Ritual for collecting a vase of wealth according to Feng Shui: secrets of effectiveness and manufacturing nuances

The end of the year is the ideal time to take stock, understand what worked and what you need to work on more hard. But if you want changes, then it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer outside. To make your dreams come true as if by magic, and to achieve your goals easily and naturally, it is important to formulate them in as much detail as possible and to believe that the circumstances will work out in the best way for you.

A positive attitude and a clear vision of what you want help you cope with many difficulties along the way. When you want to quickly attract luck into your life, you can try unusual ways. One of them is to make a feng shui cup of wealth with your own hands.

You can create a special talisman at any time of the year when you have a strong desire to improve the life of your family. However, if you follow traditions, it is better to choose the first new moon before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar - from January 21 to February 21. Follow the detailed plan in this article, and favorable changes will not keep you waiting.

The history of the vase of abundance

In Russian fairy tales, a self-assembled tablecloth is popular, on which dishes appear on their own, you just need to wish it.
In one of the Buddhist legends there is a mention of a similar magical object - the Feng Shui cup of wealth. Fisherman Shen Wansan once caught a flower vase in the Yangtze River with his net. I decided not to throw it away, but to use it on the farm - to feed the dog from it. It was then that one amazing feature emerged that amazed the fisherman - food appeared in the vase again and again.

Magical changes occurred not only with food, but also with any other objects. As soon as you put, for example, a coin in a bowl of wealth, the vase was filled to the brim with money. The lucky catch helped Shen quickly become rich.

There are many legends about a fisherman who was lucky. Tourists from all over the world can visit his house in the city of Zhouzhuang and admire the luxurious decoration of this amazing home.


Now it is extremely important to cleanse the vase of the energy of all those people who previously touched it. This is very simple to do - buy a new candle, light it and walk the flame along the inner walls of the bowl. The fire will remove other people's energy, and the aura of your vase will be completely renewed. You can enhance this ritual by covering the inner walls of the bowl with smoke from an incense stick. This way you will not only clear the cup of the energy of the past, but also charge it with your desires and dreams. Also, after cleansing with the flame of a candle, evil will never be able to settle in your cup of well-being.

Tips for choosing the right vase

For many years, the Feng Shui ritual of making the bowl of abundance was kept secret. Only a select few possessed secret knowledge. Some wealthy Chinese homes even have special rooms in which such vases are kept as family heirlooms.

But they are unlikely to be shown to you - money cups are usually hidden from prying eyes. Anyone who wants to attract good luck into their life can have their own vase of wishes, because information from ancient manuscripts today has ceased to be a secret.

Half the success is choosing the right vase. Any one won’t do, but it’s not necessary to buy it specifically from an esoteric shop. It is enough to know a few important rules. When choosing a vessel, pay attention to its shape. As Feng Shui masters note, the bowl should be “pot-bellied”, with a wide bottom and a slightly narrowed neck.

Please note that you will need to put all the items necessary for the ritual into the vase through the neck - so you shouldn’t choose something that is too narrow either. There must be a lid - after the vessel is filled, it is sealed. As for the material from which the bowl is made, it can be anything of your choice - porcelain, ceramics, and metal will do.

The main condition is that the vase of abundance must be opaque. Feng Shui masters choose vases with special symbols of well-being and prosperity. There are many of them in Buddhism.

You can choose the one that best suits your goals and desires. A good guardian of the hearth will be one of the most important symbols in Buddhism - the dragon.

It personifies prosperity and wealth, brings mutual understanding and harmony to the home. Another popular symbol on vases is a sign of double luck; it also has a second name - “mystical knot”.

Good luck in business and love will not leave the home of the one who chooses this talisman.

You will need incense sticks. They are used to cleanse the bowl itself, as well as all objects used during the ritual. First, fumigate the vase of abundance and all the items that you plan to use to create a talisman. This will help scare away evil spirits.

Handmade talismans

It's no secret that those talismans and magical objects that you made yourself, adhering to certain rules, have the greatest power. That is why we strongly recommend making a vase of wealth yourself.

Of course, this process is very complex and requires special skills. But if suddenly you know how to sculpt from clay or carve various crafts from wood (including hollow ones), then why not put your skill into such a good direction. If you are simply not able to make a vase yourself, then buy it. It must be made of metal, wood, ceramics or clay. In fact, you can buy any vase that has a characteristic shape and is closed with a lid, the main thing is that there are no drawings, ornaments or other images on it.

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Collecting the cup of wishes

The process of collecting talismans to fill a vase is labor-intensive, but exciting. Involve your relatives so that everyone can add some items and details that are important to them.

Perhaps an evening spent creating a cup of abundance will become a good family tradition, because it is so nice to dream together and create a happy model of a future life.

