Making a business card according to Feng Shui correctly: the key to success, prosperity and wealth

It's amazing how much money business owners let slip through their fingers when they hand out their business cards, which potential clients simply throw in the trash or put in a drawer. Do you want this to not happen? You will make business cards according to Feng Shui so that they are correctly designed, attract attention, are convincing and selling.

The psychology of people is such that they always trust printed communication more than oral communication. Properly designed print communication conveys authority and professionalism. And it also allows your potential clients or partners to get an idea of ​​how you provide your services and conduct business.

A well-designed business card based on the elements of Feng Shui is a kind of silent salesman who can attract wealth to a company and good luck to a person in his career. Read more about how to come up with a business card design for a successful business in today’s article.

Design of corporate business cards

Business etiquette dictates certain rules for designing corporate business cards; it doesn’t hurt to study them if you want to make a good impression on potential partners.
An effective business card should evoke positive emotions. But in the pursuit of originality, some go too far - as a result, the cards only irritate. How to maintain a balance between individuality and strict standards? It's not that difficult if you use a few tips.

Let's discuss what points you should pay attention to.

Background and color

Here it is worth starting from the corporate style. It will be strange if the company logo is made in red and white, but the business card does not have such colors. To correctly and correctly design a card in terms of color scheme, concentrate on some important nuances:

Classics are always in trend. Laconism and simplicity: several basic colors are selected (usually up to three or four), with one of them playing a key role, while the others are muted and do not distract attention. Multicolor is dangerous. Such business card options are often perceived negatively due to their poor readability.

Also, you should not choose a colorful background; it is almost impossible to find a suitable font for it.

The white background remains relevant. Light cards with contrasting text are pleasing to the eye - they fully fulfill their direct function: they convey information about the company unobtrusively and in an aesthetic form.

The font should be for people. Curls and original lines are certainly beautiful, but remember to make the text readable. A business card is not a charade that needs to be solved. If the information is not read without using your imagination, then there is a high probability that such advertising will be sent to the trash bin without much thought or regret.

Black, white and red are a standard combination that always looks great


Today, two standards for business card sizes are common - European (8.5x5.5 cm) and Russian (9.0x5.0 cm). It is worth considering that cards need to be stored somewhere, and most Russian business card holders are made exactly to the size of 90 by 50 millimeters. Of course, no one forbids making cards larger, but in this case it is not a fact that there will be a place for them among partners.

Cards must be standard sizes for easy storage


Usually thick paper or high-quality cardboard is used. There are also original options - cards made of wood, plastic, rubber, leather or even balloons. This is relevant and interesting if it reflects the company’s field of activity. For example, corporate business cards made of metal would be appropriate for a corporation that deals with metalworking.

However, paper does not lose its position and remains the most popular material for making business cards. It’s better not to skimp here - use cardboard or thick textured paper to emphasize the solidity of the company.

Corporate business card - an example of a card on thick textured paper

Text position

There are generally accepted standards that should be followed when arranging text blocks on cards. For example, the logo is usually placed on the left side or in the center, and the company name and contact information are placed on the right and bottom, respectively.

It is important that the business card is easy and quick to read, so you should not overload it with unnecessary information. Remember that “brevity is the sister of talent.” Corporate business card is a sample with a central composition: informative and stylish

Corporate business card - sample with a central composition: informative and stylish

Using the reverse side

Some companies make double-sided business cards, simply duplicating information in English on the back. This is not the best option, since it is optimal for foreign partners to have a different set of cards.

Traditionally, the reverse side was used for notes; empty space was always considered good form. However, now double-sided business cards are also becoming fashionable - the main thing is to place useful and necessary information on the back, for example, directions, dates and content of promotions, information about goods and services, and the like.

How to correctly design a business card according to the art of Feng Shui

In the process of exchanging business cards, business partners take a step towards each other, which can contribute to a very fruitful cooperation. But in order for a business card to evoke exclusively positive emotions and a desire to recruit its owner as soon as possible, it is important to pay special attention to its design. By using some design rules according to Feng Shui, you will ensure success in business.

Business card size

Feng Shui focuses specifically on the parameters of the elements of inanimate nature. So, to achieve inner peace, as well as an influx of positive energy, it is very important to maintain proportion in the things you create.

Traditional business card dimensions are fifty by ninety millimeters. Feng Shui says that a size of fifty millimeters will promote joy and positive energy. But this does not apply at all to the size of ninety millimeters. This parameter, on the contrary, provokes an influx of negative energy and has a bad effect on mood.

Main types of business cards

About how to properly create a business card website
Modern technology allows you to make many options for business cards, so it is important to determine which one you need. There are several classifications of cards - by size, materials, purpose

All types of products can be divided into image and selling. The first category is designed specifically to make a good impression on the recipient. Usually there is minimal room for creativity; the quality of workmanship and the type of printing material come to the fore. The second option is selling business cards. They are usually brighter and less expensive to produce. Can be used for mass distribution at events.

Based on the degree of originality of design, four main types of products can also be distinguished:

Ultraconservative. These models are used by large companies that strictly protect their image and try to standardize everything. Information is usually arranged according to a Western pattern - first name, then surname. May contain information in two languages.

