Features of the “Warming the Money Star” activation

Good day, dear reader!

In this article we will talk about the money star in Bazi.

Have you noticed such a phenomenon in your life that when communicating with different people, you are left with a different emotional state. If you talk to one, he will cheer you up, and life will no longer seem so gloomy. When you talk to another person, your mood drops to zero, and you begin to think that everything is really bad. Some people are able to inspire you to accomplish things that you haven’t taken on for a long time, while others, on the contrary, will convince you that you don’t need to do anything, that it’s all useless.

In Western sciences of motivation, it is believed that the main action in success is the environment. And all the literature on success says that only an environment that believes in a person can lift him to all kinds of achievements.

But, as you understand, we do not have the opportunity to choose our environment 100 percent. Well, maybe by about 50 percent, we can choose who to communicate with. Since relatives are not chosen, they already exist - these are mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers and other more distant relatives.

But this is one side of the coin, when you are supported and you go to success. But there is another moment when they don’t believe in you, and you, in spite of everything, prove that you are not a fool and are worth something in this life. We can say thank you to those people who, with their disbelief, awakened in us the desire to prove that we can change something in our lives. And it's worth a lot!

According to Bazi, the influence of people on each other occurs under the influence of the elements of each person’s personality. There are many different types of relationships. This can be a personal relationship, or it can be a business relationship (between spouses, between parents and children, between children, etc.). Having determined your and your relatives’ element of personality, you can see why relationships develop this way and not otherwise.

You can determine your personality element by following the link https://smart-destiny.ru/ba-zi/karta/.

Correspondence of elements to spheres of life

Your Personality ElementTreeFireEarthMetalWater
Money (wife)EarthMetalWaterTreeFire
Power (husband)MetalWaterTreeFireEarth

Appeal to the money star

You need to approach the money star with respect; if she wants to help you, she will definitely fulfill your request. If you don't know how to make wishes, read here. You can place your cup of Wealth next to the candles, thereby saturating it with monetary energy and activating it. You can put a piece of paper next to it with the desired amount written down. After the activation is complete, thank the star for your help and blow out the candle.

The timing of activation is different for everyone; for some, one activation is enough to get what they want, plus connect your active actions and what you want is achieved easily. For example, they will repay the debt or give you an unexpected bonus, or raise your salary, or pamper your parents, the flow of clients into your business will increase, it can be anything, everyone works in their own way, some even find money on the street)

Yes, yes, for the activation to work, you need to apply those actions that will bring you closer to the intended amount or to the thing you want to purchase, and the activation will charge you with positive monetary energy and bring you closer to the desired result.

What actions can there be? This could be a phone call to the right person, or you can place an ad or run an advertisement and do exactly those actions that will bring you closer to your desired goal.

Personality element Wood

Connecting with people like you can lead to friendly support, but also to taking advantage of you, due to good relationships.

The following shows the characteristics of the relationship between different personality elements and a person with the “Tree” personality element.

Self-expression - FireCommunication with such a person can inspire you to new achievements or waste your energy in order to assert yourself.
Money (wife) - EarthCommunication with such people will activate your cash flow, but only if you are balanced, otherwise it will lead to additional expenses.
Power (husband) – MetalCommunicating with such a person will help you increase your authority and influence over other people, but it can also make you feel inferior.
Resources - WaterSuch people can provide you with moral support, but they can also make you depressed with their doubts and pressure.

And the most interesting thing is that when achieving inner harmony, a person achieves a universal way to change the world around him. Reaching this state, a person becomes happy. How can we understand this situation? What determines the negative or positive attitude of people towards you? And it depends on your energy, you change, and people change in relation to you.

So what does inner harmony depend on and how to achieve it?

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Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

Master class “Warming the Money Star”

Do you want to take the first or next step in learning Feng Shui?

Are you interested in Activations and want to know the mechanism for calculating them?

We will be happy to provide you with this opportunity. On our website you will be able (in the future) to purchase both large courses and very small ones that will be able to specifically teach you any aspect of Feng Shui.


Warming the Money Star

In this case, we will talk about one of the most popular activations – Warming the Money Star. After completing the master class, you will not depend on anyone. There is no need to wait for someone to post the calculation for this activation - you can do everything yourself!

And then, this is a true and feasible step in the right direction. Warming the Money Star is precisely the activation that will help increase your cash flow. And the effect can come quite quickly!