Probably everyone has made a wish card at least once in their life - a collage containing photographs of what you dream about. Making your own vase of abundance is a little more challenging, but the process is sure to captivate you.

Feng Shui masters recommend putting different objects in the wishing bowl; when choosing them, it is important to adhere to a number of rules. But only you can decide what will end up inside your talisman.

Here is a list of what you can use:

  1. coins are the main symbol of wealth and prosperity . It is recommended to put not only money from different countries, but also three coins of the Qing Dynasty, tied with a red thread. You can purchase them in online stores or special esoteric shops. If you place this amulet at the bottom of a vase of abundance with hieroglyphs facing up, it will help attract wealth into your life, say Feng Shui masters;
  2. land from the site on which the house of a rich man was built . It is important that the owner gives his permission, or even better, gives it to you. But in our country, not everyone knows the traditions of Feng Shui, so the request may be perceived ambiguously;
  3. feng shui crystals . It is believed that these amulets, which look like precious stones and shimmer in the light with all the colors of the rainbow, attract good luck to the house;
  4. five stones, each of which symbolizes one of the elements in color . Metal – white, Water – blue or cyan, Fire – red, Earth – yellow, Wood – green;
  5. cereals _ Like stones, they are signs of the elements. You will have to purchase five types: red beans (Fire), peas or millet (Earth), white rice (Metal), wild rice (Water) and green peas (Wood);
  6. prosperity figurines. Esoteric stores have a large selection of Feng Shui symbols; choose those that are most suitable for fulfilling the desires of your family. The following will do a good job of attracting money into the house: a figurine of a toad with three coins in its mouth, a turtle, a money tree;
  7. candy is a symbol of the sweet life.

It is important to incense each item with an incense stick before you place it in the cup of abundance. Hold all the amulets in your hands for a long time, ask the elements for help, try with all your heart to believe that what you wished for will soon come true.

Once the vase is filled, close it with a lid. If you follow all the traditions, then you need to cover it with rags of five colors, which also symbolize the elements - white, blue, green, red and, last on top, yellow.

After this, tie the neck with five ropes of the same colors and in the same order as indicated above, and then finally carefully run the incense stick one last time, concentrating on what you want.


Your vase should never be empty, but this does not mean that you can store just anything in it. Here is a list of items that will attract wealth:

  • Sew miniature drawstring bags from red fabric and pour raw cereals into each of them - rice, buckwheat, millet, etc. You can enhance the effect of the fruits of the earth by painting the grains with golden paint.
  • Purchase Bagua coins from a specialty store. They are sold tied with a red ribbon. This is a very powerful money talisman.
  • Magazine clippings with pictures of what you want - houses, yachts, cars.
  • Banknote. It should also be kept in a red bag.

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Proper storage methods

Put the vase in a secluded, clean place if your main goal is material well-being.
If the main tasks you have set for this year are related not to finances, but to family relationships, then you should not put the cup away too far. Let everyone who took part in its creation see the result of joint efforts. It is a mistake to think that this is the end of the work with the talisman. It is important not to open the cup for a year, but at the same time regularly think about it, remember the process of creation and return to your desires.

If you make every effort to realize your plans and do not hope only for a miracle, then luck will certainly smile on you.

What the legend says

A folk legend tells about a poor fisherman whose net caught an expensive vase. He did not dare to sell it - the poor man could be accused of theft. Therefore, the man kept the bowl, adapting it for feeding the dog.

A few days later, the Chinese noticed that the dog had gained weight and its coat was shiny. There was food left in the makeshift bowl. It seemed to the owner that it simply didn’t end there, because the dog ate willingly and a lot. The fisherman shared his doubts with his wife. She leaned over the bowl, watching the dog eat, and accidentally dropped her only decoration - a pendant of 3 coins on a scarlet ribbon - into the food.

It was not possible to return the jewelry, and the couple went into the house, lamenting the loss. Consoling his wife, the fisherman loudly repeated that he would give her another pendant as soon as he had money. Going out into the yard again, the man saw that the dog’s bowl was filled with coins. Since then, prosperity has not left this house.

Water element

Water is considered one of the main elements in the art of Feng Shui (to attract money). It will fill the house with the necessary energy and attract prosperity. You can put up an aquarium and put 9 goldfish in it. A small fountain, a vase of flowers, a decorative mill - these items activate the water element and make it work in the right direction. Be sure to keep the aquarium clean. Change the water in your fountain or vase regularly.

Water symbolizes renewal, an influx of fresh strength and ideas. Feng Shui philosophy for money and attracting wealth recommends using a limited amount of liquid in the house. An excess of the water element will lead to indecision and excessive emotionality.

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