Formal. They offer a lot of room for experimentation in design, but remain restrained. It is important to take into account the corporate style, use the correct combination of colors and arrangement of elements.


Designed to maximize attention. May have a non-standard arrangement of information blocks, various decorations

In addition to the basic contact information of a person, they also contain company slogans, slogans and other information that is difficult to find on formal and ultra-conservative business cards.

Creative. They may differ not only in content and design, but also in form. Often used by representatives of the event industry, artists, freelancers and other representatives of the creative class.

If the company does not have any clear requirements regarding the format of business cards, you can be creative and experiment with the form and content. The custom design service will help with this.

You can also create single-sided and double-sided business cards. It depends on the form in which you would like to see the information and how much data you need to fit on one compact medium.

When you contact our company, we will tell you what types of products can be created, show examples of business cards and answer your questions. There are different product options, classic and with QR code, monochrome and multi-color, conservative and experimental.

What to add to a business card for success

The treasured rectangle, on which the name and telephone number are indicated, is not just a piece of cardboard, but a real business card for any businessman or private entrepreneur.

A business card greatly influences the first impression a person gets when looking at it.

Therefore, if you want to ensure only the positive opinion of other people, as well as attract success in the business sphere, we recommend that you find out what the size, shape, color and other characteristics of a business card should be according to Feng Shui.

What materials and printing technologies can be used to create a business card?

How to make a business card website yourself for free (video instructions + business card website template for downloading)

There are two aspects that cannot be ignored when talking about the types of business cards. The materials used to make them are one such aspect. Now, of course, you can find plastic business cards, cards made of wood, and leather... But the favorite in this area is still paper. Moreover, the types of paper for business cards themselves, if you look at them, are also not so small. Printing houses now use coated, textured, metallized, and pearlescent paper. In addition, recently we have been providing printing services on touch cover paper, whose surface has an unusual texture due to latex coating.

And the second aspect is printing technology. And here too there is plenty to choose from. Perhaps the most relevant and widespread are four technologies:

  • digital printing;
  • offset printing;
  • silkscreen printing;
  • embossing

Digital printing is usually used if the client needs business cards urgently, and he is not ready to spend a lot of money on printing. The advantage of this technology is that in this case there is no need to use bulky printing equipment; printers are sufficient. At the same time, the client has the opportunity to preview and make changes to the layout at any stage. Another advantage of digital printing is its low price compared to other technologies.

But still the most popular technology at the moment is offset printing. This technology is highly productive and allows you to achieve impeccable quality of the final product. The fact is that thanks to offset it becomes possible to use the widest possible range of colors. And in general, this type of business card printing is perhaps the best choice for those who need large print runs.

As for silk-screen printing, this technology involves printing images using a stencil applied to a special mesh with cells. By pressing the paint through this mesh, you can get a high-quality print with clear contours and rich colors. Silk-screen printing is considered one of the most expensive printing production technologies, therefore it is used to create elite printing with unusual images.

And the technology of embossing (or embossing, as it is also called) is also not the cheapest pleasure. Thanks to this technology, the paper surface can be decorated with pressed and raised inscriptions, individual letters and images.

It should be added that work on a business card is not limited to printing. Modern printing houses can additionally cover them with selective varnish (this is when only certain areas of the card are varnished, as a result of which it begins to look more expensive), laminate or laminate.

Types of perception, their main goals and meanings

This factor shows that the more saturated the color, the stronger the impression it makes on a person. Therefore, to create emotional, rich and memorable business cards, it is recommended to use rich shades. For calm, affirmative options, slightly saturated tones are better suited.

Another important aspect is the outlines and contours of the figures depicted on business cards. Smooth, rounded, smoothed elements create a feeling of reliability, confidence, and security. And vice versa - the presence of sharp cuts, sharp bevels can provoke alertness and even aggression from clients.

Composition is the correct arrangement of objects on the working area of ​​a business card. There are standard and original compositions, and their choice depends on the goal that the designer is trying to achieve.

The technique of depth in business card design is used quite rarely. But its correct use can place the right emphasis on perspective and expand the space available on a sheet of paper.

The style of the business card is determined by the general appearance of the image, color and character of the lines. The main thing is to adhere to the main rule of style unity so that all elements of the composition are visually combined with each other.

When developing an exclusive business card design, you need to try to use objects that a potential client will associate with the proposed service sector. Some creative designers, on the contrary, try to find indirect associations. Such business cards look much more interesting and attractive.

All of the above features of the perception of business card design can qualitatively increase the efficiency of its use, and, accordingly, bring the expected benefits to the customer.

  1. Perception by saturation.
  2. Perception by volume and shape.
  3. Perception by composition, style and depth.
  4. Perception by association.

What types of business cards are there?

How to make an advertisement correctly

I divide business cards into 3 types:

  • Good image business cards.
  • Good selling business cards.
  • Business cards that are thrown away after the first reading.

