Owl talisman: what does an amulet with a night bird mean and who is suitable for it

» Magic items » Talismans » The owl symbol and its magical meaning



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The owl is one of the most mysterious and controversial representatives of living nature, whose appearance, habits, abilities and even voice inspire mystical horror in people, so it is not at all surprising that various symbolic meanings are attributed to this bird. Let's figure out what the owl symbol means.

Owl symbol

Owl symbol in Greece

Since the times of Ancient Greece, the owl has been a universally recognized symbol of wisdom, science and philosophy. Its ability to see in the dark seemed magical, so the bird was feared and respected. The owl is a symbol of the famous Greek goddess Pallas Athena, patroness of arts and crafts, so the bird can often be seen in images of the goddess sitting at her feet, on her arms or shoulder.

The owl was depicted on the reverse side of the Greek four drachma coin. Greek warriors had a belief that if you see a night bird flying over the battlefield, you can expect a positive outcome of the battle. Owls were considered sacred birds, they were protected and were even allowed to live in the Greek Acropolis. As a symbol of knowledge, the image of a night bird was chosen as the emblem for the Athenian Academy of Sciences.

Owl in Slavic mythology

In Slavic mythology, the owl symbolized something sinister and even otherworldly. She was called an unclean bird, and some saw her as the embodiment of the devil. This negative perception of the bird is associated with its nocturnal lifestyle. Thus, in Poland and Serbia they believed that the bird was endowed with the devilish gift of eternal life: it is dead during the day and comes to life at night. In the minds of these peoples, witches could turn into owls when they needed it.

In Slavic mythology and Christianity, the symbolism of the owl is closely related to the symbolism of death. It is a widely known belief that if you see an owl near your house, this is a sure sign of the imminent death of someone in the household. The cry of an owl was considered no less ominous. It was in tune with the call of death in Czech, Polish and Ukrainian. It was believed that with its cry the bird summons the souls of dead people and lures out the living in order to take their lives.

In the image of a night bird, the Slavs saw a symbol of loneliness. She is compared to a widow or a lonely childless woman. The night cry of a bird was regarded as a warning about the birth of an illegitimate child. Some peoples called an owl a walking woman. The eagle owl was popularly considered the constant companion of Leshy, the owner of the forest.

The Slavs used the owl as a talisman against misfortunes. According to Ukrainian beliefs, if you hang a bird in a stable, the brownie will not torment the horses. The Serbs believed that a bird on the door of a house would ward off trouble. The Poles hung the owl on the barn, scaring mice and rats.

However, not only bad things were associated with the image of an owl. In Russian fairy tales and lullabies they found the affectionate word “owl” for her. The bird's nocturnal lifestyle was associated not with its magical abilities, but with the fact that it had to hide from persecution: once an owl painted a raven black, at which he became terribly angry and vowed to take revenge on her.

Where to place the mascot

The location of the owl attribute depends on its desired purpose. That is, first you need to decide what effect you want to achieve, and only then select a corner.

Where to place an owl according to feng shui

  • For financial prosperity. As a rule, according to Feng Shui, all elements associated with money and wealth are located in the corresponding area of ​​housing - in the Southeast. According to the Bagua grid, which is the basis of Feng Shui teachings, it is believed that it is in this part of the world that all the beneficial monetary energy accumulates. If you don't particularly follow Feng Shui arrangements, I advise you to place the owl where you usually keep your money or stash.
  • For favorable energy in the family. If you want to get rid of quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, place the amulet in places where many people usually gather. For example, a living room where you spend every evening with your loved ones.
  • For knowledge. A talisman that promotes success in education or career should be placed on the work or study table, next to the books. I also recommend placing the bird on a book or volume if it is not already on a stack of those.

Please note that your own owl talisman should under no circumstances be given away or regifted, even to close people. This outcome can affect your life.

Owl in the beliefs of northern peoples

The white polar owl is one of the most mysterious representatives of the owl family. There are many legends and superstitions associated with it. This bird is a companion and assistant to healers and shamans. Those whose totem was the owl were endowed with developed intuition and even discovered the gift of clairvoyance.

The white polar owl is one of the most revered birds of the northern peoples. The Tungus believe in her help and protection, and the Kalmyks consider her sacred. It is believed that for a person who sees a bird during its mating season, the whole year will be happy and lucky. That is why amulets and talismans in the form of an owl were common among the peoples of the North. Claws and the image of a bird were also popular.

The magic of three birds

According to Japanese mythology, this bird can be a talisman precisely because its eyes are huge and contain a piece of heaven. With these eyes she is able to see the approaching troubles with witchcraft and she has enough wisdom to avert them.

The most effective amulet in the house is considered to be a group of three owl figurines. Then they will not be able to damage its inhabitants, they will not gossip about them, and poverty and disease will not cross the threshold of the home. True, people themselves should also try - it is unacceptable to create scandals and quarrels in the house with talismans, because this exhausts them. However, self-control and harmony in the family are only for the better.

Owl symbol in Freemasonry

There is an opinion that the owl is a Masonic symbol. The legs of this claim stem from the fact that a design of a bird was seen on the dollar bill, which is known to contain many symbols of Freemasonry. There is a version that her image appeared on money after the Great Depression and President Nixon's abandonment of the gold standard. However, this symbol does not carry any official meaning, but one can only guess about the secret one.

The Masons have such a developed school of symbolism that it would be surprising if they did not touch upon the symbol of the owl. According to reports, it occurs in several degrees of different statutes. For members of society, the owl signifies wisdom and common sense. In general, the night bird is of secondary importance in Freemasonry.