I think having more money won't hurt you!

So, once again: this master class will teach you how to independently calculate the “Warming the Money Star” activation!

Activation details:

The name “Activation Warming the Money Star” speaks for itself - we need money and we turn to Feng Shui for help.

Warming the Money Star or Activating the “Treasure Star”. This is a simple activation, carried out indoors, in the desired sector, at the specified time, with a lit candle. Simply light the candle and leave it burning for 2 hours or, if agreed, until the end of the day.

It is advisable to do all activations not occasionally, but regularly - they have a cumulative effect. For example, regular activations of “Warming the Money Star” attract financial luck in the form of:

  • unexpected receipt of money, sometimes they say “fell from the sky”;
  • the number of clients and orders increases;
  • you can negotiate a salary increase, promotion, or receive a bonus;
  • get new contracts, etc.

The list of metaphysical gifts is determined by your lifestyle and type of activity.

You need to light a candle - any one - in the specified sector, when the time comes in your time zone. As you understand, you should already have a plan of your premises with the “24 Mountains” template superimposed! Activations in “foreign sectors” may bring unwanted “surprises”. When activated, take a break, stop to direct your desire, intention, request towards the flow of financial luck. Formulate your wish mentally or write it and put it under a candle.

There are different schools of Feng Shui. Some people do not recommend carrying out “monetary” activations in the year and month of the Wealth Robber. Our experience shows that only a piece of the money pie can go to the side. And you shouldn’t give up the remaining lion’s share. In any case, generosity evens out the situation with any of the most powerful Robbers.

Carry out cash warming in compliance with fire safety rules!

And you will be happy :)!

And let me remind you that automatic calculation of this activation is now included in the Personal Activations package on the site!

Why Feng Shui activations don't work

  • The wealth zan was not found correctly or the activation method is not suitable.
  • Unconscious actions. For example, a wife does the activation to support her husband’s income, but she tells him that it’s more comfortable this way. The head of the business does Feng Shui of the office, and tells the employees that this is interior design. The florist accidentally places the flower in the right place. All these actions are connected with other goals: comfort, fashionable design, growing flowers. Activation is the conscious direction of Qi to achieve a specific goal.
  • No connection to real life. When you activate Qi, you need to direct it into specific projects, saturate your business or work, your services, products and brand with this Qi. On the wave of activation, you need to do real work, make deals, negotiate, get busy. If you are waiting for money without concrete ideas and projects, activation will not work. Qi that was not put into the business or the product will simply dissipate.

Walking to Increase Romantic Luck

10.05.2021ZRabbit (5-7)Rats
18.05.2021SWRooster (17-19)Monkey
19.05.2021SWRooster (17-19)Rooster
20.05.2021SWRabbit (5-7)Dogs
01.06.2021INLate Rat (22-00)Dogs
02.06.2021INEarly Rat (00-01)Pigs

*The article indicates solar time.

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Flying Stars forecast for May 2021 by sector

Remember that the Stars have a significant influence on you if you spend a lot of time in the sector, especially if there is a bed, work or dining table, or a door there. If the sector is inactive, then protection from negative energies will not be useful here. Activations can be done in any sector of the house, even if it is not actively used.

We use a combination of two numbers to designate sectors. The first one denotes the annual Star, and the second - the monthly one. For example, 3-4, where 3 is annual, 4 is monthly.

Southeast 5-1

The annual Yellow Five does not bode well for those using this sector. You must leave it immediately, if you have not already done so, you cannot eat, work or sleep here. If it is not possible to leave the sector, then at least move the bed to a more favorable place. You cannot start new projects and important things, give and borrow money, engage in extreme sports and investing. Be sure to use protection from the Yellow Five - Salt, water, coins.

South 1-6

A very good sector for education and career, one of the best in May. Place a bed and a table here, use the sector actively to study successfully and pass exams well, find the right job or get a long-awaited position, launch a large-scale project and achieve success. Also, those using this sector can submit documents to the authorities, and the applications will be approved.

Southwest 3-8

Ambiguous sector. It will be possible to achieve increased profits and success in work, but for this you will have to work very hard. It may happen that the new job will be too tough for you and will be physically and emotionally exhausting. It is better to say “no” to incoming offers to make quick money, but if you nevertheless agree to cooperate, then be prepared to receive an amount less than what you initially agreed upon. It is better not to use the southwestern sector for sleeping little boys. Regarding health, it is important to keep the digestive organs and liver under control. For protection, use a triangular red accessory.

