2022 Forecast for Animals of the Chinese Calendar

Yang Tree, Yang Tree.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


Receipt methods

There are three known methods for obtaining agar oil, namely hydro-distillation, steam distillation and supercritical CO2 extraction. The first two are the most common. An important factor influencing the final product (oil) is the age of the tree. Old trees have a higher resin content and, like wine, their resin gets better with age. Speaking about the classification of Agarwood oil, it must also be said that the highest quality is obtained during the first distillation. After each subsequent distillation of wood, the quality of the oil decreases. The oil obtained by hydro-distillation is valued higher than that obtained by steam distillation. Experts say the latter lacks the voluminous, smoky nuances that come with hydro-distillation. In both methods, the resulting oil is filtered, exposed to the sun and aged for some time. The longer the oil ages, the better its aroma will be.

Yanskoye Tree

A person of this personality type in nature correlates with a large, strong tree.

Depending on the strength of this element in the chart and the season of birth, it could be, for example, a mighty oak tree with powerful roots and trunk, or a young slender birch tree with a lush crown, an apple tree blooming in lush colors, or a fading apple tree that has shed its foliage and given up all its strength to give birth to juicy fruits.

Likewise in life, a Yang Tree man throughout his life, depending on the coming pillars of luck, can be beautiful in his flowering, be useful, giving fruits and coolness, or, having shed his leaves, will sadly wait in the wings to gain them again. strength and power, and again become beautiful and useful.

As a rule, the presence of this element in any Ba Tzu chart gives patience and endurance. A person is able to endure hardships and hardships for a long time, but never loses hope and faith in future success. And, indeed, when a favorable period comes, people of this type “grow” very quickly and rise up. They achieve success with incredible speed, and in this they are second only to people of the Fire element. But, unlike Fire, which can flare up and quickly go out, these are hard workers who are focused on the long term and a specific, visible result. And, although they do not like to plan and often act spontaneously and even illogically, people of the Yang Tree are able to maintain their luck for a long time and get good results from their activities.

People of the Wood element are often credited with altruism and virtue. These are compassionate people, ready to help the weak and needy, and they usually do this with great pleasure and selflessness.

Very often among these people there are those who live for others and not for themselves. And therefore, they make good healers and doctors, as well as teachers.

In nature, a Tree gives birth to fruits in order to give them to others. Here you can draw a straight line from the natural elements to man. Tree people also give away what they own: knowledge, strength, energy, thereby giving “food” to others for restoration, development and growth. Therefore, it is not surprising that the best teachers and doctors belong to the Wood element.

Yang Tree people are innovators and generators of ideas. They do not like to mark time and do everything “the old fashioned way,” in traditional and generally accepted ways. Many of them are endowed with creative abilities, and if they do not realize them in creative activities, they will definitely transfer their abilities to their ordinary life and activities. They love original, unusual things. They cannot stand routine in their work and will do everything possible to somehow diversify the process.

Both at home and at work, people of this type strive for the role of leader. And they do it well if there is a person nearby who is prone to order, discipline and planning. They need such a person because they absolutely do not like and do not know how to plan and make many decisions spontaneously and unexpectedly even for themselves.

The advantage is that they live not by logic, but by intuition, and intuition, as we know, is a very powerful force; we have to learn how to use it correctly. Therefore, even the most illogical decisions are the only correct ones, although at first glance they seem absolutely hopeless.

But especially “wooden” individuals should be wary of their emotional impulses. In a certain emotional state, people of this type can commit actions that can leave an imprint for the rest of their lives. Emotions often rule Yang Tree people. At the forefront of compassion and humanity, people of this type can be irritable and intolerant of others. Frustration can develop into anger and even rage.

A jealous character and suspiciousness, which is inherent in many representatives of this personality type, can make the life of a partner unbearable during certain periods of their coexistence. But here the main thing for the partner is to wait out the dangerous period, because the explosiveness goes away along with the elements of Water or Wood that fade into time.

