5 elements (elements) of the Chinese horoscope and their main characteristics

Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth... Five primary elements. Which one suits you? What does this give you? The system of interaction between the 5 primary elements is very interesting, educational, and understanding it can even bring tangible benefits in life.

There is a Western European system/concept of the five elements (air, water, earth, fire, ether) and a Chinese one, coming from Taoism. In this post we’ll talk about the Chinese one, which is called Wu-hsing.

The concept of Wu Xing has been widely used and is used in traditional Chinese medicine, in fortune-telling practices, in martial arts (there is even a fighting style completely built on this system - Xingyiquan), in numerology, in Feng Shui, etc.

Wu-Xing. Theory and concept of the five elements

The concept of the five primary elements is not so well known, but no less deep and interesting.

According to Chinese cosmogony, the world is based on the mutual generation and mutual overcoming of five primary elements (principles, elements): earth, metal (sky), water, fire and wood.

  1. The nature of water is to be wet and flow downwards.
  2. The nature of fire is to burn and rise.
  3. The nature of wood is to bend and straighten.
  4. The nature of metal is to obey external influences and change.
  5. The nature of the earth is manifested in the fact that it receives crops, produces crops and is present in everything.

Graphically, the Wu-shin concept looks like this:

Consultation with astrologer Ba Zi

My name is Raisa, I am a practicing astrologer-consultant, I have been practicing Chinese metaphysics for many years, and I receive physically tangible results from my practice. If you are interested in my story, you can read about it in the article “ How to fulfill your desire with the power of thought quickly - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE .”

Something else is important now: I suggest you save time and, for very little money and a very short period of time (a personal consultation lasts an hour and a half), get answers to the questions that torment you.

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