Feng Shui owl: What it means and where to place it

» Feng Shui » The meaning of an owl according to Feng Shui



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According to Feng Shui, the owl is a talisman of prophecy and wisdom, which Chinese philosophy often calls for help in troubles. This bird is able to protect the family from bad people and preserve wealth for the home.

Feng Shui meaning of owl

Removal of troubles

In medieval books about magic, the tawny owl and the eagle owl were often mentioned as protectors from bad events.
There are legends where there are magical guardian owls who never sleep, protecting ordinary people from black magicians. A person can find protection in such a bird when he is tormented by forebodings. In this case, at sunset you need to look in the direction where the sun is hiding, and, clutching a clay figurine of an owl or a real owl feather in your hand, ask for protection from harm.

You can formulate this in your own words, the main thing is to put in sincere feelings.

The owl is a wise little head

The ancient Greeks considered the bird one of the guises of the patroness of wisdom, Athena. This tradition has strengthened in our area. Often the figurine of a bird is placed on folded books - here it personifies knowledge, abilities for erudition and wisdom. The figurine of an owl with an open book has the same meaning. Often such a sign can be seen on the emblems and coats of arms of educational institutions of various levels.

Among the Indians of North America, this night bird was revered as a totem of wisdom and prophetic gift. Owl feathers were considered a powerful talisman in these places; desperate warriors used them to decorate their headdresses.

How is owl symbolism used?

In different countries, this mysterious bird was given great importance. It was not always assessed unambiguously. This is due to the fact that owls were associated with mysticism and the night.

Physiologically, they are nocturnal: hunting at night and orienting themselves well in the dark.

Watching this bird, our ancestors believed that it:

  • Contains all earthly knowledge and wisdom.
  • Is a guide to the kingdom of shadows.
  • A demonic creature serving the king of darkness.
NationalitiesWhat does it mean and what is associated with it
IndiansOmnipresent, wise, sees the future
Ancient GreeksThe goddess Athena personified wisdom and knowledge. Symbolized sleep and eternal night
CeltsThey were considered a servant of the underworld, flying to pick up the dead, a witch
ChineseThey were compared to disobedient children who treat their parents poorly, the embodiment of evil, death, criminal activity, and nightmare. Proximity to her predicted wealth
JewsBlindness, sorrow, melancholy, loneliness, bad news, the devil incarnate
EgyptiansNight and grave cold, death
RomansWisdom and knowledge; symbol of the god of darkness and healing
HindusPersonification of the god of the dead
JapaneseBad sign, death
MexicansEternal night and disappearance into oblivion
ScythiansPrudence, nobility, silence, wisdom
Aztecs and MayansDemon of the night, all-consuming evil, guide of souls to the kingdom of the dead
SlavsAn unclean bird, a harbinger of troubles, deaths, fires. Keeper of hiding places, treasures, treasured herbs

Now the image of this bird is more often depicted on books, medallions dedicated to extensive knowledge in the scientific or military field, on various occult objects. It personifies enlightenment, military valor, and wisdom.

Christianity treated it ambiguously:

  • Among the first Christians, it was associated with Christ's enlightenment and theology.
  • She was endowed with sensitivity, the ability to think and philosophize, the ability to keep secrets, and knowledge of medicine.
  • After the second century AD, completely different meanings were attributed; she was considered a symbol.
  1. Satan, luring people into the net.
  2. Loneliness and seclusion.
  3. Ignorance and unbelief.
  4. Prophecies, omniscience and foresight.
  5. Night, death and darkness.
  6. A witch who brings misfortune.
  7. Sadness, despondency and unhappiness.
  8. Witchcraft and sorcery.

Different attitudes towards the bird are associated with its nocturnal lifestyle, completely silent flight, and ability to turn its head around its axis.

With burning big yellow eyes, a completely motionless and silent daytime existence.

The mysterious owl bird covers a huge, varied range of meanings, from positive to dark and ominous.

If in ancient times they treated her with caution, now figurines and amulets with her image are found everywhere.

It is used to decorate living quarters and offices, put on medallions, make tattoos, etc.

