What happens if you hit a bird with a car: options for interpreting the sign

Birds in folk signs are a sign of news, news from relatives. This news is not always good; in some cases we will have to worry about the health and well-being of our loved ones. Hitting a bird with a car is an ambiguous omen, the interpretation of which depends on the conditions under which this small incident occurred and the condition of the bird after it. Let's figure out together what this can mean and how we can neutralize a negative omen.

What does it mean to hit a bird with a car?

After a collision, a bird has little chance of survival, so if a collision occurs, first of all take care to remove the carcass from the roadway. Firstly, this is a safety issue: you will protect other road users from distractions on the road, which means your conscience will be clear; secondly, according to the signs, you cannot leave the corpse of an animal on the road. Helping the bird will be extremely problematic, but if it has already died, bury it on the side of the road, so you can protect yourself from negative events in life.

If you are driving

Usually, all responsibility for unpleasant and tragic incidents on the road falls on the driver. And this is understandable: it is the driver who controls the vehicle. But the driver does not chase the bird; it crashes into the car window itself. Are there any negative consequences for the driver in this case? Hitting a bird with a car is a sign that does not have a sharply negative connotation, even if you were driving. You are waiting for news, an unexpected arrival of guests or an important event to which you will soon be invited.

If you are a passenger

The passenger, although he does not drive the car, can count on the burden of the sign falling on his shoulders. But, as in the case of the driver, it comes down to news, positive or neutral. If there are traces on the car glass, the news will be quick; if the glass is cracked, the news will be stunning for you and will change your whole life.

Don't be afraid of birds as harbingers of bad news. All known signs say that most often the main harm they can cause is damage to your car.

What kind of bird was it?

If you happen to shoot down a pigeon , this indicates possible problems in your personal life. If the bird dies, you will have to go through a conflict situation in the near future. Particularly categorical forecasts even threaten the unlucky motorist with divorce. There is no point in giving up ahead of time: the incident is seen as a reason to think about your behavior and correct the situation.

Another significance of what happened is due to the fact that pigeons are postal birds. The death of a bird indicates some important news that did not reach the recipient. Something unpleasant will happen soon due to a lack of information.

Whoever becomes a victim of an accident! The signs read as follows:

  • Sparrows are a symbol of material things. The death of a bird means the danger of losing something memorable and important.
  • The crow is a sorcerer's bird, a messenger from the underworld. An accident involving a bird is a harbinger of the death of a loved one or an accident. To protect themselves, they attend church, light a candle and bless their car.
  • If an owl , a difficult financial situation awaits. You may have to incur unexpected large expenses or lose your wallet. A crashed owl is a harbinger of theft, loss of money or late wages.
  • Swallow is a bird of joy. Signs say that a motorist who hits this bird will soon find himself in a sad situation or lose a pet.

Since the rooster is a symbol of guests, an accident involving this bird means that you will soon have to meet unexpected and unpleasant people. If a hen gets hit by a car, there will be a quarrel with the neighbors.

If a goose , this can be interpreted as an omen of something bad, but completely uncertain.

If a driver runs over or hits a bird of another species , this does not predict anything bad. It is believed that this only indicates a person’s inclination towards the material at the expense of the spiritual. The event symbolizes the pursuit of pleasure.

Why see a downed bird on the road?

A downed bird on the road can portend both good news and troubles in the family, at work, in your personal life, or even a major traffic accident with your participation. It all depends on who hit the bird and what condition it is in.

Knocked down by you

The bird you hit does not symbolize anything bad: signs say that you will soon learn something unusual. However, it is better to be on the safe side just in case: do not throw the corpse of an animal on the road; as a last resort, just take it to the side of the road. Be careful: birds are carriers of various diseases, so protect your skin from direct contact with the dead animal.

Hit by another car

If the bird is hit by another car, expect some minor troubles. They can be associated with loss of money, and often with illnesses of loved ones. These troubles will not be destructive, but will unsettle you and make you worry. If you have the opportunity, remove the dead bird from the road so problems will not shake your peace of mind.

Hit by another vehicle

Other vehicles, buses, trucks, motorcycles and mopeds also have the opportunity to encounter an insufficiently agile bird along the way. This will be a sign for you to stay away from busy highways, follow traffic rules and monitor the condition of your car. After all, the most popular sign says that a bird hit by a vehicle before your eyes signifies accidents and troubles associated with a car.

Damaged but alive

If you find a dead but alive bird on the road, most likely you will want to help it. From a perspective it will be accepted correctly and can keep you out of trouble. However, in real conditions it is unlikely to be possible to help a downed bird. If you take on such responsibility and take it home, according to signs, this will have a positive effect on your luck and will bring prosperity and success to you and your family. But do not forget that it will be difficult to cure a bird on your own, and besides, it can be a carrier of various infections.


If you find a dead bird shot down on the road, you should not take it as a bad sign, especially if you have nothing to do with this incident. You can clear your conscience and attract good fortune, good news and good health simply by disposing of your body on the road. Bury it on the side of the road or simply put it away from prying eyes.

As you can see, being hit by a bird is not always a negative thing for your life. In some cases, this is a favorable sign, promising changes in life and long-awaited news.

What will happen next

A downed bird is also a signal indicating that the trip should be canceled or at least postponed.

