What do signs portend for a person who dropped his keys in front of the door and more?

From an esoteric point of view, keys are a symbol of sacred knowledge and freedom, wisdom and security, new opportunities and discoveries, knowledge and movement forward. With the help of correctly selected keys, you can open the most complex lock and see in front of you a completely different picture of the surrounding reality.

Our ancestors believed that keys had magical properties and could protect against damage, the evil eye and all kinds of evil spirits, therefore, after a certain ritual, the key became an amulet and took on the functions of a protector and patron. Many modern esotericists and mystics use keys as magical objects endowed with a certain power.

There are a huge variety of different signs and superstitions about fallen keys. Some of them appeared many centuries ago, while others only recently acquired a certain meaning. Let's look at the most popular and time-tested signs, thanks to which you can find out what to expect if your keys have fallen!

Love affairs and family

1. If the keys fall out of your hands or fall off the table, then quarrels and scandals will begin in your family. To avoid this, you should lift the bundle and knock on the wood three times with the key that you use most often.

2. Sometimes fallen keys hint to their slow owner that he is behaving quite aggressively and defiantly towards his household. It is worth thinking about reconsidering your own values, changing your behavior for the better and starting to devote more time and attention to members.

3. If the keys did not just fall, but flew off the table with a loud jingle, then in the very near future expect a loud and unpleasant quarrel, which could end in a real scandal and a break in relations.

4. If you have dropped keys belonging to another person, this means that you will have an unpleasant conversation with the owner of this bunch. If you do not escalate the situation, the conflict situation can be resolved in the most favorable way for you, without mutual insults and loud screams.

How to neutralize negativity

An ancient folk remedy: if your keys fall, knock them three times on the floor or table. If you suspect a negative omen, do not panic, but try to remain calm and sober. This is the only way to prevent troubles or minimize their consequences.

Think about how exactly you could have brought the problem on yourself: excessive carelessness, inattention to loved ones, rudeness, erroneous behavior, etc. Firmly decide that you will fix everything and come up with specific ways to do it.

Sometimes psychological reconfiguration is enough for troubles to pass you by. However, do not relax if the alarm turns out to be false, and do not forget your virtuous plans. Be sure to implement your plan, otherwise the keys will fall more than once.


Financial well-being

1. If you have been plagued by financial setbacks lately, then fallen keys hint that this period will soon end happily, and you will begin to live in abundance.

2. If the keys fell near the front door when leaving your home, then minor financial problems await you, which you can easily solve.

3. If the keys fall near the front door when entering your home, then major financial problems await you. For some time you will have to forget about buying luxury items, having fun and other joyful spending.

4. Keys falling in the workplace indicate that you will have an unpleasant conversation with your boss or colleagues.

5. If your keys fall during your lunch break, then you should think about starting to perform your work duties more responsibly and diligently.

6. If the keys fall during a business meeting or the conclusion of an important deal, then you need to think carefully again about whether you should trust your business partners.

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Ways to neutralize bad omens

In order not to suffer in anticipation of unpleasant consequences, they get rid of the negativity immediately after the keys fall. They need to be picked up and the bunch tapped on the ground three times.

And the best way to avoid worrying about a mistake is to be attentive to personal belongings. In order not to waste time looking for keys in a bag or briefcase, they need to be stored in a special case.

At home and at work, designate a permanent place for them. And before leaving home, remember that haste and carelessness always lead to some unexpected problems.

Life is designed in such a way that a series of pleasant events periodically gives way to problems or failures. You can treat folk signs in any way you like: trust them or refute them. But it will be difficult to argue with the fact that a person in some situations is capable of initiating or provoking certain events.


1. If the keys fall from a person who has been struggling with a serious illness for a long period of time, this indicates that in the near future his health condition will noticeably improve.

2. If your keys fall near a hospital, clinic or any other medical facility, you should definitely make an appointment with a specialist. It is quite possible that the Universe is hinting in this way that not everything is in order with your health, although you yourself may not notice it yet.

3. If you were planning to drive, but your keys fell out of your hands right in front of the car, then you should not use the car that day, as there is a high probability that you will become a participant in an accident.

4. If the keys fell on the sidewalk, then take a close look at the person you first meet after the key fell. If it is a young man or girl, then your health is not in danger. If you meet a sick or elderly person, then you should pay attention to your health and start leading a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Signs and superstitions about losing a key

Even just like that, it is believed that losing a key is an unpleasant thing in itself, because without them you won’t be able to get into the house, and you’ll have to make a duplicate, or even break into your own door. In addition, losing a key is considered a very ambiguous omen, which can be interpreted both positively and negatively.

Thus, the loss of keys as a sign promises changes for the better, especially if before this there was a series of failures in a person’s life. And from this perspective, the loss of your own key holder is the opening for you of a new streak of victories and achievements. Among other things, this promises a quick, very profitable deal, the implementation of your plans.

Often this sign promises an upcoming move, but at the same time for young and unmarried girls it predicts a profitable and quick marriage, as well as the loss of an earring.

Important! If the keys to the house fall out of the hands of the newlyweds a few days before the wedding, they will live happily ever after.

But a lost key also promises bad luck - if this happens to a lady who is already married, then this predicts problems for her in the house. She will have scandals with her household, and the house will be haunted by constant financial losses and damages. But a wise lady will always perceive this sign as another signal - to understand herself and reconsider some of her actions, thereby avoiding trouble.

If a guy goes into the army, losing his key on the eve of conscription predicts that he will never return home. But neither his parents nor he himself should panic - this is an indication that he will make a career in the army and remain at his place of service.

