How to identify zones in the house according to Feng Shui and activate them?

According to ancient eastern teachings, each home has its own energy - positive and negative, which are ideally in balance. A well-organized space allows you to neutralize destructive flows and activate positive ones aimed at material abundance and personal happiness. How to identify zones in an apartment in accordance with Feng Shui and direct their influence to improve specific areas of life - read the article.

If you follow the Feng Shui methodology, absolutely any events in a person’s life are tied to nine spheres. These aspects of life are embedded in specific sectors, or areas of the room. The zones are oriented to the cardinal directions and distributed along the Bagua grid - this is an octagon, on each side of which a shade and element are determined. Feng Shui sectors can also be viewed in the Lo Shu square.

Cardinal directions

The cardinal directions are important for planning an interior that is harmonious and brings good luck.

  • The North is the sector of career, position in society, status.
  • North-West is the sector of the assistant, patron, responsible for business communications and travel.
  • The West is the region of childhood and creativity.
  • According to Feng Shui, the southwest is the zone of marriage and love, responsible for relationships in couples.
  • The south is the sector of fame.
  • The southeast is a zone of monetary well-being and material abundance.
  • East - the eastern part is responsible for family happiness and warmth.
  • Northeast is the sector of wisdom, knowledge, and everyday experience.
  • Center - the central part of the home is responsible for health.

Directions of the World
If you arrange your home correctly, taking into account the characteristics of each zone, you can maintain warm family relationships, establish a stable financial flow, maintain health and attract good luck into your life and the lives of your household.
And you need to start by highlighting the key areas of Chinese philosophy.

How to attract positive energy into a space

It is very important not only to arrange the space according to the rules of Feng Shui, but also to monitor your actions, emotions and feelings. They directly affect the energy situation at home.

The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Never sort things out at the dinner table. This is the central sector of the house, in which the energy is especially strong. Therefore, during a family gathering at lunch or dinner, only positive emotions should prevail at the table.
  2. The kitchen is the symbol of the hearth of your home. The health and emotional state of your household will depend on the mood in which you prepare food. Therefore, there is no need to cook when you are irritated, angry or offended. First, solve the problem, talk and make peace, and only then create culinary masterpieces.

In conclusion, Fr. You can decorate the entire space with talismans, creating an ideal environment according to oriental canons. But if you don’t do anything in real life, don’t “ground yourself” by doing sports, creativity, household chores and work, you shouldn’t expect magical changes.

How to understand which zone is which in an apartment?

Housing sectors need to be identified in order to activate it and the areas for which it is responsible. This is an amazing opportunity to influence your own life and energy.

What needs to be done to calculate the sectors? First, print out the plan of the apartment or cottage. You can find the plan in the documents for housing, contact the BTI, or simply draw it yourself, taking into account the footage and location of the rooms.

The next step is to print a Bagua grid (you can find one online). There is a simple option for depicting sectors on a square; you can use that too. Using a compass, determine where north is in the apartment. Mark a point on the apartment drawing. It will be much easier to start from it, defining zones and directions. Using the markings on the Bagua octagon, label other sectors.

How to understand which zone is which in an apartment

If you don’t have a compass, you can use your school knowledge and pay attention to which window the sunrise is usually visible in - it will be east. Where the sun sets is west. By facing east and extending your left arm to the side, you will find the north direction. Behind the east will be the west, and on the right side will be the south.

Due to the layout, some areas may fall out. In this case, it is recommended to hang a mirror on the area that is missing. There is an option to concentrate energies in one large room in the center and determine directions in it. Thus, each part of the living room will be responsible for its own area of ​​life, be it health or partnership.

Application of Lo Shu

All things in the house not only have a utilitarian purpose, but are also associated with different aspects of life, and therefore have an impact on them. If you change the environment, for example, the color of the wallpaper in a certain room, you can change reality. To understand which changes are useful, you need to apply Lo Shu to the floor plan and get a Feng Shui map. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Find the apartment plan and make a photocopy.
  2. Draw Lo Shu on tracing paper or plastic film. It is advisable to make the images the same size: this way the boundaries of the zones are more accurately determined.
  3. Use a compass to find north indoors and mark it on the photocopy.
  4. Place the Lo Shu drawing on the plan, combining the directions of the parts of the world.