Such symbolism has gained particular popularity in the Chinese philosophical movement of Feng Shui, according to which a correctly placed figurine will achieve the following result.

Such as:

  • Attracting cash flows: the figurine is placed near places where money is stored. You can buy a money tree with a bird sitting on it. This symbol will not only attract funds to the family, but will also help to spend them rationally and strengthen the family idyll and well-being.
  • Ensuring stability and well-being in the family: the money toad is located next to the owl figurine.
  • Instilling in children the skills of economical and rational spending of money: the figurine is placed in the children's bedroom.
  • Protection from evil: in a room whose windows face northeast, three such amulets are placed.
  • Improving the performance of schoolchildren and students - a figurine or image of a bird is placed on the desk or in the room where the child learns lessons. A small talisman figurine is taken for the exam.

The color of an owl is very important:

  • White polar is the keeper of the family. Her figurine is placed in living rooms, halls, and family bedrooms. The talisman absorbs other people's negative energy and transforms it into positive. But if there are quarrels and conflicts in the family, the owl absorbs negativity, then returns it back.
  • White, with outstretched wings - promotes career advancement, eliminates industrial conflicts, etc.
  • The common gray is an assistant in solving financial and production problems. If you put it on your desk in the office and take care of it with love, your salary will increase, your relationships with colleagues will improve, etc.

Please note: you cannot make a scandal near the figure, throw out negative energy, or behave incorrectly. It absorbs negativity, and after a while returns it back. Fill it with positive energy.

The nocturnal inhabitant with her mysterious appearance and amazing abilities has long excited the minds of our ancestors. In Ancient Greece, she was considered the companion of Athena, the goddess of wisdom; in Indian culture, she was personified as a seer capable of predicting the future. The Slavs revered her as the keeper of treasures, and the Celts and Egyptians personified her with the god of darkness and death.

They feared the bird and at the same time worshiped it. One thing is clear that the symbolism of the owl has always carried a magical meaning, which was revealed only to a select few and helped to comprehend the laws of the universe.

Owl symbol in the house

Many people still attach great importance to various totems and talismans. Not the least important place here is occupied by the image of a night predator.

  1. Often, a talisman in the form of an owl is purchased at home as a symbol of attracting money and financial prosperity. It is believed that a cautious and cunning bird with sensitive hearing and sharp eyesight can prevent fraud and protect wealth from unnecessary spending. It will help owners not only economically distribute cash receipts and income, but also increase their amount. To do this, you just need to place an owl figurine in the house near the profit storage place or in the office on the desktop.
  2. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and insight. Her glowing eyes are able to see in the dark what is hidden from others. The bird will give its owner insight, clarity of mind, resolution of important issues and dexterity.
  3. A souvenir gift in the form of an owl, placed in a children's room, will teach the younger generation how to rationally distribute their pocket money. A bird placed on a student’s desk will strengthen the child’s thirst for knowledge and contribute to good academic performance. You can take a small figurine of a bird with you to the exam. It will help you concentrate and correctly systematize the acquired knowledge when answering.
  4. The owl is a symbol of protection from evil forces in the house. Such a talisman can prevent people’s bad intentions, grant the ability to read other people’s thoughts and develop the owner’s intuition. For such purposes, you should choose the symbol of an animal with wide open eyes. In a crib or stroller with a newborn baby, you can place a figurine of a bird with eyes made of precious or semi-precious stones. She will protect the baby from the evil eye.

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The twilight lifestyle, silent flight and penetrating gaze of large eyes have contributed to the fact that the image of a night bird is still perceived as a symbol of the other world. In the countries of the East and America she is considered a harbinger of death, in Europe the patroness of sorcerers and magicians.

The ability to see the world around her without turning her body gave the predator the gift of clairvoyance. Talismans in the form of a bird of prey allow you to see prophetic dreams. It is most convenient to place it in the bedroom.

According to the philosophical teachings of Feng Shui, the owl figurine in the house should be located in the north-eastern part of the apartment. Here the bird will protect and protect the household from all evil. Followers of the direction recommend purchasing a group of three owls that will protect the family from the evil eye and ill-wishers.