West 8-4

The sector is favorable for studying and earning money, but there will be a lot of work, so be prepared to work hard. The energies also favor the establishment of romantic relationships (including dating) and creative inspiration. But the sector also has a not very good side - it’s better not to start new projects, continue everything at your own pace. And there is no need to use the western sector as a children's room and bedroom - spending time here can negatively affect the health of children and people who are trying to improve relationships. As for health, liver problems are possible. Use a red triangular-shaped accessory as a corrector.

Northwestern 7-3

It is better not to sleep in this sector, otherwise be sure to place a vessel with salted water to weaken negative energies, take care of the liver and try to prevent injuries. The sector is also unfavorable for young men and people with Gua 3 and 7. It is not recommended to take part in risky projects, even if they promise very favorable terms of cooperation. It is also undesirable to play cards and other gambling games. Don't share your plans with other people, talk about your financial situation, or gossip. If you follow these recommendations, the month will pass more or less calmly.

North 2-7

An annual two indicates that you cannot stay in this sector for a long time, otherwise it is fraught with deterioration in health. If you continue to use the sector, then carry out activities that are aimed at strengthening the body - your immediate plans should definitely include going to the doctor for a preventive examination, taking standard tests, you may need to include massage, sports, hardening, vitamins. Make sure that the electrical wiring is in good condition, because... there is a risk of fire. In order not to provoke conflicts and misunderstandings, do not gossip, evaluate people or put clichés on them.

Northeast 9-5

In May, a month-old Five arrived here, so in order to avoid troubles, it is better to leave the sector, not use it, do not sleep, do not work and do not eat here. Or at least move the bed to another place in the room. If you continue to use the sector, then listen to your body, do not start new businesses, do not conduct monetary transactions, do not take or lend money, do not engage in extreme sports. Use Salt Medicine as protection.

East 4-9

An excellent sector that opens up new opportunities for earning money, helps in finding a better job, hiring an important employee, and is conducive to important acquaintances, romantic encounters, and conceiving a child. If you need PR and promotion, then place a desk or bed here. Don't ignore these opportunities and make the most of the sector. Don't forget to activate in the eastern sector.

Activations to attract financial luck and income growth (generals)

A very good activation designed to solve financial issues. It can be used even if the situation is extremely difficult. In each individual case, use only the activator indicated in the table.

08.05.2021YURooster (17-19)CandleDogs
10.05.2021ZRabbit (5-7)CandleRats
10.05.2021YUMonkey (15-17)CandleRats
14.05.2021ZPig (21-23)FountainDragon
17.05.2021INPig (21-23)FountainGoats
25.05.2021ZMonkey (15-17)CandleA rabbit
26.05.2021NERooster (17-19)FountainDragon
29.05.2021YUTiger (3-5), Horse (11-13)FanGoats

May 2021: favorable days

May 13, 25 – days are suitable for long-term projects and affairs that will have a lasting effect (wedding, opening a new business, hiring an employee, investing in movable and immovable property). These dates are good for building relationships. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rabbit.

May 17, 29 – these days are the most favorable in the month and are suitable for things with a positive outcome (engagement, wedding, starting a business, starting construction, major purchases). Not for use by those born in the year of the Goat.

May 9, 21 and June 2 - these days are favorable for proposing marriage (but not setting up a wedding), starting a new project and construction, taking office, making financial transactions, going on a trip, meeting friends. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Pig.

Feng Shui ways to activate the wealth zone Star 9

Photo: Alexandra Naumova

  1. Symbol - place the symbol of wealth in the Star sector 9. This can be an object or image in a red color scheme with pointed shapes, since the element 9 is Purple Fire. Choose a symbol that is associated specifically with your wealth, income, business, profession. This is how you indicate in space your intention to increase wealth.
  2. Living plant – place the 9th indoor plant in the Star sector. The Wood Element will strengthen the Fire Star, and a living plant will trigger the growth of this Qi. This way you will strengthen the effect of 9 Purple, and regular care of the plant will establish a strong connection with this type of Qi and attract it into your space.
  3. Living fire – place it in the Star sector 9 and light the fire from time to time. This could be a wood or gas fireplace or candles. By lighting a fire, you activate the Purple 9 Chi and attract it into your life.
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