Zone of fame and success according to Feng Shui: how to activate correctly

Feng Shui considers the glory zone as a sector that is completely responsible for the professional and creative life of the inhabitants of the house. He is capable of both bringing luck and popularity and taking it all away. By focusing the right energy in the fame sector, you can achieve quick adaptation in any social environment, be it a team at work or just new acquaintances.

So, the glory sector according to Feng Shui:

  • Direction - south
  • the main element is fire
  • main color is red

Basic information about the sector

As mentioned above, the southern sector of the house is responsible for our fame, popularity and general position in the surrounding society. The main difficulty in using the favorable energy of this zone is its correct, and sometimes complex, activation according to the rules of Feng Shui. But we’ll talk about this later, now let’s look at more technical aspects, namely: location, neighboring areas and general situation.

Zone of fame (or popularity, as some say)

– located in the middle between the Wealth zone and the Love zone. As we see, she herself is the embodiment of the average of her neighbors - she allows her to earn universal love and thus gain material well-being.

The influence on the zone is made by the trigram Li (離) , which literally means “Clinging fire” .

Trigram Li

Thus, the main characteristic of fire, namely its ability to flare up more strongly from what is burning, is transferred to the southern zone of our house.

Reputation can be different, good or bad, and it is not easy to escape from it. In order for it to shine and sparkle in its pure form, it must be constantly nourished: through actions, thoughts, and the preservation of family and friendly ties. If you constantly retreat from the world around you into yourself, forget your friends and family, sooner or later the “fire will go out”, there will simply be nothing to burn.

There is one good Chinese proverb on this topic: “if you always remember how we earned our reputation, it will stick to you for the rest of your life.”

Glory Zone: Attracting an Excellent Reputation

The basis of the ancient Chinese art of feng shui is the management of specific zones in a house or in housing as a whole, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life and manifestation. For example, the fame zone is responsible both for professional advancement and the achievement of a certain social status, and for the creative manifestations and development of the residents of this house or apartment.

This sector can bring good luck and make the inhabitants popular due to their professional activities, and can also take away all these wonderful things.

If this sector gathers positive energy, it will be possible to quickly adapt to any imaginable environment, become a leader in any team, or simply make new and useful contacts.

Activating the Glory Zone

  1. The most classic talisman and the key to activating a feng shui zone is the Phoenix. It is the image of this bird that is the embodiment of fire and the southern direction at the same time. The Chinese themselves call the phoenix the king of all birds. An ancient eastern myth says that the Phoenix is ​​not a bird at all, but a clot of pure fiery energy that has an endless life cycle, dying and being reborn again.

Phoenix image

  1. As a replacement for the phoenix, the image of a red rooster, an adult peacock, or nine eagles is suitable. It could be a figurine, a small fresco or a painting. The number 9 is the number of the south direction.
  2. In modern stores it is easy to find so-called “fire stones” - volcanic tuff, a piece of solidified lava. You just have to be wary of sea and blue stones.
  3. A very strong activator of the zone is the symbol of upward striving. The most common image is a pyramid. Place a red and gold pyramid on the table, this will greatly affect the speed of gaining fame.
  4. Another symbol that most fully embodies the character of the sector is red candles. But don’t let them sit idle for months - candles need to be lit from time to time so that the fire grows and lives in your home.
  5. The fireplace is the hearth of your home. Try very hard to place it in the sector.
  6. What does fire feed on? Of course, a tree. In general, the ideal glory sector is a wooden room in red tones. But in modern realities, a table or some kind of decorative element is suitable, for example, you can find wooden figurines of phoenixes.
  7. And the last point will be this task:
    take scissors and cut out an even square from the red paper.
    Now on the corners of our figure we write the components of glory: “Luck”, “Recognition”, “Success”, “Glory”.
    In the center of the square you should write exactly and clearly what you are striving for,
    in the affirmative form of the present tense. For example, if you want to gain wealth, write: “I am a successful businessman!” Now all that remains is to place our personal talisman so that it is not visible to prying eyes.