Sometimes it is difficult to combine the plan and the Chinese square. In this case, draw lines that continue the external load-bearing walls. This operation will result in a square or rectangle. Everything that falls beyond the line of the main walls, for example: balconies, outbuildings, verandas, is not taken into account.

Difficulties often also arise if the house was not oriented to the cardinal points during construction. Let's consider these cases in more detail.

Activation of sectors according to Feng Shui

To activate zones according to Eastern teachings, it is necessary to place specific objects and symbols in them, enhancing the influx of positive energy. The very first thing you need to do is understand what exactly in your life does not suit you. For example, an unloved job, difficulties in relationships with family, or loneliness. If you have career ambitions, you intend to earn a lot and gain fame, then pay special attention to the north, southeast and northwest.

Do you want to find your true love and create a strong union? Perhaps conceive a baby and become parents? The southwest, west and east are likely to be strengthened.

Activation of sectors according to Feng Shui

It is best to influence several sectors so that in interaction they create the same synergy effect that will lead you to the desired abundance.

Good Qi and Floor Plan

When the configuration of an apartment or house on the plan is close to a square and is also oriented to the cardinal points, zoning the house is easy to do. In this case, Qi flows evenly throughout the entire space, which harmonizes all areas of life. Other forms of premises are less favorable, for example:

  1. If the shape of the room is a rectangle, where the long side is more than a third larger than the short side, then the flow of energy slows down.
  2. When the housing has an irregular shape, it’s as if a part has been cut out of a square or rectangle. In this case, the owners of the premises will have problems in the missing sector.
  3. Serious difficulties for the harmonious flow of Qi arise if the house was not oriented to the cardinal points during construction. Overlaying the Lo Shu apartment with this construction option reveals areas that remain outside the boundaries of the plan. In these places the energy is unfavorable: it is undesirable to place a bed, a dining table, or spend a lot of time there.

If the shape of the room is far from ideal, this is not a reason to be upset, because there are many ways to harmonize the space. For example, if the housing on the plan looks like the letter L, then individual sectors will be missing, and the center responsible for health may be in a dark corridor or toilet. All this is extremely unfavorable for the energy of the house. However, there is a way to put things in order.

According to Chinese tradition, you can find and activate zones in a separate room, for example, in the hall or in the kitchen. In this case, a separate room is zoned and the desired sector is activated in it. However, when building a new house, it is wiser to determine the Feng Shui sectors in the apartment before construction begins.

Useful tips for each zone: how to activate?

Each zone is subordinated to its own element. In the east there are more of them than the four we are used to (Water, Fire, Earth and Air), and in the description of the zone, belonging to a specific element of existence comes first. In second place is the secondary element, which supports and helps the main one. The third position is occupied by the shade that best reflects the sphere and brings good luck in it. It is harmonious with the two elements of the sector. Each direction has its own number, which you can also focus on.

Zones Love, Family, Children


It’s also the love zone – it’s the southwest. There is a romantic atmosphere, pink and beige colors, and earthy elements.

The main law in this territory is paired talismans: fish, birds, angels and candles. They help both find love and maintain feelings in a couple.


Located in the east. Paste blue or green wallpaper here and be sure to put up family photos where everyone is happy and smiling. Green plants and paintings with fertility themes will support family well-being.


Children, as well as Creativity, are the western part of the apartment. The children's room, a place for games and various creativity, is decorated in gold, silver and other light colors.

There should be a lot of sunshine here. Arrange an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts here. The West is considered a wish-fulfillment zone; this is where you can hide your wish card.

How to improve the main areas in the interior?