Typical representatives of the Yang Wood element should be wary of the Yang Metal that comes in time (in the pillar of luck, year and even month). This is a time when circumstances are so tough that many, even the most persistent and strong people of this personality type, are broken and lose faith in themselves. And a broken Tree takes a very long time to recover and regain its former strength.

Fortunately, even in the most difficult times, Tree people are surrounded by allies and well-wishers, and this helps them survive a difficult moment and not lose heart while waiting for a favorable period.

A few keywords to describe the features of this type:

altruist, humanist, friendly, fair, sociable, charming, compassionate, generous, good conversationalist, purposeful, principled, emotional, active, active, fast, result-oriented, spontaneous, absent-minded, undisciplined, creative, curious, intuitive, aggressive, nervous , restless, irritable, jealous, suspicious.

When analyzing how different people can get along with each other, and how favorable their union is for a particular activity, it should be borne in mind that when analyzing compatibility, not only interaction by personality type is taken into account. There are a lot of subtleties for such an analysis. However, in order to seriously learn to understand Ba Tzu, it is very important to pay attention to these indicators.

If in the Ba-Tzu charts of partners all the elements are more or less balanced, then the possible partnership options given here will most often manifest themselves in exactly this way.

If there is a certain imbalance of energies, then everything, of course, will develop according to a different scenario. For example, Yang Metal openly opposes Yang Wood, and can even be dangerous for this personality type. But if the Yang Tree is very powerful and needs to be weakened, then the metal of the ax can do a good job if it cuts off unnecessary branches, giving room for the growth of new shoots.

Good compatibility between Yang Tree and Yang Fire . It is especially good if the Yang Fire gives the Yang Tree the opportunity to be a patron, teacher, “commander-in-chief,” at least formally. Together they can achieve amazing results in joint activities. However, the element of Water must be present in the chart of both partners, or at least the type of joint activity must be directly related to this element. Otherwise, the Sun Man will dry up the weak Tree, depriving it of its strength and ability to bear fruit.

With Yin Fire , everything usually works out well if the cards of both partners are not very “hot” and both have the element of Water. Too strong Yin Fire is very unpredictable and can flare up for any reason. And a dry Tree, not supported by the element of Water, can become excellent food for the ambitious, shocking Fire. As they say, “burned out at work” :)

the Yang Land will develop depends on the presence of the remaining elements in both Ba-Tzu maps. If Wood and Earth are strong, then they will find something to learn from each other and this union can become productive. If the Earth is weak, then conflicts are possible due to the desire of both to dominate, due to intransigence. The Weak Tree will hasten to escape from the Strong Yang Earth, since it loves freedom and independence and prefers to dominate itself. Or Yana Land will get tired of the endless complaints and demands of the Tree Man.

Yin Earth. In such a union, absolute harmony can arise if the Tree is the husband and the wife is the Earth. This is an ideal union in which the wife is the muse and assistant of the husband, who, thanks to the support of his wife, achieves tremendous success. But at the same time, the Earth must be supported by related elements and the season of birth. Weak Earth needs to take more care of herself, since she can become a victim in such an alliance and it is better for her to avoid frequent interaction with the Tree Man.

Yang Metal is the irreconcilable rival of Yang Wood. These are completely different people, with radically polar worldviews and attitudes towards people, work and themselves. Therefore, conflicts often arise between them and relationships resemble grandiose battles on the battlefield. However, there are exceptions. With certain components of the horoscope, such relationships can bring the necessary adrenaline to the lives of both partners. To do this, they must be clearly expressed people of the elements of strong Metal and Wood, and certain combinations of NS and GE must be present in the Ba-Tzu chart.

Yin Metal and Yang Wood. It is difficult to imagine what might connect typical representatives of these personality types. Interaction as necessary, “casual acquaintance,” nothing more.