Image business cards are needed by high-status people who do not need advertising, with whom they are already eager to make acquaintance, and whom everyone knows. These could be directors, top managers, and so on. These business cards are given in person

They don’t give it to just anyone, and looking at such a business card six months later, you remember the face of the person who gave it to you and understand that this is the contact information of an important person. On such a business card there may not be an inscription about what he does, but you will know about it

Selling business cards are our main topic for today. She will receive the most attention, and I will try to give some advice, since I have little experience in this matter.

Logo font

The main thing here is what associations the font evokes in you. In a logo, the font should fit harmoniously into the overall picture and convey the image of an element suitable for your business. For example, the beauty industry often uses a streamlined italic font with various floridness. This evokes trust, care and some kind of warmth. Moreover, this font represents the element of Water, which governs this type of business.

But on the logo of, say, an oil refining company, such a font will look ridiculous.

And also, if you have the opportunity to choose a font in which the letters are connected to each other, then this is great, from a feng shui point of view.

Business card color according to Feng Shui

It is important that all shades of the business card accompany good luck in business. The main elements that can bring good luck in commercial endeavors are earth, fire, water, metal, wood

Each of the above elements in Feng Shui accompanies a specific type of activity. Based on this, it is important to choose the right color for your business card. If you choose the right color scheme, it will undoubtedly bring success.

For example, fiery red color suits people who are involved in the chemical industry, photography, fashion, style, advertising, marketing or electrical related activities.

Shades of green are symbols of wood and nature according to Feng Shui. It is better to depict them on a business card for those whose activities are related to creativity or education, as well as if you are involved in music, car repair, or provide security to someone.

Logo type

We follow all the details

When designing a logo is in your hands, strive to make it one that contains only stable and upright structures. Logos should not contain inverted objects or tilted letters. According to Feng Shui, such “unstable” logos doom the company and your work in it to failure.

If the logo of the company you work for has already been designed, and it does not comply with Feng Shui recommendations, you can simply not use it. Limit your business card to only the lettered name of the company.

It will be better if the logo also does not contain sharp corners and triangular shapes. Such symbols negatively affect success in business. It is advisable to use rounded letters. The first letter in the company name should not be significantly larger than the others so that it does not put pressure on all subsequent ones.

A sense of security and stability according to Feng Shui is given by images of mountains, hills and the water element.

How to make a business card online

Today on the Internet it is easy to find many sites offering to make business cards yourself online. Their main advantages are the variety of templates and the ability, if desired, to develop an individual project, taking into account all your requirements.

The disadvantages include the fact that you will have to pay to download the resulting layout. If you order printing right away, the circulation in most cases starts from several hundred cards. This is not always justified

Moreover, for many customers it is important to personally evaluate the quality and texture of the paper, as well as the correspondence of the colors on the computer to the real result

Let's see how to proceed if you want to make a business card online, and what the result will be. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Choose a suitable site. To do this, simply enter the request into any search engine: “make business cards online.”
  • Determine your field of activity to find a suitable template. For example, for a flower shop, you can look at the layouts in the “Design” category.
  • Set the card size.
  • Enter personal data - company name, full name, position, contacts.
  • Check the text for spelling errors and typos.
  • If necessary, add a back side - it usually contains directions, terms of promotions or a QR code leading to the site.
  • Determine the number of business cards you need and place your order.

Unfavorable Feng Shui desktop

Now let's talk about errors in the desktop layout. As I already said, not everyone can move their desk located in the office. Therefore, I will immediately write what Feng Shui means you can try to reduce the negative impact of the incorrect location of your table.

Errors in desktop layout:

1) You are sitting with your back to the front door - a very unfavorable table position! Feng Shui experts call this position “knife in the back.” With such a table arrangement, there is a high probability that you will be “set up,” tricked, or passed over in your career advancement.

But of course, the first chance you have to rearrange your desk (or move to another desk that’s not so poorly located), do it!

2) You sit directly opposite the front door. Also an unfavorable location! It is believed that every time a door is opened, energy rushes into it and, having accelerated (and therefore become unfavorable), it “hits” directly on you. And this can negatively affect your health.

As I wrote above, the best position for the desktop is diagonally from the door. That is, you can see the front door, but you are not sitting directly in front of it. If you still have to sit opposite the front door, place some noticeable (bright or large) object next to your table - even a large flower in a tub (even an artificial one). This will “distract” the energy and prevent it from “hitting” you.

3) There is a window or an aquarium behind you. Both the window and the aquarium are, in principle, very good and favorable elements for the office. But not behind your back! Because, being located behind you, instead of symbolic support (which the wall provides), they create instability, deprive you of the support of influential people, make it very difficult to promote your projects, etc. It is best to close the window with thick curtains or blinds. And if the aquarium cannot be rearranged, it is also better to block it with some kind of partition.

4) There is a wall directly in front of you. As I already said, from a feng shui point of view, having free space in front of you is favorable. But alas, often in offices employees are separated by partitions that deprive them of this space. But don't be discouraged, there is a way to improve the situation.

Hang a picture or a large photograph (or even a wall calendar) depicting open space, spaciousness, and perspective on the partition (or on the wall directly in front of you). But remember that if you want to take an image of water, then avoid paintings with troubled water (storms, turbulent rivers, etc.). It would be better then to take an image of a large calm lake.