These are the main and most powerful symbols that are designed to activate our zone. Now you need to connect it with the personality of the person who lives in the house, using the teachings of Feng Shui. And your personal items, which are social signs of reputation, will help us with this:

  1. Certificates, certificates, diplomas, gratitude;
  2. Awards, orders, medals;
  3. Any posters and collages with celebrities in red and white colors;
  4. Lamps, lamps with warm lighting;
  5. You can also put a few pieces of paper with quotes and sayings of famous people on the topic of well-being and success.
  6. Personal things that matter only to you and are associated with success in a particular period of life.

What should not be placed in the glory zone

Despite the fact that the element of Wood feeds the element of Fire, figurines and figurines made of wood are not recommended in this zone, since their presence can lead to the loss of a person’s good name. It is better to give preference to images on paper or fabric, made in suitable shades.

Any items directly related to the elements of Water and Earth are not allowed in the glory sector. These include not only indoor plants, fountains, aquariums and water containers, but also mirrors, black and blue things, wavy and oval-shaped objects.

When is sector strengthening needed?

  • You changed your job and joined a new team;
  • you decided to do something qualitatively new for yourself;
  • work in the public eye (eg journalism);
  • want to become a famous person through what you do in life.

Even if a person does not strive for popularity and recognition, he needs to activate and simply support the southern sector in order to have a good reputation in his environment.

To strengthen and maintain, such strong talismans are no longer required as during activation. It is enough to follow a few simple rules and place certain household items in the southern part:

  1. Items in the red range: red silk, coins, tassels;
  2. The overall interior is in a “wooden” style;
  3. You can add a little green, because... this is also the color of wood and life. A live flower is very suitable for this.

It is strictly prohibited:

  1. Place water symbols in the zone;
  2. Use blue, purple, black flowers in decoration;
  3. Use huge figures and statues of birds of prey;
  4. Symbols of killing birds: spears, arrows, etc.

First of all, you and I will activate the glory zone, the southern sector. Using Bagua or Lo Shu, determine where the glory zone is in your apartment.

Ideally, if it falls on one of the rooms or the kitchen, it is worse if this area falls on the bathroom or toilet. But even in this case, there are techniques that can correct the situation. Here they are: in the interior of a bathroom or toilet, for example, on the tiled walls, trees or plants should be depicted. It turns out that the tree will feed on water, the fire on wood. You can also tie up sewer pipes with red threads or ribbons so that the red color (fire) neutralizes negative energy. You can also put a cup for toothbrushes and a red soap dish on the shelf in the bathroom. But in these rooms there should not be any talismans (coins, money frogs or Hottei figurines, for example), the only “talisman” should be: cleanliness and freshness. And always keep the bathroom and toilet door and toilet lid closed. Clean these rooms more often, and don’t forget to fix all the taps so they don’t leak.

If for some reason it is impossible to activate this zone in the apartment, apply a bagua grid to one of the rooms and activate it. The zone of fame and reputation indicates your position in society, the circles in which you move, your social status, and therefore not only your success, but also your luck. Good luck in business, at work, and in other areas of life. Well, let's begin with blessings! Since the southern direction is ruled by Fire, its energy will be strengthened by objects representing this element - lamps, lamps, candles, bird feathers, orange and red shades, products made from natural fur, pyramids and triangles, animal ornaments, etc. All lighting items need to be used more often include. The same attributes of Wood - this element feeds Fire. Plants and flowers are perfect for this purpose. Plants should have leaves pointing upward (to fame, success, luck); any flowers - orange or red, for example sunflowers, which resemble the sun. And of course, to achieve your wildest dreams, fame and success, it is best in this sector to hang a picture or embroidery on the wall with the image of birds flying upward, for example 9 eagles; an image of the sun (but not sunset) or fire would also be good. Placing a fireplace or candlesticks in the southern sector is also an excellent solution. Here is another list of favorable objects or symbols for the glory zone: green, red, orange, yellow candles (light them periodically to activate them), aroma lamps, sconces and lamps with crystal or glass pendants (turn them on for at least 2-3 hours in day), a large coin - a talisman, a panel with an eagle taking off against the backdrop of the rising sun, pyramids (put them up or hang them up), an image of a phoenix, a peacock, a rooster (the more magnificent and luxurious the bird is, the better), a stove or fireplace (they must be operational and serviceable), certificates, awards, prizes, diplomas and other things that you associate with authority, victory, glory. And also, when you install or hang the necessary thing to activate this or other sectors, you must be in a good, excellent mood, mood, and it is advisable to imagine the necessary, desired events. Then rest assured, your glory is just around the corner and your wishes should be fulfilled easily and quickly.

