The fourth sector of the starry sky, the Serpent's palace

The Hall of the Serpent is the fourth sector in the Svarog Circle. It falls between November 27 and December 19. The patron of the Hall is Semargl, a Fiery Deity who can transform into a bird, a dog and a snake. Under his patronage, determined and purposeful people are born who are constantly on the move.

The Hall of the Snake is considered an ancient Slavic symbol.

Hall of the Serpent: description, dates, history

The ancient Slavs believed that the Hall of the Serpent began on 25 Aylet and lasted until 7 Beylet. The main symbol of the sign is a snake. Since ancient times, reptiles of this species have been considered a symbol of wisdom and high intellectual level.

The linden tree gives strength to the representatives of this sign. This plant has long been used in folk medicine. Semargl or Fire God is considered the patron saint of people belonging to the Hall of Snakes. He always observed people and provided protection from negativity. This deity was able to visit the worlds of Rule and Reveal.

The ancient god Semargl patronizes the palace.

World interpretation – unity of contradictions

Many peoples proudly reported in fairy tales, chronicles, and religious texts that they descended from a certain Serpent (snake).

  • The original Americans had a powerful winged protector - Quetzalcoatl;
  • The ancient Greeks had the Caduceus, a staff entwined with snakes, which was considered a symbol of the universe;
  • According to Hindu myths, the snake Ananta helped Vishnu create the world - served as his support during the difficult process of creation, and the Egyptian snake-headed Renenutet was responsible for fertility;
  • And it is no coincidence that the pharaohs wore ritual dresses with snake heads - this gave them wisdom that helped them communicate with the gods.

Symbol of death and rebirth

The execution is different, but the meaning is the same, the meaning of the “snake” amulet is the same. This is a combination of death and rebirth, that cycle from which, in fact, all things arise. Suffice it to remember about Ouroboros - a round symbol in the form of a reptile that grabs its tail with its teeth. Under one name or another, this sign of eternity appears almost at the same time among different peoples. This is both the heavenly egg, from which our Universe was born, and the karmic wheel of samsara.

Today, such symbolism is again becoming popular and in demand (which simply once again proves the “circular nature” of the universe and worldview).

  • The “three snakes” amulet, for example, is used to awaken one’s own hidden potential – especially in the field of creativity.
  • A special ornament on clothing serves to protect against evil forces.
  • Jewelry acts as amulets, helping the owner to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies with the help of wisdom.

General characteristics of the Serpent's palace

The Svarog Circle has long been used to understand the characters of different people. The Slavs used their own horoscope so that people could better understand themselves and find the goals of their soul.

A sense of interest in life is of great importance for Snakes. Lack of goals and uncertainty can cause sadness.

To this day, many people are interested in the meaning of this sign. Representatives of this sector are considered very active. They are constantly in motion, in which there is practically no chaos.

Snakes are highly sensitive to the emotions of other people and are characterized by a conservative disposition. However, they always know when it is necessary to compromise. They do this willingly and without resentment.

According to the description of this sign, Snakes can put up with the shortcomings of other people. However, they must be sure that the other party will also cooperate.

Representatives of the palace are ready to tolerate the shortcomings of others

For men

Men born under the sign of the Snake are prone to planning. They are willing to spend a lot of time creating a to-do list. If things don't go according to plan, it can cause serious irritation and even disappointment.

Such people have a strong will and are able to sweep away everything in their path in order to achieve their goals. Snakes are even characterized by a kind of stubbornness. They stop at nothing to get the desired result.

Representatives of the stronger sex who were born during this period tend to calculate all their moves in advance. They never commit rash acts, which allows them to avoid various problems.

Such men always remain attractive in the eyes of women. They are very attentive, can support and listen. Snakes do not have the habit of interrupting their interlocutors and do not try to impose their opinion. Therefore, as a rule, they have many friends and fans.

For men, the talisman of the palace brings good luck and helps them achieve their goals.

Representatives of this sign are not characterized by a tendency to weave intrigues or spread gossip. They devote themselves entirely to work, which has a beneficial effect on career growth.

In the love sphere, everything is calm for Snake men. Usually representatives of this sign are monogamous. They demand peace of mind and sincerity from their chosen one. The absence of scandals and quarrels is of great importance for the representatives of this palace.

For women

This sign endowed female representatives with a strong-willed character and strong spirit. Women who were born in this palace are both tough and fair.