You can place the image of a predatory bird next to a toad that holds a coin in its mouth, and then the chances of getting rich will double. And a bird sitting on a money tree will ensure that income always exceeds expenses.

Our ancestors believed that the night guest guards treasures hidden in the ground. The symbol of an owl in the house in this case symbolizes the owner’s heightened perception and hypersensitivity to the smallest details.

Owl figurine in the house

The feathered color of the owl figurine in the house is of no small importance. According to Feng Shui, a white or golden polar bird guards the family hearth. They try to place it in the living room, kitchen or bedroom, where the whole family most often gathers. The image of a predator has the ability to accumulate positive and negative energy, processing it.

After some time, only positive energy returns. Therefore, in the owl’s home “habitat” it is undesirable to swear and sort things out. Otherwise, you will only have to give away negative charges. Do not place the owl in empty and cold rooms.

A nocturnal bird with outstretched wings and light plumage is the key to rapid career advancement. You can keep this owl figurine both at home and in the office. An increase in wages, a new position and business success will not pass by.

Often the figurine of a predator is placed on an open book. Here it indicates the ability for new knowledge, the development of erudition and logic. Sometimes this image can be seen on the coats of arms of various educational institutions.

A figurine of a white owl, with its wings submissively folded, symbolizes humility, prudence and diligence. It will come in handy in a house where there are naughty children, allowing you to direct excessive activity in the right direction.

Products in the shape of a predator made of mahogany or ebony can be placed under the pillow. This will help strengthen your memory and improve your powers of observation.

The peoples of the far north are confident that the image of a bird can cure all diseases and reveal supernatural physical abilities. You just have to touch it at least once a day. You can ask for help when you have a bad feeling, simply by holding the owl figurine in your hand.

Women's amulet

Today, images of birds can most often be found on jewelry for ladies. In Ancient Rome, the figurine of an owl was associated with fertility and personified with the feminine principle. In Slavic culture, the bird was associated with an old maid or widow, or an unfaithful wife.

A pendant in the shape of a bird helps a lonely woman find family happiness. The married representative will help protect her home from quarrels and disagreements, and will protect her marriage.

Brings money into the house

One of the meanings that people give to an amulet in the form of an owl figurine when placing it in their home is to attract money into the house . It is believed that the owl must be placed where money is stored so that it is spent rationally and wealth always exceeds expenses.

Owl coin circulated in Ancient Greece

A very popular financial talisman for the home is an owl sitting on a money tree. This figurine represents two symbols - the money tree, which brings wealth, and the owl, which protects wealth from bad looks and careless thoughts.

In the Slavic tradition, the owl was revered as the keeper of treasures and underground wealth.

You can place an owl next to a money toad, which is clutching a coin in its mouth, in this case, both talismans will interact with each other and bring prosperity to the house.

In order for children to learn how to spend money wisely, you also need to place an owl figurine in their room.

  • Feng Shui owl figurine

Feng Shui symbols depicting an owl are recommended to be placed in the north-eastern part of the room or on the desk. To strengthen the talisman, you can place three owls side by side. The triad of owls will protect the house from evil and protect its inhabitants.

Three owls placed side by side protect the house from misfortunes

The white polar owl cares about family life, so it is better to place figurines or images of a white owl where all family members gather - in the living room or bedroom. An owl is able to accumulate positive or negative energy that surrounds it, and then give it to its owners. Therefore, you need to place the owl in the center of the house, where it is always crowded. And you shouldn’t quarrel in front of an owl, because all the negativity that the bird “absorbs” will be returned again. For the same reason, you should not place the owl in empty and cold corners.

The talisman has a beneficial effect when placed in the office, especially if they work with money there or make decisions regarding their spending or receiving.

Placing an owl on your desktop helps increase your earnings. A figurine of a white or transparent owl with spread wings is a talisman for career growth, so to achieve success it is placed in the office.

Rescue from mistakes

In the diversity of what the owl symbolizes, Chinese culture offers an interesting option. In it, she belongs to the good characters. Wise, careful, prudent. She can often be seen sitting on a money tree. This amulet protects its owner from unreasonable expenses, unprofitable investments, and helps to save.

