Which sector directly affects wealth or apartment according to Feng Shui

Each area of ​​space in Feng Shui has significance for a person, but for this it needs to be activated. East is a zone that is divided into three sectors. It turns out to be a related group. The main one - eastern - is family and health. The southeast is responsible for wealth and profit, and the northeast is the zone of knowledge and wisdom. They are connected by a thin thread, although they are supported by different elements. A small and a large tree are responsible for the eastern and southeastern ones, where the second occupies the upper left corner on the Ba Gua map, and the northeastern one is supported by the earth and occupies the lower right corner.

But if you look deeper, the tree grows on the ground, therefore, apparently this element brings the three sectors together, regardless of what angle they occupy. If you combine the meanings of the zones, the group is responsible for a wise approach in family affairs, favors the success of children in knowledge, and promotes material success. At least these are some of the main roles that sectors perform.

And now more about each of them using examples of individual rooms.

How to determine sectors in an apartment yourself

We know that we have 8 cardinal directions: North, South, West, East, North-West, North-East, South-West, South-East.
Each of these directions corresponds to a specific family member. In other words, depending on your social status in the family, you have an important connection to one (or more) of these areas, which are most often called palaces.

In order to understand where each sector is located, you need to take the apartment plan, complete this plan to an even rectangle, divide each side into three equal segments (putting dots) and connect these points to each other. You will get a grid of 9 rectangles (or squares, if the apartment is square). Next, you need to use a compass to determine the directions and enter them into 8 sectors.

So, there are eight directions and nine squares. We have another Palace on our plan - the central one.

The Central Palace does not correspond to a specific person, but it has its own important rules.

General Tips

There are general Feng Shui rules for any apartment, even if it is not divided into zones.

  • the apartment should be clean, dust, dirty, old things disrupt the positive energy of the house;
  • throw away damaged items, broken mechanisms, chipped cups and plates;
  • Feng Shui areas should have good lighting. Access to sunlight should not be blocked during the day; electric lamps should be used at night. Darkness has the ability to accumulate negative energy.
  • repairs should be done as often as possible so that the walls, floor and ceiling do not have cracks;
  • large, heavy objects should be placed along the walls so that they do not interfere with the movement of beneficial energies;
  • According to Feng Shui, doors for an apartment should open into the room, and in the bathroom - outward;
  • do not hang sharp objects above your head, especially above the bed;
  • do not create abandoned places in the house with a accumulation of old things. In such places negative energy accumulates, destroying the harmony of the room;
  • The furnishings in the room should please all its residents. It’s great if, according to Feng Shui, the apartment seems cozy and comfortable for all family members.

The heart of the house or the central palace in Bazi

The central palace is also called the heart of the house, and it is related to the cardiovascular system of every living person and to the preservation and accumulation of wealth.

To avoid problems with the cardiovascular system and difficulties with saving earned money, it is very important that the following are not located in the central sector:

  • toilet and/or bathroom;
  • fireplace (real, with a chimney);
  • ladder;

It’s good if the Central Palace is free and there is no heavy Furniture in its center.

To find the very center of the Central Palace, you need to connect the corners of your house (after you have built it to a rectangle). The intersection of these lines will be the center, and it should always be free.

If the apartment is irregularly shaped AND the Central Palace (or most of it) is located outside the house, this will also have an impact on health and wealth.

Now let's move on to the rest of the Palaces.

What's in the kitchen?

The rules of Feng Shui apply to all rooms in the house. Including the kitchen. It would probably be more correct to say - to the kitchen first. After all, this is where the family hearth is located, even if it is just a gas or electric stove.

Food is prepared here and the whole family gathers at the table. Discussion of pressing problems occurs precisely at this time. Therefore, it is important that in the kitchen the energies are in a harmonious state and do not interfere or suppress each other.

It is better to place the stove on the south side, and the refrigerator on the north or northeast. Between them you can place a wooden object - a table, bedside table, stool, chair. They will be the link between fire and ice.

Cutlery - knives, forks and spoons should be kept on the table or in the closet so that they are not visible. According to Feng Shui, electrical appliances are placed in areas that require increased stimulation.

The front door should be positioned so that during cooking it is behind the cook’s back - this way the dishes will turn out healthy and tasty, and the cook himself will not feel discomfort.

North-West in Feng Shui

This is the metal sector. This palace is extremely important in the house. It is associated with the ability to make money, create, create, start new things, manage and protect.

Associated with the eldest man in the family, a man after 45 years of age and the main breadwinner in the house (they will have the most significant influence). For example: a family has a husband, wife and 46-year-old son, the wife is the main breadwinner. In this case, the palace will have a strong influence on all three.

