Peonies according to Feng Shui for a single man and an unmarried girl

Peonies for marriage according to Feng Shui - how many peonies should there be in the picture

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy based on the harmony of the five elements. The main thing in this teaching is to live in peace with nature and the people around you. To achieve this, as well as to enhance the influence of favorable energies on all areas of life, special feng shui rules have been used since ancient times. Of course, these rules also exist for such an important aspect of a person’s life as marriage. In ancient Eastern teachings, peony has been used since ancient times for a successful marriage. Moreover, both a living plant and an image. Peonies are a symbol of what in Feng Shui? Why this particular flower and what significance was attached to it in ancient China?

What not to do?

There are certain rules for using fresh flowers and their images. Despite the enormous positive energy, you can turn it against yourself if you use the symbol incorrectly. Professionals do not recommend the following.

  • There is no need to place flowers in your home or work if they are not attractive or are not your favorite. Such a symbol will not help people with a negative attitude, since a reaction is only possible to warm and sincere feelings.
  • If an image of a flower or bouquets of peonies were placed indoors to achieve a certain goal, for example, to find a husband, then after receiving what you wanted, you should remove the symbol from the house. If this is not done, the consequences may be negative.
  • There is no need to hang a picture with a bouquet in the room and leave it there forever, you need to change it or remove it for a while, otherwise there will be no effect, and in the worst case, it will be the opposite.
  • The described symbol does not like water around him, he is in disharmony with it, therefore it will not be possible to achieve a beneficial effect from the flower. This is one of the reasons why peonies are never planted in the garden near fountains or artificial ponds. There should not be an aquarium nearby in the room.

In the next video you will find more information about the symbolism of the peony.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Peonies and their meaning

According to Feng Shui, peony belongs to the yang masculine energy. In China it is a symbol of power, wealth, passion, love. This is the flower of aristocrats and emperors.

On the other hand, the flower personifies feminine beauty, affection, and passionate love feelings. Therefore, it is often mentioned in Chinese poetry, its image can be seen on dishes and paintings.

In Feng Shui, the flower was given a special magical meaning. It is believed to have pure energy and strength. The Chinese use it as a talisman. Therefore, his image is often used to attract the energy of marriage, improve family relationships, and increase prosperity. The brighter the flower, the more active and stronger its effect.

Peonies are a symbol of what in Feng Shui?

Their color is of great importance. For example:

  • Purple flowers protect the family from bad energy.
  • Pink - brings freshness and romance to the relationship between spouses.

To do this, an image of pink peonies is placed in the bedroom for three to four days. After this, they need to be removed from the bedroom into the living room.

  • White peonies stop family discord and quarrels.
  • Yellow flowers help harmonize relationships.

Interestingly, according to Feng Shui, it is advisable to place not real flowers in the bedroom, but their image. Fresh flowers stand in a vase with water. And the symbol of water in the bedroom area is unfavorable for establishing and maintaining harmonious family relationships.

Which peony color is best to choose?

Peonies have a large number of color variations, each of which has its own energy:

  • Red flowers symbolize passion, love and sexual energy. Red peonies are most prized in China. So, the Chinese, when they want to marry a girl, place bouquets with magnificent bright red flowers in their home. Then the man who enters the home will feel a strong attraction to the mistress of the house.
  • White flowers are associated with calm and stability. If your goal is to harmonize the situation in the house, stop quarrels and conflict situations, then you should turn to snow-white buds for help.
  • Pink flowers help create romance. It is recommended to place them in the home during periods of crisis, because then with their tenderness they will save the marriage from destruction.
  • Purple peonies will protect the human energy body from external adverse influences.
  • Yellow peonies are the rarest of all species. They will eliminate lies from your home, fill it with peace, and help pacify passions, harmony and stability.

Red peonies according to feng shui

Red peonies: natural flowers, artificial flowers, their images, are a powerful symbol of love and passion. They awaken love energy in a person and eliminate modesty in the sexual sphere.

It is believed that if a married couple's attraction to each other has weakened, then they should place a bouquet of red peonies at the head of the bed. Passion will resume with renewed vigor.

If a girl really wants to get married, then to attract successful and rich suitors, she should place a bouquet of red flowers in the living room.

If a man is looking for a wife, then he should place flowers in the southwest corner of his bedroom. This activates the feminine energy Yin.

What is more romantic - a rose or a peony?

