Compatibility of partners by year of birth in relationships and family life

We all live in a society, and social interaction is a natural state for every person. However, most people want to have a family and find a lifelong partner. The topic of our material today is compatibility by year of birth in love, marriage and relationships.

All men and women want to find a partner with whom you would feel comfortable everywhere and who will support and understand you in any situation. Choosing a life partner is not an easy task, in which we will try to help you.

Compatibility by year of birth in love, relationships and marriage.

Astrology, palmistry and numerology will help you find your ideal husband or wife. Gradually getting to know ourselves and our partner, we begin to better understand the characteristics of relationships in a couple and can plan relationships for the long term. In order to get a complete forecast of your compatibility, enter the date and year of birth for the man and woman in the appropriate fields.

Compatibility table

Assessing the compatibility of signs by year of birth is one of the most common ways to compare two people to build harmonious relationships. Chinese symbols - animals that characterize a certain year, are endowed with their own energy flows. These currents affect not only our compatibility, but also everything that surrounds us. Therefore, we can see all the features inherent in each animal in everything, and in those born this year, these features will be more pronounced. This system allows you to evaluate character traits, compatibility and interaction with other people in more detail.

General compatibility table by year of birth in love and marriage.

(1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
rat, dragon, monkeybull, tiger, snake, rooster, dog, boarrabbit, horse, goat
(1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
rat, rooster, rabbit, monkeybull, tiger, snake, dog, boardragon, horse, goat
(1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
dragon, horse, dograt, tiger, goat, rooster, boarbull, rabbit, snake, monkey
(1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
dragon, goat, dog, boarbull, rabbit, snake, horse, monkeyrat, tiger, rooster
The Dragon
(1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
rat, rooster, monkeyrabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, boarbull, tiger, dog
(1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
bull, roosterrat, rabbit, dragon, horse, dogtiger, snake, boar
(1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
tiger, goat, dograbbit, dragon, snake, rooster, boarrat, bull, horse, monkey
(1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
rabbit, horse, boartiger, dragon, snake, goat, monkey, roosterrat, bull, dog
(1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
rat, dragonbull, rabbit, snake, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, boartiger, horse
(1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
bull, dragon, snakerat, tiger, horse, goat, monkey, boarrabbit, rooster, dog
(1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
tiger, rabbit, horserat, bull, snake, monkey, dog, boardragon, goat, rooster
(1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
rabbit, goatrat, bull, tiger, dragon, rooster, dog,snake, monkey

Advice. This table shows compatibility according to general principles: from good to poor. However, remember that these are only general principles, and perfect compatibility does not exist, since each person is individual and his efforts to build relationships are also important.

General principles of assessment

The eastern horoscope, unlike traditional astrology, consists of cycles, each of which lasts 12 years. Each year has its own animal. Thus, those born in a certain year are assigned their own patron animal: Rat, Horse, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Boar, Monkey, Snake, Sheep, Tiger, Bull, Rooster. Thus, unlike classical astrology, the eastern system is not a monthly, but an annual cycle.

Those born within one year correspond to one of the 12 patron animals, these are the symbols of the Chinese horoscope. So, knowing what year you were born, you can determine which animal is your patron, and knowing the year of birth of your partner, what is his patron. This symbol characterizes certain traits inherent in every person. Also, using this system you can find out about possible compatibility with a partner.

This data is shown in a table that you can use to check your compatibility. If you believe that these symbols have a certain meaning, you can study the eastern horoscope in more detail and learn more about it. Knowing about your purpose, destiny, character traits, you can decide whether to build a long-term relationship with a specific person. Also, this knowledge will help you delve deeper into yourself in order to understand in which direction you should develop personally.