The main thing is that this picture creates a feeling of aspiration into the distance, forward, space for activity. Then she will be able to bring energy into your career for future growth and development.

Preparation stage: all about technical criteria

Traditionally, a business card contains name, job title, logo, address, phone number, and email. But this is not all that is worth considering when making a layout.


Source - by ?????????????

Size standards vary from country to country. European is considered “golden”, but we advise you to focus specifically on the region in which you are going to do business:

  • USA: 88.9x50.8 mm;
  • Europe: 85x55 mm;
  • post-Soviet countries: 90x50 mm.

Cutting lines

If you are laying out the layout yourself, leave at least 2.5 mm margins along the edges to avoid errors during cutting. Make sure that all elements (inscriptions and images) are at a distance of 4-5 mm from these lines.

Source – by Vince Joy

If you use Logaster, then you don’t need to draw anything additional: the service itself creates business cards of a standard size with lines for cutting.


Make sure the resolution is at least 300 dpi (“dots per inch”). This is the maximum raster file resolution for high-quality offset printing.

Source - by Franziska Volmer

Color scheme

When creating layouts, you need to consider the difference between the two color schemes.

  • The RGB scheme is used for display on monitors: due to the large color gamut, such images look brighter. But on paper they can turn out faded.
  • Most printing machines work with the CMYK scheme, so the layout should be prepared in it.
  • Graphic editors allow you to convert an image from one color scheme to another with minimal distortion.

Source – by Jenia Kipina


Horizontal orientation of business cards is considered standard

But the vertical one will help you stand out and draw attention to the brand

Source - by Brian Steely


  • A rectangular business card is a win-win classic. It is convenient to hold it in your hand or store it in a purse or business card holder. Such business cards are often made with rounded edges - this allows you to soften the shape without changing it.
  • Another option is square business cards. The disadvantage is that they are not as convenient to store as rectangular ones.
  • Do you want to declare your uniqueness? Create a card in a unique shape that suits your business. This could be a company logo or a product you are selling (such as a camera, laptop, or even a jar of yogurt).

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In addition to cardboard, business cards are printed on plastic, metal, wood and many other materials. Make your choice based on the brand message you want to convey. For example, a craft business card would be suitable for producers of organic fruits, while a company selling equipment might like a metal version.

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Additional graphics

Think about how to convey your brand's personality through graphics. In addition to the logo, these can be photographs or drawings.

For companies with a serious tone (for example, financial institutions), a stylish logo is enough to convey the message and not distract the attention of customers. Creative businessmen can use bright photos of their products or elegant drawings that emphasize originality.

Source -


The volume on the card will highlight the remaining design elements - lettering and graphics:

  • Highlight your logo, brand or product name with embossing.
  • Use foil stamping or screen printing to create accents.

Source -

Special effects

30 carat diamonds and Swiss metal - this is what the world's most expensive business card, Black Astrum Signature Card, worth $1,500, looks like. You don't have to make a card out of gold and diamonds—think about what other details might make the design stand out.

Source -

  • Non-standard materials. For example, very thick cardboard or transparent materials that have become popular in recent years.
  • Ultraviolet coating. Gives a glossy effect. This way you can design the entire map or cover the details.
  • Business cards that glow in the dark thanks to a special coating.
  • Stencil cards. Cut different figures into them, for example, a brand mascot.

Other favorable color combinations

There are other color combinations that work well for business cards.

Black and white represent Yin and Yang. Bring harmony to your business with the symbol of Water (black) and Metal (white). The metal attracts water (wealth), which makes it attractive in color combinations.

Green and brown represent the woody element that nourishes and promotes business, providing fuel for the creative Yang element of Fire.

Brown is the color of good luck and supports the company's finances.

Yellow and brown represent the element Earth. Yellow gold is a metal produced by the Earth. Brown is also associated with darker metals such as bronze.

For other auspicious color combinations, look to the elemental elements and their corresponding colors.

Smart elements

Business cards are rapidly bridging the gap between the paper and digital worlds. Add a QR code to your business card: it saves space and looks modern. It also increases the chances that users will find you on the Internet: the scanning process is much simpler than typing the address manually. Using the code, people will be able to go to your website, landing page or social network in one click.


Non-standard QR codes are in fashion

Instead of a black and white set of symbols, it is worth generating a colored cipher of an unusual shape to attract attention. Some social networks offer their own versions of the QR code. On Instagram this feature is called “Business Card”, and on TikTok it is called TikCode.

Source - Shamimur Rahman

Source – Basov Design

Source - CodeGrape

How to activate the Career zone

To attract the necessary successes or to successfully complete the work begun, it is necessary to activate the space with symbolism. According to Feng Shui, the quarry area can be filled with any items from the list.


First of all, you need to check to make sure everything in the space is clean. There should be no clutter, sharp corners, old shabby things, torn or broken household items.

There is no need to throw clothes around. There is no need to leave any unwashed coffee or tea mugs and spoons. All equipment must work properly.

