How to make a wish visualization poster correctly - instructions

There is nothing complicated in creating a wish poster, proposed by experts in the eastern teachings of Feng Shui. The principle of its creation is simple - placing a visual image of your own desires on a plane. In other words, the author has the opportunity to communicate his desire according to Feng Shui and thereby move one step closer to its fulfillment. Most often, for such purposes, ordinary drawing paper is used, which can be purchased at every stationery store.

To make a real wish fulfillment tool, you will need the following:

  • a clear understanding of one's own goals. The author of the poster must know exactly what dreams he is going to bring to life;
  • working plane, that is, an A1 paper sheet;
  • pencils, eraser;
  • color pictures, photographs;
  • glue, scissors.

How does a dream board work?

The world is a large part of the common Universe, which obeys the same laws.
The most proven of them is the law of attraction. Any strong object attracts similar objects to itself. That's why it's so important to think in the right direction if you don't want to attract failure. And in order for everything to come true that you would like, you need to formulate the desired image in your thoughts as much as possible.

When you have a rich imagination, it is not difficult to imagine your dream in vivid detail and color. It’s as if a theatrical action is unfolding in your head, where everything has already happened as it should. An alternative life with the necessary conditions is built, an ideal future is modeled, which is perceived as an undeniable present. This is called visualization.

Visualization is the very tool that should attract what you want. And the power of thought must be so strong that the subtle world reacts and begins to generate a dream. This is where you need a future visualization poster - a great way to strengthen your connection with the Universe and get additional very pleasant emotions.

A poster or board can be created:

  1. For a period of time - most often for a year. Any period you like is allowed, but an annual period is considered optimal, as this is how the poster works best.
  2. Thematically. The time period here is conditional, and the emphasis is on a specific desired goal. Or a new reality.

Seeing your dreams with your own eyes every day, a person becomes inspired and tunes into the secret wave of the Universe. The one that realizes all deep thoughts.

Creating a “plan” for the future is an inspiring, trembling moment. It is ideal for those who are not confident in their imagination. And for those who are good at imagining dreams, it will help consolidate their plans.

This works 100%

Experience shows that visualizing goals and dreams powerfully attracts the right circumstances into a person’s life. Regardless of whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, know that the practice of visualizing pictures is already actively used by many people.

Looking at pictures of what you want to attract into your life revitalizes your emotions, therefore it raises your vibrations and improves your mood.

The clearer and more vividly you imagine what you want to get and the stronger you experience feelings and emotions of joy that you already have it, the higher the chance that you will experience these amazing sensations in reality.

Whatever a man's mind can comprehend and believe, he can achieve.

(c) Napoleon Hill.

Now you know all the most important recommendations on how to choose the right pictures for your wish card. Start searching for your pictures today.

Share in the comments below this article whether you managed to create your own wish map. Ask questions, I will definitely answer everyone.

Execution conditions - time and tools

The best time to make a wish poster or dream board will be the time when your soul itself wants it. You can always sit down to create a plan for the future, but in moments of a special state of mind it is most effective.

The Universe hears not words, but the sensations and emotions that arise. Therefore, a wish poster is a kind of prayer enclosed in paper or a picture.

At the same time, there are special periods when the effect of any action is increased. So, if you make a poster of wishes according to Feng Shui, then in the following days its impact will be much stronger:

  • waxing Moon - the first 5 days of the phase contribute to the development of everything new in life;
  • Birthday according to the Sun - one’s own or a significant person’s, a mystical period of fulfillment of desires;
  • Birthday according to the Moon - even if it falls on the flawed Moon, this is a strong day for creating a dream board;
  • New Year's holidays are a period of generating so much positive energy from all people that it works wonders;
  • holidays associated with their faith - religious significant dates for believers are always full of special power and divine inspiration.

A good action would be to make a wish-fulfillment poster with your family or with someone you want to spend time with in the near future. However, the project will work great alone when there is an irresistible desire.

In addition to choosing the time, you will need certain tools:

  • a large sheet of white construction paper;
  • images related to dreams;
  • glue or tape.

The images must be placed on the sheet in the correct order if the board is being prepared for a year or longer. If the poster is thematic, then it is necessary to act based on the same analogy.

What kind of images can there be? Everything that is as close as possible to a dream or dreams. These could be pictures of a dream house, a dream man or woman, a dream figure, a dream job, a dream family, a dream circumstance. The main thing is that when you look at them, there is a special feeling of joy and anticipation.

Images can be cut from magazines or printed from the Internet. And if you have artistic abilities, then you can draw a poster for visualizing desires with your own hands.

Southern Sector of Glory

The southern zone is responsible for your personal realization - in work, society, career.

