Paintings with cherry blossoms - history, meaning, features

Every year Feng Shui becomes more and more popular in our country. But this philosophical movement and practice arose a long time ago, in Ancient China.

This is a system of knowledge about the flow of energies that surrounds a person, the space around him.

Also, thanks to Feng Shui as a method, a person can develop harmony with the surrounding world, with nature, while a person creates and does not destroy.

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Feng Shui is reflected in many areas of people's lives. For example, in political life, medical, military, agriculture, as well as in human everyday life - from the interior to a healthy lifestyle.

That is, Feng Shui studies the special energy that surrounds people. Of course, if we consider history, for example, in Ancient Rus' there was already a system of views on the construction of the same temples, or something else, but over time the whole system changed, and something was lost. Feng Shui has retained its importance for thousands of years.


What does elephant mean?


Feng Shui has many different meanings. For example, what does an elephant mean in this system.

The elephant is generally a very symbolic animal, and not only in Feng Shui. For example, everyone knows that in India it is a revered animal.

According to Feng Shui, the elephant symbolizes good events. Also symbolizes success and strength. The elephant and its long nose can attract success.

According to Feng Shui, it is of great importance where exactly to place the symbols. In this case, the animal must be placed on the window, in the north, west side of the house. In the case of a window, then with the trunk towards the light.

Cherry blossom period

The Hanami holiday has penetrated so deeply into Japanese culture that residents are notified of its beginning on television. Since the country consists of several islands located along the Earth’s meridian from South to North, the climate in different regions of the country is somewhat different. Therefore, the flowering of trees does not occur simultaneously. The first sakura flowers appear at the end of February, on the southern tip of the island of Kyushu, and only in mid-May the “blooming wave” reaches parks located in the northern regions of Hokkaido. Some Japanese even plan their vacations around cherry blossom season. The wealthiest people travel around the country following the wave of cherry blossoms.

Every citizen of Japan considers it his duty to admire the white and pink blossoms. Entire families and work groups of Japanese go to nearby public gardens and parks for picnics. Despite the fact that Hanami is a national holiday, it takes place on weekdays, so the administrations of organizations and companies rearrange the work of their enterprises, make changes to the work schedule so that everyone has the opportunity to take part in ongoing festivities, ceremonies, processions, or just sit together with friends and relatives under flowering trees.

They begin to prepare for the holiday in advance: traditional snacks and drinks are purchased, plastic mats are purchased, dates and meetings are scheduled. Sometimes even business negotiations are held outdoors, in a park near cherry blossoms.

Hanami (sakura viewing) acquires a special charm at dusk. Neon signs and bright lights light up on city streets, paper lanterns are hung in gardens and parks, and decorative lighting is installed. Many Japanese prefer to take boat trips along lakes and rivers, the banks of which are framed by flowering trees and petals floating on the surface.

In the busiest squares, streets, where marches and processions are planned, platforms have been erected for performances, concerts, and performances, kiosks with souvenirs and products are quickly set up, and fairs are held. The flowering period of decorative cherries lasts no more than two weeks. And it is at this time that the peak tourist season occurs. Tourists and travelers from all over the world try to get to the islands to join this exquisite tradition and admire the beautiful spectacle.

What does fan mean?


A fan is not only an ancient item of women’s clothing, but also very symbolic according to Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, a fan means and symbolizes a protective function, that is, from all dark energies, and therefore from envy, ill will, and so on.

Thus, if a person decorates his apartment or house with a fan, it will be both beautiful and functional in terms of protection.

The fan, like other objects, must be placed around the apartment in a special way according to Feng Shui. It is believed that the shape and size of the fan does not matter much. The most important thing is the correct location. It can be placed by the bed for good body rest and sleep. But even here, don’t stand too close to the bed, which can cause insomnia. According to Feng Shui, it is important to place the fan on the wall in such a way that the energy from it is directed towards the person. You need to consider the size of the fan and the room. Everything should be harmonious and proportional.

The meaning of sakura in eastern culture

Beautiful legend

A beautiful Japanese legend tells about the God of Heaven, who decided to marry one of the daughters of the God of Earth. The older girl was strong as a rock, and the younger one was as beautiful as a wild cherry blossom. It is clear that the groom chose the second without hesitation, but thereby offended his loving father. As a result, he agreed to the marriage, but cast a spell on all the offspring of the married couple:

  • From now on, people's lives are full of bright emotions, but short-lived - like sakura buds that are torn from the branches by a careless breeze.

Symbol of the transience of life

In modern tradition, sakura is a symbol of the transience of life. In spring, wild cherry blossoms remind people that happiness, youth and love cannot last forever, so we should enjoy every minute.

  • To remember this, Japan annually celebrates Hanami, a special holiday that involves admiring cherry orchards, meditating, and thinking about eternity.

What does sakura mean?


According to Feng Shui, Sakura has a very high value. Even translated, it means love and beauty.

When sakura blooms, it is a very beautiful phenomenon. It is valued by the Japanese; they even have a holiday on cherry blossom days.

Giving sakura according to Feng Shui is a good gift. She will bring fidelity, love, harmony to the house. Even if sakura is simply depicted in a picture or embroidered on some object, it is very symbolic according to Feng Shui. It is better to place it in the direction of love - southwest of the house.