To understand in more detail what the symbols of the Eastern horoscope mean, we give a brief description of each sign:

  • Rat. This symbol opens the twelve-year cycle of the Eastern horoscope. Rats are pioneers, leaders by nature, optimists and passionate individuals. They definitely have some talent. They can be overly emotional and also have a tendency to waste. In marriage they can take on the role of leader. Well compatible with Dragon, Rat and Monkey.
  • Bull. It is a symbol of hard work and perseverance. They can be touchy, but over time they move away and do not hold a grudge for long. They like to keep everything in order, they are thorough and wise in everyday affairs. A very loyal sign, bulls do not tolerate betrayal. Well compatible with Goat, Horse and Dragon.
  • Tiger. This is a sign of bright, courageous, independent people. They can be impulsive, capricious and hot-tempered. They like it to be the way they want it, and often “pull the blanket over themselves.” Good compatibility in marriage with Pig, Rooster and Tiger.
  • Rabbit. This symbol corresponds to people who are calm, kind, and reasonable. They are sincerely able to give attention to others. They are very caring and gentle by nature. Well compatible with Dragon, Dog or Goat.
  • The Dragon. Perhaps the most mysterious and contradictory sign. Such people are characterized by insight, good intuition, they are always confident in themselves and have a goal in life. In family relationships they are quite practical. Poorly compatible with Dog, Ox and Tiger.
  • Snake. These people are distinguished by their inconstancy and love of spending money. Positive qualities include diplomacy, emotionality, love of romance, and the ability to surprise. In family relationships they are looking for an equal partner, mutual understanding and support. Well compatible with Horse, Dog, Rat and Rabbit.
  • Horse. These are bright and decisive individuals. Adventurers: love adventure, travel, passionate and romantic relationships. They are very hardworking, but can be inconsistent. Among them there are often creative personalities. Horses can be endowed with remarkable talent. Compatible with Goat, Dog and Tiger.
  • Goat. This sign is a little indecisive, sometimes constrained, embarrassed, and irresponsible. But despite this, they are quite generous and caring people. A goat can become a good friend and partner in close relationships. Well compatible with Boar, Horse and Rabbit.
  • Monkey. Usually these are intellectually gifted people. Quick mind, leadership qualities, desire to win - these are their bright qualities. Monkeys may not pay enough attention to hygiene and appearance. Although in general, these are good partners, if you accept their shortcomings. But there may be problems in compatibility with Tiger and Horse.
  • Rooster. Just like the Dragon, this sign is contradictory; on the one hand, Roosters love noisy fun and being the center of attention; on the other hand, they are a hardworking and responsible partner. They are often straightforward and practical. But in family relationships they are demanding both of themselves and of others. Well compatible with Snake, Dragon, Ox.
  • Dog. This is perhaps the most loyal sign. Dogs love and appreciate sincerity and fairness in people, because they themselves possess these qualities. They are modest, do not like conflicts, and do not forgive betrayal. Not compatible with Rooster, Dragon or Goat
  • Boar. This good-natured man is a generous homebody and romantic. Pigs can be hot-tempered, but they don’t hold grudges for long. A very pleasant sign to communicate with. Quite hardworking, likes to work hard and relax. Well compatible with Goat and Rabbit.

Eastern horoscope by year: Table

According to the Chinese horoscope, the year of birth corresponds to a specific animal sign of the eastern astrological circle and one of the basic elements. In accordance with this, each personality receives a certain set of qualities and characteristics. For example, water extinguishes fire, so people with a water year of birth will not be able to live harmoniously with fiery personalities. But water people are most comfortable with those born under the wood element.

Year of the Rat2032, 2021, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Year of the Ox2033, 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
Year of the Tiger2034, 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
Year of the Rabbit2035, 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
Year of the Dragon2036, 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940
Year of the Snake2037, 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941
Year of the Horse2040, 2026, 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942
Year of the Goat2041, 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey2042, 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster2043, 2021, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog2044, 2021, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig2045, 2021, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Being born in a particular year, a person acquires several innate qualities. His fate depends on them. Do not forget that the eastern year is calculated according to the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar means that each month begins with a new moon.

Compatibility by date of birth for free

Compatibility by date of birth

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Find out the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman

Find out the compatibility of a Monkey man and a Monkey woman

Find out the compatibility of a Monday man and a Monday woman

Not everyone knows their zodiac sign, and for such cases it is possible to find out compatibility by date of birth for free. Such calculations are based on determining by the date of birth of partners their signs according to the zodiac and eastern calendar and submitting information about compatibility in combination or separately. As a result, a person can more fully assess the prospects for a relationship with the partner he is interested in.