Any amulet in the form of this feathered creature, placed in a children's room, will help its little owner - he will obey his parents, stop being naughty, and come to his senses.

Grants wisdom and protects against stupidity

In Ancient Greece, the owl was one of the symbols of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. The Athenian tradition has taken root in Russia, so the figurine of an owl on a stack of books symbolizes knowledge, erudition and wisdom, as well as an owl holding an open book. Many educational institutions choose the owl as an emblem.

North American Indians revered the owl as a totem of wisdom and prophecy. The owl feathers in the headdress protected its owner.

In a family where there are schoolchildren or students, the owl should take pride of place on the desk or shelf with books. It is enough to even place a picture of a bird on the wall in the children's room. The presence of an owl will stimulate a thirst for knowledge, and promote successful study and prudence. As a talisman, you can take a small figurine or decoration with an owl with you to exams.

This owl will always help you in exams

If all family members have already finished studying, an owl with an open book or sitting on a stack of books will help organize knowledge and use it for your own benefit.

Naughty people who do not show diligence in their studies, and also do not obey their parents, will be disciplined by the figurine of a white owl with folded wings. It imparts perseverance, reveals the secret of knowledge and bestows wisdom. This talisman also works in the form of a keychain, pendant or bracelet, so it can have a beneficial effect on naughty people at school.

Protects from evil spirits

Since ancient times, people around the world have respected and feared owls. The night bird symbolized the other world, secret knowledge, and a prophetic gift.

The bird's ability to see in the dark, fly silently, be invisible, and see everything around it by turning its head made the owl a symbol of mystery and evil spirits. It’s not for nothing that in fairy tales, sorcerers and witches turned into owls in order to harm honest people at night.

In the culture of countries such as China, India, Egypt, America and Japan, the owl is considered the bird of death. In European countries, the night bird indulges in witchcraft and everything demonic, and also patronizes hermits.

The Egyptian hieroglyph depicting an owl means night, cold, passivity and even death.

In modern tradition, it is generally accepted that an owl figurine in a house or on a person’s body protects against evil spirits and evil spirits. The huge glowing eyes of an owl symbolize the light of the soul, so with such a talisman evil spirits are not afraid.

A lamp with an owl will illuminate the nursery and protect the house from evil spirits

It is believed that an owl promotes the development of intuition, helps to sense negative thoughts directed at a person, and to guess the intentions and motives of other people’s actions. The owl also helps the owner of the talisman understand his own character, with all its negative traits. The owl bestows insight and the ability to sense deception.

The white owl in the shamanic practice of the northern peoples served to heal people. An owl figurine made of oak can protect you from any disease; just touch it once a day, directing your thoughts towards health.

Today, the image of an owl is used not only in the interior or as decoration, but also as a tattoo, forever imprinted on the human body.

The symbolism of the owl is very polysemantic and is perceived differently in each cultural tradition. Therefore, there is no clear explanation of the meaning of the tattooed image of an owl.

A tattoo of an owl or its feathers is considered today a reliable amulet. The image can mean wisdom and fear, joy and grief, loneliness and intelligence, asociality and prudence.

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The meaning of an owl tattoo is determined by the appearance of the bird and the manner in which the design is executed.

The meaning of a tattoo is determined by the manner of design, the general context, as well as by the perception of the owl by the tattoo wearer. As a rule, erudite people who are close to the nocturnal lifestyle and mystery choose an owl as a body image.

  • The owl is also a women's amulet and talisman; it is not without reason that women's jewelry is often made in the shape of a night bird.
  • Among the Slavs, the owl symbolized a lonely, celibate woman, an old maid or widow, or a libertine - an unfaithful wife, a “tavern” woman.
  • The cry of an owl was perceived by a woman as a prediction of the birth of a child, and for the girl it was the birth of an illegitimate child.

In France, there is a superstition that if a pregnant woman hears the cry of an owl, she will definitely give birth to a girl.

At the same time, the image of an owl is also inherent in marriage symbolism, so Ukrainian songs performed before the wedding night call the bride an owl.

Today, the owl talisman for women has partially retained the original symbolism and denotes feminine energy, feminine cunning and sexuality. For the talisman to work, it must be carried with you at all times, and it can look like anything - from a hair clip to a ring on a finger.