Activation of the Career zone

As soon as you remove your northern career sector, and the space is harmonized and aromatized, you can begin to activate the Career zone.

The table shows a list of the main talismans of the Career sector according to Feng Shui. Symbols can have any shape: figurines, keychains, paintings, mosaics, piggy banks, magazine clippings, figured candles, boxes, vases, live animals and much more.

aquarium with 9 fishfrogsdiplomas, certificates, awards, cups
6 metal coinsmoney three-legged toad holding a coin in the airworking electrical appliances, equipment and mobile devices (radio, TV, receivers, laptop, computer, telephone)
metal aroma lampspyramidsunicorn
any images of water (not a swamp)horseshoesmall fountain
turtlespherical metal vaselaughing god Hottei surrounded by coins (figurine or image)
mirrorssailboat (karma should be directed inside the house, but in no case out of it)pendulum
dolphinsmetal bells and wind chimesMarine life

The Career zone in an apartment can be an office or located in the living room, where there are many electrical appliances. If you want to achieve a certain position and a certain status, place in the Career zone something that represents your dream job.

Let's say, if your husband wants to become a colonel, put the shoulder straps of the required rank in the Northern Career zone. Or you want to open your own beauty salon, then you need to draw a symbolic house with a sign for your dream salon. Let these objects lie there for some time and attract what you want.

Career area in different places of the apartment

What to do if the toilet in the Career zone does not allow favorable energy to circulate normally? First of all, your toilet should always be clean, just like it is in 5 star hotels.

You should hang a small mirror on the toilet door. It helps to reflect all bad energy. Make sure that the mirror does not reflect your front door. In this case, metal tubes or wind chimes will save you. It is advisable to decorate the toilet in favorable colors of the northern sector.

If the Career zone is in the bathroom or bedroom, then exactly the same rules apply here with a mirror and wind chimes. In the bathroom, you can tie the pipes with a symbolic blue or light blue ribbon or use tiles in sea shades.

Remember that the Northern Career Zone according to Feng Shui should always be clean. Try to do general cleaning frequently, dusting and throwing away broken items. Let your life get better and better every day.


Thanks for your time

Unusual materials

Tactile brand experiences help create a stronger emotional connection. Who said that business cards can only be printed on paper? Wood, fabric, leather, plastic, rubber - these are not all possible options. When choosing, focus primarily on the character of the brand and the message you want to convey:

  • The metal will definitely impress the target audience. Such a business card will suit your character and can become a self-sufficient accessory.
  • The cork conveys the warm and friendly character of the brand.
  • Do you want to give your business card some lightness and weightlessness? Use transparent materials.
  • Another creative option is touche cover. This durable matte paper with a rubberized texture looks elegant and luxurious and feels like a rose petal.

Source - Nicolas Perner

Source —KindTyme

Source —Ravyn Stadick

Profit-generating salon name: less creativity

We hear dissatisfied murmurs. And we will explain. The time has come when the creativity in the name has crossed all boundaries. “Baba Yaga”, “Magdalena” and “Tsintskaro Style” (Tsintskaro is a Georgian village) appeared on the city streets.

Of course, these names stand out among others. They're even easy to remember. But such fame is unlikely to have a positive impact on the image of the beauty salon. Such creative names have a strong emotional connotation, they are figurative, and they are easy to pronounce. However, few people want to go to a beauty salon that promises service in a Georgian village. Even if the quality of services is high.

Why does excessive ingenuity only harm the image? Salons offer services and a level of service above average. That is, this business itself is positioned as elite. This also applies to salons designed for the middle class. The initially inherent respectability should be reflected in the name. Creative naming is more suitable for businesses in the middle and low price segment. Or for a young target audience. When going through options for naming a beauty salon to attract success, be extremely careful with your creative thought.

Rules for designing a business card

There are no hard and fast rules for creating business cards. There are quite a few custom templates available, as well as complete freedom in what you want to put on them. The main thing is that it should be comfortable to read

The second point worth paying attention to is cost. The more original a business card you plan to create, the more expensive it will cost to produce.

Business cards that require full color printing will cost more.

Double-sided business cards are a popular solution for businesses.

A black and white business card is not only a classic, but also the most budget-friendly solution

Business cards size

The gold standard for a business card is 50 by 90 centimeters. This is the card format that everyone is accustomed to. It allows you to easily place a business card in your wallet, which means you can always have several copies with you.

Important: be sure to allow allowances of approximately 3 millimeters on each side. This means that when creating a template you need to set the size to 56 by 96 millimeters

The areas are intended for trimming finished business cards. It is performed using special equipment and errors in the process are not excluded.

Even with allowances, you should not place information on a business card too close to the edges. Leave 5 millimeters free on each side, then you definitely won’t have to redo the whole batch because each one is missing a few letters or numbers.

The resolution of a business card ready for printing must be at least 300 dpi.

Part of the name on this business card may be damaged when trimmed.

Information on the business card

Typically, the following information is placed on a business card:

  • logo and company name. A private specialist can use any image related to his activities;
  • first and last name of the employee, if this is not a general corporate business card;
  • contact phone number or several (office and mobile);
  • The site of the company;
  • email address, social media pages and other contact information.

