The art of interpretation and forecasting "Ba Zi"

What is a Ba Zi card?

The Ba Zi card is similar to the European zodiac horoscope, compiled in accordance with the signs of the Zodiac. This system has nothing to do with fortune telling. At its core, this is an energy information passport of the individual. The point of chart analysis is to draw a person’s attention to his problems, help him make the right life choice, and set him up for good luck. By correctly compiling and analyzing the natal Ba Zi chart, you can make positive changes in your life:

  • establish relationships with others;
  • adjust life attitudes;
  • find the vector of activity that is most favorable for the individual;
  • improve health by developing a conscious attitude towards it;
  • receive recommendations on choosing a partner;
  • determine favorable periods for important achievements;
  • obtain information about possible developments.

This practice gives an understanding of the essence of events occurring in a person’s life. This system is called “Four Pillars of Fate and Luck”.

Pillars of Luck.

Subsequent analysis of the cards - we get answers to all questions

Analyzing the Ba Tzu chart requires experience and theoretical knowledge. There is a general aspect that suggests that each element is responsible for a facet of personality, such as power, resources, money, self-expression and environment.

If the personality element is Fire, then the following decoding can be made:

  • Fire is born from Wood, which means that it will have the main resource for a person (life, values, ideas, etc.);
  • Fire is controlled by Water, which means this element will tell about who has power over a person (career area);
  • Fire does not lend itself to Metal, which is associated with achievements, incl. financial;
  • Fire is on Earth, which is its way of self-expression;
  • Elements close to Fire represent the human environment.

A complete decoding of the Ba Tzu card can be carried out by a specialist, since only he can correctly read the symbols and determine how they relate to each other.

How it works

Literally, Ba Zi is translated as follows: Ba - eight, Zi - hieroglyph. The basis for constructing the map is 4 individual parameters - hour, day, month, year of birth. Each time definition corresponds to two symbols - the sign of the Heavenly Stem and the sign of the Earthly Branch. They are painted in 5 primary colors, which symbolize 5 elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal.

One Trunk and one Branch line up into one Pillar. The table consists of four columns, in which the top line displays the pillars, and the bottom line displays the branches. It is important not to confuse the Trunk, Pillar and Column. These are different concepts. Each element has its own properties and characteristics. This is what the finished result looks like:

sky trunkwater yangyin treemetal yinyang tree
earthly branchHorse
Fire Yang
fire yin
earth yin
earth yin

The sign in the column at the intersection of the Heavenly Stem line and the Day column is called the Personality Element, which serves as the basis for the subsequent analysis of fate and luck. Its other name is Lord of the Day, or Day Dominant. It gives an idea of ​​the character, inner world and potential of a person, determined by the elements of the birthday. In the example given, the element is wood.

Mister of the day.

The art of interpretation and forecasting "Ba Zi"

The art of interpretation and forecasting "Ba Zi"

The Four Pillars of Fate or Ba Zi is the ancient Chinese art of interpreting a person’s Fate based on the date and time of his birth.

In order to understand the principle of drawing up a Ba Zi map and working with it, you need to try to look at the assessment of time from the point of view of an Eastern person.

For a Western person, time is represented as a straight line directed to infinity. Apart from the numerical values, this line is practically of no value for analysis.

Unlike Western traditions, in the minds of Eastern people, each moment in time, in addition to quantitative ones, also has qualitative characteristics. The name of the eastern year is displayed in the form of two hieroglyphs: 2012 Year of the Water Dragon壬辰, 2013 Year of the Water Snake癸巳, 2014 Year of the Wooden Horse甲午. Thus, the Chinese represent time in the form of symbols, each of which has its own qualities: element, time of peak season, character, emotion, action, designation of organs, body parts, gender, etc. (As an example, see the analysis of Nelson Mandela's Pillars of Destiny)

In the Eastern understanding, time is a continuously repeating cyclical process. The cyclical processes of time are represented by the Jia Tzu cycle, consisting of 60 combinations of hieroglyphs, which is the basis of the Chinese Millennial Almanac. The cycle of sixty Jia Tzu is a combination of successively generative elements of the Heavenly Stems (above) and the Earthly Branches (animals), starting with Jia (Yang Tree) above Zi (Rat):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Yang treeYin treeFire YangFire YinEarth YangYin EarthMetal YangMetal YinWater YangYin WaterYang treeYin treeFire Yang
Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster DogPig Rat