An alliance with Yang Water can be very harmonious, especially if the Tree needs the support of related elements, and Water is not too aggressive. In this case, the partner of the water element becomes resources for the growth and development of the Tree. But too energetic and cold Water can destroy the Tree, and weak Water can waste its strength. It is necessary to maintain a balance by choosing for partners a suitable place of residence, type of activity, and cultivating useful character traits.

Yin Water not only pleases the Tree very much, but is also very useful. Can a Tree grow without Water? Very often, a promising and harmonious union arises between partners of these personality types. Only if Yin Water is very weak can it go in search of energy to someone who will saturate it with moisture.

Two Yang Trees easily find a common language and communicate with each other with pleasure. The intensity of communication depends on the strength of this element in the charts of both partners, and in some cases the union can be, as they say, “do not spill water.” If the cards of both partners are balanced or weak, then the resulting tandem may surprise with its unexpected rise to the heights of social Olympus. If both Tree People are very strong, then confrontation is possible due to the desire of both to dominate.

A friendly or creative union usually occurs between a typical Yang and Yin Tree. These two personality types complement each other perfectly. Softness and flexibility on the one hand, firmness of spirit and determination on the other. The same outlook on life makes the union harmonious, creativity and originality make it productive. If a romantic union is formed, then it is good if the Yang Tree is a man and the Yin Tree is a woman. Otherwise, the woman will strive to dominate and suppress.

!!! After reviewing this information, do not rush to draw conclusions about the compatibility of certain partners until you understand all the relationships and subtleties of Ba Tzu.

When are synthetic substitutes needed?

The need to develop synthetic substitutes (analogs) usually arises when regular supplies of natural raw materials in the required quantities are unavailable and/or expensive. This is very relevant for the situation with oud. And therefore the perfume industry is already actively using its chemical analogues. Due to their low cost, they occupied a significant, albeit least profitable, segment of the market. It is worth noting that these analogues actually do not even come close to the imitated natural product. The main chemical components responsible for the characteristic aroma of oud, sesquiterpenes, can in principle be synthesized. However, they are very difficult and expensive to synthesize, making the process completely unattractive commercially. Thus, the aroma of natural oud oil is very easy to distinguish from its synthetic counterparts. Real oud smells magical - it is a warm aura full of smoky, woody and balsamic shades with sweet and sour nuances. Synthetic oud smells simple - it is a woody-leather scent that lacks volume and play of shades.

General trends of the year

On February 4, 2022, according to the Chinese Solar Calendar, the Year of the Water Tiger will begin.
Image of 2022 - Yang Water on the Tiger is the image of a strong tree in the rain. A harmonious combination of elements, since water gives birth to wood through the Wu Xing cycle. Yang water is ocean water, so in 2022, accidents on the water are likely - typhoons, tsunamis, shipwrecks.

In addition, water is always about the mind and communication, so in 2022 there will be more intellectual connections between people.

Water is money for the earth element, so the agriculture, land management, hotel management, and insurance industries will flourish.

The Wood element will be quite strong in 2022. Wood is money for the metal element, so success in 2022 will affect the metal rolling industries, banks, computers, and cars.

Economic recovery and growth are expected due to the birth of Fire that occurs in Tigris. The downside of the emergence of the element of Fire is the intensification of forest fires and volcanic eruptions. But the fire in 2022 is not too strong yet, as it is controlled by the celestial stem Water Yang.

A large package of individual activations will help you improve your luck. It includes the maximum possible number of Feng Shui and Qimen activations, calculated according to your date of birth. These are the activations of Push Money, Noble Man, Post Horse, Birds, Dragons, Walks, Money Star.

According to the Chinese calendar, the same year of the Water Tiger was 60 years ago, in 1962. Similar events may occur in 2022. What is the year 1962 remembered for in our country? The Caribbean crisis between Russia and America has begun. Khrushchev staged a public scolding of avant-garde artists at an exhibition of contemporary art in Manege. The first group flight into space took place in the USSR. Civilians were shot at a demonstration in Novocherkassk who came out to protest against a sharp increase in food prices.

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