Feng Shui kitchens: rules for location according to cardinal directions

In an apartment it is very important that everything is in its place. The Chinese have even created a whole direction that allows you to design the interior exactly in a room so that everyone is comfortable. And it is not without reason that the kitchen should be arranged according to Feng Shui, since the energy part of food is more important for a person than vitamins and microelements.

Creating a favorable environment in the kitchen will lead to the fact that all family members will stop getting sick and suffering from various ailments

Let's start learning Feng Shui

Our acquaintance with the Chinese technique of creating harmony in the surrounding space will begin with highlighting the main kitchen appliance, which plays the main role. This is a stove, a hearth and an energy generator. The Chinese believe that this is where kitchen feng shui originates and has its origins in the fusion of the qi of cooked food, fire and the cook.

Here's what harmonious Qi affects:

  • No problems with the law.
  • Reducing the risk of identifying fatal diseases.
  • On family relationships.

But we must not forget about other interior items, which to one degree or another can affect the energy balance in the room. And we will begin the article with why the energy component of food is more important than vitamin indicators.

Dreaming of a Mediterranean-style kitchen? Nothing is impossible. See here.

Food energy is the basis of health and success

The amount of energy obtained from food is influenced by two factors:

  • The first is related to the origin of the product, its growth, storage and transportation.
  • The second one depends on the mood and well-being of the cook. Obviously, if a person is unwell or nervous, the food can be of very poor quality.

Note! Feng Shui teachings say that you can even get sick if you eat food prepared by a sick cook.

Stove in the kitchen - finding the right place

The layout of the kitchen according to Feng Shui begins with the choice of a place for the electric stove. It is worth paying tribute to the eastern sages, they thought through everything to the smallest detail, see for yourself:

The stove is located closer to the center so that the cook can see everything that is happening in the room

Entrance door

Since the Qi of the cook and food are closely related, the person standing at the stove should not be accidentally startled. The best place is if the entrance door to the kitchen is always in sight, that is, in front of the cook.

But how to solve the problem if the stove cannot be installed so that the cook’s eyes always look at the door.

There are several solutions for this problem:

  • Place a mirror next to the stove. Obviously, a small product will not solve the problem, and a large one is unlikely to be installed, since the space between the stove and the hood is not that spacious.
  • Bells above the door. Another simple solution that allows you to hear even the blowing of the wind.

There are a huge variety of bells - you need to choose by color

You can easily do these things with your own hands using available tools. But they are still ineffective.

Advice! Never install the stove directly opposite the front door, as this may lead to accidents.

Several doors in the kitchen

It is very bad when several doors lead into the kitchen room at once, this creates a resonance in energy flows, the waves fluctuate. Such chaos negatively affects all dishes prepared in the kitchen, no matter how hard you try to protect yourself with mirrors and bells.

The only solution is a faceted crystal sphere in the center of the room. It is better to hang it so that it calms energy flows more effectively.

The price of such a product can range from several hundred rubles to tens of thousands. It all depends on what and how it was created. There is no difference in efficiency.

Everything for the convenience of the cook

The main person in the kitchen is the cook. All measures for equipping the kitchen premises are aimed at ensuring comfortable and convenient work for the person preparing food. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the most delicious food is obtained if it is prepared in a good mood. When equipping a kitchen, it is important not to allow the entrance door to be behind the cook, so that the cook at work does not accidentally get scared by the person entering. If this is not possible, you can hang a mirror above the work table or stove - this way the cook will see the door and possible guests.

Kitchen layout according to cardinal directions

How your kitchen will look according to Feng Shui is also influenced by all sorts of cardinal directions. This is mainly, of course, related to color and design, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but will devote a section to each area.

To help those who get confused in feeding the elements divided into sectors

The North is the beginning of everything

Northern cuisine according to Feng Shui consists of several correctly recreated aspects:

  • Color spectrum. The main colors that should be present in the room: black, blue and blue. For metals, it is better to choose shades of gold, bronze and silver.
  • Decor. Furniture in the kitchen should be light, with smooth curves and wave-like patterns. It should take up as little space as possible. The preferred decoration is a Feng Shui aquarium in the kitchen, which symbolizes good luck and prosperity. If you don’t have a real one, you can replace it with a painting, or recreate something similar from scrap materials on the wall.
  • Dishes. The shape of the services should also be wavy.