  1. Health (center).
    This is the main zone that affects all other aspects of a full life. Her element is Earth, number is 5. Good colors for decoration: earth, sand shades, beige, ocher, terracotta, yellow and mustard. Use figurines and vases made from natural materials, clay, ceramics, wood, and stone for decoration. Under no circumstances hang pictures on the walls with scenes of attack, violence, or aggression (even if they are from the animal world). Do not keep things of the dead or sick in the center of the apartment.
  2. Money (southeast).
    Element – ​​Water, second – Wood. The preferred color palette is aquatic shades of aquamarine, turquoise, azure, as well as woody tones from warm greens to browns. In this direction it is recommended to place paintings depicting water bodies, fresh flowers in bouquets or pots, and wooden furniture. The symbolism of fire - candles, fireplaces, as well as metal objects - have a negative impact.
  3. Love (southwest).
    The elements of love are Earth and Fire. The number of the sector is two, so it is important to combine only paired items or a multiple of two items. Shades from scarlet to brown, warm. It’s great if you manage to place two bedside tables in this area (if it’s a bedroom), two armchairs, two candles, pictures or photos of happy lovers. You cannot place in this sector images of water, things made of wood and metal, as well as items that other people owned before you. As you can see, buying a vintage wooden wardrobe for your bedroom or hanging a poster with waterfalls is not the best idea.

    How to improve the main areas in the interior

  4. Children and creativity (West).
    The dominant elements are Metal and Earth. A lucky number is 7. Shades: ivory, white, yellow, metallic, silver and gold. Objects related to children will help “turn on” this zone - creative crafts, photographs, plants, drawings, fairy-tale paraphernalia. Objects from the fire element, as well as dirty, broken and outdated things, which reek of withering, but not youth, have a negative impact.
  5. Glory and Triumph (South)
    . Fire and Wood are responsible for the south. Number nine. The southern palette includes red, emerald, and orange. It is harmonious to place in this zone attributes of a fiery nature - a fireplace, candles, lamps, paintings with the sun and fire, as well as wooden decorative items and furniture. Items that are indirectly or directly related to water (aquariums, vases, water coolers) should not be placed here.
  6. Family (east).
    Wood and Water are responsible for this sector. Family number is three. Shades include green, brown, soft blue and sky. It is good to decorate this area with light green color, tablecloths with floral patterns, and wooden household items. Place a money tree here to help the flow of abundance. You can install an aquarium with colorful fish here. An abundance of red color, fire symbols and metal products have a bad effect on the zone.
  7. Knowledge (northeast).
    This is the wisest part of the house. Her patrons are Earth and Fire, number 8. The shade range is based on a warm sand palette. It is good to install bright light sources, crystals, porcelain, ceramic cups, aroma candles and aroma lamps here. You can use the generally accepted symbols of wisdom - owl, globe, snake. You should not use things here that are associated with the wooden and metal elements.
  8. Work and ambition (north)
    . Elements – Water and Metal. Metallic shades, blue-green tones. Experts in Eastern philosophy consider it important to install small drinking fountains here, lay out coins and place figurines depicting fish or turtles. You should not plan wooden trim and furniture made of wood in this area.

    Feng Shui zones in the house

  9. Patrons/Travel (Northwest).
    This section of the grid is subordinate to Metal and Wood. Number – 6. Shades – gray, silver, snow-white, gold. Here it is good to install a figurine or image of the person whom you consider your patron - an icon of a saint or a portrait of an ancestor. Figures of dolphins, angels, images of favorite poets or other artists are appropriate here. Fire symbolism is undesirable. If you have a goal to travel to a certain country, you can hang a map and photos from this area here. The principle is the same as in drawing up wish cards - detailed visualization.

Zones Wealth, Career and Patrons

These are the three most important sectors in the apartment, the arrangement of which, according to the laws of Feng Shui, will provide a person with an influx of finances, business ideas, reliable partners and generous bosses.


Located in the southeast of the house. Money magnets will be green and purple colors, wooden objects and water symbolism.

Living green plants with wide leaves, aquariums, piggy banks and animal mascots will ensure the activation of the wealth zone. Do you know the three-toed toad with a coin in its mouth? This Chinese figurine is placed in the southeast of the home.


The quarry sector is in the north. The element of the sector is water, the activator is metal. All metallic colors are relevant here - gray, silver, gold, white.

All elements of water must be in motion; stagnation of water symbolizes stagnation in work. Equip the career area with fountains, aquariums with live fish, paintings depicting waterfalls and rivers. The elements and colors of Fire have a bad effect on the sector.

The deeper meaning of arranging a career zone is not just getting a higher position and increasing your finances. In the understanding of Chinese philosophers, this is the spiritual growth of the individual, enlightenment, and wisdom.


