Feng Shui wishes: write a wish and get results

When you want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true. Paulo Coelho

Law of Gratitude

A state of gratitude is one of the main conditions that opens the source of abundance in our lives.

When we thank our marriage partner for everything he/she does for us, for being in our lives, we inspire him/her to do even more for us. The more we thank the Universe for everything we have in life, the more it wants to increase it all.

In the documentary "The Secret" there is an exercise called "Gratitude Stone". Take the simplest stone that you find on the seashore and always carry it with you in your pocket. As soon as you pick it up, start thanking the Universe for everything you have. And all this will multiply in your life.

Law of Sincerity

A person’s desires are fulfilled when they are declared from the depths of the soul, from the very heart. If your desire corresponds to the tasks of the soul, your destiny, then all circumstances will develop in your favor, life itself will contribute to the realization of your heart’s desire. This is the state when you really want it, as if every cell of the body is striving to get what it wants. And you have confidence that this will definitely happen in your life.

This means there is a willingness to get what you want. As a rule, in such cases the wish is quickly fulfilled.

It happens that a desire is declared from the mind, because it is necessary, because others have it, it is accepted, it should be so. Such a desire encounters obstacles, circumstances are not in your favor. My soul is tormented by doubts. There is a feeling of restlessness and anxiety. Sooner or later you realize that you don’t need to strive for this. In order to save vital energy, it is better to understand this at the beginning of the journey.

It also happens that your desire is sincere, stated from the heart, and corresponds to your life goals, but there are fears associated, as a rule, with past negative experiences. They slow down the realization of what you want and are an internal obstacle to the fulfillment of desires. This means that you are not yet ready to accept what you want into your life.

How to be?

  • The first step is to acknowledge your fear. Tell yourself: “I’m really afraid.” This awareness will help you manage your fear.
  • The second step is to work through this fear with a specialist or on your own.
  • The third step is realizing that you have a choice: to live with or without fear.

What is the angle of force and how to find it?

We all know that every house has many corners. And if they are cluttered or filled with multiple objects, then they are sources of negative energy. Also, Feng Shui does not have a good attitude towards sharp protruding corners, which can decorate the interior according to the ideas of a creative designer. But specialists of Eastern practice have a completely different attitude towards the inner corner of any room, which is located diagonally to the front door.

To determine it correctly, this time you will not have to use the Ba Gua grid or a special compass. To do this, just stand at the front door and carefully look at which corner of the room is the farthest in relation to it. That is, if the door to the room is in the middle of the wall or offset to the right, then the angle of force will be the opposite left corner of the room. If it is located on the left, then you should pay attention to the right corner opposite to it. It will become your personal corner of power, where you can make wishes and plan your future.

Law of acceptance

The Law of Acceptance means the willingness to have what you want in your life. We often dream about something, but as soon as it starts to come true, we start fussing and don’t know what to do with this desired thing. For example, a woman really wants a child, years pass, and she is unable to give birth to one. She dreams of motherhood more than anything else. When the long-awaited pregnancy comes, instead of joy, she begins to think: “Maybe it’s not time yet, maybe later, maybe I’m not ready yet, but I can handle it?” Accepting means accepting what you want with your soul, being ready for changes. Any desire of a woman leads to life changes. If there is no readiness, then it is again about fear. We fear something, doubt something. And most often these fears and doubts are illusory. It all seems to us. All this can be dealt with with the help of psychological counseling technologies; the main thing is to understand and be aware of the reasons. The law of acceptance also means: accepting your life as it is and without realizing what you want. Be grateful for everything that is and what is not.

Core details of drawing up a wish map according to Feng Shui

The waxing moon and joy will help

The most appropriate time to create a feng shui map will be the time of the waxing moon. After all, it is on these days that energy increases. Even better on a full moon.

Directly at the time of creation, a person should be in a wonderful mood. It's even better to do everything with joy. Few people know, but joy has a special energy specifically for the fulfillment of good, creative desires.

To the symphonies of Beethoven

All processes should be done in complete solitude and with good, preferably classical music.

All nine Beethoven symphonies are very suitable. After all, this is not just music, it has a sacred cleansing and protecting effect. An atmosphere must be created that allows dreams to be clearly expressed.

Keep everything secret

According to Feng Shui, the map of happiness is a hidden thing. It is not recommended to use other people's advice and ideas.

You should not show your work to anyone, not friends, acquaintances, or family members. You need to hang a collage of Feng Shui wishes in places that will be frequently viewed by its owner, for example, in closets. The collage can also be installed on the desktop of your personal computer.

Law of Letting Go

The most important stage in fulfilling people's desires is to let your desire go free. Without fulfilling this law, not a single wish will be fulfilled. Letting go means being sure that the desire will come true, removing control, relaxing, stopping thinking, switching attention, forgetting. Sometimes this is not easy to do. In such cases, you need to captivate yourself with something else more important, interesting and meaningful. If thoughts return to the previous topic, then by an effort of will switch them to another topic.

Do-it-yourself Feng Shui map of happiness, how to make it correctly

There are certain rules on how to correctly place your wishes on a collage in accordance with the Feng Shui sectors. In accordance with the ancient Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, there are certain energy centers. With proper influence on them, the effectiveness in fulfilling your wishes is significantly enhanced. Therefore, we place desires in accordance with Feng Shui zones.

So, take a blank sheet of paper and start creating your future...

In the center of the collage

Post your favorite photo. Myself happy and young, joyful and healthy on the planet.