Still from the series “The Mentalist”

In distant and terrible times, when people did not have not only the Internet, but also emoticons to express their emotions, the meaning of flowers in a bouquet was sometimes even more important than the fact of such a present.

Now everything has become much simpler, and not every girl will look for secret subtext in the flower you gave her. Although it may well do this.

The meaning of flowers in a bouquet is like a foreign language that is not difficult or long to learn, and can be used in many ways. See for yourself - it's worth spending a couple of minutes on!

Where to hang a picture of peonies for marriage

  1. Peonies according to Feng Shui for an unmarried girl. If a young girl wants to get married soon, she should place a picture of peonies in the living room, above the bedroom door or opposite the door that leads to the bedroom.
  2. Peonies according to Feng Shui for a single man. For a man, an image of peonies located in the southwestern zone of the bedroom will help him find a wife. It is believed that the image of these colors attracts energy flows. And this will attract a good bride or groom.

feng shui peonies for a single man

How to manage energy

It is necessary to use the secret energy of the talisman with caution. There must be moderation in everything. For example, as soon as a loved one appears, the girl should move the flowers from the bedroom to another room.

Incorrect use of Yang energy disrupts the delicate balance and leads to the opposite result. According to Feng Shui, peonies should not remain in the interior for long. For example, if you want to renew and “shake up” your relationship with your loved one, then you should not save a composition with fresh flowers for more than three days. Otherwise, an excess of passionate emotions may push the partner to seek additional pleasures on the side. If the measure is followed, the talisman expels irritation and anger, dissolves complexes, and fills life with romance.

Water and everything connected with it negatively affects the pure energy of pions. There should not be an aquarium, a fountain, or even another vase with fresh flowers next to them.

If a person doesn’t like these flowers, they shouldn’t be brought into the house! They radiate their positive properties only in loving hands.

Painting with peonies in the bedroom

A picture of peonies placed in the bedroom helps not only for a quick marriage. And also to improve relations between spouses who have been married for a long time. To enhance passion and attraction, the painting is placed above the head of the bed or placed on the nightstand next to the spouses’ bed. For this, it is better to choose flowers of red or pink color.

It is not recommended to place pink flowers in the bedroom of older spouses. Pink peony is a symbol of a young beauty. Therefore, he can take his spouse to his young mistress.

According to Feng Shui, a picture painted with your own hands is considered very favorable. Your drawing, made with great love, placed in a frame, will create an influx of additional positive energy.

Flower meaning

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, different meanings are attributed to flowers:

  • for men, it carries the power of attracting wealth and power, helps to make a career and assists in achieving their goals,
  • for women, its magical power is associated with love and attracting a future spouse to the house; flowers help to quickly find your soulmate and get married; with the help of these lush buds, ladies kindle the passion of their chosen one and add novelty to a cooled marital relationship.

A lush flower, associated with selfless feelings, attracts positive energy, helping in love and business relationships.

How many peonies should there be in a painting according to Feng Shui?

The number of colors in the painting may vary. But it should always be odd. According to Feng Shui, it is the odd number that attracts positive, auspicious energy.

If the picture shows one peony, this means that for the husband and wife they will forever be the only loved ones.

  • Three red or pink flowers mean that a woman is the only one for a man.
  • Three yellows mean health and longevity.
  • If five colors are depicted, then this is a declaration of love, as well as a call for positive changes in life.
  • The image in the painting of seven flowers is a congratulation on a wedding or a wedding anniversary.

A larger odd number is given to older people as a sign of honor and respect.

The meaning of flowers in a bouquet - how to say “I love you”?

Love is one of the main reasons to give flowers to a girl. But even traditionally “romantic” flowers have their own nuances: some are best suited for the first, timid confession, others for a hint of ardent passion, and still others for fidelity and serious intentions. So what and when to give?


In a rose, the meaning of which is predictably interpreted as “love,” its color is extremely important. Thus, pink roses are perfect for starting a relationship and a first date: they are gentle, touching and modest.

Red and burgundy - for the stage when passions begin to “heat up”, and you are ready to directly admit your desire and talk about your admiration and love.

The flower language meaning of white roses is usually interpreted as purity, innocence, fidelity and perfection. It’s not for nothing that white roses are usually given for weddings - not “diluted” with other flowers, they speak of the exclusivity of the one to whom you give them.

But yellow roses are often unfairly interpreted as “separation.” But if you are about to break up with a girl, you are unlikely to decide to tell her about it with a bouquet. This is at least strange and even cruel.