If accidents involving birds occur very often, even en masse, it can be assumed that a major disaster is approaching, which will affect the entire area.

If a bird crashes into a wedding procession, the newlyweds should be more attentive to each other. The case predicts an upcoming test of feelings for sincerity.

The meaning of the sign by the type of downed bird

If you were able to discern the type of downed bird and recognized it as a crow, dove, swallow or other type of bird, you can find out in more detail what signs describe this event.

Here are examples for some types:

  • dove
    is a messenger of news. If you happen to shoot down exactly him, then some information will be hidden from you. It is also a sign to refrain from quarrels and showdowns with loved ones;
  • sparrow
    is a bird that symbolizes the loss of expensive things, loss and theft. Be careful with your money and take care of your jewelry;
  • The crow
    is one of the most controversial birds in omens. According to some of them, a downed crow may signify the imminent loss of a loved one as a result of a mistake or accident. Signs advise visiting church on the day of the bird incident to neutralize this sign;
  • swallows and swifts
    knocked down on the road indicate illness in pets. It is better not to delay going to the veterinarian;
  • an owl
    an eagle owl
    is a sign indicating that difficult times may soon come. You have to part with a large amount of money, which will go towards treatment or unplanned repairs;
  • The goose
    is a large bird, a collision with which promises quarrels and disagreements in the family; try to be more attentive to your loved ones.

Some signs with birds are quite harmless, while others, on the contrary, make you think about loved ones and their well-being. Fortunately, some negative omens can be neutralized.

How to Eliminate a Negative Omen

Sometimes, because of an incident, a car owner may think about selling it. Experts recommend not resorting to drastic measures, but spending energy on neutralizing the bad sign.

Extremes should be avoided using proven methods. Actions to help avoid bad omen:

  1. When there is anxiety after a collision, it is necessary to visit the church. They read a prayer in it and turn to the priest with a request to bless the car. This will restore peace of mind and remove the black mark from the car.
  2. If an encounter with a bird has left a characteristic mark on the car, it should be promptly eliminated. It is advisable to do this on the same day. For example, if the windshield is cracked, it is replaced immediately.
  3. It is not recommended to wash the droppings from the car, but you should not let the situation get worse. If the contamination is significant, you don’t have to wait for the rain and go to the car wash. This should be done after completing the task for which the person got behind the wheel.
  4. Water is considered a universal remedy for neutralizing negative signs. You need to try not to think about the bad omen, go to the shower and rinse your face with cold water in the morning. Instead of going to the shower, you can take a warm bath and relax. A positive attitude will help change the situation for the better.

Many motorists who hit a bird with their car do not pay attention to the incident. They deprive themselves of the opportunity to prepare for or avoid negative events. Considering the signals that this sign sends, you can eliminate even serious problems in life (for example, an accident or the death of a loved one).

Is there a logical explanation for this sign?

The roots of all signs associated with birds lie in the ancient past. Previously, people believed that the bird was a divine messenger or even the embodiment of some higher power. Since all supernatural entities were divided into good and evil, this also extended to birds. Thus, sparrows and doves and swifts were associated with goodness. Owls and crows, in turn, served as the personification of evil force.

Some believed that the souls of deceased relatives were embodied in birds and were trying to convey warnings to their descendants about impending troubles, even at the cost of their life in a new body.

A sign is just a superstition that has no scientific basis. To believe in it or not is a personal matter for each person. The main thing is not to subordinate your life to such folk wisdom and not to commit unreasonable acts out of fear of chance. But considering what happened as a reason to take a closer look at yourself and your actions is always useful.

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Scientific explanation of the fact

Birds often hit windows if the house is located next to an orchard. This does not mean that now the owners of the home will have to bury relatives, get sick, and lose money. If a bird tastes overripe berries, it becomes tipsy, and its flight path may change. The same situation applies if it’s hot outside or there’s a strong wind. The bird may be attacked by animals, and then it hits the window to save its life.

Most often, residents of high-rise buildings suffer from unexpected guests. Birds fly along certain lines and do not always immediately identify an obstacle.

How to protect yourself

Some people believe that the most reliable way to protect yourself from bad consequences is to get rid of the car. It is sold or even given as a gift if conditions allow it.

A more moderate option is visiting church to bless your car.

Water is a universal way to protect yourself from any bad omen. To protect yourself from the consequences, after an unpleasant incident, immediately wash your hands and rinse your face, and clean your home thoroughly.


Since ancient times, these bulky birds were considered witchcraft or messengers from the other world. To crush such a representative of evil spirits means to incur the wrath of evil forces. The consequences that folk superstitions promise are quite expected - the death of loved ones, terrible illnesses, an accident. To try to avoid tragedy, you should visit the church and light candles. You need to pray for the health of friends and relatives, and also remember the dead.

How to scare a bird away from a window

Do not throw various objects at the bird, knock loudly or scare it. For such actions a person will be punished by higher powers. To reduce the chance of birds getting into your window:

  1. Tie a red ribbon to the window handle - the object will warn the bird of danger
  2. Sprinkle grains on the windowsill and say: “Come for food, not for soul.” The bird will land more carefully
  3. Sprinkle the frame and glass with blessed water

Signs about birds do not work if the birds have built a nest above your window or fly to the feeder. Perhaps they are trying to warm themselves at your window during the cold season, or on the way to the feeder they did not notice the transparent glass.

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