipulation. They always try to find a simple and easy way out in everything, since they are distinguished by a certain passivity and often indulge both their own and other people’s whims. What they should learn is to stand firmly on their own two feet and follow their own path. People of water should also avoid places that are too watery, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Water is the north. The season is winter and the color is black. Water is associated with the bone and excretory systems.

Animal sign of birth hour

According to Chinese astrology, the day is divided into 12 periods, each of which corresponds to a specific animal sign. This means that a person born in the hour of any animal will have the traits of this sign. Here are the correspondences between birth times and animal signs:

  • 23.00 - 01.00 - Rat time.
  • 01.00 - 03.00 - Ox time.
  • 03.00 - 05.00 - Tiger time.
  • 05.00 - 07.00 - Rabbit time.
  • 07.00 - 09.00 - Dragon time.
  • 09.00 - 11.00 - Snake time.
  • 11.00 - 13.00 - Horse time.
  • 13.00 - 15.00 - Sheep time.
  • 15.00 - 17.00 - Monkey time.
  • 17.00 - 19.00 - Rooster time.
  • 19.00 - 21.00 - Dog time.
  • 21.00 - 23.00 - Boar time.

The time of birth can help clarify some other nuances of a person’s character traits. It has been noticed, for example, that a Rat born at night is much more courageous and agile than one born during the day. The Ox shows its famous efficiency from the early morning, while at night it needs rest. A tiger, stalking its victims at night, seems to convey its energy of cruelty to a person of this sign, born in the dark. The Morning Rabbit is the most energetic of all, as is the Dragon, and for the Snake the early evening is most favorable. The Horse is most active during the day, and the Sheep is most active in the early morning. The Monkey, born immediately after lunch, is endowed with truly devilish cunning, and the Rooster is most significant if born at dawn. Evening Dogs stand out with their devotion even against the background of other Dogs, and the Pig is still sleeping at this time.

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