According to Feng Shui: these plants will bring happiness and prosperity to your home

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, humanity should live in harmony with the surrounding world. And for this it is necessary to correctly distribute the places in the house. After all, the vital forces within us must interact well with the energy of the things around us. This distribution applies not only to interior design, but also to living plants. They need to be purchased with love, placed in appropriate places, and provided with care and attention.

Correct placement of indoor plants in the house according to Feng Shui

Thanks to the sequence of colors in the Feng Shui style, you can skillfully curate the charge of energy and strength in the room. As it turned out, green inhabitants can prevent the negative influence of Sha energy, or slow down excessively enhanced Qi energy. If the influx of Qi energy is strong, this may negatively affect the home environment. The flow of Sha energy appears where there are many sharp corners. To reduce the effect of negative currents at home, you need to equip the room with green friends.

The Feng Shui system contains five essential elements: water, fire, earth, metal, wood. Each of these species is capricious and requires an individual kingdom in the house. In fact, plants are attributed to the element of wood, so the most successful placement variation is the eastern side. Also, a tree in Feng Shui means money and lifelong well-being, achieving goals, health and career growth.

However, there are also plants that classify themselves as other subspecies. For example, pink, purple, red flowers belong to the element of fire. In this regard, the southern part of the room is considered a safe place for them. The color scheme plays an important role in the knowledge of Feng Shui; it is for this reason that you should pay attention and be curious about the color of plants, and think in advance about their place in the house. When the flowers begin to bloom, be sure to move them to the southern part of the room. This helps stimulate the force of Qi and improve the atmosphere of the south side of the house. Therefore, it is very important to place flowers around the house correctly:

  • It is not advisable to plant any plants in the bedroom.
  • Place the money tree where it is rich and beautiful
  • Pots cannot be placed between doors. This location is unfavorable
  • On a note. Don't put thorny plants where you relax
  • In the kitchen area you need to plant flora, which tends to multiply
  • For the western part of the house, white flowers should be placed. Thus, harmony will reign in your home, which will create a good atmosphere for creativity.
  • A plant such as a cactus should be placed in the northern sector of the fireplace

Peach roses

They will talk about sincerity of feelings and gratitude. They can also be a wonderful gift for a business partner after closing a deal or reaching agreements on work issues. However, this color of roses also has an alternative meaning - sympathy.

Pale peach roses signify modesty. Thanks to this meaning, these flowers will also be a very pretty component of a bouquet that will convey admiration. However, in this case, the bouquet should consist not only of peach roses, but also of pink roses.

Plants with dispositional energy

In order for the flora to work perfectly, you need to not make a mistake with the selection of a seat in space.


This plant has a wonderful aroma that is reminiscent of the smell of paradise with white and crimson petals. Also, this home flower carries the meaning of longevity. For example, in Thailand it is customary to place flowers near holy places. Let us remind you that this tree is also popular in Hawaii. There it gained great popularity and is endowed with a cult meaning. Experts advise placing plumeria on the south side of the room. In addition to such aesthetic functions, the plant has the ability to give home owners health and prosperity.


This plant is a donor for creativity. If you feel a loss of strength and energy indoors, then it is worth considering plants and placing those that will restore vitality. Azalea is just the very plant that can inspire you to conquer new heights. After all, the subtle scent of the flower ensures concentration and improves focusing skills. Also, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body and improves blood circulation. Do not forget that this plant requires a very reverent and tender attitude towards itself.

Calla lilies

According to Feng Shui, different plants also perform the necessary functions in different ways. Callas are a kind of guardians of the hearth. They support love in marriage and keep you young. It will relieve you of stress and motivate you to take important actions. As it turned out, not only the flower, but also the picture with its image is endowed with strong energy.


A green plant with long and beautiful leaves. This plant will improve depression and charge household members with good energy. The flower should be placed in the eastern or southwestern part of the house. This flower is also strong in love affairs: peace, tranquility, harmony of relationships, but the red color has a beneficial effect on maintaining love feelings. If you have a yellow flower at home, it will provide you with financial enrichment and good luck. There is a superstition that if your diploma lies near a flower for two or three days, you will become more successful in your career.


Violet plus Yin power equals energy. The plant attracts financial well-being and good health. Pink and red violets help improve vitality, and white ones give peace and confidence. And blue flowers provide motivation and inspiration.


The aroma of Geranium has a calming power: it relieves stress, gives success in endeavors, good luck in all areas of activity. Just like Violet belongs to Yin energy. The aroma of Geranium repels various insects. Not recommended! Place Geraniums where family members are most present.