You can take a marker and write a wish, for example, “I am very happy” or “I am the luckiest”, “I am always slim, I weigh so many kg.”

To the wealth sector

Images with large banknotes, jewelry, and expensive cars are posted here. Anything that can be associated with increased wealth, abundance and prosperity.

You can add with a marker: “my income is constantly growing.”

In the glory sector

You can take credit for the merits and awards a little. If someone wants to become famous, they can indicate a specific area of ​​activity.

In the love sector

For those who do not have a loved one, in the love sector we post photographs of romantic couples and describe the desired life partners.

You can add specifics in the desired relationship.

In the sector of children and creativity

For those who want children in the future, we post images of children happily frolicking. And if they already exist, you can add their achievements, or describe their bright future.

In the travel and friends sector

Here we describe good friendly relationships, post photographs of superbly held parties and corporate events, as well as elite resorts and countries that someone wants to visit.

In the career and work sector

In this sector, we write down exactly what you need to change in your current job, who sees yourself as who in the future, indicate the position and desired salary.

We also post images of comfortable and successful offices.

In the knowledge and self-development sector

If you want to get additional education, or successfully pass exams, defend a dissertation, we outline and describe all this.

In the family and home sector

This sector can become the most saturated with desires: it could be renovations, updated housing, new furniture. Everything that is associated with comfort and coziness. You can put photos of happy families.

Important! Upon completion of drawing up the map of wishes, you should draw arrows from each image to your photo in order to attract it all for yourself.

Revitalize the map

In order for the Feng Shui wish card (a kind of instruction for the future) to always remain in a “living” state, it is recommended to periodically add additional wishes. However, Feng Shui experts do not recommend overloading the collage; there should be moderation in everything.

Law of love

The law of love means to desire with love. Accept this desire with love. And the embodiment of desire must create love. There should be more love in the world. People often ask, do you have to pay to make a wish come true? The payment for an embodied desire is the creation of love. After achieving your goal, realizing your desire, someone in the world should feel good. And the more people you bring good to by fulfilling your desire, the sooner it will come true and the greater benefit and joy it will bring you. Otherwise, there will be little pleasure from realizing the desire. In other words, your Feng Shui wish should be environmentally friendly. Not to harm, but to benefit.

How to activate the fulfillment of desires?

Once you have decided where the force angle is, you need to activate it correctly. To begin with, you must choose one specific goal or desire that you want to fulfill and mentally ask the Universe about it while standing in that corner. In addition, it must be properly formatted.

So, for example, if you want to improve your own health, collect in this place all the symbols and talismans that, in one way or another, are associated with health. Also, these can be all kinds of pictures or clippings from magazines depicting attractive people, healthy food, and the like.

Bath ritual

Fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature for you. Add sea salt with aromatic oil or foam extract. Light the candles.

Enjoy immersing yourself in the bath, close your eyes and say these words:

Lord, thank you for sending me an ideal financial situation that allows me to live in the most comfortable conditions at all times of my wonderful life in this World!

Then count backwards from 100, 99, 98... to zero and conclude the ritual with the words:

My wish has been fulfilled, thank you!

If you regularly perform such a ritual, then, in fact, you will be able to live in comfort wherever you are.

Alternative Methods

1. Video affirmations

They are created in programs that make presentations. Pictures are selected and positive formulas are written on them. Music is inserted. Then they regularly watch the created video.

The most popular method is done in the alpha state, mentally imagining what you want.

3. Magical practices

Suitable for advanced people. You can use rituals or spells. To do this, it is important to know the basics and subtleties of witchcraft.

When is the best time to create it?

There are certain rules that apply to creating a wish card. Experts disagree on when it is best to create it. Some argue that it is better to create a map during the New Year (Chinese style), others talk about the new moon.

It is then that you can get a good energy charge that would be used to fulfill your requests to the Universe. In any case, the best time for the card will be when you are calm and in a favorable mood. Turn on relaxing music, turn off your phone, let nothing interfere.

Ritual “Mirror of Desires”

This ritual is based on the property of mirrors to absorb and give out information, especially negative (therefore, if there is a deceased person in the house, it is customary to close the mirrors). So, when you look in the mirror, think only about good things.

To perform this ritual, you will need a personal mirror - it does not matter whether it is small or large, but no one should look into it except you.

First, the mirror must be cleared of previous information. To do this, wash it with salted water, wipe it dry and fumigate it with an incense stick. Now the mirror is ready to absorb your (only positive) information.

Look in the mirror for a few minutes, smile at your reflection and say your desire, formulated briefly and in the present tense.

Write it on the mirror with a cosmetic pencil or lipstick. For example, “I enjoy traveling,” or “my income is growing,” etc. The number of wishes depends on the size of the mirror.

Now, as often as possible, look in the mirror and, admiring yourself, repeat your desire. You can recite or chant it like a mantra from 9 to 108 times a day for 21 days, each time completing the process with a magic phrase:

My desire is fulfilled, it is filled with power, the power is given by God. Amen!

After this time, erase the wish with a soft cloth, imagining that you are sending it into the Universe, and write a new one.

Rituals of the day

Let's start with the fact that any actions that are familiar to us can be turned into daily rituals by adding the appropriate affirmation.

For example, when you take an evening shower, repeat:

I wash away all the worries of today. Water dissolves and takes away all worries and troubles. I'm cleansing, I'm cleansing, I'm cleansing! .. etc.

In the morning, standing in the shower:

Wonderful fresh water charges me with energy for the whole day! Water fills me with strength - today brings me success!

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