Although, if the key holder is lost just before moving to a new place of residence, this does not bode well, and most likely you will not get used to the new place. This also applies to everyone who has packed a bag for the trip - it will not bring the desired result.

Remember! And, probably, the most realistic sign is that your keys have simply been stolen, and the thieves are preparing to break into your apartment.

Find other people's keys on the street

Finding keys has long been considered a good omen, unlike finding a watch, and bringing good luck, but there were also some exceptions. Let's start with the good and the first thing worth remembering is that the key you find promises a quick solution to many problems and the onset of a bright streak in your life. And if you find a whole bunch of them on your way, this can be considered a huge success. Luck will accompany you in all matters - financial and love affairs, career growth, and so on.

The discovery of a rusty key is considered especially lucky. What to do with found rusty, old keys - keep them with you as an amulet, since on a mental and magical level it will lock all the doors of failures and troubles for you. And if you found your lost ones, this is an indication that a series of failures has passed you by and you have again entered the white streak of life.

But when should you not lift the key holder? And this can happen, especially when the omen carries a negative connotation. When you find an old, bent key on the road, you shouldn’t take it, let it lie there. Such a symbol does not bring you anything good.

Also, you should not pick up a bunch, new or old, from the crossroads - they are often talked into or “dumped” with negativity on them. And if you lift it, you will take upon yourself all the troubles that were magically transferred to it. And if you find a master key in water - a lake or river, even a simple puddle, then in this case you should exercise maximum caution. It can also act as part of dark magic - just avoid it and that's it.

Remember! As you can see, finding the key does not always promise good luck.

Domestic issues

1. If your keys keep falling over, but for no reason, this may indicate that intruders want to break into your home. It is worth thinking about increasing the level of security.

2. If you have dropped your car keys, then you should not go on a trip in the near future, as unforeseen, but very unpleasant difficulties may arise on the road.

3. If you dropped the keys to your apartment in the morning, then soon some large household appliance will break down.

4. If the keys to the apartment are dropped in the evening, then the next day you should be careful with electrical household appliances, as certain problems may arise with them.

Interpretation taking into account details

The more nuances accompanying an event are taken into account, the more accurate the interpretation of superstition will be. Depending on the location of the incident, the characters involved and the number of keys in the bunch, the result of the predictions can be stunning.

The situation when keys literally slip out of your hands and fall to the ground is familiar to every person. However, in a hurry or busy with other problems, people do not pay attention to what they consider to be an insignificant event.

Meanwhile, according to the superstition, having dropped the keys, a person involuntarily throws his luck at his feet. Such an incident in the morning will entail:

Perhaps that is why in ancient times keys on a chain or string were worn around the neck. Such careful treatment of the symbolic object did not allow it to fall to the ground.

Falling keys in a dream: what does it mean?

1. If in a dream you pick up fallen keys of a strange shape, then in reality you should think about making some changes to your already familiar and established way of life. Don't be afraid to experiment and try something new!

2. If in a dream the keys fell from a young girl who is actively searching for a groom, then in real life she will meet an interesting and charismatic, but flighty and unreliable young man.

3. If a single man’s keys fall in a dream, then in the near future he should not hope for a fateful meeting with the girl destined for him.

4. If a divorced woman sees fallen keys in a dream, then in the near future she will not be able to make a promising acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.

5. For a married woman, keys falling in a dream promise certain problems with her husband, who will begin to actively show signs of attention to other women. If you let this situation take its course, it could end in adultery and divorce.

How to neutralize negative consequences

Neutralization of negative predictions and other tips when handling keys Dropped keys do not promise good things. But you shouldn’t despair; for any negative prediction, there is a way to neutralize it.

In the case when you return home and drop your keys in front of the front door, you can simply take your time to enter. Go for a walk, go to the store and buy your loved ones a treat. They will be pleased with your attention and this time the emerging conflict will fade away without breaking out.

Our wise ancestors knew how to treat keys correctly, and their advice can still be useful to us today:


What should you do with dropped keys?

Although fallen keys in most cases do not promise anything pleasant or good, you can try to minimize their negative impact on your life. Therefore, when you pick up your fallen keys, do not rush to immediately hide them in your pocket.

Esotericists recommend first picking up the keys and then throwing them to the ground again. This way you can block the negative energy that the keychain now emits.

In order to protect yourself in the future from the negative effects of dropped keys, you should take a responsible approach to selecting a key fob. It is not recommended to choose keychains in the form of skulls, cigarettes, weapons, various kinds of monsters and other strange creatures.

Opt for cute and friendly looking keychains that match your inner desires and aspirations. They will charge the entire bunch with positive energy. Even if the keys fall again, nothing bad will happen to you, since the keychain will take on all the negative energy.

Never throw your keys anywhere. Treat them with care and respect, because thanks to the keys you can easily get to places where you simply cannot get without keys. Set aside a special place for your keys, and they will never become a source of any trouble for you.

Has this sign worked for you?

Where the keys fall: the general meaning of the sign

Since ancient times, the object, without which no lock can be opened, has been considered a symbol protecting secret knowledge, untold wealth and power. Perhaps this is why modern esotericists so often use keys in magical rituals.

In all countries of the world this symbolic object has a similar meaning:

  • In Japan, it is a symbol of rebirth, development and prosperity.
  • In Ancient Egypt, the key was immortality in the hands of the gods. At the same time, this symbol of eternal life denoted wisdom and was an amulet of the dynasty of pharaohs and high priests.
  • In ancient Rome, the god Janus , the keeper of all keys, personified the transition from the past to the future. The first day of the year is named after him, which, according to popular belief, sets the “pace” for the remaining eleven months.
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