Next to the Career sector is the Assistant zone. To attract influential and useful people into your life, place here a metal talisman, a portrait of an influential person, or an icon if you are a believer.

This same part of the Bagua grid is responsible for travel. Feel free to put here paintings and photographs of landscapes you would like to visit.

Feng Shui of the work area, no matter where it is located, implies order and cleanliness.

Avoid the accumulation of garbage and unnecessary papers. Even a basic mess on the desktop leads to a loss of concentration, and therefore the necessary energy. Spring cleaning is the simplest and most important way to activate any zone.

How to decorate specific rooms in a house according to Feng Shui?

The apartment starts from the hallway. If possible, the door should open inward, as if inviting energies rather than releasing them. The space in front of the door must be left free, and in no case should it be crowded with shoes or umbrellas. Keep the entryway entryway clear of dirt.

You can create positive energy in your living room in the following ways.

  • Cleanliness of windows and frames.
  • Wide window sills without storage.
  • Timely disposal of trash and broken things.
  • Replacing lamps with brighter, neutral daylight ones.

In the bathroom, it is necessary to constantly keep the plumbing clean, because it is cleanliness that becomes a conductor of energies. Leakage of the faucet or toilet tank is unacceptable. The toilet lid must be closed.

How to decorate specific rooms in a house according to Feng Shui

Bagua and Lo Shu

Chinese tradition uses two tools that link space with different aspects of life. This is the Bagua octagon, as well as a special square - Lo Shu, which are similar in many ways.

Bagua is oriented to the cardinal points and is a kind of map divided into 9 parts. Each part of the figure has a constant size - 45° and corresponds to a certain aspect of life.

Lo Shu, like Bagua, is useful in analyzing the energy of space and is divided into 9 parts. Once practiced, both tools are good to use. However, dividing into Bagua zones is more convenient if the room is not oriented to the cardinal directions or has a shape other than a square. Lo Shu, in turn, is more useful for accurately delineating Feng Shui sectors in the house.

General ways to activate sectors and talismans

  • Crystals are an effective method to strengthen areas associated with well-being, attract love and appeal to wisdom. You can use either real crystal or mineral rocks such as quartz. And also crystal pendants, glass balls, pyramids and natural stones.
  • Candles. Fire can cleanse a house of negative energy and fill it with creative energy. It is best not to use candles or incense in areas that are not ruled by the Fire element.
  • Mirrors. Mirror canvases redirect qi energy and recreate the sector that is missing. A good way is to position the mirror in such a way that attractive objects are reflected there - a landscape on the wall, a dining table. Do not hang a mirror opposite a doorway or window, because this will create a kind of “draft” of energy flows, which will make you feel uncomfortable. An extremely bad place is the bedroom. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise they will suffer from nightmares or insomnia.
  • Canvases. Positive energy is carried by images of nature, smiling people, and attributes of luxury. You should not hang post-apocalyptic paintings and expressionist paintings on the walls that cause anxiety.
  • "The music of wind". These are pendant bells that move when the air blows at the entrance to the room. They work as a filter, trapping evil energy. Where such clinking accessories hang, conflicts occur less often. Hang bells in corners where energy stagnation occurs, near the front door and above the windows.
  • "The Singing Bowl" The bowl is made of a metal alloy. When tapped with a wooden stick, it produces melodic sounds, somewhat reminiscent of a bell. Sound is aimed at transforming negative into positive, bad, destructive energy into constructive, good. You can use the tool after guests have left or just strangers who came to your house without an invitation, as well as after quarrels and illness. You can meditate to the sound of the bowl.

Bagua grid - what is it?

Although this unfamiliar phrase sounds intimidating, there is, in fact, nothing to be afraid of. The Bagua grid is a zoned octagon. The name itself comes from two Chinese words: “ba” - eight, “gua” - trigram. In each corner of the grid (and, as we just learned, there are eight of them) there is a zone according to the division into parts of the world: north, south, west, east and, accordingly, their derivatives, that is, adjacent sides.

