Feng Shui forecast for 2021: how to attract love, money and health into your home. Flying Stars 2021

What it is

Flying stars is a teaching about the energy surrounding all living things. Depending on various factors, it can become either positive or negative. This energy has a special influence in apartments and houses where people live. It can bring illness and grief or, conversely, enrich and help find happiness. Using Feng Shui techniques, it can be influenced in the desired way to activate or block it.

Flying stars move from sector to sector and change their influence in different cycles. A special map or the so-called Lo Shu square helps track their movement. It has nine sectors, three in a line. Each of them, except for the central one, corresponds to its own side of the world. The square is individual for a particular house, as it must take into account the directions of the facade.

For 2021, the location of flying stars is generally favorable

To find out favorable places in the apartment, one card should be superimposed on another. Moreover, this can be done even in a separate room to find the most energetically charged places. Only the sectors that fall on the premises in which people spend the most time are important. Often this is a bedroom, living room, office. Rooms such as a bathroom or storage room are unable to influence anything with their energy. You should also pay attention to the places where the beds, desk, and entrance door are located.

For reference: writing the term in Russian as “feng shui” or “feng shui” is incorrect. According to current standards, only “feng shui” is acceptable.

Star 5 in the northern sector

Flying star 5 in Feng Shui is considered the most unfavorable star, the influence of which must be neutralized. It is especially dangerous if star 5 gets into the bedroom or the front door of a living space. Very often, it is this star that becomes the cause of serious troubles, car accidents, and family discord. To protect your home from serious problems that star 5 can bring, you need to take protective measures in a timely manner.

In 2021, the Five is in the northern sector of any house and any apartment. It is not as strong as in the previous year 2021, since the element of the North is Water. And Water depletes the Earth. First of all, in 2021, under no circumstances should you move into an apartment or house with a north door. If you neglect this rule, major troubles may occur. Why wait for trouble if you can avoid it? I recommend holding off on moving until next year.

If you have a bedroom or the front door is in the northern sector, you need protection from the Five: remember that any energy, both positive and negative, is activated by the presence of a person and especially by bright light, loud music, singing, laughter, children games and the presence of pets. If 5 is in your bedroom or living room, then it is not recommended to turn on bright lights there; it is better to keep it dim so as not to bring unfavorable energy to life. It is best to move to another room for the whole year if you sleep in the northern sector. If this is not possible, then you need to use Feng Shui “antidotes” that will help you correct the situation and at least somehow protect yourself from the Five.

Flying stars feng shui 2021

By learning to work correctly with this technique, you can achieve achievements in different areas of life. To do this, it is important to know what each of the flying stars carries in the forecast.

White unit

A positive water star that brings health, success at work and in business. It helps you reach the top, defeat competitors, and attract the right people. This star patronizes intellectuals who are involved in science, philosophy or research. It helps them create new things and make discoveries, and helps pupils and students pass exams safely and quickly remember information.

Black deuce

In this cycle it is a negative star with the earth element. It brings with it new diseases and also aggravates old ones. It has a particularly strong effect on the digestive system, stomach, and intestines. The Star of Diseases can cause problems with conception and childbirth. The sector in which it dominates should be avoided by children, the elderly and pregnant women, as they are most vulnerable.

Jade Three

An energetically negative and aggressive star with the element Wood. It brings discord into relationships and quarrels: from minor conflicts to loud scandals. It affects harmony within the family, but can also cause problems in other areas of life. For example, this star can cause litigation and lead to problems at work. Troika also affects health, causing diseases associated with the liver and immune system.

Feng Shui masters consider the Jade Three to be the reason for losing money

Green Four

Another star with the element Wood. It brings positive energy, helps creative people, awakening inspiration, artistry and a penchant for intellectual activity. Four is considered the star of romance and passion, which has a good effect on the love sphere. In particular, it helps those who are in search of their soul mate. With its help, you can win over others and facilitate the process of making new acquaintances. This flying star helps people discover their sexuality.

Yellow five

An unfavorable star with the element Metal, the effect of which must be neutralized. It carries negative and dangerous energy, which leads to serious problems and troubles in the financial and career spheres, disasters and accidents, illnesses, and family discord.

White six

A metal star with favorable energy. It brings good luck, especially in the career field. Helps to gain power or authority. Its effect is fully manifested in military and political structures. Six helps to get a promotion and gain status. Success in your career will help you achieve subsequent financial well-being. In addition, this star represents longevity.

Red seven

The action of the red seven can be reflected in the appearance of a huge amount of gossip about you and your loved ones.
Flying star of losses and thefts with the metal element. It can lead to deception by scammers or make you a victim of an armed attack. In addition, it can cause fires, injuries, as well as diseases of the bladder and reproductive system. Seven provokes quarrels and conflicts, leading to life troubles. In extreme cases, it can lead to imprisonment.

White eight

An earthly flying star with favorable energy. She is responsible for prosperity, monetary success, well-being. The star also influences family relationships, strengthening them and making them more harmonious. She can bring peace of life.

Purple nine

A positive star of the holidays, which has a fire element. She brings success, prosperity, victories and achievements to life in all areas. The star ensures prosperity, strengthens relationships with people and makes communication easy and pleasant. It has a good effect on the romantic sphere and contributes to the emergence of joyful events.

Correction Tips

It is important to correctly outline the plan, strengthen weak areas and neutralize the effect of negative flying stars.
The energy of flying stars can be activated or blocked. In the first case, this is necessary in order to attract good luck in various areas of life, and in the second, in order to prevent trouble. One of the most effective ways to correct this is to stop using that part of the room in which the negative star appears. And, on the contrary, visit places where good energy reigns more often. However, there is often not enough space in the apartment for this method.