Owl in symbols and amulets

The owl is a dual symbol. On the one hand, it denotes wisdom and prudence, and on the other, it brings death and misfortune. In amulets and emblems, her image is mainly used in a positive sense. An owl with a book often serves as a calling card for educational institutions, and a bird on a sword often serves as a calling card for military units.

There is much debate about what the owl symbol means in Feng Shui. Some argue that the owl in Chinese tradition is the personification of death, evil and the machinations of black magic. Others believe that the symbolism of the night bird is positive and denotes wisdom, success and wealth. The teachings of Feng Shui offer the following options for feathered talismans:

  1. An owl figurine on an open book represents wisdom and a thirst for knowledge. Such a figurine can be a good talisman for pupils and students. The figurine should be placed on the child’s desk, where it will help him acquire knowledge every day.
  2. One of the best talismans for attracting financial well-being is the figurine of an owl sitting on a money tree. The tree will help you gain wealth, and the bird will protect it and increase it.
  3. A talisman depicting three owls, located in the house, serves to protect against evil and negative energies.
  4. A porcelain piggy bank in the shape of a wise bird, standing in the house, will not only contribute to the accumulation of money, but will also protect a person from wasteful spending.
  5. A jewelry box with an image of an owl can be a wonderful addition to the interior. The bird will keep an eye on your valuables every day with its keen eye.
  6. A great gift is a figurine of an owl with spread wings. This talisman is suitable for business people, to whom it will bring good luck in business and career advancement. Such souvenirs can be presented in crystal or glass.
  7. The bird's feathers were often used to make the famous Dream Catcher amulet, which is hung in the bedroom above the head of the bed to weed out bad dreams.
  8. The figurine-amulet “owl with owlet” can be placed in the bedroom of those spouses who dream of a child.

To strengthen the amulet, it is better to make it yourself. Those women who love handicrafts can be advised to purchase a cross stitch pattern with the image of a wise bird and embroider it with their own hands. A handmade figurine of a feathered bird with expressive big eyes, made from burlap, will be a wonderful addition to the interior of your home. She will vigilantly monitor the property and protect the house from ill-wishers.

Talisman of knowledge

Finally, we come to the main interpretation - the owl as a talisman of knowledge and wisdom.

Here, the opinions of experts diverge: some believe that the amulet is necessary for children to study, while others oppose the point of view that only women after thirty can wear an owl. I will resolve this conflict as follows.

For children's development, study of schoolchildren and students, choose an owl figurine, and amulets like pendants or body brooches - for older people.

The owl talisman especially helps those who find it difficult to master new knowledge and study new areas. In this case, the bird develops an interest in education and helps with difficulties.

A predator sitting on a stack of books will be useful for people who are already involved in the learning process, are actively developing in this area and love new information. An owl will become an incentive for further study and development.


Today, like many centuries ago, jewelry and costume jewelry with the image of an owl are popular. These products not only emphasize female attractiveness, but also serve as excellent talismans. For men, there are also jewelry amulets with the image of a wise bird. They are made from gold and silver, as well as from steel and other materials. However, it is worth emphasizing that silver talismans have the greatest power.

The most popular women's amulets are pendants and pendants with images of birds. They are worn on a chain around the neck, closer to the level of the heart. Bracelets, brooches and earrings with owls are also popular. As for rings and rings, they are recommended to be worn by confident people or those who want to develop this character trait. Children are recommended to wear special badges with the image of a wise bird to help them study.

Meanings in divination, dreams and magic

Various types of fortune telling could not ignore this mysterious representative of the feathered family. In fortune-telling rituals, the appearance of an owl has its own interpretation, unfortunately, a very negative one. So, in wax fortune telling, the emerging outline of an owl is a bad sign. It promises the questioner troubles, failures and illnesses.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds deciphers the image of a bird as a messenger of death, hatred, quarrels and failures. If its outline appears at the top of the cup, this means that in the near future we can expect troubles and even the death of relatives. The image of a bird appearing at the bottom of the container promises troubles and financial losses. An owl with open wings is a sign of the breakdown of a family or relationship.

As for dreams with this magical bird, their interpretation is varied. There is an opinion that those who constantly dream of night birds are destined to live their lives alone. In fact, the designation of the main image of a dream depends on many minor points, which are the key to solving the dream. So, for example, it is believed that if you hold a bird in your hand in a dream, it means a fire, and if you hear its cry, then this means wise advice.

The bird itself and its image are often used in magic. So, there is a runic stave “Owl”, which is designed to copy the qualities of one person and transfer them to another. By writing down the runes in a certain order and performing certain magical actions, you can achieve changes in your life. There was also a belief according to which the husband applied the heart of an owl to the right side of his sleeping unfaithful wife, as a result of which the wife was supposed to “tell” him about her betrayal.

The path to luck

In order to get rid of the fear of difficulties that await us in life and overcome doubts, we should turn to the help of a flying owl.

In order for such a talisman to help in a difficult situation, you should hold it in your hand and make a specific request. After help is provided and life gets better, the owl should be thanked.


Tattoos depicting various representatives of the animal world are often used as amulets. The night bird is no exception in this regard. The meaning of tattoos depicting this magical representative of birds can be different. It all depends on what idea the owner of the tattoo puts into it. The main meanings are wisdom, intuition, clairvoyance, prudence and life experience.

A bird tattoo with open wings is usually depicted on a person's back or chest. It is customary to tattoo an owl with folded wings on the shoulder. A new “trend” is the mandala tattoo, which symbolizes the geometric image of the universe. It also uses the image of a magical bird.

Career talisman

An owl can also bring success in career growth. This attribute promotes productivity and success at work. The animal will help you cope with complex tasks and decide on further development.

To have such an impact, it is necessary to choose the right material. The quarry bird is made of ceramics and glass. It could be just a transparent figurine.

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