So, what is a Bagua grid for? The Bagua grid allows you to correctly divide the room into sectors, when activated, your life turns from a sluggish river into a seething stream. Well, this is figurative, of course. How does it work? It’s very simple: you just need to apply a Bagua grid (or a Bagua square - a variation of the presented grid) on the plan of your home. How to do this? Now you will find out everything in great detail.

What shades do you prefer in the interior?

The design of the room is entirely dependent on the influence of color. A warm palette from red to ocher and brown activates the energy of Fire and helps mental activity. Use these colors in your office, sports room, but not where you sleep.

Room design

Emerald and turquoise have calming properties and help restore strength. These are the ones you should choose for the bedroom, bathroom and nursery. The white shade symbolizes the purity and harmony of life. It can be used in any room.

Zones Glory, Wisdom


Fame and reputation are the southern part of the apartment. Ruled by Fire. This is the best place in the house for red things, for diplomas, medals and other awards that the owner of the house is proud of.

Sector of Wisdom

Ruled by the element Earth and activated by Fire. Figures and images of patron animals that symbolize wisdom are placed here.


  • owl,
  • turtle,
  • snake.

The sector is decorated in brown and yellow tones. It would be a good idea to place a nursery, library or study here.

How to choose an apartment according to Feng Shui?

You can't always influence housing, design interiors or plan designs yourself. When renting an apartment or moving into secondary housing, you only have the opportunity to choose a suitable place according to the available parameters.

Pay attention to where the house is located. It’s good if there are parks, children’s development centers, and sports grounds nearby. A house built next to a prison, hospital or graves leaves a negative impression. Monuments made of granite and marble do not carry any special fears, but are associated with sadness and grief, guilt and pain. By the way, you also need to choose tombstones in accordance with Feng Shui, taking into account the location of neighboring objects and residential buildings. City cemeteries are organized according to completely different parameters, so living next to a churchyard can be difficult in terms of energy. If necessary, you can order a granite monument on the website

The purchase or rental of a house from which the previous residents moved in a state of happiness and celebration, for example, after a wedding or in connection with the birth of a baby, can be considered successful. Buying a home that was sold out of desperation or due to divorce, death, or bankruptcy will not bring good luck.

What you need to know about doors and windows?


They must be proportionate (not small, not large), open into the room (especially living room), it is advisable to choose interior ones of the same size.

Avoid layouts where doors are located opposite each other.


The most important moment in all respects is the opening. Exclusively sideways and inward, no up or down or out. Too large (panoramic), as well as too small, are also not suitable. If two windows are opposite each other, one should be curtained.

Group mismatch in Gua number

If all family members belong to the same group, this is the most successful option. In this case, it is easy to make the interior space of the apartment energetically comfortable for everyone.

If not, you'll have to get creative.

Moreover, first of all, when improving an apartment, one should take into account the Gua number of its owner (if he lives in it) or the number of the family member on whose shoulders lies concern for the well-being of others.

It is great if the entrance to the apartment is located in a direction favorable to the head of the family. In this case, luck will not leave him, and everyone entering the apartment (guests, household members) will bring positive energy into it, enhancing his success in business and improving his health. Of course, this will contribute to the prosperity of the family.

At the same time, if the other inhabitants of the house belong to an antagonistic group, then every time they enter the apartment, they will be exposed to hostile energies. You can reduce the negative impact by placing a metal object (figurine, wall decoration) at the entrance.

For the door, it is better to choose blue or black.

A difficult moment is choosing a direction that is good for sleep when the husband and wife belong to different groups. But here you can also find a solution that satisfies both. The fact is that not all favorable directions manifest their properties equally. The same applies to unfavorable ones. There are, so to speak, more and less harmful directions. You will have to study the issue further to find a good compromise.

Favorable and unfavorable directions

According to personal Gua number, all people are divided into two groups. Those whose numbers are 1, 3, 4, 9 belong to the eastern group. The directions that are beneficial for them are east, north, south, southeast, all others are unfavorable. People with Gua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 belong to the Western group.

Preferred directions are west, northwest, southwest and northeast. As we see, these two groups are antagonists, and directions that are favorable for one are simultaneously unfavorable for the other.

For sleep, it is recommended to choose places located in a favorable sector. And during work and other activities, you should face in a direction that is useful for you.

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