In the body it represents the head and brain.

It is not favorable if fiery objects (stove, fireplace) are located in the Northern Palace. If this is the case and there is no way to change the purpose of the rooms, for example, the kitchen in the North-West and the stove, it is important to at least move the stove. And additionally use a lot of yellow, sand, brown shades and ceramic products.

But it’s better not to place fire objects in the Northwestern Palace at all.

The absence of this sector is critical. If a single woman lives in such an apartment, it will be extremely difficult for her to get married. A man in such a house will not have support from space and sooner or later he will want to leave. The absence of a sector will affect the ability to create new things, manage and make money. People living in such a house will experience a feeling of insecurity.

In terms of health, this will be expressed in problems and diseases of the head and brain.

general information

There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of this practice, and it is generally considered pseudoscience in academic circles. But many people remember these eastern principles when it comes to important aspects of life: laying the foundation of a future home, organizing and promoting a business, weddings and the birth of children.

The popularity of Taoist philosophy for improving one's own space has led to the fact that the basic principles and rules of Feng Shui have become more adapted and understandable for the common Russian citizen.

The Power of Ba Gua Matrix

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The main idea: to activate the flow of good creative energy around you. To do this, it is proposed to divide a person’s basic life values ​​into nine zones: love, career, wealth, family, children, health, travel, fame, knowledge.

Each of these life aspects corresponds to a certain compass direction (cardinal direction). Knowing how to activate the right sector helps you achieve success in any area of ​​life.

Basic definitions of sectors

  • North is a person’s life purpose, his special path, self-realization.

This side is responsible for everything related to career and personal growth. The ruling element is water. Favorable light colors for this sector: black, the color of wet asphalt, pale blue, dark blue.

  • South – maintaining personal self-esteem, self-confidence and recognition of success and influence in society.

The southern side will be especially interested in vain and moderately proud people who have high standards and far-reaching plans in achieving their goals. Blazing red will help make the universe think about your intentions. The natural element of the south is fire.

  • East – family values ​​can be taken to a new higher level by activating this direction. Correct design of the eastern part of the space will help to establish relationships between different generations of children and parents, make friends between warring and offended relatives, and create an atmosphere of kindness, love and devotion in the family.

This sector is subject to the natural elements of the forest and taiga. The main element of the zone is wood. The most benevolent color is green and all its shades. This zone can feel the freshness of a winter garden or the richness of young spring grass. Everything will mark a creative process.

  • West - is responsible for the creative potential of the individual, and also refers to everything related to children (present, future, strangers or adopted ones). The natural element of the west side is metal.

Features of a happy color scheme are associated with rich white, silver, metallic shades, as well as golden tones. The activation of the western part of the world gives the individual hope for continuation of the family, for finding an heir.

And for those who are involved in a creative profession that requires colossal emotional stress, this well-developed sector promises a sea of ​​positive moments from their own revealed talent.

Some sectors (Wealth, Love, Wisdom, Travel) occupy a place between the main cardinal points.

  • Southeast – responsible for financial stability, prosperity and monetary abundance. Those who strive to take a leading position, to strengthen their dominance in the social environment, should also carefully address this area. After all, with a high level of income comes power and influence in society.

This direction also supports the element - wood, and the appearance of green shades in this direction will affect the growth of human well-being. But since the tree loves a lot of moisture, an accompanying element of this sector will be water in the form of a beautiful and clean vessel with decorative fish, an aquarium. But under no circumstances should there be a running tap in this area, which, on the contrary, portends losses and damages.

  • Southwest - promotes love and the creation of a marriage. This is the earth sector, since its natural element is earth. The color scheme that opens the corridor for Qi energy can be earth tones, but not necessarily. This zone is supported and thrives in pink, scarlet and tomato color spectrums.

People who are single or single, those who are looking for love or want to strengthen relationships will pay special attention to this side of the matrix. Girls who are languishing in anticipation of a proposal from their lover should especially seriously study the detailed theme of this zone and devote time to the cleanliness of the space.

Any symbolism of love is appropriate; things should exclude reminders of past love failures. It is worth storing here paired items that exclude a hint of false independence, feminism, or love of recluse. There should be equal amounts of male and female energy in this sector.

  • Northeast - this direction helps to store and increase the store of knowledge and wisdom. This sector will help someone come to enlightenment, insight, and deep prudence.