Money symbol - “Sakura flower”

Money symbol - “Sakura flower”

Symbol meaning

The symbolism of flowers emphasizes their connection with the cycle of life and death. Flowers are a symbol of transience, the brevity of existence, spring, beauty, perfection, innocence, youth, soul. Certain aspects of the image are determined by the presence of fragrance. Flowers are the brightest manifestation of vitality, they are an image of the joys of life. In Hinduism, laying a bouquet of flowers on the altar is intended to convey the “breath of life” to the deity. The image of a blooming flower can symbolize the realization of potential possibilities (an opening lotus flower as the self-disclosure of the world), spiritual evolution. In Borges' story, Paracelsus creates a rose, which marks his achievement of the heights of alchemical art.

A flower can act as an image of the world, the center. Flowers represent the brevity of life and the transitory nature of pleasure. Flowers are associated with love (as they bloom in spring) and beauty. The bud acts as a metaphor for virgin beauty. Different flowers have their own meaning: the carnation represents passion, the lily represents purity. The most symbolically loaded flowers are the rose and lily in the Western tradition, the lotus and chrysanthemum in the Eastern tradition.

Sakura is a symbol of good luck in love and prosperity. Among the samurai, sakura is a symbol of perseverance and purity, because its petals never wither on the tree and fall “alive.” Its petals, falling with a light breeze just as resignedly as a samurai gives his life for his master, symbolize the transience of time and the fragility of existence.

Where can you find the symbol

When to refer to a symbol

When you are about to take the path of abundance, activate this symbol.

Techniques for activating a symbol

Tuning in to the symbol

Stand in the corner of the room so that your shoulders touch the adjacent walls. Look carefully at the symbol image for 1-3 minutes. Sit down, place your hands on your knees, palms up, close your eyes.

Breathing deeply and evenly, take 7 breaths. On the eighth inhalation, you will feel a thin ray of green light entering your left thumb. Exhale. On the ninth inhalation, feel the green ray entering the index finger of your left hand. With each next inhalation, you will feel a charge of abundance energy with every finger of your hands.

The key phrase that opens the symbol's monetary energy

— Prosperity and Prosperity are the energy of life!

Say the phrase in a loud and confident voice.

Regular reference to the symbol

Look at the image of the symbol for 10-15 seconds, then close your eyes, mentally imagining the symbol, try to hold the image for up to 20 seconds.

Open your eyes and look at it for another 10 seconds, repeating the affirmations:

- My wealth attracts money!

— I get money easily and quickly!

— I choose money as an opportunity for spiritual development!

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

Ritual to enhance the effect of a symbol

In the evenings for 3 days, place a transparent bowl of water on the sheet with the symbol. At dawn, wash your face with this water.

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Sunflowers - what does it mean?


The sunflower itself is a very symbolic plant. According to Feng Shui, a sunflower means the sun and carries solar energy.

Depending on which side of the house the sunflower is located, there will be corresponding energy for the person.

For example, if it is placed in the south side, it will bring good luck, good work, success, money.

The role of color in feng shui

Colors are used along with symbols to activate zones in the apartment:

  1. The most important color in Feng Shui is red. It attracts fame and success.
  2. The creative color is yellow, it helps you get in the mood for work and liberates your imagination.
  3. White color has cleansing properties.
  4. Blue shades are relaxing and recommended for the bedroom.
  5. To attract money, blue and green colors are used, in particular living plants with large foliage.
  6. Gold means prosperity, wealth.
  7. Purple shades symbolize wisdom, kindness, love.
  8. Black should be used in details; it is the color of mystery and mysticism.

Choosing a color scheme for your home requires a separate article: the effect of a shade depends on its saturation and location, as well as its combination with other colors.

A house decorated according to Feng Shui is a real human fortress. To come there and replenish your vital energy reserves, use ancient Chinese knowledge, since it has come to us in a simplified form.

In addition to symbols and colors, layout, cleanliness, and the absence of objects that evoke bad emotions are also important in Feng Shui. But do not overdo it: cluttering the house with talismans will complicate the flow of Qi and attract conflicts.

What do the numbers mean?


Feng Shui numbers are also special symbols. According to Feng Shui, there are both lucky and unlucky numbers.

For example, the number eight is prosperity, and the number four is death. The number eight generally carries positive energy in every sense. Therefore, many try to purchase real estate, cars, houses, some documents - everywhere with the number eight.

It is precisely according to Feng Shui that it is so important to choose the date of some important event so that all the numbers in the date carry their meaning. The number seven is development and prosperity. Five is an unlucky number in Feng Shui. 9 is a lucky number and carries the meaning of good luck.

Feng Shui: the meaning of symbols

The word Feng Shui is on everyone's lips, but not everyone understands what exactly it means.

This is an ancient Chinese teaching that helps people achieve harmony by organizing their space.

In Feng Shui, the cardinal directions matter; they determine the sectors of different spheres of life: career, money, love, family. To bring energy into the house and structure its flows, various colors and talismanic objects are used. Let's talk about them.



Each color is very symbolic in Feng Shui.

For example, if you take the color red. Strong energy, vitality, activity, love - these are the main meanings of the color red according to Feng Shui. The red color has a protective function, so according to Feng Shui, you can purchase interior items of this particular color.

Blooming cherry

Cherry blossoms in Feng Shui are compared with the birth of something new, active and pure. It's like an explosion of new energy for future achievements. The same symbol is found on flowering apple trees, apricots, peach trees and other fruit trees.

Cherry blossom is one of the components of a love drink recommended for marital relationships.

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