Write down all your wildest ambitions here, draw medals and awards. Experts advise highlighting this area in red.

Manufacturing instructions - Ba-Gua mesh

For an effective, strong dream request, you will need to divide the prepared sheet of paper into 9 conditional zones. You can create an assembly virtually, in a graphic editor, if you have the skill. Each zone is assigned a specific area of ​​life, according to the list.

This magical scheme is called the Ba-Gua grid and consists of 3 columns of 3 areas, where:

  1. The first column is material condition, relationships, knowledge and travel.
  2. The second column is success, health, life path.
  3. The third column is love-marriage, creation-children, patrons.

The squares don't have to be the same size. It all depends on how much space the chosen area actually takes up in real life.

Having divided the space, you can begin to fill it. To do this, the selected images need to be placed and fixed in their designated areas, thinking about the dreams that they represent. It is useful to accompany the pictures with some target phrase, a sentence that defines the essence of the desire.

For example, if the goal is a beautiful new house, then next to its photo you can write “I’m waiting for a new house within 3 months” or “my future home.” The period corresponds to a specific dream.

When preparing a wish poster with your own hands, you need to remember a few tips:

  • when choosing pictures, you need to listen to yourself as much as possible - does the idea really come from the soul or is it connected with someone else’s will - the goal should completely satisfy the soul;
  • the desired item should be described correctly, as if it is already available, possession of it is just a matter of time - it is like a package that has already been purchased, but is still on the way;
  • It is better to avoid constructing phrases with the particle “not” or the words “no”, “never”;
  • you cannot dream about something that can harm other people;
  • It’s useful to develop your imagination, learn additional visualization practices, and discover your ability to dream as if you were creating a new world.


  • for each sector it is worth choosing an appropriate background - for example, for wealth - photos of wealthy people or drawings of money, attributes of wealth, for love - a beautiful couple, maybe a famous one, and so on;
  • you should not choose photographs where people stand with their backs to the viewer, especially in the sphere of love - this is a sign of refusal;
  • It is better to choose transport when traveling to the right - this is a symbol of moving forward, and not back, to the past.

It is advisable to leave one of the sectors of the collage empty. Consciousness itself will tell you which one.

This means that in this area the Universe will present a special surprise. And what has not worked here for a long time will go up.

Creating a dream board for two can have a good effect when it comes to your loved ones. Or even for three or four, when there is a whole family nearby. This simultaneously enhances the energy of the action and refreshes, strengthening relationships.

What is important to know when drawing a map

The beginning of each year is associated with renewal of life, expectations, and changes. It's time to make plans for the next yearly cycle.

There are several ways to make a wish card for 2019. The poster can consist only of pictures, or of pictures and text accompaniment.

Using a Vision Board Effectively

Once the wish fulfillment poster is ready, there is no need to push it into the closet with a feeling of accomplishment. During the creation of the picture, of course, the Universe received a powerful message, especially if the process took place with sincere faith. But this may not be enough to obtain the desired result - after all, energy tends to run out.

Therefore, you must first take a final look at the finished wish fulfillment poster and read out loud all the inscriptions that are written on it. A positive final visa, like “I approve” or “Complete” and the like, will help. Then the poster should be placed in a prominent place in the eastern part of the house or dwelling.

Every day you need to look at the poster at least once and enjoy the pictures of a bright future depicted on it. Turn to the Universe with a request to fulfill all this.

It is useful to charge the dream board with positive energy from time to time. Meditations, bright prayers for people’s health, and vivid visualizations will help.

When dreaming, you shouldn’t ask yourself, how will all this happen if there aren’t even any ways right now? The main thing here is to send a request, the dream fulfillment board will repeat it, and the Universe will hear, find and send a way to achieve all this. The dream will come true. And then you can begin to reach new high goals.

Suitable place in the house for storage

It is recommended to place the poster away from prying eyes. There is absolutely no need for guests to pay attention to it, show curiosity, or ask questions about your personal photographs. According to Feng Shui, the poster should receive the full energy of the earth. This means you need to place it face down. A place under the bed or on a high cabinet will do. It is important that the poster is not located next to the bathroom. It is believed that energy may leak through sewer pipes.

Where to place the wish card: 5 best places

Simply writing and forgetting is not enough. To make your wishes come true, you need to contact the card every day - look at it, reflect and act. Therefore, the optimal place to place it is above the desktop. But if you are not inclined to share your dreams with others and are sensitive to unfounded criticism, it is better to choose places where only you will see the map:

  • On the inner cabinet door;
  • At the bottom of the underwear drawer;
  • In a desk drawer;
  • Inside is a folder with personal documents;
  • In phone.

You can place your wish card anywhere. The main thing is that you unwittingly meet her every day, and strangers have no idea about her existence.

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