Thus, the Earthly branches (animals) replace each other in strict sequence, while the Heavenly trunks replace each other according to the Wu Xing generation cycle: a tree gives birth to fire, fire to earth, etc., you will find an explanation for this further.
In total there are 10 Heavenly trunks and 12 Serpentine branches. Any moment in time is designated by one of the 60 Jia-Jia.

This understanding of time as an ongoing natural cyclical phenomenon makes it possible to calculate influences and events as far into the future as desired or to analyze the past.

That is, such an understanding is much deeper than the traditional idea of ​​time in Western society. This approach includes not only a quantitative aspect, but also qualitative characteristics of time, which are inextricably linked with all processes occurring in nature.

As a clear example, every year we observe the cycle of changing the seasons of the year: Winter is replaced by Spring, Spring is replaced by Summer, Summer is replaced by Autumn, Autumn - Winter and then rebirth occurs again. Each season has its own element, element, vibration of nature: Spring - the element of Wood, Summer - the element of Fire, Autumn - the element of Metal, Winter - the element of Water. The off-season corresponds to the element of Earth - this is every third month of the season according to the Chinese calendar: April - Dragon, July - Goat, October - Dog, January - Ox.

This approach is based on thousands of years of observations of nature and its impact on humans. The thousand-year Chinese calendar began in 2697 BC.

Energy map of Ba Zi

The name "Ba Zi" translated from Chinese means "eight characters". These eight hieroglyphs are nothing more than a designation of time at the moment of a person’s birth. They are written in the form of four columns with two hieroglyphs in each. The hieroglyphs of each of the columns (pillars) indicate the year, month, day and hour of birth.

Below is a BaZi card for a man born on December 27, 1966 at 00:50, i.e. at the hour of the Earth Rat of the day of the Metal Monkey, the month of the Metal Rat of the year of the Fire Horse.

Hour: 00:00Number: 27Month: DecemberYear: 1966
Hidden Heavenly StemsHidden Heavenly StemsHidden Heavenly StemsHidden Heavenly Stems

The Ba Zi map is static; it reflects the energies that are inherent in a person.

But the card “works” differently all the time. This depends on the age, energy of the decade (pillar of Luck) in which the Client is located and on the characteristics of time.

When analyzing Fate and life according to the BaZi energy map, a person’s entire life is presented in the form of a clear system of interaction between the energies of time and the individual energies of a person.

From these interactions, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the events of the past, present and future in a person’s life. In addition, analysis of the BaZi card allows you to get clear ideas about a person’s energy, his character, inclinations, preferences, health and luck, and even his behavior at a given period of time. The latter is often a revelation for the Client himself.

You can familiarize yourself with one of the analysis methods in the article “Analysis of the Palace of Marriage in Ba Zi. Model of your ideal relationship." For more detailed types of analysis, you can read the article Detailed analysis of the Palace of Marriage in the Bazi map

Analysis of the impact of annual energies

Let us consider the influence of time energy using the example of 2013. This is the year of the Water Snake and is represented by the hieroglyphs Kwei Si or Water on the Snake.

Year: 2013
Yin (Kwei) Water
Snake (Si) Fire Yin

By analyzing the elements and other qualitative characteristics of the hieroglyphs Kwei and Sy, you can understand what influences will prevail in the year of the Water Snake.

To do this, first of all, you will need the basis of all Chinese metaphysical disciplines - the cycle of generation of the five primary elements of Wu Xing. This cycle is presented in the form of a diagram of the elements of the five elements or movements (vibrations).

The green arrows in the figure indicate the cycle of generation of elemental elements:

Wood gives birth to Fire, Fire gives birth to Earth, Earth gives birth to Metal, Metal gives birth to Water, Water gives birth to Wood. The explanation of this cycle is simple and logical: a dry tree can be kindled in the form of a fire - thereby receiving fire, the fire, burning out, turns into ash and ash, which fertilizes and nourishes the earth, the earth in its depths gives birth to metal ore, metal salts saturate the water with microelements, the water with moisture it germinates plant seeds and after that the cycle continues.

