Fire Monkey Key Traits of the Chinese Zodiac


According to the Chinese calendar, 2016 is the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

In the Chinese calendar, according to a 12-year cycle, each year is associated with a specific animal.

The Monkey is the ninth of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, which is associated with the Chinese calendar.

Years of the Monkey include: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2021, and 2028


The monkey is a very active animal, and in the year of the Fire Monkey there is a great chance to dramatically change your life

, realize old dreams and start moving towards success.

New Year 2021: Year of the Fire Monkey

This year is considered a time of development. The Year of the Monkey is considered an exciting and interesting time, when it is worth thinking about incredible endeavors and imagining


In the Chinese horoscope, this animal is also a symbol of fantasy, since the monkey adapts to a changing environment faster than other animals, and also because it is very inquisitive


The Fire Monkey is distinguished by its agility of mind, good productivity and thrifty attitude towards money.

. Those born this year have a desire to gain new knowledge and travel.

Since spontaneity and inconstancy are one of the main characteristic features of the Red Fire Monkey, everything that happens around should be perceived with calmness, without leading to conflict.

It is believed that the Red Fire Monkey, a cunning animal

, which means she will find a way out of any situation.

In the year of the Monkey, you should not get involved in an open fight

. The best thing to do is to look for common ground with others.

And yet it is worth noting that this year’s symbol is not favorable. Few people will feel sorry for you or empathize with you, which means that most often you will have to rely only on yourself


According to the eastern calendar, the Monkey is a big playwright and loves to play pranks

, which means the Year of the Monkey will become bright and unforgettable. This year, try to catch more pleasure, have fun, travel and generally pamper yourself.

The element of fire makes them brave

The Chinese fire element is known for making people more energetic and proactive. When this element is combined with the sign of the Monkey, it makes its native more intense and extreme.

Fire Monkeys are the most impulsive and energetic people in this sign. They like to dominate, they want to be leaders or constantly compete. But they need to be careful that these traits don't become overwhelming.

These people want to be in control in every situation. This means that sometimes they can become too strong for others.

He is driven by the fact that the Fire Monkeys are the first and remain in this place forever. Each time they are in control of a situation, they get better at dealing with people and begin to care for those who happen to be their subordinates or who need them.

With Fire energy, aggressive and fast-thinking Monkeys become more courageous to do things that others would not even dare to do. And such bold behavior may not be as profitable as they think.

But no matter what, they will always be resourceful, active and will attract many people who can help them get out of trouble. Fire Monkeys tend to jump from one project to another, from relationship to another, in search of good solutions to what is bothering them.

In general, Fire Monkeys are open, happy, and always treat others well. This is why they have many friends and can make new ones very quickly. Their impulsiveness must be directed towards constructive and positive projects, otherwise Fire Monkeys can become dangerous and destructive.

If these Monkeys were more patient, they would have better relationships and things would go better for them. They also need to think more carefully about their actions to protect their interests.

Color of the Year of the Monkey: red


the color can stimulate appetite and passion, while pink stones such as rose quartz can attract romance.

Red color can add energy and improve blood circulation

, but don't forget that red is the color associated with fire.

This year, you should avoid the color red if you are in the same room with a person who has a fever, burn, sunburn, as well as someone who has suffered a sunstroke or has a fever-related illness.

Features of nature

At first glance, the Monkey may seem simple. However, this is a misleading impression. In fact, she is a multifaceted person. Her keen mind makes her a first-class strategist. A good memory allows you to remember the necessary information, extracting maximum benefit from it. There are no hopeless situations for her.

A person born under this sign is a clever manipulator. He always gets his way by acting on hidden levers. Without malicious intent, he can play against the rules in order to achieve his goal. Thanks to his powers of observation, he has a good understanding of people.

This is a very inquisitive nature that constantly strives to try something new. He often changes professions, trying to find himself in a particular field. She likes to be the center of attention. She has a cheerful, easy-going character, an excellent sense of humor, and has many friends.

The lack of restraint inherent in people of the ninth sign often leads to sudden changes in mood. Due to excessive emotionality, they are straightforward and intolerant. Those born this year should not be offended - they are vindictive and vindictive. This year's person is selfish by nature. He does not accept it when something does not go according to his plan, he likes to command. Can easily change his mind without thinking about others.