The wavy kitchen of the north is ideal for the water element

As you understand, the main direction of the north is the element of water, that is, the presence of red and orange colors leads to confrontation of energy. Try to avoid such bright shades.

Note! If something scarlet appears, then you should place this piece of furniture so that it is surrounded on all sides by blue-blue tones.

Northeast and southwest

The kitchen in the northeast is dominated by two elements: earth and fire. In this case, the use of several colors leads to a more efficient supply of energy to the food.

  • Color spectrum. Optimal colors that are suitable for the kitchen area: yellow, orange and red. It is from them that the maximum energy supply comes.

For your information! The presence of other colors is not critical, but their volume should not exceed 15% of the total area of ​​the room.

  • Decor. As for the furniture, it should be massive, with glass or ceramic mosaics. At the same time, no bulky objects that can “put pressure” on a person. It is best to select jewelry from glass, marble, crystal and natural stone. Wallpaper with stone textures and shades is suitable.
  • Dishes. The main thing is to abandon metal objects in favor of ceramics or glass. The shapes can be either square or triangular - least of all give preference to round sets.

Kitchen with the priority element fire: red shades, square dishes, glass doors on cabinets

Important! No wavy edges or shapes, these are water symbols that are destructive to the earth element.

The cuisine in the southwest is similar in elements to the northwestern sector, so all the above features are also applicable to it. Just don't confuse southwest and northwest.

Northwestern sector

Completely at the mercy of the elements of metal.

  • Color spectrum. Gold, silver, bronze are the main colors. But you can’t do without the yellow tint, which, being a symbol of the earth, nourishes and gives strength to metals. Try to harmoniously combine all colors, using each tone in moderation.
  • Decor. Since the sector receives energy from metals, the decorations should be appropriate: silver, brass and bronze. You can add some ceramics and porcelain. As for the place of food consumption, a round kitchen table is preferable - a symbol of unity and prosperity.
  • Dishes. The North-West and West are united in elemental priorities; the choice of shapes for sets for such sectors is strictly round, without wavy edges. Metal, glass and ceramic products are suitable. It is highly undesirable to have plastic sets that will upset the energy balance.

Chrome and bronze are the main symbols of the elements of metal

The kitchen in the northwest is suitable for lovers of “rough” metals. You can use chrome products everywhere. However, do not overdo it if you are mistaken about the location of your kitchen, abundant metals can negatively affect your health and well-being.

Dinner table

For the entire apartment or house, the kitchen is a symbol of hearth and comfort, which has a beneficial effect on the wealth and prosperity of the family. However, you can forget about prosperity if the kitchen set disrupts the harmony of the room. More precisely, not the entire set, but the dining table, which is the very center of receiving positive charges and energy.

  • The table should be in the center of the room so that all family members can fit behind it. This arrangement symbolizes prosperity and unity of people gathered around the table. Almost like in the photo.

Round table for intimate conversations between all family members, forget about the saying “when I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - share a positive attitude

  • A single family circle allows you to absorb as much positive energy as possible. At the table, gathered as a full-fledged family, it is necessary to share thoughts, impressions, and listen to opinions. All this has a beneficial effect on a person.

Do not forget that Feng Shui in the kitchen is, first of all, the harmony of all living things, creating a cozy environment for all family members. Therefore, having achieved unity with each other, you will appreciate the benefits of Chinese teachings.


There is no need to overload the kitchen with kitchen utensils; it is better to store everything not in plain sight, but in cabinets. Keep the kitchen tidy and clean, constantly wipe dirty surfaces, and remove all unnecessary items. Don't forget to dust hanging drawers and clean closets regularly.

A low cabinet with a work surface will be well complemented by a row of hooks or shelves on which you can hang the necessary things for preparing food. Anything that is not essential items should be stored in closets.

Sha – bad energy

Kitchen design according to Feng Shui takes into account not only the arrangement of objects, colors and decorations, the technique even concerns how sharp objects should be stored in the room: knives, forks, etc.