An example of placing information on a corporate business card.

What else can you put on a business card:

  • slogan, especially if it is really laconic. It’s not worth putting in a ten-word sentence;
  • QR code. This is a convenient way to go to the site without typing the address in the browser. Mandatory if your corporate website has a complex and long name;
  • several of the company's most popular services. The main thing is not to overdo it and not place a full assortment of 20 items;
  • directions to the office if it is difficult for clients to find you, but you often have to do this.

An example of services instead of a position on a commercial writer’s business card

Important: the font on the business card must be large enough and readable. Do not use original handwritten fonts to write an address or list of services.

It is better to limit yourself to the name, which is usually written larger than other information.

This font, combined with the light shade of the text, makes the business card difficult to read.

Where should I put my last name and first name?

If you can place the name correctly on a business card, you are guaranteed success.
You will also give yourself easy, relaxed work and new clients. Your first, last and patronymic names should be located above the company name. According to Feng Shui, it is highly not recommended to place this data under the company name. This can bring feelings of anxiety and pressure. If you place a name under the name of the company, the owner of this name will feel dissatisfied, moreover, a colossal amount of work will fall in, which will not be easy to cope with. It is important that your contact details represent you and present you in the best possible light. The application of a name should be taken as seriously as possible. Don't be shy about making yourself known: there shouldn't be too little space on your business card to write your name. Use soft edges instead of bold, angular letters, and remember not to make the capital letter too big or fussy.

Practical advice from feng shui masters

Experts of Chinese teaching advise doing the following when making a working tool for business people - business cards:

parameters are measured by the boundaries of the Feng Shui ruler, thanks to which you can understand the dimensions of the space that is important at the moment, the color palette corresponds to the gua of the subject and the sector responsible for the chosen business, the element of business is also taken into account, the last name and first name are displayed in the zone of fame and recognition of the business card before the name company and logo. This is the only way to feel free and confident in your own abilities.

Of course, what is given here is not the basics of science regarding business cards, but rather tips that can be extracted by applying the origins of knowledge. You should not wait for manna from heaven for business, money will not immediately flow like a river, but help will later manifest itself in positive results

Of course, what is given here is not the basic science of business cards, but rather the clues that can be gleaned by applying the origins of knowledge. You should not wait for manna from heaven for business; money will not flow like a river right away, but help will later manifest itself in positive results.

Where to write your full name

According to Feng Shui, a more favorable and correct place for a name on a business card is the area above the company name. This arrangement will allow you to work in the company easily and naturally.

Eliminate any angular letters and arrows from the full name font.

By placing your initials under your name, you will be under work pressure; work will not bring you joy, since constant difficulties will overwhelm you with a large amount of work.

Colored edges

A fresh, original trend will add a three-dimensional effect to your business card. Colored edges are a versatile way to add flair to both standard and creative cards:

  • The color will decorate business cards in neutral shades, and contrasting solutions look most impressive: for example, a black background with yellow edges.
  • Is your business card of an unusual shape? In this case, colored edging will further emphasize originality.
  • The thicker the business card, the better the colored edges will look. Take this technique to heart when creating a card from non-standard materials (read more about them below).

Source – Corvus Design Studio

Source - Zeke Gabrielse

Source – Jecakp

Bagua sectors

Having chosen an office, you need to take care of its zoning according to bagua. Activating a specific sector will help achieve your goals. Stimulating the southwest part of the workroom will help ease any looming confrontation with competitors or management. The North West is responsible for strengthening team thinking, so meetings are recommended in this sector. Activation of the western section will help employees develop creative abilities, which is important for representatives of creative professions. An emphasis on the southern part of the office promotes fame and recognition, while an emphasis on the southeastern part promotes material enrichment.

How to make a business card in Word

It seems that the easiest way to make a business card is to use Word. The advantage is that the program is present on the PC of almost all users, and everyone has worked in it.

However, not everything is so rosy, there are also disadvantages - the process will take quite a lot of time. You will need to complete a large number of steps, which require good knowledge of Word, and the result, most likely, will not amaze your imagination - in MS Word you can only make the simplest and rather primitive templates. Follow the step by step instructions:

  • Launch Word editor and open a new document.
  • Go to the “Page Layout” tab in the menu and make the margins narrow.
  • Add a table using the corresponding button in the “Insert” tab. In the table parameters, specify: 2 columns and 5 rows. The standard Russian format of cards is 90*50 mm
    , which means that with this layout you will get 10 cards on one A4 sheet with portrait orientation.
  • Adjust the table properties: set the row height to 5 cm and the column width to 9 cm. Set the cell margins to zero.
  • Add a picture to the cell. You can set the drawing to be in the background. Then there are several options - use an image as a background or fill the cell with color. Or leave the background white.
  • Enter information - full name, position, contacts, company name, etc.
  • Create your own design by changing the font and style. Find the most effective arrangement of information blocks.
  • Fill in the remaining cells, save the document, and send it to print.