They believe in promises to the last and are distinguished by a large reserve of patience, but do not forgive people who betrayed their trust.

Snake women easily identify the weak traits of their interlocutor and easily bring deceivers to light. They would make excellent manipulators. However, Snakes rarely use this ability. A sense of justice prevents them from using others for their own purposes. Exceptions include cases of self-defense.

Love plays a key role in the lives of such women. They give everything they have in relationships and do not think about their own comfort.

Great and sincere love is important for women

Women expect similar behavior from their significant other. However, their expectations are not always met. In such a situation, representatives of this sign immediately leave and burn bridges behind them. Despite limitless patience, Snakes are not able to forgive deception or indifference.

Women who are born in this sign become wonderful mothers. They manage to raise children well.

Men can safely marry Snakes. They will become wonderful housewives and excellent parents.

Representatives of this sign can also succeed in their careers. They have a sense of justice and the ability to find a balance between reward and punishment. Therefore, such women make excellent leaders who find recognition among their subordinates. The most suitable areas of work for such people include scientific activity, economics, and art.

For women, the talisman brings good luck in their careers and personal lives.

What is he?

The Veles sign of the Serpentine has always been flat in shape in the form of a double-sided medallion or coin. On one side they depicted a bright god, and on the other - intertwined snakes, as a sign of the ancient Slavic Kolovrat. There were variations when a shield was depicted on which reptiles were closely intertwined in the hands of a male warrior or a woman with limbs in the form of curved reptiles. The amulet was used by different people depending on what exactly was depicted on it. The Serpentine should not be confused with the swastika, where the rays were replaced by snakes; they often symbolized the sun or the cycle of life.

Patron God

The Slavic amulet of the Hall of the Serpent is the God of Fire - Semargl. According to some sources, he is also considered the Guardian of Crops. The ancient Slavs believed that this deity helped burn snow in the fields. This means that it opened the land for crops.

In a certain sense, the essence of this deity is similar to the meaning of the Sun God. Semargl held a fiery sword in his hands. With his help, he could drive out the evil spirits that enter the world of people from Navi.

  • Fire God gives Snakes good health. Since ancient times, people believed that fire helps get rid of any disease.
  • In addition, the deity protects from any evil - damage, the evil eye, spirits and other evil spirits will not be scary.
  • Another ability of this god is considered to be protection from hunger. There is also a figurative meaning behind this interpretation. The amulet helps to get rich on a spiritual level.

Like many deities, Semargl is considered a warrior. However, the Slavs believed that he knew how to resolve any conflict without the use of weapons. In addition, the deity patronizes scientists and speakers.

The Fire God talisman can be worn by all people who want to gain new knowledge. The Snake amulet will help you get comfortable in an unfamiliar topic.

How to clear and activate the sign?

The following recommendations will help:

  1. tune in to the right atmosphere;
  2. thoughts should be pure and calm;
  3. turn to higher powers with sincere intentions, thinking about the purposes of using the amulet;
  4. then wrap the talisman in a red piece and leave it on the windowsill; within a day it will absorb the power of the sun and moon;
  5. then put the amulet under the pillow to transfer most of your energy to it.

The magazine coil needs to be cleaned. There are two ways.

  1. By fire. Place the amulet on the table and place a wax candle next to it. Light a candle and wait for it to burn out. During this time, the amulet will get rid of dark forces and the energy of the previous owner or master.
  2. Earth. Wrap the talisman in a plastic bag and place it in a bowl with salt. Keep for one night. After the ceremony, the coil must lie in the rays of the sun, then the moon.

Making a talisman with the image of the Serpent's palace and its activation

The amulet of this palace is a figure that includes 3 isosceles triangles crossed with each other. There is a cross in the center. The figure is enclosed in a circle.

Since ancient times, this amulet has been made of wood. It was small in size.

Later, gold and silver began to be used as materials. At first, the symbol was simply applied to a small board and only later began to be carved out.

The talisman is most often made of metal.

After manufacturing, the amulet needs to be charged with the energy of the future owner. The talisman should be worn closer to the body. It must be hidden from prying eyes.

It is strictly forbidden to combine the Snake amulet with wearing the Thor talisman. These amulets have opposite properties and neutralize each other's properties.

Is it possible to create the Serpentine amulet yourself?