The red arrows indicate the weakening cycle, i.e. the same generation cycle, but in the opposite direction: Fire weakens (burns) Wood, Wood absorbs Water, Water weakens Metal, Metal absorbs the energy of the Earth, Earth weakens Fire.

The blue arrows indicate the cycle of control: Water controls Fire, Fire controls Metal, Metal controls Wood, Wood controls Earth, Earth controls Water. In most cases, the control cycle is destructive. True, it can also be used for good purposes: for example, when hardening metal with fire in order to produce a sharp sword from a rough piece of metal, or when processing wood with a metal tool in order to turn a rough wooden block into an object of art, etc.

An understanding of all these processes is necessarily used when analyzing both a person’s energy map and when analyzing the impact of incoming energetics of a year or decade on the map. These are the basics of perception.

In addition, a detailed analysis necessarily takes into account the interactions of animals of the Earthly branches; it is this aspect of the analysis that explains the event series of what is happening. When analyzing interaction, all kinds of “collisions”, “mergers”, “harmonies of three”, “triangles of elements”, “seasons of elements”, “states of harm”, “destruction”, etc. are taken into account. It makes no sense to present them here, because You simply won’t be able to remember all this without constantly practicing.

At the same time, just as in Feng Shui one trigram denotes a whole series of concepts, in Ba Zi a similar type of analysis is carried out for each “palace” (map cell), which, in turn, reflects a large amount of information, depending on the what plane is being considered.
So let's go back to 2013 of the Water Snake.
The year is indicated by the hieroglyphs Kwei on Sy with the elements of Water on Fire, which represents a conflict of elements. To determine how exactly this conflict will be expressed for a particular person, it is necessary to compare the individual Ba Zi map with the energies of the coming year.

But we can also identify general trends of the year, which are especially clearly expressed by the control of Fire by the element of Water. The Year of the Water Snake is a rather difficult period emotionally: women (water) try to control men (fire), joy (fire) is constantly replaced by sadness and fear (water), the thirst for change is replaced by a decadent mood, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases (fire) and problems with the eyes (fire), as well as with the kidneys (water) in the summer season, when the element of Fire is strong. In the spring, long-pending problems with the gallbladder could worsen (the Tiger, if it is in the chart and is weakened, “harms” the Snake).

In general, the year is uneven and ambiguous in its influence, this will be especially evident in November (until December 6th), when the month of the Pig (Yin Water) will intensify the conflict between water and fire, and water will not win for long, because . The fire is also weaker for the season. The most “bright” events will occur for those people who already have this Snake-Pig conflict indicated in their BaZi chart, and the combination of year and month will act as a trigger for a long-standing problem.

To summarize the above, it should be understood that with the ability to interpret the information contained in the BaZi map, as well as the changing energies of time, we have the opportunity to understand the essence of what is happening. To understand more precisely the reason for the occurrence of any situation, what thoughts and desires were (will be) associated with during a certain period of time. By determining the plane of consideration: health, wealth, personal life, work or other, with the help of interpretation you can understand what developments should be expected in a certain period of time and how to act to resolve the current situation.

Understanding all this, we can move forward along the path of least resistance, using favorable times for decisive action and unsupportive times for planning and preparation.
Author of the article: Consultant of the International Feng Shui Forum Consultant of Feng Shui, Ba Zi, Numerology Roman Avetisov

How to make a map

You can compile and calculate a natal chart yourself, using detailed descriptions for beginners. To do this, the following data is needed: the hour and date of birth of the person for whom the card is intended. More accurate results can be achieved by adding information about gender and place of birth.

It is necessary to know the Chinese calendar, the difference between which and the Gregorian is that calculations in it are carried out in a different form, unusual for Europeans. In addition to this, you need to have knowledge that can be obtained both independently and in relevant courses. Studying special reference literature will help. The most reasonable thing is to entrust the drawing of the map to a professional or use the Ba Zi calculator.