The ninth sign of the eastern calendar gives a man multiple talents. Ambition and resourcefulness are traits that help you achieve success in any field. This is an unprincipled careerist who can use “dirty” tricks. He is savvy and knowledgeable. He can handle finance, politics, trade or diplomacy. Having chosen his calling, he can become famous.

Relationships with a Monkey man are almost always doomed to failure. This is a frivolous, selfish nature, incapable of love. If the couple does work out, the representative of the sign will establish a strict dictatorship in it. He will show aggression, morally suppress his partner, and demand love for himself. This behavior of a man is influenced by hidden complexes and lack of internal harmony.


The Monkey Woman has a balanced, even character. It is characterized by harmony and excellent taste. Those born under this sign are endowed with an attractive appearance, gentle, and caring.

This is a very touchy nature. Doesn't tolerate criticism. You won't be able to force your opinion on her. The independent character makes the Monkey invulnerable to suggestion. She is very cunning and inventive. Approaches assigned tasks with originality. This personality is bursting with ideas, which he immediately begins to implement. Often gives up what he starts halfway through.

The representative of this sign loves noisy companies and cannot imagine life without entertainment. Its main feature is posing. The behavior of the Monkey is not limited by any boundaries. In relationships, such a woman is fickle. She easily commits betrayal. To save the family, she may try to keep the man with children. However, her maternal feelings are poorly developed.

What to celebrate the New Year in: Year of the Monkey

The color of the Year of the Monkey is red, so you should wear bright clothes

, which stands out a lot.

Choose clothes of all shades of red, from scarlet to brown

If you do not like very bright clothes, then you can wear clothes in bed colors
, brown and even black. It is advisable to dilute the dark color of clothing with metal accessories.

The most important thing is to wear what you are truly comfortable wearing.

, because the monkey is an active animal.

Be sure to wear jewelry and jewelry

On New Year's Eve, you simply must have decorations on yourself. It is desirable that the jewelry contain red stones - ruby, garnet or fire opal
. You can also pay attention to stones of fiery origin, which are created from volcanic rocks, for example, amber.

For the New Year, you can dare to make an unusual hairstyle that will please the Fire Monkey and make you luckier in the new year.

Years of the sign

The Chinese calendar consists of 12 cycles, each of which corresponds to a specific animal. The Monkey occupies ninth place in the eastern horoscope, located between the Goat and the Rooster. She is part of the first triad of the zodiac. This sign is patronized by the male energy Yang and the constellation Leo. Eastern astrology suggests that each animal rules over the year once every 12 years. Thus, Monkeys were born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2021. The next year of the Monkey is 2028.

What can you give for 2021 year of the Red Fire Monkey?

This year, it is desirable that your gifts to family and friends stand out for their unusualness, and maybe even extravagance. This means that you will have to spend a lot of time to find the right New Year's gift.

It’s better to give not just a beautiful gift, but also a practical one.


* To a woman

You can give jewelry, gift certificates or universal sets.

* To a man

It’s better to give something that relates to his interests or hobbies. You can also give a man clothes or an accessory.

* Parents

donate household appliances.

* For children

give educational toys.

* Work colleagues

You can give souvenirs (including those made by yourself), various useful things for work, sets of sweets or gift certificates.

Character Weaknesses

The representative of the Monkey sign is quick-tempered, and it takes almost a second to get him angry. The Monkey's actions are supported by a sense of his own rightness, even if he is completely mistaken, or even worse, is completely unaware of the matter. She is used to judging superficially, without delving into details, and therefore is inclined to draw premature conclusions and begin debriefing “without leaving the cash register.” Conflict is an integral part of the Monkey's characteristics.

The second weakness of the Monkey is that it often falls under the influence of others, while considering itself the mistress of the situation. People with unclean intentions prefer to deal with those who do not know how to control their emotions, and since the impulsiveness of the Monkey definitely attracts attention, she often becomes a victim of scammers and allows those who wish her harm behind the guise of a well-wisher too close to her. From all this we can conclude that the Monkey does not understand people at all.

How to properly celebrate the New Year 2021: the year of the Fire Monkey

As already mentioned earlier, in the year of the Monkey it is customary to wear bright clothes, preferably in red shades. The Fire Monkey loves everything flashy and shiny.

* Red Fire Monkey loves fun

, which means the New Year’s costume party will go off with a bang. It is advisable that all costumes be decorated in appropriate colors - red, orange, scarlet.