This plant originates from Brazilian shrubs that produce beautiful orange flowers. You can't go wrong with this plant. After all, it also helps its green friends in the neighborhood. Severely diseased plants planted near Nematanthus can get a chance to recover. It is worth noting that this flower, like the money tree, helps improve your financial situation. It is important to surround the flower with care and love.


A powerful plant, also called the money tree. Crassula can improve financial well-being in all areas. It is advisable to place these flowers in the south-eastern part of the house. Let us remind you that it will be even better if you grow this tree yourself. This way it will feel the owner’s awe and love, and will also know the atmosphere of the room. Hang coins on it so that it attracts money like a magnet.


Ficus will save you from negative emotions and aggression. This green creature will charge you with energy, improve concentration, and give you the willpower to do crazy things. It will drive away depressive things that will ruin your mood. You need to remember one thing: you can’t put this flower in a room for lovers, it can spoil their relationship.


If you are a fan of welcoming guests and you have them almost every day? You probably feel a loss of strength after spending them. But Begonia will become your healer. This flower drives away bad energy and will fill your home with only positive force.


Doctors and florists strongly recommend placing a lemon tree where children play and relax most. After all, this tree develops interest in knowledge and curiosity. It also increases activity and independence. In fact, there are a huge number of flowers and plants that are Feng Shui mascots. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, fruiting and flowering plants provide more energy than well-crafted ones.

myrtle tree

This amazing plant is your assistant in creating a happy and strong family. It brings love and prosperity to your home, and a flowering myrtle tree in the house will create favorable energy. If you have hit a cooling streak in your family relationships, then the myrtle tree will help save your marriage and overcome adversity.

Bamboo according to feng shui

In Asian countries, bamboo has been used in Feng Shui for four and a half hundred years. The most popular is the “bamboo of happiness”. It looks like this: a medium vessel with bamboo roots, they consist of several vertical branches that are curled towards the top into a round shape, like a spiral.

Not everyone knows how to properly look after the bamboo of happiness. Even the most experienced store consultant can make mistakes. First, bamboo must be protected from strong rays of the sun. Brown spots may indicate too much sun. This signal must be taken into account in time, and it must be transferred to a dark place. Secondly, one of the main conditions is the supply of water in the container. It is worth noting that it must be filtered, and you also need to replace the water more often.

Installing this plant in the house, according to the knowledge of Feng Shui, is quite capable of filling the home with positive energy.

  • Three branches - happiness and joy in the house.
  • Five stems - wealth.
  • Seven branches - health.
  • Twenty-one stems - general well-being in the house.


The Glory sector is located in the south, it supports you as an individual, helps you achieve success and recognition in society, as well as strengthen your reputation at work and achieve fame or even fame in your field.

    bird is a traditional talisman for the Glory zone. Phoenix very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, fame and success.
  • The image of the Phoenix can be replaced by the image of the ROOSTER
    , personifying wide fame and good fame.
  • A picture with an embroidered PEACOCK
    can also become an excellent talisman that attracts good luck and success.
  • The EAGLE
    , proudly soaring in the skies, will help those who are ambitious and want to achieve a lot in life.
    , directed upward, symbolizes speed and endurance, bringing with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life.
  • Images of FIRE
    (hearth, fireplace, burning candle, bonfire, etc.),
    , blooming
    will become very effective activators of fiery energy, and this is the place for them in the southern sector of your home!
  • As well as RED POPPIES
    , symbolizing pleasure and success.

What types of house flora are best not to keep at home?

Chinese folk teaching also talks about plants such as “bloodsucking plants,” which include exclusively prickly representatives of the green world. To prevent them from causing harm, they are placed near computers or on the windowsill.

In addition to everything, dried and wilted flowers in the house according to Feng Shui absorb the vital energy of Qi and are spreaders of germs! If you see a wilting flower at home, the shoot should be cut off and all remaining parts thrown away.

In addition, do not bring home flowers that were given to you by people with heavy energy. Since their aura can negatively affect the home atmosphere and the well-being of household members.

These plants should not be kept at home!


This plant is beautiful, with its juice, which, unfortunately, is not beneficial for people, but on the contrary can cause irritation on the skin or burn the retina. It should not be kept indoors, especially for those who have small children. Because if a large amount of juice gets into your mouth, a severe burn may occur.


A flowering plant that smells strongly while in bloom may even cause you to faint. Just like Dieffenbachia, its juice can cause blindness due to a mucus burn. Other green friends of the plant have similar effects: Pachypodium, Dipladenia, Periwinkle, Adenium.