The Ba Zi calculator can be found at the link:


The Trinity includes three types of luck:

  • Heavenly Luck – Fate (Ming) and Luck (Yun),
  • Earthly luck - Feng Shui,
  • Human Luck – Secret Virtue (Tao Te) and Self-Effort (Tao Shu).

Any of these types of luck determines a person’s life to an approximately equal extent, that is, by about a third. Ba Zi is aimed at determining only Heavenly luck, that is, its predictions are not completely 100%.

Fate is a person’s abilities, physical characteristics, place of birth, his inclinations, everything that cannot be changed.

Luck is precisely the changing side of a person’s life, ups and downs. It tells us when to act and when it is better to remain passive.

If Fate cannot be changed, then Luck can be predicted and used in order to plan your own life consciously.

Earthly and Human luck also depends on the person himself. Using knowledge for the correct and competent arrangement of your home and leading a correct lifestyle, you can significantly influence your own life in order to change it for the better.

If a person uses metaphysical knowledge and skills, performs all the necessary actions, practices Feng Shui, understands what and when to do, then he will move along the upper edge of his own luck and take the maximum possible from life. Luck, which Ba Zi knows, determines a person’s ability to be in the right place at the right time and perform the right actions and deeds.

Ba Zi is not a magic wand that will make all your desires come true. If you build your own natal chart, you may find that everything in it is not as rosy as you would like. Ba Zi can show you a certain maximum barrier to which you can rise in this life. At this moment, a completely logical question may arise: “Is it really impossible to change anything?”

How to use the Ba Zi calculator

Calculators for calculating natal charts are clear and easy to use. You need to enter data: time, date of birth and place, gender in the appropriate fields. Click the “Calculation” button. The algorithm will produce a table reflecting the Pillars of Fate and the Pillars of Luck. The results can be printed. If you intend to share or post a link, you must click the “Save” button.

The calculator does not provide an interpretation of the map. Only a specialist can interpret the data obtained. Analysis of the map and presentation of the material takes several hours.

Ba Zi calculator.

Pillars of Fortune

It is about the realization of the inherent energy and probable turns of fate that can be learned from the Pillars of Luck. Generally speaking, they allow us to answer the question “when?”

When a person starts studying, when he starts earning money on his own, when he starts a family and children, when it’s worth taking a risk, and when to be quiet and not fuss, when you need to look for a job, when a child is born and many, many others.

The pillars of luck do not speak of certain inevitable things, but rather of increased chances that a particular event will occur.

Simply put, Ba Zi allows you to not only determine what can happen in your life, but also when it is most likely to happen. Thanks to Ba Zi, you can literally consciously plan your own life. You will be able to figure out in advance when you need to act “calmly” and when you should take risks in order to hit the big jackpot. The same is true in the romantic sphere. You can change the rhythm of your life in advance and pay more attention to yourself when fate intends to throw you romantic events. This way, you won't miss your chance to be happy because you sit at work all day and night.

Of course, there are happy people who have a very long run of luck. Over the course of many decades, they have experienced only favorable events; luck comes to them on its own. However, a similar situation in the Ba Zi chart is extremely rare.

Much more often you may encounter a different situation. If a person experiences a turning point in life, when luck changes its quality from positive to negative or vice versa. It is highly advisable to know about such cases in advance. Then a person will have the opportunity to prepare and survive troubles with minimal losses, and in another case, to make the most of luck.

You need to understand that Ba Zi does not indicate any specific days or hours of future events. Ba Zi indicates some potential, but how a person can realize it depends only on himself.

Here it is worth turning to another very important concept that is used in Chinese metaphysics - the Trinity.

How to decrypt a card

If the map is built using a calculator, the result is 2 tables. They are called the Pillars of Fate and the Pillars of Fortune. Another name for them is “cycles” or “cycles”. The Pillars of Destiny card contains 8 signs. The number of fate signs varies depending on how many decades or “beats” the calculation is intended to take place. 8-10 cycles correspond to 80-100 years of life.