Women's amulets in the form of an owl are reflected in jewelry

Despite the fact that humanity has left behind the Age of Enlightenment, experienced technical and cultural revolutions and is now in the 21st century, saturated with technology and equipment, ancient symbols and talismans in the form of an owl have passed through the centuries and still remain significant for people. And carrying a coin with an owl with you or putting a figurine of a night bird on your desk is not such a stupid thing to do as it might seem at first glance, because it’s not just that over the past centuries the sacred meaning of the image of an owl has not been lost for humans.

Back in the Middle Ages, students placed owl figurines on books. With this placement, the owl talisman means the ability to absorb knowledge and special luck when teachers ask those questions that can be answered brilliantly. And today it is believed that instead of cheat sheets, you need to take such a small artifact to the exam and then you don’t have to worry - the grade will be good.

The figurine on the books will also come in handy for those who have already graduated. It will help you manage your knowledge correctly and expand it - after all, there is no limit to self-improvement.

Even ancient Chinese science does not ignore the owl. According to Feng Shui, a talisman in the form of her should be placed in the northeastern part of the room or study. It will help you achieve success and give a person well-deserved respect at work, which will accelerate career growth.

For guard

The white figurine, located in the northeastern sector, according to Feng Shui, is intended to protect your home and the household members living in it. A decent place for it is a desk or bedside table. A triple talisman in the form of a single figurine with three birds at the same time, or three separate figures placed side by side, helps to strengthen the protection of your home from evil.

To protect the hearth, it is better to place it where a large number of people often gather.

Considering that a wise bird is able to accumulate the energy that surrounds it in order to then share it with its owners, it is better not to quarrel in its presence. For the same reasons, figurines with birds are not placed in empty, energetically cold corners.

polar owl

Experts in mysticism have nicknamed her “the queen of all owls,” and she is distinguished by her special power.

Its influence can be characterized as comprehensive, soft, calming and harmonizing, delicately introducing changes in the necessary areas. The polar owl as a symbol signifies, in particular, the reliability of the family hearth and domestic happiness.

It is best to purchase her figurine from light stone or porcelain and place it in the living room. It can also be placed in the bedroom, but here it is preferable in the form of panels, paintings in which it is the main and largest element.

Anyone who dreams of a big position should own a figurine of a bird with its wings spread wide. It is important to remember that she is a powerful, intelligent and tough hunter. It can provide a person with energy and the ability to correctly apply their strength to achieve goals. Ideally, it should be a crystal figurine or at least a transparent glass one.

A figurine of a bird with folded wings is a living embodiment of wisdom, patience and talent not only to work, but also to give oneself time to rest. It is no coincidence that she was sometimes depicted in marble, making her a companion for one of the most revered goddesses of the ancient world - Athena. Such a figurine will be useful for a creative person, someone who is engaged in intellectual work and is forced to make serious decisions.

The polar owl remains a powerful artifact, even when it takes the form of jewelry (ring, pendant, brooch, bracelet), key ring, seal, even tattoo.

And being made of oak, it symbolizes health and longevity. Among the northern peoples, wooden figurines of this bird are used by shamans to treat the sick. To fully experience the positive impact, it is enough to touch the owl amulet once a day.

Folk signs

What do we know about the owl and why is it considered a hero? This is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, prophecy. The time of the bird's power is night, the sign is the Moon. Her yellow glowing eyes see in the darkness what is hidden from others.

But the owl also has a dark side. In many cultures, it evokes fear, symbolizes darkness, death, and connection with the other world.

One interesting magical story about an owl that happened to the cartoonist Walt Disney. As a little boy, he caught a chick and began to play with it excitedly. The future animator did not notice how the owlet died in his hands.

He firmly decided to help our smaller brothers and glorify them on the screen.

Let's get acquainted with the magical capabilities of the bird, decipher the meaning of secret messages, learn signs about the owl and ways to neutralize them.

The owl inhabits most of the globe. She lives in forests, swamps, and settles closer to people - under the roofs and in the attics of houses. Folk omens say that an owl in the house is bad luck. The meaning of meeting her depends on the circumstances.