Copy the contents of the filled cell to the rest and print business cards

Of course, in Word it is quite possible to make cards on a computer for free, if the need arises. However, we must take into account that the process will be labor-intensive - it will not be possible to do without special knowledge and good skills in working with the program. It’s especially unpleasant that the text and picture constantly “run away”.

Talismans for increasing well-being

Suitable talismans:

The most effective talisman is the kind fat man Hotei. He holds a bag of money behind his back and a satisfied smile on his face.

Hotei with frog and bowl

Combine Daikoku and Ebisu figures. They are excellent allies in attracting wealth. And the Tai fish joining them will increase the energy charge.

Netsuke Daikoku and Ebisu

Three Chinese coins with square holes in the middle are a symbol that can increase capital. Tie them with a red thread and place them in your wallet or under the rug. You can also put them in an aquarium, fountain, or jar of water.

A toad with three legs holding a coin in its mouth will attract wealth to your home if it is positioned with its face inward. It can also be placed in an aquarium or fountain.

  • The owl will save your fortune when it is near the money tree. Will protect you from thoughtless spending.
  • Rats and fish are the money animals of Chinese teaching. Place their figures or images in the desired area.
  • Still lifes, where there are silhouettes of citrus fruits, as well as their dummies, are another way to acquire luxury and banknotes. Since ancient times, oranges and tangerines have been attributes of a rich life. Therefore, it is not surprising that these fruits, lying beautifully in a vase, will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also “work” for the benefit of their owner.
  • A beautiful piggy bank has already become a traditional, integral part of increasing the budget. The main thing is that it is not empty, but used for its intended purpose. After all, 2021 is the year of the Rat (mouse).

These simple tips will help organize a harmonious flow of monetary energy. Follow the rules, and then money will rain into your home. May your life become better and richer every day.

Basic tips for creating business cards

There are several simple ways to create a really high-quality and beautiful business card:

Decide on the style and answer the question - do you need a standard card or are experiments and creativity possible. Select sizes and material. We will show samples to make your decision easier. Create a budget that you are willing to spend and think about the timing. The easiest way to choose a technology is when the maximum price is clearly indicated. Use corporate colors to design the card. They will help create a clear association with your company. Keep it readable. Don’t overload your business card with unnecessary information.

Think about what information will be really important for your client or business partner to receive.

We are ready to quickly create a batch of the size you need and answer your questions about production. We will show examples and calculate the cost. Call or leave a request on the website.

Card color

Harmony, according to Chinese teaching, is achieved in space thanks to the five elements: fire, earth, water, metal and wood. They can also contribute to material wealth in the type of activity for which they are responsible.

Consequently, the color of the business card is chosen according to the chosen business, which correlates with the elements.

An example of how to distribute the color of cards by type of activity:

  • red color is suitable for modeling business specialists, stylists, marketers, electricians,
  • green - for creative people, musicians,
  • metallic color - for bank employees, financiers, specialists of credit institutions,
  • blue, blue - tourism activities, sea travel, theater and film actors,
  • earth tones are suitable for livestock breeders, builders, accountants, and trade workers.

The right card color is the path to business success. But everyone strives to achieve profitable enterprises, otherwise, why start a business. Therefore, it is worth considering various little things, including when making business cards. Any working tool is a kind of talisman on which hopes are pinned.

How much does a business card website cost?

Depends on the content of the site and the method of its creation. If you use the services of agencies, studios or freelancers, then do not count on an amount below 28,000 rubles.

If you decide to make a business card website using a website builder, then on average you will spend 7,000-8,500 rubles a year to pay for the tariff. You can create it for free, but the functionality will be limited.

What information does an online business card contain?

  • About company. What the company does, its achievements and reviews from real clients.
  • Services and goods. List and description of goods, service packages and their costs.
  • Contact Information. Phones, mail, social networks, work hours and address.

This is basic information that should be present on any company web resource. You can add more information, the main thing is not to forget about these blocks.

Examples of business card sites

Examples show what a business card website looks like, what its structure and volume are.

Psychotherapist Alexander

Accounting and legal services

Digital agency


Holiday decorations

Rules for designing business cards

In the modern world, business cards are an integral attribute of business communication.

According to Wikipedia's definition, a business card is a traditional carrier of contact information about a person or organization. Thus, information content and functionality are the most important characteristics of any business card. The exchange of business cards accompanies almost every process of establishing business contacts. And its effectiveness can directly depend on the appearance of the business card. Therefore, when creating business cards, you need to have a clear understanding of the rules for designing business cards.

There are different types of business cards. In the traditional version, a business card is a rectangle made of cardboard measuring 50*90 mm. Women's business cards may be slightly smaller, for example, 40*80. Business cards of non-standard shape (oval, triangular) are ordered less frequently and mainly for personal use. They do not comply with business etiquette standards, and most importantly, they are inconvenient to store in a traditional business card holder. It is considered good practice to make business cards on high-quality designer paper.

To create an effective business card, the information on it needs to be easy to read.

Experts recommend using no more than two or three colors so that excessive decoration does not distract attention from the information contained on the business card. When designing a business card, you should avoid using complex fonts, as well as italics.

For greater clarity, the employee’s first and last name and the name of the organization can be highlighted in bold. The traditional design for business cards is black text on a white background.