Therefore, florists advise giving these flowers to spouses as a sign of an established, strong relationship in which love is firmly intertwined with friendship, respect and happiness. By the way, flower experts advise choosing yellow roses as an apology to your significant other.


Red roses are not the only flower with romantic meaning. Red tulips are also considered a declaration of love and ardor of feelings. White symbolizes tenderness, sensitivity and sincerity, while pink symbolizes “pure” romance.

Artificial peonies according to feng shui

In Feng Shui philosophy, everything has meaning, everything is symbolic. Therefore, it does not matter what kind of flower is used: live, artificial or depicted in a painting. The main thing is to place symbolism, its image. And, of course, have faith in what you are doing. In addition, space is needed to attract energy.

Therefore, before activating positive energies, it is necessary to clear the space, remove all unnecessary things, and make room for the free circulation of energy.

Artificial flowers can either be bought in a store or made by yourself. As with paintings, this will add additional charm and energy.

Peonies help not only for marriage, but also in all other areas of life. For example, to improve relations between colleagues, it is good to place artificial flowers on your desk or just in the office. To climb the career ladder, pink or white flowers will help. And if they are placed in the northern part of the room, then this helps to attract wealth and prosperity. If a woman wants to succeed in her career, then hairpins and brooches with artificial peonies or their images will help her.

Peonies in the house will help improve your well-being and add a good mood to the whole family.

Correct placement of peonies

According to the principles of Feng Shui, it is very important to properly arrange flowers in the house so that they successfully fulfill their function.

  • Single representatives of the fair sex who want to attract love need to remove from their space all unnecessary objects that interfere with the clean breathing of the flower.
  • You can place bouquets of peonies or paintings with images of these plants at the entrance to your bedroom or hang them on the walls. But when the goal is achieved, be sure to move the plant to the guest room.
  • To improve your career, you should place flowers at your workplace. If you are using a painting, hang it on a wall that faces north. The flowers on it should be white, pink or light lilac to ensure success.

It is important to clearly understand for yourself what problem you want to solve with the help of a beautiful and majestic flower. A magnificent lush plant will help fill your home with positive energy and improve your love, business or family spheres. Moreover, the more saturated the shade of the flower, the more powerful its effect. But do not forget that excess energy (even positive) can have a bad effect on a person, suppressing his personal strength, so everything is good in moderation.

Positive examples

If you take some precautions, the orchid will lose its negativity. A delicate and fragrant flower will help you overcome life's difficulties. It will serve as a reliable amulet for any woman, revealing her abilities and limitless creative potential.

It has been noticed that the orchid can improve the health of the female body and prolong youth. This luxurious plant gives a lady a touch of mystery, enhances her charm, charm and attractiveness.

Note! In order for a flower to treat its owner favorably, it requires care and careful care.

With the help of a sophisticated plant, you can cleanse your home of negative energy. The orchid will drive out a guest who is hiding evil intent from the apartment, making him want to immediately leave your home. A secret enemy who encounters a flower protecting its owners will feel malaise, fever, increased heart rate, anxiety, and depression.

What pictures can you hang?

By the types of paintings suitable for the bedroom, you can figure out which painting you need.

There are 4 types of paintings for the bedroom:

  • Rhyme. The rhyming picture repeats the colors and style of the entire room; it seems to rhyme with the interior of the bedroom. The theme of such a painting is often neutral: flowers, patterns, abstraction.
  • Accent. Accents are brighter in intensity than rhymes. Against the background of a pastel bedroom, this is a bright, noticeable spot that receives more attention than the rest of the interior.
  • Subject. Thematic paintings are suitable for bedrooms with a clearly defined style. For Provence it will be the Champs-Elysees, for high-tech it will be images of technological innovations, and for a bedroom in a nautical style it will be yachts and anchors.
  • In order to create a certain mood in the bedroom, paintings are also used. Images that highlight a romantic, cheerful or thoughtful mood will help the design become personal.

Choose one painting from 4 types of paintings, and it will suit your bedroom in all respects.

What is a fresco

First of all, let's figure out what a fresco on a wall is. This natural material appeared in Russia relatively recently. It has become an alternative to the usual photo wallpaper.

It is made in such a way that decorative plaster is applied to a non-woven base along with other additives in several layers. Afterwards, the selected pattern is applied to the surface using special interior machines.

Decorative plaster is applied to a non-woven base along with other additives in several layers.

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