The most common situations:

  • to meet an owl in the evening - to receive news, but not always joyful;
  • seeing during the day is a bad omen. This means you need to be careful, otherwise disaster will happen. It’s chilling to imagine what news made the night bird fly to the house during daylight hours;
  • a feathered guest sits in the yard at night (on a tree, fence) - career growth and financial prosperity awaits;
  • seeing an owl in front of a car at night means difficulties will arise. Check the condition of the car before driving, be careful on the road;
  • an owl screams 3 times at any time of the day - trouble is nearby;
  • There is a road outside the car window. Suddenly you saw an owl - beware of theft;
  • an owl flew into the house - good news. If you fly in and can’t get out, it’s unfortunate;
  • we saw an owl near the house - a warning about possible troubles. In the old days, its appearance predicted a fire. Today is a signal to take care of the house and be careful with fire;
  • an owl sitting on the roof of a house - to financial problems, troubles at work and dismissal;
  • if she flew onto the balcony or sat on the windowsill - a warning about impending misfortune;
  • flaps its wings and knocks on the window - a harbinger of death or illness;
  • if she hit the window and fell to her death - to the funeral;
  • seeing a bird in a dream means loneliness;
  • An owl appeared near the house. Be careful! Message from the feathered messenger: “Beware of financial scams and accidents!”

It's not all so sad. There is something to thank the owl for.

Good omens:

  • an owl screeches near the house - there will be a new addition to the family or a sick person will get better;
  • a meeting of newlyweds with a yellow-eyed beast before the wedding - advice and love for many years;
  • an owl sat on a tree near the house - there will be profit;
  • saw a feather - to great luck. This is a powerful home talisman.

Not a sign, but a fact: a live owl in the house is a talisman for the family and a faithful friend.

Before you worry and predict future problems, take a look around. A bird has probably built a nest near your house. In this case, superstitions are powerless.

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In Rus', hunters took owl talons with them. They believed that if they were killed, their souls could be retrieved from heaven using a trophy.

For our contemporaries, a stuffed owl is a spectacular decorative element and a treasure. Its magical purpose is to enrich and help in solving life's puzzles. In this regard, it is often given as a gift to businessmen and politicians.

However, from the point of view of magic, it is a clot of negative energy, enhanced by the emotion of horror and fear. It was formed at the time of the death of the animal. It is not advisable to be around him. If, despite the warnings, you plan to put a stuffed animal in the room, cleanse the house of negativity.

Option No. 1: wipe the doors and windows of the room with water in which the silver spoon lay all night. Wash the floor with wormwood infusion.

Option No. 2: clean the room in which you plan to place the stuffed animal with fire for 3 days. Place 7 candles in each corner and burn them to the ground.

On a note. Paintings with landscapes and still lifes on the walls of the room neutralize the effect of the negative energy of the stuffed animal.

Weigh the pros and cons before deciding on trophy placement.

Owls in the house protect the owners from troubles, bring prosperity, impart wisdom, and stop them from thoughtless spending.

The main thing is to activate the magical effect of the talisman, based on your goals.

If you are planning to improve your financial situation, choose a figurine sitting on a money tree or coins. Place it in a place where your savings are kept. According to Feng Shui, this should be the northeast side of the room or a desk. Three owl figurines placed together will enhance the effect of the influx of money and protect the family from the evil eye and unfriendly neighbors.

Family life is bursting at the seams - a figurine of a white owl in the bedroom or living room will strengthen the relationship. However, remember! The talisman accumulates negative energy. You can’t quarrel and sort things out in front of him, otherwise the negativity from the figurine will resonate several times over.

Children's studies are not going well - the image of a bird will help in mastering knowledge and activates the desire in schoolchildren to gnaw on the granite of science. A figurine of a white owl with folded wings endows children with diligence and wisdom. A feathered talisman on books helps students pass the exam (here are other signs before exams).

If you dream of promotion, there is a talisman for this purpose. A white owl with outstretched wings made of stone or crystal will clap for your career. Decorate her office desk.

Resort to the help of amulets. Its strength is tested by time and results.