  • Under no circumstances should knives be left on the table. Sharp angles are capable of generating negative energy (Sha), which then splashes out on people. This leads to quarrels and illnesses.
  • Try not to put all sharp objects in one place.

Sha manifests itself not only in objects, but also in sharp corners of the room, where practically no light enters.

Remember! The light in the kitchen should be bright, illuminating all corners and objects. If somewhere is too dark, try to move the furniture so as to prevent the appearance of a curved space.


Good lighting in the kitchen is important; dark corners are undesirable - dust accumulates in them and the movement of qi energy completely slows down. And if sunlight does not reach deep into the kitchen, then you need to illuminate the dark corner with directional light, using a lamp. In general, directional light lamps are very good for the kitchen, since there will be no dark corners, which always exist if the kitchen has one source of artificial light, a ceiling lamp.

The kitchen should be ventilated as often as possible, letting in fresh air. A hood over the stove will not cope with this task; it will only stir up the flow of qi energy. Choose your kitchen cleaning products very carefully - this is important. Do not skimp on these products, take environmentally friendly and harmless ones, this will only make you better, so as not to harm your health. If your pets eat in the kitchen, keep their bowls clean. Unpleasant odors are bad kitchen Feng Shui.

The trash can is a source of spreading yin

Not everyone knows that the interior of a kitchen according to Feng Shui is not about strict and precise calculations, but often about fun and extraordinary solutions. For example, this applies to the trash can, which is present in every kitchen.

Agree, you can’t do without it, but it’s also undesirable to put it in a prominent place. Usually the bucket is hidden in a cabinet, where it distributes unfavorable Yin energy along with odors.

Here is what Chinese sages advise on this matter:

  • It is necessary to decorate the bucket and make it unusual. You can use colors that match your sector.
  • Finish it with some interesting material that matches the style of the kitchen set. Such an object will no longer exude the notorious Yin energy, but the favorable Yang energy.

One of the options that allows you to reduce the amount of emitted Yin energy

As for operation, do not allow:

  • Make sure the bucket lid is open.
  • There was trash scattered around the bucket.
  • Take out the trash as often as possible.

With such a bucket, according to Feng Shui, the kitchen can be considered successful and complete.

Common mistakes

Typical mistakes in the design of the north-eastern part of the home that people make out of ignorance:

  1. Arranging a Knowledge zone in another Bagua sector, for example in the Wealth zone. It is dominated by the energy of Water and the green color scheme, which is unfavorable.
  2. Bad light. This not only harms the organs of vision during operation, but also interferes with the spread of vital energy.
  3. If there are living plants in the sector, pay attention to their condition. Dried and diseased flowers are one of the reasons for failures at work.

Any activity in the Knowledge sector increases the chances of success. Organize it and keep it clean to achieve excellent results in study, work, science and creativity.


Recommendations of Chinese sages

This section provides instructions that will help you get as much positive energy as possible from your dishes and the time spent in the kitchen:

Another auxiliary table that you should follow when creating the interior of the room

  • Do not store cracked or chipped dishes; they should be thrown away immediately. And not in the trash can, as everyone usually does, but take it out of the apartment. The same applies to splinters and spoiled products.

Avoid clutter in the kitchen, it generates negative energies that are not easy to get rid of.

  • According to Feng Shui, indoor plants for the kitchen are preferable in the form of dwarf trees and shrubs that have a trunk and branches. Wood enhances the water and fire elements.

Such plants are beneficial not only for the kitchen, but also for other rooms in the apartment

Reminder! Trees are incompatible with the element of metal.

  • Try to consume food without haste and fuss. If you are trying to “eat” stress, then such food will not do you any good. Take a deep breath and chew all foods thoroughly. Do not try to swallow foods that are difficult to chew in large pieces.
  • You can’t quarrel in the kitchen; negativity can be absorbed into the interior items, and the harmony of positive energy will be disrupted.
  • Kitchen in the north is the element of water, do not confuse it with other cardinal directions. If you doubt the correctness of your choice, focus on balance: a little of all colors. It is better to give preference to neutral white tones.
  • Vintage family photos with the deceased have a place in the kitchen. This means you invite them to the table. Before eating, thank God for your well-being.
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