After working with this zone, you can be inspired by new ideas, search for other ways of personal development, and acquire skills to work in a new field of activity. And for some, this may be an opportunity to pass on their unique experience and knowledge to a promising student. Only a wise person is able to understand how free he is to get whatever he wants.

  • North-West - the direction has a double meaning: on the one hand, it is responsible for assistants, and on the other, for successful trips and travels. The natural element is metal. The colors that cause positive activity in this direction are ash white, metallic, silver, as well as shades of gold and emerald white.

Competent work with this sector will help the owner find support at the most unexpected moment; help may come from someone you did not expect at all. To do this, it is important that this zone is filled with photographs or portraits of people you respect, whose authority has long been indisputable for you.

Those who dream of going on vacation need to visualize their desire in the northwest of the space that constantly surrounds you. The brighter and more real this picture is for you, the faster you will bring the moment of departure to a distant country closer.

  • The center of the Ba Gua matrix relates to health. The philosophy of Feng Shui places great importance on personal well-being. After all, the desire to change all other aspects of one’s life for the better depends on the presence of good health.

An important natural element of this direction is the earth. Its presence can be expressed in shades of terracotta (brown with an element of red). But since the center is directly related to each sector, the variety of colors here is not limited.

Those who want to look cheerful and good, change their figure, or find motivation for playing sports are recommended to place a vase of fruit, a jug of clean drinking water in the center, and hang a beautiful crystal chandelier that illuminates a large space.

This eastern philosophy is very fascinating, but you need to follow the principles: purity, naturalness, harmony, moderation and uncongested sectors. You should have fun and enjoy your transformations, and not keep bumping into an unnecessary item, wondering when the magic will work.

Southwest according to feng shui

This is the land sector. It is associated with understanding, care, education, frugality. In the body it represents the stomach and abdominal cavity.

Connected with the eldest woman in the family, a woman after 45 years of age (they will have the most significant influence). For example: a family has a mother and daughters aged 47 and 50 years old. In this case, the palace will have a strong influence from all three.

It is not favorable if the South-West Palace contains a lot of living plants, products or decor made of natural wood, green shades are used.

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties in education, order, and mutual understanding.

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Southern sector according to Feng Shui

This is the fire sector. His emotion is joy. In the body it represents the cardiovascular system and the eyes.

Connected with the middle daughter in the family (she will have the most significant influence).

It is unfavorable to place water facilities (toilets, bathrooms, swimming pool) in the Southern Palace. If this is the case and there is no way to change the purpose of the rooms, use a lot of green shades, natural wood and living plants in the interior of the room.

If the apartment is of irregular shape and this sector is absent, this can lead to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and emotional difficulties - it is difficult for those living to experience joy and fun.

North according to feng shui

This is the water sector. It is associated with communication, the ability of those living in the house to communicate with each other and with other people. In the body it represents the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

Connected with the middle son in the family (he will have the most significant influence).

It is not favorable if fiery objects (stove, fireplace) are located in the Northern Palace. If this is the case and there is no way to change the purpose of the rooms, the use of green, living plants and natural wood will again help us.

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties in communication and potential problems with the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

What has no place in the northeast of the house

You need to give up aquariums, fountains and other water symbols. Unfavorable colors for the Wisdom zone are green, blue, gray.

You should not leave here entertaining literature, unnecessary pieces of paper, or objects symbolizing cruelty and misfortune. Always empty your waste paper basket on time.

A place for privacy

An unfavorable situation in the zone of Wisdom, quarrels, scandals will lead to difficulties in learning and acquiring new necessary knowledge. Do not block the flow of energy with trash, objects that are unpleasant to you, or broken furniture. There is no place for torn books here - send them for restoration.

Don't forget about order and daily airing of the room. Cluttering the Knowledge sector prevents you from receiving outside help and does not allow the people you need into your life.

Northeast sector according to Feng Shui

This is the land sector. It is associated with accumulation, preservation of finances and social position, reputation, authority. In the body it represents the hands and fingers, nose, spine.

Associated with the youngest son in the family and boys under 15 years of age (they will have the most significant influence).

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties with reputation, authority, accumulation and preservation of wealth and status; problems or diseases (injuries) of the hands and fingers, and spine may also arise.

South-East sector according to Feng Shui

This is a tree sector. It is associated with the transfer of information and emotions - romance, inspiration, optimism. In the body the area of ​​the hip joints, thighs and genitals.

Connected with the eldest daughter in the family and a woman 30-45 years old (they will have the most significant influence).

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties in the emotional sphere, romance, inspiration, the ability to transmit information; problems or diseases of the pelvic organs and hip joints may also arise.

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