Sector Affirmations

An affirmation is a statement that is addressed primarily inside a person. They help you quickly realize your goal and quickly approach it. It is recommended to create your own personal affirmations and repeat them several times a week in the glory zone, turning to yourself.

  • “Everyone appreciates, respects me and turns to me for help”
  • “My professional influence is growing and helping people.”
  • “I’m glad that I can get support and help from my family and friends. I am glad that I can provide such support to them too"
  • “I am well known and respected in my personal professional circles”
  • “My reputation as a decent, honest, kind and fair person grows every day.”

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I'm open to fame and success

According to Feng Shui, the Southern Zone of Glory is fueled by different energies and shades. It is important to remember this so that the fame sector smells fragrant and blooms. Proper design of the space will allow you to gain fame in a matter of days.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Fire.

According to feng shui, the Glory Zone is ruled by Fire and fueled by Wood. There should be a lot of light in the form of lamps, floor lamps, sconces and red or green candles. Any living plants that strive for the sun will also be quite appropriate.

You should not place aquariums or fountains in the Glory sector.

It is necessary to abandon any metal shelving and household items, as well as ceramics and sea stones. The element of Metal in large quantities will weaken Wood.

Shapes and colors

Try to decorate the Glory sector in favorable colors. If this is not possible, then complement the interior in the recommended colors.

  • triangle,
  • vertical rectangle,
  • extended arrow upward.
  • red,
  • orange,
  • gold,
  • yellow,
  • scarlet,
  • green.
  • black,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • violet.
  • geranium,
  • jasmine,
  • ginger,
  • cinnamon,
  • carnation.

Foundation for Success

Improving personal characteristics is a mandatory step on the path to success. Whatever different goals we set for ourselves, the basis for achieving them is working on ourselves, constant development.

Self-development is learning new skills and gaining new knowledge. To begin with, you can learn universal, but very valuable and useful skills in everyday life: learn a foreign language, cook an exotic dish, sign up for a massage course, or take up painting. The main thing is that these steps bring you closer to your main goal.

Even if you are well-read, smart and can skillfully support any conversation with an interesting conversation, self-development will never hurt. This is the eternal mechanism of life that develops us, and believe me, it will certainly lead you to the desired heights . Think for yourself: after reading about new technical developments, will you become a more specialized master if your activity is directly related to the innovations of technical progress?

Remember: the key to success in any activity is workaholism with maximum dedication to the task. And such thoughts as “this is difficult”, “I’m lazy”, “I won’t get paid for this” and the like - need to be thrown out of your head. They only reduce motivation and determination.

Sector colors and elements

Remember one important rule that will help you correctly activate your glory zone in your apartment\house\office\room:

  • the main element of the sector is Fire
  • generating element – ​​Tree

Therefore, your luck sector should be full of bright red, orange and yellow hues. Because red is not only the embodiment of fire and passion, but also a symbol of endless power. And it doesn’t matter over whom or what. All green shades will also work. And, by the way, wooden furniture. Because it is the tree that feeds the fire.

  • the weakening element of the zone is the Earth
  • destructive – Water
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