Please note that the compatibility horoscope can provide clues for building relationships not only of a romantic nature, but also for establishing mutual understanding between friends, colleagues and spouses. Even though his advice is of a general nature, you still shouldn’t ignore it.

Triangle Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), Pig (Boar)

The main qualities of the Rabbit are insight and self-confidence. Representatives of this sign usually value friendship, but can behave selfishly from time to time. Nevertheless, the Rabbit is sweet and kind to everyone, so he often benefits from his acquaintances and is often lucky. Those born in the year of Sheep are caring, kind, honest and generous. Often they need a reliable defender. People born in the year of the Pig can be proud of their intelligence, sociability, and humanity. They consider loyalty to be an important quality in other people. Some Pigs are inclined to believe that everything in their fate is predetermined. Moreover, they are good psychologists.

Triangle Ox, Rooster, Snake

The Ox is a born leader. He is able to work hard and hard to achieve results. He is also able to organize the work of other people and monitor its quality implementation. If on the way to his cherished goal the Ox encounters serious obstacles, then cruelty, impatience and irascibility awaken in him. A distinctive feature of the Snake is careful preparation for any step in life. Intelligence, wisdom, strength and calm are the distinctive characteristics of the representatives of this symbol. Externally, snakes are distinguished by their constant elegance. They know how to achieve their goals. Snakes don't tend to get too close to a lot of people, so they can sometimes seem indifferent to other people's problems. Roosters are pedantic and proud. They are distinguished by accuracy in everything, a high level of responsibility, and criticality. You can often notice such traits as selfishness and conservatism in Roosters.

Compatibility of triangle signs Ox, Rooster, Snake

Rooster-Rooster . A little patience - and such a union will become flawless. It will not be easy for pedantic Roosters to give in to each other, but if they learn this, then together they will overcome any obstacles. To do this, they need to give up competition and work on cooperation. Bull-Bull . Such a couple is an excellent team that, sooner or later, will reach the goal. The main thing is that during the journey the Bulls do not start to find out which of them is in charge. However, usually representatives born in the year of this symbol are distinguished by their harmonious nature, which generally eliminates the problem of rivalry. And also in such a couple another problem may arise - boredom. Snake-Snake . Usually such couples are good in both love and business relationships. Give two Snakes a common goal, and they will move mountains to achieve it. But if one of the partners shows the qualities of a strong leader, the other Snake will have a hard time with him. This can cause conflicts, quarrels, and misunderstandings. Bull-Snake . In these relationships, each partner will consider himself a leader. The Ox will be convinced of this calmly and unshakably, and the Snake will constantly make attempts to manipulate him. If such a couple has developed, then everyone needs to have their own niche both in work and in love. The relationship between the Ox and the Snake is best revealed in those areas where it is necessary to use the intellect. Bull-Rooster . The Rooster will stimulate the Ox to achieve record results. And in this union, the Ox is quite capable of solving this problem. In this relationship, the Rooster will receive the freedom he needs and will be able to calmly generate more and more new ideas that will add variety to the Ox’s life. Such relationships are especially successful in the financial sector. However, in family life, the Rooster and the Ox will easily find a middle ground and will be able to not only create, but also maintain a cozy home. Snake-Rooster . For the Snake and the Rooster, any prospects are excellent, both in business and in marriage. The Snake will develop brilliant plans, and the Rooster will implement them. In marriage, the optimism of the Rooster will be in harmony with the calmness and coolness of the Snake.


Signs located opposite each other are considered incompatible.

If you look at the 12-year zodiac circle, then the Horse and Rat, the Dog and the Dragon and other pairs of opposite animals will be incompatible.

Working together for such couples does not always go well, and it is quite difficult for them to develop mutual business. A couple's romantic relationship may quickly dry up and the marriage may break down.

This is due to the fact that partners have diametrically opposed tastes, desires and interests. The behavior and communication habits of one of them may irritate the other.

Compatibility table by year:

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