A check for the abundance of the Universe, or how to make a wish on the new moon so that it definitely comes true

Perhaps every person would like to improve their financial situation. It happens that a person works a lot and hard, but an unrealizable dream remains unrealizable. In this case, they often begin to complain about fate or give up. A very simple but very effective “Abundance Check” technique will help you cope with this problem and speed up the onset of the desired material well-being. The technique has gained wide popularity thanks to Alina Hess, who teaches techniques for making wishes come true.

What is the “Check of Abundance” ritual?

The abundance check is issued within 24 hours of the new moon. This ritual, based on the Law of Attraction, does not require any special religious beliefs. For it to work, it is enough to simply set an intention at the time of writing it. Its procedure is very simple and does not require special equipment or skills. Everything you need is always at hand.

To fill a check, you just need to strictly follow the rule described below and allow the Law of Attraction to work. Gradually, you will feel that your life is changing in a positive way, and everything that you have been missing until now will be gifted to you by the Universe.

Formulate your request correctly so that you can successfully develop in one of the areas that is most important to you. For example, you might want to wish for “positive personal abundance” or “financial and professional positive abundance,” rather than “positive abundance in my life,” which is more general.

Be careful to observe the laws of the Universe and never perform this ritual for personal gain. The failure you suffer, in white magic we call "a blow from the stick", can be catastrophic for you. You can lose everything that love or finance can bring, I think you don’t need difficulties. In short, magic is not a game; This is a very serious ritual!

When to fill out an abundance check in 2021. New Moon 2021

Let us remind you that the abundance check must be filled out within 24 hours after the new moon phase. If you want, but from our point of view it is not necessary, you will repeat this ritual every month.

Month of the yearNew moon dayAppearance time
JanuaryJanuary 13, 2021at 8:00
FebruaryFebruary 11, 2021at 22:05
MarchMarch 13, 2021at 13:21
AprilApril 12, 2021at 05:30
MayMay 11, 2021at 21:59
JuneJune 10, 2021at 13:52
JulyJuly 10, 2021at 04:16
AugustAugust 8, 2021at 16:50
SeptemberSeptember 7, 2021at 13:50
OctoberOctober 6, 2021at 14:05
NovemberNovember 5, 2021at 00:14
DecemberDecember 4, 2021at 10:42

Preparing for the “Check of Abundance” ritual

If you have a checkbook, you can easily use a cashier's check. If you don't have one, or want a non-standard template, you can use a third of a sheet of A4 paper, cut to width, or our printable abundance check template, which you will find below. While the check you are going to use is not important, it is still important that you fully follow the protocol below and the ritual itself.

It is very important that you fill out your abundance check alone in a quiet place. This ritual is in no way suitable for playful experiences between friends... by the way, before practicing magic it is strongly recommended to do a little meditation and breathing exercises.

Aladdin's magic lamp

Wish fulfillment techniques are very popular. Thousands of people practice them. And many are satisfied with the result. Among dozens of techniques, it is recommended to choose the one that you like most. The chances of getting what you want will increase significantly.

And today we will discuss an incredibly simple and easy technique for making a wish come true. For the ritual, you only need a sheet of paper or a downloaded sample of the Abundance check. And, of course, your sincere desire.

This way of delivering your request to the Universe is called the “carrier pigeon.” The Universe will “read” your request and will definitely answer it. After all, it has unlimited resources for each of us. But you need to fill out your check correctly.

check abundance free

You can download and print the check form (free) from the link:

Download and print the Abundance Check (pdf)

You can also download for free the Abundance Checkbook with 12 tear-off checks, which will last you exactly one year and detailed instructions for filling out the check.

Abundance Checkbook Free Download (Click Image)

Letter for wish fulfillment: how it works and when to write

Writing a letter to the heavenly powers is an incredible opportunity to focus on a dream, sincerely and with real emotions asking them for help. Writing to the Universe is an opportunity to be creative and let your imagination run wild while being guided by the voice of your intuition.

This method is one of the most famous and effective in modern times. It will help you if you:

  • want to decide and formulate your desires;
  • want to attract success and make your dreams come true;
  • want to visualize yourself and your future.

Important! It is best to write a letter on the 27th of any month, since this date is considered magical and favorable for making wishes. More details at the link.

How to fill out an Abundance Check

Before you fill out your abundance check, remember that your positive mood/emotions are a manifestation in themselves, and the first sign that everything you want is on its way to you.