One of the bright and frightening vampire plants. The monster needs, even needs to evoke fear, horror, and simply attract attention. This plant “feeds” on strong emotions and feelings. The plant is endowed with both disadvantages and advantages: it perfectly cleans the air of dust and carbon dioxide, and releases oxygen. But it also takes energy away from people. Therefore, florists advise storing the plant for those people who are phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperamental choleric people, on the contrary, will have a hard time next to a monstera. After all, they lose their peculiarity by splashing out energy on others. Therefore, it is better for impressionable and often sick people to keep other plants at home.


Ferns are “guests” from tropical countries. These beautiful green inhabitants are popular in our latitudes. Ferns are one of the strongest energy absorbers. Like Monstera, it absorbs human energy.


Hibiscus is considered a vampire plant that absorbs energy with lightning speed. This is due to the fact that the plant grows very quickly. And it is also at the moment of flowering that hibiscus consumes maximum energy. But it is worth noting that Hibiscus will certainly attract everyone’s attention with its lush and beautiful flowering.


Popular garden flower. In the room, Tuya absorbs all the energy entirely. Lethargy and drowsiness can become your eternal companions. I don't think you would keep such a plant at home.

Shy Mimosa

A strange plant, with a thin stem and small leaves. The leaves of this plant are fragile, and if you touch the leaves with your hand, they supposedly hide and curl into a tube. Fear! With prolonged contact with Mimosa, you can lose your hair.

Ivy evergreen

Poisonous berry plant from the Araliaceae family. Looks like a vine bush. Due to the toxicity of the fruit, it is not recommended to keep this green plant at home.


It looks like a beautiful plant. It has thick stems. At the very top of the plant there are thin leaves and pink flowers. Its juice is harmful and toxic, and poisoning of the body can occur.


From the Euphorbiaceae family. An elongated small tree with spotted leaves. Its petals are invisible, and it blooms extremely rarely. The liquid of this plant provokes the appearance of skin diseases. The poison, once in the blood, can be fatal.


From the Araceae family. Philodendron has lush greenery. Echidous, like Croton. It is advisable not to come into contact with this toxic substance, as it can cause blindness.

Stellera dwarf

A medicinal flower that should be used under the supervision of a specialist. A tall stem, which consists of twenty or thirty dotted spots of white color. Once in the human body, it can deprive the voice.


Flower with bright orange fruit. These fruits are extremely evil and dangerous to humanity. The bright color of the berries attracts the attention of children and pets, which is precisely why you should not keep such a flower at home.


A relative of the cactus, as it is very similar in appearance to it. External description: long and large needles, blooms with large light flowers, also smells pleasant. Trichocereus contains toxins that can paralyze nerve endings.

Gesner Tulip

A well-flowering plant with a medium-sized stem. There is a small flower in the center. The color can be varied, ranging from light tones to variegated and bright. One of the disadvantages is hair loss and baldness.


A perennial plant whose stem reaches a height of almost 50 cm. It has a strong and sweet smell. Tuberose subdivides microelements that enhance the sense of smell. This power of the plant is also used in medicine. As it turned out, foreign doctors used the flower as a medicine when patients lost their sense of smell due to nerve problems. It is not advisable for anyone with heart problems to have this flower in their home. The aroma of this plant can cause weakness and loss of energy.


The plant is very interesting in appearance, one might even say strange? Something like the tail of a fish. For this reason, it has a second name, “pike tail”. The green flora blooms and has a delicious aroma. It has a beneficial effect on the clean air of the house, as well as on its aura. However, if you believe ancient and ancient signs, it has a bad effect on personal life, and the owners may remain alone for the rest of their lives.

Family of poisonous plants

Remember! When buying a house plant, you should pay attention to its family. In nature, there are 4 main toxic families:

  1. Genus of Euphorbiaceae. The water from these caustic creators of nature is lethal and, at best, leaves scars on the body.
  2. Family Araceae. Most of them are poisonous plants.
  3. The Kurtov family. This family includes green inhabitants that are dangerous to human and animal life. They stand out with their bright appearance. If you need to come into contact with these flowers, you should wear gloves on your hands.
  4. Paslenov family. Not all of this class of plants are harmful. Since everyone’s favorite potatoes and tomatoes belong to this genus. However, the fruits of domestic plants are harmful, in particular their fruits.

Artificial flowers at home

According to Feng Shui, absolutely all flowers and house plants are a positive symbol. If we talk about artificial flowers, they also have their advantages, which, for example, do not have in potted households. After all, they can be placed where breathing plants cannot survive. For example, near the fireplace, in places with high humidity, in rooms where there is no sunlight, and also in a cozy bedroom.

When buying flowers, you need to refer to the same rules as when choosing flora for your home! Elongated artificial plants will only bring profit in all areas of life, and short ones will bring peace of mind. Sharp ones are a symbol of a male undertaking, round ones are a symbol of a female one.