Since traditionally the monkey is associated with metal, you can wear something with sparkles.

* The Fire Monkey loves noisy holidays.

, so if you are used to celebrating the New Year with your family, perhaps this time you should change the tradition a little and invite friends or go to visit yourself.

* You can also sit in a restaurant with a large group

or you can go on a trip and celebrate the New Year with many other people at the main New Year tree.

* During the celebration of the Year of the Fire Monkey, it is advisable to have candles on the table.

You can set off fireworks outside or just light sparklers at home.


Increasing your energy levels will require you to lose excess fat accumulated over the long winter months. But you should not be overzealous with training. This can lead to problems with the heart and blood vessels. It's best to start with regular morning exercises and walks in the fresh air. If your health condition allows, then you need to increase the load gradually.

Some Monkeys may experience an irresistible desire to resume their previous bad habits. But it is necessary to show perseverance and strength of character. Then you will be able to achieve enviable physical activity and improve your health for many years.

What to cook for the New Year: Year of the Fire Monkey

Because the monkey loves fruits

, then to make the New Year go well, decorate the table with fruits, fruit salad and/or fruit cake.

As with clothes, it is advisable to decorate the New Year's table with bright colors

, and in its center let there be a fruit tree or
a cake with fruit

Try to choose natural products

. Among the main dishes, you can choose light salads and baked meats (it can also be cooked over a fire).

In addition, it is important to have cheese


Serve sweets with plenty of fruits and berries


The Fire Monkey likes to eat well, but he also likes to move, which means that you shouldn’t sit and eat all New Year’s Eve, it is advisable to move around, dance or take part in active competitions


Monkey Man

A fire sign guy is constantly on the move. He doesn't like to sit at home, he always needs to go or drive somewhere. In the family, he is the one who wakes up earlier than everyone else and goes to the store to buy something for breakfast. He is caring and kind to those close to him, but he also requires a good attitude towards himself.

This man chooses his life partner based on his appearance. He is attracted to bright and energetic ladies. The character of the chosen one is the last thing that interests this guy.

Faith in love lives in the soul of the Monkey until his gray hair. This is a very sensitive and vulnerable person. If his heart's affections bring disappointment, he does not despair. Even at 70, 80 or 90 years old, this man is capable of inflaming feelings for a woman and getting married to her.

Born in the year of the Monkey

People who were born in the following date ranges are considered to be those born in the Year of the Monkey:


February 2 - January 21, year of the Earth Monkey.


February 20 - February 7, year of the Metal Monkey.


February 6 - January 25, year of the Water Monkey.


January 25 - February 12, year of the Wood Monkey.


February 12 - January 30, year of the Fire Monkey.


January 30 - February 16, Year of the Earth Monkey


February 16 - February 4, year of the Metal Monkey.


February 4 - January 22, year of the Water Monkey.


January 20 - January 8, year of the Wood Monkey.

2016: what year of the Monkey?


February 6 - January 27, year of the Fire Monkey.

Constellation influence

The description according to the eastern horoscope gives only a general description of a person born in a certain year. The influence of zodiac signs should also be taken into account in order to more fully determine the traits of the Monkey.

Zodiac signCharacteristics of the Monkey
Aries (21.03 - 19.04)Ardent, impulsive, stubborn
Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)Hardworking, loyal, constant
Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)Changeable, flighty, mischievous
Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)Family-oriented, gentle, devoted
Leo (23.07 - 22.08)Narcissistic, powerful, fair
Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)Pedantic, calculating, judicious
Libra (23.09 – 23.10)Indecisive, balanced, fussy
Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)Passionate, jealous, vengeful
Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)Straightforward, perky, friendly
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)Pessimistic, critical, serious
Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)Frivolous, fickle, mismanagement
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)Dreamy, vulnerable, good-natured

New Year 2021: what type of “monkey” are you?

In the Chinese theory of the five elements, each zodiac is associated with one of the elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire, and earth. The cycle lasts 60 years - for example, the Fire Monkey hits 1 time per cycle, i.e. once every 60 years.

According to the theory, a person's character is influenced by the animal in whose year he was born and the element of that animal.

There are 5 types of Monkeys: wood, fire, earth, gold and water, and each type has its own characteristics:

Wood Monkey: born 1944, 2004

A person born this year is always ready to help others. He is compassionate, stubborn and has a strong sense of self.