You can create a snake amulet yourself by carving the symbol on a wooden, clay or stone medallion. You can also purchase a ready-made pendant made of high-quality metal, silver or gold. If desired, you can order the production of a Slavic coil, complementing it with semi-precious or precious stones. But you need to remember: an outsider can think about anything while working on the amulet, and this can negatively affect the energy of the coil. Even if you perform a cleansing ritual, a drop of someone else’s energy will remain in the amulet forever.

It is unacceptable to purchase a coil as a gift, even for loved ones and close people. And even more so, you should not give your own talisman to anyone. Together with the amulet, you give your protection and good luck to the other person.

Symbol in tattoo

Only a person with nerves of steel and very strong energy can get a tattoo with such an image. Such an image promotes intellectual development and helps discover new talents. This sign can indicate a person’s temper or even aggressiveness.

In general, you need to be careful with such people. A negatively inclined Snake can do many things that he will later regret. Therefore, it is better for fierce and determined people not to get such a tattoo. It can enhance character flaws. The same applies to the image of a scorpion on the body.

The Hall of the Snake is an important Slavic symbol that patronizes active and determined people. To develop strong character traits, it is important to choose the right talisman and learn to wear it without showing it to others.

The meaning of the Serpentine amulet

In ancient times, the snake was a symbol of reliability and power. The Slavs believed in the ability of the snake symbol to endow the earth with the power of fertility. The people even had a superstition: if a snake lives near a dwelling, the family hearth is protected from evil. Women embroidered Serpentine on children's clothes, asking the powerful creature to protect the child from troubles and illnesses.

The property of the coil is to protect its owner from any troubles, negativity and envious people. And the amulet itself personifies the combination of light and dark. The people believed that the serpent repels evil, redirecting the flow of negativity to the envious person, and the good god helps with good intentions and fulfills desires.

Every person has both a positive and negative side of personality. Possession of a talisman with the Serpentine gives strength to fight visible and invisible enemies, and balances opposing character traits.


The most curious people by year of birth are Monkeys according to the eastern calendar. This is a sign of romantics, pioneers and creators. They do not recognize conventions and restrictions. The rules were not invented for the Monkey. She frivolously violates them and runs away from responsibility. Therefore, Monkeys often find themselves lonely and unable to work in a team.

Precious jewelry with stones that help concentrate is suitable for the Monkey.

  • A strong talisman is agate. The stone increases memory, attentiveness, and develops a tendency to reflection and introspection.
  • Aquamarine will make a responsible and purposeful person out of the Monkey and will help to complete the work started.
  • Monkeys are unhappy in love because of their inconstancy. Red pomegranate will help them build strong relationships and save their family.
  • Ruby is necessary to protect the Monkey from the negativity of others.


People born in the year of the Dog are very smart and noble. They have a strongly developed sense of duty, a desire to help and protect their loved ones. Dogs are good performers, but they cannot reach great heights due to bouts of laziness, apathy and pessimism.

  • Amber is necessary to lift the Dog’s mood and increase vital activity.
  • The Dog's strong stone is jasper. The gem helps to cope with anxiety, aggressiveness and anger.
  • Carnelian makes it possible to win the love and respect of others.
  • Sapphire and moonstone protect the trusting Dog from deception.
  • Regular and black pearls suit the sign, helping to find happiness in love.

What main qualities does it have?

It has many important and valuable properties. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Gift of healing. Reptile venom can not only kill, but also heal. For example, ailments of the genitourinary area, disorders in the sexual sphere, and congestive processes are well cured. The animal spirit copes with apathy and depression, as well as lack of vital energy. Promotes the development of observation, restraint and composure.
  2. Change and transformation. The snake is an excellent ally in situations where you need to cope with difficulties and not lose heart. It promotes a new vision of the problem and situation. If you call on her spirit in days of difficult trials, you can feel a different personality in yourself. And this new entity will have all the strength to cope with difficulties.
  3. Premonition. A totem is an excellent assistant in determining the essence of things and phenomena. Wisdom, foresight and insight are the qualities that he can impart to those who question him. It will help you recognize lies and give you the opportunity to get to know a person from the inside.
  4. Adaptation. Reptiles have existed on earth for millions of years. And this indicates excellent survival of creatures. Their scales are a wonderful protection that allows them to escape silently and quickly, and their amazing flexibility makes it possible to overcome obstacles.
  5. The ability to see past incarnations.
  6. Influence people and put them into a trance.

You can also mention the ability to resist toxic substances, as well as get rid of habits that can cause harm.

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