Correction can also be made by rearranging, buying new things with a certain shape, color, or symbolic meaning. Talismans that work on one star will not work on the second, so the choice should be approached individually.

Working with negative energy

In 2021, the unfavorable sectors are West, North-East, North and East.

The flying star of diseases will settle in the western sector. Due to the fact that it belongs to the metal element, the action of the black earth two will be more restrained. If your bedroom is located in the West, then it is better to move to another room altogether or at least move the bed to a more favorable point. The situation is more complicated with the doors that are in this sector. Each time they are opened, the energy is activated. Moving them is not as easy as moving a bed, so correction methods should be used. First you need to remove all stone, porcelain and crystal objects. They need to be replaced with metal decoration: “wind chime”, Wu-Lu pumpkin, a bunch of six coins. Care should be taken to ensure that the light at the door is always dim.

Attributes for correcting the action of the black two

The three will fall into the northeastern sector, the energy of which will weaken the effect of the flying star. To protect yourself from quarrels and conflicts, you can resort to purchasing certain items. You should purchase bright lamps or red candles. An effective and interesting decor would be a “lava” lamp, in which bubbles move smoothly. If the northeastern sector touches the front door, then it must be surrounded with red and triangular things. Another suitable feng shui talisman is the Flaming Sword. This is a well-known symbol of the fight against ignorance, which is held in the hands of an Indian deity who embodies wisdom.

The Pi Yao talisman with a flaming sword helps cleanse the energy of a person and his home

The flying star of catastrophes and misfortunes will be in the northern sector. The influence of the earth five will be weakened by the water element of this part of the square, but it is best to deal with its additional blocking. It is important to carry out the correction if the bedroom is located in the North. It's best to move to another room for a year. If this is not possible, then you should make sure that the light is always dim. Bright lighting, as well as loud music and voices, activate the release of energy. Metal objects will also help, for example, “wind chimes” and a clock with a distinct ticking sound. You can use the traditional method: place a jar of water and 1 kg of salt on a plate with six coins, one of which is white and the rest are yellow.

Water can calm the negative influence of the red seven

The red seven, the star of thefts, will settle in the eastern sector. The influence of energy with the metal element is best blocked with water. A fountain or an aquarium is not suitable for suppressing negative energy. In a room facing the East, you should place a dish with water into which you can let candles float. Figurines of an elephant or a rhinoceros, or better yet, both of them, are suitable as decor for the room. Moreover, these protectors of the house with formidable tusks should have a blue or blue color, symbolizing water. Glass surfaces, dark blue and black shades, and objects with smooth lines work well to suppress the seven.

Activating Positive Energy

In the year of the Yellow Dog, favorable sectors will be North-West, South, South-West, South-East, Center.

The white unit will be in the northwestern part of the square, where its water element will be strengthened by the energy of the metal. It is from this material that objects that will help activate the flying star should be made. You should purchase a figurine of a dragon turtle, a tortoise, or a large Chinese coin in a frame. You can buy a fountain, unless we are talking about a bedroom.

This mythological creature protects the house from bad luck

The green four, favorable for creativity and love, will settle in the South. The fire element of the sector will deplete the energy of the wooden star, so it is important to support it with correction. This will be facilitated by moving the desired room or rearranging it so that there is a bed in the southern part. To attract romance into your life, you can acquire special talismans, for example, the image of a dragon and phoenix, as well as hieroglyphs of double luck and happiness. They can be drawn on a painting, photograph or even decoration. In order for intellectual affairs to go well, a crystal globe or pyramid should be placed in the southern sector.

Needlewomen can embroider the hieroglyph “Happiness” in advance and place it in the desired area in the apartment

The metallic white six will arrive in the South-West, where its effect will be enhanced by the earth element of the sector. The most favorable situation occurs when the front door is located in this part of the apartment. Each time it is opened, the star will become active and bring good luck. To enhance the effect, you can purchase a porcelain vase depicting eight immortals, or Chinese coins with benevolent characters.

A vase with the image of eight immortals will attract longevity and good luck

The energy of the White Eight will be depleted by the southeastern sector, as their elements—Wood and Earth—come into conflict. Therefore, the flying star of prosperity requires activation and support. In the southeast of the apartment you should place an office or a desk, then any business will be successful. If there is an entrance door in this sector, then you should invite guests to your place more often. You can attract additional luck by purchasing a gold Hottei figurine, as well as a crystal or stone ball, which is best placed under a bright light source.

In Feng Shui, a crystal ball is used to organize and bring positive energy to any room.

The Violet Nine will occupy the center, where the earthen energy of the sector will drain the fiery star. It is worth purchasing bright lamps and floor lamps, an artificial fireplace to activate the energy of good luck and prosperity. In the central part of the apartment you can place images of the sun, place incense, purchase leather and feather items or red objects. Favorable for the star will be nine living plants, on each of which you need to hang three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon. Activate the star and images or figurines of nine birds and dragons.

Three coins are seen as a symbol of well-being and prosperity

By studying the Feng Shui forecast of flying stars and correcting zones, you can improve the quality of life, as well as minimize unfavorable events. To do this, just use simple methods and purchase the necessary items.

Feng Shui forecast for favorable sectors in December 2021

Sector Southwest Star of the month 1. Star of the year 3. The energies of the southwest in December bring wealth through intelligence, popularity and travel.

Sector South Star of the month 8. Star of the year 1.

There are wonderful energies in the south in December. They bring wealth and success in financial activities.

To attract suitors, partners, and buyers, the Push People activation works great.

Sector Northeast Star of the month 7. Star of the year 9.

The energies of the northeast in December are not very successful, but can still be used due to the energy of the annual star 9. Quarrels between spouses and fires are likely.

Sector West Star of the month 6. Star of the year 8.

The energies of the West are good again in December. They bring career advancement and increased income.

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