Fire Monkey: born 1956, 2016

A person born this year is ambitious and seeks adventure. He may also be irritated frequently.

Earth Monkey: born 1908, 1968

A person born this year always tries to be honest, optimistic and fearless.

Golden Monkey: born 1920, 1980

A person born this year is smart, quick-witted, self-confident, but also irritable and stubborn.

Water Monkey: born 1932, 1992

A person born this year is smart, quick-witted, loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time arrogant.

Compatibility with representatives of other signs

According to the Chinese calendar, each year is ruled by a certain element that affects the compatibility of the signs. The Fire Monkey has the most successful relationships with people born in the year:

  • Fire;
  • Earth;
  • Metal.

The periods of power of certain elements in the eastern horoscope can be determined from the following table:

Each color corresponds to one of the elements:


Monkeys get along well with everyone. They know how to adapt to people if they find advantages in this for themselves. The love and marriage of this sign with others largely depend on the mood of the Fire representative. It is the Monkeys who set the tone for the relationship in a couple.

Bull (Buffalo)

The stubborn and persistent Buffalo is difficult to control. In this union, the Monkey has to listen to the partner and follow his instructions. However, over time, she finds the weak points of her chosen one and manages him perfectly in her own interests. Here the Ox always takes the leading role, but he does not notice that he is doing everything according to the orders of a perspicacious adviser. If the cunning Monkey does not begin to brag about his management abilities, then the partners live together happily ever after.

In a working relationship, as in a friendship, the Ox will have to fulfill responsibilities for two, because the insidious partner will quietly assign them to him. But this cannot continue for long. The Buffalo will one day rebel and make claims to the Monkey. This is where their cooperation will end.


The proud Tiger and Monkey will be uncomfortable. This witty prankster constantly teases her partner, points out his shortcomings and ridicules his actions. The rapprochement of these signs is possible only at the initial stage of the relationship. While passions are raging, these partners cannot tear themselves away from each other, but when the intensity subsides, they begin to have disagreements. Marital unions of such couples, as a rule, are short-lived.

But these partners are capable of forming a good tandem in business relationships. The far-sighted Monkey will tell the purposeful Tiger the best solutions, and he will lead their union to prosperity with full responsibility.

In friendship, everything is not so simple. If the Tiger strives for gambling, the Monkey is unlikely to support him. She cares about her reputation, so she does not get involved in dubious adventures.

Rabbit (Cat)

Such a union cannot be called ideal, because here each partner is trying to avoid responsibility by shifting it to the other. The Cat has fun with the Monkey, but he rarely keeps up with the pace of her life. Although he is no less fussy than she is, he still prefers a more relaxed relationship.

These signs make wonderful pairs of true friends, but working together is contraindicated for them. With the compliant Rabbit, the Monkey becomes impudent, she manages the processes, and assigns her partner the role of performer. However, he is not so naive as to not notice that he is being used. One day he gets tired of the pressure and breaks off his relationship with the Monkey.

The Dragon

This couple represents the perfect combination of a strong, self-confident and domineering Dragon with an energetic and thoughtful Monkey. Here the partners complement each other perfectly. Any business they take on is controversial. The love relationships of these signs are characterized by passion and sensuality. In such a union, both partners are able to find true happiness.

This tandem is also good in business cooperation; the joint work of these signs brings significant results, because the Dragon and the Monkey do not need to explain anything to each other. There is complete mutual understanding in their activities. The same applies to the friendly relations of these partners.


In this union, the cunning Monkey receives a worthy opponent. Here the partners are constantly trying to beat each other, but most often the victory goes to the wise and prudent Snake. This tandem is doomed to constant disagreements and understatements. Partners openly express their complaints, see shortcomings and hit weak points. Eternal rivalry does not allow the Snake and the Monkey to build a harmonious relationship.

They are not able to make friends and work together; in any relationship, each of them considers himself smarter than the other and tries to deceive. However, both are quite perceptive, so they see right through each other. Unions of such couples develop quite rarely, but even if the partners make every effort to build a successful relationship, the result is still separation.