The death of an owl under the wheels of a car is a bad omen. Its consequences for the driver are significant financial losses or minor road accidents. If the culprit of the incident has problems with the law, litigation awaits him.

What to do if you hit an owl. Neutralize the omen with water. Take a shower and rinse your face and hands at the nearest source. Be careful on the road.

The power of magic is that it not only creates events, but also neutralizes them.

Find out how to avoid trouble if it was caused by a bird.

Simple and effective rituals:

  • throwing a handful of salt into the fire will neutralize any bird prediction. Do this ritual as soon as you hear an owl cry;
  • if an uninvited guest flew into the house and brought bad news, heat the poker red-hot and draw a line on the ground around the house. You will block the path of trouble;
  • Going to the temple will help prevent the message of the feathered one. Light candles for the repose of the souls of your relatives. It is generally accepted that birds convey news from the world of the departed;
  • If you found an owlet, but could not return it to the nest, shelter it at home. The chick will grow and protect the family from evil forces, give wisdom in making decisions, and become a true friend. If you managed to return the owlet to the nest, the birds, as a sign of gratitude, will become your invisible protection;
  • If you have a bad feeling, do the following ritual at sunset. Squeeze an owl feather or a clay bird figurine in your hand. Ask the night witch, the owl, to help with all your heart. The trouble will go away.

Love and protect these birds. They will reciprocate. And in order to save yourself from trouble, know the signs about owls and how to neutralize them. Take care of yourself!

There is no people who have not created legends about the owl, attributing magical powers to it. A huge number of signs and beliefs are associated with this image.

All over the world, the owl is a talisman for women: the image of this bird can be found on women's jewelry, jewelry boxes, etc.

Different peoples had different beliefs:

  • The Slavs believed that witches, old maids, widows or women of easy virtue put owl figurines at home.
  • Hearing the cry of an owl is an omen of an imminent conception or the birth of a long-awaited child. If an unmarried woman hears this, she will become pregnant.
  • French women believe that if you hear the cry of an owl during pregnancy, a girl will be born.
  • The Saxons believed that if an owl screeches near the house, the girl will lose her virginity.
  • The Scots were afraid to see a flying bird in daylight, considering it a bad omen.
  • The British thought that the best treatment for whooping cough in children was broth made from its meat.
  • The Romanians believed that if someone looked into the nest of this bird, he would be sad, uncommunicative and silent all his life.
  • Ukrainians believed that hearing or seeing an owl meant marriage.

Today, an owl amulet worn by a woman indicates her sexuality, cunning, and energy. Therefore, if you don’t know what to give a woman, give her a talisman in the form of this bird.

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The magic of three birds

According to Japanese mythology, this bird can be a talisman precisely because its eyes are huge and contain a piece of heaven. With these eyes she is able to see the approaching troubles with witchcraft and she has enough wisdom to avert them.

The most effective amulet in the house is considered to be a group of three owl figurines. Then they will not be able to damage its inhabitants, they will not gossip about them, and poverty and disease will not cross the threshold of the home. True, people themselves should also try - it is unacceptable to create scandals and quarrels in the house with talismans, because this exhausts them. However, self-control and harmony in the family are only for the better.

Forecasting future events

The “owl” amulet is not only protection, with its help you can also find out your destiny.

In general, owners of such a talisman note that after purchasing it, their intuition became significantly sharper, and many important issues began to be resolved much easier.

It is believed that in order to find out the answer to a disturbing question, you need to place the figurine under your pillow at night, then the solution to the problem will come in a dream.

BY THE WAY! The owl, even in the form of an amulet, is quite capricious. She requires constant attention and admiration. Therefore, the figurine must be placed in a visible place and touched and stroked as often as possible.

What else you need to know about the talisman

If it is embodied in jewelry, it cannot be taken from an antique store, since it will be almost impossible to get rid of the energy of the previous owners.

The bird as a talisman is “not capricious,” that is, it does not in the least distort the properties of other nearby magical artifacts, and itself is not subject to their influence.

In order for what the owl embodies as a mystical artifact to open up and “come to life”, it must be fueled by the power of one’s own faith in its support and power. It wouldn't hurt to even chat with an owl sometimes.

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