Is it possible to place fresh cut flowers at home?

Bouquets of cut flowers also bring positive energy into the house. In particular, roses, peonies, poppies, lilacs, and orchids are good at this. You should pay attention to the colors of plants and their location. This beauty can be placed in the bedroom. Because, unlike flowers in pots, they do not rot. However, cut flowers are not durable, and this is their big disadvantage.

“If you notice how the flowers begin to fade, then immediately replace them with new ones. It’s advisable, it’s better not to delay with this!”


Everything that has to do with work, career, and increasing earnings is presented in this sector, located in the north.

    is the most common talisman for the Career zone. The turtle is a symbol of heavenly support and protection, as well as wisdom and longevity; it brings money and support from useful people.
    is considered favorable in the northern part of the house, but they can also be placed in the study (office), but
    not behind the back
    of the worker. And it is important to take into account the ban on “water” paintings in the bedroom, they can ruin romantic luck.
    is recommended to be placed
    behind the back
    of a person working in a house, office or office, since the mountain will provide solid support in business and business.

Male and female flowers (plants)

It is worth noting that there are plants with male and female vitality. Yang is the energy of the stronger sex. Such plants include: citrus trees, dracaena, chlorophytum, etc. Yin is the weaker sex. It is not difficult to distinguish them: Yin plants spread along the ground, their leaves are mostly round and oval. Yang - plants look and grow upward.

Plants representative of Yang:


Aloe is one of the most common representatives of plants that carry Yang energy. It's no secret that Aloe is very useful. It is also necessary for those families whose relatives are susceptible to frequent illnesses. In addition, this plant has been used since ancient times in mystical rituals to attract love and get rid of loneliness.


This plant also has the energetic power of masculinity. It personifies courage and passion and gives self-confidence. In some South American countries, anthurium is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to the home.


This flower removes misfortune and misfortune from the home. Also, the petals of the plant protect the owners who are going on a long journey or long journey. It helps maintain balance between emotions and mind.

Plants that are representatives of Yin:


It will perfectly protect you from the evil eye and dark forces. This plant blocks electromagnetic radiation, purifies and humidifies the air. Florists advise keeping Tradescantia for those people who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system.


Cyclamen is also called Alpine violet. It has been popular since Ancient Greece. This plant has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house: it improves spiritual as well as physical health, also serves as a talisman against the eyes, and improves physical and mental performance.


This plant is often called the flower of dancing elves. In itself it is very delicate, radiates softness and grace. This flower helps strengthen the spirit and attracts positive emotions like a magnet.


Primrose was popular in Ancient Greece. In Greece it was called the flower of the twelve gods. Some people believed that it was a medicinal plant of Olympus. Primrose is immune to evil eye damage. He will definitely protect you from all evil forces. In ancient times, it was used in supernatural rites in order to remain young forever.


  1. Every cozy home needs houseplants. Whether they are independent is female or male. This way life balance will be maintained.
  2. It is prohibited to store herbariums, ikebanas and any dead plants at home. They take all the good energy and take away the strength from the household.
  3. Place male flowers in the hall, living room hall. Place women's ones in a room with calm energy. This could be a bedroom, a nursery, or a hallway, but there should be no plants in the kitchen.

Folk signs

  1. Do you have a cactus at home? Then don’t hope that your unmarried daughter or granddaughter will get married. This is only if the cactus lives in the bedroom. Unmarried women should also beware of the plant. If you believe this superstition, then your man suffers from alcoholism because you have a cactus at home.
  2. If you were given a palm tree as a gift, do not keep it at home. As it turns out, this plant can only attract misfortune.
  3. Ivy has proven to be a harmful air purifier. Because he won’t let anyone near his owner. According to popular belief, ivy drives men out of the house.
  4. Believe it or not, according to popular belief, Violet brings failure in love affairs to young girls.

As you noticed, there are quite a lot of signs about flowers. They are positive and negative. If, for some, the plant can serve as good luck, but for others it can become a symbol of bitterness. However, you shouldn't worry about such things. After all, if you live by believing in only signs, then you can live at all. The main thing is that you need to choose everything according to the principle: “The main thing is that I like it!”

Forget-me-nots: symbol of connection

What do forget-me-nots mean in Feng Shui? This is the joining of two halves into one whole, and this can mean both a meeting of true love and true friendship. If you want to find a soul mate in your life, then simply plant a flower in the southwestern sector (or place it in the same sector of the house). After a while you will forget about loneliness.

The flower itself is considered a magical plant, which is also used in love magic. In the old days, girls often put wreaths of forget-me-nots on the heads of their lovers or used fortune telling to find out the name of their betrothed.

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