It is difficult for a Horse to understand the resourceful Monkey. In this union, partners have opposite views of the world. The Horse's universe is simple and monotonous; this person does not strive to stand out and lives quietly and calmly. The monkey brings confusion to everything it touches. Over time, the Horse gets tired of an impulsive partner not only mentally, but also physically. It is difficult for her to tolerate the emotional outbursts of her chosen one. The marriage of this couple is doomed to divorce, but even if the partners stay together for some reason, both understand that this is only a temporary measure and one day it will all end.

Representatives of these signs are able to work in one team, but the main work will have to be done by the Horse. Their friendship can develop against the backdrop of common hobbies. But the Horse will never trust the Monkey 100%.

Goat (Sheep)

This is a crazy combination of two energetic and restless signs. Both partners are extremely artistic, they love to make scenes for each other. Here everyone plays some role, but does not show their true face. The Goat and the Monkey can have a passionate and stormy romance, but it is unlikely that things will come to a serious relationship. Typically, the marriages of these partners break up in the first years of marriage.

But representatives of these signs can be friends forever. They are never bored in each other’s company; they invent entertainment for themselves with equal passion and have a great time together. In work, this couple will show good results only if their activities are related to creativity. These signs are too eccentric for serious matters; they should not be trusted with important projects.


The perfect union of two Monkeys is impossible not to notice. This couple always stands out clearly from others. Here the partners live in perfect harmony, but at the same time they have scandals and passionate reconciliations. Two identical people understand each other perfectly, but this is precisely what pushes them into constant showdowns. In this union, each suspects the other of all mortal sins, because he judges by himself, and therefore knows for sure that the chosen one is capable of unexpected actions.

Despite frequent disagreements and quarrels, Monkey marriages are strong. These partners are comfortable together, so they are in no hurry to separate because of ordinary conflicts.

The friendship of this couple promises to be long; most often, these friends find each other at a young age and maintain contact throughout their lives. At work, two Monkeys are unlikely to show good results, but in the same team they will definitely find a common language. It is impossible to expect fruitful work from them, because most of the time they will chat happily, discuss colleagues and plot intrigues.


With the explosive and proud Rooster, the Monkey has to behave diplomatically. This partner will not allow anyone to be sarcastic about him; he instantly takes a leading position and puts his chosen one in her place. In such an alliance, the Monkey does not manage to show her cunning and resourcefulness, the Rooster is very insightful and smart, he immediately sees all her tricks.

Couples of these signs rarely fight. But if they keep in touch for a long time, then they accumulate a lot of claims against each other. The Rooster hits the Monkey painfully in the weak spots, but she does not have time to answer him, so she tries to take revenge on the sly. Constant teasing and pricking lead this couple to break up.

Business and friendly connections of these signs are good only at first. These partners are able to support each other for a long time, but in the end everyone goes their own way.


A good-natured and fair Dog is unlikely to tolerate a deceiving Monkey next to him. There is no place for cunning and omissions in this union. If the Monkey fails to understand this in the first stages of the relationship, then he risks losing his chance for well-being with the Dog.

Experts note that such a connection can be ideal. For the righteous Dog, a relationship with a Monkey is an excellent test of strength. To the latter, this union seems very attractive. Here the artistic Monkey does not need to hide his true nature behind a deceitful mask. The dog perceives people as they are. She does not criticize them, but knows how to guide them in the right direction.

Such a tandem cannot be called successful for working together. In work life, it is not profitable for the Dog to be in this pair, because the main part of the Monkey’s affairs is transferred to the shoulders of the partner. But representatives of these signs are able to become strong friends. The perky Monkey will bring rainbow notes into the measured life of the Dog.

Pig (Boar)

The union is characterized by ease and short-term duration. Representatives of these signs quickly find a common language, they like to spend time together, but they cannot get along in the same territory. Both partners love to go for walks, but for some reason they do it separately. The Monkey does not like the company of the Pig; she is bored by simple and relaxed entertainment. The boar does not understand the risky hobbies of his partner. The Monkey's friends seem rude and overly sarcastic to the Pig.

These partners are connected by mutual passion. Both love sexual games and pleasures, but things usually don’t go beyond bed. Representatives of these signs should not be trusted to complete an urgent project; they will definitely miss all deadlines. A responsible Monkey paired with a Pig loses its vigilance, as the partner inspires confidence in it. She relies on him, but he is irresponsible and deceitful. The boar knows how to “show off”, but in reality his frivolity quickly manifests itself.