Nowadays decorative elements are increasingly used when designing a business card. For example, you can place your photo or add your organization's logo

It is important to remember that all employees of the company must have business cards designed in the same style. The corporate identity of a company implies many interconnected components, ranging from the trademark and logo of the organization to the use of a specific font and text style.

All these features must be taken into account when designing a business card.

Traditional rules for designing business cards involve placing information on only one side of the business card.

The blank side is used to enter any additional information by hand. For example, you can add your home phone number or ICQ number. Such actions greatly increase the efficiency of interaction, as well as the degree of trust between business partners. Some organizations use the “back side” of a business card to provide information to foreign partners, for example, in English. Although, according to the rules of business etiquette, a reputable organization must have at least two types of business cards - for domestic partners and for foreign colleagues.

The business card is presented in person at the first meeting or at the beginning of business negotiations, if the partners did not know each other personally before. If for some reason you cannot provide your personal business card in response, you must apologize and promise to send it as soon as possible.

Thus, a business card, first of all, is the “face” of your organization. Therefore, when making it, the basic rules for designing business cards must be observed.

An effective business card promotes productive business contacts and the development of your business as a whole.

Download the Business Card Master program right now!

Business card manufacturing technology

Making a business card involves many nuances that should not be neglected. An example of making a card can be seen on specialized Internet sites.

Everything is important - the location of the company logo, the names of the manager and leading specialists, the color of an important tool for an entrepreneur.

Mobile or other phone numbers must stand out clearly against the background. When exchanging business cards, business people expect the dialogue to continue, so the overall design is of great importance.

An example is the size of the card. It is difficult to place the necessary data on a small business card, a large one is inconvenient for standard wallets, and attention is diverted from the main tasks. The correct proportions are important, where size, color and overall design take place, then the flow of Qi energy will go in a given direction, creating the preconditions for successful contacts of the owner.

As a rule, the size according to established standards is 50X90 mm, where the positive energy of the number 50 balances the negative energy of the number 90.

By using patterns and color changes, a business card can be visually divided into two parts. It will become more attractive, the biofield will improve, negative vibes will lose significance. But you can vary it by testing cards one after another for internal perception and meaning according to Feng Shui. Business cards of different sizes are shown in the photo and the table below:

  • 0 -135 mm – for financial success,
  • 135-270 mm – for safety in an environment of wealth,
  • 270-405 mm – achieve six types of luck,
  • 405-540 mm - to abundance and happiness,
  • 540-675 mm – possible loss of money,
  • 675-810 mm – entails problems with legislative bodies, authorities,
  • 810-945 mm - to troubles of a judicial nature.

This example shows how important size is for a business card.

Before making a card, you need to weigh in your mind several times which one to choose, so as not to get into trouble by ruining your open case.

A lot of money, sleepless nights, and hopes for luck can be at stake. If the article is read by a person who has replicated a batch of business cards for his business, where the size does not fit within the positive frame, you need to think about what to do in this case.

If the size is critical, destroy it in order to keep the business afloat and not suffer material losses. Or do it differently. Using a red marker, modify the borders of the card to reduce the negative impact of the existing parameters. Red, the symbol of fire, seems to burn part of the area; it is perceived as smaller than what is represented. And make the next batch for the benefit and success according to the parameters of the “imperial” line.


This technique has dominated design for many years and is not going to lose ground yet. Business cards with a gradient look creative and voluminous. We share the main techniques for using it:

  • Consider the psychology of color, because you are combining several shades at once. Answer the question what emotions you want to evoke in your target audience. For example, blue-green colors convey confidence and reliability, while red-orange colors convey joy and energy.
  • Don't forget to include your brand colors in the gradient.
  • Remember that the trend has shifted towards smooth, almost invisible to the eye, transitions of shades.
  • Don't spread the gradient over the entire card. Limit yourself to one element you want to highlight: background, logo, text or graphics.

Source – Eros Bancellini

Source – Vadim Carazan

Source – Alex Kirhenstein

Choosing a color

Feng Shui recommends choosing the color for your business card taking into account the elements that relate to your business. The correct choice of one of the five elements determines how much the business will prosper.


Fire patronizes those involved in television and radio, associated with the oil business and chemical industry, electricity and electronic communications. This includes the professions of stylist and makeup artist, specialists in advertising and marketing, show business and fashion, as well as cooking.

The correct color for all of the above areas is red and all its shades, including orange.


A tree is a symbol of culture and art, learning and creativity, the textile industry and everything related to the plant world. The most suitable palette for those working in this area will be green.


The element of metal will support workers in the financial sector and banking, and will also become the patron of those who work in the metalworking industry, the production of automobile transport, and the manufacture and sale of electrical appliances. Metal also helps those who find themselves in music and the field of natural science.

It is better to make a business card for all these specialties in the appropriate metal tones: white or grey, gold, copper or silver.

The water element refers primarily to everything associated with water. He will also become an assistant for actors and media representatives, those who work in the tourism business.

In this case, blue and its blue tint, as well as classic black, will be suitable colors for making business cards.


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