  • Print out your abundance receipt (you can also use one of your own receipts if you prefer). No matter which choice you make, they will both serve to bring you abundance.
  • Fill out the check in green ink * as written below.
  • Write your “First and Last Name” in the “Recipient's Name” column.
  • In the “Amount in numbers” and “Amount in letters” fields you have several options:

You bet a certain amount that you will need (bill to pay, buy a car...), don't be too greedy. You don't have to enter an astronomical amount if you don't want to. You can start with small amounts (for example, a few thousand rubles). You should feel comfortable when you write abundance checks. However, the exact amount will allow you to be more focused and will facilitate your intention in this ritual.

If you have internal resistance, it is always better to exclude a certain amount. Many of us have subconscious beliefs that we are unworthy and undeserving of what we want. This is why it may be wise to simply write the letters “Positive Abundance in All Things” in the letters box and “Paid in Full” in the numbers box. In this way, the concept of positive abundance will allow you to find yourself in a virtuous cycle and prove your confidence in the Universe to bring what you need.

Never bet an amount, it’s not up to you to decide what the Universe will bring you! On the back of the check, if you wish, you can write down the area in which you would like to have abundance... abundance of love, work, money, energy and health... You can write down any requests you want, as long as they are warranted and, above all, reasonable.

  • In the “Purpose” field, be sure to write what exactly you need the amount written on the check for (for a vacation, for a new phone, for a new car, etc.). If you did not enter a specific amount, you can indicate: “The Law of Positive Abundance of the Universe”
  • In the Date field, you can either enter a specific date (for example, a financial deadline) or put “Here and Now” so that your check does not become out of date.

You can write a check for abundance every new moon. But you can also keep the check you write until you receive what you expect to receive. Everyone has their own method, and in any case you will find the one that suits you.

You don't have to think about your check at all. You can forget about it. The Universe will not forget you in its distribution!

My little “trick” to speed up the process: I visualize myself receiving these gifts, imagine myself touching, feeling what I want to receive, invest energy (joy, happiness, relief, etc.) in myself from the moment I receive these present.

In addition, on the back of the check, you can also add the following inscription: “This or something better is manifested for my benefit and everyone else. Thank you"

* Why fill out a check in green ink? The color green represents the sacred ray….abundance and healing.

If you are writing your own check, in the space where the check number should be, write 000 for God, 333 for Ascended Masters, 444 for Angels and your birthday. So if your birthday is January 4, 1970, your account number will be 00033344404011970.

Recommendations from Alina Gess

It is not recommended to put a specific date on the check - this will make it difficult to “let go” of the desire.
When filling out a check, it is better not to indicate the exact date - this is what Alina recommends. This will eliminate any time constraints and save you from disappointment. In addition, if a person sets the date and month, he will subconsciously wait for this moment to arrive, fixating on desire. This will not allow you to completely let go of the desire from your head and it is unlikely to come true. In addition, Alina advises making checks every month on the new moon.

Also, many recommend not to put your signature on the check. As you know, bank checks are signed by the person who issues them. In this case, your own signature on a check from the Bank of the Universe will be irrelevant. You can write “Universe” or “Manager of the Bank of the Universe” in the “signature” column - this will make the check look more believable.

Where to keep your abundance check?

Keep your receipt in a place where you can see it every day.

It is generally recommended to keep an abundance check in your wallet so that it can accompany you in your daily life.

And every time you see your check, feel that you have already received this abundance and feel gratitude because now you can be, do or have what you want - this is the principle of the law of attraction.

Some people recommend stashing your check and forgetting about it, and this is where you should listen to your gut. For my part, I prefer to have it in sight….

Sample letter of wishes

A visual example of a finished letter. You can decorate it as you wish or leave it in its original form. This will not affect the result in any way. The main task is to write from the heart, with kindness, gratitude and sincere intentions.

Abundance check for love

As I said earlier, this ritual can be performed to improve your personal life by correctly identifying the petitionary message of the Universe. Attention! Using white magic to bring back the person you love or make him fall in love is prohibited! The Abundance Love Check will help you improve your overall well-being, however, what it will bring you may be different from what you wished for at the time you write it...

If it is used incorrectly or for purposes contrary to the laws of attraction (selfish gain, love attraction for a person with whom ties have been severed, negative thoughts towards a third party, undeserved fame, power, etc.), you risk experiencing failure and loss. much of what you already have. Calling upon magic is not without consequences, be very careful what you ask for... never forget what you sow is what you reap; this expression has never had more meaning than in magic...

When you lose a loved one, it really hurts. Trying to win him back at any cost will do no good and will not bring you anything constructive. Sometimes you have to accept that a relationship is over. In everything negative there are lessons and positives. Bringing back your lost love through magic is not the solution to your problem; nothing more than asking to attract your secret love... do a ritual with an abundance check so that she will help you move forward and restore balance in life, leaving the past behind; this makes much more sense for the law of attraction... who knows, maybe your past will become part of your future; in any case, this is not for you to decide... trust providence and let yourself be guided on the right path.

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