These partners are capable of being friends, but their communication always implies a hint of the possibility of an intimate relationship, because both are quite temperamental. If the friendship of these signs reaches bed, then after that they can no longer maintain the same relationship.

Rat (Mouse)

In a pair of Rat and Monkey, everything is saturated with insincerity. Even if these partners are madly in love with each other, they still seek benefits for themselves. Very often, the meeting of these signs leads them to a long and exciting relationship, because both enjoy sophisticated games and competition. Here everyone tries to beat the other, but having won, they try not to openly show their superiority. In this couple, the woman happily invents and organizes situations in which the man will act on her orders, and he plays the role of the main one and enjoys the appearance of power.

Despite the fact that these partners are constantly trying to deceive each other, the unions of these signs turn out to be extremely strong and durable. In working together, this couple achieves significant success, and in friendly relations, the Mouse and the Monkey often form an unbreakable tandem.


Work is work, but you need to rest. The monkey may show unusual enthusiasm and plunge headlong into the work routine. At first, noticeable changes will appear, and you will be able to achieve the required level of respect. But closer to March, the fervor will gradually begin to fade, and with it the successes achieved. Therefore, you cannot deny yourself a vacation. Regular meditation will be useful, as it will relieve accumulated tension and help redistribute the load.

When communicating with partners and colleagues, you can sometimes show your passion. But we must not forget about tact and politeness. It is advisable to avoid long trips, making them only in extreme cases.

Love and relationships

The Monkey in the year of the Tiger 2022 will strive for solitude, but fans will not give way. They will be able to feel her hidden love magnetism, which will manifest itself most strongly in spring and summer. The monkey will want to quickly get rid of obsessive marriage proposals. But you shouldn’t do this right away. There is a high probability that among the potential spouses there may be the love of your life. If you miss this opportunity now, then a new meeting may not happen soon.

For those who have been in a relationship for a long time, but have not yet formalized it, this chance will present itself. Marriages concluded in the fall promise to be very successful.

Monkey character according to horoscope

The character of the Monkey man according to the eastern horoscope is such that he constantly needs someone to act as an adviser, assistant, or at least an equal partner.

The monkey, like no one else, needs a solid foundation for fruitful work, without it you will get a rather sad case.

Smart, dexterous, crafty, cunning and inventive, the Monkey is the most unreliable and contradictory sign of the eastern horoscope. Perhaps she has the most eccentric character of all 12 signs.

The Man of the Year of the Monkey has a wonderful sense of humor, the life of the party, it seems that he knows how to get along with everyone (in fact, this impression is deceptive.

The monkey is very selfish, covers up his true opinion about people with courtesy and friendliness, and deep down in his soul he considers himself head and shoulders above others).

The extraordinary intelligence and common sense inherent in the Monkey allow it to solve the most confusing problems and issues.

She is able to make decisions quickly and independently, and there is practically no area where the Monkey cannot turn around. But she is easily distracted and convinced.

She wants to do everything right this second, and even the most insignificant obstacle can ruin her mood and throw off all her plans. If it is not possible to do everything “here and now,” he may give up halfway.

She is temperamental and willful, she can be quick-tempered, but quickly moves away.

The Man of the Year of the Monkey is an intellectual with a great thirst for knowledge. He reads a lot, knows everything and about everything, is aware of everything that happens in the world.

She has an amazing memory that allows her to remember the smallest details of what she saw, read or heard. In general, such a phenomenal memory often helps the Monkey out and saves him from the disorder that always accompanies him.

The Man of the Year of the Monkey cleverly fools people and is able to make fun of anyone - even the Tiger and the Dragon. At the same time, he always gets away with it thanks to his natural cunning and dexterity.

Who is the Monkey at enmity with?

Animals of the Chinese calendar that are opposite each other are considered hostile. That is, their energies, when combined, form a mixture that causes conflicts, disputes, quarrels, fights, showdowns, revolutions and wars. A direct current also forms between opposing animals, which can cause health problems of both a mental and physical nature. The Monkey is located opposite the Tiger.

How Monkey and Tiger interact and their energies - strong wood and metal - can be observed everywhere. For example, all living organisms move only due to the fact that they are in a space filled with air, which belongs to the element of wood, and the ethereal layer of each creature consists of strong metal. A movement mechanism is formed between wood and metal. Read more about this in this article.

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