Decoding the results begins with an assessment of each of the elements of the map. The meaning of any of them may vary. Depending on its location and what symbols it is adjacent to, the element can mean a state of health, the influence of a relative, or have some other meaning. To understand the combinations and influence of elements, you need to have deep knowledge in this area.

4 Pillars of Destiny

The Pillar of Fate is formed by the Earthly Branch and the Heavenly Trunk. This combination gives one of the 5 elements of Yin or Yang character. It is assumed that each element influences the character of one of the facets of personality: self-expression, resources, environment, money, power. There are 8 elements in total in the map. Each of them has their own role in fate.

By analyzing the Pillars of Destiny and viewing them from different points of view, the following data can be obtained:

  • individual qualities and personality characteristics;
  • abilities and the possibility of their implementation in the professional field;
  • family relationships;
  • health status and potential problems;
  • defining life events;
  • appearance, distinctive features.

Pillars of Fortune

The Pillars of Fortune map is a table consisting of 10 columns, each of which represents a ten-year cycle, or “beat”. Thus, 100 years of life are considered. Decoding the map provides information about the presence of successful or unsuccessful periods of life and what type of energy predominates in each decade. Thanks to this knowledge, you can get a clear picture of upcoming events.

The upper sign of the column - the Heavenly trunk - means the first half of the cycle, the lower sign - the Earthly branch is responsible for the second. The element corresponding to the sign governs the five-year period. Following one after another, these symbols form a life line, which marks the most or least favorable periods for choosing a profession, building a career, starting a family, or investing money.

Knowledge about the meaning of the Pillars of Luck will make it possible to strengthen the positive aspects of fate and prevent future troubles.

Compilation method

Each vertical column of the calendar corresponds to 1 month, which does not begin on the 1st day of the European calendar (for example, the beginning of Yin falls on February 4-5) and does not start at 0 o’clock. The start time of each month is written in the calendar header (the month of Cheng, for example, began in 2010 on April 5 at 23:32). The calendar shows Beijing time, which means time zones must be taken into account. To build a map of the Pillars, you need to find the pillars in the calendar that correspond to the birth parameters. The year in China begins in February, i.e. birth in January will refer to the previous year. Make up a table of 2 (Trunk, Branch) rows and 4 (hour, day, month, year) columns, from left to right, starting with the hour.

Hieroglyphs are entered by finding the name of the pillars in the calendar. The name of the hour pillar is found at the intersection of the vertical graph of the day pillar and the horizontal graph of the hour, moreover, the clocks on the calendar are double and every 2 hours correspond to one earthly branch of Tzu:

  1. The earthly branch of Zi (i.e. Rat) corresponds to the double hour 23-01.
  2. Chow (Bull) corresponds to the hour 01-03.
  3. Yin (Tiger) belongs to the hour 03-05.
  4. Mao (Rabbit) – corresponds to the period 05-07.
  5. Cheng (Dragon) – 07-09.
  6. Sy (Snake) corresponds to the hour -9-11.
  7. Wu (Horse) denotes the hour 11-13.
  8. Wei (Goat) – double hour 13-15.
  9. Shen (Monkey) – 15-17.
  10. Yu (Rooster) corresponds to the double hour 17-19.
  11. Xu (Dog) corresponds to 19-21.
  12. High (Pig) – 21-23.

It is quite possible to compile such a Ba Zi map based on the Chinese solar calendar, but then it will need to be deciphered (interpreted).

What to pay attention to when calculating?

The ancient sages spent decades identifying the cyclical nature and results of the interaction of external and internal factors. Therefore, understanding the entire system is not an easy task. Here are some tips to help you find out accurate and truthful information about yourself:

To find out what the influence of one element was on a given day, all five are considered. This will make it possible to analyze the position of the elements relative to others and reveal whether other forces have intervened in the structure of a person’s future destiny.

Each pillar affects 10 years of a person's life. Therefore, it is not recommended to change anything for yourself based on the first values. Only by counting the required number of cells and recognizing which interpretation correlates with the present and future can any conclusions be drawn.

Even if a person is one hundred percent confident in his abilities, a consultation would not hurt him. An experienced follower of Chinese wisdom will not only be able to help with the calculation of the four pillars of luck, but also give advice on changing the future.

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